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Basic conceptual foundations of the law on criminal responsibility of legal persons of the Republic of Serbia

dc.creatorКоларић, Драгана
dc.description.abstractДуго година владајућа максима, по којој правно лице не може кривично одговарати, у савременом кривичном законодавству је доведена у питање. О неопходности законског уређења проблематике одговорности правних лица за кривична дела говоре бројни међународни документи које је наша земља ратификовала и на тај начин преузела обавезу хармонизације са међународним стандардима. Овом приликом разматрамо питања која се односе на одговорност правних лица за кривична дела са посебним освртом на међународне изворе и Закон о одговорности правних лица за кривична дела Републике Србије. Такође, указаћемо на решења и приступе овом проблему у појединим земњама у упоредном праву.sr
dc.description.abstractThe attention of scientific and professional audiences has been drawn for a long time to the issue of criminal responsibility of legal persons in our country as well as abroad. The old maxim societas delinquere non potest has almost been abandoned because of the fact that legal persons are usualy involved in crimes. Basic foundations of criminal responsibility of legal persons have been considered in different ways in countries of anglo-saxon and continental law. Also, crimes for which legal persons can be held responsible are different from one country to another. Following these actual trends Serbia has introduced criminal responsibility of legal persons by adopting the Law on criminal responsibility of legal persons (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 97/08). Therefore, Serbia is going to meet demands of the fight against crime implying the necessity to introduce criminal responsibility of legal persons, as well as international initiatives undertaken by the Council of Europe, the European Union and the United Nations. The law on criminal responsibility of legal persons of the Republic of Serbia includes provisions of substantive and procedural law as well as provisions on execution of criminal sanctions. The most important issues the author is referring to, as criminal responsibility of legal persons is considered, are the following: is it necessary to define the notion of legal person in the law, the issue of excluding responsibility of legal persons while performing public functions, is it needed to keep the existing formulation in legislation that, in principle, prescribes responsibility for all criminal offences provided by the special part of Criminal Code and secondary criminal legislation and, finally, the moot issue – grounds of criminal responsibility of legal persons, where many different attitudes and the most of contradictory views are being expressed.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Криминалистичко-полицијска академијаsr
dc.sourceСпречавање и сузбијање савремених облика криминалитета : зборник радова. 4sr
dc.subjectodgovornost pravnih licasr
dc.subjectkrivično delosr
dc.subjectKrivični zakonik Srbijesr
dc.subjectZakon o odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična delasr
dc.subjectmeđunarodni dokumentisr
dc.titleОсновне концепцијске поставке Закона о одговорности правних лица за кривична дела Републике Србије : међународна основа и достигнута решењаsr
dc.titleBasic conceptual foundations of the law on criminal responsibility of legal persons of the Republic of Serbiasr



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