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Uloga nauka odbrane u razvoju nauke o policiji u Srbiji

dc.creatorKekić, Dalibor
dc.creatorNikač, Željko
dc.description.abstractWith the very first forms of defense sciences (as established in Serbia back in the second half of the 19th century), the first simplified forms and contents of the police science development emerge too. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century the defense sciences had a decisive and strong influence on the development of the corpus of police disciplines and subsequently the police science. The first schools concerned with police activities were founded in the period between the two world wars, as police schools. The founder of these schools was Archibald Reiss, who passed his European knowledge into the Serbian police jaws. Even though, apart from police experts in the Gendarmerie School and in the Police School, a great number of instructors were of military profession. After World War Two, in Serbia and in the then SFR Yugoslavia huge needs emerged for police personnel, but at the time this personnel also came mostly from the ranks of military schools and academies. In a while, the establishment of the Secondary School of Internal Affairs and the High School of Internal Affairs opened a path for the development of police sciences. By the end of 1970s and until the beginning of 1990s, due to the lack of personnel with higher education, the major part of the police leading personnel, after the completion of the Secondary School of Internal Affairs, was referred to the Military Academy where they acquired higher level knowledge and skills in police units leadership. With the establishment of the Police Academy early in the last decade of the 20th century, a path was opened for the police science to leave the defense science corpus, as a separate science, under an influence of legal, economic and other sciences. In spite of its initial success and final division from other sciences, the police science is still under strong influence of defense sciences, particularly as regards the doctrinal, and consequently the personnel aspect. At the beginning of the third millennium, in the Serbian new education system, defense sciences deserve to be one of the founding pillars in creating highly educated and Europe-preferred profile of a future professional. In this regard, defense sciences are expected to be leading and founding the acceptance of police science as a modern science established on the foundation of defense sciences. Thus, a new education profile, such as a police diplomat, has been created as, in a way, a legal successor in the military diplomat affairs. Therefore, defense sciences are a mirror, and the police science is a reflection, of the future educated professional for security matters.en
dc.description.abstractOd prvih oblika nauka odbrane (koje su utvrđene u Srbiji još u drugoj polovini XIX veka) počinju sa razvojem i prve simplicizovane forme i sadržaji razvoja nauke o policiji. Nauke odbrane su krajem XIX i početkom XX veka imale presudan i snažan uticaj za razvoj korpusa policijskih disciplina i kasnije nauke o policiji. Prve škole koje su razmatrale policijske poslove nastaju između dva svetska rata, i to policijske škole, čiji je rodonačelnik Arčibald Rajs, koji je svoje evropsko znanje preneo u srpske policijske ralje. Bez obzira na sve to, pored policijskih stručnjaka u Žandarmerijskoj i Policijskoj školi veliki deo su činili i nastavnici vojne struke. Nakon Drugog svetskog rata u Srbiji i tadašnjoj SFRJ nastale su goleme potrebe za policijskim kadrom, ali su i tada ti kadrovi uglavnom bili iz redova vojnih škola i akademija. Ubrzo, nastankom Srednje škole unutrašnjih poslova i Više škole unutrašnjih poslova, otvara se put ka razvoju nauke u policiji. Nedostatkom fakultetski obrazovnog kadra, krajem sedamdesetih i sve do početka devedesetih godina prošlog veka, najveći deo rukovodećeg kadra u policiji je nakon završene Srednje škole unutrašnjih poslova upućivan u Vojnu akademiju, gde su sticali svoja fakultetska znanja i sposobnosti u rukovođenju policijskim jedinicama. Nastankom Policijske akademije, početkom poslednje decenije 20. veka, otvoren je put da se iz korpusa nauka odbrane, kao zasebna nauka, uz uticaj pravnih, ekonomskih i drugih nauka izdvoji nauka o policiji. I pored prvobitnog uspeha i konačnog izdvajanja iz drugih nauka, nauka o policiji još uvek podnosi snažan uticaj nauka odbrane, pre svega u doktrinarnom, posledično i u kadrovskom smislu. Nauke odbrane zaslužuju da budu u novom obrazovnom sistemu Srbije, početkom trećeg milenijuma, jedan od temelja stvaranja visoko-obrazovnog i evropski poželjnog profila budućeg profesionalca. S tim u vezi, očekuje se da nauke odbrane budu predvodnik i utemeljitelj prihvatanja nauke o policiji, kao savremene nauke nastale na temelju nauka odbrane. Tako, novi obrazovni profil, kao što je policijski diplomata, nastao je, na neki način, kao pravni sledbenik u poslovima vojnog diplomate. Dakle, nauke odbrane su ogledalo, a nauka o policiji odsjaj budućeg obrazovanog profesionalca za pitanja bezbednosti.sr
dc.publisherMinistarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
dc.sourceVojno delo
dc.subjectdefense sciencesen
dc.subjectpolice scienceen
dc.subjectSerbian education systemen
dc.subjectpolice forceen
dc.subjectthe militaryen
dc.subjectnauke odbranesr
dc.subjectnauka o policijisr
dc.subjectobrazovni sistem Srbijesr
dc.titleRole of defense sciences in the development of police science in Serbiaen
dc.titleUloga nauka odbrane u razvoju nauke o policiji u Srbijisr
dcterms.abstractКекић, Далибор; Никач, Жељко; Улога наука одбране у развоју науке о полицији у Србији; Улога наука одбране у развоју науке о полицији у Србији;
dc.citation.other63(2): 347-354



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