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Koncept rada policije na kriminalnom žarištu

dc.creatorMilić, Nenad
dc.description.abstractCrime also does not occur randomly. It tends to concentrate at particular places for reasons that can be explained in relation to victim and offender interaction and the opportunities that exist to commit crime. These concentrations or clusters of crime are commonly referred to as hotspots. There is no single universally accepted definition of a hot spot. A hot spot can be a single location that produces a large volume of calls (e.g., a bar); a cluster of locations, such as some residences across several contiguous blocks experiencing burglaries; or an area. Also, there is no universal or standard numerical threshold that can be used to define the number of crimes that need to have occurred in an area for the area to be defined as 'hot'. Hot spots policing refers to the concentration of police resources in small discrete areas such as addresses, street blocks, or clusters of addresses or street blocks. Research showed that focused police activities on crime hot spots can reduce crime problems. One of the most thorough evaluations of the effectiveness of focused police efforts to prevent crime in hot spot areas was examined by E. Braga who reviewed all available academic studies evaluating hot spots policing programs. The results of this systematic review support the assertion that focusing police efforts on high-activity crime places can be used to good effect in preventing crime. As soon as these findings showed that the focus of police efforts on crime hot spots presented a new and promising approach for police practice as they enable police commander to focus resources into the areas of highest need, new dilemma emerged. How would one know if crime prevention benefits gained at hot spots would not simply be displaced to other areas close by? Today, the growing body of research evidence suggests that focused crime-prevention efforts do not inevitably lead to the displacement of crime problems, rather, when displacement was measured, it was quite limited and often unintended crime prevention benefits were associated with the hot spots policing programs.en
dc.description.abstractKriminalna žarišta informišu da se na određenom vremenu i u određenom prostoru učestalo vrše krivična dela. Suštinu koncepta rada policije na žarištima čini fokusiranje policijskih resursa na deo prostora na kojem se krivična dela manifestuju u većem obimu, nego što je to slučaj sa manifestacijama kriminaliteta u okruženju tog prostora. Na taj način, umesto da se teži policijskoj sveprisutnosti na širem prostoru, resursi se dovode na mesto i u vreme izvršenja krivičnih dela u cilju njihovog sprečavanja. U radu se ukazuje na probleme u definisanju kriminalnih žarišta, ukazuje na činioce koji su omogućili nastanak i implementaciju ovog koncepta u policijsku praksu, kao i na najznačajnija empirijska istraživanja koja su potvrdila njegovu efikasnost. Takođe, autor ukazuje i na problem premeštanja kriminaliteta, koji preti da dovede u pitanje pozitivne efekte (usmerenog) policijskog postupanja na žarištu.sr
dc.publisherUdruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179045/RS//
dc.sourceRevija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
dc.subjecthotspots policingen
dc.subjectpolice strategiesen
dc.subjectcrime reductionen
dc.subjectcrime displacementen
dc.subjectkriminalno žarištesr
dc.subjectprevencija kriminalasr
dc.subjectefekat premeštanjasr
dc.titleConception of the police work on criminal fielden
dc.titleKoncept rada policije na kriminalnom žarištusr
dcterms.abstractМилић, Ненад; Концепт рада полиције на криминалном жаришту; Концепт рада полиције на криминалном жаришту;
dc.citation.other48(3): 313-329



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