Борба против прања новца у националном и међународном кривичном праву
Fight against money laundering in national and international criminal law
Article (Published version)
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Проблеми у вези са прањем новца се посебно интензивирају последњих година имајући у виду количину средстава која су
предмет прања. Криминализација прања средстава која потичу од
кривичних дела представља основни предуслов нормалног функционисања привредног система сваке земље. Отуда су, дефинисањем
кривичног дела прања новца у великом броју међународних докумената, и напори међународне заједнице уперени на раскринкавање
противправног порекла тих средстава. Аутор је посебну пажњу посветио анализи релевантних међународних конвенција које садрже
одредбе о кривичном делу прања новца, са посебним нагласком на
Конвенцију Савета Европе о прању, тражењу, заплени и конфискацији прихода стечених криминалом и о финансирању тероризма.
Значајан део рада представља и осврт на регулисање прања новца у
неким земљама упоредног права, као и анализа кривичног дела
прања новца у Кривичном законику Србије.).
As human society developed, developed the awareness of need for
protection of the most important goods and values using various measures of social
reaction. Money laundering includes a number of different measures and activities
undertaken in order to legalize illegally acquired proceeds and conceal their illegal
origin. When property is obtained through criminal activities, then its owners seek
to find the way to incorporate it in legal financial flow, i.e. to use that money. By
incriminating money laundering, the state endeavour to protect the economy in
whole. Economic crime undermines the economic system of a country. At the moment, the majority of national legal systems put a great deal of effort into fighting
against money laundering and related criminal offences. On international level, a
number of important documents were adopted in order to specify measures and
procedures for fighting against money laundering. The most important, undoubtedly, are: the Convention on M...oney Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation
of the Proceeds from Crime (number 141), adopted on 8th November 1990 in Strasbourg, and the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the
Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism, adopted on 3rd May
2005. Criminal offence of money laundering has been, for the first time in Serbia,
adopted in the Law on prevention of money laundering, in 2001. Because of the
problems emerging related to charges for money laundering, especially in those
countries demanding criminal offence preceding money laundering to be the probable cause for criminal prosecution for money laundering, in the Convention on
Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on
the Financing of Terrorism, there is no longer a need to produce evidence of predicate criminality before charging for money laundering. Concerning this issue, our
Criminal Code keeps pace with international documents. The fact that proceeds
that are subjects of money laundering derive from predicate criminal offences is to
be determined in criminal procedure, for the purpose of particular case of money
In fighting against laundering, prevention has a big role, too. It implies elimination of causes and conditions that influence the development of this phenomenon. Control of money flow, investments and of all the other transactions could, if
not completely exterminate, then reduce this phenomenon to minimum.
pranje novca / međunarodni dokumenti / krivično delo / prethodno krivično delo / Krivični zakonik Srbije / Zakon o sprečavanju pranja novcaSource:
НБП : Наука, безбедност, полиција, 2007, 12, 2, 61-82Publisher:
- Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија
JakovTY - JOUR AU - Коларић, Драгана PY - 2007 UR - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1157 AB - Проблеми у вези са прањем новца се посебно интензивирају последњих година имајући у виду количину средстава која су предмет прања. Криминализација прања средстава која потичу од кривичних дела представља основни предуслов нормалног функционисања привредног система сваке земље. Отуда су, дефинисањем кривичног дела прања новца у великом броју међународних докумената, и напори међународне заједнице уперени на раскринкавање противправног порекла тих средстава. Аутор је посебну пажњу посветио анализи релевантних међународних конвенција које садрже одредбе о кривичном делу прања новца, са посебним нагласком на Конвенцију Савета Европе о прању, тражењу, заплени и конфискацији прихода стечених криминалом и о финансирању тероризма. Значајан део рада представља и осврт на регулисање прања новца у неким земљама упоредног права, као и анализа кривичног дела прања новца у Кривичном законику Србије.). AB - As human society developed, developed the awareness of need for protection of the most important goods and values using various measures of social reaction. Money laundering includes a number of different measures and activities undertaken in order to legalize illegally acquired proceeds and conceal their illegal origin. When property is obtained through criminal activities, then its owners seek to find the way to incorporate it in legal financial flow, i.e. to use that money. By incriminating money laundering, the state endeavour to protect the economy in whole. Economic crime undermines the economic system of a country. At the moment, the majority of national legal systems put a great deal of effort into fighting against money laundering and related criminal offences. On international level, a number of important documents were adopted in order to specify measures and procedures for fighting against money laundering. The most important, undoubtedly, are: the Convention on Money Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime (number 141), adopted on 8th November 1990 in Strasbourg, and the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism, adopted on 3rd May 2005. Criminal offence of money laundering has been, for the first time in Serbia, adopted in the Law on prevention of money laundering, in 2001. Because of the problems emerging related to charges for money laundering, especially in those countries demanding criminal offence preceding money laundering to be the probable cause for criminal prosecution for money laundering, in the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism, there is no longer a need to produce evidence of predicate criminality before charging for money laundering. Concerning this issue, our Criminal Code keeps pace with international documents. The fact that proceeds that are subjects of money laundering derive from predicate criminal offences is to be determined in criminal procedure, for the purpose of particular case of money laundering. In fighting against laundering, prevention has a big role, too. It implies elimination of causes and conditions that influence the development of this phenomenon. Control of money flow, investments and of all the other transactions could, if not completely exterminate, then reduce this phenomenon to minimum. PB - Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија T2 - НБП : Наука, безбедност, полиција T1 - Борба против прања новца у националном и међународном кривичном праву T1 - Fight against money laundering in national and international criminal law VL - 12 IS - 2 SP - 61 EP - 82 UR - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1157 ER -
@article{ author = "Коларић, Драгана", year = "2007", abstract = "Проблеми у вези са прањем новца се посебно интензивирају последњих година имајући у виду количину средстава која су предмет прања. Криминализација прања средстава која потичу од кривичних дела представља основни предуслов нормалног функционисања привредног система сваке земље. Отуда су, дефинисањем кривичног дела прања новца у великом броју међународних докумената, и напори међународне заједнице уперени на раскринкавање противправног порекла тих средстава. Аутор је посебну пажњу посветио анализи релевантних међународних конвенција које садрже одредбе о кривичном делу прања новца, са посебним нагласком на Конвенцију Савета Европе о прању, тражењу, заплени и конфискацији прихода стечених криминалом и о финансирању тероризма. Значајан део рада представља и осврт на регулисање прања новца у неким земљама упоредног права, као и анализа кривичног дела прања новца у Кривичном законику Србије.)., As human society developed, developed the awareness of need for protection of the most important goods and values using various measures of social reaction. Money laundering includes a number of different measures and activities undertaken in order to legalize illegally acquired proceeds and conceal their illegal origin. When property is obtained through criminal activities, then its owners seek to find the way to incorporate it in legal financial flow, i.e. to use that money. By incriminating money laundering, the state endeavour to protect the economy in whole. Economic crime undermines the economic system of a country. At the moment, the majority of national legal systems put a great deal of effort into fighting against money laundering and related criminal offences. On international level, a number of important documents were adopted in order to specify measures and procedures for fighting against money laundering. The most important, undoubtedly, are: the Convention on Money Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime (number 141), adopted on 8th November 1990 in Strasbourg, and the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism, adopted on 3rd May 2005. Criminal offence of money laundering has been, for the first time in Serbia, adopted in the Law on prevention of money laundering, in 2001. Because of the problems emerging related to charges for money laundering, especially in those countries demanding criminal offence preceding money laundering to be the probable cause for criminal prosecution for money laundering, in the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism, there is no longer a need to produce evidence of predicate criminality before charging for money laundering. Concerning this issue, our Criminal Code keeps pace with international documents. The fact that proceeds that are subjects of money laundering derive from predicate criminal offences is to be determined in criminal procedure, for the purpose of particular case of money laundering. In fighting against laundering, prevention has a big role, too. It implies elimination of causes and conditions that influence the development of this phenomenon. Control of money flow, investments and of all the other transactions could, if not completely exterminate, then reduce this phenomenon to minimum.", publisher = "Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија", journal = "НБП : Наука, безбедност, полиција", title = "Борба против прања новца у националном и међународном кривичном праву, Fight against money laundering in national and international criminal law", volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "61-82", url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1157" }
Коларић, Д.. (2007). Борба против прања новца у националном и међународном кривичном праву. in НБП : Наука, безбедност, полиција Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија., 12(2), 61-82. https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1157
Коларић Д. Борба против прања новца у националном и међународном кривичном праву. in НБП : Наука, безбедност, полиција. 2007;12(2):61-82. https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1157 .
Коларић, Драгана, "Борба против прања новца у националном и међународном кривичном праву" in НБП : Наука, безбедност, полиција, 12, no. 2 (2007):61-82, https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1157 .