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Trends of Motor Vehicle Theft in the Republic of Serbia and other European Countries

dc.creatorMijalković, Saša
dc.creatorBošković, Goran
dc.creatorVuković, Slaviša
dc.creatorVučković, Goran
dc.description.abstractNa mednarodnem področju si močno prizadevajo ugotavljati obseg in trende tatvin motornih vozil na podlagi policijskih podatkov in na podlagi raziskav viktimizacije. Raziskave razlik v višini stopnje tatvin motornih vozil med posameznimi državami so še na začetni stopnji, zato je namen te raziskave ugotoviti specifičnosti trenda tatvin motornih vozil v Srbiji v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi in zlasti bližnjimi državami ter značilnosti te kriminalne dejavnosti in uslužbencev policije, ki se ukvarjajo z njenim odkrivanjem. Raziskava zajema obdobje 2002–2011. Analizirani podatki kažejo, da je v Srbiji prisoten trend upadanja evidentiranih tatvin motornih vozil, da se je število tatvin motornih vozil na 100.000 prebivalcev v Evropi zmanjševalo v povprečju linearno za 13,52, v Srbiji pa za 1,36 na leto. Podobno velja tudi za bližnje države, razen za Bolgarijo, kjer se je trend tatvin povečal. Analiza je pokazala statistično pomembno razliko med povprečno stopnjo tatvin motornih vozil po eni strani v Evropi, po drugi strani pa v Srbiji, na Hrvaškem, v Sloveniji, Bolgariji in na Madžarskem. Statistično pomembna razlika je tudi med Madžarsko na eni strani ter Srbijo, Hrvaško, Slovenijo in Bolgarijo na drugi strani, medtem ko med Srbijo, Hrvaško, Slovenijo in Bolgarijo ni statistično pomembne
dc.description.abstractAt the international level, significant efforts are being made towards reviewing the scope and trend of motor vehicle theft, based on police records and prior research on victimization. Since comparative research on the rate of motor vehicle theft between countries is still in its infancy, this study aims to examine the specifics of trends of motor vehicle theft in Serbia in comparison to other European countries. The research is especially focused on the characteristics of criminal activities and police officers, who are fighting against this form of crime in Serbia and its neighbouring countries. The research covers the period from 2002 to 2011 and the analyses show that there is a trend of reducing registered motor vehicle theft in Serbia. Furthermore, the number of motor vehicle thefts per 100.000 inhabitants in Europe has decreased linearly, averaging about 13.52 per year. This trend of motor vehicle thefts is also present in Serbia (1.36 per year) and neighbouring countries, with exception of Bulgaria, where number of motor vehicle thefts is increasing. Results show that there are statistically significant differences between the average rates of motor vehicle theft in Europe and the average rates of motor vehicle theft in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Hungary. Moreover, statistically significant differences exist between the rate of motor vehicle theft in Hungary and the rates of motor vehicle theft in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria, while no statistically significant differences were observed between Slovenia, Croatia, and
dc.publisherLjubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policijasr
dc.sourceRevija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijosr
dc.subjectmotor vehicle theftsr
dc.subjectcrime solvingsr
dc.subjectpolice efficiencysr
dc.titleTrendi tatvin motornih vozil v Republiki Srbiji in drugih evropskih državahsr
dc.titleTrends of Motor Vehicle Theft in the Republic of Serbia and other European Countriessr



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