Vučković, Goran

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Vučković, Goran (39)
  • Вучковић, Горан (2)

Author's Bibliography

Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости

Јанковић, Радивоје; Арлов, Драган; Вучковић, Горан

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2023)

AU  - Јанковић, Радивоје
AU  - Арлов, Драган
AU  - Вучковић, Горан
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu je analiziran način upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje od strane ovlašćenih službenih lica policije (OSL), s naglaskom na adekvatnosti i efikasnosti ovih metoda u situacijama kada su ispunjeni zakonski uslovi, odnosno prilikom sprečavanja napada, otpora, bekstva ili samopovređivanja. Nakon uspostavljanja kvalitetne kontrole upotrebom drugih sredstava prinude, OSL može da odabere da li će sredstva za vezivanje upotrebiti tako da ruke bude vezane ispred ili iza leđa. Pogrešna procena, uz nedovoljan i neodgovarajući nivo kontrole, može da dovede do ponavljanja iste problemske situacije ili do izazivanja novih, uprkos tome što su sredstva za vezivanje upotrebljena. Cilj ovog rada je da pomogne u definisanju procedure prilikom upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje, kako bi se ova sredstva prinude adekvatno upotrebljavala na siguran i bezbedan način i za OSL i za lice prema kome se upotrebljavaju. Odgovarajućim statističkim procedurama je utvrđena značajno manja brzina trčanja s rukama vezanim iza leđa (4,37%) u odnosu na poziciju kada su ruke vezane ispred, odnosno za 5,87% kada su ruke slobodne. Između trčanja sa slobodnim rukama i rukama vezanih ispred tela nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Takođe, zaključeno je da smanjena pokretljivost vezivanjem ruku iza leđa smanjuje mogućnost manipulacije, što omogućava ostvarenje višeg nivoa kvalitetne kontrole i otežava izazivanje novih problemskih situacija.
AB  - In this paper, the method of using restraints by authorized police officers (APO) is analysed, with an emphasis on the adequacy and efficiency of these methods in situations where legal conditions are met, specifically in preventing attacks, resistance, escape, or self-injury. After establishing quality control using other means of force, the APO can choose whether to use the means of restraint so that the hands are tied in front of or behind the back. Misjudgement with an insufficient and inadequate level of control can lead to repetition of problem situations or the emergence of new problem situations, despite the usage of means of restraint. The goal of this paper is to help define the procedure for using means of restraint, so that this means of force can be used adequately, in a safe and secure manner for both the APO and the person on whom the means of restraint are used. The results showed a decrease in running speed with the hands tied behind the back compared to when the hands are tied in the front by 4.37%, and by 5.87% when the hands are free. No significant difference has been found between running speeds with hands free and with hands tied in front of the body. Reduced mobility resulting from tying the hands behind the back allows a higher quality level of control and reduces the possibility of new problem situations occurring.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости
T1  - Use of restraint devices : Procedures and control of mobility
VL  - 65
IS  - 3
SP  - 66
EP  - 82
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2303066J
ER  - 
author = "Јанковић, Радивоје and Арлов, Драган and Вучковић, Горан",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovom radu je analiziran način upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje od strane ovlašćenih službenih lica policije (OSL), s naglaskom na adekvatnosti i efikasnosti ovih metoda u situacijama kada su ispunjeni zakonski uslovi, odnosno prilikom sprečavanja napada, otpora, bekstva ili samopovređivanja. Nakon uspostavljanja kvalitetne kontrole upotrebom drugih sredstava prinude, OSL može da odabere da li će sredstva za vezivanje upotrebiti tako da ruke bude vezane ispred ili iza leđa. Pogrešna procena, uz nedovoljan i neodgovarajući nivo kontrole, može da dovede do ponavljanja iste problemske situacije ili do izazivanja novih, uprkos tome što su sredstva za vezivanje upotrebljena. Cilj ovog rada je da pomogne u definisanju procedure prilikom upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje, kako bi se ova sredstva prinude adekvatno upotrebljavala na siguran i bezbedan način i za OSL i za lice prema kome se upotrebljavaju. Odgovarajućim statističkim procedurama je utvrđena značajno manja brzina trčanja s rukama vezanim iza leđa (4,37%) u odnosu na poziciju kada su ruke vezane ispred, odnosno za 5,87% kada su ruke slobodne. Između trčanja sa slobodnim rukama i rukama vezanih ispred tela nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Takođe, zaključeno je da smanjena pokretljivost vezivanjem ruku iza leđa smanjuje mogućnost manipulacije, što omogućava ostvarenje višeg nivoa kvalitetne kontrole i otežava izazivanje novih problemskih situacija., In this paper, the method of using restraints by authorized police officers (APO) is analysed, with an emphasis on the adequacy and efficiency of these methods in situations where legal conditions are met, specifically in preventing attacks, resistance, escape, or self-injury. After establishing quality control using other means of force, the APO can choose whether to use the means of restraint so that the hands are tied in front of or behind the back. Misjudgement with an insufficient and inadequate level of control can lead to repetition of problem situations or the emergence of new problem situations, despite the usage of means of restraint. The goal of this paper is to help define the procedure for using means of restraint, so that this means of force can be used adequately, in a safe and secure manner for both the APO and the person on whom the means of restraint are used. The results showed a decrease in running speed with the hands tied behind the back compared to when the hands are tied in the front by 4.37%, and by 5.87% when the hands are free. No significant difference has been found between running speeds with hands free and with hands tied in front of the body. Reduced mobility resulting from tying the hands behind the back allows a higher quality level of control and reduces the possibility of new problem situations occurring.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости, Use of restraint devices : Procedures and control of mobility",
volume = "65",
number = "3",
pages = "66-82",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2303066J"
Јанковић, Р., Арлов, Д.,& Вучковић, Г.. (2023). Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 65(3), 66-82.
Јанковић Р, Арлов Д, Вучковић Г. Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости. in Безбедност. 2023;65(3):66-82.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2303066J .
Јанковић, Радивоје, Арлов, Драган, Вучковић, Горан, "Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости" in Безбедност, 65, no. 3 (2023):66-82, . .

Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja : implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi

Janković, Bojan; Cvetković, Vladamir M.; Vučković, Goran; Milojević, Saša

(Beograd : Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije : Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2019)

AU  - Janković, Bojan
AU  - Cvetković, Vladamir M.
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Milojević, Saša
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - U radu je analizirana povezanost akutnog mentalnog stresa i performansi gađanja iz službenog pištolja CZ 99. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između srčane frekvencije sa performansama gađanja. Povišena srčana frekvencija kod ispitanika pri gađanju, ukazuje da su ispitanici tokom gađanja doživeli akutni mentalni stres. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da bi prilikom obuke pripadnika bezbednosnih službi, pored tehničkog, taktičkog i fizičkog aspekta, trebalo posvetiti više pažnje ulozi i značaju mentalnog stresa.
PB  - Beograd : Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije : Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja : implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi
VL  - 71
IS  - 6
SP  - 112
EP  - 121
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1906112J
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Bojan and Cvetković, Vladamir M. and Vučković, Goran and Milojević, Saša",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U radu je analizirana povezanost akutnog mentalnog stresa i performansi gađanja iz službenog pištolja CZ 99. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između srčane frekvencije sa performansama gađanja. Povišena srčana frekvencija kod ispitanika pri gađanju, ukazuje da su ispitanici tokom gađanja doživeli akutni mentalni stres. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da bi prilikom obuke pripadnika bezbednosnih službi, pored tehničkog, taktičkog i fizičkog aspekta, trebalo posvetiti više pažnje ulozi i značaju mentalnog stresa.",
publisher = "Beograd : Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije : Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja : implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi",
volume = "71",
number = "6",
pages = "112-121",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1906112J"
Janković, B., Cvetković, V. M., Vučković, G.,& Milojević, S.. (2019). Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja : implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi. in Vojno delo
Beograd : Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije : Vojnoizdavački zavod., 71(6), 112-121.
Janković B, Cvetković VM, Vučković G, Milojević S. Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja : implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi. in Vojno delo. 2019;71(6):112-121.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1906112J .
Janković, Bojan, Cvetković, Vladamir M., Vučković, Goran, Milojević, Saša, "Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja : implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi" in Vojno delo, 71, no. 6 (2019):112-121, . .

Утицај специјалног физичког образовања на промене у максималној изометријској сили мишића опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета

Митровић, Бојан; Жигић, Горан; Вучковић, Горан

(Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука, 2019)

AU  - Митровић, Бојан
AU  - Жигић, Горан
AU  - Вучковић, Горан
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврде разлике између
постигнутих резултата на пријемном испиту и резултата на крају прве године
основних академских студија у максималној изометријској сили мишића
опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета
(КПУ) из Београда, настале под утицајем редовне наставе из предмета
Специјално физичко образовање (СФО). Узорак истраживања чинило је 80
студената КПУ, мушког пола, узраста од 19 до 21 године (ТВ=181.81±7.31cm,
ТМ=79.19±8.09kg, БМИ=23.96±1.79kg/m²). На посматраном узорку,
анализирани су резултати које су студенти постигли на пријемном испиту
из сегмента базично-моторичке способности (БМС), као иницијалном
мерењу, и резултати на тестовима за процену БМС на предмету СФО, као
финалном мерењу. За утврђивање значајности разлика између резултата
на иницијалном и финалном мерењу коришћен је Т-тест за зависне узорке.
Резултати мерења показали су да је након реализоване наставе СФО, дошло
до побољшања резултата на финалном (Mean±SD=190.5±21.0 DaN) у
односу на иницијално мерење (Mean±SD=158.8±21.44 DaN), на статистички
значајном нивоу (t=-14.283; p<0.000). На основу добијених резултата, може
се закључити да настава СФО, на првој години основних академских студија
КПУ, статистички значајно утиче на побољшање максималне изометријске
силе мишића опружача леђа код студената.
PB  - Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука
PB  - Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијски универзитет
T2  - Журнал за безб(ј)едност и криминалистику
T1  - Утицај специјалног физичког образовања на промене у максималној изометријској сили мишића опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета
VL  - 1
IS  - 2
SP  - 55
EP  - 64
DO  - 10.5937/zurbezkrim1902055M
ER  - 
author = "Митровић, Бојан and Жигић, Горан and Вучковић, Горан",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврде разлике између
постигнутих резултата на пријемном испиту и резултата на крају прве године
основних академских студија у максималној изометријској сили мишића
опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета
(КПУ) из Београда, настале под утицајем редовне наставе из предмета
Специјално физичко образовање (СФО). Узорак истраживања чинило је 80
студената КПУ, мушког пола, узраста од 19 до 21 године (ТВ=181.81±7.31cm,
ТМ=79.19±8.09kg, БМИ=23.96±1.79kg/m²). На посматраном узорку,
анализирани су резултати које су студенти постигли на пријемном испиту
из сегмента базично-моторичке способности (БМС), као иницијалном
мерењу, и резултати на тестовима за процену БМС на предмету СФО, као
финалном мерењу. За утврђивање значајности разлика између резултата
на иницијалном и финалном мерењу коришћен је Т-тест за зависне узорке.
Резултати мерења показали су да је након реализоване наставе СФО, дошло
до побољшања резултата на финалном (Mean±SD=190.5±21.0 DaN) у
односу на иницијално мерење (Mean±SD=158.8±21.44 DaN), на статистички
значајном нивоу (t=-14.283; p<0.000). На основу добијених резултата, може
се закључити да настава СФО, на првој години основних академских студија
КПУ, статистички значајно утиче на побољшање максималне изометријске
силе мишића опружача леђа код студената.",
publisher = "Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука, Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијски универзитет",
journal = "Журнал за безб(ј)едност и криминалистику",
title = "Утицај специјалног физичког образовања на промене у максималној изометријској сили мишића опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета",
volume = "1",
number = "2",
pages = "55-64",
doi = "10.5937/zurbezkrim1902055M"
Митровић, Б., Жигић, Г.,& Вучковић, Г.. (2019). Утицај специјалног физичког образовања на промене у максималној изометријској сили мишића опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета. in Журнал за безб(ј)едност и криминалистику
Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука., 1(2), 55-64.
Митровић Б, Жигић Г, Вучковић Г. Утицај специјалног физичког образовања на промене у максималној изометријској сили мишића опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета. in Журнал за безб(ј)едност и криминалистику. 2019;1(2):55-64.
doi:10.5937/zurbezkrim1902055M .
Митровић, Бојан, Жигић, Горан, Вучковић, Горан, "Утицај специјалног физичког образовања на промене у максималној изометријској сили мишића опружача леђа код студената Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета" in Журнал за безб(ј)едност и криминалистику, 1, no. 2 (2019):55-64, . .

Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies

Marković, Stefan; Vučković, Goran; Janković, Radivoje

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2019)

AU  - Marković, Stefan
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to determine gender
based differences as well as the initial standard values for
evaluation of simple visual reaction time in both male and female
students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
(ACPS)in Belgrade. The method used in this research was
laboratory testing. All datasampling was performed using the
specially designed testing software that recorded reaction time
with 1 ms precision. The variable used in this research, that is
Simple Visual Reaction Time (SVRT), was calculated as a mean of
3 trials with the shortest Reaction Time from 5 correct attempts
and was expressed in ms. The research sample in this study
consisted of a total of 97 subjects, of which 45 females and 52
males. All subjects were third-year students of the ACPS in
Belgrade. Based on the obtained results it was determined that 
differences in SVRT between male and female students ofthe ACPS
are not statistically significant (t=1.866, p=0.066). Initial
normative values were calculated by the application of
appropriate sport metrological procedures. Presented normative
models define initial qualitative standard values for 5 distinct
preparedness levels as well as quantitative reference values
determined for 9 characteristic percentile ranks, both for female
and male students of the ACPS.
AB  - Циљ овог рада је утврђивање разлика у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус у функцији пола и дефинисање иницијалних нормативних вредности за потребе
евалуације истог код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске
академије (КПА) у Београду. У овом истраживању је као основни
метод коришћено лабораторијеко тестирање. Узорковање података је извршено применом посебно дизајнираног софтвера који
омогућава мерење времена реаговања на нивоу прецизности од 1
ms. Варијабла коришћена у овом истраживању, односно време
реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус, израчунавана је као
просечна вредност 3 покушаја са најкраћим временом реакције од
5 исправних покушаја и изражена је у ms. Испитивани узорак се
састојао од укупно 97 испитаника, од чега 45 женског и 52 мушког пола. Сви испитаници су били студенти треће године КПА у
Београду. На основу добијених разултата утврђено је да разлике
у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус између
студената КПА мушког и женског пола нису статистички значајне (t = 1,866, p = 0,066). Иницијалне нормативне вредности
су израчунате применом адекватних метролошких процедура
у спорту. Дати нормативни модели дефинишу иницијалне квалитативне нормативне вредности за 5 карактеристичних нивоа припремљености, као и квантитативне референтне вредности утврђене за 9 карактеристичних перцентилних рангова
за студенте КПА мушког и женског пола.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
T1  - Време реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске академије
VL  - 61
IS  - 1
SP  - 25
EP  - 39
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1901025M
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Stefan and Vučković, Goran and Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to determine gender
based differences as well as the initial standard values for
evaluation of simple visual reaction time in both male and female
students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
(ACPS)in Belgrade. The method used in this research was
laboratory testing. All datasampling was performed using the
specially designed testing software that recorded reaction time
with 1 ms precision. The variable used in this research, that is
Simple Visual Reaction Time (SVRT), was calculated as a mean of
3 trials with the shortest Reaction Time from 5 correct attempts
and was expressed in ms. The research sample in this study
consisted of a total of 97 subjects, of which 45 females and 52
males. All subjects were third-year students of the ACPS in
Belgrade. Based on the obtained results it was determined that 
differences in SVRT between male and female students ofthe ACPS
are not statistically significant (t=1.866, p=0.066). Initial
normative values were calculated by the application of
appropriate sport metrological procedures. Presented normative
models define initial qualitative standard values for 5 distinct
preparedness levels as well as quantitative reference values
determined for 9 characteristic percentile ranks, both for female
and male students of the ACPS., Циљ овог рада је утврђивање разлика у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус у функцији пола и дефинисање иницијалних нормативних вредности за потребе
евалуације истог код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске
академије (КПА) у Београду. У овом истраживању је као основни
метод коришћено лабораторијеко тестирање. Узорковање података је извршено применом посебно дизајнираног софтвера који
омогућава мерење времена реаговања на нивоу прецизности од 1
ms. Варијабла коришћена у овом истраживању, односно време
реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус, израчунавана је као
просечна вредност 3 покушаја са најкраћим временом реакције од
5 исправних покушаја и изражена је у ms. Испитивани узорак се
састојао од укупно 97 испитаника, од чега 45 женског и 52 мушког пола. Сви испитаници су били студенти треће године КПА у
Београду. На основу добијених разултата утврђено је да разлике
у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус између
студената КПА мушког и женског пола нису статистички значајне (t = 1,866, p = 0,066). Иницијалне нормативне вредности
су израчунате применом адекватних метролошких процедура
у спорту. Дати нормативни модели дефинишу иницијалне квалитативне нормативне вредности за 5 карактеристичних нивоа припремљености, као и квантитативне референтне вредности утврђене за 9 карактеристичних перцентилних рангова
за студенте КПА мушког и женског пола.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Време реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске академије",
volume = "61",
number = "1",
pages = "25-39",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1901025M"
Marković, S., Vučković, G.,& Janković, R.. (2019). Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 61(1), 25-39.
Marković S, Vučković G, Janković R. Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Безбедност. 2019;61(1):25-39.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1901025M .
Marković, Stefan, Vučković, Goran, Janković, Radivoje, "Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies" in Безбедност, 61, no. 1 (2019):25-39, . .

The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion

Janković, Bojan; Vučković, Goran; Milojević, Saša; Milojković, Boban; Mitrović, Bojan

(Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2018)

AU  - Janković, Bojan
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Milojević, Saša
AU  - Milojković, Boban
AU  - Mitrović, Bojan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Due to intensity of stress in police officers and the frequency of its appearance, policing is classified among the most stressful jobs. The most extreme kinds of stress in police officers are connected with the use of means of coercion because these are situations in which breach or limitation of human rights or liberties may appear, or there may be injuries and fatal consequences. Because of the listed specificities of policing, a survey was conducted on the sample of 32 members of intervention patrols of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MOI of the RS), because members of the police intervention patrols often operate in high-risk situations, in which there is stronger probability that means of coercion would be used, than in interventions by police officers in other jobs and assignments. The aim of the study was to determine how often and in which way the police officers use means of coercion, to which extent they are trained to use them and how much attention is paid to such type of training. The results of the study point that all respondents have used means of coercion at least once during their careers. However, disturbing results are related to situations in which almost the third of the respondents have not used the means of coercion although all legal conditions for their application have been fulfilled. Also, the results imply that insufficient attention is paid to education of police officers related to the use of means of coercion. All things listed above imply that the approach to this problem should be changed, that is, the training of a police officer should be more intense, so that it would be continuous and applied during the whole career.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
T1  - The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion
SP  - 29
EP  - 38
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Bojan and Vučković, Goran and Milojević, Saša and Milojković, Boban and Mitrović, Bojan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Due to intensity of stress in police officers and the frequency of its appearance, policing is classified among the most stressful jobs. The most extreme kinds of stress in police officers are connected with the use of means of coercion because these are situations in which breach or limitation of human rights or liberties may appear, or there may be injuries and fatal consequences. Because of the listed specificities of policing, a survey was conducted on the sample of 32 members of intervention patrols of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MOI of the RS), because members of the police intervention patrols often operate in high-risk situations, in which there is stronger probability that means of coercion would be used, than in interventions by police officers in other jobs and assignments. The aim of the study was to determine how often and in which way the police officers use means of coercion, to which extent they are trained to use them and how much attention is paid to such type of training. The results of the study point that all respondents have used means of coercion at least once during their careers. However, disturbing results are related to situations in which almost the third of the respondents have not used the means of coercion although all legal conditions for their application have been fulfilled. Also, the results imply that insufficient attention is paid to education of police officers related to the use of means of coercion. All things listed above imply that the approach to this problem should be changed, that is, the training of a police officer should be more intense, so that it would be continuous and applied during the whole career.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018",
title = "The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion",
pages = "29-38",
url = ""
Janković, B., Vučković, G., Milojević, S., Milojković, B.,& Mitrović, B.. (2018). The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 29-38.
Janković B, Vučković G, Milojević S, Milojković B, Mitrović B. The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018. 2018;:29-38. .
Janković, Bojan, Vučković, Goran, Milojević, Saša, Milojković, Boban, Mitrović, Bojan, "The Analysis of the Qualification Level of Members of Police Intervention Patrols for Application of Means of Coercion" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018 (2018):29-38, .

Efficiency of functional training programme on muscle strength changes of police academy male students

Mitrović, Bojan; Vučković, Goran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Mitrović, Bojan
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this research was to investigate effects of twelve-week period functional training on the strength of participants during the Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching. Fifty-one participants - first-year students of basic academic studies of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade participated in the research: Age = 19.41±0.57 years; BH = 182.0 9±6.63 cm; BW = 80.65±8.42 kg; BMI = 24.29±1.88 kg∙m-2. Students were divided into two groups: experimental (28 students, BH=182.87±7. 14 cm, BW=81.66±8.26 kg, BMI=24.39±1.72 kg∙m-2) and the control group (23 students, BH=181.14±5.97 cm, BW=79.41±8.63 kg, BMI=24.18±2.10 kg∙m-2), respectively. The experimental group had been applying functional training for strength development at classes of SPE, twice a week, not longer than 20 minutes per class, while the control group had been using the traditional way of training, which consists of the repetitive training method, according to the regular curriculum. In the scope of the functional training, the emphasis of exercises was on strengthening and maintaining musculature of the dorsal - lumbar extensors, back extensors, arm extensors, arm flexors, torso flexors, leg extensors, dominant and nondominant hand flexors. 13 variables were samples of variables for estimating the strengths (9 variables of basic motor status - BMS and 4 variables, derived measures), as an integral part of the battery tests for BMS assessment of students of ACPS were used: isometric dead-lift test, absolute and relative value (FMAXBE, FRELBE), maximal strength of leg extensors, absolute and relative value (FMAXLE, FRELLE), dominant and nondominant hand grip, absolute and relative value (FMAXHGD, FRELHGD, FMAXHGND, FRELHGND), vertical jump - Abalak (VJ), standing long jump (LJ), sit-ups 30 seconds with rotation (ABD), pull-ups (PULL), push-ups 10 seconds (PU). For determining effects of functional training, as experimental programme, between the achieved results in variables for assessment the strength at initial and final measuring, Multivariate analysis of covariance was used - MANCOVA, generally, and Univariate analysis of covariance - ANCOVA, individually per variables. Results of MANCOVA showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the experimental and control group (Wilks' Lambda=0.621; F(13,24)=1.125; p=0.386). Results of ANCOVA showed that only in variable PULL, there are statistically significant differences in the effects achieved between two groups in the sense of significant increase of participants in the experimental group compared to the control group (F=9.140; r=0.005). It can be concluded that the experimental programme caused a statistically significant positive effect on repetitive hand flexor muscle strength.
AB  - Sprovedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj ispitivanje efekata dvanaestonedeljnog funkcionalnog treninga tokom nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO) na silu i snagu ispitanika. U istraživanju je učestvovao 51 student prve godine osnovnih akademskih studija Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA): Uzrast - 19.41±0.57 godine; TV - 182.09±6.63cm; TM - 80.65±8.42kg; BMI - 24.29±1.88kg∙m-2. Studenti su podeljeni na eksperimentalnu (N=28) i kontrolnu grupu (N=23). Eksperimentalna grupa na časovima SFO, za razvoj sile i snage, primenjivala je funkcionalni trening dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času, dok je kontrolna grupa primenjivala tradicionalan način rada, prema redovnom nastavnom planu i programu. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 13 varijabli (9 varijabli bazičnog motoričkog statusa - BMS i 4 varijable, izvedene mere), koje su sastavni su deo baterije testova za procenu BMS studenata KPA. Za utvrđivanje efekata funkcionalnog treninga, kao eksperimentalnog programa, između postignutih rezulata kod varijabli za procenu sile i snage na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju, korišćene su Multivarijatna analiza kovarijanse - MANCOVA (generalno) i Univarijatna analiza kovarijanse - ANCOVA (pojedinačno po varijablama). Rezultati MANCOVA pokazali su da, generalno gledano, ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe (Wilks'Lambda=0.621; F(13,24)=1.125; p=0.386). Rezultati ANCOVA pokazali su da, pojedinačno po varijablama, jedino kod varijable zgibovi na doskočnom vratilu - ZGIB (r=0.005) postoje statistički značajne razlike u postignutim efektima između grupa i to u smislu značajnog povećanja kod ispitanika eksperimentalne u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Može se zaključiti da je eksperimentalni program izazvao statistički značajno pozitivan efekat na repetitivnu snagu mišića pregibača ruku, ali nije imao uticaja na povećanje sile ili snage kod ostalih testiranih mišićnih grupa.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Efficiency of functional training programme on muscle strength changes of police academy male students
T1  - Efikasnost programa funkcionalnog treninga na promene u mišićnoj sili i snazi studenata
VL  - 59
IS  - 1
SP  - 36
EP  - 60
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1701036M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Bojan and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of this research was to investigate effects of twelve-week period functional training on the strength of participants during the Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching. Fifty-one participants - first-year students of basic academic studies of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade participated in the research: Age = 19.41±0.57 years; BH = 182.0 9±6.63 cm; BW = 80.65±8.42 kg; BMI = 24.29±1.88 kg∙m-2. Students were divided into two groups: experimental (28 students, BH=182.87±7. 14 cm, BW=81.66±8.26 kg, BMI=24.39±1.72 kg∙m-2) and the control group (23 students, BH=181.14±5.97 cm, BW=79.41±8.63 kg, BMI=24.18±2.10 kg∙m-2), respectively. The experimental group had been applying functional training for strength development at classes of SPE, twice a week, not longer than 20 minutes per class, while the control group had been using the traditional way of training, which consists of the repetitive training method, according to the regular curriculum. In the scope of the functional training, the emphasis of exercises was on strengthening and maintaining musculature of the dorsal - lumbar extensors, back extensors, arm extensors, arm flexors, torso flexors, leg extensors, dominant and nondominant hand flexors. 13 variables were samples of variables for estimating the strengths (9 variables of basic motor status - BMS and 4 variables, derived measures), as an integral part of the battery tests for BMS assessment of students of ACPS were used: isometric dead-lift test, absolute and relative value (FMAXBE, FRELBE), maximal strength of leg extensors, absolute and relative value (FMAXLE, FRELLE), dominant and nondominant hand grip, absolute and relative value (FMAXHGD, FRELHGD, FMAXHGND, FRELHGND), vertical jump - Abalak (VJ), standing long jump (LJ), sit-ups 30 seconds with rotation (ABD), pull-ups (PULL), push-ups 10 seconds (PU). For determining effects of functional training, as experimental programme, between the achieved results in variables for assessment the strength at initial and final measuring, Multivariate analysis of covariance was used - MANCOVA, generally, and Univariate analysis of covariance - ANCOVA, individually per variables. Results of MANCOVA showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the experimental and control group (Wilks' Lambda=0.621; F(13,24)=1.125; p=0.386). Results of ANCOVA showed that only in variable PULL, there are statistically significant differences in the effects achieved between two groups in the sense of significant increase of participants in the experimental group compared to the control group (F=9.140; r=0.005). It can be concluded that the experimental programme caused a statistically significant positive effect on repetitive hand flexor muscle strength., Sprovedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj ispitivanje efekata dvanaestonedeljnog funkcionalnog treninga tokom nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO) na silu i snagu ispitanika. U istraživanju je učestvovao 51 student prve godine osnovnih akademskih studija Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA): Uzrast - 19.41±0.57 godine; TV - 182.09±6.63cm; TM - 80.65±8.42kg; BMI - 24.29±1.88kg∙m-2. Studenti su podeljeni na eksperimentalnu (N=28) i kontrolnu grupu (N=23). Eksperimentalna grupa na časovima SFO, za razvoj sile i snage, primenjivala je funkcionalni trening dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času, dok je kontrolna grupa primenjivala tradicionalan način rada, prema redovnom nastavnom planu i programu. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 13 varijabli (9 varijabli bazičnog motoričkog statusa - BMS i 4 varijable, izvedene mere), koje su sastavni su deo baterije testova za procenu BMS studenata KPA. Za utvrđivanje efekata funkcionalnog treninga, kao eksperimentalnog programa, između postignutih rezulata kod varijabli za procenu sile i snage na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju, korišćene su Multivarijatna analiza kovarijanse - MANCOVA (generalno) i Univarijatna analiza kovarijanse - ANCOVA (pojedinačno po varijablama). Rezultati MANCOVA pokazali su da, generalno gledano, ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe (Wilks'Lambda=0.621; F(13,24)=1.125; p=0.386). Rezultati ANCOVA pokazali su da, pojedinačno po varijablama, jedino kod varijable zgibovi na doskočnom vratilu - ZGIB (r=0.005) postoje statistički značajne razlike u postignutim efektima između grupa i to u smislu značajnog povećanja kod ispitanika eksperimentalne u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Može se zaključiti da je eksperimentalni program izazvao statistički značajno pozitivan efekat na repetitivnu snagu mišića pregibača ruku, ali nije imao uticaja na povećanje sile ili snage kod ostalih testiranih mišićnih grupa.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Efficiency of functional training programme on muscle strength changes of police academy male students, Efikasnost programa funkcionalnog treninga na promene u mišićnoj sili i snazi studenata",
volume = "59",
number = "1",
pages = "36-60",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1701036M"
Mitrović, B.,& Vučković, G.. (2017). Efficiency of functional training programme on muscle strength changes of police academy male students. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(1), 36-60.
Mitrović B, Vučković G. Efficiency of functional training programme on muscle strength changes of police academy male students. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(1):36-60.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1701036M .
Mitrović, Bojan, Vučković, Goran, "Efficiency of functional training programme on muscle strength changes of police academy male students" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 1 (2017):36-60, . .

How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies

Mitrović, Bojan; Janković, Radivoje; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Milojević, Saša; Pantelić, Saša; Nurkić, Mirsad

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2016)

AU  - Mitrović, Bojan
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Milojević, Saša
AU  - Pantelić, Saša
AU  - Nurkić, Mirsad
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - A reduced level of work abilities of a police officer caused by the reduced level of physical abilities have an adverse influence on the efficient and safe performance of a wide range of complex police measures. The aim of this paper was to determine whether morphological characteristics (MC) and motor abilities (BMA) before the beginning of specialized physical education (SPE) are on the same level as during the entrance exam, that is, the effects of an eight-month-long period during which the students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies did not have organized SPE. 137 candidates participated in the study (67 male and 70 female candidates). BH, BW and BMI were observed to determine MC and for estimation of BMA: Push-ups 10 seconds (PU), Sit-ups 30 seconds (ABD), Standing long jump (LJ), Abalak (VJ), as well as Isometric dead lift (FmaxBE), for the males, and Hand grip (FmaxHG) for female candidates. The results of the MANOVA have shown that between both measurements it was not determined that there are statistically significant differences for MC in candidates of both genders (female p=0.160; male p=0.203), generally, while for BMA it was determined that there are significant differences in candidates of both genders (female p=0.003; male p=0.033). Individually by variable, during the eight-month-long period, of the MC among the female, BMI statistically significantly increased (3.97%; p=0.029), and among the male candidates (2.53%, p=0.034), respectively; concerning BMA among the female, a significantly poorer result was achieved in FmaxHG (6.99%; p=0.006), LJ (4.59%; p=0.024) and VJ (7.3%; p=0.006) and in male candidates in LJ (2.83%; p=0.035) and VJ (4.27%; p=0.031), respectively. It can be concluded that the eight-month-long period without any organized SPE classes had a bad influence on BMA.
AB  - Smanjeni nivo radnih sposobnosti policajaca, usled smanjenja nivoa fizičkih sposobnosti, loše utiče na efikasno i bezbedno obavljanje složenih policijskih mera. Cilj ovog rada bio je da utvrdi da li su morfološke karakteristike i bazične motoričke sposobnosti (BMS), pred početak nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO), na istom nivou kao i na prijemnom ispitu, odnosno kako je na njih uticao period od osam meseci tokom kojih studenti KPA nisu imali organizovanu nastavu SFO. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 137 kandidata (70 ženskog i 67 muškog pola). Za utvrđivanje morfoloških karakteristika posmatrani su: telesna visina (BH), telesna masa (BW) i indeks mase tela (BMI). Za procenu BMS posmatrani su: broj urađenih sklekova za 10 sekundi (PU), podizanje trupa za 30 sekundi (ABD), skok udalj iz mesta (LJ), Abalak test (VJ), kao i za kandidate izometrijska sila mišića opružača leđa (FmaxBE), a za kandidatkinje izometrijska sila pregibača prstiju dominantne ruke (FmaxHG). Rezultati MANOVA pokazali su da između prvog i drugog merenja na generalnom nivou za morfološke karakteristike nije utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.160; muški p=0.203), dok je za BMS utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.003; muški p=0.033). Pojedinačno po varijablama, tokom osmomesečnog perioda, od morfoloških karakteristika BMI je kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno povećan za 3.97% (p=0.029), a kod kandidata za 2.53% (p=0.034); dok je kod posmatranih BMS kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno lošiji rezultat ostvaren kod FmaxHG za 6.99% (p=0.006), LJ za 4.59% (p=0.024) i VJ za 7.3% (p=0.006) i kod kandidata je došlo do statistički značajnog smanjenja rezultata LJ za 2.83% (p=0.035) i VJ za 4.27% (p=0.031). Može se zaključiti da je osmomesečni period bez organizovane nastave SFO loše uticao na BMS.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
T1  - Uticaj osmomesečnog perioda bez nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na morfološke karakteristike i motoričke sposobnosti studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije
VL  - 14
IS  - 2
SP  - 167
EP  - 178
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Bojan and Janković, Radivoje and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Milojević, Saša and Pantelić, Saša and Nurkić, Mirsad",
year = "2016",
abstract = "A reduced level of work abilities of a police officer caused by the reduced level of physical abilities have an adverse influence on the efficient and safe performance of a wide range of complex police measures. The aim of this paper was to determine whether morphological characteristics (MC) and motor abilities (BMA) before the beginning of specialized physical education (SPE) are on the same level as during the entrance exam, that is, the effects of an eight-month-long period during which the students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies did not have organized SPE. 137 candidates participated in the study (67 male and 70 female candidates). BH, BW and BMI were observed to determine MC and for estimation of BMA: Push-ups 10 seconds (PU), Sit-ups 30 seconds (ABD), Standing long jump (LJ), Abalak (VJ), as well as Isometric dead lift (FmaxBE), for the males, and Hand grip (FmaxHG) for female candidates. The results of the MANOVA have shown that between both measurements it was not determined that there are statistically significant differences for MC in candidates of both genders (female p=0.160; male p=0.203), generally, while for BMA it was determined that there are significant differences in candidates of both genders (female p=0.003; male p=0.033). Individually by variable, during the eight-month-long period, of the MC among the female, BMI statistically significantly increased (3.97%; p=0.029), and among the male candidates (2.53%, p=0.034), respectively; concerning BMA among the female, a significantly poorer result was achieved in FmaxHG (6.99%; p=0.006), LJ (4.59%; p=0.024) and VJ (7.3%; p=0.006) and in male candidates in LJ (2.83%; p=0.035) and VJ (4.27%; p=0.031), respectively. It can be concluded that the eight-month-long period without any organized SPE classes had a bad influence on BMA., Smanjeni nivo radnih sposobnosti policajaca, usled smanjenja nivoa fizičkih sposobnosti, loše utiče na efikasno i bezbedno obavljanje složenih policijskih mera. Cilj ovog rada bio je da utvrdi da li su morfološke karakteristike i bazične motoričke sposobnosti (BMS), pred početak nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO), na istom nivou kao i na prijemnom ispitu, odnosno kako je na njih uticao period od osam meseci tokom kojih studenti KPA nisu imali organizovanu nastavu SFO. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 137 kandidata (70 ženskog i 67 muškog pola). Za utvrđivanje morfoloških karakteristika posmatrani su: telesna visina (BH), telesna masa (BW) i indeks mase tela (BMI). Za procenu BMS posmatrani su: broj urađenih sklekova za 10 sekundi (PU), podizanje trupa za 30 sekundi (ABD), skok udalj iz mesta (LJ), Abalak test (VJ), kao i za kandidate izometrijska sila mišića opružača leđa (FmaxBE), a za kandidatkinje izometrijska sila pregibača prstiju dominantne ruke (FmaxHG). Rezultati MANOVA pokazali su da između prvog i drugog merenja na generalnom nivou za morfološke karakteristike nije utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.160; muški p=0.203), dok je za BMS utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.003; muški p=0.033). Pojedinačno po varijablama, tokom osmomesečnog perioda, od morfoloških karakteristika BMI je kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno povećan za 3.97% (p=0.029), a kod kandidata za 2.53% (p=0.034); dok je kod posmatranih BMS kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno lošiji rezultat ostvaren kod FmaxHG za 6.99% (p=0.006), LJ za 4.59% (p=0.024) i VJ za 7.3% (p=0.006) i kod kandidata je došlo do statistički značajnog smanjenja rezultata LJ za 2.83% (p=0.035) i VJ za 4.27% (p=0.031). Može se zaključiti da je osmomesečni period bez organizovane nastave SFO loše uticao na BMS.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Uticaj osmomesečnog perioda bez nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na morfološke karakteristike i motoričke sposobnosti studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije",
volume = "14",
number = "2",
pages = "167-178",
url = ""
Mitrović, B., Janković, R., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G., Milojević, S., Pantelić, S.,& Nurkić, M.. (2016). How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 14(2), 167-178.
Mitrović B, Janković R, Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Milojević S, Pantelić S, Nurkić M. How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2016;14(2):167-178. .
Mitrović, Bojan, Janković, Radivoje, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Milojević, Saša, Pantelić, Saša, Nurkić, Mirsad, "How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 14, no. 2 (2016):167-178, .

Basic swimming competence of police officers of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia as a basic motor skill required in flood protection and rescue operations

Mitrović, Bojan; Vučković, Goran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Mitrović, Bojan
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - In the course of May 2014 the Republic of Serbia was struck by floods. Police officers of various lines of work make one of the important subjects within the protection and rescue system when we talk about defence from floods. After the detailed analysis of experiences and lessons learned from the participation of the mentioned police officers in protection and rescue operations in May 2014, it was noted that a number of police officers lacked the adequate training required for specific tasks of protection and rescue in emergencies. Swimming represents an integral part of professional training of police officers within the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MoI of RS) and it is very important from the aspect of responding in floods. The research sample included 331 examinees from 21 to 52 years of age, classified into two sub-samples, general duties police officers (PON=139) and border police officers (GP=192). Basic swimming competence of police officers was assessed by swimming 50 m free style (the examinees chose swimming style on their own), and the results are shown through average swimming speed of meters per second (m/s). They were tested for swimming without jumping from the starting block. The PON police officers achieved better swimming results at 50 m than the GP police officers (0.93 vs. 0.88 m/s). The results of single factor analysis of variance ANOVA showed that there were not statistically significant differences in influence of basic swimming competence on the line of work (Sig. = 0.066). Taking everything in account, it can be concluded that the hypothesis that 'general duties police officers will have statistically significantly better results in basic swimming competence compared to border police officers' is rejected, since the general duties police officers achieved better results in basic swimming competence, but not at the level which is statistically significant. In addition to swimming competence, because of floods, there is also a need for training of rescuers at water (basic and advanced levels), in other words the courses for motor boat operators and handlers (including training in rowing), which has already been included into the system of specialist trainings of the MoI of RS.
AB  - Republika Srbija tokom maja 2014. godine bila je pogođena elementarnom nepogodom - poplavama. Jedan od važnih subjekata u sistemu zaštite i spasavanja, kod odbrane od poplava čine policajci različitih linija rada. Plivanje predstavlja integralni deo stručnog osposobljavanja i usavršavanja policajaca u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije (MUPRS) i veoma je važno sa aspekta reagovanja kod poplava. Uzorak istraživanja činio je 331 ispitanik, starosti od 21 do 52 godine. Ispitanici su bili podeljeni na dva subuzorka, policajce linije rada policije opšte nadležnosti (PON = 139) i policajce linije rada granične policije (GP = 192). Bazična osposobljenost u plivanju policajaca procenjivana je testom plivanja na 50 metara slobodnim stilom (ispitanici su plivali stilom po izboru), a rezultati su iskazani kroz prosečnu brzinu plivanja u metrima po sekundi (m/s). Testirani su tako što su plivali bez skoka iz startnog bloka. Policajci PON postigli su bolje rezultate u brzini plivanja na 50 m u odnosu na policajce GP (0,93 vs. 0,88 m/s). Rezultati ANOVA pokazali su da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u uticaju bazične osposobljenosti policajaca u plivanju na liniju rada (Sig. = 0,066). Pored osposobljenosti u plivanju, usled poplava, pojavila se obrazovna potreba za obukom za spasioce na vodi (osnovni i napredni nivo), odnosno kursom za upravljače i rukovaoce motornim čamcima (uključuje i obuku u veslanju).
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Basic swimming competence of police officers of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia as a basic motor skill required in flood protection and rescue operations
T1  - Bazična osposobljenost policajaca Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije u plivanju kao osnovnoj motoričkoj veštini neophodnoj u akcijama zaštite i spasavanja od poplava
VL  - 21
IS  - 3
SP  - 61
EP  - 78
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo21-13018
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Bojan and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In the course of May 2014 the Republic of Serbia was struck by floods. Police officers of various lines of work make one of the important subjects within the protection and rescue system when we talk about defence from floods. After the detailed analysis of experiences and lessons learned from the participation of the mentioned police officers in protection and rescue operations in May 2014, it was noted that a number of police officers lacked the adequate training required for specific tasks of protection and rescue in emergencies. Swimming represents an integral part of professional training of police officers within the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MoI of RS) and it is very important from the aspect of responding in floods. The research sample included 331 examinees from 21 to 52 years of age, classified into two sub-samples, general duties police officers (PON=139) and border police officers (GP=192). Basic swimming competence of police officers was assessed by swimming 50 m free style (the examinees chose swimming style on their own), and the results are shown through average swimming speed of meters per second (m/s). They were tested for swimming without jumping from the starting block. The PON police officers achieved better swimming results at 50 m than the GP police officers (0.93 vs. 0.88 m/s). The results of single factor analysis of variance ANOVA showed that there were not statistically significant differences in influence of basic swimming competence on the line of work (Sig. = 0.066). Taking everything in account, it can be concluded that the hypothesis that 'general duties police officers will have statistically significantly better results in basic swimming competence compared to border police officers' is rejected, since the general duties police officers achieved better results in basic swimming competence, but not at the level which is statistically significant. In addition to swimming competence, because of floods, there is also a need for training of rescuers at water (basic and advanced levels), in other words the courses for motor boat operators and handlers (including training in rowing), which has already been included into the system of specialist trainings of the MoI of RS., Republika Srbija tokom maja 2014. godine bila je pogođena elementarnom nepogodom - poplavama. Jedan od važnih subjekata u sistemu zaštite i spasavanja, kod odbrane od poplava čine policajci različitih linija rada. Plivanje predstavlja integralni deo stručnog osposobljavanja i usavršavanja policajaca u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije (MUPRS) i veoma je važno sa aspekta reagovanja kod poplava. Uzorak istraživanja činio je 331 ispitanik, starosti od 21 do 52 godine. Ispitanici su bili podeljeni na dva subuzorka, policajce linije rada policije opšte nadležnosti (PON = 139) i policajce linije rada granične policije (GP = 192). Bazična osposobljenost u plivanju policajaca procenjivana je testom plivanja na 50 metara slobodnim stilom (ispitanici su plivali stilom po izboru), a rezultati su iskazani kroz prosečnu brzinu plivanja u metrima po sekundi (m/s). Testirani su tako što su plivali bez skoka iz startnog bloka. Policajci PON postigli su bolje rezultate u brzini plivanja na 50 m u odnosu na policajce GP (0,93 vs. 0,88 m/s). Rezultati ANOVA pokazali su da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u uticaju bazične osposobljenosti policajaca u plivanju na liniju rada (Sig. = 0,066). Pored osposobljenosti u plivanju, usled poplava, pojavila se obrazovna potreba za obukom za spasioce na vodi (osnovni i napredni nivo), odnosno kursom za upravljače i rukovaoce motornim čamcima (uključuje i obuku u veslanju).",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Basic swimming competence of police officers of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia as a basic motor skill required in flood protection and rescue operations, Bazična osposobljenost policajaca Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije u plivanju kao osnovnoj motoričkoj veštini neophodnoj u akcijama zaštite i spasavanja od poplava",
volume = "21",
number = "3",
pages = "61-78",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo21-13018"
Mitrović, B.,& Vučković, G.. (2016). Basic swimming competence of police officers of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia as a basic motor skill required in flood protection and rescue operations. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 21(3), 61-78.
Mitrović B, Vučković G. Basic swimming competence of police officers of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia as a basic motor skill required in flood protection and rescue operations. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2016;21(3):61-78.
doi:10.5937/nabepo21-13018 .
Mitrović, Bojan, Vučković, Goran, "Basic swimming competence of police officers of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia as a basic motor skill required in flood protection and rescue operations" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 21, no. 3 (2016):61-78, . .

Effects of specialized physical education classes on the body composition female students of Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies

Mitrović, Bojan; Vučković, Goran; Đorđević, Marija; Rakić, Slađana

(Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Mitrović, Bojan
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Đorđević, Marija
AU  - Rakić, Slađana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this research was to determine effects of Specialized physical education classes and effects of 'functional training method' programme application on body composition of female students, during 12 weeks. The research was carried out on sample of 54 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, aged from 19 to 21 years, divided into experimental group (22 female, BH=169.05±5.03cm, BW=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m2) and into control group (32 female, BH=168.29±4.68cm, BW=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m2), respectively. Experimental group has applied 'functional methods' of strength development, twice a week, during 12 weeks, no longer than 20 minutes by classes. Female students were tested at the beginning and at the end of the experimental programme, by standardized procedures for body composition assessment. Results of MANCOVA showed, at general level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes in effects between experimental and control group, in case of application of experimental programme on body composition of female students (p=0.610), during 12 weeks. Results of ANCOVA of female students, showed at the individual level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes. It can be concluded that the application of 'functional training method' programme on female students of ACPS, during 12 weeks, had no statistically significant effects on the change of all parameters body composition isn't statistically significantly affected in any of parameters, with some minor changes of observed parameters.
AB  - Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje efekata nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja i primene dvanaestonedeljnog programa 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga na telesnu kompoziciju ispitanica. Uzorak istraživanja činile su 54 studentkinje Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) u Beogradu, uzrasta od 19 do 21 godine, podeljenih na eksperimentalnu (22 studentkinje, TV=169.05±5.03cm, TM=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m²) i kontrolnu grupu (32 studentkinje, TV=168.29±4.68cm, TM=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m²), respektivno. Eksperimentalna grupa primenjivala je 'funkcionalni metod' razvoja snage u periodu od 12 nedelja dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času. Ispitanice su testirane na početku i na kraju eksperimentalnog programa standardizovanim procedurama za procenu telesne kompozicije. Rezultati multivarijantne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) pokazali su da kada su efekti dvanaestonedeljnog eksperimentalnog programa na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja (p=0.610) u pitanju, na generalnom nivou, nije došlo do statistički značajnih promena između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. Univarijantna analiza kovarijanse (ANCOVA), ni na pojedinačnom nivou, nije pokazala statistički značajan prirast parametara telesne kompozicije, kao i da nije postignut statistički značajan prirast rezultata kako na generalnom, tako i na pojedinačnom nivou. Može se zaključiti da primena dvanaestonedeljnog 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga, na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja KPA, nije statistički značajno uticala ni na jedan od parametara, uz neznatne promene posmatranih parametara.
PB  - Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd
T2  - Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
T1  - Effects of specialized physical education classes on the body composition female students of Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies
T1  - Efekti nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademije
IS  - 22
SP  - 129
EP  - 145
DO  - 10.5937/gfsfv1622129M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Bojan and Vučković, Goran and Đorđević, Marija and Rakić, Slađana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The aim of this research was to determine effects of Specialized physical education classes and effects of 'functional training method' programme application on body composition of female students, during 12 weeks. The research was carried out on sample of 54 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, aged from 19 to 21 years, divided into experimental group (22 female, BH=169.05±5.03cm, BW=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m2) and into control group (32 female, BH=168.29±4.68cm, BW=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m2), respectively. Experimental group has applied 'functional methods' of strength development, twice a week, during 12 weeks, no longer than 20 minutes by classes. Female students were tested at the beginning and at the end of the experimental programme, by standardized procedures for body composition assessment. Results of MANCOVA showed, at general level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes in effects between experimental and control group, in case of application of experimental programme on body composition of female students (p=0.610), during 12 weeks. Results of ANCOVA of female students, showed at the individual level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes. It can be concluded that the application of 'functional training method' programme on female students of ACPS, during 12 weeks, had no statistically significant effects on the change of all parameters body composition isn't statistically significantly affected in any of parameters, with some minor changes of observed parameters., Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje efekata nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja i primene dvanaestonedeljnog programa 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga na telesnu kompoziciju ispitanica. Uzorak istraživanja činile su 54 studentkinje Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) u Beogradu, uzrasta od 19 do 21 godine, podeljenih na eksperimentalnu (22 studentkinje, TV=169.05±5.03cm, TM=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m²) i kontrolnu grupu (32 studentkinje, TV=168.29±4.68cm, TM=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m²), respektivno. Eksperimentalna grupa primenjivala je 'funkcionalni metod' razvoja snage u periodu od 12 nedelja dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času. Ispitanice su testirane na početku i na kraju eksperimentalnog programa standardizovanim procedurama za procenu telesne kompozicije. Rezultati multivarijantne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) pokazali su da kada su efekti dvanaestonedeljnog eksperimentalnog programa na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja (p=0.610) u pitanju, na generalnom nivou, nije došlo do statistički značajnih promena između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. Univarijantna analiza kovarijanse (ANCOVA), ni na pojedinačnom nivou, nije pokazala statistički značajan prirast parametara telesne kompozicije, kao i da nije postignut statistički značajan prirast rezultata kako na generalnom, tako i na pojedinačnom nivou. Može se zaključiti da primena dvanaestonedeljnog 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga, na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja KPA, nije statistički značajno uticala ni na jedan od parametara, uz neznatne promene posmatranih parametara.",
publisher = "Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd",
journal = "Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja",
title = "Effects of specialized physical education classes on the body composition female students of Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies, Efekti nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademije",
number = "22",
pages = "129-145",
doi = "10.5937/gfsfv1622129M"
Mitrović, B., Vučković, G., Đorđević, M.,& Rakić, S.. (2016). Effects of specialized physical education classes on the body composition female students of Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd.(22), 129-145.
Mitrović B, Vučković G, Đorđević M, Rakić S. Effects of specialized physical education classes on the body composition female students of Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. 2016;(22):129-145.
doi:10.5937/gfsfv1622129M .
Mitrović, Bojan, Vučković, Goran, Đorđević, Marija, Rakić, Slađana, "Effects of specialized physical education classes on the body composition female students of Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies" in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, no. 22 (2016):129-145, . .

Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime

Janković, Radivoje; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Dimitrijević, Raša; Savković, Miljan; Koropanovski, Nenad; Vučković, Goran

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2015)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
AU  - Savković, Miljan
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The subject of this paper was the examination of validity and reliability of the obstacle course test (OCSAPO1) that can be used to assess the specific abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. Twenty-five students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies took part in this research (14 male and 11 female). The testing was performed according to the test - retest method for determining reliability. The studied variables included: performance time of the OC_SAPO1 (indicator of effectiveness), lactate concentration in capillary blood (measure of metabolic acidosis) and the value of heart rate frequency (measure of the functional exertion of the cardiovascular system). The results of t-test showed that the participants mastered the OC SAPO1 7.17 seconds faster in the second testing (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01), i.e. 7.25% faster, which suggests the that there is a learning effect and that test can be used for educational purposes. A statistically significant difference of the measured concentration of lactates and maximum heart frequency was not established between the two tests. Based on Cronbach's Alpha results, we can claim that the OC SAPO1 is a reliable measuring instrument for the evaluation of the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic-lactate work regime. A lower reliability of the Cronbach's Alpha test was established for maximum heart frequency when compared to the other studied variables. The registered levels of the studied variables classify the OCSAPO1 as a test of sub-maximal intensity in the anaerobic-lactate work regime.
AB  - Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje validnosti i pouzdanosti testa - poligona (Pol_SSP1) koji se može koristiti za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 25 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (14 muškaraca i 11 žena). Testiranje se sprovodilo po metodi za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti test - retest. Posmatrane varijable bile su: vreme potrebno za Pol_SSP1 (pokazatelj efikasnosti), koncentracija laktata u kapilarnoj krvi (mera metaboličke acidoze) i vrednost frekvencije rada srca (mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma). Rezultati t-testa pokazali su da su ispitanici Pol_SSP1 savladali u drugom testiranju statistički značajno brže (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01) za 7.17 sekundi, tj. za 7.25% što navodi na edukabilni efekat testa i može se koristit u nastavnom procesu. Kod izmerene koncentracije laktata i maksimalne frekvencije srca nije utvrđena statistički značajne razlika između dva testiranja. Na osnovu rezultata Cronbach 's Alpha, može se zaključiti da je PolSSPl kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada pouzdan merni instrument. U ovom istraživanju kod maksimalne frekvencije srca uočena je niža Cronbach 's Alpha pouzdanost testa u odnosu na ostale posmatrane varijable. Postignuti nivoi posmatranih varijabli svrstavaju Pol_SSP1 u testove submaksimalnog intenziteta u anaerobno­laktatnom režimu rada.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime
T1  - Validnost i pouzdanost testa za procenu specifičnih fizičkih sposobnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada
VL  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 19
EP  - 32
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Dimitrijević, Raša and Savković, Miljan and Koropanovski, Nenad and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The subject of this paper was the examination of validity and reliability of the obstacle course test (OCSAPO1) that can be used to assess the specific abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. Twenty-five students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies took part in this research (14 male and 11 female). The testing was performed according to the test - retest method for determining reliability. The studied variables included: performance time of the OC_SAPO1 (indicator of effectiveness), lactate concentration in capillary blood (measure of metabolic acidosis) and the value of heart rate frequency (measure of the functional exertion of the cardiovascular system). The results of t-test showed that the participants mastered the OC SAPO1 7.17 seconds faster in the second testing (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01), i.e. 7.25% faster, which suggests the that there is a learning effect and that test can be used for educational purposes. A statistically significant difference of the measured concentration of lactates and maximum heart frequency was not established between the two tests. Based on Cronbach's Alpha results, we can claim that the OC SAPO1 is a reliable measuring instrument for the evaluation of the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic-lactate work regime. A lower reliability of the Cronbach's Alpha test was established for maximum heart frequency when compared to the other studied variables. The registered levels of the studied variables classify the OCSAPO1 as a test of sub-maximal intensity in the anaerobic-lactate work regime., Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje validnosti i pouzdanosti testa - poligona (Pol_SSP1) koji se može koristiti za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 25 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (14 muškaraca i 11 žena). Testiranje se sprovodilo po metodi za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti test - retest. Posmatrane varijable bile su: vreme potrebno za Pol_SSP1 (pokazatelj efikasnosti), koncentracija laktata u kapilarnoj krvi (mera metaboličke acidoze) i vrednost frekvencije rada srca (mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma). Rezultati t-testa pokazali su da su ispitanici Pol_SSP1 savladali u drugom testiranju statistički značajno brže (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01) za 7.17 sekundi, tj. za 7.25% što navodi na edukabilni efekat testa i može se koristit u nastavnom procesu. Kod izmerene koncentracije laktata i maksimalne frekvencije srca nije utvrđena statistički značajne razlika između dva testiranja. Na osnovu rezultata Cronbach 's Alpha, može se zaključiti da je PolSSPl kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada pouzdan merni instrument. U ovom istraživanju kod maksimalne frekvencije srca uočena je niža Cronbach 's Alpha pouzdanost testa u odnosu na ostale posmatrane varijable. Postignuti nivoi posmatranih varijabli svrstavaju Pol_SSP1 u testove submaksimalnog intenziteta u anaerobno­laktatnom režimu rada.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime, Validnost i pouzdanost testa za procenu specifičnih fizičkih sposobnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "19-32",
url = ""
Janković, R., Dopsaj, M., Dimitrijević, R., Savković, M., Koropanovski, N.,& Vučković, G.. (2015). Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 13(1), 19-32.
Janković R, Dopsaj M, Dimitrijević R, Savković M, Koropanovski N, Vučković G. Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2015;13(1):19-32. .
Janković, Radivoje, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Dimitrijević, Raša, Savković, Miljan, Koropanovski, Nenad, Vučković, Goran, "Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 13, no. 1 (2015):19-32, .

Relations between psychological characteristics and physical abilities in a sample of female police candidates

Kolarević, Dag; Dimitrijević, Raša; Vučković, Goran; Koropanovski, Nenad; Dopsaj, Milivoj


AU  - Kolarević, Dag
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this research was to examine possible relations between basic personality traits and cognitive abilities and basic physical functions in a sample of female candidates studying at Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) in Belgrade. Literature review has shown that this problem has not been sufficiently studied, so it would benefit to gain a deeper insight into understanding of psychophysical functioning. Further contribution would include a better understanding of the nature of mind-body influence. In pragmatic sense, this work should help improve professional orientation and selection tasks in Police education and different profiles of police forces in Serbia. Samples of 267 female candidates studying at ACPS, aged 18 to 19 were given different personality and cognitive tests. Basic motoric space was covered by seven representative tests. The data was subjected to correlational analysis. There were few small statistically significant correlation coefficients. Further analysis by canonical correlations analysis has not given statistically significant canonical correlations. There were most significant correlations between contraction and stretching test and psychological characteristics. Those findings lead authors to conclude that this very physical trait in a sample of women is sensitive to psychological influence in case of professional selection.
T2  - Open Sports Sciences Journal
T1  - Relations between psychological characteristics and physical abilities in a sample of female police candidates
VL  - 7
SP  - 22
EP  - 28
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kolarević, Dag and Dimitrijević, Raša and Vučković, Goran and Koropanovski, Nenad and Dopsaj, Milivoj",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The purpose of this research was to examine possible relations between basic personality traits and cognitive abilities and basic physical functions in a sample of female candidates studying at Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) in Belgrade. Literature review has shown that this problem has not been sufficiently studied, so it would benefit to gain a deeper insight into understanding of psychophysical functioning. Further contribution would include a better understanding of the nature of mind-body influence. In pragmatic sense, this work should help improve professional orientation and selection tasks in Police education and different profiles of police forces in Serbia. Samples of 267 female candidates studying at ACPS, aged 18 to 19 were given different personality and cognitive tests. Basic motoric space was covered by seven representative tests. The data was subjected to correlational analysis. There were few small statistically significant correlation coefficients. Further analysis by canonical correlations analysis has not given statistically significant canonical correlations. There were most significant correlations between contraction and stretching test and psychological characteristics. Those findings lead authors to conclude that this very physical trait in a sample of women is sensitive to psychological influence in case of professional selection.",
journal = "Open Sports Sciences Journal",
title = "Relations between psychological characteristics and physical abilities in a sample of female police candidates",
volume = "7",
number = "SPEC.ISS1",
pages = "22-28",
url = ""
Kolarević, D., Dimitrijević, R., Vučković, G., Koropanovski, N.,& Dopsaj, M.. (2014). Relations between psychological characteristics and physical abilities in a sample of female police candidates. in Open Sports Sciences Journal, 7(SPEC.ISS1), 22-28.
Kolarević D, Dimitrijević R, Vučković G, Koropanovski N, Dopsaj M. Relations between psychological characteristics and physical abilities in a sample of female police candidates. in Open Sports Sciences Journal. 2014;7(SPEC.ISS1):22-28. .
Kolarević, Dag, Dimitrijević, Raša, Vučković, Goran, Koropanovski, Nenad, Dopsaj, Milivoj, "Relations between psychological characteristics and physical abilities in a sample of female police candidates" in Open Sports Sciences Journal, 7, no. SPEC.ISS1 (2014):22-28, .

Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies

Janković, Radivoje; Vučković, Goran; Blagojević, Miroljub

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Blagojević, Miroljub
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the paper is to establish the norms of the polygon for evaluating specific skill of police officers (PolSSPl) to apply to students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies of both sexes within the subject Special Physical Education 3 - Use of Coercive Means (SPE 3). The survey included 374 third-year Academy students (232 male and 142 female ones) of undergraduate academic studies. Homogeneity of results was confirmed by variance coefficient which was 10.60 for the male students and 10.79 for the female ones. A low degree of inclination and curvature was noted with respect to the Gaussian curve, amounting to -0.067 and -0.316 or 0.145 and -0.048 for the male and the female students, respectively. Normal distribution of the result frequency indicated a high discrimination of the test which allowed defining valid normative values of the time needed for the realization of PolSSPl. Based on the mean, expressed in seconds, and the standard deviation, which amounted to 85.87±8.05 and 96.89±9.98 for male and female students respectively, the norms were established for evaluating the Academy students' performance in the practical exam of SPE 3.
AB  - Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca (PolSSPl) studenata oba pola Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) na predmetu Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje 3-upotreba sredstava prinude (SFO 3). U istraživanju su učestvovala 374 studenta KPA (232 studenta i 142 studentkinje) treće godine osnovnih akademskih studija. Homogenost rezultata potvrđenaje koeficijentom varijacije koji je za studente iznosio 10.60 a za studentkinje 10.79. Utvrđenjen je i nizak stepen nagnutosti i zakrivljenosti u odnosu na Gausovu krivu, koji je za studente iznosio -0.067 i -0.316 a za studentkinje 0.145 i -0.048, respektivno. Normalna distribucija frekvencije rezultata ukazuje na pravilnu distribuiranost rezultata testa što omogućava definisanje validnih normativnih vrednosti vremena potrebnog za realizaciju PolSSPl. Ha osnovu prosečne vrednosti i standardne devijacije 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studente i 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studentkinje formirani su normativi za ocenjivanje studenata KPA na praktičnom delu ispita SFO 3.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies
T1  - Utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca za studente Kriminalističko-policijske akademije
VL  - 56
IS  - 2
SP  - 65
EP  - 76
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1402065J
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Vučković, Goran and Blagojević, Miroljub",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The aim of the paper is to establish the norms of the polygon for evaluating specific skill of police officers (PolSSPl) to apply to students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies of both sexes within the subject Special Physical Education 3 - Use of Coercive Means (SPE 3). The survey included 374 third-year Academy students (232 male and 142 female ones) of undergraduate academic studies. Homogeneity of results was confirmed by variance coefficient which was 10.60 for the male students and 10.79 for the female ones. A low degree of inclination and curvature was noted with respect to the Gaussian curve, amounting to -0.067 and -0.316 or 0.145 and -0.048 for the male and the female students, respectively. Normal distribution of the result frequency indicated a high discrimination of the test which allowed defining valid normative values of the time needed for the realization of PolSSPl. Based on the mean, expressed in seconds, and the standard deviation, which amounted to 85.87±8.05 and 96.89±9.98 for male and female students respectively, the norms were established for evaluating the Academy students' performance in the practical exam of SPE 3., Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca (PolSSPl) studenata oba pola Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) na predmetu Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje 3-upotreba sredstava prinude (SFO 3). U istraživanju su učestvovala 374 studenta KPA (232 studenta i 142 studentkinje) treće godine osnovnih akademskih studija. Homogenost rezultata potvrđenaje koeficijentom varijacije koji je za studente iznosio 10.60 a za studentkinje 10.79. Utvrđenjen je i nizak stepen nagnutosti i zakrivljenosti u odnosu na Gausovu krivu, koji je za studente iznosio -0.067 i -0.316 a za studentkinje 0.145 i -0.048, respektivno. Normalna distribucija frekvencije rezultata ukazuje na pravilnu distribuiranost rezultata testa što omogućava definisanje validnih normativnih vrednosti vremena potrebnog za realizaciju PolSSPl. Ha osnovu prosečne vrednosti i standardne devijacije 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studente i 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studentkinje formirani su normativi za ocenjivanje studenata KPA na praktičnom delu ispita SFO 3.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies, Utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca za studente Kriminalističko-policijske akademije",
volume = "56",
number = "2",
pages = "65-76",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1402065J"
Janković, R., Vučković, G.,& Blagojević, M.. (2014). Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 56(2), 65-76.
Janković R, Vučković G, Blagojević M. Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2014;56(2):65-76.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1402065J .
Janković, Radivoje, Vučković, Goran, Blagojević, Miroljub, "Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 56, no. 2 (2014):65-76, . .

The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities

Dimitrijević, Raša; Koropanovski, Nenad; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Janković, Radivoje

(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2014)

AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of different Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching programs on the level of students' physical abilities. Design/methodology/approach - In the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS), one of the teaching program goals is an improvement of student's physical abilities level. Since the establishment of ACPS, three SPE programs have been implemented differing in number of class hours. Five different tests were used: "Isometric dead lift," "Hand grip," the Long jump (LJ), the Sit-up test and the Cooper test. Findings - Multivariate analysis of variance results indicated a statistically significant difference between the programs in tests LJ, Sit-up and Cooper. The Bonferroni test showed differences between all three programs. The discriminant analysis showed that both discriminant factors are statistically significant. The greatest factor in the first function was the test LJ, while the greatest factor in the second discriminant function was the Sit-up test. Practical implications - The importance of research was the fact that by determining the changes of students' physical abilities level, the authors can evaluate the effectiveness of various SPE programs. Results could be used in planning standards, selection and control of the achieved physical abilities level. Social implications - Changes could contribute to the positive effects of the educational process on improvement of students' physical abilities. Originality/value - This is one of the few studies which examine the influence of quantitatively different teaching programs on the level of physical abilities within a period of 15 years.
PB  - Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley
T2  - Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management
T1  - The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities
VL  - 37
IS  - 4
SP  - 794
EP  - 808
DO  - 10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijević, Raša and Koropanovski, Nenad and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of different Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching programs on the level of students' physical abilities. Design/methodology/approach - In the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS), one of the teaching program goals is an improvement of student's physical abilities level. Since the establishment of ACPS, three SPE programs have been implemented differing in number of class hours. Five different tests were used: "Isometric dead lift," "Hand grip," the Long jump (LJ), the Sit-up test and the Cooper test. Findings - Multivariate analysis of variance results indicated a statistically significant difference between the programs in tests LJ, Sit-up and Cooper. The Bonferroni test showed differences between all three programs. The discriminant analysis showed that both discriminant factors are statistically significant. The greatest factor in the first function was the test LJ, while the greatest factor in the second discriminant function was the Sit-up test. Practical implications - The importance of research was the fact that by determining the changes of students' physical abilities level, the authors can evaluate the effectiveness of various SPE programs. Results could be used in planning standards, selection and control of the achieved physical abilities level. Social implications - Changes could contribute to the positive effects of the educational process on improvement of students' physical abilities. Originality/value - This is one of the few studies which examine the influence of quantitatively different teaching programs on the level of physical abilities within a period of 15 years.",
publisher = "Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley",
journal = "Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management",
title = "The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities",
volume = "37",
number = "4",
pages = "794-808",
doi = "10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060"
Dimitrijević, R., Koropanovski, N., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G.,& Janković, R.. (2014). The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities. in Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley., 37(4), 794-808.
Dimitrijević R, Koropanovski N, Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Janković R. The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities. in Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management. 2014;37(4):794-808.
doi:10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060 .
Dimitrijević, Raša, Koropanovski, Nenad, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Janković, Radivoje, "The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities" in Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management, 37, no. 4 (2014):794-808, . .

Povezanost preciznosti gađanjem iz pištolja i ciljanja stiletom

Vučković, Goran; Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane; Milojković, Boban

(Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, 2013)

AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Milojković, Boban
PY  - 2013
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
C3  - Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.
T1  - Povezanost preciznosti gađanjem iz pištolja i ciljanja stiletom
T1  - Correlation of precision shooting with a pistol and stiletto targeting
SP  - 83
EP  - 84
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vučković, Goran and Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane and Milojković, Boban",
year = "2013",
publisher = "Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education",
journal = "Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.",
title = "Povezanost preciznosti gađanjem iz pištolja i ciljanja stiletom, Correlation of precision shooting with a pistol and stiletto targeting",
pages = "83-84",
url = ""
Vučković, G., Kekić, D., Subošić, D.,& Milojković, B.. (2013). Povezanost preciznosti gađanjem iz pištolja i ciljanja stiletom. in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.
Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education., 83-84.
Vučković G, Kekić D, Subošić D, Milojković B. Povezanost preciznosti gađanjem iz pištolja i ciljanja stiletom. in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.. 2013;:83-84. .
Vučković, Goran, Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, Milojković, Boban, "Povezanost preciznosti gađanjem iz pištolja i ciljanja stiletom" in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013. (2013):83-84, .

Povezanost napada na sportske sudije i prekida sportskih priredbi u Republici Srbiji

Subošić, Dane; Vučković, Goran; Milojković, Boban; Kekić, Dalibor

(Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, 2013)

AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Milojković, Boban
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2013
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
C3  - Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.
T1  - Povezanost napada na sportske sudije i prekida sportskih priredbi u Republici Srbiji
T1  - Correlation between attacks against referees and the number of interrupted sporting events in Serbia
SP  - 29
EP  - 30
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Vučković, Goran and Milojković, Boban and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2013",
publisher = "Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education",
journal = "Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.",
title = "Povezanost napada na sportske sudije i prekida sportskih priredbi u Republici Srbiji, Correlation between attacks against referees and the number of interrupted sporting events in Serbia",
pages = "29-30",
url = ""
Subošić, D., Vučković, G., Milojković, B.,& Kekić, D.. (2013). Povezanost napada na sportske sudije i prekida sportskih priredbi u Republici Srbiji. in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.
Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education., 29-30.
Subošić D, Vučković G, Milojković B, Kekić D. Povezanost napada na sportske sudije i prekida sportskih priredbi u Republici Srbiji. in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013.. 2013;:29-30. .
Subošić, Dane, Vučković, Goran, Milojković, Boban, Kekić, Dalibor, "Povezanost napada na sportske sudije i prekida sportskih priredbi u Republici Srbiji" in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2013. (2013):29-30, .

Hand grip scaling in defining risk factors when using authorized physical force

Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Milojković, Boban; Subošić, Dane; Eminović, Fadilj

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2012)

AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Milojković, Boban
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Eminović, Fadilj
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Police work is done among citizens, quite often in intricate conditions induced by factors of security which may call for an intervention with an extent of communication intensity ranging from low (verbal) to high and exceptionally high and risky (use of lower and severe levels of physical force) to deadly force. The present study aims to place the students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) and active police officers (PO) on a scale within the population in their working environment, in view of the characteristics of basic contractility (maximal muscle force) of the primary manipulatory body organ (the hand) in its essential motor task (flexing all the fingers to produce a grip). The research included 368 respondents: 165 from 10 populations differing in their levels of physical activity and preparedness, while the criterion group of 203 respondents consisted of the ACPS students and PO. The results indicated the existence of four male populations who may be claimed to have significantly higher levels of maximal muscle hand grip force, with respect to the criterion group - PO and the ACPS students (ranging from 26.45 to 83.03 %); five populations had similar levels (from 5.93 to -12.06 %); while one population showed lower force levels (from -25.55 to -26.53 %). The contemporary approach to police higher education design must rest on the utilization of adequate scientific and methodological principles, which will yield the concept defined by the description of the conditions within the system of the environment in which the future police personnel will work.
AB  - Svoj rad policija mora vršiti među civilima, često u složenim okolnostima na koje utiču bezbednosni faktori koji mogu zahtevati intervenciju koja po svom intenzitetu može biti u rasponu od niskih vrednosti (verbalna opomena) do visokih i izrazito visokih (upotreba različitih nivoa fizičke sile) pa sve do smrtonosne sile. Ovo istraživanje kao cilj ima da na skali predstavi studente Akademije za kriminalistiku i policijske studije (ACPS) i već aktivne članove policije (PO) u okviru populacije u njihovom radnom okruženju, u pogledu karakteristika osnovne kontrakcije (maksimalne snage mišića) i primarnog manipulatornog organa tela (ruke) prilikom osnovnog motoričkog zadatka (savijanje svih prstiju kako bi se neki predmet uhvatio). U istraživanje je uključeno 368 ispitanika: 165 iz 10 populacija koje se razlikuju u nivoima fizičke aktivnosti i spremnosti, dok su kontrolnu grupu od 203 ispitanika činili student ACPS i PO. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje četiri muške populacije za koje se može reći da imaju značajno veće nivoe maksimalnog stiska ruke, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom - PO i studenti ACPS (u rasponu od 26.45 do 83.03 %); pet populacija bilo je na sličnom nivou (od 5.93 do -12.06 %); dok je jedna populacija imala niže vrednosti snage (od -25.55 do -26.53 %). Savremeni pristup organizaciji višeg obrazovanja policijskih snaga mora se bazirati na adekvatnim naučnim i metodološkim principima, koji će nas dovesti do koncepta koji je definisan opisom uslova u okviru sistema okruženja u kome će budući policijski službenici raditi.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - Hand grip scaling in defining risk factors when using authorized physical force
T1  - Gradacija snage stiska ruke u definisanju faktora rizika prilikom upotrebe dozvoljenih fizičkih mera
VL  - 10
IS  - 3
SP  - 169
EP  - 181
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Milojković, Boban and Subošić, Dane and Eminović, Fadilj",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Police work is done among citizens, quite often in intricate conditions induced by factors of security which may call for an intervention with an extent of communication intensity ranging from low (verbal) to high and exceptionally high and risky (use of lower and severe levels of physical force) to deadly force. The present study aims to place the students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) and active police officers (PO) on a scale within the population in their working environment, in view of the characteristics of basic contractility (maximal muscle force) of the primary manipulatory body organ (the hand) in its essential motor task (flexing all the fingers to produce a grip). The research included 368 respondents: 165 from 10 populations differing in their levels of physical activity and preparedness, while the criterion group of 203 respondents consisted of the ACPS students and PO. The results indicated the existence of four male populations who may be claimed to have significantly higher levels of maximal muscle hand grip force, with respect to the criterion group - PO and the ACPS students (ranging from 26.45 to 83.03 %); five populations had similar levels (from 5.93 to -12.06 %); while one population showed lower force levels (from -25.55 to -26.53 %). The contemporary approach to police higher education design must rest on the utilization of adequate scientific and methodological principles, which will yield the concept defined by the description of the conditions within the system of the environment in which the future police personnel will work., Svoj rad policija mora vršiti među civilima, često u složenim okolnostima na koje utiču bezbednosni faktori koji mogu zahtevati intervenciju koja po svom intenzitetu može biti u rasponu od niskih vrednosti (verbalna opomena) do visokih i izrazito visokih (upotreba različitih nivoa fizičke sile) pa sve do smrtonosne sile. Ovo istraživanje kao cilj ima da na skali predstavi studente Akademije za kriminalistiku i policijske studije (ACPS) i već aktivne članove policije (PO) u okviru populacije u njihovom radnom okruženju, u pogledu karakteristika osnovne kontrakcije (maksimalne snage mišića) i primarnog manipulatornog organa tela (ruke) prilikom osnovnog motoričkog zadatka (savijanje svih prstiju kako bi se neki predmet uhvatio). U istraživanje je uključeno 368 ispitanika: 165 iz 10 populacija koje se razlikuju u nivoima fizičke aktivnosti i spremnosti, dok su kontrolnu grupu od 203 ispitanika činili student ACPS i PO. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje četiri muške populacije za koje se može reći da imaju značajno veće nivoe maksimalnog stiska ruke, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom - PO i studenti ACPS (u rasponu od 26.45 do 83.03 %); pet populacija bilo je na sličnom nivou (od 5.93 do -12.06 %); dok je jedna populacija imala niže vrednosti snage (od -25.55 do -26.53 %). Savremeni pristup organizaciji višeg obrazovanja policijskih snaga mora se bazirati na adekvatnim naučnim i metodološkim principima, koji će nas dovesti do koncepta koji je definisan opisom uslova u okviru sistema okruženja u kome će budući policijski službenici raditi.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "Hand grip scaling in defining risk factors when using authorized physical force, Gradacija snage stiska ruke u definisanju faktora rizika prilikom upotrebe dozvoljenih fizičkih mera",
volume = "10",
number = "3",
pages = "169-181",
url = ""
Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G., Milojković, B., Subošić, D.,& Eminović, F.. (2012). Hand grip scaling in defining risk factors when using authorized physical force. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 10(3), 169-181.
Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Milojković B, Subošić D, Eminović F. Hand grip scaling in defining risk factors when using authorized physical force. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2012;10(3):169-181. .
Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Milojković, Boban, Subošić, Dane, Eminović, Fadilj, "Hand grip scaling in defining risk factors when using authorized physical force" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 10, no. 3 (2012):169-181, .

Ispoljavanje maksimalne izometrijske sile kod selektovanih rukometašica različitog uzrasta

Maksić, Živojin; Isaković, Marko; Vučković, Goran

(Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija, 2012)

AU  - Maksić, Živojin
AU  - Isaković, Marko
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - A sample of 57 subjects consisting of selected junior female players, aged 13 or 14, was used to measure maximal isometric muscle strength for certain muscle groups, more specifically, for hand flexors (dominant and non-dominant), back extensors and leg extensors. The main morphological parameters of the 14-year old subjects were the following: BH±SD = 1.719±0.065 meter; BM±SD = 64.36±6.36 kilogram; BMI±SD = 21.78±1.93 (kg/m2), and for the 13-year olds they were: BH±SD = 1.667±0.056 meter; BM±SD = 58.71±9.87 kilogram; BMI±SD = 21.01±2.58 (kg/m2). Based on the obtained descriptive statistics results, a conclusion can be drawn that the mean value for the variable of the dominant hand grip amounted to 33.87±4.92 daN with the 14-year old subjects and 28.58±5.98 daN with the 13-year old ones, whereas the mean values for the non-dominant hand grip were 30.94±4.24 daN and 25.36±5.50 daN, respectively. The values for the variable of back extensors force showed mean values of 87.28±13.41 daN; 77.22±12.19 daN, respectively, whereas the mean values for leg extensors were 86.19±12.65 daN; 76.01±18.19 daN, respectively. Based on the results of Students' test, it can be concluded that the results obtained for the variables that measured the maximum isometric force of the flexors of the dominant hand, nondominant hand, back extensors, and leg extensors, there is a statistically significant difference at 95% probability level, because t = 13.095, p = 0.001; t = 18.065, p = 0.000; t = 8.798, p = 0.004; t = 5.891, p = 0.019, respectively.
PB  - Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija
T2  - Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
T1  - Ispoljavanje maksimalne izometrijske sile kod selektovanih rukometašica različitog uzrasta
T1  - Manifestation of maximal isometric muscle strength among selected female handball players of different ages
VL  - 10
IS  - 34-35-36
SP  - 346
EP  - 353
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maksić, Živojin and Isaković, Marko and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2012",
abstract = "A sample of 57 subjects consisting of selected junior female players, aged 13 or 14, was used to measure maximal isometric muscle strength for certain muscle groups, more specifically, for hand flexors (dominant and non-dominant), back extensors and leg extensors. The main morphological parameters of the 14-year old subjects were the following: BH±SD = 1.719±0.065 meter; BM±SD = 64.36±6.36 kilogram; BMI±SD = 21.78±1.93 (kg/m2), and for the 13-year olds they were: BH±SD = 1.667±0.056 meter; BM±SD = 58.71±9.87 kilogram; BMI±SD = 21.01±2.58 (kg/m2). Based on the obtained descriptive statistics results, a conclusion can be drawn that the mean value for the variable of the dominant hand grip amounted to 33.87±4.92 daN with the 14-year old subjects and 28.58±5.98 daN with the 13-year old ones, whereas the mean values for the non-dominant hand grip were 30.94±4.24 daN and 25.36±5.50 daN, respectively. The values for the variable of back extensors force showed mean values of 87.28±13.41 daN; 77.22±12.19 daN, respectively, whereas the mean values for leg extensors were 86.19±12.65 daN; 76.01±18.19 daN, respectively. Based on the results of Students' test, it can be concluded that the results obtained for the variables that measured the maximum isometric force of the flexors of the dominant hand, nondominant hand, back extensors, and leg extensors, there is a statistically significant difference at 95% probability level, because t = 13.095, p = 0.001; t = 18.065, p = 0.000; t = 8.798, p = 0.004; t = 5.891, p = 0.019, respectively.",
publisher = "Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija",
journal = "Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]",
title = "Ispoljavanje maksimalne izometrijske sile kod selektovanih rukometašica različitog uzrasta, Manifestation of maximal isometric muscle strength among selected female handball players of different ages",
volume = "10",
number = "34-35-36",
pages = "346-353",
url = ""
Maksić, Ž., Isaković, M.,& Vučković, G.. (2012). Ispoljavanje maksimalne izometrijske sile kod selektovanih rukometašica različitog uzrasta. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija., 10(34-35-36), 346-353.
Maksić Ž, Isaković M, Vučković G. Ispoljavanje maksimalne izometrijske sile kod selektovanih rukometašica različitog uzrasta. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]. 2012;10(34-35-36):346-353. .
Maksić, Živojin, Isaković, Marko, Vučković, Goran, "Ispoljavanje maksimalne izometrijske sile kod selektovanih rukometašica različitog uzrasta" in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor], 10, no. 34-35-36 (2012):346-353, .

Uticaj morfoloških karakteristika i pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti na selekciju u rukometu

Isaković, Marko; Maksić, Živojin; Vučković, Goran

(Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija, 2012)

AU  - Isaković, Marko
AU  - Maksić, Živojin
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - On a sample of 64 handball players, 33 among whom have been selected for the national team and 31 of whom are first league handball players, the relations between morphological  characteristics  and  motor  abilities  with  respect  to  selection  for  the  national  team  have  been  studied. The  predictor  variables  included  four  from  the  domain of morphology and 8 from the sphere of motor abilities. Based on the obtained results  of  descriptive  statistics  a  conclusion  can  be  drawn  that  the  mean  values  of  morphological  variables  indicate  that  the  handball  players  on  the  national  team  are  taller on the average (191.79±5.67; 190.85±5.72, respectively) and  the mean value of the   planemetric   parameter   of   the   hand   is   larger   (25.28±1.23;   25.06±1.06,   respectively). Based  on  the  obtained  results  of  descriptive  statistics  a  conclusion  can  be  drawn  that  the  mean  values  for  variables  in  the  sphere  of  motor  abilities  indicate  that the selected handball players had, on average, better scores for the standing high jump   variable   (48.12±6.19;   44.90±6.85,   respectively),   long   jump   (252.18±18;   246.94±18.79,  respectively),  shot  on  a  basketball  board  (69.52±6.63;  67.35±7.58,  respectively),  triple  jump  (771.48±83.64;  765.74±50.32,  respectively),  bench  press  (45.04±12.06;   42.45±12.83,   respectively),   whereas   hand   tapping   showed   almost   identical results (4.45±0.56; 4.46±0.32, respectively) and the first league players were better at foot tapping (6.80±1.30; 6.98±1.10, respectively).
PB  - Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija
T2  - Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
T1  - Uticaj morfoloških karakteristika i pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti na selekciju u rukometu
T1  - The influence of morphological characteristics and specific motor skills on selection in handball
VL  - 10
IS  - 34-35-36
SP  - 312
EP  - 319
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Isaković, Marko and Maksić, Živojin and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2012",
abstract = "On a sample of 64 handball players, 33 among whom have been selected for the national team and 31 of whom are first league handball players, the relations between morphological  characteristics  and  motor  abilities  with  respect  to  selection  for  the  national  team  have  been  studied. The  predictor  variables  included  four  from  the  domain of morphology and 8 from the sphere of motor abilities. Based on the obtained results  of  descriptive  statistics  a  conclusion  can  be  drawn  that  the  mean  values  of  morphological  variables  indicate  that  the  handball  players  on  the  national  team  are  taller on the average (191.79±5.67; 190.85±5.72, respectively) and  the mean value of the   planemetric   parameter   of   the   hand   is   larger   (25.28±1.23;   25.06±1.06,   respectively). Based  on  the  obtained  results  of  descriptive  statistics  a  conclusion  can  be  drawn  that  the  mean  values  for  variables  in  the  sphere  of  motor  abilities  indicate  that the selected handball players had, on average, better scores for the standing high jump   variable   (48.12±6.19;   44.90±6.85,   respectively),   long   jump   (252.18±18;   246.94±18.79,  respectively),  shot  on  a  basketball  board  (69.52±6.63;  67.35±7.58,  respectively),  triple  jump  (771.48±83.64;  765.74±50.32,  respectively),  bench  press  (45.04±12.06;   42.45±12.83,   respectively),   whereas   hand   tapping   showed   almost   identical results (4.45±0.56; 4.46±0.32, respectively) and the first league players were better at foot tapping (6.80±1.30; 6.98±1.10, respectively).",
publisher = "Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija",
journal = "Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]",
title = "Uticaj morfoloških karakteristika i pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti na selekciju u rukometu, The influence of morphological characteristics and specific motor skills on selection in handball",
volume = "10",
number = "34-35-36",
pages = "312-319",
url = ""
Isaković, M., Maksić, Ž.,& Vučković, G.. (2012). Uticaj morfoloških karakteristika i pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti na selekciju u rukometu. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija., 10(34-35-36), 312-319.
Isaković M, Maksić Ž, Vučković G. Uticaj morfoloških karakteristika i pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti na selekciju u rukometu. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]. 2012;10(34-35-36):312-319. .
Isaković, Marko, Maksić, Živojin, Vučković, Goran, "Uticaj morfoloških karakteristika i pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti na selekciju u rukometu" in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor], 10, no. 34-35-36 (2012):312-319, .

Techniques of special physical education in the function of controlling suspect's resistance and protecting police officers

Banović, Božidar; Amanović, Đurica; Vučković, Goran

(Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Banović, Božidar
AU  - Amanović, Đurica
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The paper analyzes the use of physical force as a means of coercion, i.e. techniques of physical control. The Law on Police and the Regulations on conditions and manner of use of coercive means define the conditions and manner of use of means of coercion (force), period of duration, limitations as well as obligations following the use of force.10 Special attention has been devoted to the definition of force, quantity and nature of resistance that should be surmounted, as well as the level of force control the police officers use in order to neutralize unlawful physical actions of a suspect in order to control a certain situation. Practical application of techniques of Special Physical Education (SPE) as means of legal control activities of the police, i.e. technical physical control in the function of controlling physical resistance given by a suspect have been analyzed. The total number of 182 reports when the physical force was used was analyzed. In addition to this, the paper highlights the need for clear codification and generally accepted set of rules for the use of physical force as a guarantee for ethical and legal performance of police powers.
AB  - U radu je urađena analiza primene fizičke snage kao sredstva prinude, odnosno tehnike fizičke kontrole. Zakonom o policiji i Pravilnikom o uslovima i načinu upotrebe sredstava prinude, definisani su uslovi i način upotrebe sredstava prinude (sile), vreme trajanja, ograničenja, kao i obaveze nakon primene sile1. Posebna pažnja posvećena je definiciji sile, količini i prirodi otpora koji se mora savladati, te nivou kontrole sile koju pripadnik policije primenjuje da bi neutralisao nezakonite fizičke akcije osumnjičenog u cilju upravljanja (kontrole) određenom situacijom. Analizirana je praktična primena tehnika specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO-a) kao sredstva zakonitih kontrolnih aktivnosti policije tj. tehnike fizičke kontrole u funkciji kontrolisanja fizičkog otpora koji pruža osumnjičeno lice. Analizirano je ukupno 182 izveštaja u kojima je bila opravdana upotreba fizičke snage. Dalje, u radu je potencirana potreba jasno kodifikovanog i opšte prihvaćenog niza pravila prilikom primene sile, kao garant etičkog i zakonitog vršenja policijskih ovlašćenja.
PB  - Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
T2  - Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
T1  - Techniques of special physical education in the function of controlling suspect's resistance and protecting police officers
T1  - Tehnike specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja u funkciji kontrolisanja otpora osumnjičenog i zaštite pripadnika policije
VL  - 50
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 235
EP  - 244
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Banović, Božidar and Amanović, Đurica and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The paper analyzes the use of physical force as a means of coercion, i.e. techniques of physical control. The Law on Police and the Regulations on conditions and manner of use of coercive means define the conditions and manner of use of means of coercion (force), period of duration, limitations as well as obligations following the use of force.10 Special attention has been devoted to the definition of force, quantity and nature of resistance that should be surmounted, as well as the level of force control the police officers use in order to neutralize unlawful physical actions of a suspect in order to control a certain situation. Practical application of techniques of Special Physical Education (SPE) as means of legal control activities of the police, i.e. technical physical control in the function of controlling physical resistance given by a suspect have been analyzed. The total number of 182 reports when the physical force was used was analyzed. In addition to this, the paper highlights the need for clear codification and generally accepted set of rules for the use of physical force as a guarantee for ethical and legal performance of police powers., U radu je urađena analiza primene fizičke snage kao sredstva prinude, odnosno tehnike fizičke kontrole. Zakonom o policiji i Pravilnikom o uslovima i načinu upotrebe sredstava prinude, definisani su uslovi i način upotrebe sredstava prinude (sile), vreme trajanja, ograničenja, kao i obaveze nakon primene sile1. Posebna pažnja posvećena je definiciji sile, količini i prirodi otpora koji se mora savladati, te nivou kontrole sile koju pripadnik policije primenjuje da bi neutralisao nezakonite fizičke akcije osumnjičenog u cilju upravljanja (kontrole) određenom situacijom. Analizirana je praktična primena tehnika specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO-a) kao sredstva zakonitih kontrolnih aktivnosti policije tj. tehnike fizičke kontrole u funkciji kontrolisanja fizičkog otpora koji pruža osumnjičeno lice. Analizirano je ukupno 182 izveštaja u kojima je bila opravdana upotreba fizičke snage. Dalje, u radu je potencirana potreba jasno kodifikovanog i opšte prihvaćenog niza pravila prilikom primene sile, kao garant etičkog i zakonitog vršenja policijskih ovlašćenja.",
publisher = "Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd",
journal = "Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo",
title = "Techniques of special physical education in the function of controlling suspect's resistance and protecting police officers, Tehnike specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja u funkciji kontrolisanja otpora osumnjičenog i zaštite pripadnika policije",
volume = "50",
number = "1-2",
pages = "235-244",
url = ""
Banović, B., Amanović, Đ.,& Vučković, G.. (2012). Techniques of special physical education in the function of controlling suspect's resistance and protecting police officers. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd., 50(1-2), 235-244.
Banović B, Amanović Đ, Vučković G. Techniques of special physical education in the function of controlling suspect's resistance and protecting police officers. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo. 2012;50(1-2):235-244. .
Banović, Božidar, Amanović, Đurica, Vučković, Goran, "Techniques of special physical education in the function of controlling suspect's resistance and protecting police officers" in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 50, no. 1-2 (2012):235-244, .

Physical abilities of police officers as prerequisite for suppressing violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia

Vučković, Goran; Subošić, Dane; Kekić, Dalibor

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2011)

AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Violence at sporting events is seen as a particularly serious problem in the Republic of Serbia. In response to it, the police are entrusted with performing specific security tasks related to security of public assembly, focusing on maintaining public order or reinstating it in the case of serious disturbances. In order to ensure that police officers are capable of performing these assignments lawfully and efficiently, they should be properly prepared, which is achieved by maximizing the compatibility of their training (what they should know) and their working profiles (what they should do). The preparation and implementation of specific security tasks can be represented as an equilateral triangle, each side representing one element of the educational and working profile. The sides would thus represent: 1) physical capabilities of police officers, 2) their equipment, and 3) the engagement tactics. The paper focuses on the problem of physical fitness of police officers as a prerequisite for the prevention of violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia, as can be inferred from the title.
AB  - Nasilje na sportskim događajima se smatra naročito velikim problemom u Republici Srbiji. Kao odgovor na to, policijske snage imaju zadatak da obave određene bezbedonosne zadatke pre javnih okupljanja, koja se pre svega tiču održavanja javnog reda u slučajevima velikih nemira. Da bi se osiguralo da su policijske snage sposobne da izvrše ovakve zadatke na zakonit i efikasan način, one bi trebalo da budu dobro pripremljene, što se postiže povećanjem njihove utreniranosti (onoga što bi oni trebalo da znaju) i njihovih radnih profila (ono što bi oni trebalo da rade). Priprema i primena posebnih bezbedonosnih zadataka može se prikazati kao jednakostrani trougao, pri čemu svaka strana prikazuje po jedan element obrazovnog i radnog profila. Tako bi strane prikazivale: 1) fizičke sposobnosti policajaca, 2) njihovu opremu i 3) taktike angažovanja. Ovaj rad bavi se problemom fizičke pripremljenosti policajaca kao preduslov za sprečavanje nasilja na sportskim događajima u Republici Srbiji, kao što se i može videti iz naslova.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - Physical abilities of police officers as prerequisite for suppressing violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia
T1  - Fizičke sposobnosti policijskih snaga kao preduslov za suzbijanje nasilja na sportskim događajima u Republici Srbiji
VL  - 9
IS  - 4
SP  - 385
EP  - 397
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vučković, Goran and Subošić, Dane and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Violence at sporting events is seen as a particularly serious problem in the Republic of Serbia. In response to it, the police are entrusted with performing specific security tasks related to security of public assembly, focusing on maintaining public order or reinstating it in the case of serious disturbances. In order to ensure that police officers are capable of performing these assignments lawfully and efficiently, they should be properly prepared, which is achieved by maximizing the compatibility of their training (what they should know) and their working profiles (what they should do). The preparation and implementation of specific security tasks can be represented as an equilateral triangle, each side representing one element of the educational and working profile. The sides would thus represent: 1) physical capabilities of police officers, 2) their equipment, and 3) the engagement tactics. The paper focuses on the problem of physical fitness of police officers as a prerequisite for the prevention of violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia, as can be inferred from the title., Nasilje na sportskim događajima se smatra naročito velikim problemom u Republici Srbiji. Kao odgovor na to, policijske snage imaju zadatak da obave određene bezbedonosne zadatke pre javnih okupljanja, koja se pre svega tiču održavanja javnog reda u slučajevima velikih nemira. Da bi se osiguralo da su policijske snage sposobne da izvrše ovakve zadatke na zakonit i efikasan način, one bi trebalo da budu dobro pripremljene, što se postiže povećanjem njihove utreniranosti (onoga što bi oni trebalo da znaju) i njihovih radnih profila (ono što bi oni trebalo da rade). Priprema i primena posebnih bezbedonosnih zadataka može se prikazati kao jednakostrani trougao, pri čemu svaka strana prikazuje po jedan element obrazovnog i radnog profila. Tako bi strane prikazivale: 1) fizičke sposobnosti policajaca, 2) njihovu opremu i 3) taktike angažovanja. Ovaj rad bavi se problemom fizičke pripremljenosti policajaca kao preduslov za sprečavanje nasilja na sportskim događajima u Republici Srbiji, kao što se i može videti iz naslova.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "Physical abilities of police officers as prerequisite for suppressing violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia, Fizičke sposobnosti policijskih snaga kao preduslov za suzbijanje nasilja na sportskim događajima u Republici Srbiji",
volume = "9",
number = "4",
pages = "385-397",
url = ""
Vučković, G., Subošić, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2011). Physical abilities of police officers as prerequisite for suppressing violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 9(4), 385-397.
Vučković G, Subošić D, Kekić D. Physical abilities of police officers as prerequisite for suppressing violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2011;9(4):385-397. .
Vučković, Goran, Subošić, Dane, Kekić, Dalibor, "Physical abilities of police officers as prerequisite for suppressing violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 9, no. 4 (2011):385-397, .

Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement

Subošić, Dane; Vučković, Goran; Kekić, Dalibor


AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - In order for police officers to be able to perform their duties and tasks in securing public gatherings and possibly restoring the disturbed public order, especially in the cases of large-scale outbursts of violence, they should be trained, equipped and organized in such a way as to maximize the effects of their engagement (e.g. in the period between July 2003 and September 2009, 4750 (86.06% of total number of measures taken at or related to sporting events) persons were apprehended by the police, 352 (6.63%) were detained, 208 (3.92%) were remanded in custody, etc.) as well as to minimize the effects of criminal acts in these conditions (e.g. within the same period, 1.533 (64%) criminal offences were related to the provisions of Section 20 of the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events, and 2.990 (almost 45%) were related to other provisions of the same statute). The paper focuses on the organizational and technical arrangements as prerequisites for minimizing occupational hazards that threaten the lives and health of police officers as well as those of other persons, or that cause material damage. It is of particular importance that the paper specifically focuses on the security of law enforcers engaged at sporting events, i.e. while exercising their official duties against perpetrators of criminal acts and other offenders.
T2  - Serbian journal of sports sciences
T1  - Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement
VL  - 5
IS  - 1-4
SP  - 147
EP  - 154
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Vučković, Goran and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2011",
abstract = "In order for police officers to be able to perform their duties and tasks in securing public gatherings and possibly restoring the disturbed public order, especially in the cases of large-scale outbursts of violence, they should be trained, equipped and organized in such a way as to maximize the effects of their engagement (e.g. in the period between July 2003 and September 2009, 4750 (86.06% of total number of measures taken at or related to sporting events) persons were apprehended by the police, 352 (6.63%) were detained, 208 (3.92%) were remanded in custody, etc.) as well as to minimize the effects of criminal acts in these conditions (e.g. within the same period, 1.533 (64%) criminal offences were related to the provisions of Section 20 of the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events, and 2.990 (almost 45%) were related to other provisions of the same statute). The paper focuses on the organizational and technical arrangements as prerequisites for minimizing occupational hazards that threaten the lives and health of police officers as well as those of other persons, or that cause material damage. It is of particular importance that the paper specifically focuses on the security of law enforcers engaged at sporting events, i.e. while exercising their official duties against perpetrators of criminal acts and other offenders.",
journal = "Serbian journal of sports sciences",
title = "Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement",
volume = "5",
number = "1-4",
pages = "147-154",
url = ""
Subošić, D., Vučković, G.,& Kekić, D.. (2011). Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement. in Serbian journal of sports sciences, 5(1-4), 147-154.
Subošić D, Vučković G, Kekić D. Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement. in Serbian journal of sports sciences. 2011;5(1-4):147-154. .
Subošić, Dane, Vučković, Goran, Kekić, Dalibor, "Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement" in Serbian journal of sports sciences, 5, no. 1-4 (2011):147-154, .

Analysis of student attitudes on the effectiveness of field training in summer conditions

Milojević, Saša; Vučković, Goran; Janković, Bojan

(Beograd : Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, 2011)

AU  - Milojević, Saša
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Janković, Bojan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - The field training of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies is a special form of teaching that has its own place and role in the curricula of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade. During the field training, students experience a specific set of living and working conditions in which they are to adopt practical knowledge and skills necessary for effective policing. This special form of teaching has a long tradition in the police institutions of higher education. While the structure and form of field training have remained unchanged, the contents of the training have evolved in line with social and security changes in the country and abroad. The results of the survey of attitudes of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies conducted after the implementation of field training in the year 2011 indicate high efficiency of this particular form of teaching in the process of raising the overall level of training the students to apply practical knowledge and skills that will be necessary to perform once they have been employed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.
AB  - Terenska obuka studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije predstavlja poseban oblik nastave koji ima svoje mesto i ulogu u studijskim programima Kriminalističko-policijske akademije. Tokom njene realizacije studenti pod specifičnim režimom života i rada usvajaju niz praktičnih znanja i veština neophodnih za efikasno obavljanje policijskih poslova. Ta vrsta posebnog oblika nastave ima dugu tradiciju realizacije u policijskim visokoškolskim institucijama. Dok struktura i forma terenske obuke ostaju nepromenjene, sadržaji koji su se realizovali evoluirali su u skladu sa društvenim i bezbednosnim promenama u zemlji i okruženju. Rezultati ispitivanja stavova studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije, sprovedenog nakon realizacije terenske obuke 2011. godine, ukazuju na veliku efektivnost ovog posebnog oblika nastave u procesu podizanja ukupnog nivoa obučenosti studenata za primenu praktičnih znanja i veština koje će im biti neophodne za obavljanje poslova nakon zasnivanja radnog odnosa u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije.
PB  - Beograd : Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Analysis of student attitudes on the effectiveness of field training in summer conditions
T1  - Analiza stavova studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije o efektivnosti terenske obuke u letnjim uslovima
VL  - 53
IS  - 2
SP  - 46
EP  - 65
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milojević, Saša and Vučković, Goran and Janković, Bojan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The field training of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies is a special form of teaching that has its own place and role in the curricula of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade. During the field training, students experience a specific set of living and working conditions in which they are to adopt practical knowledge and skills necessary for effective policing. This special form of teaching has a long tradition in the police institutions of higher education. While the structure and form of field training have remained unchanged, the contents of the training have evolved in line with social and security changes in the country and abroad. The results of the survey of attitudes of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies conducted after the implementation of field training in the year 2011 indicate high efficiency of this particular form of teaching in the process of raising the overall level of training the students to apply practical knowledge and skills that will be necessary to perform once they have been employed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia., Terenska obuka studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije predstavlja poseban oblik nastave koji ima svoje mesto i ulogu u studijskim programima Kriminalističko-policijske akademije. Tokom njene realizacije studenti pod specifičnim režimom života i rada usvajaju niz praktičnih znanja i veština neophodnih za efikasno obavljanje policijskih poslova. Ta vrsta posebnog oblika nastave ima dugu tradiciju realizacije u policijskim visokoškolskim institucijama. Dok struktura i forma terenske obuke ostaju nepromenjene, sadržaji koji su se realizovali evoluirali su u skladu sa društvenim i bezbednosnim promenama u zemlji i okruženju. Rezultati ispitivanja stavova studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije, sprovedenog nakon realizacije terenske obuke 2011. godine, ukazuju na veliku efektivnost ovog posebnog oblika nastave u procesu podizanja ukupnog nivoa obučenosti studenata za primenu praktičnih znanja i veština koje će im biti neophodne za obavljanje poslova nakon zasnivanja radnog odnosa u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije.",
publisher = "Beograd : Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Analysis of student attitudes on the effectiveness of field training in summer conditions, Analiza stavova studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije o efektivnosti terenske obuke u letnjim uslovima",
volume = "53",
number = "2",
pages = "46-65",
url = ""
Milojević, S., Vučković, G.,& Janković, B.. (2011). Analysis of student attitudes on the effectiveness of field training in summer conditions. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Beograd : Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije., 53(2), 46-65.
Milojević S, Vučković G, Janković B. Analysis of student attitudes on the effectiveness of field training in summer conditions. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2011;53(2):46-65. .
Milojević, Saša, Vučković, Goran, Janković, Bojan, "Analysis of student attitudes on the effectiveness of field training in summer conditions" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 53, no. 2 (2011):46-65, .

Razlike morfološkog statusa sportista i nesportista srednjoškolskog uzrasta

Vučković, Goran; Radovanović, Dragan

(Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija, 2011)

AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Radovanović, Dragan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - This paper aims to obtain new and relevant insights into the significant differen-ces  in  morphological  status  between  high  school  sportsmen  and  non-sportsmen.  The  sample of respondents will include approximately 90 male high school students divided into  two  subsamples.  The  first  subsample  will  comprise  45  respondents  who,  besides  being actively involved in curricular activities in Physical Education classes, regularly take part in a sports activity outside school, whereas the second sample will consist of 45  students  whose  active  participation  in  sports  is  restricted  to  Physical  Education  classes.  The  sample  of  variables  will  contain  a  list  of  20  anthropometrical  measure-ments  used  to  determine  longitudinal  and  transversal  skeleton  dimensionality,  body  mass and volume, as well as sub-skin fatty tissue: body height and weight, diameters of elbow,  wrist,  knee  and  ankle,  minimum  and  maximum  diameters  of  forearm,  upper  arm,  thigh  and  lower  leg  and  skinfold  thickness  on  forearm,  upper  arm,  thigh,  lower  leg, chest and stomach. The anthropometrical research will be conducted according to the  standards  of  the  International  Biological  Program  (IBP)  and  the  basic  principles  and  rules  concerning  parameter  selection,  standard  measurement  conditions  and  tec-hniques as well as standard measuring instruments, properly calibrated prior to mea-surement.  The  raw  measurement  data  collected  in  this  research  will  be  subjected  to  multivariate  analysis  of  variance  (MANOVA)  and  univariate  analysis  of  variance  (ANOVA) for the purpose of acquiring scientific knowledge on the important differen-ces in morphological status between high school sportsmen and non-sportsmen.
PB  - Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija
T2  - Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
T1  - Razlike morfološkog statusa sportista i nesportista srednjoškolskog uzrasta
T1  - Differences in morphological status between highschool sportsmen and non-sportsmen
VL  - 8
IS  - 25-26-27
SP  - 280
EP  - 285
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vučković, Goran and Radovanović, Dragan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "This paper aims to obtain new and relevant insights into the significant differen-ces  in  morphological  status  between  high  school  sportsmen  and  non-sportsmen.  The  sample of respondents will include approximately 90 male high school students divided into  two  subsamples.  The  first  subsample  will  comprise  45  respondents  who,  besides  being actively involved in curricular activities in Physical Education classes, regularly take part in a sports activity outside school, whereas the second sample will consist of 45  students  whose  active  participation  in  sports  is  restricted  to  Physical  Education  classes.  The  sample  of  variables  will  contain  a  list  of  20  anthropometrical  measure-ments  used  to  determine  longitudinal  and  transversal  skeleton  dimensionality,  body  mass and volume, as well as sub-skin fatty tissue: body height and weight, diameters of elbow,  wrist,  knee  and  ankle,  minimum  and  maximum  diameters  of  forearm,  upper  arm,  thigh  and  lower  leg  and  skinfold  thickness  on  forearm,  upper  arm,  thigh,  lower  leg, chest and stomach. The anthropometrical research will be conducted according to the  standards  of  the  International  Biological  Program  (IBP)  and  the  basic  principles  and  rules  concerning  parameter  selection,  standard  measurement  conditions  and  tec-hniques as well as standard measuring instruments, properly calibrated prior to mea-surement.  The  raw  measurement  data  collected  in  this  research  will  be  subjected  to  multivariate  analysis  of  variance  (MANOVA)  and  univariate  analysis  of  variance  (ANOVA) for the purpose of acquiring scientific knowledge on the important differen-ces in morphological status between high school sportsmen and non-sportsmen.",
publisher = "Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija",
journal = "Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]",
title = "Razlike morfološkog statusa sportista i nesportista srednjoškolskog uzrasta, Differences in morphological status between highschool sportsmen and non-sportsmen",
volume = "8",
number = "25-26-27",
pages = "280-285",
url = ""
Vučković, G.,& Radovanović, D.. (2011). Razlike morfološkog statusa sportista i nesportista srednjoškolskog uzrasta. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija., 8(25-26-27), 280-285.
Vučković G, Radovanović D. Razlike morfološkog statusa sportista i nesportista srednjoškolskog uzrasta. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]. 2011;8(25-26-27):280-285. .
Vučković, Goran, Radovanović, Dragan, "Razlike morfološkog statusa sportista i nesportista srednjoškolskog uzrasta" in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor], 8, no. 25-26-27 (2011):280-285, .

Evaluacija nastavnog sadržaja specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja

Vučković, Goran; Mitrović, Saša

(Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija, 2011)

AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Mitrović, Saša
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - An anonymous poll was conducted among a group of 133 first-year 103 male (M) and 30 females (F) students of the Police and Criminal Justice Academy following the end of the Special Physical Education I course and completion of pre-examination tasks in the 2008/09 school year. The aim of this research was to find out the views of female first-year students regarding the subject of Special Physical Education, which belongs to the group of general-professional subjects. The analysis of the poll results indicates that a large number of subjects holds that the subject in question is very significant or that it is among subjects of significance (72.93%; M-74.76%; F-66.67%), whereas the number of practical training hours is insufficient, being average (67.67%; M-69.90; F-60.00), and that it should be 4 lessons a week (41.35%; M-39.81%; F-46.67%) or 5 (30.08%; M-31.07%; F-26.67%). The subjects also expressed an important view of the number of theory lessons, which they found was satisfactory (65.41%; M-58.25%; F-90.00%) and that lessons should take place during both semesters, i.e. throughout the school year (87.97%; M-86.41%; F-93.33%). The students said that they preferred (87.22%; M-87.38%; F-86.67%) the special part of the curriculum (hitting, levers, throws...) to the theoretical part. As for the students’ views related to achievement expectations in the observed subject, it can be inferred that 53.39%; M-49.52%; F-66.67% subjects achieved results equaling or exceeding their expectations, whereas 43.61%; M-46.60%; F-33.33% failed to achieve the desired results. A large number of subjects, 72 (54.14%); M 48 (46.60%); F 24 (80.00%) were of the opinion that the teachers and assistants engaged on this subject were extremely correct or correct, whereas 23 (17.29%); M 19 (18.45%); F 4 (13.33%) subjects stated that they were incorrect or that their conduct was disappointing.
PB  - Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija
T2  - Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
T1  - Evaluacija nastavnog sadržaja specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja
T1  - The evaluation of special physical education subject content
VL  - 9
IS  - 31-32-33
SP  - 484
EP  - 492
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vučković, Goran and Mitrović, Saša",
year = "2011",
abstract = "An anonymous poll was conducted among a group of 133 first-year 103 male (M) and 30 females (F) students of the Police and Criminal Justice Academy following the end of the Special Physical Education I course and completion of pre-examination tasks in the 2008/09 school year. The aim of this research was to find out the views of female first-year students regarding the subject of Special Physical Education, which belongs to the group of general-professional subjects. The analysis of the poll results indicates that a large number of subjects holds that the subject in question is very significant or that it is among subjects of significance (72.93%; M-74.76%; F-66.67%), whereas the number of practical training hours is insufficient, being average (67.67%; M-69.90; F-60.00), and that it should be 4 lessons a week (41.35%; M-39.81%; F-46.67%) or 5 (30.08%; M-31.07%; F-26.67%). The subjects also expressed an important view of the number of theory lessons, which they found was satisfactory (65.41%; M-58.25%; F-90.00%) and that lessons should take place during both semesters, i.e. throughout the school year (87.97%; M-86.41%; F-93.33%). The students said that they preferred (87.22%; M-87.38%; F-86.67%) the special part of the curriculum (hitting, levers, throws...) to the theoretical part. As for the students’ views related to achievement expectations in the observed subject, it can be inferred that 53.39%; M-49.52%; F-66.67% subjects achieved results equaling or exceeding their expectations, whereas 43.61%; M-46.60%; F-33.33% failed to achieve the desired results. A large number of subjects, 72 (54.14%); M 48 (46.60%); F 24 (80.00%) were of the opinion that the teachers and assistants engaged on this subject were extremely correct or correct, whereas 23 (17.29%); M 19 (18.45%); F 4 (13.33%) subjects stated that they were incorrect or that their conduct was disappointing.",
publisher = "Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija",
journal = "Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]",
title = "Evaluacija nastavnog sadržaja specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja, The evaluation of special physical education subject content",
volume = "9",
number = "31-32-33",
pages = "484-492",
url = ""
Vučković, G.,& Mitrović, S.. (2011). Evaluacija nastavnog sadržaja specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]
Podgorica : Crnogorska sportska akademija., 9(31-32-33), 484-492.
Vučković G, Mitrović S. Evaluacija nastavnog sadržaja specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja. in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor]. 2011;9(31-32-33):484-492. .
Vučković, Goran, Mitrović, Saša, "Evaluacija nastavnog sadržaja specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja" in Sport Mont [Elektronski izvor], 9, no. 31-32-33 (2011):484-492, .

Criminalistic and police studies students' attitudes regarding training in special physical education

Vučković, Goran; Dopsaj, Milivoj

(Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - An anonymous poll was conducted among a group of 103 first-year male students of the Police and Criminal Justice Academy following the end of the Special Physical Education I course and completion of pre-examination tasks in the 2008/09 school year. The aim of this research was to find out the views of female first-year students regarding the subject of Special Physical Education, which belongs to the group of general-professional subjects. The analysis of the poll results indicates that a large number of subjects holds that the subject in question is very significant or that it is among subjects of significance (94.17%), whereas the number of practical training hours is insufficient, being average (82.52%), and that it should be 4 lessons a week (39.81%) or 5 (31.07%). The subjects also expressed an important view of the number of theory lessons, which they found was satisfactory (58.25%) and that lessons should take place during both semesters, i.e. throughout the school year (86.41%). The students said that they preferred (87.38 %) the special part of the curriculum (hitting, levers, throws…) to the theoretical part. As for the students' views related to achievement expectations in the observed subject, it can be inferred that 49.51 % subjects achieved results equaling or exceeding their expectations, whereas 46.60 % failed to achieve the desired results. A large number of subjects, 48 (46.60%) were of the opinion that the teachers and assistants engaged on this subject were extremely correct or correct, whereas 19 subjects (18.45%) stated that they were incorrect or that their conduct was disappointing.
AB  - U cilju utvrđivanja stavova studenata o nastavi Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja, koji spada u grupu opšte-stručnih predmeta, anonimno je anketirano 103 studenata I godine Kriminalističko-policijske akademije muškog pola, a nakon završene nastave na predmetu Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje I i predispitnih obaveza iz navedenog predmeta u školskoj 2008/09 godini. Analizom rezultata dobijenih anketiranjem izvodi se zaključak da je mišljenje velikog broja ispitanika da je nastavni predmet SFO izuzetno značajan, ili da spada u značajnije predmete (94.17%), dok je broj časova praktične nastave nedovoljan, odnosno prosečan (82.52%) i da broj časova praktične nastave treba da bude 4 (39.81%), odnosno 5 (31.07%) puta nedeljno. Značajan je stav ispitanika da je fond teoretske nastave zadovoljavajući (58.25%) i da nastavu SFO-a treba realizovati u oba semestra u toku školske godine (86.41%). Od nastavnih sadržaja SFO-a ispitanici najviše vole (87.38%) specijalni deo (udarci, poluge, bacanja...), a najmanje teoretsku nastavu. Kada su u pitanju stavovi studenata o očekivanim rezultatima SFO-a može se zaključiti da je 49.51% postiglo više ili u skladu sa očekivanjem, dok kod 46.60% ta očekivanja nisu ispunjena, ili su čak razočarani u odnosu na očekivano. Veliki broj ispitanika, njih 48 (46.60%), mišljenja je da su nastavnici i saradnici na predmetu izuzetno korektni, ili korektni, dok je kod njih 19 (18.45%) prevladao stav da su ne korektni, odnosno da su ih, svojim odnosom, razočarali.
PB  - Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd
T2  - Fizička kultura
T1  - Criminalistic and police studies students' attitudes regarding training in special physical education
T1  - Stavovi studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o nastavi specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja
VL  - 65
IS  - 2
SP  - 33
EP  - 41
DO  - 10.5937/fizkul1102033V
ER  - 
author = "Vučković, Goran and Dopsaj, Milivoj",
year = "2011",
abstract = "An anonymous poll was conducted among a group of 103 first-year male students of the Police and Criminal Justice Academy following the end of the Special Physical Education I course and completion of pre-examination tasks in the 2008/09 school year. The aim of this research was to find out the views of female first-year students regarding the subject of Special Physical Education, which belongs to the group of general-professional subjects. The analysis of the poll results indicates that a large number of subjects holds that the subject in question is very significant or that it is among subjects of significance (94.17%), whereas the number of practical training hours is insufficient, being average (82.52%), and that it should be 4 lessons a week (39.81%) or 5 (31.07%). The subjects also expressed an important view of the number of theory lessons, which they found was satisfactory (58.25%) and that lessons should take place during both semesters, i.e. throughout the school year (86.41%). The students said that they preferred (87.38 %) the special part of the curriculum (hitting, levers, throws…) to the theoretical part. As for the students' views related to achievement expectations in the observed subject, it can be inferred that 49.51 % subjects achieved results equaling or exceeding their expectations, whereas 46.60 % failed to achieve the desired results. A large number of subjects, 48 (46.60%) were of the opinion that the teachers and assistants engaged on this subject were extremely correct or correct, whereas 19 subjects (18.45%) stated that they were incorrect or that their conduct was disappointing., U cilju utvrđivanja stavova studenata o nastavi Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja, koji spada u grupu opšte-stručnih predmeta, anonimno je anketirano 103 studenata I godine Kriminalističko-policijske akademije muškog pola, a nakon završene nastave na predmetu Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje I i predispitnih obaveza iz navedenog predmeta u školskoj 2008/09 godini. Analizom rezultata dobijenih anketiranjem izvodi se zaključak da je mišljenje velikog broja ispitanika da je nastavni predmet SFO izuzetno značajan, ili da spada u značajnije predmete (94.17%), dok je broj časova praktične nastave nedovoljan, odnosno prosečan (82.52%) i da broj časova praktične nastave treba da bude 4 (39.81%), odnosno 5 (31.07%) puta nedeljno. Značajan je stav ispitanika da je fond teoretske nastave zadovoljavajući (58.25%) i da nastavu SFO-a treba realizovati u oba semestra u toku školske godine (86.41%). Od nastavnih sadržaja SFO-a ispitanici najviše vole (87.38%) specijalni deo (udarci, poluge, bacanja...), a najmanje teoretsku nastavu. Kada su u pitanju stavovi studenata o očekivanim rezultatima SFO-a može se zaključiti da je 49.51% postiglo više ili u skladu sa očekivanjem, dok kod 46.60% ta očekivanja nisu ispunjena, ili su čak razočarani u odnosu na očekivano. Veliki broj ispitanika, njih 48 (46.60%), mišljenja je da su nastavnici i saradnici na predmetu izuzetno korektni, ili korektni, dok je kod njih 19 (18.45%) prevladao stav da su ne korektni, odnosno da su ih, svojim odnosom, razočarali.",
publisher = "Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd",
journal = "Fizička kultura",
title = "Criminalistic and police studies students' attitudes regarding training in special physical education, Stavovi studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o nastavi specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja",
volume = "65",
number = "2",
pages = "33-41",
doi = "10.5937/fizkul1102033V"
Vučković, G.,& Dopsaj, M.. (2011). Criminalistic and police studies students' attitudes regarding training in special physical education. in Fizička kultura
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd., 65(2), 33-41.
Vučković G, Dopsaj M. Criminalistic and police studies students' attitudes regarding training in special physical education. in Fizička kultura. 2011;65(2):33-41.
doi:10.5937/fizkul1102033V .
Vučković, Goran, Dopsaj, Milivoj, "Criminalistic and police studies students' attitudes regarding training in special physical education" in Fizička kultura, 65, no. 2 (2011):33-41, . .