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Političke posledice albanskog nasilja na Balkanu

dc.creatorGaćinović, Radoslav
dc.creatorBajagić, Mladen
dc.description.abstractThis paper represents the attempt of the authors to point to the political consequences of the long-term use of the violence on the Balkan by the Albanian separatist terrorist movement towards the Serbs. Its aim is also to point to the great mistakes of western powers which have continuously encouraged the Albanians on the Balkan to use violence. In the second part of the XX century, they have the most directly encouraged the national prepotency of the Albanians, by encouraging them to conduct the Albanian terror, whose ideology is Albanism, and the form is the ultra-right or fascistic terrorism. It took the most intense form in the second half of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century, when the political consequences of that violence warn and threat to the security of the region. The threat to the security of the Balkan at the beginning of the XXI century is even more expressed, and the violence over Serbia by some western powers is even more intense. Since the formation of the Serbian state on the Balkan, the Serbs have always struggled only for the existence and survival. By analyzing the historical documents about the expatriation of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija in the last three centuries (1690-2006), one can conclude that from the former Old Serbia (today Kosovo and Metohija), approximately 1.150.000 Serbs have been violently expelled, about 200.000 have been killed, and about 150-200.000 have been converted to Islam. In the Middle Ages there was no special name for this area, except for the general name Serbia. At the beginning of the XXI century, the Albanian separatist terrorist movement represents the great threat to the security on the Balkan, especially after the seizure of 10.887 km2 of the territory of Serbia with the help of the western allies. The Serbs have the constitutional and historical right on Kosovo and Metohija, which is always older than the ethnic right, and the international law is also on the side of Serbia, because the UN Charter forbids the violent seizure of parts of sovereign states. The size of a national community is not determined by its size within one part of the state, but in comparison to the state as a whole, and according to that criteria, the Albanians constitute the national minority in Serbia. No national minority in the world has had the right to its own state. A national community cannot declare itself a nation or a national minority. The political consequences of the effects of the Albanian separatist terrorist movement on the Balkan at the beginning of the XXI century warn UN and EU, because the disintegration processes on the Balkan haven’t been finished, according to their opinion, and it is well known that the change of the borders is followed by long and exhausting wars.en
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad je pokušaj autora da ukažu na političke posledice dugotrajne primene nasilja na Balkanu od strane albanskog separatističko terorističkog pokreta prema Srbima. Takođe, da se ukaže na velike greške zapadnih sila koje su u kontinuitetu ohrabrivale Albance na Balkanu da primenjuju nasilje. U drugoj polovini XX veka, one su najdirektnije podsticale nacionalnu prepotentnost Albanaca, ohrabrujući ih da sprovode albanoteror čija je ideologija albanizam a forma ultradesni ili fašisoidni terorizam i to najintenzivnije u drugoj polovini XX i na početku XXI veka kada političke posledice toga nasilja upozoravaju i prete bezbednosti regiona. Pretnja bezbednosti Balkana je na početku XXI veka još izraženija, a nasilje nad Srbijom od strane nekih zapadnih sila još intenzivnije. Od nastanka Srpske države na Balkanu Srbi su se uvek borili samo za postojanje i opstanak. Analizom istorijskih dokumenata o proterivanju Srba sa Kosova i Metohije u poslednja tri veka (1690-2006) može se zaključiti da je iz nekadašnje Stare Srbije (današnje Kosovo i Metohija), nasilno proterano oko 1 150 000 Srba, da ih je oko 200 000 pobijeno i 150-200 000 albanizovano, odnosno prevedeno u islamsku veru. U srednjem veku nije postojalo posebno ime za ovu pokrajinu, osim opšteg imena Srbija. Na početku XXI veka albanski separatističko teroristički pokret predstavlja veliku pretnju bezbednosti na Balkanu, posebno nakon otimanja uz pomoć njihovih zapadnih saveznika 10887 kvadratnih kilometara teritorije Srbije. Srbi imaju ustavno i istorijsko pravo na Kosovu i Metohiji, koje je uvek starije od etničkog prava, a i međunarodno pravo je na strani Srbije, jer Povelja OUN zabranjuje nasilno otimanje delova suverenih zemalja. Brojnost jedne nacionalne zajednice se ne određuje njenim brojnim stanjem u okviru jednog dela države, već njenim brojnim stanjem u okviru cele države, pa i na osnovu tog kriterijuma Albanci su nacionalna manjina u Srbiji. Nigde u svetu do sada nacionalna manjina nije imala pravo na svoju državu. Jedna nacionalna zajednica ne može sama za sebe određivati da li je narod ili nacionalna manjina. Političke posledice delovanja albanskog separatističko terorističkog pokreta na Balkanu na početku XXI upozoravaju OUN i EU, jer se dezintegracioni procesi na Balkanu po njihovom mišljenju još nisu završili, a poznato je da svako menjanje granica prate dugotrajni i iscrpljujući ratovi.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179009/RS//
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectKosovo and Metohijaen
dc.subjectKosovo i Metohijasr
dc.titlePolitical consequences of the Albanian violence on the Balkanen
dc.titlePolitičke posledice albanskog nasilja na Balkanusr
dcterms.abstractБајагић, Младен; Гаћиновић, Радослав; Политичке последице албанског насиља на Балкану; Политичке последице албанског насиља на Балкану;
dc.citation.other(3): 133-155



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