Приказ резултата 557-576 од 2516

      Factorial analysis of stress factors among the sample of Lebanese police officers [1]
      Factorial structure of the 'Endurance indicator model' (EIM) in swimming with first-year Police academy students [1]
      Factors of Corruption With Reference to the Situation in The Republic of Serbia [1]
      Factors of influence to the knowledge and perception of secondary school students in Belgrade about natural disasters caused by landslides [1]
      Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia [1]
      Faktori uticaja na znanje i percepciju učenika srednjih škola u Beogradu o prirodnim katastrofama izazvanim klizištima [1]
      Faktorska struktura indikatora izdržljivosti u plivanju kod studenata I godine Policijske akademije [1]
      False Pairs in Expert Registers: the Word Drug, its Collocations and Translation Equivalents from English to Serbian Language [1]
      False pairs in expert registers: The word drug, its collocations and translation equivalents from English to Serbian language [1]
      Family influence on formation of deviant and delinquent behavior [1]
      Fan group violence in Serbia [1]
      Fans’ perception of police conduct at sporting events [1]
      Femicide in Partnership Relations [1]
      Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju [1]
      Fight against money laundering in national and international criminal law [1]
      Fight against organised crime and some contemporary criminalistics methods [1]
      Fight against terrorism as content of Serbian negotiations on association to the European Union [1]
      Financial Investigation and Adequacy of State Response to Property Crime : (Norm and Practice in The Republic of Serbia) [1]
      Fingerprint minutiae filtering based on multiscale directional information [1]
      Fire and explosion prevention in objects of possible terrorist attack [1]