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Right to life of an unborn child or criminal-law protection of a foetus : person or embryo

dc.creatorKolarić, Dragana
dc.description.abstractIza pitanja „čovek ili embrion?“ krije se, zapravo, rasprava o pravu na život nerođenog deteta. Interesantno je da se u više podnetih zahteva time bavio i Evropski sud za ljudska prava izbegavajući da pruži konkretan odgovor da li se termin „svako“, od koga se polazi u međunarodnim dokumentima, može primeniti i na prenatalnu fazu. Nekoliko zanimljivih slučajeva u našoj sudskoj praksi odnosilo se na određene radnje preduzete od strane lekara, usmerene prema majci koje su, usled različitih okolnosti, dovele do nastupanja smrti ploda.Postavilo se pitanje mogućnosti i pravaca razvoja krivičnog zakonodavstva Srbije u takvim situacijama. Osnovna teza ovog rada je da do početka porođaja fetus uživa samo posrednu zaštitu preko majke kroz različita krivična dela iz Krivičnog zakonika ili „neposredniju“ kroz krivično delo nedozvoljeni prekid trudnoće. Istina je da se zakonodavac u drugim zemljama odlučio na proširivanje neposredne krivičnopravne zaštite fetusa, ali uglavnom kada je u pitanju telesni integritet i stanje zdravlja fetusa, pa se u tom pravcu daju i konkretni predlozi de lege
dc.description.abstractThe dilemma of whether an embryo is a person actually hides a debate on the right to life of an unborn child. It is interesting that the European Court of Human Rights has dealt with this issue on several occasions avoiding to offer a concrete answer if the term “everyone”, which makes a starting point in international documents, can be applied to this prenatal stage as well. Several interesting cases in our court practice referred to certain prenatal actions undertaken by the doctors, which have resulted in the death of a foetus. This raised a question of possibility and directions of development of criminal legislation in Serbia in such situations. The basic argument of this paper is that until childbirth begins a foetus enjoys only indirect protection through its mother. This is the prism through which the right to life of an unborn child should be observed. The truth is that the legislators in other countries opted in favour of expanding the direct criminal-law protection of a foetus, but mostly when bodily integrity and foetal health condition are
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.sourceТematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja / [XXXI] Međunarodni naučni tematski skup Kazneno pravo i medicina, Palić, 29-30 maj 2019. = Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / [XXXI] International scientific thematic conference Penal Law and Medicine, Palic, 29-30 may
dc.subjectCriminal Codesr
dc.subjectright to life of an unborn childsr
dc.subjectbeginning of lifesr
dc.subjectcourt practicesr
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Human Rightssr
dc.subjectKrivični zakoniksr
dc.subjectpravo na život nerođenog detetasr
dc.subjectpočetak životasr
dc.subjectsudska praksasr
dc.titlePravo na život nerođenog deteta ili krivičnopravna zaštita fetusa : čovek ili embrionsr
dc.titleRight to life of an unborn child or criminal-law protection of a foetus : person or embryosr



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