Приказ резултата 1852-1871 од 2511

      The analysis of professional capability of graduate police officers [1]
      The analysis of the level of training of Intervention Police Units of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia [1]
      The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion [1]
      The anthropomorphological profile of female police officer students and differently trained athletes: A multicentroid model [1]
      The application of chitosan-based micropowders in development of latent fingermarks [1]
      The application of methods of physics in social processes [1]
      The application of problem-oriented policing to crime prevention [1]
      The application of the linear programming method to the solution to the problems of transportation in the police activity [1]
      The assessment of individual risk of radicalization and violent extremism [1]
      The basis of national security in international law [1]
      The Belgrade town police in the period of the establishment of the constitutionalists' government [1]
      The choice of decision-making criterion in circumstances of risk [1]
      The concept and types of crime analysis [1]
      The concept of administrative measures focusing on police measures [1]
      The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions [1]
      The confiscation of illegally obtained property in the combat against organized crime [1]
      The Constitutional Court considerations of Vojvodina's territorial autonomy [1]
      The crime of torture : de lege lata and de lege ferenda [1]
      The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime [1]
      The criminal act of violent behaviour at sports event or at public gathering [1]