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Model characteristics of motor abilities, morphological characteristics and life habits of the academy of criminalistic and police studies female students

dc.contributor.advisorDopsaj, Milivoj
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević-Nikić, Marina
dc.contributor.otherKoropanovski, Nenad
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Raša D.
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj istraživanja bio je usmeren na utvrđivanje relacija između aktuelnog stanjamotoričkih sposobnosti, morfoloških karakteristika i životnih navika kod studentkinjaKriminalističko-policijske akademije. Ukupan uzorak sastojao se od 218 ispitanicapodeljenih u četiri grupe: 83 studentkinje I godine, 53 studentkinje II godine, 50studentkinja III godine i 32 studentkinje IV godine studija. Procena motoričkihsposobnosti obuhvatila je ispitivanje maksimalne izometrijske sile mišića, mišićnesnage i opšte aerobne izdržljivosti, korišćena je standardna baterija testova propisananastavnim planom i programom predmeta Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje. Morfološkekarakteristike su utvrđene metodom multi segmentalne električne bioimpedance -aparatom InBody 720. Podaci o životnim navikama su dobijeni korišćenjem ankete iintervjua. Utvrđeno je da se nivo motoričkih sposobnosti povećava tokom studija, ali nedostiže ciljni nivo. Rezultati korelacione matrice pokazale su veliki broj veza izmeđuvarijabli motorike i morfologije. Komponente mišićnog i bezmasnog tkiva imajupozitivan uticaj na ispoljavanje motoričkih sposobnosti, dok komponente mastinegativno koreliraju sa opštim aerobnim sposobnostima i različitim oblicima mišićnesnage. Navike u ishrani zajedno sa ukupnim skorovima životnih navika pozitivno utičuna morfološke karakteristike a posebno na komponente bezmasnog i mišićnog tkiva.Poželjan model za posmatrane prostore ima 53.66% studentkinja. Studentkinje se ufunkciji godine studija najviše razlikuju po nivoima motoričkih sposobnosti, gde je višinivo utvrđen kod studentkinja završnih godina. Studentkinje III i IV godine imaju boljimorfološki status i životne navike u odnosu na studentkinje I i II godine. Izmeđuposmatranih prostora postoje statistički značajne zavisnosti, a najveće stepen je utvrđenizmeđu prostora motoričkih sposobnosti i morfoloških karakteristika. Dobijeni rezultatinameću potrebu za dizajniranjem novih istraživanja u pravcu unapređenja stanja uposmatranim prostorima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of the research was determination of relations between the existing stateof motor abilities, morphological characteristics and life habits among the Academy ofCriminalistic and Police Studies female students. The total sample consisted of 218female subjects divided in four groups: 83 students of the 1st, 53 students of the 2nd, 50students of the 3rd and 32 students of the final 4th year of study. Assessment of the motorabilities included testing of maximal isometric muscle force, muscle strength and thegeneral aerobic endurance, the standard battery of tests predicted by SpecializedPhysical Education curriculum was performed. Morphological characteristics weredetermined by electrical multi segmental bioimpedance – with apparatus InBody 720.Data of the life habits were obtained using the method of survey and interview. It wasfound that the level of motor abilities increases during the studies, but does not reachthe aimed level. The results of the correlation matrix showed a large number of relationsbetween variables of the motoric and morphology. The components of muscle tissueand fat free mass have a positive impact on the manifestation of the motor abilities,while the components of fat tissue negatively correlate with the general aerobicendurance and various forms of muscular strength. The eating habits along with totalscore of life habits positively influence on the morphological characteristics, especiallyon the components of fat free mass and muscle tissue. A desirable model for theobserved areas has 53.66% of students. In the function of the year of studies, thestudents most differ in the motor abilities levels where higher levels was observed intwo final years off studies. Also, the students of 3rd and 4th year have a bettermorphological characteristics and life habits compared to the student of 1st and 2nd year.Between the observed areas there are statistically significant dependencies and thehighest level were found between motor abilities and morphological characteristics. Theobtained results impose the need for designing new researches directed to improvementof the existing condition in the observed areas.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитањаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectmotoričke sposobnostisr
dc.subjectmotor abilitiesen
dc.subjectlife habitsen
dc.subjectfemale studentsen
dc.subjectživotne navikesr
dc.titleModelne karakteristike motoričkih sposobnosti, morfoloških karakteristika i životnih navika studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademijesr
dc.title.alternativeModel characteristics of motor abilities, morphological characteristics and life habits of the academy of criminalistic and police studies female studentsen
dcterms.abstractДопсај, Миливој; Ђорђевић-Никић, Марина; Коропановски, Ненад; Димитријевић, Раша Д.; Моделне карактеристике моторичких способности, морфолошких карактеристика и животних навика студенткиња Криминалистичко-полицијске академије; Моделне карактеристике моторичких способности, морфолошких карактеристика и животних навика студенткиња Криминалистичко-полицијске академије;



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