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The influence of basic parameters of students population of Academy of criminalistic and police studies on evaluation of field training in summer conditions

dc.creatorМилојевић, Саша
dc.creatorЈанковић, Бојан
dc.creatorПетровић, Давор
dc.description.abstractРад покушава да одговори на питање да ли постоји разлика у оцени појединих сегмената Теренске обуке у летњим условима које су дали студенти Криминалистичко-полицијске академије током њене евалуације, у зависности од основних карактеристика узорка студената, односно када се узорак подели на основу неке од карактеристика испитиваних студената, као и зашто те разлике постоје. У трагању за одговором, аутори су применили неколико техника статистичке методе: дескриптивну статистику (средњу оцену и стандардну девијацију), т-тест и КрускалВолисов Х тест. Анализе су показале да постоје статистички значајне разлике када се испитивани узорак студената подели по неколико критеријума, а аутори су покушали да те разлике и објасне. У раду су, на основу резултата спроведених анализа, дате и препоруке како би се организација и реализација Теренске обуке у летњим условима могле подићи на виши ниво.sr
dc.description.abstractThe study is trying to answer the question if there is a difference in evaluation of individual segments of field training in summer conditions which gave students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during it evaluation depending of basic characteristics from student’s sample in other words when we divide sample based on some characteristics of tested students as well as why there are those differences. In a search for an answer, authors have applied several techniques of statistic method: descriptive statistic (mean score and standard deviation), t-test and Kruskal-Volisov H test. Analysis have shown that there are statistical significant differences when tested student’s sample divides by criteria: (1) type of studies and constituent groups which respondents are attending; (2) half of respondents and (3) if respondents have been punished or not in the course during the study. When the sample of tested students divides by criteria of types of studies, and with that, conditionally, selected groups which students attend ,differences between grades are because of: (1) differently oriented interests from students of undergraduate studies which there aren’t with students of basic vocational studies; (2) backgrounds which students of undergraduate studies have much more than students of basic vocationally studies ; (3) better results from many types of shooting which students of basic vocationally studies have achieved; (4) different instructors who have realized individual segments of training with students of undergraduate, in other words, basic vocationally studies and (5) general resistance which students of security electoral group have toward field training. When the sample of tested students divides on half of respondents ,there are differences between mean scores which have given female students, in other words, male students because: (1) relatively poorer psycho-physical preparedness of girls for field training; (2) differences in leadership styles which have hired mentors and (3) pronounced competitive spirit which girls compared to men show during the field training. When the sample of tested students divides by criteria and if respondents during the previous studying punished or not, differences in grades which gave students of first or second group are in the first place because of resistance that punished students have to authority and discipline. It should be noted that this results should take conditionally because of large difference in size of compared groups. In a study that is based on the results of conducted analyzes concluded that organization and realization of field training in summer condition could be raised to a higher level if: (1) the content of field training should innovate since it could be more convenient for interests of students who are attending security electoral group; (2) in study programs of undergraduate has drastically decreased difference between contents which are learning students from police electoral group and contests which are learning students from security electoral group, especially from the point of general police knowledge and skills (for example; operational-police skills) which are required to every police officer; (3) to adjust contents of study program basic vocational studies so that learning of vocational subjects could begin before the realization of field training; (4) the same group of instructors, associates and professors was hired all the time during the field training so that differences in the methodology of performance individual segments of training could be avoided and (5) to preformed better psycho physical and moral student’s preparation for realization of field training.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Криминалистичко-полицијска академијаsr
dc.sourceСтруктура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе : тематски зборник радова. 2sr
dc.subjectterenska obukasr
dc.subjectKriminalističko-policijska akademijasr
dc.subjectKruskal-Volisov X testsr
dc.titleУтицај основних параметара популације студената Криминалистичко-полицијске академије на евалуацију теренске обуке у летњим условимаsr
dc.titleThe influence of basic parameters of students population of Academy of criminalistic and police studies on evaluation of field training in summer conditionssr



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