Design and modeling of specific features of nanostructured samples

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Design and modeling of specific features of nanostructured samples (en)
Дизајнирање и моделовање специфичних особина наноструктурних узорака (sr)
Dizajniranje i modelovanje specifičnih osobina nanostrukturnih uzoraka (sr_RS)


О квантној криптографији

Јаћимовски, Стево; Шетрајчић, Јован; Ламовец, Јелена

(Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука, 2019)

AU  - Јаћимовски, Стево
AU  - Шетрајчић, Јован
AU  - Ламовец, Јелена
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Крајем двадесетог века човечанство je ушло у еру информационих технологија. ИТ индустрија, која се бави производњом, обрадом,
складиштењем и преносом информација, постала је саставни дeо глобалног
економског система, потпуно независан и прилично значајан сектор привреде. Зависност савременог друштва од информационих технологија је толико
велика да пропусти у информационим системима могу довести до значајних инцидената. Телекомуникацијe су кључна индустрија информационих
технологија. Међутим, информације су током транспорта веома осетљиве
на разне врсте злоупотреба. Јединице за складиштење и обраду података
могу бити физички заштићене од недобронамерних, што се не може рећи за
комуникационе линије које се протежу на стотине или хиљаде километара и
које је готово немогуће заштитити. Стога је проблем заштите информација
у сфери телекомуникација веома значајан. Криптологија као наука и посебно њен део криптографија управо се баве овом проблематиком. Квантна
криптографија је релативно новија област која се бави обезбеђењем сигурне
комуникације између пошиљаоца и примаоца информације, користећи законе квантне физике. Циљ рада је да се упознамо са принципима квантне
дистрибуције кључа за кодирање информација и основним проблемима који
се јављају при његовој реализацији.
PB  - Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука
T2  - Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику
T1  - О квантној криптографији
VL  - 1
IS  - 1
SP  - 41
EP  - 52
DO  - 10.7251/ZBK1901043J
ER  - 
author = "Јаћимовски, Стево and Шетрајчић, Јован and Ламовец, Јелена",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Крајем двадесетог века човечанство je ушло у еру информационих технологија. ИТ индустрија, која се бави производњом, обрадом,
складиштењем и преносом информација, постала је саставни дeо глобалног
економског система, потпуно независан и прилично значајан сектор привреде. Зависност савременог друштва од информационих технологија је толико
велика да пропусти у информационим системима могу довести до значајних инцидената. Телекомуникацијe су кључна индустрија информационих
технологија. Међутим, информације су током транспорта веома осетљиве
на разне врсте злоупотреба. Јединице за складиштење и обраду података
могу бити физички заштићене од недобронамерних, што се не може рећи за
комуникационе линије које се протежу на стотине или хиљаде километара и
које је готово немогуће заштитити. Стога је проблем заштите информација
у сфери телекомуникација веома значајан. Криптологија као наука и посебно њен део криптографија управо се баве овом проблематиком. Квантна
криптографија је релативно новија област која се бави обезбеђењем сигурне
комуникације између пошиљаоца и примаоца информације, користећи законе квантне физике. Циљ рада је да се упознамо са принципима квантне
дистрибуције кључа за кодирање информација и основним проблемима који
се јављају при његовој реализацији.",
publisher = "Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука",
journal = "Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику",
title = "О квантној криптографији",
volume = "1",
number = "1",
pages = "41-52",
doi = "10.7251/ZBK1901043J"
Јаћимовски, С., Шетрајчић, Ј.,& Ламовец, Ј.. (2019). О квантној криптографији. in Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику
Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука., 1(1), 41-52.
Јаћимовски С, Шетрајчић Ј, Ламовец Ј. О квантној криптографији. in Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику. 2019;1(1):41-52.
doi:10.7251/ZBK1901043J .
Јаћимовски, Стево, Шетрајчић, Јован, Ламовец, Јелена, "О квантној криптографији" in Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику, 1, no. 1 (2019):41-52, . .

On quantum cryptography

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Setrajčić, Jovan; Lamovec, Jelena

(University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Security Studies, 2019)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Setrajčić, Jovan
AU  - Lamovec, Jelena
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In the late twentieth century, human race entered the era of
information technology (IT). The IT industry, which deals with the production,
processing, storage and transmission of information, has become an integral
part of the global economic system, a completely independent and significant
sector of the economy. The dependence of the modern society on information
technologies is so great that omissions in information systems may lead to
significant incidents. Telecommunications are the key information technology
industry. However, information is very susceptible to various types of abuse
during transmission. The units for data storage and processing can be
physically protected from anyone wishing harm, but this does not hold true
for the communication lines that span hundreds or thousands of kilometers
and are virtually impossible to protect. Therefore, the problem of information
protection in the field of telecommunications is highly significant. Cryptology,
particularly cryptography, deals with this issue. Quantum cryptography is a
relatively new field ensuring safe communication between the sender and the
recipient using the laws of quantum physics. This paper seeks to address the
principles of the quantum distribution of a key for information encryption and
the fundamental problems arising from the execution.
AB  - Крајем двадесетог века човечанство je ушло у еру информационих технологија. ИТ индустрија, која се бави производњом, обрадом,
складиштењем и преносом информација, постала је саставни дeо глобалног
економског система, потпуно независан и прилично значајан сектор приврeде. Зависност савременог друштва од информационих технологија је толико
велика да пропусти у информационим системима могу довести до значајних инцидената. Телекомуникацијe су кључна индустрија информационих
технологија. Међутим, информације су током транспорта веома осетљиве
на разне врсте злоупотреба. Јединице за складиштење и обраду података
могу бити физички заштићене од недобронамерних, што се не може рећи за комуникационе линије које се протежу на стотине или хиљаде километара и
које је готово немогуће заштитити. Стога је проблем заштите информација
у сфери телекомуникација веома значајан. Криптологија као наука и посебно њен део криптографија управо се баве овом проблематиком. Квантна
криптографија је релативно новија област која се бави обезбеђењем сигурне
комуникације између пошиљаоца и примаоца информације, користећи законе квантне физике. Циљ рада је да се упознамо са принципима квантне
дистрибуције кључа за кодирање информација и основним проблемима који се јављају при његовој реализацији.
PB  - University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Security Studies
T2  - Journal of security and criminal sciences (Banja Luka)
T1  - On quantum cryptography
VL  - 1
IS  - 1
SP  - 39
EP  - 50
DO  - 10.7251/ZBKEN1901041J
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Setrajčić, Jovan and Lamovec, Jelena",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In the late twentieth century, human race entered the era of
information technology (IT). The IT industry, which deals with the production,
processing, storage and transmission of information, has become an integral
part of the global economic system, a completely independent and significant
sector of the economy. The dependence of the modern society on information
technologies is so great that omissions in information systems may lead to
significant incidents. Telecommunications are the key information technology
industry. However, information is very susceptible to various types of abuse
during transmission. The units for data storage and processing can be
physically protected from anyone wishing harm, but this does not hold true
for the communication lines that span hundreds or thousands of kilometers
and are virtually impossible to protect. Therefore, the problem of information
protection in the field of telecommunications is highly significant. Cryptology,
particularly cryptography, deals with this issue. Quantum cryptography is a
relatively new field ensuring safe communication between the sender and the
recipient using the laws of quantum physics. This paper seeks to address the
principles of the quantum distribution of a key for information encryption and
the fundamental problems arising from the execution., Крајем двадесетог века човечанство je ушло у еру информационих технологија. ИТ индустрија, која се бави производњом, обрадом,
складиштењем и преносом информација, постала је саставни дeо глобалног
економског система, потпуно независан и прилично значајан сектор приврeде. Зависност савременог друштва од информационих технологија је толико
велика да пропусти у информационим системима могу довести до значајних инцидената. Телекомуникацијe су кључна индустрија информационих
технологија. Међутим, информације су током транспорта веома осетљиве
на разне врсте злоупотреба. Јединице за складиштење и обраду података
могу бити физички заштићене од недобронамерних, што се не може рећи за комуникационе линије које се протежу на стотине или хиљаде километара и
које је готово немогуће заштитити. Стога је проблем заштите информација
у сфери телекомуникација веома значајан. Криптологија као наука и посебно њен део криптографија управо се баве овом проблематиком. Квантна
криптографија је релативно новија област која се бави обезбеђењем сигурне
комуникације између пошиљаоца и примаоца информације, користећи законе квантне физике. Циљ рада је да се упознамо са принципима квантне
дистрибуције кључа за кодирање информација и основним проблемима који се јављају при његовој реализацији.",
publisher = "University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Security Studies",
journal = "Journal of security and criminal sciences (Banja Luka)",
title = "On quantum cryptography",
volume = "1",
number = "1",
pages = "39-50",
doi = "10.7251/ZBKEN1901041J"
Jaćimovski, S., Setrajčić, J.,& Lamovec, J.. (2019). On quantum cryptography. in Journal of security and criminal sciences (Banja Luka)
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Security Studies., 1(1), 39-50.
Jaćimovski S, Setrajčić J, Lamovec J. On quantum cryptography. in Journal of security and criminal sciences (Banja Luka). 2019;1(1):39-50.
doi:10.7251/ZBKEN1901041J .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Setrajčić, Jovan, Lamovec, Jelena, "On quantum cryptography" in Journal of security and criminal sciences (Banja Luka), 1, no. 1 (2019):39-50, . .

Novi termoelektrici u funkciji prigušenja toplotnog rasipanja

Vučenović, Siniša M.; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo K.

(Banja Luka : Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2019., 2019)

AU  - Vučenović, Siniša M.
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo K.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja termoelektričnih svojstava pniktida rijetkih zemalja i monoslojnog grafena. Oba materijala pokazuju izuzetnu sklonost i efikasnost u transformaciji toplote u električnu struju, te su perspektivni za primjenu kao „čistači“ toplotnog otpada.
AB  - We have introduced in this paper results of research of thermoelectric properties of the rear earth pnictides and monolayer graphene. Both of these materials show exceptional tendency and efficiency in transformation from heat to electricity, and have perspective application in heat harvesting.
PB  - Banja Luka : Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2019.
C3  - Zbornik radova / Naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2019, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH, 14-15. novembar 2019. godine.
T1  - Novi termoelektrici u funkciji prigušenja toplotnog rasipanja
T1  - New thermoelectrics in functionofattenuation of heat dissipation
SP  - 14
EP  - 17
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vučenović, Siniša M. and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo K.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja termoelektričnih svojstava pniktida rijetkih zemalja i monoslojnog grafena. Oba materijala pokazuju izuzetnu sklonost i efikasnost u transformaciji toplote u električnu struju, te su perspektivni za primjenu kao „čistači“ toplotnog otpada., We have introduced in this paper results of research of thermoelectric properties of the rear earth pnictides and monolayer graphene. Both of these materials show exceptional tendency and efficiency in transformation from heat to electricity, and have perspective application in heat harvesting.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2019.",
journal = "Zbornik radova / Naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2019, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH, 14-15. novembar 2019. godine.",
title = "Novi termoelektrici u funkciji prigušenja toplotnog rasipanja, New thermoelectrics in functionofattenuation of heat dissipation",
pages = "14-17",
url = ""
Vučenović, S. M., Šetrajčić, J. P.,& Jaćimovski, S. K.. (2019). Novi termoelektrici u funkciji prigušenja toplotnog rasipanja. in Zbornik radova / Naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2019, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH, 14-15. novembar 2019. godine.
Banja Luka : Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2019.., 14-17.
Vučenović SM, Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski SK. Novi termoelektrici u funkciji prigušenja toplotnog rasipanja. in Zbornik radova / Naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2019, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH, 14-15. novembar 2019. godine.. 2019;:14-17. .
Vučenović, Siniša M., Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo K., "Novi termoelektrici u funkciji prigušenja toplotnog rasipanja" in Zbornik radova / Naučno-stručni simpozijum Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2019, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH, 14-15. novembar 2019. godine. (2019):14-17, .

Phonon-Induced Thermodynamic Properties of Ultra-narrow Wires

Ilić, Dušan I.; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo

(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw, 2018)

AU  - Ilić, Dušan I.
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, we investigated the influence of size effect on thermodynamic properties of ultra-narrow wires with a simple cubic lattice, by means of two-time dependent Green functions method, adjusted to confined crystalline structures. Poles of Green functions, which defining phonon spectra, are found by solving the secular equation. For different boundary parameters, this problem is presented graphically. The temperature behavior of ultra-narrow wire thermal capacitance is compared to that of bulk structures. It turned out that in low-temperature region thermal capacitance of the ultra-narrow wire is notably lower than in the corresponding bulk sample. How this fact reflects the thermal, conducting and superconducting properties of materials, is discussed in the conclusion.
PB  - Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw
T2  - Acta physica polonica A
T1  - Phonon-Induced Thermodynamic Properties of Ultra-narrow Wires
VL  - 133
IS  - 1
SP  - 57
EP  - 62
DO  - 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.57
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Dušan I. and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this paper, we investigated the influence of size effect on thermodynamic properties of ultra-narrow wires with a simple cubic lattice, by means of two-time dependent Green functions method, adjusted to confined crystalline structures. Poles of Green functions, which defining phonon spectra, are found by solving the secular equation. For different boundary parameters, this problem is presented graphically. The temperature behavior of ultra-narrow wire thermal capacitance is compared to that of bulk structures. It turned out that in low-temperature region thermal capacitance of the ultra-narrow wire is notably lower than in the corresponding bulk sample. How this fact reflects the thermal, conducting and superconducting properties of materials, is discussed in the conclusion.",
publisher = "Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw",
journal = "Acta physica polonica A",
title = "Phonon-Induced Thermodynamic Properties of Ultra-narrow Wires",
volume = "133",
number = "1",
pages = "57-62",
doi = "10.12693/APhysPolA.133.57"
Ilić, D. I., Šetrajčić, J. P.,& Jaćimovski, S.. (2018). Phonon-Induced Thermodynamic Properties of Ultra-narrow Wires. in Acta physica polonica A
Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw., 133(1), 57-62.
Ilić DI, Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S. Phonon-Induced Thermodynamic Properties of Ultra-narrow Wires. in Acta physica polonica A. 2018;133(1):57-62.
doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.133.57 .
Ilić, Dušan I., Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, "Phonon-Induced Thermodynamic Properties of Ultra-narrow Wires" in Acta physica polonica A, 133, no. 1 (2018):57-62, . .

The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Ilić, Dušan I.; Jaćimovski, Stevo

(Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, 2018)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Ilić, Dušan I.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, we have analytically investigated how the changes in boundary surface parameters influence the phonon dispersion law in ultrathin films of the simple cubic crystalline structure. Spectra of possible phonon states are analyzed using the method of two-time dependent Green's functions and for the diverse combination of boundary surface parameters, this problem was presented numerically and graphically. It turns out that for certain values and combinations of parameters, displacement of dispersion branches outside of bulk zone occurs, leading to the creation of localized phonon states. This fact is of great importance for the heat removal, electrical conductivity and superconducting properties of ultrathin films.
PB  - Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam
T2  - Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
T1  - The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films
VL  - 496
SP  - 434
EP  - 445
DO  - 10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.138
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Ilić, Dušan I. and Jaćimovski, Stevo",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this paper, we have analytically investigated how the changes in boundary surface parameters influence the phonon dispersion law in ultrathin films of the simple cubic crystalline structure. Spectra of possible phonon states are analyzed using the method of two-time dependent Green's functions and for the diverse combination of boundary surface parameters, this problem was presented numerically and graphically. It turns out that for certain values and combinations of parameters, displacement of dispersion branches outside of bulk zone occurs, leading to the creation of localized phonon states. This fact is of great importance for the heat removal, electrical conductivity and superconducting properties of ultrathin films.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam",
journal = "Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications",
title = "The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films",
volume = "496",
pages = "434-445",
doi = "10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.138"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Ilić, D. I.,& Jaćimovski, S.. (2018). The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 496, 434-445.
Šetrajčić JP, Ilić DI, Jaćimovski S. The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications. 2018;496:434-445.
doi:10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.138 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Ilić, Dušan I., Jaćimovski, Stevo, "The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films" in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications, 496 (2018):434-445, . .

The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Ilić, Dušan I.; Jaćimovski, Stevo

(Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, 2018)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Ilić, Dušan I.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, we have analytically investigated how the changes in boundary surface parameters influence the phonon dispersion law in ultrathin films of the simple cubic crystalline structure. Spectra of possible phonon states are analyzed using the method of two-time dependent Green's functions and for the diverse combination of boundary surface parameters, this problem was presented numerically and graphically. It turns out that for certain values and combinations of parameters, displacement of dispersion branches outside of bulk zone occurs, leading to the creation of localized phonon states. This fact is of great importance for the heat removal, electrical conductivity and superconducting properties of ultrathin films.
PB  - Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam
T2  - Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
T1  - The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films
VL  - 496
SP  - 434
EP  - 445
DO  - 10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.138
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Ilić, Dušan I. and Jaćimovski, Stevo",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this paper, we have analytically investigated how the changes in boundary surface parameters influence the phonon dispersion law in ultrathin films of the simple cubic crystalline structure. Spectra of possible phonon states are analyzed using the method of two-time dependent Green's functions and for the diverse combination of boundary surface parameters, this problem was presented numerically and graphically. It turns out that for certain values and combinations of parameters, displacement of dispersion branches outside of bulk zone occurs, leading to the creation of localized phonon states. This fact is of great importance for the heat removal, electrical conductivity and superconducting properties of ultrathin films.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam",
journal = "Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications",
title = "The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films",
volume = "496",
pages = "434-445",
doi = "10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.138"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Ilić, D. I.,& Jaćimovski, S.. (2018). The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 496, 434-445.
Šetrajčić JP, Ilić DI, Jaćimovski S. The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications. 2018;496:434-445.
doi:10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.138 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Ilić, Dušan I., Jaćimovski, Stevo, "The influence of the surface parameter changes onto the phonon states in ultrathin crystalline films" in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications, 496 (2018):434-445, . .

Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Ilić, Dušan I.

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Ilić, Dušan I.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Instead of usual approach, applying displacement-displacement Green’s functions, the momentum-momentum Green’s functions will be used to calculate the diffusion tensor. These functions enter into Kubo’s formula defining diffusion properties of the system. Calculation of the diffusion tensor requires solving of the system of difference equations. It is shown that the elements of the diffusion tensor express discrete behaviour of the dispersion law of elementary excitations and, more important - that they are temperature independent.
AB  - Umesto uobičajenog pristupa, primenom Grinovih funkcija tipa pomeraj-pomeraj, tenzor difuzije izračunat je primenom Grinovih funkcija tipa impuls-impuls. Ove funkcije figurišu u Kubo formuli koja definiše difuzione osobine sistema. Izračunavanje tenzora difuzije zahteva rešavanje sistema diferencnih jednačina. U radu je pokazano da elementi tenzora difuzije ukazuju na diskretnost zakona disperzije elementarnih pobuđenja, i - što je još značajnije - ne zavise od temperature. Rezultati sprovedenih izračunavanja pokazali su da je tenzor difuzije fononskog podsistema u kristalnim strukturama dijagonalan i da svojstvene vrednosti imaju više vrednosti pri nižim frekvencijama. Navedeni zaključci su od velikog značaja, jer potvrđuju makroskopske teorije toplotnog provođenja koje tvrde da je koeficijent difuzije temperaturski invarijatan. Ova činjenica, kao i posledice koji iz nje mogu proizaći, imaju ogroman potencijalni značaj za primenu fononskog inženjeringa, prvenstveno kod savremenih nanostruktura.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures
T1  - Proces difuzije fonona kroz kristalne strukture
VL  - 22
IS  - 2
SP  - 1
EP  - 12
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo22-13580
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Ilić, Dušan I.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Instead of usual approach, applying displacement-displacement Green’s functions, the momentum-momentum Green’s functions will be used to calculate the diffusion tensor. These functions enter into Kubo’s formula defining diffusion properties of the system. Calculation of the diffusion tensor requires solving of the system of difference equations. It is shown that the elements of the diffusion tensor express discrete behaviour of the dispersion law of elementary excitations and, more important - that they are temperature independent., Umesto uobičajenog pristupa, primenom Grinovih funkcija tipa pomeraj-pomeraj, tenzor difuzije izračunat je primenom Grinovih funkcija tipa impuls-impuls. Ove funkcije figurišu u Kubo formuli koja definiše difuzione osobine sistema. Izračunavanje tenzora difuzije zahteva rešavanje sistema diferencnih jednačina. U radu je pokazano da elementi tenzora difuzije ukazuju na diskretnost zakona disperzije elementarnih pobuđenja, i - što je još značajnije - ne zavise od temperature. Rezultati sprovedenih izračunavanja pokazali su da je tenzor difuzije fononskog podsistema u kristalnim strukturama dijagonalan i da svojstvene vrednosti imaju više vrednosti pri nižim frekvencijama. Navedeni zaključci su od velikog značaja, jer potvrđuju makroskopske teorije toplotnog provođenja koje tvrde da je koeficijent difuzije temperaturski invarijatan. Ova činjenica, kao i posledice koji iz nje mogu proizaći, imaju ogroman potencijalni značaj za primenu fononskog inženjeringa, prvenstveno kod savremenih nanostruktura.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures, Proces difuzije fonona kroz kristalne strukture",
volume = "22",
number = "2",
pages = "1-12",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo22-13580"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, S.,& Ilić, D. I.. (2017). Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 22(2), 1-12.
Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S, Ilić DI. Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2017;22(2):1-12.
doi:10.5937/nabepo22-13580 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Ilić, Dušan I., "Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 22, no. 2 (2017):1-12, . .

Heat exchange through composite walls

Šetrajčić, Nataša; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.

(Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Nataša
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - We investigated the heat conduction through different composite walls and analysed heat balance - thermal efficiency on both sides of the walls. Advantages are commented and the necessity of thermal isolation is emphasized. Examples of several combinations for two ways of passive isolation are analysed. Numerous materials for thermal isolation are presented and value of the overall coefficient of transmission is calculated for different combinations. It is concluded that for construction of walls it is better to use shallow brick rather than full and that it is more efficient to place thermal isolation on the exterior side of wall because only in that case continual isolating layer can be realized.
AB  - U radu je razmatrano provođenje toplote kroz različite kompozitne zidove i toplotni bilans - termalna efikasnost sa obe strane zidova. Navedene su prednosti i neophodnost postavljanja termoizolacije i dati su i analizirani primeri više kombinacija za dva načina pasivne izolacije. Predstavljeni su brojni termoizolacioni materijali i izračunata je vrednost ukupnog koeficijenta prolaza za razne kombinacije. Konstatovano je da je kod konstrukcije zidova bolje koristiti šuplju opeku od pune i da je efikasnije postaviti termoizolaciju na spoljašnjoj strani zida, jer samo tada može ostvariti neprekinut izolacioni omotač.
PB  - Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd
T2  - Zaštita materijala
T1  - Heat exchange through composite walls
T1  - Razmena toplote kroz kompozitne zidove
VL  - 58
IS  - 2
SP  - 163
EP  - 170
DO  - 10.5937/ZasMat1702163S
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Nataša and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Šetrajčić, Jovan P.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "We investigated the heat conduction through different composite walls and analysed heat balance - thermal efficiency on both sides of the walls. Advantages are commented and the necessity of thermal isolation is emphasized. Examples of several combinations for two ways of passive isolation are analysed. Numerous materials for thermal isolation are presented and value of the overall coefficient of transmission is calculated for different combinations. It is concluded that for construction of walls it is better to use shallow brick rather than full and that it is more efficient to place thermal isolation on the exterior side of wall because only in that case continual isolating layer can be realized., U radu je razmatrano provođenje toplote kroz različite kompozitne zidove i toplotni bilans - termalna efikasnost sa obe strane zidova. Navedene su prednosti i neophodnost postavljanja termoizolacije i dati su i analizirani primeri više kombinacija za dva načina pasivne izolacije. Predstavljeni su brojni termoizolacioni materijali i izračunata je vrednost ukupnog koeficijenta prolaza za razne kombinacije. Konstatovano je da je kod konstrukcije zidova bolje koristiti šuplju opeku od pune i da je efikasnije postaviti termoizolaciju na spoljašnjoj strani zida, jer samo tada može ostvariti neprekinut izolacioni omotač.",
publisher = "Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd",
journal = "Zaštita materijala",
title = "Heat exchange through composite walls, Razmena toplote kroz kompozitne zidove",
volume = "58",
number = "2",
pages = "163-170",
doi = "10.5937/ZasMat1702163S"
Šetrajčić, N., Jaćimovski, S.,& Šetrajčić, J. P.. (2017). Heat exchange through composite walls. in Zaštita materijala
Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd., 58(2), 163-170.
Šetrajčić N, Jaćimovski S, Šetrajčić JP. Heat exchange through composite walls. in Zaštita materijala. 2017;58(2):163-170.
doi:10.5937/ZasMat1702163S .
Šetrajčić, Nataša, Jaćimovski, Stevo, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., "Heat exchange through composite walls" in Zaštita materijala, 58, no. 2 (2017):163-170, . .

Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Vučenović, Siniša M.

(Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, 2017)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Vučenović, Siniša M.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Instead of usual approach, applying displacement-displacement Green's functions, the momentum-momentum Green's functions will be used to calculate the diffusion tensor. With this type of Green's function we have calculated and analyzed dispersion law in film-structures. A small number of phonon energy levels along the direction of boundary surfaces joint of the film are discrete-ones and in this case standing waves could occur. This is consequence of quantum size effects. These Green's functions enter into Kubo's formula defining diffusion properties of the system and possible heat transfer direction through observed structures. Calculation of the diffusion tensor for phonons in film structure requires solving of the system of difference equations. Boundary conditions are included into mentioned system through the Hamiltonian of the film-structure. It has been shown that the diagonal elements of the diffusion tensor express discrete behavior of the dispersion law of elementary excitations. More important result is that they are temperature independent and that their values are much higher comparing with bulk structures. This result favors better heat conduction of the film, but in direction which is perpendicular to boundary film surface. In the same time this significantly favors appearance 2D superconducting surfaces inside the ultra-thin crystal structure, which are parallel to the boundary surface.
PB  - Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam
T2  - Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
T1  - Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films
VL  - 486
SP  - 839
EP  - 848
DO  - 10.1016/j.physa.2017.06.003
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Vučenović, Siniša M.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Instead of usual approach, applying displacement-displacement Green's functions, the momentum-momentum Green's functions will be used to calculate the diffusion tensor. With this type of Green's function we have calculated and analyzed dispersion law in film-structures. A small number of phonon energy levels along the direction of boundary surfaces joint of the film are discrete-ones and in this case standing waves could occur. This is consequence of quantum size effects. These Green's functions enter into Kubo's formula defining diffusion properties of the system and possible heat transfer direction through observed structures. Calculation of the diffusion tensor for phonons in film structure requires solving of the system of difference equations. Boundary conditions are included into mentioned system through the Hamiltonian of the film-structure. It has been shown that the diagonal elements of the diffusion tensor express discrete behavior of the dispersion law of elementary excitations. More important result is that they are temperature independent and that their values are much higher comparing with bulk structures. This result favors better heat conduction of the film, but in direction which is perpendicular to boundary film surface. In the same time this significantly favors appearance 2D superconducting surfaces inside the ultra-thin crystal structure, which are parallel to the boundary surface.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam",
journal = "Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications",
title = "Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films",
volume = "486",
pages = "839-848",
doi = "10.1016/j.physa.2017.06.003"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, S.,& Vučenović, S. M.. (2017). Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 486, 839-848.
Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S, Vučenović SM. Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications. 2017;486:839-848.
doi:10.1016/j.physa.2017.06.003 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Vučenović, Siniša M., "Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films" in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications, 486 (2017):839-848, . .

Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Vučenović, Siniša M.

(Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, 2017)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Vučenović, Siniša M.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Instead of usual approach, applying displacement-displacement Green's functions, the momentum-momentum Green's functions will be used to calculate the diffusion tensor. With this type of Green's function we have calculated and analyzed dispersion law in film-structures. A small number of phonon energy levels along the direction of boundary surfaces joint of the film are discrete-ones and in this case standing waves could occur. This is consequence of quantum size effects. These Green's functions enter into Kubo's formula defining diffusion properties of the system and possible heat transfer direction through observed structures. Calculation of the diffusion tensor for phonons in film structure requires solving of the system of difference equations. Boundary conditions are included into mentioned system through the Hamiltonian of the film-structure. It has been shown that the diagonal elements of the diffusion tensor express discrete behavior of the dispersion law of elementary excitations. More important result is that they are temperature independent and that their values are much higher comparing with bulk structures. This result favors better heat conduction of the film, but in direction which is perpendicular to boundary film surface. In the same time this significantly favors appearance 2D superconducting surfaces inside the ultra-thin crystal structure, which are parallel to the boundary surface.
PB  - Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam
T2  - Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
T1  - Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films
VL  - 486
SP  - 839
EP  - 848
DO  - 10.1016/j.physa.2017.06.003
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Vučenović, Siniša M.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Instead of usual approach, applying displacement-displacement Green's functions, the momentum-momentum Green's functions will be used to calculate the diffusion tensor. With this type of Green's function we have calculated and analyzed dispersion law in film-structures. A small number of phonon energy levels along the direction of boundary surfaces joint of the film are discrete-ones and in this case standing waves could occur. This is consequence of quantum size effects. These Green's functions enter into Kubo's formula defining diffusion properties of the system and possible heat transfer direction through observed structures. Calculation of the diffusion tensor for phonons in film structure requires solving of the system of difference equations. Boundary conditions are included into mentioned system through the Hamiltonian of the film-structure. It has been shown that the diagonal elements of the diffusion tensor express discrete behavior of the dispersion law of elementary excitations. More important result is that they are temperature independent and that their values are much higher comparing with bulk structures. This result favors better heat conduction of the film, but in direction which is perpendicular to boundary film surface. In the same time this significantly favors appearance 2D superconducting surfaces inside the ultra-thin crystal structure, which are parallel to the boundary surface.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam",
journal = "Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications",
title = "Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films",
volume = "486",
pages = "839-848",
doi = "10.1016/j.physa.2017.06.003"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, S.,& Vučenović, S. M.. (2017). Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 486, 839-848.
Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S, Vučenović SM. Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films. in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications. 2017;486:839-848.
doi:10.1016/j.physa.2017.06.003 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Vučenović, Siniša M., "Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films" in Physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications, 486 (2017):839-848, . .

Different regions of exciton localized states in ultrathin dielectric films

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo

(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, 2017)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the results of research conducted in the field of confinement effects in ultrathin dielectric films. Method of choice is the method of Green's functions which proved to be a very powerful tool for theoretical research in solid state physics. Among many other properties of materials, such as optical, conductive, etc. with this method it is possible to obtain critical values of boundary parameters corresponding to all transitions from bulk to localized exciton states. This research is valid for four layered crystalline film, since that type of ultrathin structure was the object of research. Conditions for occurrence of one, two, three, or even four localized states have been found and analyzed and regions with equal number of localized states have been defined. This corresponds to the process of reconstruction of the energy spectra of excitons in quasi 2D nanostructures with respect to those in corresponding bulk-structures.
PB  - Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
T2  - Journal of physics and chemistry of solids
T1  - Different regions of exciton localized states in ultrathin dielectric films
VL  - 105
SP  - 1
EP  - 8
DO  - 10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.02.001
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This paper presents the results of research conducted in the field of confinement effects in ultrathin dielectric films. Method of choice is the method of Green's functions which proved to be a very powerful tool for theoretical research in solid state physics. Among many other properties of materials, such as optical, conductive, etc. with this method it is possible to obtain critical values of boundary parameters corresponding to all transitions from bulk to localized exciton states. This research is valid for four layered crystalline film, since that type of ultrathin structure was the object of research. Conditions for occurrence of one, two, three, or even four localized states have been found and analyzed and regions with equal number of localized states have been defined. This corresponds to the process of reconstruction of the energy spectra of excitons in quasi 2D nanostructures with respect to those in corresponding bulk-structures.",
publisher = "Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford",
journal = "Journal of physics and chemistry of solids",
title = "Different regions of exciton localized states in ultrathin dielectric films",
volume = "105",
pages = "1-8",
doi = "10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.02.001"
Šetrajčić, J. P.,& Jaćimovski, S.. (2017). Different regions of exciton localized states in ultrathin dielectric films. in Journal of physics and chemistry of solids
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford., 105, 1-8.
Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S. Different regions of exciton localized states in ultrathin dielectric films. in Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 2017;105:1-8.
doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.02.001 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, "Different regions of exciton localized states in ultrathin dielectric films" in Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 105 (2017):1-8, . .

Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Miladinović, Slobodan; Radovanović, Radovan

(Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia, 2016)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Miladinović, Slobodan
AU  - Radovanović, Radovan
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The environmental situation related to the thermal power basin of Kostolac for the most part represents the result of the influence of the thermal power plants (TPPs) of Kostolac A, Kostolac B, and the open-pit lignite mine. The quality of air is monitored by continuously measuring concentrations of the overall precipitation matters and gases such as CO2, SO2, NOx, CO, and O-3. Values significantly exceeding the legal limits have been found for pollutants in the surroundings of the TPPs Kostolac A and B and in the direction of dominant winds. The paper analyzes the impact of different scenarios of emission of harmful matters from the blocks of TPPs Kostolac A and B on the quality of air in this part of Serbia. The Gaussian model has been used to evaluate dispersion of gas substances and suspended particulates as well as parameters related to the surroundings. Calculations have been made relating to ground-level concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and suspended particles at varying distances from the emission source.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia
T2  - Human and ecological risk assessment
T1  - Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)
VL  - 22
IS  - 5
SP  - 1208
EP  - 1223
DO  - 10.1080/10807039.2016.1151347
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Miladinović, Slobodan and Radovanović, Radovan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The environmental situation related to the thermal power basin of Kostolac for the most part represents the result of the influence of the thermal power plants (TPPs) of Kostolac A, Kostolac B, and the open-pit lignite mine. The quality of air is monitored by continuously measuring concentrations of the overall precipitation matters and gases such as CO2, SO2, NOx, CO, and O-3. Values significantly exceeding the legal limits have been found for pollutants in the surroundings of the TPPs Kostolac A and B and in the direction of dominant winds. The paper analyzes the impact of different scenarios of emission of harmful matters from the blocks of TPPs Kostolac A and B on the quality of air in this part of Serbia. The Gaussian model has been used to evaluate dispersion of gas substances and suspended particulates as well as parameters related to the surroundings. Calculations have been made relating to ground-level concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and suspended particles at varying distances from the emission source.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia",
journal = "Human and ecological risk assessment",
title = "Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)",
volume = "22",
number = "5",
pages = "1208-1223",
doi = "10.1080/10807039.2016.1151347"
Jaćimovski, S., Miladinović, S.,& Radovanović, R.. (2016). Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia). in Human and ecological risk assessment
Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia., 22(5), 1208-1223.
Jaćimovski S, Miladinović S, Radovanović R. Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia). in Human and ecological risk assessment. 2016;22(5):1208-1223.
doi:10.1080/10807039.2016.1151347 .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Miladinović, Slobodan, Radovanović, Radovan, "Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)" in Human and ecological risk assessment, 22, no. 5 (2016):1208-1223, . .

Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Miladinović, Slobodan; Radovanović, Radovan

(Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia, 2016)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Miladinović, Slobodan
AU  - Radovanović, Radovan
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The environmental situation related to the thermal power basin of Kostolac for the most part represents the result of the influence of the thermal power plants (TPPs) of Kostolac A, Kostolac B, and the open-pit lignite mine. The quality of air is monitored by continuously measuring concentrations of the overall precipitation matters and gases such as CO2, SO2, NOx, CO, and O-3. Values significantly exceeding the legal limits have been found for pollutants in the surroundings of the TPPs Kostolac A and B and in the direction of dominant winds. The paper analyzes the impact of different scenarios of emission of harmful matters from the blocks of TPPs Kostolac A and B on the quality of air in this part of Serbia. The Gaussian model has been used to evaluate dispersion of gas substances and suspended particulates as well as parameters related to the surroundings. Calculations have been made relating to ground-level concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and suspended particles at varying distances from the emission source.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia
T2  - Human and ecological risk assessment
T1  - Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)
VL  - 22
IS  - 5
SP  - 1208
EP  - 1223
DO  - 10.1080/10807039.2016.1151347
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Miladinović, Slobodan and Radovanović, Radovan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The environmental situation related to the thermal power basin of Kostolac for the most part represents the result of the influence of the thermal power plants (TPPs) of Kostolac A, Kostolac B, and the open-pit lignite mine. The quality of air is monitored by continuously measuring concentrations of the overall precipitation matters and gases such as CO2, SO2, NOx, CO, and O-3. Values significantly exceeding the legal limits have been found for pollutants in the surroundings of the TPPs Kostolac A and B and in the direction of dominant winds. The paper analyzes the impact of different scenarios of emission of harmful matters from the blocks of TPPs Kostolac A and B on the quality of air in this part of Serbia. The Gaussian model has been used to evaluate dispersion of gas substances and suspended particulates as well as parameters related to the surroundings. Calculations have been made relating to ground-level concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and suspended particles at varying distances from the emission source.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia",
journal = "Human and ecological risk assessment",
title = "Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)",
volume = "22",
number = "5",
pages = "1208-1223",
doi = "10.1080/10807039.2016.1151347"
Jaćimovski, S., Miladinović, S.,& Radovanović, R.. (2016). Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia). in Human and ecological risk assessment
Taylor & Francis Inc, Philadelphia., 22(5), 1208-1223.
Jaćimovski S, Miladinović S, Radovanović R. Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia). in Human and ecological risk assessment. 2016;22(5):1208-1223.
doi:10.1080/10807039.2016.1151347 .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Miladinović, Slobodan, Radovanović, Radovan, "Analysis of the emission of SO2, NOx, and suspended particles from the thermal power plants Kostolac (Serbia)" in Human and ecological risk assessment, 22, no. 5 (2016):1208-1223, . .

Possible states of charge carriers in thin multilayered superconductive ceramics

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Vučenović, Siniša M.; Jaćimovski, Stevo

(Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Vučenović, Siniša M.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This paper analyzes behavior (spectra and states) of the elementary charge carriers in anisotropic perovskite structures, such as modern superconducting ceramics. Translational symmetry of the atom (ion) distribution of the electron (or hole) system is broken by atomic/ionic/molecular sputtering and doping, as well as due to existence of two boundary surfaces. This is a charge carrier's model of high-temperature superconductors in which the observed symmetry breaking orthogonal to CuO planes was treated as a perturbation. The single-particle fermion's wave functions and the possible energies of charge carriers were determined.
AB  - U radu je analizirano ponašanje (spektri i stanja) elementarnih nosilaca naelektrisanja u anizotropnim perovskitnim strukturama, kakve su savremene superprovodne keramike. Translaciona simetrija atomskih (jonskih) rasporeda sistema elektrona (ili šupljina) je narušena atomskim/jonskim/molekulskim rasprašivanjem (spaterovanjem) i dopiranjem, kao i postojanjem dveju graničnih površi. Ovo je model nosilaca naelektrisanja kod visoko-temperaturskih superprovodnika u kojem se posmatrano narušenje simetrije normalno na CuO ravni tretira kao perturbacija. Određene su jedno-čestične fermionske talasne funkcije i mogu e energije nosilaca naelektrisanja.
PB  - Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd
T2  - Zaštita materijala
T1  - Possible states of charge carriers in thin multilayered superconductive ceramics
T1  - Moguća stanja nosilaca naelektrisanja u tankim višeslojnim superprovodnim keramikama
VL  - 57
IS  - 2
SP  - 239
EP  - 243
DO  - 10.5937/ZasMat1602239S
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Vučenović, Siniša M. and Jaćimovski, Stevo",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper analyzes behavior (spectra and states) of the elementary charge carriers in anisotropic perovskite structures, such as modern superconducting ceramics. Translational symmetry of the atom (ion) distribution of the electron (or hole) system is broken by atomic/ionic/molecular sputtering and doping, as well as due to existence of two boundary surfaces. This is a charge carrier's model of high-temperature superconductors in which the observed symmetry breaking orthogonal to CuO planes was treated as a perturbation. The single-particle fermion's wave functions and the possible energies of charge carriers were determined., U radu je analizirano ponašanje (spektri i stanja) elementarnih nosilaca naelektrisanja u anizotropnim perovskitnim strukturama, kakve su savremene superprovodne keramike. Translaciona simetrija atomskih (jonskih) rasporeda sistema elektrona (ili šupljina) je narušena atomskim/jonskim/molekulskim rasprašivanjem (spaterovanjem) i dopiranjem, kao i postojanjem dveju graničnih površi. Ovo je model nosilaca naelektrisanja kod visoko-temperaturskih superprovodnika u kojem se posmatrano narušenje simetrije normalno na CuO ravni tretira kao perturbacija. Određene su jedno-čestične fermionske talasne funkcije i mogu e energije nosilaca naelektrisanja.",
publisher = "Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd",
journal = "Zaštita materijala",
title = "Possible states of charge carriers in thin multilayered superconductive ceramics, Moguća stanja nosilaca naelektrisanja u tankim višeslojnim superprovodnim keramikama",
volume = "57",
number = "2",
pages = "239-243",
doi = "10.5937/ZasMat1602239S"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Vučenović, S. M.,& Jaćimovski, S.. (2016). Possible states of charge carriers in thin multilayered superconductive ceramics. in Zaštita materijala
Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd., 57(2), 239-243.
Šetrajčić JP, Vučenović SM, Jaćimovski S. Possible states of charge carriers in thin multilayered superconductive ceramics. in Zaštita materijala. 2016;57(2):239-243.
doi:10.5937/ZasMat1602239S .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Vučenović, Siniša M., Jaćimovski, Stevo, "Possible states of charge carriers in thin multilayered superconductive ceramics" in Zaštita materijala, 57, no. 2 (2016):239-243, . .

Fundamental Preferences of the Phonon Engineering for Nanostructural Samples

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.; Jaćimovski, Stevo

(Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia, 2016)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Application of nano-structures requires a knowledge of their fundamental physical (mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, etc.) characteristics. Thermodynamic properties associated with phonon displacements through the nano-samples are particularly interesting. Independent of the type of lattices, the thermodynamics of their subsystems (electrons, excitons, spin waves, etc.) is determined when the subsystem is in thermodynamic equilibrium with phonons. Phonons are collective mechanical oscillations of molecules or atoms and represent the most important system of excitations. Besides, the acoustical characteristics as well as conductive and superconductive properties etc. could not be realistically explained without phonons. All quoted is well known and all applications of phonons in bulk structures have been intensively exploited for more than a century. The fact which must be especially pointed out is that the role of phonons in nanostructures is much more impressive than in bulk structures. The main fact concerning phonon properties in nanostructures is the absence of the so-called acoustic phonons, i.e., phonons whose energy tends to zero when phonon momentum tends to zero. For the exciting of phonons in nanostructures activation energy different from zero is necessary. These unexpected characteristics require revision of all conclusions obtained by bulk theories of phonons. Therefore, the contribution of phonon subsystems to thermodynamic and energy transfering analysis is the first step in a research of nanostructure properties. This paper describes a major aspect of the effort to understand nanostructures, namely the study of phonons and phonon-mediated effects in structures with nanoscale dimensional confinement in one or more spatial dimensions. During the last two decades, there has been a steady effort to understand the optical and acoustic phonons in nanostructures such as the superlattice, quantum wires, nanotubes and quantum dots. The central theme of this paper is the description of the acoustic phonons of the optical type in these nanostructures. As a preliminary to describing the dispersion relations and mode structures for phonons in nanostructures, phonon amplitudes are quantized in terms of the harmonic oscillator approximation, and anharmonic effects leading to phonon decay are described in terms of the dominant phonon decay channels. These elastic and discontinued models are applied to describe the deformation potential and interactions in a variety of nanostructures. Dependence of energy on the wave vector is highly nonlinear and linear approximation of the laws of dispersion of phonons in small size nanostructures makes no sense. Changing the phonon dispersion law due to confinement severely affects the kinetic effects conditioned by the interaction of acoustic phonons with electrons, dotted defects, phonon-phonon interactions. Managing transport properties of acoustic phonons through the modification of their energy spectrum in nanostructures was named phonon engineering. In this paper we will try to observe the difference between the characteristics of different nano-crystalline structures: ultrathin films, composite films, i.e., superlattices, nanorods and quantum dots, we were interested in whether the quantum size effects (quantum confinement), quantum (de) coherence and influence of boundary conditions, strengthen or weaken in nanosamples. Finally, this paper describes how the dimensional confinement of phonons in nanostructures leads to modifications in the electronic, optical, acoustic, superconducting and thermodynamic properties of quantum. Thermal properties of nanostructures have recently attracted a lot of attention. The influence of size effects on thermal conductivity is becoming extremely important for device design and reliability. The problem of thermal management is even more severe for photonic devices such as vertical cavity surface emitting lasers. On the other hand, to improve performance of thermoelectrics, one needs to achieve low thermal conductivity. These are two contradictory demands, but both can be approached with appropriate modification of phonon modes, e.g., phonon engineering. On the basis of the calculated dispersion law and distribution of phonon states in nanoscopis crystals, free energy and entropy will be calculated. Internal energy as well as heat capacitance will also be analyzed. Low-temperature behavior of these quantities will be compared to the corresponding ones of bulk-structures. It was shown that heat capacitances of nano-layered structures in low-temperature region were higher than the same quantities of the corresponding bulk sample. In the middle and the highest temperature region, temperature behavior was inverse: heat capacitance of layered structures was lower than of the corresponding bulk ones. The consequences were discussed with relation to the better superconductive properties of nanomaterials.
PB  - Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia
T2  - Reviews in theoretical science
T1  - Fundamental Preferences of the Phonon Engineering for Nanostructural Samples
VL  - 4
IS  - 4
SP  - 353
EP  - 401
DO  - 10.1166/rits.2016.1067
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Sajfert, Vjekoslav D. and Jaćimovski, Stevo",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Application of nano-structures requires a knowledge of their fundamental physical (mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, etc.) characteristics. Thermodynamic properties associated with phonon displacements through the nano-samples are particularly interesting. Independent of the type of lattices, the thermodynamics of their subsystems (electrons, excitons, spin waves, etc.) is determined when the subsystem is in thermodynamic equilibrium with phonons. Phonons are collective mechanical oscillations of molecules or atoms and represent the most important system of excitations. Besides, the acoustical characteristics as well as conductive and superconductive properties etc. could not be realistically explained without phonons. All quoted is well known and all applications of phonons in bulk structures have been intensively exploited for more than a century. The fact which must be especially pointed out is that the role of phonons in nanostructures is much more impressive than in bulk structures. The main fact concerning phonon properties in nanostructures is the absence of the so-called acoustic phonons, i.e., phonons whose energy tends to zero when phonon momentum tends to zero. For the exciting of phonons in nanostructures activation energy different from zero is necessary. These unexpected characteristics require revision of all conclusions obtained by bulk theories of phonons. Therefore, the contribution of phonon subsystems to thermodynamic and energy transfering analysis is the first step in a research of nanostructure properties. This paper describes a major aspect of the effort to understand nanostructures, namely the study of phonons and phonon-mediated effects in structures with nanoscale dimensional confinement in one or more spatial dimensions. During the last two decades, there has been a steady effort to understand the optical and acoustic phonons in nanostructures such as the superlattice, quantum wires, nanotubes and quantum dots. The central theme of this paper is the description of the acoustic phonons of the optical type in these nanostructures. As a preliminary to describing the dispersion relations and mode structures for phonons in nanostructures, phonon amplitudes are quantized in terms of the harmonic oscillator approximation, and anharmonic effects leading to phonon decay are described in terms of the dominant phonon decay channels. These elastic and discontinued models are applied to describe the deformation potential and interactions in a variety of nanostructures. Dependence of energy on the wave vector is highly nonlinear and linear approximation of the laws of dispersion of phonons in small size nanostructures makes no sense. Changing the phonon dispersion law due to confinement severely affects the kinetic effects conditioned by the interaction of acoustic phonons with electrons, dotted defects, phonon-phonon interactions. Managing transport properties of acoustic phonons through the modification of their energy spectrum in nanostructures was named phonon engineering. In this paper we will try to observe the difference between the characteristics of different nano-crystalline structures: ultrathin films, composite films, i.e., superlattices, nanorods and quantum dots, we were interested in whether the quantum size effects (quantum confinement), quantum (de) coherence and influence of boundary conditions, strengthen or weaken in nanosamples. Finally, this paper describes how the dimensional confinement of phonons in nanostructures leads to modifications in the electronic, optical, acoustic, superconducting and thermodynamic properties of quantum. Thermal properties of nanostructures have recently attracted a lot of attention. The influence of size effects on thermal conductivity is becoming extremely important for device design and reliability. The problem of thermal management is even more severe for photonic devices such as vertical cavity surface emitting lasers. On the other hand, to improve performance of thermoelectrics, one needs to achieve low thermal conductivity. These are two contradictory demands, but both can be approached with appropriate modification of phonon modes, e.g., phonon engineering. On the basis of the calculated dispersion law and distribution of phonon states in nanoscopis crystals, free energy and entropy will be calculated. Internal energy as well as heat capacitance will also be analyzed. Low-temperature behavior of these quantities will be compared to the corresponding ones of bulk-structures. It was shown that heat capacitances of nano-layered structures in low-temperature region were higher than the same quantities of the corresponding bulk sample. In the middle and the highest temperature region, temperature behavior was inverse: heat capacitance of layered structures was lower than of the corresponding bulk ones. The consequences were discussed with relation to the better superconductive properties of nanomaterials.",
publisher = "Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia",
journal = "Reviews in theoretical science",
title = "Fundamental Preferences of the Phonon Engineering for Nanostructural Samples",
volume = "4",
number = "4",
pages = "353-401",
doi = "10.1166/rits.2016.1067"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Sajfert, V. D.,& Jaćimovski, S.. (2016). Fundamental Preferences of the Phonon Engineering for Nanostructural Samples. in Reviews in theoretical science
Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia., 4(4), 353-401.
Šetrajčić JP, Sajfert VD, Jaćimovski S. Fundamental Preferences of the Phonon Engineering for Nanostructural Samples. in Reviews in theoretical science. 2016;4(4):353-401.
doi:10.1166/rits.2016.1067 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Sajfert, Vjekoslav D., Jaćimovski, Stevo, "Fundamental Preferences of the Phonon Engineering for Nanostructural Samples" in Reviews in theoretical science, 4, no. 4 (2016):353-401, . .

Review of results of theoretical approaches to phonon engineering of thermodynamic properties for different quantum structures

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Application of nano-structures requires a knowledge of their fundamental physical (mechanical, electro-magnetic, optical, etc.) characteristics. Thermodynamic properties associated with phonon displacements through the nanosamples are particularly interesting. Independent of the type of lattices, the thermodynamics of their subsystems (electrons, excitons, spin waves, etc.) is determined when the subsystem is in thermodynamic equilibrium with phonons. Phonons are collective mechanical oscillations of molecules or atoms and represent the most important system of excitations. Besides, the acoustical characteristics as well as conductive and superconductive properties etc. could not be realistically explained without phonons. In this paper we will try to observe the difference between the characteristics of different nano-crystalline structures: ultrathin films, composite films, i.e. superlattices, nanorods and quantum dots, we were interested in whether the quantum size effects (quantum confinement), quantum (de)coherence and influence of boundary conditions, strengthen or weaken in nanosamples. Finally, this paper describes how the dimensional confinement of phonons in nanostructures leads to modifications in the electronic, optical, acoustic, superconducting and thermodynamic properties of quantum. Thermal properties of nanostructures have recently attracted a lot of attention. The influence of size effects on thermal conductivity is becoming extremely important for device design and reliability. On the basis of the calculated dispersion law and distribution of phonon states in nanoscopic crystals, free energy and entropy will be calculated. Internal energy as well as heat capacitance will also be analyzed.
AB  - Primena naostruktura zhteva poznavanje njihovih osnovnih fizičkih (mehaničkih, elektromagnetnih, optičkih, itd.) karakteristika. Termodinamičke osobine su povezane sa ponašanjem fononskog podsistema koji uvek postoji. Fononi su kolektivne mehaničke oscilacije molekula ili atoma kristalne rešetke i predstavljaju najvažniji sistem ekscitacija u ovim strukturama.Nezavisno od tipa kristalne rešetke termodinamika njenih podsistema (elektrona, eksitona, spinskih talasa itd.) je određena kada je odgovarajući podsistem u termodinamičkoj ravnoteži sa fononima. Uloga fonona u nanostrukturama je značajnija nego u tzv. balk strukturama, posebno što je u nanostrukturama (filmovi, superrešetke, žice, tačke) kretanje fonona ograničeno u nekoliko dimenzija. Zbog ograničenosti dimenzija kod nanostruktura se javljaju novi efekti kao što je dimenziono kvantovanje, konfiniranje fonona itd. Uticaj graničnih uslova na zakon disperzije fonona dovodi do promene karakteristika termodinamičkih i transportnih osobina. Dakle, menjanjem graničnih uslova se može uticati na toplotne i transportne osobine ovih struktura, što se danas popularno naziva fononski inženjering. U radu su analizirani i upoređivani toplotni kapaciteti i koficijenti toplotne provodnosti (kao merljive veličine) za razne strukture, kako na niskim tako i na visokim temperaturama, kao i posledice na njihovu praktičnu primenu.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Review of results of theoretical approaches to phonon engineering of thermodynamic properties for different quantum structures
T1  - Pregled rezultata teorijskih pristupa fononskom inženjeringu termodinamičkih osobina različitih kvantnih struktura
VL  - 20
IS  - 3
SP  - 67
EP  - 82
DO  - 10.5937/NBP1503067J
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Šetrajčić, Jovan P.",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Application of nano-structures requires a knowledge of their fundamental physical (mechanical, electro-magnetic, optical, etc.) characteristics. Thermodynamic properties associated with phonon displacements through the nanosamples are particularly interesting. Independent of the type of lattices, the thermodynamics of their subsystems (electrons, excitons, spin waves, etc.) is determined when the subsystem is in thermodynamic equilibrium with phonons. Phonons are collective mechanical oscillations of molecules or atoms and represent the most important system of excitations. Besides, the acoustical characteristics as well as conductive and superconductive properties etc. could not be realistically explained without phonons. In this paper we will try to observe the difference between the characteristics of different nano-crystalline structures: ultrathin films, composite films, i.e. superlattices, nanorods and quantum dots, we were interested in whether the quantum size effects (quantum confinement), quantum (de)coherence and influence of boundary conditions, strengthen or weaken in nanosamples. Finally, this paper describes how the dimensional confinement of phonons in nanostructures leads to modifications in the electronic, optical, acoustic, superconducting and thermodynamic properties of quantum. Thermal properties of nanostructures have recently attracted a lot of attention. The influence of size effects on thermal conductivity is becoming extremely important for device design and reliability. On the basis of the calculated dispersion law and distribution of phonon states in nanoscopic crystals, free energy and entropy will be calculated. Internal energy as well as heat capacitance will also be analyzed., Primena naostruktura zhteva poznavanje njihovih osnovnih fizičkih (mehaničkih, elektromagnetnih, optičkih, itd.) karakteristika. Termodinamičke osobine su povezane sa ponašanjem fononskog podsistema koji uvek postoji. Fononi su kolektivne mehaničke oscilacije molekula ili atoma kristalne rešetke i predstavljaju najvažniji sistem ekscitacija u ovim strukturama.Nezavisno od tipa kristalne rešetke termodinamika njenih podsistema (elektrona, eksitona, spinskih talasa itd.) je određena kada je odgovarajući podsistem u termodinamičkoj ravnoteži sa fononima. Uloga fonona u nanostrukturama je značajnija nego u tzv. balk strukturama, posebno što je u nanostrukturama (filmovi, superrešetke, žice, tačke) kretanje fonona ograničeno u nekoliko dimenzija. Zbog ograničenosti dimenzija kod nanostruktura se javljaju novi efekti kao što je dimenziono kvantovanje, konfiniranje fonona itd. Uticaj graničnih uslova na zakon disperzije fonona dovodi do promene karakteristika termodinamičkih i transportnih osobina. Dakle, menjanjem graničnih uslova se može uticati na toplotne i transportne osobine ovih struktura, što se danas popularno naziva fononski inženjering. U radu su analizirani i upoređivani toplotni kapaciteti i koficijenti toplotne provodnosti (kao merljive veličine) za razne strukture, kako na niskim tako i na visokim temperaturama, kao i posledice na njihovu praktičnu primenu.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Review of results of theoretical approaches to phonon engineering of thermodynamic properties for different quantum structures, Pregled rezultata teorijskih pristupa fononskom inženjeringu termodinamičkih osobina različitih kvantnih struktura",
volume = "20",
number = "3",
pages = "67-82",
doi = "10.5937/NBP1503067J"
Jaćimovski, S.,& Šetrajčić, J. P.. (2015). Review of results of theoretical approaches to phonon engineering of thermodynamic properties for different quantum structures. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 20(3), 67-82.
Jaćimovski S, Šetrajčić JP. Review of results of theoretical approaches to phonon engineering of thermodynamic properties for different quantum structures. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2015;20(3):67-82.
doi:10.5937/NBP1503067J .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., "Review of results of theoretical approaches to phonon engineering of thermodynamic properties for different quantum structures" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 20, no. 3 (2015):67-82, . .

Phonon thermal conductivity of graphene

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Bukurov, Masa; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Raković, Dejan

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2015)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Bukurov, Masa
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Raković, Dejan
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The study of graphene thermal conductivity is of great importance, as its anomalous thermal and electrical conductivities (the largest among the all known materials so far) provide very good perspectives for graphene-based nanoelectronics devices. Thermal conductivity of graphene is phonon-based, since its electronic-based thermal conductivity represents less than 1% of the total thermal conductivity at room temperature. For the consideration of the thermal conductivity of graphene the Boltzmann equation in the approximation of relaxation time is used. The relaxation time is determined, with three mechanisms of phonon scattering accounted simultaneously: at defects, at borders, and on phonons. Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity is determined numerically in the range from 15 K to 400 K. The results obtained are in accordance with some other available results found in literature, obtained either experimentally or by numerical calculations.
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Superlattices and microstructures
T1  - Phonon thermal conductivity of graphene
VL  - 88
SP  - 330
EP  - 337
DO  - 10.1016/j.spmi.2015.09.027
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Bukurov, Masa and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Raković, Dejan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The study of graphene thermal conductivity is of great importance, as its anomalous thermal and electrical conductivities (the largest among the all known materials so far) provide very good perspectives for graphene-based nanoelectronics devices. Thermal conductivity of graphene is phonon-based, since its electronic-based thermal conductivity represents less than 1% of the total thermal conductivity at room temperature. For the consideration of the thermal conductivity of graphene the Boltzmann equation in the approximation of relaxation time is used. The relaxation time is determined, with three mechanisms of phonon scattering accounted simultaneously: at defects, at borders, and on phonons. Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity is determined numerically in the range from 15 K to 400 K. The results obtained are in accordance with some other available results found in literature, obtained either experimentally or by numerical calculations.",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Superlattices and microstructures",
title = "Phonon thermal conductivity of graphene",
volume = "88",
pages = "330-337",
doi = "10.1016/j.spmi.2015.09.027"
Jaćimovski, S., Bukurov, M., Šetrajčić, J. P.,& Raković, D.. (2015). Phonon thermal conductivity of graphene. in Superlattices and microstructures
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London., 88, 330-337.
Jaćimovski S, Bukurov M, Šetrajčić JP, Raković D. Phonon thermal conductivity of graphene. in Superlattices and microstructures. 2015;88:330-337.
doi:10.1016/j.spmi.2015.09.027 .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Bukurov, Masa, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Raković, Dejan, "Phonon thermal conductivity of graphene" in Superlattices and microstructures, 88 (2015):330-337, . .

Phonon contribution to heat capacitance of nanolayered crystalline structures

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.

(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2015)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents the innovated method of two-time dependent Green's functions applied to the bounded and translational perturbed systems. Film-structures and super-lattices were analyzed by employing the phonon spectra for the calculation of relevant thermodynamic characteristics. Free energy and the internal energy of the system were found as well as the temperature behavior of layered structures. Heat capacitances of these nanostructures were compared to bulk ones. It was shown that heat capacitances of nanolayered structures in low-temperature region were higher than the same quantities of the corresponding bulk sample. In the middle and the highest temperature region, temperature behavior was inverse: heat capacitance of layered structures was lower than of the corresponding bulk ones. The consequences were discussed with relation to the ( super) conductive properties of nanomaterials.
PB  - World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore
T2  - Modern physics letters B
T1  - Phonon contribution to heat capacitance of nanolayered crystalline structures
VL  - 29
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.1142/S0217984915500086
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The paper presents the innovated method of two-time dependent Green's functions applied to the bounded and translational perturbed systems. Film-structures and super-lattices were analyzed by employing the phonon spectra for the calculation of relevant thermodynamic characteristics. Free energy and the internal energy of the system were found as well as the temperature behavior of layered structures. Heat capacitances of these nanostructures were compared to bulk ones. It was shown that heat capacitances of nanolayered structures in low-temperature region were higher than the same quantities of the corresponding bulk sample. In the middle and the highest temperature region, temperature behavior was inverse: heat capacitance of layered structures was lower than of the corresponding bulk ones. The consequences were discussed with relation to the ( super) conductive properties of nanomaterials.",
publisher = "World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore",
journal = "Modern physics letters B",
title = "Phonon contribution to heat capacitance of nanolayered crystalline structures",
volume = "29",
number = "4",
doi = "10.1142/S0217984915500086"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, S.,& Sajfert, V. D.. (2015). Phonon contribution to heat capacitance of nanolayered crystalline structures. in Modern physics letters B
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore., 29(4).
Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S, Sajfert VD. Phonon contribution to heat capacitance of nanolayered crystalline structures. in Modern physics letters B. 2015;29(4).
doi:10.1142/S0217984915500086 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Sajfert, Vjekoslav D., "Phonon contribution to heat capacitance of nanolayered crystalline structures" in Modern physics letters B, 29, no. 4 (2015), . .

Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Ultrathin Ceramic Films

Jaćimovski, S. K.; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, M. S.; Stojanović, V. V.

(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw, 2014)

AU  - Jaćimovski, S. K.
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, M. S.
AU  - Stojanović, V. V.
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The dispersion law, density states of phonons, thermodynamics properties and thermal conductivity was analyzed in this paper. It has been shown that at low temperatures, thermal conductivity of thin film is considerably lower that of bulk-structure. It turned out that phonons in thin film require activation energy for exciting. This leads to extremely low specific heat and specific conductivity at low temperatures. Consequences of quoted facts were discussed in detail and their influence on kinetic and thermodynamic properties of thin films is estimated.
PB  - Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw
T2  - Acta physica polonica A
T1  - Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Ultrathin Ceramic Films
VL  - 126
IS  - 3
SP  - 811
EP  - 819
DO  - 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.811
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, S. K. and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, M. S. and Stojanović, V. V.",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The dispersion law, density states of phonons, thermodynamics properties and thermal conductivity was analyzed in this paper. It has been shown that at low temperatures, thermal conductivity of thin film is considerably lower that of bulk-structure. It turned out that phonons in thin film require activation energy for exciting. This leads to extremely low specific heat and specific conductivity at low temperatures. Consequences of quoted facts were discussed in detail and their influence on kinetic and thermodynamic properties of thin films is estimated.",
publisher = "Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw",
journal = "Acta physica polonica A",
title = "Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Ultrathin Ceramic Films",
volume = "126",
number = "3",
pages = "811-819",
doi = "10.12693/APhysPolA.126.811"
Jaćimovski, S. K., Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, M. S.,& Stojanović, V. V.. (2014). Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Ultrathin Ceramic Films. in Acta physica polonica A
Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, Warsaw., 126(3), 811-819.
Jaćimovski SK, Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski MS, Stojanović VV. Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Ultrathin Ceramic Films. in Acta physica polonica A. 2014;126(3):811-819.
doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.126.811 .
Jaćimovski, S. K., Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, M. S., Stojanović, V. V., "Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Ultrathin Ceramic Films" in Acta physica polonica A, 126, no. 3 (2014):811-819, . .

Specific quantum mechanical solution of difference equation of hyperbolic type

Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.; Šetrajčić, Igor J.

(Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam, 2014)

AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.
AU  - Šetrajčić, Igor J.
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Difficulties connected to solving difference equations of hyperbolic type were analyzed in this work and discussed in detail. The results are compared to those of the standard wave equation and certain similarities were established. The method of solving the equation is generalized by means of kernel expanded into separable polynomials. The analysis was inspired by some new ideas concerning quantization of time. Two examples are given: excitons and phonons in thin crystalline films. The advanced methodology of Green's function method and the application of this new methodology resulted in a set of interesting conclusions concerning thin film properties. The significance of the obtained spatial dependence of exciton concentration was discussed and it was concluded, on the basis of the found spatial dependence of exciton concentration, that such boundary conditions of a thin molecular film which lead to high exciton concentrations can be determined. It was also concluded that thin films possess high superconductive properties, that physical characteristics of thin films are spatially dependent and that the spatial dependence can be the basis for widening the field of application of nanostructures.
PB  - Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam
T2  - Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation
T1  - Specific quantum mechanical solution of difference equation of hyperbolic type
VL  - 19
IS  - 5
SP  - 1313
EP  - 1328
DO  - 10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.08.026
ER  - 
author = "Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Sajfert, Vjekoslav D. and Šetrajčić, Igor J.",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Difficulties connected to solving difference equations of hyperbolic type were analyzed in this work and discussed in detail. The results are compared to those of the standard wave equation and certain similarities were established. The method of solving the equation is generalized by means of kernel expanded into separable polynomials. The analysis was inspired by some new ideas concerning quantization of time. Two examples are given: excitons and phonons in thin crystalline films. The advanced methodology of Green's function method and the application of this new methodology resulted in a set of interesting conclusions concerning thin film properties. The significance of the obtained spatial dependence of exciton concentration was discussed and it was concluded, on the basis of the found spatial dependence of exciton concentration, that such boundary conditions of a thin molecular film which lead to high exciton concentrations can be determined. It was also concluded that thin films possess high superconductive properties, that physical characteristics of thin films are spatially dependent and that the spatial dependence can be the basis for widening the field of application of nanostructures.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam",
journal = "Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation",
title = "Specific quantum mechanical solution of difference equation of hyperbolic type",
volume = "19",
number = "5",
pages = "1313-1328",
doi = "10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.08.026"
Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, S., Sajfert, V. D.,& Šetrajčić, I. J.. (2014). Specific quantum mechanical solution of difference equation of hyperbolic type. in Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation
Elsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 19(5), 1313-1328.
Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S, Sajfert VD, Šetrajčić IJ. Specific quantum mechanical solution of difference equation of hyperbolic type. in Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation. 2014;19(5):1313-1328.
doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.08.026 .
Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Sajfert, Vjekoslav D., Šetrajčić, Igor J., "Specific quantum mechanical solution of difference equation of hyperbolic type" in Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 19, no. 5 (2014):1313-1328, . .

Sumanene and its adsorption properties towards CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules

Armaković, Stevan; Armaković, Sanja J.; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Holodkov, Vladimir

(Springer, New York, 2014)

AU  - Armaković, Stevan
AU  - Armaković, Sanja J.
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Holodkov, Vladimir
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Density functional theory calculations were used in the theoretical investigation of the adsorption properties of sumanene towards molecules considered as common air pollutants: CO, CO2 and NH3. The insignificant perturbation of sumanene after adsorption and the adsorption energies obtained indicate a physisorption mechanism. It was shown that, contrary to carbon nanotubes, sumanene is able to adsorb CO molecules, and that adsorption of CO2 by sumanene is stronger than adsorption of CO2 by C-60. To better understand the adsorption characteristics of sumanene, density of states and natural bond order analyses were performed, which showed that chemical interactions exist and that these are more important mostly on the convex side. Better adsorption properties were obtained for the concave side as adsorption is dictated by physisorption mechanisms due to the specific bowl-shaped geometry of sumanene, because of which more negative charge is located precisely on the concave side. Molecular electrostatic potential surfaces were also used in order to better locate the adsorption sites and gain additional details about adsorption.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - Journal of molecular modeling
T1  - Sumanene and its adsorption properties towards CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules
VL  - 20
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.1007/s00894-014-2170-3
ER  - 
author = "Armaković, Stevan and Armaković, Sanja J. and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Holodkov, Vladimir",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Density functional theory calculations were used in the theoretical investigation of the adsorption properties of sumanene towards molecules considered as common air pollutants: CO, CO2 and NH3. The insignificant perturbation of sumanene after adsorption and the adsorption energies obtained indicate a physisorption mechanism. It was shown that, contrary to carbon nanotubes, sumanene is able to adsorb CO molecules, and that adsorption of CO2 by sumanene is stronger than adsorption of CO2 by C-60. To better understand the adsorption characteristics of sumanene, density of states and natural bond order analyses were performed, which showed that chemical interactions exist and that these are more important mostly on the convex side. Better adsorption properties were obtained for the concave side as adsorption is dictated by physisorption mechanisms due to the specific bowl-shaped geometry of sumanene, because of which more negative charge is located precisely on the concave side. Molecular electrostatic potential surfaces were also used in order to better locate the adsorption sites and gain additional details about adsorption.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "Journal of molecular modeling",
title = "Sumanene and its adsorption properties towards CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules",
volume = "20",
number = "4",
doi = "10.1007/s00894-014-2170-3"
Armaković, S., Armaković, S. J., Šetrajčić, J. P., Jaćimovski, S.,& Holodkov, V.. (2014). Sumanene and its adsorption properties towards CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules. in Journal of molecular modeling
Springer, New York., 20(4).
Armaković S, Armaković SJ, Šetrajčić JP, Jaćimovski S, Holodkov V. Sumanene and its adsorption properties towards CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules. in Journal of molecular modeling. 2014;20(4).
doi:10.1007/s00894-014-2170-3 .
Armaković, Stevan, Armaković, Sanja J., Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Holodkov, Vladimir, "Sumanene and its adsorption properties towards CO, CO2 and NH3 molecules" in Journal of molecular modeling, 20, no. 4 (2014), . .

Selective infrared absorption and refraction of symmetrical two-layered molecular nanofilms

Rodić, Dragana; Skipina, Blanka; Pelemis, Svetlana S.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.

(Technical Univ Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 2013)

AU  - Rodić, Dragana
AU  - Skipina, Blanka
AU  - Pelemis, Svetlana S.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - We have supplemented the already formulated microscopic theory of optical properties of very ultrathin molecular films (quantum nanofilms), i.e., quasi 2D systems parallel to XY planes bounded by two surfaces. The exposure of nanofilms to the external electromagnetic fields has resulted in the creation of excitons, but different than bulk ones in one direction perpendicular to surfaces. The analysis of the dielectric response of the system to perturbation of an external electromagnetic field shows that optical properties of these crystalline nanosystems for low exciton concentration of Frenkel's excitons strongly depend on boundary parameters and the thickness of the film. In addition, the dynamical absorption and the refraction coefficient show a very narrow and discrete dependence of external electromagnetic field frequency, which is the consequence of both resonance and quantum size effects. Influences of boundary conditions on optical characteristics (through the analyses of dynamical absorption and refraction indices) of these nanostructures were specially and in details explored. The emission and the luminescence spectrum of the whole film have been analyzed and the results compared to experimental data show very good behavior and very good coordination.
PB  - Technical Univ Wroclaw, Wroclaw
T2  - Optica applicata
T1  - Selective infrared absorption and refraction of symmetrical two-layered molecular nanofilms
VL  - 43
IS  - 4
SP  - 641
EP  - 649
DO  - 10.5277/oa130402
ER  - 
author = "Rodić, Dragana and Skipina, Blanka and Pelemis, Svetlana S. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Šetrajčić, Jovan P.",
year = "2013",
abstract = "We have supplemented the already formulated microscopic theory of optical properties of very ultrathin molecular films (quantum nanofilms), i.e., quasi 2D systems parallel to XY planes bounded by two surfaces. The exposure of nanofilms to the external electromagnetic fields has resulted in the creation of excitons, but different than bulk ones in one direction perpendicular to surfaces. The analysis of the dielectric response of the system to perturbation of an external electromagnetic field shows that optical properties of these crystalline nanosystems for low exciton concentration of Frenkel's excitons strongly depend on boundary parameters and the thickness of the film. In addition, the dynamical absorption and the refraction coefficient show a very narrow and discrete dependence of external electromagnetic field frequency, which is the consequence of both resonance and quantum size effects. Influences of boundary conditions on optical characteristics (through the analyses of dynamical absorption and refraction indices) of these nanostructures were specially and in details explored. The emission and the luminescence spectrum of the whole film have been analyzed and the results compared to experimental data show very good behavior and very good coordination.",
publisher = "Technical Univ Wroclaw, Wroclaw",
journal = "Optica applicata",
title = "Selective infrared absorption and refraction of symmetrical two-layered molecular nanofilms",
volume = "43",
number = "4",
pages = "641-649",
doi = "10.5277/oa130402"
Rodić, D., Skipina, B., Pelemis, S. S., Jaćimovski, S.,& Šetrajčić, J. P.. (2013). Selective infrared absorption and refraction of symmetrical two-layered molecular nanofilms. in Optica applicata
Technical Univ Wroclaw, Wroclaw., 43(4), 641-649.
Rodić D, Skipina B, Pelemis SS, Jaćimovski S, Šetrajčić JP. Selective infrared absorption and refraction of symmetrical two-layered molecular nanofilms. in Optica applicata. 2013;43(4):641-649.
doi:10.5277/oa130402 .
Rodić, Dragana, Skipina, Blanka, Pelemis, Svetlana S., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., "Selective infrared absorption and refraction of symmetrical two-layered molecular nanofilms" in Optica applicata, 43, no. 4 (2013):641-649, . .

Metastable processes in proteins

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.; Raković, Dejan; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.

(Inst Materials Physics, Bucharest, 2012)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.
AU  - Raković, Dejan
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - We have transformed the Scott's model of protein Hamiltonian to metastable form, by means of double coherent unitary transformation. It turned out that in metastable Hamiltonian the number of quasi particles is not conserved due to the forming of pairs of excitations. The energies of pairs are found and their population is quoted. It is interesting that elementary excitations of metastable state behave similarly as excitations of molecular vibration field as well as excitations of electromagnetic field.
PB  - Inst Materials Physics, Bucharest
T2  - Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures
T1  - Metastable processes in proteins
VL  - 7
IS  - 1
SP  - 117
EP  - 122
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Sajfert, Vjekoslav D. and Raković, Dejan and Šetrajčić, Jovan P.",
year = "2012",
abstract = "We have transformed the Scott's model of protein Hamiltonian to metastable form, by means of double coherent unitary transformation. It turned out that in metastable Hamiltonian the number of quasi particles is not conserved due to the forming of pairs of excitations. The energies of pairs are found and their population is quoted. It is interesting that elementary excitations of metastable state behave similarly as excitations of molecular vibration field as well as excitations of electromagnetic field.",
publisher = "Inst Materials Physics, Bucharest",
journal = "Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures",
title = "Metastable processes in proteins",
volume = "7",
number = "1",
pages = "117-122",
url = ""
Jaćimovski, S., Sajfert, V. D., Raković, D.,& Šetrajčić, J. P.. (2012). Metastable processes in proteins. in Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures
Inst Materials Physics, Bucharest., 7(1), 117-122.
Jaćimovski S, Sajfert VD, Raković D, Šetrajčić JP. Metastable processes in proteins. in Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures. 2012;7(1):117-122. .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Sajfert, Vjekoslav D., Raković, Dejan, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., "Metastable processes in proteins" in Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures, 7, no. 1 (2012):117-122, .

Phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films

Jaćimovski, Stevo; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Zorić, Vojkan M.; Raković, Dejan

(Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Zorić, Vojkan M.
AU  - Raković, Dejan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - In this paper we have analyzed phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films, i.e. of low-dimensional structures with dimensional parameters significantly decreased in only one direction. Finding of coefficient of thermal conductivity is achieved by deriving phonon coefficient of diffusion, phonon specific heat and specific density for explored structure. Coefficient of diffusion is derived by applying method of Green functions, using Kubo formula. Then reduced thermal conductivities for film and bulk structures were compared for wider temperature interval. In the last section an influence of changes of heat conductivity on the boundaries is analyzed.
AB  - U radu je analizirana fononska toplotna provodnost u kristalnim filmovima, tj. niskodimenzionim strukturama kod kojih su dimenzioni parametri značajno smanjeni samo u jednom pravcu. Određivanje koeficijenta toplotne provodnosti je vršeno određivanjem koeficijenta difuzije fonona, fononske specifične toplote i masene gustine za datu strukturu. Koeficijent difuzije je naen metodom Grinovih funkcija, korišćenjem Kubo formule. Izvršena su poređenja redukovanih toplotnih provodnosti filma i neprekidnih (balk) struktura za širi temperaturski interval. U poslednjem delu je analiziran uticaj promena na granicama na toplotnu provodnost.
PB  - Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Tehnika
T1  - Phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films
T1  - Fononska toplotna provodnost tankih kristalnih filmova
VL  - 66
IS  - 4
SP  - 533
EP  - 538
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jaćimovski, Stevo and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Zorić, Vojkan M. and Raković, Dejan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "In this paper we have analyzed phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films, i.e. of low-dimensional structures with dimensional parameters significantly decreased in only one direction. Finding of coefficient of thermal conductivity is achieved by deriving phonon coefficient of diffusion, phonon specific heat and specific density for explored structure. Coefficient of diffusion is derived by applying method of Green functions, using Kubo formula. Then reduced thermal conductivities for film and bulk structures were compared for wider temperature interval. In the last section an influence of changes of heat conductivity on the boundaries is analyzed., U radu je analizirana fononska toplotna provodnost u kristalnim filmovima, tj. niskodimenzionim strukturama kod kojih su dimenzioni parametri značajno smanjeni samo u jednom pravcu. Određivanje koeficijenta toplotne provodnosti je vršeno određivanjem koeficijenta difuzije fonona, fononske specifične toplote i masene gustine za datu strukturu. Koeficijent difuzije je naen metodom Grinovih funkcija, korišćenjem Kubo formule. Izvršena su poređenja redukovanih toplotnih provodnosti filma i neprekidnih (balk) struktura za širi temperaturski interval. U poslednjem delu je analiziran uticaj promena na granicama na toplotnu provodnost.",
publisher = "Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Tehnika",
title = "Phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films, Fononska toplotna provodnost tankih kristalnih filmova",
volume = "66",
number = "4",
pages = "533-538",
url = ""
Jaćimovski, S., Šetrajčić, J. P., Zorić, V. M.,& Raković, D.. (2011). Phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films. in Tehnika
Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd., 66(4), 533-538.
Jaćimovski S, Šetrajčić JP, Zorić VM, Raković D. Phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films. in Tehnika. 2011;66(4):533-538. .
Jaćimovski, Stevo, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Zorić, Vojkan M., Raković, Dejan, "Phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films" in Tehnika, 66, no. 4 (2011):533-538, .

Optical Properties of Nanostructures

Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Šetrajčić, Jovan P.; Mašković, Ljiljana; Bednar, Nikola; Pop, Nicolina; Tošić, Bratislav

(Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia, 2011)

AU  - Sajfert, Vjekoslav D.
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Šetrajčić, Jovan P.
AU  - Mašković, Ljiljana
AU  - Bednar, Nikola
AU  - Pop, Nicolina
AU  - Tošić, Bratislav
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - We analyzed linear molecular chain with exciton excitations for the case when number of excitons is not conserved. The results obtained are in some sense amazing. The dispersion law of finite chain is surface depending on two independent angles. The same conclusion is valid for concentrations of exitons and exciton pairs. As it was expectable physical characteristics of the finite chain depend on spatial coordinates. All results are compared to corresponding results of infinite chain.
PB  - Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia
T2  - Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience
T1  - Optical Properties of Nanostructures
VL  - 8
IS  - 11
SP  - 2285
EP  - 2290
DO  - 10.1166/jctn.2011.1957
ER  - 
author = "Sajfert, Vjekoslav D. and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Šetrajčić, Jovan P. and Mašković, Ljiljana and Bednar, Nikola and Pop, Nicolina and Tošić, Bratislav",
year = "2011",
abstract = "We analyzed linear molecular chain with exciton excitations for the case when number of excitons is not conserved. The results obtained are in some sense amazing. The dispersion law of finite chain is surface depending on two independent angles. The same conclusion is valid for concentrations of exitons and exciton pairs. As it was expectable physical characteristics of the finite chain depend on spatial coordinates. All results are compared to corresponding results of infinite chain.",
publisher = "Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia",
journal = "Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience",
title = "Optical Properties of Nanostructures",
volume = "8",
number = "11",
pages = "2285-2290",
doi = "10.1166/jctn.2011.1957"
Sajfert, V. D., Jaćimovski, S., Šetrajčić, J. P., Mašković, L., Bednar, N., Pop, N.,& Tošić, B.. (2011). Optical Properties of Nanostructures. in Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience
Amer Scientific Publishers, Valencia., 8(11), 2285-2290.
Sajfert VD, Jaćimovski S, Šetrajčić JP, Mašković L, Bednar N, Pop N, Tošić B. Optical Properties of Nanostructures. in Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience. 2011;8(11):2285-2290.
doi:10.1166/jctn.2011.1957 .
Sajfert, Vjekoslav D., Jaćimovski, Stevo, Šetrajčić, Jovan P., Mašković, Ljiljana, Bednar, Nikola, Pop, Nicolina, Tošić, Bratislav, "Optical Properties of Nanostructures" in Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience, 8, no. 11 (2011):2285-2290, . .