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Victimization of People by Natural Disasters: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Consequences

dc.creatorMijalković, Saša
dc.creatorCvetković, Vladimir M.
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada je deskriptivna statistička analiza geoprostorne i vremenske distribucije viktimizacije ljudi (poginuli, povređeni, pogođeni i materijalna šteta) sa posebnim osvrtom na geofizičke, meteorološke, klimatske, biološke i hidrološke nepogode koje su se dogodile u svetu od 1900. do 2013. godine. Pri tome, ljudi koji su pogođeni raznovrsnim prirodnim katastrofama se mogu posmatrati kao nevidljive žrtve jer ih država i društvo ne prepoznaju kao žrtve, pa samim tim ne dobijaju adekvatnu zaštitu, pomoć i podršku. Statističko istraživanje je sprovedeno na podacima međunarodne baze podataka Centra za istraživanje epidemiologije katastrofa (CRED) u Briselu. U okviru vremenske analize razmatrana je distribucija posledica prirodnih katastrofa po ljude, u intervalima od po deset godina. Istom metodologijom analizirana je geoprostorna distribucija viktimizacije ljudi prirodnim katastrofama po kontinentima. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje geoprostorne i vremenske distribucije viktimizacije ljudi prirodnim katastrofama u svetskom geoprostoru u periodu od 1900. do 2013. godine. Rezultati istraživanja nedvosmisleno ukazuju na porast broja i ozbiljnosti posledica prirodnih katastrofa.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper is a descriptive statistical analysis of geospatial and temporal distributions of victimized people (killed, injured, affected and damage) with specific reference to geophysical, meteorological, climatological, biological and hydrological disasters that have occurred in the world of from 1900 to 2013 year. In addition, people affected by the various natural disasters could be classified as invisible victims as they are not recognized as victims either by the state or society, and consequently they do not receive adequate protection, assistance and support. Statistical research was conducted on data from the international database of the Centre for Research on Disaster Epidemiology Disaster (CRED) in Brussels. Temporal analysis examined the distribution and effects of natural disasters on people, at intervals of ten years. The same methodology was adopted for analyses of geospatial distribution of victimized people because of natural disasters by continent. The aim of the research is to determine the geospatial and temporal distribution of victimization of people with natural disasters in the world geospace in the period from 1900 to 2013. The survey results clearly indicate an increase in the number and severity of the consequences of natural disasters.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Viktimološko društvo Srbije i Prometejsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179044/RS//sr
dc.subjectprirodne katastrofesr
dc.subjectnevidljive žrtvesr
dc.subjectljudska i nacionalna bezbednostsr
dc.subjectnatural disasterssr
dc.subjectinvisible victimssr
dc.subjecthuman and national securitysr
dc.titleViktimizacija ljudi prirodnim katastrofama: geoprostorna i vremenska distribucija posledicasr
dc.titleVictimization of People by Natural Disasters: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Consequencesen
dcterms.abstractМијалковић, Саша; Цветковић, Владимир М.; Виктимизација људи природним катастрофама: геопросторна и временска дистрибуција последица; Виктимизација људи природним катастрофама: геопросторна и временска дистрибуција последица;



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