Prikaz rezultata 2226-2245 od 2722

      Vertical distribution of powers in the European union [1]
      Vertikalna raspodela vlasti u Evropskoj uniji [1]
      Veštačka intelegencija u prikupljanju i analizi podataka u policiji [1]
      Victim of crime and substantive criminal law (standard, practice and measure of improvement) [1]
      Victimization of People by Natural Disasters: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Consequences [1]
      Victimological aspects of violence at sports events [1]
      Victims of domestic violence in Serbia [1]
      Vićović Dragan, Hadžić Zoran: Električne instalacije niskog napona, Savez mašinskih i elektro-tehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, 2007 [1]
      Video-conferencing as a way of communication in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Video-konferencijska veza kao način komunikacije rukovodilaca u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije [1]
      Vidovi i oblici trgovine ljudima [1]
      Vie d'Alphonse Bertillon, inventeur de l'anthropometrie [1]
      Views of female students of the police and criminal justice academy of the subject of special physical education [1]
      Viktimizacija ljudi prirodnim katastrofama: geoprostorna i vremenska distribucija posledica [1]
      Viktimološki aspekti nasilja na sportskim priredbama [1]
      Violating human rights to health and life trafficking in human beings [1]
      Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom [1]
      Violence against women in the family [1]
      Violence as a criminological phenomenon [1]
      Violence at Sport Events The Criminal Law, Criminologic and Criminal Aspect [1]