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Analysis of practical application of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence with a view on applying urgent measures

dc.creatorBošković, Aleksandar
dc.creatorPuhača, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractDonošenjem Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici Srbija se opredelila za odlučniju i intenzivniju borbu protiv nasilja u porodici. Na taj način je još više naglašen značaj preventivnog delovanja nadležnih državnih organa, a samim tim je uvedena i nulta tolerancija prema učiniocima i mogućim učiniocima nasilja u porodici. Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici je počeo da se primenjuje od 1. juna 2017. godine i imajući u vidu prethodni period primene, mogu se izvući određeni zaključci o efikasnosti njegove primene. U tom smislu, predmet ovog rada je prvenstveno analiza praktične primene hitnih mera – mera privremenog udaljenja učinioca iz stana i mera privremene zabrane učiniocu da kontaktira sa žrtvom nasilja i da joj prilazi, od strane policije, javnog tužilaštva i suda. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen period od godinu dana primene Zakona – od 1. juna 2017. godine do 31. maja 2018. godine, a korišćeni su statistički metod, kao i metodi analize, dedukcije, komparacije i deskripcije. U radu se analizira kako ukupan tako i pojedinačan broj izrečenih hitnih mera od strane policije, dok je jedan deo istraživanja posvećen i analizi teritorijalne distribucije izrečenih hitnih mera na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Posebna pažnja je posvećena pitanju produženja hitnih mera od strane suda, dok značajan aspekt istraživanja obuhvata i razmatranje kršenja izrečenih hitnih mera.sr
dc.description.abstractBy adopting the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, our country has chosen a more determined and more intensive fight against domestic violence. In this way, the significance of the preventive action of the competent state authorities is even more emphasized, and consequently, zero tolerance towards the perpetrators and possible perpetrators of domestic violence has been introduced. The Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence started to be applied on June 1, 2017 and given the previous period of being applied, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the efficiency of the application of this law. In this regard, the subject of this paper is primarily the analysis of the practical application of urgent measures, the measure of temporary removal of the perpetrator from the apartment and the measure of temporary prohibition for the perpetrator to contact or approach the victim, imposed by the police, the public prosecutor and the court. This research will cover a period of one year of applying of the law, i.e. the period from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018, and the statistical method will be used, as well as the methods of analysis, deduction, comparison and description. The paper will analyse both the total and the individual number of urgent measures imposed by the police, and a part of the research will be dedicated to the analysis of the territorial distribution of the imposed urgent measures on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Special attention will be paid to imposing of extended urgent measures by the court, and a significant aspect of the investigation will be dedicated to the issue of violations of the imposed urgent measures.en
dc.publisherBelgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studiessr
dc.publisherBeograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitetsr
dc.relationKriminalističko-policijski univerzitet u Beogradu, Projekat „Kriminalitet u Srbiji i instrumenti državne reakcije“, 2015–2019sr
dc.sourceNBP : Journal of Criminalistic and Law : Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravosr
dc.subjectZakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodicisr
dc.subjecthitne meresr
dc.subjectmera privremenog udaljenja učinioca iz stanasr
dc.subjectLaw on Prevention of Domestic Violencesr
dc.subjecturgent measuressr
dc.subjectmeasures of temporary removal of the perpetrator from the apartmentsr
dc.subjectmeasure of temporary prohibition for the perpetrator to contact or approach the victimsr
dc.subjectmera privremene zabrane učiniocu da kontaktira sa žrtvom nasilja i da joj prilazisr
dc.titleAnaliza praktične primene Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, s posebnim osvrtom na primenu hitnih merasr
dc.titleAnalysis of practical application of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence with a view on applying urgent measuresen
dcterms.abstractПухача, Јасмина; Бошковић, Aлександар М.; Aнализа практичне примене Закона о спречавању насиља у породици, с посебним освртом на примену хитних мера; Aнализа практичне примене Закона о спречавању насиља у породици, с посебним освртом на примену хитних мера;



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