Приказ резултата 613-632 од 2541

      Gender (in)equality in policing : The perception of Montenegrin police officers [1]
      Gender (in)sensitivity of police discource in Serbian and English [1]
      Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia [1]
      Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility [1]
      Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load [1]
      General aspects of application it security [1]
      General aspects of digital anti-forensics [1]
      General aspects of quantum cryptography [1]
      General characteristics non-state sector safety in the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Generic Bans of New Psychoactive Substances [1]
      Genetic basis of aggression: Overview and implications for legal proceedings [1]
      Genetička analiza oslobađanje talaca angažovanjem protivterorističkih jedinica [1]
      Geneza, shvatanje i ostvarivanje upravljanja ljudskim resursima u institucijama bezbednosti [1]
      Geo-spatial and time distribution of criminal offenses in the Zrenjanin police office 2009-2018. [1]
      Geo-topographic support to the use of police units in protection and rescue of flood in may 2014 [1]
      Geoprostorna i vremenska distribucija šumskih požara kao prirodnih katastrofa [1]
      Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici [1]
      Geospatial and temporal distribution of forest fires as natural disasters [1]
      Geospatial and temporal distribution of tsunami as a natural disaster [1]
      Geotopografsko obezbeđenje upotrebe jedinica policije u akcijama zaštite i spasavanja od poplava u maju 2014. godine [1]