Spasić, Danijela

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  • Spasić, Danijela (32)

Author's Bibliography

The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions

Spasić, Danijela; Stanarević, Svetlana

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2023)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Stanarević, Svetlana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This paper problematizes relationships within the so-called
"triangle": citizens' needs, domestic violence, model of police work in the
community. Research practice based on foreign experiences, empirical
findings, and theoretical concepts specifically analyzes the scope and
limitations of police work in responding to domestic violence. The
approach is directed towards the "victim concept", in accordance with
the most significant international and domestic legal solutions in the field
of combating gender-based violence. In Serbia, after the adoption of the
Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, and according to the reports
on the results of its implementation in the period from 2017 to 2022, it
is necessary to harmonize judicial practice and procedures, as well as to
harmonize the positions of the courts in defining the criminal policy in
relation to this social phenomenon. According to the recommendations of
international institutions, it is necessary to intensify activities on research
and monitoring of domestic violence in Serbia. Data collection is still
carried out partially and sporadically, without a clear strategy, systematic
and unique approach.
AB  - Истраживачке базе полицијских наука западних земаља одликује висок степен изграђености теорије, истраживања и праксе када су у питању студије које се баве проблемом практичне реализације и ефикасности концепта полиције у заједници у односу према проблему породичног насиља, односно, примене превентивних програма и интегративних развојних теоријских и практичних модела сарадње полиције и локалне заједнице на плану спречавања породичног насиља. Домаћа истраживачка база је сиромашна и неконзистентна. Изузев неколико студија и теоријских радова који се баве реформским процесима у полицији Србије, евалуацијом концепта полицијског рада у заједници, процедурама, практичним политикама, стратегијама и ефикасношћу реаговања полиције на породично насиље у оквиру свакодневног полицијског рада, малобројна су истраживања која анализирају организованост, практичну применљивост и резултате савременог концепта полицијског рада у односу према породичном насиљу. Овај рад проблема тизује тај однос унутар такозваног „троугла”: локална заједница, насиље у породици, концепт полиције у заједници. Истовремено, истраживачки приступ заснован на страним искуствима, примерима из праксе и теоријским концептима посебно анализира домете и ограничења концепта полиције у заједници као одговора на насиље у породици. Приступ је усмерен ка „концепту жртве”, у складу са најзначајнијим међународним и домаћим правним решењима у области борбе против родно заснованог насиља. У Србији је након усвајања Закона о спречавању насиља у породици, а према извештајима о резултатима његове примене у периоду од 2017. до 2022. године, неопходно усагласити судску праксу и процедуре, као и ставове судова у дефинисању кривичне политике у случајевима насиља у породици. Поред тога, проблем је и недостатак координације институција које се баве насиљем у породици, осим на локалном нивоу у појединим општинама (нарочито између полиције и центара за социјални рад). Према препорукама међународних институција, потребно је интензивира ти активности на истраживању и праћењу насиља у породици у Србији. Подаци се и даље прикупљају делимично и спорадично, без јасне стратегије и систематског и јединственог приступа.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions
T1  - Концепт полиције у заједници и насиље у породици : проблеми и решења
VL  - 65
IS  - 2
SP  - 43
EP  - 58
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2302043S
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Stanarević, Svetlana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This paper problematizes relationships within the so-called
"triangle": citizens' needs, domestic violence, model of police work in the
community. Research practice based on foreign experiences, empirical
findings, and theoretical concepts specifically analyzes the scope and
limitations of police work in responding to domestic violence. The
approach is directed towards the "victim concept", in accordance with
the most significant international and domestic legal solutions in the field
of combating gender-based violence. In Serbia, after the adoption of the
Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, and according to the reports
on the results of its implementation in the period from 2017 to 2022, it
is necessary to harmonize judicial practice and procedures, as well as to
harmonize the positions of the courts in defining the criminal policy in
relation to this social phenomenon. According to the recommendations of
international institutions, it is necessary to intensify activities on research
and monitoring of domestic violence in Serbia. Data collection is still
carried out partially and sporadically, without a clear strategy, systematic
and unique approach., Истраживачке базе полицијских наука западних земаља одликује висок степен изграђености теорије, истраживања и праксе када су у питању студије које се баве проблемом практичне реализације и ефикасности концепта полиције у заједници у односу према проблему породичног насиља, односно, примене превентивних програма и интегративних развојних теоријских и практичних модела сарадње полиције и локалне заједнице на плану спречавања породичног насиља. Домаћа истраживачка база је сиромашна и неконзистентна. Изузев неколико студија и теоријских радова који се баве реформским процесима у полицији Србије, евалуацијом концепта полицијског рада у заједници, процедурама, практичним политикама, стратегијама и ефикасношћу реаговања полиције на породично насиље у оквиру свакодневног полицијског рада, малобројна су истраживања која анализирају организованост, практичну применљивост и резултате савременог концепта полицијског рада у односу према породичном насиљу. Овај рад проблема тизује тај однос унутар такозваног „троугла”: локална заједница, насиље у породици, концепт полиције у заједници. Истовремено, истраживачки приступ заснован на страним искуствима, примерима из праксе и теоријским концептима посебно анализира домете и ограничења концепта полиције у заједници као одговора на насиље у породици. Приступ је усмерен ка „концепту жртве”, у складу са најзначајнијим међународним и домаћим правним решењима у области борбе против родно заснованог насиља. У Србији је након усвајања Закона о спречавању насиља у породици, а према извештајима о резултатима његове примене у периоду од 2017. до 2022. године, неопходно усагласити судску праксу и процедуре, као и ставове судова у дефинисању кривичне политике у случајевима насиља у породици. Поред тога, проблем је и недостатак координације институција које се баве насиљем у породици, осим на локалном нивоу у појединим општинама (нарочито између полиције и центара за социјални рад). Према препорукама међународних институција, потребно је интензивира ти активности на истраживању и праћењу насиља у породици у Србији. Подаци се и даље прикупљају делимично и спорадично, без јасне стратегије и систематског и јединственог приступа.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions, Концепт полиције у заједници и насиље у породици : проблеми и решења",
volume = "65",
number = "2",
pages = "43-58",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2302043S"
Spasić, D.,& Stanarević, S.. (2023). The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 65(2), 43-58.
Spasić D, Stanarević S. The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions. in Безбедност. 2023;65(2):43-58.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2302043S .
Spasić, Danijela, Stanarević, Svetlana, "The concept of community policing and domestic violence : problems and solutions" in Безбедност, 65, no. 2 (2023):43-58, . .

Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia

Deljkić, Irma; Mališ-Sazdovska, Marina; Spasić, Danijela

(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023)

AU  - Deljkić, Irma
AU  - Mališ-Sazdovska, Marina
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This chapter is aimed at providing an overview of the gender equality situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s, North Macedonia’s, and Serbia’s policing and judi-
ciary. We investigate the legal and policy frameworks for gender equality in these
three formerly communist countries, as well as how they influence gender represen-
tation in police forces and the judiciary. Given that the research literature suggests
that policing and the judiciary might be highly gendered professions, particularly
given the police profession’s culture of masculinity, our gender focus is on women.
Furthermore, we examine whether there are similarities and differences in gender
representation in these professions across the three states. The information was
gathered primarily from publicly available national official statistics and govern-
mental agency reports, as well as reports from nongovernmental organizations.
Finally, this chapter is aimed at improving understanding of the inclusion of a gen-
der equality perspective in these professions, as well as the challenges women face
in achieving gender equality.
PB  - Springer Nature Switzerland AG
T2  - The Handbook on Female Criminality in the Former Yugoslav Countries
T1  - Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia
SP  - 261
SP  - 
EP  - 295
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-031-27628-6
ER  - 
author = "Deljkić, Irma and Mališ-Sazdovska, Marina and Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This chapter is aimed at providing an overview of the gender equality situation
in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s, North Macedonia’s, and Serbia’s policing and judi-
ciary. We investigate the legal and policy frameworks for gender equality in these
three formerly communist countries, as well as how they influence gender represen-
tation in police forces and the judiciary. Given that the research literature suggests
that policing and the judiciary might be highly gendered professions, particularly
given the police profession’s culture of masculinity, our gender focus is on women.
Furthermore, we examine whether there are similarities and differences in gender
representation in these professions across the three states. The information was
gathered primarily from publicly available national official statistics and govern-
mental agency reports, as well as reports from nongovernmental organizations.
Finally, this chapter is aimed at improving understanding of the inclusion of a gen-
der equality perspective in these professions, as well as the challenges women face
in achieving gender equality.",
publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland AG",
journal = "The Handbook on Female Criminality in the Former Yugoslav Countries",
booktitle = "Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia",
pages = "261--295",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-27628-6"
Deljkić, I., Mališ-Sazdovska, M.,& Spasić, D.. (2023). Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia. in The Handbook on Female Criminality in the Former Yugoslav Countries
Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 261-295.
Deljkić I, Mališ-Sazdovska M, Spasić D. Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia. in The Handbook on Female Criminality in the Former Yugoslav Countries. 2023;:261-295.
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-27628-6 .
Deljkić, Irma, Mališ-Sazdovska, Marina, Spasić, Danijela, "Gender Balance in the Criminal Justice System: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia" in The Handbook on Female Criminality in the Former Yugoslav Countries (2023):261-295, . .

Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations

Kekić, Dalibor; Spasić, Danijela; Čudan, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe, 2022)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Čudan, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Police officers who belong to the General Police Directorate
of Republic of Serbia, in addition to the numerous powers and tasks they
perform, based on the Law on Police, have the obligation to participate
in protection and rescue operations. Besides the aforementioned law, the
police are recognized as a part of the protection and rescue forces by the
Law on Risk Reduction and Emergency Management. The role of the
police in emergency situations is very important, and the scope of work of
the police officers is expanding over time and becoming more and more
diverse, and thus more complex. The police engages in the execution
of tasks aimed at the security protection of citizens’ property and lives,
such as rescue and evacuation from endangered areas, providing first aid,
delivery of food, medicine, etc.
AB  - Policijski službenici, koji pripadaju Direkciji policije Republike
Srbije, pored brojnih ovlašćenja i poslova koje obavljaju, na osnovu Zakona o
policiji, imaju obavezu da učestvuju i u poslovima zaštite i spasavanja. Pored
navedenog Zakona, policija je prepoznata kao deo snaga zaštite i spasavanja
i Zakonom o smanjenju rizika i upravljanju vanrednim situacijama. Uloga
policije u vanrednim situacijama je veoma značajna, a obuhvat delokruga
rada policijskih službenika se vremenom proširuje i postaje sve raznovrsniji,
a time i kompleksniji. Policija se angažuje za izvršavanje zadataka usmerenih
na bezbednosnu zaštitu imovine i života građana poput spasavanja i evaluacije
iz ugroženih područja, pružanje prve pomoći, dostavu hrane, lekova i sl.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe
T2  - Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice
T1  - Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations
T1  - Pravne osnove učešća policije u vanrednim situacijama
VL  - 39
IS  - 3
SP  - 52
EP  - 68
DO  - 10.5937/ptp2203052K
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Spasić, Danijela and Čudan, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Police officers who belong to the General Police Directorate
of Republic of Serbia, in addition to the numerous powers and tasks they
perform, based on the Law on Police, have the obligation to participate
in protection and rescue operations. Besides the aforementioned law, the
police are recognized as a part of the protection and rescue forces by the
Law on Risk Reduction and Emergency Management. The role of the
police in emergency situations is very important, and the scope of work of
the police officers is expanding over time and becoming more and more
diverse, and thus more complex. The police engages in the execution
of tasks aimed at the security protection of citizens’ property and lives,
such as rescue and evacuation from endangered areas, providing first aid,
delivery of food, medicine, etc., Policijski službenici, koji pripadaju Direkciji policije Republike
Srbije, pored brojnih ovlašćenja i poslova koje obavljaju, na osnovu Zakona o
policiji, imaju obavezu da učestvuju i u poslovima zaštite i spasavanja. Pored
navedenog Zakona, policija je prepoznata kao deo snaga zaštite i spasavanja
i Zakonom o smanjenju rizika i upravljanju vanrednim situacijama. Uloga
policije u vanrednim situacijama je veoma značajna, a obuhvat delokruga
rada policijskih službenika se vremenom proširuje i postaje sve raznovrsniji,
a time i kompleksniji. Policija se angažuje za izvršavanje zadataka usmerenih
na bezbednosnu zaštitu imovine i života građana poput spasavanja i evaluacije
iz ugroženih područja, pružanje prve pomoći, dostavu hrane, lekova i sl.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe",
journal = "Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice",
title = "Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations, Pravne osnove učešća policije u vanrednim situacijama",
volume = "39",
number = "3",
pages = "52-68",
doi = "10.5937/ptp2203052K"
Kekić, D., Spasić, D.,& Čudan, A.. (2022). Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations. in Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice
Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe., 39(3), 52-68.
Kekić D, Spasić D, Čudan A. Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations. in Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice. 2022;39(3):52-68.
doi:10.5937/ptp2203052K .
Kekić, Dalibor, Spasić, Danijela, Čudan, Aleksandar, "Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations" in Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice, 39, no. 3 (2022):52-68, . .

Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana; Kekić, Dalibor; Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana


AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Researchers in Serbia have been trying for decades — without much success — to find the causes and factors
that would unequivocally establish the origin of domestic violence as a social phenomenon. This is partly
due to the fact that the Serbian society, through a dynamic development matrix, has not transformed from
the traditional form into a modern one, but rather into an underdeveloped society of conspicuous social
risks with prevalent re­traditionalization of collective entities, family in particular. This is why we have stud­
ied available ethnographic materials looking for sources and “roots” of culturological guidelines which still
define the position of the woman and the distribution of social power within the family. The study has
showed diachronic stability of the culturological inherited stereotype of the woman, its traditional founda­
tion and (ir)rational justification, the relation between social power(lessness) of the woman and domestic
PB  - 
PB  - Praha : Newton College
T2  - Scientia et Societas
T1  - Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom
VL  - 18
IS  - 2
SP  - 58
EP  - 73
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana and Kekić, Dalibor and Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Researchers in Serbia have been trying for decades — without much success — to find the causes and factors
that would unequivocally establish the origin of domestic violence as a social phenomenon. This is partly
due to the fact that the Serbian society, through a dynamic development matrix, has not transformed from
the traditional form into a modern one, but rather into an underdeveloped society of conspicuous social
risks with prevalent re­traditionalization of collective entities, family in particular. This is why we have stud­
ied available ethnographic materials looking for sources and “roots” of culturological guidelines which still
define the position of the woman and the distribution of social power within the family. The study has
showed diachronic stability of the culturological inherited stereotype of the woman, its traditional founda­
tion and (ir)rational justification, the relation between social power(lessness) of the woman and domestic
publisher = ", Praha : Newton College",
journal = "Scientia et Societas",
title = "Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom",
volume = "18",
number = "2",
pages = "58-73",
url = ""
Spasić, D., Radovanović, I., Kekić, D.,& Krstić-Mistridželović, I.. (2022). Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom. in Scientia et Societas
., 18(2), 58-73.
Spasić D, Radovanović I, Kekić D, Krstić-Mistridželović I. Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom. in Scientia et Societas. 2022;18(2):58-73. .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, Kekić, Dalibor, Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana, "Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom" in Scientia et Societas, 18, no. 2 (2022):58-73, .

Education for security: a gender perspective in the curricula of police schools in Serbia

Spasić, Danijela

(Bitola : University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2022)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - International documents ratified by Serbia, as well as the progress made at the local
level in the last ten years, have led to the issue of gender equality becoming one of the most
important for the future development of the country, and such a trend is present in the
security sector. Implementing gender equality policy through education is one of the
methods necessary in this sector. This is indicated, among other things, by the two action
plans adopted so far (in the period from 2010 to 2020) for the implementation of UN Security
Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" in Serbia. This paper analyses the
degree of implementation of gender equality issues, i.e., gender perspective in educational
programs on the example of the curriculum of the University of Criminal Investigation and
Police Studies and the professional development program of trainees in the Center for Basic
Police Training.
Based on the analysis of the content of textbooks and language used in the curricula
for education and training of police officers, we came to the conclusion that, despite the fact
that certain steps have been taken to introduce a gender perspective in security education
programs, this issue remains peripheral and the language used often contains words that
emphasize gender stereotypes. In conclusion, it was recommended that the gender
perspective is not only an integral part of these programs, but also reflects on the content of
educational programs and the language in which they are written, which would promote
gender equality in the security sector.
PB  - Bitola : University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
PB  - Skopje : Faculty of Security
C3  - Security Horizons : International scientific conference 45 years higher education in the area of security : educational challenges and security perspectives, 26-28 september 2022, Struga
T1  - Education for security: a gender perspective in the curricula of police schools in Serbia
VL  - 3
IS  - 6
SP  - 55
EP  - 62
DO  - 10.20544/ICP.3.6.22.P05
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2022",
abstract = "International documents ratified by Serbia, as well as the progress made at the local
level in the last ten years, have led to the issue of gender equality becoming one of the most
important for the future development of the country, and such a trend is present in the
security sector. Implementing gender equality policy through education is one of the
methods necessary in this sector. This is indicated, among other things, by the two action
plans adopted so far (in the period from 2010 to 2020) for the implementation of UN Security
Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" in Serbia. This paper analyses the
degree of implementation of gender equality issues, i.e., gender perspective in educational
programs on the example of the curriculum of the University of Criminal Investigation and
Police Studies and the professional development program of trainees in the Center for Basic
Police Training.
Based on the analysis of the content of textbooks and language used in the curricula
for education and training of police officers, we came to the conclusion that, despite the fact
that certain steps have been taken to introduce a gender perspective in security education
programs, this issue remains peripheral and the language used often contains words that
emphasize gender stereotypes. In conclusion, it was recommended that the gender
perspective is not only an integral part of these programs, but also reflects on the content of
educational programs and the language in which they are written, which would promote
gender equality in the security sector.",
publisher = "Bitola : University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje : Faculty of Security",
journal = "Security Horizons : International scientific conference 45 years higher education in the area of security : educational challenges and security perspectives, 26-28 september 2022, Struga",
title = "Education for security: a gender perspective in the curricula of police schools in Serbia",
volume = "3",
number = "6",
pages = "55-62",
doi = "10.20544/ICP.3.6.22.P05"
Spasić, D.. (2022). Education for security: a gender perspective in the curricula of police schools in Serbia. in Security Horizons : International scientific conference 45 years higher education in the area of security : educational challenges and security perspectives, 26-28 september 2022, Struga
Bitola : University “St. Kliment Ohridski”., 3(6), 55-62.
Spasić D. Education for security: a gender perspective in the curricula of police schools in Serbia. in Security Horizons : International scientific conference 45 years higher education in the area of security : educational challenges and security perspectives, 26-28 september 2022, Struga. 2022;3(6):55-62.
doi:10.20544/ICP.3.6.22.P05 .
Spasić, Danijela, "Education for security: a gender perspective in the curricula of police schools in Serbia" in Security Horizons : International scientific conference 45 years higher education in the area of security : educational challenges and security perspectives, 26-28 september 2022, Struga, 3, no. 6 (2022):55-62, . .

Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju

Radovanović, Ivana; Spasić, Danijela

(Banja Luka : Centar modernih znanja ; Beograd : Resursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju, 2021)

AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Kriminal maloletnika nesumnjivo i opravdano privlači veliku paţnju naučne i stručne
javnosti, kako zbog nekih svojih osnovnih karakteristika, tako i zbog posledica koje moţe imati. Pored
činjenice da je u pitanju populacija koju karakteriše nedovoljna psiho-fizička i socijalna zrelost,
poseban značaj proučavanja maloletničke delinkvencije, proizlazi iz činjenice da je reč o najmlaĎim i
najranjivijim članovima društva i da od načina na koji društvo reaguje na njihovo ponašanje u velikoj
meri zavisi njihov dalji razvoj, kao i razvoj i budućnost celokupnog društva. Kako prevencija
kriminala uopšte, a posebno prevencija kriminala maloletnika čini najvaţniji segmet u
suprotstavljanju kriminalu u jednom društvu, stvaranje realne slike o njegovim razmerama i osnovnim
karakteristikama, isto kao i etiološkim faktorima čini polaznu osnovu za planiranje i organizovanje
preventivnih intervencija i postupaka. Vaţna pretpostavka za adekvatno osmišljene preventivne
aktivnosti svakako je utvrĎivanje fenomenoloških karakteristika ovog ponašanja, a kako neki autori
sasvim opravdano smatraju, uspeh preduzetih preventivnih aktivnosti u velikoj meri zavisi od kvaliteta
i analize prikupljenih podataka o tom kriminalu. Nezaobilazan izvor ovih podataka su statističke
evidencije koje vode različiti subjekti: od pravosudnih organa - policije, tuţilaštva, sudova, preko
evidencija sluţbi socijalne zaštite, vaspitno-obrazovnih ustanova, pa sve do naučno-istraţivačkih i
visokoškolskih ustanova koje se bave proučavanjem ovog fenomena. U ovom radu su analizirani
podaci o kriminalu maloletnika na teritoriji Republike Srbije dobijeni na osnovu evidencija
Republičkog zavoda za statistiku. Analiza se odnosi na period od 10 god. i obuhvata podatke od 2010
do 2019. god. Cilj rada bio je da se analizom distribucije oblika ponašanja koja čine definiciju
karakteristikama, njegovoj učestalosti, strukturi po polu, vrsti krivičnog dela i dr. kao i njihovim
promenama u toku posmatranog perioda.
AB  - Juvenile delinquency undoubtedly and justifiably attracts a lot of attention from the
scientific and professional public, both because of some of its basic characteristics and because of the
consequences it can have. In addition to the fact that this is a population characterized by insufficient
psycho-physical and social maturity, the special importance of studying juvenile delinquency stems
from the fact that they are the youngest and most vulnerable members of society and that the way
society responds to their behavior largely depends. their further development, as well as the
development and future of the whole society. As crime prevention in general, and juvenile crime
prevention in particular, is the most important segment in combating crime in a society, creating a
realistic picture of its size and basic characteristics, as well as etiological factors is the starting point
for planning and organizing preventive interventions and procedures. An important precondition for
adequately designed preventive activities is certainly the determination of the phenomenological
characteristics of this behavior, and as some authors quite rightly believe, the success of the
undertaken preventive activities largely depends on the quality and analysis of collected data on this
crime. An unavoidable source of these data are statistical records kept by various entities: from
judicial bodies - police, prosecutors, courts, through records of social protection services, educational
institutions, all the way to scientific research and higher education institutions that study this
phenomenon. This paper analyzes the data on juvenile delinquency in the territory of the Republic of
Serbia obtained on the basis of the records of the Republic Bureau of Statistics. The analysis refers to
a period of 10 years. and includes data from 2010 to 2019. The aim of the paper was to analyze the
distribution of forms of behavior that make up the definition of juvenile crime to get a reliable picture
of its most important phenomenological characteristics, its frequency, structure by gender, type of
crime, etc. as well as their changes during the observed period.
PB  - Banja Luka : Centar modernih znanja ; Beograd : Resursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju
PB  - 
C3  - Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih : zbornik radova = Improving the quality of life of children and youth
T1  - Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju
T1  - Phenomenological characteristics of juvenile crime in the Republic of Serbia : a prerequisite for successful prevention
SP  - 423
EP  - 433
DO  - 10.7251/ZCMZ0121423R
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Ivana and Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Kriminal maloletnika nesumnjivo i opravdano privlači veliku paţnju naučne i stručne
javnosti, kako zbog nekih svojih osnovnih karakteristika, tako i zbog posledica koje moţe imati. Pored
činjenice da je u pitanju populacija koju karakteriše nedovoljna psiho-fizička i socijalna zrelost,
poseban značaj proučavanja maloletničke delinkvencije, proizlazi iz činjenice da je reč o najmlaĎim i
najranjivijim članovima društva i da od načina na koji društvo reaguje na njihovo ponašanje u velikoj
meri zavisi njihov dalji razvoj, kao i razvoj i budućnost celokupnog društva. Kako prevencija
kriminala uopšte, a posebno prevencija kriminala maloletnika čini najvaţniji segmet u
suprotstavljanju kriminalu u jednom društvu, stvaranje realne slike o njegovim razmerama i osnovnim
karakteristikama, isto kao i etiološkim faktorima čini polaznu osnovu za planiranje i organizovanje
preventivnih intervencija i postupaka. Vaţna pretpostavka za adekvatno osmišljene preventivne
aktivnosti svakako je utvrĎivanje fenomenoloških karakteristika ovog ponašanja, a kako neki autori
sasvim opravdano smatraju, uspeh preduzetih preventivnih aktivnosti u velikoj meri zavisi od kvaliteta
i analize prikupljenih podataka o tom kriminalu. Nezaobilazan izvor ovih podataka su statističke
evidencije koje vode različiti subjekti: od pravosudnih organa - policije, tuţilaštva, sudova, preko
evidencija sluţbi socijalne zaštite, vaspitno-obrazovnih ustanova, pa sve do naučno-istraţivačkih i
visokoškolskih ustanova koje se bave proučavanjem ovog fenomena. U ovom radu su analizirani
podaci o kriminalu maloletnika na teritoriji Republike Srbije dobijeni na osnovu evidencija
Republičkog zavoda za statistiku. Analiza se odnosi na period od 10 god. i obuhvata podatke od 2010
do 2019. god. Cilj rada bio je da se analizom distribucije oblika ponašanja koja čine definiciju
karakteristikama, njegovoj učestalosti, strukturi po polu, vrsti krivičnog dela i dr. kao i njihovim
promenama u toku posmatranog perioda., Juvenile delinquency undoubtedly and justifiably attracts a lot of attention from the
scientific and professional public, both because of some of its basic characteristics and because of the
consequences it can have. In addition to the fact that this is a population characterized by insufficient
psycho-physical and social maturity, the special importance of studying juvenile delinquency stems
from the fact that they are the youngest and most vulnerable members of society and that the way
society responds to their behavior largely depends. their further development, as well as the
development and future of the whole society. As crime prevention in general, and juvenile crime
prevention in particular, is the most important segment in combating crime in a society, creating a
realistic picture of its size and basic characteristics, as well as etiological factors is the starting point
for planning and organizing preventive interventions and procedures. An important precondition for
adequately designed preventive activities is certainly the determination of the phenomenological
characteristics of this behavior, and as some authors quite rightly believe, the success of the
undertaken preventive activities largely depends on the quality and analysis of collected data on this
crime. An unavoidable source of these data are statistical records kept by various entities: from
judicial bodies - police, prosecutors, courts, through records of social protection services, educational
institutions, all the way to scientific research and higher education institutions that study this
phenomenon. This paper analyzes the data on juvenile delinquency in the territory of the Republic of
Serbia obtained on the basis of the records of the Republic Bureau of Statistics. The analysis refers to
a period of 10 years. and includes data from 2010 to 2019. The aim of the paper was to analyze the
distribution of forms of behavior that make up the definition of juvenile crime to get a reliable picture
of its most important phenomenological characteristics, its frequency, structure by gender, type of
crime, etc. as well as their changes during the observed period.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Centar modernih znanja ; Beograd : Resursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju, ",
journal = "Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih : zbornik radova = Improving the quality of life of children and youth",
title = "Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju, Phenomenological characteristics of juvenile crime in the Republic of Serbia : a prerequisite for successful prevention",
pages = "423-433",
doi = "10.7251/ZCMZ0121423R"
Radovanović, I.,& Spasić, D.. (2021). Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju. in Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih : zbornik radova = Improving the quality of life of children and youth
Banja Luka : Centar modernih znanja ; Beograd : Resursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju., 423-433.
Radovanović I, Spasić D. Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju. in Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih : zbornik radova = Improving the quality of life of children and youth. 2021;:423-433.
doi:10.7251/ZCMZ0121423R .
Radovanović, Ivana, Spasić, Danijela, "Fenomenološke karakteristike kriminala maloletnika u Republici Srbiji : pretpostavka za uspešnu prevenciju" in Unapređenje kvaliteta života djece i mladih : zbornik radova = Improving the quality of life of children and youth (2021):423-433, . .

Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students

Kukić, Filip; Lockie, Robert G.; Vesković, Ana; Petrović, Nikola; Subošić, Dane; Spasić, Danijela; Paspalj, Darko; Vulin, Lazar; Koropanovski, Nenad

(Basel : MDPI, 2020-10-19)

AU  - Kukić, Filip
AU  - Lockie, Robert G.
AU  - Vesković, Ana
AU  - Petrović, Nikola
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Paspalj, Darko
AU  - Vulin, Lazar
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
PY  - 2020-10-19
UR  -
AB  - The physical fitness of police officers needs to support good health and physical performance. Physical fitness comprises a considerable amount of training for police students who are to become police officers. However, to what degree police students are able to perceive their fitness level and differentiate between health-related and performance-related physical fitness is unknown. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of differentiation between health-related and performance-related physical fitness using physical self-concept and measured indicators of physical fitness. The second aim of this study was to investigate the association between components of physical self-concept and measured indicators of physical fitness of police students. The sample of 177 police students of both sexes (98 males and 79 females) completed a 40-item physical self-description questionnaire and their physical abilities were assessed for handgrip strength, standing long jump, 30 s sit-ups, and 12-min running. Principal component analysis established health-related and performance-related physical fitness from both perceived and measured physical fitness measures. Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between the perceived and measured physical fitness. Results suggest small to moderate ability to recognize the level of certain physical abilities, indicating the association between psychological mechanisms and biological functioning.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
T1  - Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students
VL  - 17
IS  - 20
SP  - 7628
DO  - 10.3390/ijerph17207628
ER  - 
author = "Kukić, Filip and Lockie, Robert G. and Vesković, Ana and Petrović, Nikola and Subošić, Dane and Spasić, Danijela and Paspalj, Darko and Vulin, Lazar and Koropanovski, Nenad",
year = "2020-10-19",
abstract = "The physical fitness of police officers needs to support good health and physical performance. Physical fitness comprises a considerable amount of training for police students who are to become police officers. However, to what degree police students are able to perceive their fitness level and differentiate between health-related and performance-related physical fitness is unknown. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of differentiation between health-related and performance-related physical fitness using physical self-concept and measured indicators of physical fitness. The second aim of this study was to investigate the association between components of physical self-concept and measured indicators of physical fitness of police students. The sample of 177 police students of both sexes (98 males and 79 females) completed a 40-item physical self-description questionnaire and their physical abilities were assessed for handgrip strength, standing long jump, 30 s sit-ups, and 12-min running. Principal component analysis established health-related and performance-related physical fitness from both perceived and measured physical fitness measures. Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between the perceived and measured physical fitness. Results suggest small to moderate ability to recognize the level of certain physical abilities, indicating the association between psychological mechanisms and biological functioning.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health",
title = "Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students",
volume = "17",
number = "20",
pages = "7628",
doi = "10.3390/ijerph17207628"
Kukić, F., Lockie, R. G., Vesković, A., Petrović, N., Subošić, D., Spasić, D., Paspalj, D., Vulin, L.,& Koropanovski, N.. (2020-10-19). Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Basel : MDPI., 17(20), 7628.
Kukić F, Lockie RG, Vesković A, Petrović N, Subošić D, Spasić D, Paspalj D, Vulin L, Koropanovski N. Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(20):7628.
doi:10.3390/ijerph17207628 .
Kukić, Filip, Lockie, Robert G., Vesković, Ana, Petrović, Nikola, Subošić, Dane, Spasić, Danijela, Paspalj, Darko, Vulin, Lazar, Koropanovski, Nenad, "Perceived and measured physical fitness of police students" in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, no. 20 (2020-10-19):7628, . .

Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?

Janković, Radivoje; Spasić, Danijela; Koropanovski, Nenad; Subošić, Dane; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Dimitrijević, Raša

(Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija, 2020)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any differences between male and female police officers
when performing a job-related fitness test, as well as to determine the individual level of specific strengths and motor
abilities (hereinafter: SSMAs) as an indicator of work ability. The research was conducted in Serbia on a sample of 111
respondents (40 female and 71 male). In order to determine the SSMAs, this research applied the Obstacle Course test for
assessing specific abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). Three variables were observed during the test: time needed for the
completion of the test (tSAPO1), maximum heart rate and capillary blood lactate concentration. On average, men completed
the test statistically significantly more efficiently than women, i.e. by 10.3%. According to the percentile distribution
of tSAPO1, 5% of women and 14.1% of men proved to be significantly above the average level of all tested respondents.
However, based on test results, 11.3% of men and 47.5% of women needed to improve their SSMAs in order to meet
occupational requirements. The OCSAPO1 test could be further used as one of the criteria that could help to further classify
police officers for various types of police work according to their physical abilities. It could be used to assess the SSMAs
relevant for a particular job position according to individual merits and regardless of gender, which would provide the
conditions necessary for achieving “equal opportunities” for women and thus do away with the system of binary logic and
gender dualism of the police organisation as a context of masculine culture, which, a priori, excludes women by using
physical abilities as the strongest argument in favour of maintaining the existing gender practice.
PB  - Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija
T2  - Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
T1  - Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?
T1  - Fizične sposobnosti in razlike med spoloma: binarna logika ali spolni dualizem v policijski organizaciji?
VL  - 71
IS  - 4
SP  - 283
EP  - 296
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Spasić, Danijela and Koropanovski, Nenad and Subošić, Dane and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Dimitrijević, Raša",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any differences between male and female police officers
when performing a job-related fitness test, as well as to determine the individual level of specific strengths and motor
abilities (hereinafter: SSMAs) as an indicator of work ability. The research was conducted in Serbia on a sample of 111
respondents (40 female and 71 male). In order to determine the SSMAs, this research applied the Obstacle Course test for
assessing specific abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). Three variables were observed during the test: time needed for the
completion of the test (tSAPO1), maximum heart rate and capillary blood lactate concentration. On average, men completed
the test statistically significantly more efficiently than women, i.e. by 10.3%. According to the percentile distribution
of tSAPO1, 5% of women and 14.1% of men proved to be significantly above the average level of all tested respondents.
However, based on test results, 11.3% of men and 47.5% of women needed to improve their SSMAs in order to meet
occupational requirements. The OCSAPO1 test could be further used as one of the criteria that could help to further classify
police officers for various types of police work according to their physical abilities. It could be used to assess the SSMAs
relevant for a particular job position according to individual merits and regardless of gender, which would provide the
conditions necessary for achieving “equal opportunities” for women and thus do away with the system of binary logic and
gender dualism of the police organisation as a context of masculine culture, which, a priori, excludes women by using
physical abilities as the strongest argument in favour of maintaining the existing gender practice.",
publisher = "Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija",
journal = "Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo",
title = "Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?, Fizične sposobnosti in razlike med spoloma: binarna logika ali spolni dualizem v policijski organizaciji?",
volume = "71",
number = "4",
pages = "283-296",
url = ""
Janković, R., Spasić, D., Koropanovski, N., Subošić, D., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G.,& Dimitrijević, R.. (2020). Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija., 71(4), 283-296.
Janković R, Spasić D, Koropanovski N, Subošić D, Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Dimitrijević R. Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. 2020;71(4):283-296. .
Janković, Radivoje, Spasić, Danijela, Koropanovski, Nenad, Subošić, Dane, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Dimitrijević, Raša, "Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?" in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 71, no. 4 (2020):283-296, .

Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana; Stojanović, Filip

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2019)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
AU  - Stojanović, Filip
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The quality of life is an immediate sustainability manifestation, which refers to the capability of the place or the local community to meet the current needs of the citizens without jeopardizing the possibility for the future generation to meet their needs to the full extent. The quality of life is the identification of the key domains of human well-being in the community, i.e. the identification of the existing needs of its citizens. The needs of the citizens of one local community synthetize everything that the citizens recognize as a difference between the current and desirable situation. The need can be formulated also as a wish to improve the current situation or to correct the defect. Systems (services, institutions, agencies) for providing services to the citizens in the functional communities base their activities on defined priorities of the local community, they reduce the potential risks for the citizens, put their focus on outcomes (changes among citizens) rather than the processes themselves, maintain the existing and establish new social networks of help and support to individuals, while respecting their individual rights, include citizens (service users) in decision-making agencies, and others. Whenever various forms of community action and action are realized, it must take into account the specificities of the target groups and the characteristics of the community whose needs or deficits must be met. It is on these principles that a modern police organization bases its activities within community policing, dealing primarily with the security needs of citizens. The analytical approach in this paper deals with the implementation of a problem-solving strategy with the goal to reduce the fear of crime and the rate of crime, that is, with the measures and activities by which the police influences
the quality of life of citizens in the local community.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
T1  - Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens
SP  - 99
EP  - 111
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana and Stojanović, Filip",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The quality of life is an immediate sustainability manifestation, which refers to the capability of the place or the local community to meet the current needs of the citizens without jeopardizing the possibility for the future generation to meet their needs to the full extent. The quality of life is the identification of the key domains of human well-being in the community, i.e. the identification of the existing needs of its citizens. The needs of the citizens of one local community synthetize everything that the citizens recognize as a difference between the current and desirable situation. The need can be formulated also as a wish to improve the current situation or to correct the defect. Systems (services, institutions, agencies) for providing services to the citizens in the functional communities base their activities on defined priorities of the local community, they reduce the potential risks for the citizens, put their focus on outcomes (changes among citizens) rather than the processes themselves, maintain the existing and establish new social networks of help and support to individuals, while respecting their individual rights, include citizens (service users) in decision-making agencies, and others. Whenever various forms of community action and action are realized, it must take into account the specificities of the target groups and the characteristics of the community whose needs or deficits must be met. It is on these principles that a modern police organization bases its activities within community policing, dealing primarily with the security needs of citizens. The analytical approach in this paper deals with the implementation of a problem-solving strategy with the goal to reduce the fear of crime and the rate of crime, that is, with the measures and activities by which the police influences
the quality of life of citizens in the local community.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.",
title = "Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens",
pages = "99-111",
url = ""
Spasić, D., Radovanović, I.,& Stojanović, F.. (2019). Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 99-111.
Spasić D, Radovanović I, Stojanović F. Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.. 2019;:99-111. .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, Stojanović, Filip, "Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019. (2019):99-111, .

Kontekst zaštite od nasilja u porodici i zloupotrebe oružja : zakonodavni okvir i Rezolucija 1325 u Srbiji

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana

(Niš : Pravni fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Kreirajući dizajn ovog istraživanja, autori su pošli od činjenice da se, od preko 850 miliona primeraka malokalibarskog i lakog vatrenog oružja danas u svetu, više od dve trećine nalazi u rukama privatnih vlasnika, najčešće muškaraca, i sakriveno je u domovima. Istovremeno, posedovanje vatrenog oružja predstavlja jednu od najizrazitijih manifestacija kulture maskuliniteta, nasilja i tradicionalizma, pri čemu rasprostranjenost nelegalnog i legalnog vatrenog oružja ima značajne rodne implikacije i karakteristike. Zato je kao cilj istraživanja postavljeno identifikovanje načina na koji vatreno oružje utiče na obim i karakteristike nasilja u porodici. Metodološki pristup problemu istraživanja podrazumevao je pravnu analizu zakonodavnog okvira u ovoj oblasti u kontekstu primene Rezolucije 1325 Saveta bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija (SB UN) "Žene, mir i bezbednost" u Republici Srbiji. Hipotetički okvir istraživanja temelji se na opštoj pretpostavci da postojeća zakonska rešenja nisu dovoljno jak garant sprovođenja Akcionog plana za primenu Rezolucije 1325 u Srbiji (2017-2020), odnosno uspeha na sprečavanju i suzbijanju nasilja u porodici, a posebno ubistava u kontekstu porodičnih i partnerskih odnosa. Primena Rezolucije 1325 u Srbiji, kada je u pitanju (zlo)upotreba vatrenog oružja i nasilje u porodici, zaštita, pomoć i podrška ženama iz diskriminisanih grupa, odvijaće se u ambijentu kojeg, u zakonodavnom smislu, definišu dva zakona: Zakon o oružju i municiji i Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici. Međutim, opšti je zaključak istraživanja da formulisane politike i postavljeni zakonodavni okvir ne uključuju rodni aspekt u dovoljnoj meri i ne prepoznaju različite bezbednosne potrebe muškaraca i žena, dečaka i devojčica.
PB  - Niš : Pravni fakultet
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
T1  - Kontekst zaštite od nasilja u porodici i zloupotrebe oružja : zakonodavni okvir i Rezolucija 1325 u Srbiji
VL  - 58
IS  - 83
SP  - 145
EP  - 162
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfni1983145S
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Kreirajući dizajn ovog istraživanja, autori su pošli od činjenice da se, od preko 850 miliona primeraka malokalibarskog i lakog vatrenog oružja danas u svetu, više od dve trećine nalazi u rukama privatnih vlasnika, najčešće muškaraca, i sakriveno je u domovima. Istovremeno, posedovanje vatrenog oružja predstavlja jednu od najizrazitijih manifestacija kulture maskuliniteta, nasilja i tradicionalizma, pri čemu rasprostranjenost nelegalnog i legalnog vatrenog oružja ima značajne rodne implikacije i karakteristike. Zato je kao cilj istraživanja postavljeno identifikovanje načina na koji vatreno oružje utiče na obim i karakteristike nasilja u porodici. Metodološki pristup problemu istraživanja podrazumevao je pravnu analizu zakonodavnog okvira u ovoj oblasti u kontekstu primene Rezolucije 1325 Saveta bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija (SB UN) "Žene, mir i bezbednost" u Republici Srbiji. Hipotetički okvir istraživanja temelji se na opštoj pretpostavci da postojeća zakonska rešenja nisu dovoljno jak garant sprovođenja Akcionog plana za primenu Rezolucije 1325 u Srbiji (2017-2020), odnosno uspeha na sprečavanju i suzbijanju nasilja u porodici, a posebno ubistava u kontekstu porodičnih i partnerskih odnosa. Primena Rezolucije 1325 u Srbiji, kada je u pitanju (zlo)upotreba vatrenog oružja i nasilje u porodici, zaštita, pomoć i podrška ženama iz diskriminisanih grupa, odvijaće se u ambijentu kojeg, u zakonodavnom smislu, definišu dva zakona: Zakon o oružju i municiji i Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici. Međutim, opšti je zaključak istraživanja da formulisane politike i postavljeni zakonodavni okvir ne uključuju rodni aspekt u dovoljnoj meri i ne prepoznaju različite bezbednosne potrebe muškaraca i žena, dečaka i devojčica.",
publisher = "Niš : Pravni fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu",
title = "Kontekst zaštite od nasilja u porodici i zloupotrebe oružja : zakonodavni okvir i Rezolucija 1325 u Srbiji",
volume = "58",
number = "83",
pages = "145-162",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfni1983145S"
Spasić, D.,& Radovanović, I.. (2019). Kontekst zaštite od nasilja u porodici i zloupotrebe oružja : zakonodavni okvir i Rezolucija 1325 u Srbiji. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
Niš : Pravni fakultet., 58(83), 145-162.
Spasić D, Radovanović I. Kontekst zaštite od nasilja u porodici i zloupotrebe oružja : zakonodavni okvir i Rezolucija 1325 u Srbiji. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu. 2019;58(83):145-162.
doi:10.5937/zrpfni1983145S .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, "Kontekst zaštite od nasilja u porodici i zloupotrebe oružja : zakonodavni okvir i Rezolucija 1325 u Srbiji" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, 58, no. 83 (2019):145-162, . .

Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana; Milić, Nenad

(Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2018)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community policing strategy as two complementary parts of the concept of quality of life make it possible to qualitatively consider security in local communities. According to the concept of human security, institutions are obliged to provide citizens with permanent protection, instead of occasional, to act preventively, rather than reactively, whereby all relevant local community actors actively participate in deciding on issues related to their security. One way to actively involve key members of a community in improving (human) security at the local level is the formation of local security councils.
In Serbia, the first local security councils were established in 2002 as a result of the implementation of the pilot project “Police in the local community and a safe community in Serbia”. Fifteen years later, there are 119 local security councils in Serbia. In addition to representatives of local self-government and representatives of other institutions (police, judiciary, social welfare centres, school institutions, health services, etc.), the representatives of civil society also participate in their work. Nevertheless, the functioning of local security councils in Serbia is still little known. There is also insufficient knowledge in which manner these bodies contribute to the improvement of human security at the local level.
Theoretical considerations in this paper are focused on the analysis of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research with the aim of reviewing the legislative, security and sociological environment in which local security councils are established and operating.
Key findings point to the necessity and significance of the decentralization of local security, the need for further development of the police in the local community, and the determination of the scope, dynamics and methodology of the work of the local advisory bodies for security.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
T1  - Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality
SP  - 83
EP  - 95
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana and Milić, Nenad",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community policing strategy as two complementary parts of the concept of quality of life make it possible to qualitatively consider security in local communities. According to the concept of human security, institutions are obliged to provide citizens with permanent protection, instead of occasional, to act preventively, rather than reactively, whereby all relevant local community actors actively participate in deciding on issues related to their security. One way to actively involve key members of a community in improving (human) security at the local level is the formation of local security councils.
In Serbia, the first local security councils were established in 2002 as a result of the implementation of the pilot project “Police in the local community and a safe community in Serbia”. Fifteen years later, there are 119 local security councils in Serbia. In addition to representatives of local self-government and representatives of other institutions (police, judiciary, social welfare centres, school institutions, health services, etc.), the representatives of civil society also participate in their work. Nevertheless, the functioning of local security councils in Serbia is still little known. There is also insufficient knowledge in which manner these bodies contribute to the improvement of human security at the local level.
Theoretical considerations in this paper are focused on the analysis of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research with the aim of reviewing the legislative, security and sociological environment in which local security councils are established and operating.
Key findings point to the necessity and significance of the decentralization of local security, the need for further development of the police in the local community, and the determination of the scope, dynamics and methodology of the work of the local advisory bodies for security.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018",
title = "Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality",
pages = "83-95",
url = ""
Spasić, D., Radovanović, I.,& Milić, N.. (2018). Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 83-95.
Spasić D, Radovanović I, Milić N. Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018. 2018;:83-95. .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, Milić, Nenad, "Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018 (2018):83-95, .

Security Needs of Citizens and Community Policing in Serbia – is There a Link?

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana


AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The local community represents a context in which a real quality of social life can be researched. One of the life quality indicators is a degree of satisfying security needs of citizens. Among the resources which the local community engages to solve these needs, the police occupy the key position. Within the model of police engagement in the local community, the concept of community policing has great significance as a qualitatively new system of the police organization and functioning based on the correlation between the citizens’ expectations and what the police really do. By interviewing 750 respondents in five communities in Serbia, in which this policing strategy is being realized, their security needs are being determined. The research results indicate that the citizens of the researched communities are concerned about the extent and intensity of the different forms of violence and all forms of social behavior which jeopardize the security of their families. They recognize the police as a local community resource in charge of solving their security needs and they point out the necessity of undertaking preventive activities. The following factors are noticed as the limitation factors: lack of interdepartmental cooperation within the police services and insufficient local community involvement in problem solving.
T2  - European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
T1  - Security Needs of Citizens and Community Policing in Serbia – is There a Link?
SP  - 1
EP  - 30
DO  - 10.1007/s10610-017-9366-x
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The local community represents a context in which a real quality of social life can be researched. One of the life quality indicators is a degree of satisfying security needs of citizens. Among the resources which the local community engages to solve these needs, the police occupy the key position. Within the model of police engagement in the local community, the concept of community policing has great significance as a qualitatively new system of the police organization and functioning based on the correlation between the citizens’ expectations and what the police really do. By interviewing 750 respondents in five communities in Serbia, in which this policing strategy is being realized, their security needs are being determined. The research results indicate that the citizens of the researched communities are concerned about the extent and intensity of the different forms of violence and all forms of social behavior which jeopardize the security of their families. They recognize the police as a local community resource in charge of solving their security needs and they point out the necessity of undertaking preventive activities. The following factors are noticed as the limitation factors: lack of interdepartmental cooperation within the police services and insufficient local community involvement in problem solving.",
journal = "European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research",
title = "Security Needs of Citizens and Community Policing in Serbia – is There a Link?",
pages = "1-30",
doi = "10.1007/s10610-017-9366-x"
Spasić, D.,& Radovanović, I.. (2018). Security Needs of Citizens and Community Policing in Serbia – is There a Link?. in European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 1-30.
Spasić D, Radovanović I. Security Needs of Citizens and Community Policing in Serbia – is There a Link?. in European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 2018;:1-30.
doi:10.1007/s10610-017-9366-x .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, "Security Needs of Citizens and Community Policing in Serbia – is There a Link?" in European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (2018):1-30, . .

Femicide in Partnership Relations

Spasić, Danijela; Kolarević, Dag; Luković, Zoran

(Viktimološko društvo Srbije, Beograd i "Prometej", 2017)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Kolarević, Dag
AU  - Luković, Zoran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - In numerous studies in the world, the existence of femicide as a specific form of homicide has been confirmed, indicating its conditions and consequences and the strongest risk factors. The subject of this paper is femicide in intimate partnership, and the aim is to point to the specific characteristics of fennicide in intimate parner relationships in Serbia, i.e. to present and analyse the data obtained in the empirical research of this form of murder. The empirical research of femicide in intimate partner relationships in Serbia was conducted in 2016 on the sample of 153 cases of murder of women in the context of intimate partnership, which occurred on the territory of Serbia (without Kosovo and Metohija) in the period from 2001 to 2015. The objectives of the research were to determine the existence and identification of risk factors for femicide. The data was collected from the criminal reports filed by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. The findings of the study confirmed the results of other studies in regard prevalence of femicide and the existence of the following risk factors: exposure of women to chronic intimate partner violence, the availability of firearms, the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances abuse, the presence of psychological disorders and illness and suicidal tendencies of perpetrators. By applying multidimensional scaling in analyzing elements of crime offending the specific position of suicides that occur in certain number of cases after femicide was pointed out. There was a slight tendency of absence of history of violence in cases where perpetrator of fennicide committed suicide.
PB  - Viktimološko društvo Srbije, Beograd i "Prometej"
T2  - Temida
T1  - Femicide in Partnership Relations
VL  - 20
IS  - 3
SP  - 411
EP  - 434
DO  - 10.2298/TEM1703411S
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Kolarević, Dag and Luković, Zoran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In numerous studies in the world, the existence of femicide as a specific form of homicide has been confirmed, indicating its conditions and consequences and the strongest risk factors. The subject of this paper is femicide in intimate partnership, and the aim is to point to the specific characteristics of fennicide in intimate parner relationships in Serbia, i.e. to present and analyse the data obtained in the empirical research of this form of murder. The empirical research of femicide in intimate partner relationships in Serbia was conducted in 2016 on the sample of 153 cases of murder of women in the context of intimate partnership, which occurred on the territory of Serbia (without Kosovo and Metohija) in the period from 2001 to 2015. The objectives of the research were to determine the existence and identification of risk factors for femicide. The data was collected from the criminal reports filed by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. The findings of the study confirmed the results of other studies in regard prevalence of femicide and the existence of the following risk factors: exposure of women to chronic intimate partner violence, the availability of firearms, the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances abuse, the presence of psychological disorders and illness and suicidal tendencies of perpetrators. By applying multidimensional scaling in analyzing elements of crime offending the specific position of suicides that occur in certain number of cases after femicide was pointed out. There was a slight tendency of absence of history of violence in cases where perpetrator of fennicide committed suicide.",
publisher = "Viktimološko društvo Srbije, Beograd i "Prometej"",
journal = "Temida",
title = "Femicide in Partnership Relations",
volume = "20",
number = "3",
pages = "411-434",
doi = "10.2298/TEM1703411S"
Spasić, D., Kolarević, D.,& Luković, Z.. (2017). Femicide in Partnership Relations. in Temida
Viktimološko društvo Srbije, Beograd i "Prometej"., 20(3), 411-434.
Spasić D, Kolarević D, Luković Z. Femicide in Partnership Relations. in Temida. 2017;20(3):411-434.
doi:10.2298/TEM1703411S .
Spasić, Danijela, Kolarević, Dag, Luković, Zoran, "Femicide in Partnership Relations" in Temida, 20, no. 3 (2017):411-434, . .

Community policing in Serbia: between tradition and contemporary challenges

Spasić, Danijela; Milojević, Saša

(Univ Maribor, Faculty Criminal Justice & Security, Ljubljana, 2016)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Milojević, Saša
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Purpose: Over the few last decades, special attention of experts, researchers and practitioners in Serbia dealing with the model of community policing, has been paid to the strategy of locally-based policing as a qualitatively new system of police organization and functions based on relationship between citizen expectations and what police are really doing. A theoretical analysis of conceptual and methodological considerations of community policing, as well as an empirical research based on principles of community policing are the main topic of this paper. Methods: Responses of mid-ranking police officers and patrol and beat officers were used as a source of information in order to evaluate the implementation of community policing in the context of domestic violence, i.e. to analyse police officers' attitudes towards community policing. Altogether 80 police officers were surveyed. Findings: The analysis of police officers' attitudes towards community policing in local communities shows that the most frequently mentioned obstacles to its implementation are structural changes and traditional police subculture. Furthermore, absence of intergovernmental cooperation between police agencies and nonprofessional attitude towards citizens (inclination to corruption and abuse of discretionary powers in decision making) were seen as limiting factors. Research limitations: The main obstacle regarding the study refers to the unequal sample regarding gender distribution. Nevertheless, the sample characteristics are in accordance with the analysed population. Originality: After considering the research results and analysing foreign theoretical and practical experience, general recommendations have been made to improve the theory and practice in community policing implementation and to enhance its performance in local communities.
PB  - Univ Maribor, Faculty Criminal Justice & Security, Ljubljana
C3  - Criminal justice and security in central and eastern Europe: safety, security, and social control in
T1  - Community policing in Serbia: between tradition and contemporary challenges
SP  - 67
EP  - 83
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Milojević, Saša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Purpose: Over the few last decades, special attention of experts, researchers and practitioners in Serbia dealing with the model of community policing, has been paid to the strategy of locally-based policing as a qualitatively new system of police organization and functions based on relationship between citizen expectations and what police are really doing. A theoretical analysis of conceptual and methodological considerations of community policing, as well as an empirical research based on principles of community policing are the main topic of this paper. Methods: Responses of mid-ranking police officers and patrol and beat officers were used as a source of information in order to evaluate the implementation of community policing in the context of domestic violence, i.e. to analyse police officers' attitudes towards community policing. Altogether 80 police officers were surveyed. Findings: The analysis of police officers' attitudes towards community policing in local communities shows that the most frequently mentioned obstacles to its implementation are structural changes and traditional police subculture. Furthermore, absence of intergovernmental cooperation between police agencies and nonprofessional attitude towards citizens (inclination to corruption and abuse of discretionary powers in decision making) were seen as limiting factors. Research limitations: The main obstacle regarding the study refers to the unequal sample regarding gender distribution. Nevertheless, the sample characteristics are in accordance with the analysed population. Originality: After considering the research results and analysing foreign theoretical and practical experience, general recommendations have been made to improve the theory and practice in community policing implementation and to enhance its performance in local communities.",
publisher = "Univ Maribor, Faculty Criminal Justice & Security, Ljubljana",
journal = "Criminal justice and security in central and eastern Europe: safety, security, and social control in",
title = "Community policing in Serbia: between tradition and contemporary challenges",
pages = "67-83",
url = ""
Spasić, D.,& Milojević, S.. (2016). Community policing in Serbia: between tradition and contemporary challenges. in Criminal justice and security in central and eastern Europe: safety, security, and social control in
Univ Maribor, Faculty Criminal Justice & Security, Ljubljana., 67-83.
Spasić D, Milojević S. Community policing in Serbia: between tradition and contemporary challenges. in Criminal justice and security in central and eastern Europe: safety, security, and social control in. 2016;:67-83. .
Spasić, Danijela, Milojević, Saša, "Community policing in Serbia: between tradition and contemporary challenges" in Criminal justice and security in central and eastern Europe: safety, security, and social control in (2016):67-83, .

Multiagency approach to the problem of domestic violence in the local community and the role of police

Spasić, Danijela; Anđelković, Dragana

(Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2015)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Anđelković, Dragana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The local community is a contextual framework in which the real potential for the emancipation of citizens is realized in the best possible way, the citizen needs and their level of (in)security are realistically assessed, and the needs for prevention and response to security issues, risks and threats at the local
level are defined. Domestic violence is a phenomenon that threatens the system and the principles of the
local community and quality of life of its members. It violates basic human rights and freedoms, threatens
the institution of the family as the basic social unit, and exposes vulnerable social groups - women, children,
elderly and incapacitated persons - to the continuous, direct or indirect victimization. A successful response
to the problem of domestic violence in the community involves a complex, planned, coordinated, timely
and methodologically unified response of all agencies (institutions) in the local community. Coordination
and harmonization of their activities is formally based on the adoption of a protocol on the agency or institution response. Among the community participants designated by current legislation to be stakeholders
in the prevention and/or combating domestic violence, in addition to the prosecution, judiciary, centres for
social services, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and others, the police have a prominent place.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1 / International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015 = Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 1 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015
T1  - Multiagency approach to the problem of domestic violence in the local community and the role of police
SP  - 503
EP  - 510
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Anđelković, Dragana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The local community is a contextual framework in which the real potential for the emancipation of citizens is realized in the best possible way, the citizen needs and their level of (in)security are realistically assessed, and the needs for prevention and response to security issues, risks and threats at the local
level are defined. Domestic violence is a phenomenon that threatens the system and the principles of the
local community and quality of life of its members. It violates basic human rights and freedoms, threatens
the institution of the family as the basic social unit, and exposes vulnerable social groups - women, children,
elderly and incapacitated persons - to the continuous, direct or indirect victimization. A successful response
to the problem of domestic violence in the community involves a complex, planned, coordinated, timely
and methodologically unified response of all agencies (institutions) in the local community. Coordination
and harmonization of their activities is formally based on the adoption of a protocol on the agency or institution response. Among the community participants designated by current legislation to be stakeholders
in the prevention and/or combating domestic violence, in addition to the prosecution, judiciary, centres for
social services, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and others, the police have a prominent place.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1 / International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015 = Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 1 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015",
title = "Multiagency approach to the problem of domestic violence in the local community and the role of police",
pages = "503-510",
url = ""
Spasić, D.,& Anđelković, D.. (2015). Multiagency approach to the problem of domestic violence in the local community and the role of police. in Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1 / International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015 = Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 1 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015
Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 503-510.
Spasić D, Anđelković D. Multiagency approach to the problem of domestic violence in the local community and the role of police. in Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1 / International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015 = Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 1 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015. 2015;:503-510. .
Spasić, Danijela, Anđelković, Dragana, "Multiagency approach to the problem of domestic violence in the local community and the role of police" in Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1 / International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015 = Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 1 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015 (2015):503-510, .

Survival in an "all boys club" : Policewomen in Serbia

Spasić, Danijela; Đurić, Slađana; Mršević, Zorica

(Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 2015)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Đurić, Slađana
AU  - Mršević, Zorica
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The paper is based on the results of the first qualitative research focusing on the position of policewomen in Serbia. The research was conducted from June to August 2011 on a sample of 30 policewomen of various standings as working police officers; it took into account the types of roles held, the police schools they finished, their professional experience and the size of the police organizations with which they were employed. The core questions in the analysis related to policewomen's experiences while completing their education, during the hiring process and while carrying out their police duties, as well as regarding possibilities for promotion. Although considerable improvement was noted regarding the status of women in the process of police education, most participants in the research had negative experience in the course of finding a job; they also experienced limitations with regard to their promotion as well as various sorts of harassment at work.
PB  - Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press
T2  - Women's studies international forum
T1  - Survival in an "all boys club" : Policewomen in Serbia
VL  - 48
SP  - 57
SP  - 
EP  - 70
DO  - 10.1016/j.wsif.2014.10.008
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Đurić, Slađana and Mršević, Zorica",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The paper is based on the results of the first qualitative research focusing on the position of policewomen in Serbia. The research was conducted from June to August 2011 on a sample of 30 policewomen of various standings as working police officers; it took into account the types of roles held, the police schools they finished, their professional experience and the size of the police organizations with which they were employed. The core questions in the analysis related to policewomen's experiences while completing their education, during the hiring process and while carrying out their police duties, as well as regarding possibilities for promotion. Although considerable improvement was noted regarding the status of women in the process of police education, most participants in the research had negative experience in the course of finding a job; they also experienced limitations with regard to their promotion as well as various sorts of harassment at work.",
publisher = "Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press",
journal = "Women's studies international forum",
title = "Survival in an "all boys club" : Policewomen in Serbia",
volume = "48",
pages = "57--70",
doi = "10.1016/j.wsif.2014.10.008"
Spasić, D., Đurić, S.,& Mršević, Z.. (2015). Survival in an "all boys club" : Policewomen in Serbia. in Women's studies international forum
Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press., 48, 57-70.
Spasić D, Đurić S, Mršević Z. Survival in an "all boys club" : Policewomen in Serbia. in Women's studies international forum. 2015;48:57-70.
doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2014.10.008 .
Spasić, Danijela, Đurić, Slađana, Mršević, Zorica, "Survival in an "all boys club" : Policewomen in Serbia" in Women's studies international forum, 48 (2015):57-70, . .

Extradition and police activities related to foreign international notices

Gajić, Zorana; Spasić, Danijela

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Gajić, Zorana
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - This paper shows certain solutions in force (the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the Law on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Law on Police) and their application in the practice of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia as regards the issuing of international notices and their validity in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. A short review of the term of and the legal basis for the extradition of the accused or convicted persons will outline this institute of international legal assistance in criminal matters. The analysis focuses on the bilateral agreements on the extradition of domestic citizens which the Republic of Serbia concluded with Montenegro and Croatia in 2010 and with Macedonia in 2011. This analysis has shown that the possibility of issuing an international notice against a person believed to be staying in the Republic of Serbia at the request of a foreign authority (if it is stated in the request that in case that person is discovered, their extradition will be sought) represents 'a tool in the hands' of the police which allows them to arrest the persons wanted at the international level in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Thus, the Serbian police contribute to combating international crime in terms of bringing internationally wanted fugitives to justice.
AB  - U radu se prikazuju pojedina pozitivnopravna rešenja (odredbe Zakonika o krivičnom postupku, Zakona o međunarodnoj pravnoj pomoći u krivičnim stvarima i Zakona o policiji) i njihova primena u praksi Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije u pogledu raspisivanja međunarodnih poternica i njihovog važenja na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Kratak osvrt na pojam i pravni osnov ekstradicije okrivljenih i osuđenih lica pruža osnovna objašnjenja ovog instituta međunarodne pravne pomoći u krivičnim stvarima. U središtu analize nalaze se bilateralni ugovori o međusobnom izručenju koje je Republika Srbija zaključila sa Crnom Gorom, Hrvatskom i Makedonijom. Analiza je pokazala da mogućnost raspisivanja međunarodne poternice na molbu inostranog organa za licem za koje se sumnja da se nalazi u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajno ovlašćenje policije da lica tražena na međunarodnom planu lišava slobode na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na taj način policija Srbije daje svoj doprinos borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala, u smislu privođenja pravdi međunarodnih begunaca.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Extradition and police activities related to foreign international notices
T1  - Ekstradicija i postupanje policije sa stranom međunarodnom poternicom
VL  - 56
IS  - 1
SP  - 144
EP  - 157
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1401144G
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Zorana and Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2014",
abstract = "This paper shows certain solutions in force (the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the Law on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Law on Police) and their application in the practice of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia as regards the issuing of international notices and their validity in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. A short review of the term of and the legal basis for the extradition of the accused or convicted persons will outline this institute of international legal assistance in criminal matters. The analysis focuses on the bilateral agreements on the extradition of domestic citizens which the Republic of Serbia concluded with Montenegro and Croatia in 2010 and with Macedonia in 2011. This analysis has shown that the possibility of issuing an international notice against a person believed to be staying in the Republic of Serbia at the request of a foreign authority (if it is stated in the request that in case that person is discovered, their extradition will be sought) represents 'a tool in the hands' of the police which allows them to arrest the persons wanted at the international level in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Thus, the Serbian police contribute to combating international crime in terms of bringing internationally wanted fugitives to justice., U radu se prikazuju pojedina pozitivnopravna rešenja (odredbe Zakonika o krivičnom postupku, Zakona o međunarodnoj pravnoj pomoći u krivičnim stvarima i Zakona o policiji) i njihova primena u praksi Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije u pogledu raspisivanja međunarodnih poternica i njihovog važenja na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Kratak osvrt na pojam i pravni osnov ekstradicije okrivljenih i osuđenih lica pruža osnovna objašnjenja ovog instituta međunarodne pravne pomoći u krivičnim stvarima. U središtu analize nalaze se bilateralni ugovori o međusobnom izručenju koje je Republika Srbija zaključila sa Crnom Gorom, Hrvatskom i Makedonijom. Analiza je pokazala da mogućnost raspisivanja međunarodne poternice na molbu inostranog organa za licem za koje se sumnja da se nalazi u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajno ovlašćenje policije da lica tražena na međunarodnom planu lišava slobode na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na taj način policija Srbije daje svoj doprinos borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala, u smislu privođenja pravdi međunarodnih begunaca.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Extradition and police activities related to foreign international notices, Ekstradicija i postupanje policije sa stranom međunarodnom poternicom",
volume = "56",
number = "1",
pages = "144-157",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1401144G"
Gajić, Z.,& Spasić, D.. (2014). Extradition and police activities related to foreign international notices. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 56(1), 144-157.
Gajić Z, Spasić D. Extradition and police activities related to foreign international notices. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2014;56(1):144-157.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1401144G .
Gajić, Zorana, Spasić, Danijela, "Extradition and police activities related to foreign international notices" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 56, no. 1 (2014):144-157, . .

Community Policing and Local Self-Government: A Case Study of Serbia

Spasić, Danijela; Đurić, Slađana; Kešetović, Želimir

(Inst Local Self-Government Public Procurement Maribor, Maribor, 2013)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Đurić, Slađana
AU  - Kešetović, Želimir
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The concept of community policing is based on constant consultations between the police and the local self-government and a complex system of preventative responses. A qualitative approach has been applied in a rural community based on the analysis of administrative documents from 2003 to 2011, direct observation and a survey examining the attitudes of 65 police officers who participated directly in the project implementation. The major findings include the existence of a centralized police model and traditional policing, the resistance of low and middle managers to change and the absence of continuous consultations between the police and local self-government.
PB  - Inst Local Self-Government Public Procurement Maribor, Maribor
T2  - Lex localis-journal of local self-government
T1  - Community Policing and Local Self-Government: A Case Study of Serbia
VL  - 11
IS  - 3
SP  - 293
EP  - 309
DO  - 10.4335/11.3.293-309(2013)
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Đurić, Slađana and Kešetović, Želimir",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The concept of community policing is based on constant consultations between the police and the local self-government and a complex system of preventative responses. A qualitative approach has been applied in a rural community based on the analysis of administrative documents from 2003 to 2011, direct observation and a survey examining the attitudes of 65 police officers who participated directly in the project implementation. The major findings include the existence of a centralized police model and traditional policing, the resistance of low and middle managers to change and the absence of continuous consultations between the police and local self-government.",
publisher = "Inst Local Self-Government Public Procurement Maribor, Maribor",
journal = "Lex localis-journal of local self-government",
title = "Community Policing and Local Self-Government: A Case Study of Serbia",
volume = "11",
number = "3",
pages = "293-309",
doi = "10.4335/11.3.293-309(2013)"
Spasić, D., Đurić, S.,& Kešetović, Ž.. (2013). Community Policing and Local Self-Government: A Case Study of Serbia. in Lex localis-journal of local self-government
Inst Local Self-Government Public Procurement Maribor, Maribor., 11(3), 293-309.
Spasić D, Đurić S, Kešetović Ž. Community Policing and Local Self-Government: A Case Study of Serbia. in Lex localis-journal of local self-government. 2013;11(3):293-309.
doi:10.4335/11.3.293-309(2013) .
Spasić, Danijela, Đurić, Slađana, Kešetović, Želimir, "Community Policing and Local Self-Government: A Case Study of Serbia" in Lex localis-journal of local self-government, 11, no. 3 (2013):293-309, . .

Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions

Spasić, Danijela

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - This paper is based on the results of research of family violence in Serbia at the end of the last millennium and at the beginning of this one, with a particular emphasis on the basic settings of patriarchal family relations cherished for centuries in Serbia. The chronological matrix shows that the first research of family violence in Serbia as criminological, sociological, historical and cultural phenomenon marked the last decade of 20th century. At the same time, this period coincided with the circumstances of deep economic crisis, social stratification and value degradation.
AB  - Ovaj rad se bazira na rezultatima istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji na razmeđu dva milenijuma, pri čemu se posebno naglašavaju temeljne patrijarhalne postavke porodičnih relacija u Srbiji, negovane kroz vekove. Hronološka matrica pokazuje da su prva istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji kao kriminološkog, sociološkog i istorijsko-kulturološkog fenomena obeležila poslednju deceniju 20. veka. Istovremeno, taj period se poklapa sa okolnostima duboke ekonomske krize, društvenog raslojavanja i vrednosnih degradacija.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions
T1  - Porodično nasilje u Srbiji - istorijsko-kulturološka dimenzija
VL  - 54
IS  - 2
SP  - 205
EP  - 220
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2012",
abstract = "This paper is based on the results of research of family violence in Serbia at the end of the last millennium and at the beginning of this one, with a particular emphasis on the basic settings of patriarchal family relations cherished for centuries in Serbia. The chronological matrix shows that the first research of family violence in Serbia as criminological, sociological, historical and cultural phenomenon marked the last decade of 20th century. At the same time, this period coincided with the circumstances of deep economic crisis, social stratification and value degradation., Ovaj rad se bazira na rezultatima istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji na razmeđu dva milenijuma, pri čemu se posebno naglašavaju temeljne patrijarhalne postavke porodičnih relacija u Srbiji, negovane kroz vekove. Hronološka matrica pokazuje da su prva istraživanja porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji kao kriminološkog, sociološkog i istorijsko-kulturološkog fenomena obeležila poslednju deceniju 20. veka. Istovremeno, taj period se poklapa sa okolnostima duboke ekonomske krize, društvenog raslojavanja i vrednosnih degradacija.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions, Porodično nasilje u Srbiji - istorijsko-kulturološka dimenzija",
volume = "54",
number = "2",
pages = "205-220",
url = ""
Spasić, D.. (2012). Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 54(2), 205-220.
Spasić D. Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2012;54(2):205-220. .
Spasić, Danijela, "Domestic violence in Serbia: Historical and cultural dimensions" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 54, no. 2 (2012):205-220, .

Violence as a criminological phenomenon

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religious affiliation) in the context of political developments in the institutional environment and family and emotional relationships, often raising the question of its causes and factors that contribute to its expression. This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of just causes and factors of violence, with a special research effort focuses on interpersonal violence, the most common form of manifestation of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs were selected to contribute to the understanding of domestic violence as dangerous violations of human rights and the manifestation of dominance and power in the family setting.
AB  - Rastući trend nasilničkog i agresivnog ponašanja u svetu ne poznaje prostorne granice ili druge karakteristike (pol, rasu, versku pripadnost). Nasilje koje se javlja u kontekstu političkih zbivanja, u institucionalnom okruženju ili u porodici i partnerskim odnosima, ima svoje kompleksne uzroke i faktore koji doprinose njegovom ispoljavanju. Ovaj rad se bavi teorijskom analizom uzroka i faktora nasilja. Poseban istraživački napor usmeren je na oblike i faktore inter- personalnog nasilja, kao najčešćeg oblika ispoljavanja agresivnog ponašanja. U okviru tih razmatranja, teorijski konstrukti treba da doprinesu razumevanju i nasilja u porodici kao opasne povrede ljudskih prava i načina ispoljavanja dominacije i moći u porodičnom okruženju.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Violence as a criminological phenomenon
T1  - Nasilje kao kriminološki fenomen (teorijski okvir)
VL  - 17
IS  - 2
SP  - 137
EP  - 150
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The growing trend of violent and aggressive behavior in a world that knows no boundaries of space or other characteristics (gender, race, religious affiliation) in the context of political developments in the institutional environment and family and emotional relationships, often raising the question of its causes and factors that contribute to its expression. This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of just causes and factors of violence, with a special research effort focuses on interpersonal violence, the most common form of manifestation of aggressive behavior. Under these considerations, the theoretical constructs were selected to contribute to the understanding of domestic violence as dangerous violations of human rights and the manifestation of dominance and power in the family setting., Rastući trend nasilničkog i agresivnog ponašanja u svetu ne poznaje prostorne granice ili druge karakteristike (pol, rasu, versku pripadnost). Nasilje koje se javlja u kontekstu političkih zbivanja, u institucionalnom okruženju ili u porodici i partnerskim odnosima, ima svoje kompleksne uzroke i faktore koji doprinose njegovom ispoljavanju. Ovaj rad se bavi teorijskom analizom uzroka i faktora nasilja. Poseban istraživački napor usmeren je na oblike i faktore inter- personalnog nasilja, kao najčešćeg oblika ispoljavanja agresivnog ponašanja. U okviru tih razmatranja, teorijski konstrukti treba da doprinesu razumevanju i nasilja u porodici kao opasne povrede ljudskih prava i načina ispoljavanja dominacije i moći u porodičnom okruženju.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Violence as a criminological phenomenon, Nasilje kao kriminološki fenomen (teorijski okvir)",
volume = "17",
number = "2",
pages = "137-150",
url = ""
Spasić, D.,& Radovanović, I.. (2012). Violence as a criminological phenomenon. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 17(2), 137-150.
Spasić D, Radovanović I. Violence as a criminological phenomenon. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2012;17(2):137-150. .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, "Violence as a criminological phenomenon" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 17, no. 2 (2012):137-150, .

Konvencija o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i uloga Srbije u borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala

Spasić, Danijela; Lipovac, Milan

(Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, 2011)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Lipovac, Milan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Konvenciju o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi potpisale su Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Makedonija, Moldavija, Rumunija, Crna Gora i Srbija, u Beču, 5. maja 2006. godine. Ovaj međunarodni ugovor nastao je kao izraz zajedničkih potreba zemalja-potpisnica da se ojača i unapredi policijska saradnja i uzajamna pomoć vezana za policijska pitanja, sa ciljem ispunjenja zajedničkih bezbednosnih potreba. Kao primarni objekat bezbednosnog partnerstva,definisanog ovom Konvencijom, prepoznate su prekogranične pretnje po javni red i bezbednost i međunarodni kriminal u svim njegovim pojavnim oblicima identifikovanim u ovom regionu. U operativnom smislu, policijska saradnja usmerena je i na prevenciju, otkrivanje i policijsku istragu krivičnih dela. Konvencija definiše opšte mere policijske saradnje, oblike zajedničke saradnje, načine zaštite podataka i kategorisanje njihove poverljivosti, ovlašćenja službenih lica, formiranje zajedničkih istražnih timova i dr.U radu se analiziraju predložena rešenja, procenjuje stepen njihove operativne korisnosti i pretpostavlja efektivnost definisanog modela saradnje uzimajući u obzir kompleksnost bezbednosnih izazova, pretnji i rizika u regionu, sa posebnimnaglaskom na prekogranične pretnje i oblike organizovanih međunarodnih kriminalnih aktivnosti. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se mestu i ulozi Srbije u policijskoj saradnji i značaju koji Konvencija ima za funkcionisanje njene policije.Analiza je usmerena i na uočavanje mogućih nedostataka u operacionalizaciji predloženih oblika saradnje
PB  - Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija
PB  - Beograd : Fondacija Hans Zajdel
C3  - Suzbijanje kriminala u okviru međunarodne policijske saradnje : zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28.-30. jun 2011. godine, Tara
T1  - Konvencija o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i uloga Srbije u borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala
SP  - 161
EP  - 172
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Lipovac, Milan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Konvenciju o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi potpisale su Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Makedonija, Moldavija, Rumunija, Crna Gora i Srbija, u Beču, 5. maja 2006. godine. Ovaj međunarodni ugovor nastao je kao izraz zajedničkih potreba zemalja-potpisnica da se ojača i unapredi policijska saradnja i uzajamna pomoć vezana za policijska pitanja, sa ciljem ispunjenja zajedničkih bezbednosnih potreba. Kao primarni objekat bezbednosnog partnerstva,definisanog ovom Konvencijom, prepoznate su prekogranične pretnje po javni red i bezbednost i međunarodni kriminal u svim njegovim pojavnim oblicima identifikovanim u ovom regionu. U operativnom smislu, policijska saradnja usmerena je i na prevenciju, otkrivanje i policijsku istragu krivičnih dela. Konvencija definiše opšte mere policijske saradnje, oblike zajedničke saradnje, načine zaštite podataka i kategorisanje njihove poverljivosti, ovlašćenja službenih lica, formiranje zajedničkih istražnih timova i dr.U radu se analiziraju predložena rešenja, procenjuje stepen njihove operativne korisnosti i pretpostavlja efektivnost definisanog modela saradnje uzimajući u obzir kompleksnost bezbednosnih izazova, pretnji i rizika u regionu, sa posebnimnaglaskom na prekogranične pretnje i oblike organizovanih međunarodnih kriminalnih aktivnosti. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se mestu i ulozi Srbije u policijskoj saradnji i značaju koji Konvencija ima za funkcionisanje njene policije.Analiza je usmerena i na uočavanje mogućih nedostataka u operacionalizaciji predloženih oblika saradnje",
publisher = "Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, Beograd : Fondacija Hans Zajdel",
journal = "Suzbijanje kriminala u okviru međunarodne policijske saradnje : zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28.-30. jun 2011. godine, Tara",
title = "Konvencija o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i uloga Srbije u borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala",
pages = "161-172",
url = ""
Spasić, D.,& Lipovac, M.. (2011). Konvencija o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i uloga Srbije u borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala. in Suzbijanje kriminala u okviru međunarodne policijske saradnje : zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28.-30. jun 2011. godine, Tara
Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija., 161-172.
Spasić D, Lipovac M. Konvencija o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i uloga Srbije u borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala. in Suzbijanje kriminala u okviru međunarodne policijske saradnje : zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28.-30. jun 2011. godine, Tara. 2011;:161-172. .
Spasić, Danijela, Lipovac, Milan, "Konvencija o policijskoj saradnji u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i uloga Srbije u borbi protiv međunarodnog kriminala" in Suzbijanje kriminala u okviru međunarodne policijske saradnje : zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28.-30. jun 2011. godine, Tara (2011):161-172, .

Concept of societal security and theory of securitization as analytical framework for analysis of Turkey access to European Union

Lipovac, Milan; Spasić, Danijela; Kešetović, Želimir

(Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Lipovac, Milan
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Kešetović, Želimir
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - When the concept of societal security focused on social community and identity as its main value was constructed, a deeper political and security analysis of social phenomena and processes was possible to make. In the paper, the authors use the concept of societal security to analyse the actual process of the Republic of Turkey's accession to the European Union with special emphasis on the attitudes and statements of the EU and political representatives of its member states who securitize, by rethoric, Turkey's accession in order to protect the European identity.
AB  - Konstituisanjem koncepta socijetalne bezbednosti, koji kao referentni objekat izučava društvenu zajednicu i identitet kao njenu vrednost, omogućena je dublja politička i bezbednosna analiza društvenih pojava i procesa. U radu autori kroz koncept socijetalne bezbednosti analiziraju aktuelni proces pristupanja Republike Turske Evropskoj uniji, stavljajući poseban naglasak na stavove i izjave političkih predstavnika EU i država članica, koji svojom retorikom sekuritizuju prijem Turske radi zaštite evropskog identiteta.
PB  - Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd
T2  - Međunarodna politika
T1  - Concept of societal security and theory of securitization as analytical framework for analysis of Turkey access to European Union
T1  - Koncept socijetalne bezbednosti i teorija sekuritizacije kao okviri za analizu procesa prijema Turske u Evropsku uniju
VL  - 62
IS  - 1142
SP  - 52
EP  - 62
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Lipovac, Milan and Spasić, Danijela and Kešetović, Želimir",
year = "2011",
abstract = "When the concept of societal security focused on social community and identity as its main value was constructed, a deeper political and security analysis of social phenomena and processes was possible to make. In the paper, the authors use the concept of societal security to analyse the actual process of the Republic of Turkey's accession to the European Union with special emphasis on the attitudes and statements of the EU and political representatives of its member states who securitize, by rethoric, Turkey's accession in order to protect the European identity., Konstituisanjem koncepta socijetalne bezbednosti, koji kao referentni objekat izučava društvenu zajednicu i identitet kao njenu vrednost, omogućena je dublja politička i bezbednosna analiza društvenih pojava i procesa. U radu autori kroz koncept socijetalne bezbednosti analiziraju aktuelni proces pristupanja Republike Turske Evropskoj uniji, stavljajući poseban naglasak na stavove i izjave političkih predstavnika EU i država članica, koji svojom retorikom sekuritizuju prijem Turske radi zaštite evropskog identiteta.",
publisher = "Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd",
journal = "Međunarodna politika",
title = "Concept of societal security and theory of securitization as analytical framework for analysis of Turkey access to European Union, Koncept socijetalne bezbednosti i teorija sekuritizacije kao okviri za analizu procesa prijema Turske u Evropsku uniju",
volume = "62",
number = "1142",
pages = "52-62",
url = ""
Lipovac, M., Spasić, D.,& Kešetović, Ž.. (2011). Concept of societal security and theory of securitization as analytical framework for analysis of Turkey access to European Union. in Međunarodna politika
Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd., 62(1142), 52-62.
Lipovac M, Spasić D, Kešetović Ž. Concept of societal security and theory of securitization as analytical framework for analysis of Turkey access to European Union. in Međunarodna politika. 2011;62(1142):52-62. .
Lipovac, Milan, Spasić, Danijela, Kešetović, Želimir, "Concept of societal security and theory of securitization as analytical framework for analysis of Turkey access to European Union" in Međunarodna politika, 62, no. 1142 (2011):52-62, .

New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission

Spasić, Danijela; Đurić, Slađana

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2011)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Đurić, Slađana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - The paper analyzes the United Nations' system of entities founded with a purpose of protecting and improving the rights and position of women and of promoting the gender equality, putting special emphasis on their activities promoting the role and position of women in the security sector. It discusses models, principles, and standards of their functioning; points to practical problems, deficiencies and weaknesses over their several-decade existence; and interprets objective circumstances which led to the establishment of a new entity - UN Women, on 2 July 2010, as an institutional mechanism of the United Nations dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. This entity will connect four UN systems which have formerly addressed gender issues and position of women in different ways - DAW (Division for the Advancement of Women), INSTRAW (Institutional Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women), OSAGI (Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues), and UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) - and will focus its work exclusively towards achieving the goals of gender equality and the empowerment of women in all aspects of their life and work. Functionally, this UN entity becomes operational on 1 January 2011. The paper analyzes legal documents regulating the establishment and functioning of this organization, in particular the provisions of the Resolution A/64/L.56 related to the establishment of this entity.
AB  - U radu se analizira sistem agencija Ujedinjenih nacija koje su formirane sa ciljem zaštite i unapređenja prava i položaja žena i promocije rodne ravnopravnosti, sa posebnim akcentom na njihove aktivnosti koje promovišu položaj i ulogu žena u sektoru bezbednosti. Razmatraju se modeli, načela i standardi njihovog funkcionisanja, ukazuje na praktične probleme, nedostatke i slabosti u njihovom višedecenijskom postojanju i interpretiraju objektivne okolnosti koje su dovele do formiranja nove agencije - UN Women, 2. jula 2010. godine, kao institucionalnog mehanizma Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena. Ova agencija će povezati četiri sistema UN koji su se u prošlosti na različite načine bavili pitanjima roda i položaja žena - DAW (Odeljenje za unapređenje položaja žena), INSTRAW (Međunarodni istraživački institut za obuku i unapređenje položaja žena), OSAGI (Kancelarija specijalnog savetnika za pitanja polova i unapređenje položaja žena) i UNIFEM (Razvojni fond Ujedinjenih nacija za žene) - i fokusiraće svoj rad isključivo na probleme postizanja rodne ravnopravnosti i osnaživanje žena u svim aspektima njihovog života i rada. Funkcionalno, ovaj UN entitet postaje operativan od 1. januara 2011. godine. U radu se analiziraju pravni dokumenti koji regulišu osnivanje i funkcionisanje ove institucije, a posebno odredbe Rezolucije A/64/L.56 o formiranju agencije.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission
T1  - Novi institucionalni mehanizam Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena - osnivanje, značaj i istorijska misija
VL  - 63
IS  - 1
SP  - 9
EP  - 23
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Đurić, Slađana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The paper analyzes the United Nations' system of entities founded with a purpose of protecting and improving the rights and position of women and of promoting the gender equality, putting special emphasis on their activities promoting the role and position of women in the security sector. It discusses models, principles, and standards of their functioning; points to practical problems, deficiencies and weaknesses over their several-decade existence; and interprets objective circumstances which led to the establishment of a new entity - UN Women, on 2 July 2010, as an institutional mechanism of the United Nations dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. This entity will connect four UN systems which have formerly addressed gender issues and position of women in different ways - DAW (Division for the Advancement of Women), INSTRAW (Institutional Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women), OSAGI (Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues), and UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) - and will focus its work exclusively towards achieving the goals of gender equality and the empowerment of women in all aspects of their life and work. Functionally, this UN entity becomes operational on 1 January 2011. The paper analyzes legal documents regulating the establishment and functioning of this organization, in particular the provisions of the Resolution A/64/L.56 related to the establishment of this entity., U radu se analizira sistem agencija Ujedinjenih nacija koje su formirane sa ciljem zaštite i unapređenja prava i položaja žena i promocije rodne ravnopravnosti, sa posebnim akcentom na njihove aktivnosti koje promovišu položaj i ulogu žena u sektoru bezbednosti. Razmatraju se modeli, načela i standardi njihovog funkcionisanja, ukazuje na praktične probleme, nedostatke i slabosti u njihovom višedecenijskom postojanju i interpretiraju objektivne okolnosti koje su dovele do formiranja nove agencije - UN Women, 2. jula 2010. godine, kao institucionalnog mehanizma Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena. Ova agencija će povezati četiri sistema UN koji su se u prošlosti na različite načine bavili pitanjima roda i položaja žena - DAW (Odeljenje za unapređenje položaja žena), INSTRAW (Međunarodni istraživački institut za obuku i unapređenje položaja žena), OSAGI (Kancelarija specijalnog savetnika za pitanja polova i unapređenje položaja žena) i UNIFEM (Razvojni fond Ujedinjenih nacija za žene) - i fokusiraće svoj rad isključivo na probleme postizanja rodne ravnopravnosti i osnaživanje žena u svim aspektima njihovog života i rada. Funkcionalno, ovaj UN entitet postaje operativan od 1. januara 2011. godine. U radu se analiziraju pravni dokumenti koji regulišu osnivanje i funkcionisanje ove institucije, a posebno odredbe Rezolucije A/64/L.56 o formiranju agencije.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission, Novi institucionalni mehanizam Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena - osnivanje, značaj i istorijska misija",
volume = "63",
number = "1",
pages = "9-23",
url = ""
Spasić, D.,& Đurić, S.. (2011). New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 63(1), 9-23.
Spasić D, Đurić S. New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission. in Vojno delo. 2011;63(1):9-23. .
Spasić, Danijela, Đurić, Slađana, "New United Nations' institutional mechanism for gender equality and the empowerment of women: Establishment, importance and historical mission" in Vojno delo, 63, no. 1 (2011):9-23, .

Modernism of family

Spasić, Danijela

(Izdavačko preduzeće "Socijalna misao", Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Modernism is neither an empty time continuum nor a pure philosophical category. It is a spatial determinant of all conflicts of civilizations, clashes of cultures and demonization of democracy. In it the Human is being dehumanized, robotized, lonely, scared, without roots. Running away from its comforts, he is returning to the primordial - the Family. Alas, too late… At the crossroads of historical and spiritual epochs the Family gets broken, without support, without power and has nothing to offer to him. This is a story of its defeats, of the Human search for shelter and his wish to replace all the lifeless and cold wealth and riches of the perfect Modernism by warmth of the simple and common family love.
AB  - Moderna nije jedan prazan vremenski kontinuum ili čista filozofska kategorija. Ona je prostorna odrednica svih sukoba civilizacija, sudara kultura i demonizovanja demokratije. U njoj je Čovek onečovečen, robotizovan, usamljen, uplašen, bez korena. Bežeći od njenih blagodeti, on se vraća iskonu - Porodici. Ali, kasno... Na razmeđi istorijskih i duhovnih epoha, Porodica je razbijena, bez oslonca, bez snage i nema šta da mu pruži. Ovo je priča o njenim porazima, o Čovekovom traganju za utočištem i njegovoj želji da sva beživotna i hladna bogatstva savršene Moderne zameni toplinom obične i proste porodične ljubavi.
PB  - Izdavačko preduzeće "Socijalna misao", Beograd
T2  - Socijalna misao
T1  - Modernism of family
T1  - Moderna porodice
VL  - 17
IS  - 4
SP  - 175
EP  - 184
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Modernism is neither an empty time continuum nor a pure philosophical category. It is a spatial determinant of all conflicts of civilizations, clashes of cultures and demonization of democracy. In it the Human is being dehumanized, robotized, lonely, scared, without roots. Running away from its comforts, he is returning to the primordial - the Family. Alas, too late… At the crossroads of historical and spiritual epochs the Family gets broken, without support, without power and has nothing to offer to him. This is a story of its defeats, of the Human search for shelter and his wish to replace all the lifeless and cold wealth and riches of the perfect Modernism by warmth of the simple and common family love., Moderna nije jedan prazan vremenski kontinuum ili čista filozofska kategorija. Ona je prostorna odrednica svih sukoba civilizacija, sudara kultura i demonizovanja demokratije. U njoj je Čovek onečovečen, robotizovan, usamljen, uplašen, bez korena. Bežeći od njenih blagodeti, on se vraća iskonu - Porodici. Ali, kasno... Na razmeđi istorijskih i duhovnih epoha, Porodica je razbijena, bez oslonca, bez snage i nema šta da mu pruži. Ovo je priča o njenim porazima, o Čovekovom traganju za utočištem i njegovoj želji da sva beživotna i hladna bogatstva savršene Moderne zameni toplinom obične i proste porodične ljubavi.",
publisher = "Izdavačko preduzeće "Socijalna misao", Beograd",
journal = "Socijalna misao",
title = "Modernism of family, Moderna porodice",
volume = "17",
number = "4",
pages = "175-184",
url = ""
Spasić, D.. (2010). Modernism of family. in Socijalna misao
Izdavačko preduzeće "Socijalna misao", Beograd., 17(4), 175-184.
Spasić D. Modernism of family. in Socijalna misao. 2010;17(4):175-184. .
Spasić, Danijela, "Modernism of family" in Socijalna misao, 17, no. 4 (2010):175-184, .

Victims of domestic violence in Serbia

Spasić, Danijela

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the results from researches and court practice on domestic violence in Serbia were presented, conducted in the period 1997-2006, by independent researches or non-government agencies for help and support for victims of crime. The researches have shown that the majority of victims are women (80%), but also that children are present as direct or indirect, secondary victims of domestic violence, which confirms the correlation between violence against children and violence against women. Violence against children is one of the strategies of prolonged violence, that is, control over woman. Studies of domestic violence in Serbia have identified the following factors of primary victimization of victims: creation of identity of future victim in primary family, socialization through learning of gender roles and male-female relations, being caught in gender trap and growing-up in environment burdened with violence that follows the pattern of patriarchal stereotypes on gender relations. The researches have also determined the profile of victims of violence regarding their age, education or employment, that is, economic (in)dependence.
AB  - U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja porodičnog nasilja sprovedenih u periodu od 1997. do 2006. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživača ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoći i podrške žrtvama kriminaliteta. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveći deo žrtava čine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodičnog nasilja, čime je potvrđena korelacija između nasilja nad decom i nasilja nad ženama. Nasilje nad decom predstavlja jednu od strategija produženog nasilja, kao oblika kontrole nad ženom. Studije porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji identifikovale su sledeće faktore primarne viktimizacije žrtava: kreiranje identiteta buduće žrtve u primarnoj porodici, socijalizaciju učenjem tradicionalnih muško-ženskih uloga i relacija, tzv. 'uhvaćenost u zamku roda' i život u okruženju opterećenom nasiljem. Istraživanja su, takođe, odredila profil žrtava nasilja u vezi sa njihovim uzrastom, obrazovanjem ili zaposlenjem, to jest, ekonomskom (ne)zavisnošću.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Victims of domestic violence in Serbia
T1  - Žrtve porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji
VL  - 15
IS  - 3
SP  - 77
EP  - 92
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela",
year = "2010",
abstract = "In this paper, the results from researches and court practice on domestic violence in Serbia were presented, conducted in the period 1997-2006, by independent researches or non-government agencies for help and support for victims of crime. The researches have shown that the majority of victims are women (80%), but also that children are present as direct or indirect, secondary victims of domestic violence, which confirms the correlation between violence against children and violence against women. Violence against children is one of the strategies of prolonged violence, that is, control over woman. Studies of domestic violence in Serbia have identified the following factors of primary victimization of victims: creation of identity of future victim in primary family, socialization through learning of gender roles and male-female relations, being caught in gender trap and growing-up in environment burdened with violence that follows the pattern of patriarchal stereotypes on gender relations. The researches have also determined the profile of victims of violence regarding their age, education or employment, that is, economic (in)dependence., U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja porodičnog nasilja sprovedenih u periodu od 1997. do 2006. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživača ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoći i podrške žrtvama kriminaliteta. Istraživanja su pokazala da najveći deo žrtava čine žene (oko 80%), ali da su i deca direktne ili indirektne, sekundarne žrtve porodičnog nasilja, čime je potvrđena korelacija između nasilja nad decom i nasilja nad ženama. Nasilje nad decom predstavlja jednu od strategija produženog nasilja, kao oblika kontrole nad ženom. Studije porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji identifikovale su sledeće faktore primarne viktimizacije žrtava: kreiranje identiteta buduće žrtve u primarnoj porodici, socijalizaciju učenjem tradicionalnih muško-ženskih uloga i relacija, tzv. 'uhvaćenost u zamku roda' i život u okruženju opterećenom nasiljem. Istraživanja su, takođe, odredila profil žrtava nasilja u vezi sa njihovim uzrastom, obrazovanjem ili zaposlenjem, to jest, ekonomskom (ne)zavisnošću.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Victims of domestic violence in Serbia, Žrtve porodičnog nasilja u Srbiji",
volume = "15",
number = "3",
pages = "77-92",
url = ""
Spasić, D.. (2010). Victims of domestic violence in Serbia. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 15(3), 77-92.
Spasić D. Victims of domestic violence in Serbia. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2010;15(3):77-92. .
Spasić, Danijela, "Victims of domestic violence in Serbia" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 15, no. 3 (2010):77-92, .