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dc.creatorMilojević, Saša
dc.creatorMilojković, Boban
dc.creatorJanković, Bojan
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with the following: (1) the security science concept, (2) the security science constituents, and (3) the possibilities of the security science research. According to this, it has been concluded that: (1) security agencies and their activities should be developed scientifically; that this development in security science knowledge is acquired by scientific methods; and that it offers proven knowledge to legal regulation. It is true that the activities of security agencies are not studied by security science only. Since these activities are very complex, they became the subject of numerous sciences and scientific disciplines. Each of them investigates the activities of the security agencies from its own aspects and allows security science to use the obtained results. However, that does not deprive them from obligation to come to key knowledge by their own research endeavors, (2) that knowledge of security has its constituent sciences. However, the subject has not been clearly and precisely defined yet, while the theory, method, and language are in the process of development. This means that security science is at the beginning of its constitution and development. It may develop faster or slower, depending on the systematic study of its subject area and meta research and; (3) the ability of scientific research of security phenomena is conditioned by theoretical fund and security science language. New scientific knowledge on security phenomena is essentially dependent on the quantity and quality of existing theoretical funds of security science. The fact is that security science have neither a complete nor a unique theory; they are a unity of often remote theories about narrower parts of security science’ subject. Some are primarily theoretical and some are applied. Each of them has the character of a doctrine and (or) legal regulations; they are made of a series of attitudes, instructions and principles. There is a lack of correct definitions of the scientific laws that have the capital role in the research of security phenomena. This is why the research is very complex and unreliable, while the results are conditional and
dc.publisherSkopje : Faculty of securitysr
dc.sourceSecurity and euroatlantic perspectives of the Balkans: police science and police profession (states and perspectives)sr
dc.subjectsecurity sciencesr
dc.titleCertain aspects of security science methodological basessr

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