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Complexity concepts as factor in decision-making about special security tasks

dc.creatorSubošić, Dane
dc.description.abstractJedno od osnovnih svojstava posebnih bezbednosnih problema, ali i zadataka kojima se oni rešavaju predstavlja složenost. U zavisnosti od osnovih obeležja složenosti posebnih bezbednosnih problema i zadataka, kao odgovora na njih, primenjuju se odgovarajuće koncepcije složenosti. Radi se o logičkoj, teoretsko-informacionoj, algoritamskoj, teoretsko-množinskoj i statističkoj koncepciji. U zavisnosti od primenjene koncepcije složenosti varira struktura procesa odlučivanja o načinu angažovanja snaga određenih za rešavanje konkretnog posebnog bezbednosnog problema, kao i ishodi tog procesa. S tim u vezi, postavlja se pitanje posledica izbora odredjenje koncepcije složenosti na proces i ishod odlučivanja u uslovima rešavanja posebnih bezbednosnih problema. Značaj odgovora na ovo pitanje je u pravilnom shvatanju koncepcija složenosti i njihovog uticaja na odlučivanje povodom rešavanja posebnih bezbednosnih problema. Odgovorom na ta pitanja olakšaće se edukacija u oblasti bezbednosnog menadžmenta s jedne strane i primena stečenih znanja u toj oblasti, s druge strane.sr
dc.description.abstractOne of the basic characteristics of special security problems, as well as the tasks with which they are solved is their complexity. Depending on the basic characteristics of the complexity of special security problems and tasks, as responses to them, adequate complexity concepts are implemented. This refers to logical,theoretical-information, algorithm, theoretically multiple and statistical concept. Depending on the implemented complexity concept, the structure of the decision-making process varies regarding the method of engaging the forces determined for the solving of concrete special security problem, as well as the outcomes of this process. Thus, there is the question about the consequences of the selection of certain complexity concepts for the process and outcome of decision-making in the conditions of solving special security problems. The significance of the answer to this question is in proper understanding of the concepts of complexity and their influence on the decision-making regarding solving of special security problems. The answer to this question will facilitate the education in the field of security management on the one hand and implementation of the acquired knowledge in this field, on the other hand.en
dc.publisherVelika Gorica : Veleučilištesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179045/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova / IV. međunarodna konferencija "Dani kriznog upravljanja", 25. - 26. svibnja 2011, Velika Gorica, Hrvatskasr
dc.subjectposebni bezbednosni zadacisr
dc.subjectspecial security taskssr
dc.titleKoncepcije složenosti kao faktor odlučivanja o posebnim bezbednosnim zadacimasr
dc.titleComplexity concepts as factor in decision-making about special security tasksen
dcterms.abstractСубошић, Дане; Концепције сложености као фактор одлучивања о посебним безбедносним задацима; Концепције сложености као фактор одлучивања о посебним безбедносним задацима;
dc.description.otherBook of papers / 4th International Conference "Crisis management days", 25 - 26 May 2011, Velika Gorica, Croatiaen



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