Milić, Nenad

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Milić, Nenad (31)
  • Милић, Ненад (7)
  • Milić, Nenad S. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Увођење камера за униформу у полицијски рад : стварна потреба или изнуђено решење

Милидраговић, Драган; Милић, Ненад

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2024)

AU  - Милидраговић, Драган
AU  - Милић, Ненад
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Последњих десет година, америчке и европске полицијске организације почеле су да у свој рад уводе камере за униформу – минијатурне камере које полицијски службеници носе на себи, најчешће закачене за униформу. Основна сврха увођења таквих камера јесте спречавање незаконитих, непрофесионалних поступака и понашања полицијских службеника, као и друштвено непожељног понашања грађана. Камере треба да утичу превентивно на полицијске службенике и грађане како једни према други ма не би поступали незаконито и друштвено неприхватљиво. Полицијске организације настоје да њиховом употребом, без других средстава и метода – пре свега обуке и едукације полицијских службеника и других програма и пројеката превенције – реше неке од својих проблема. Аутори овог рада анализирају разлоге увођења камера за униформу у полицијске организације САД и појединих европ ских држава, како би дошли до закључка о оправданости тог увођења и о могућности постизања сложених и одговорних циљева само уз помоћ камера.
AB  - In the last ten years, police organizations in the USA and Europe have started to implement body worn cameras. The main purpose and goal of the implementation of these cameras is aimed at preventing unlawful and unprofessional actions and behavior of police officers and socially undesirable behavior of citizens. Miniature cameras on the body of police officers should deter police officers and citizens from committing illegal and socially unacceptable actions and procedures towards each other. Police organizations try to use body worn cameras to achieve the above mentioned goals as a substitute for other means of correcting unwanted behaviors, primarily training and education of police officers. This paper analyzes the reasons for the implementation of body worn cameras in the police organizations across the USA and in some European countries in order to reach a conclusion about the justification and the possibility to achieve complex and responsible goals only with the help of cameras.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T1  - Увођење камера за униформу у полицијски рад : стварна потреба или изнуђено решење
T1  - Implementation of body cameras worn by police officers in police organizations : real need or necessary solution
VL  - 66
IS  - 1
SP  - 61
EP  - 77
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2304061M
ER  - 
author = "Милидраговић, Драган and Милић, Ненад",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Последњих десет година, америчке и европске полицијске организације почеле су да у свој рад уводе камере за униформу – минијатурне камере које полицијски службеници носе на себи, најчешће закачене за униформу. Основна сврха увођења таквих камера јесте спречавање незаконитих, непрофесионалних поступака и понашања полицијских службеника, као и друштвено непожељног понашања грађана. Камере треба да утичу превентивно на полицијске службенике и грађане како једни према други ма не би поступали незаконито и друштвено неприхватљиво. Полицијске организације настоје да њиховом употребом, без других средстава и метода – пре свега обуке и едукације полицијских службеника и других програма и пројеката превенције – реше неке од својих проблема. Аутори овог рада анализирају разлоге увођења камера за униформу у полицијске организације САД и појединих европ ских држава, како би дошли до закључка о оправданости тог увођења и о могућности постизања сложених и одговорних циљева само уз помоћ камера., In the last ten years, police organizations in the USA and Europe have started to implement body worn cameras. The main purpose and goal of the implementation of these cameras is aimed at preventing unlawful and unprofessional actions and behavior of police officers and socially undesirable behavior of citizens. Miniature cameras on the body of police officers should deter police officers and citizens from committing illegal and socially unacceptable actions and procedures towards each other. Police organizations try to use body worn cameras to achieve the above mentioned goals as a substitute for other means of correcting unwanted behaviors, primarily training and education of police officers. This paper analyzes the reasons for the implementation of body worn cameras in the police organizations across the USA and in some European countries in order to reach a conclusion about the justification and the possibility to achieve complex and responsible goals only with the help of cameras.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
title = "Увођење камера за униформу у полицијски рад : стварна потреба или изнуђено решење, Implementation of body cameras worn by police officers in police organizations : real need or necessary solution",
volume = "66",
number = "1",
pages = "61-77",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2304061M"
Милидраговић, Д.,& Милић, Н.. (2024). Увођење камера за униформу у полицијски рад : стварна потреба или изнуђено решење. in Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 66(1), 61-77.
Милидраговић Д, Милић Н. Увођење камера за униформу у полицијски рад : стварна потреба или изнуђено решење. in Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије. 2024;66(1):61-77.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2304061M .
Милидраговић, Драган, Милић, Ненад, "Увођење камера за униформу у полицијски рад : стварна потреба или изнуђено решење" in Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 66, no. 1 (2024):61-77, . .

Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning

Vuković, Igor; Kuk, Kristijan; Čisar, Petar; Banđur, Miloš; Banđur, Đoko; Milić, Nenad; Popović, Brankica

(Basel : MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Vuković, Igor
AU  - Kuk, Kristijan
AU  - Čisar, Petar
AU  - Banđur, Miloš
AU  - Banđur, Đoko
AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Brankica
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Moodle is a widely deployed distance learning platform that provides numerous opportunities to enhance the learning process. Moodle’s importance in maintaining the continuity of education in states of emergency and other circumstances has been particularly demonstrated in the context of the COVID-19 virus’ rapid spread. However, there is a problem with personalizing the learning and monitoring of students’ work. There is room for upgrading the system by applying data mining and different machine-learning methods. The multi-agent Observer system proposed in our paper supports students engaged in learning by monitoring their work and making suggestions based on the prediction of their final course success, using indicators of engagement and machine-learning algorithms. A novelty is that Observer collects data independently of the Moodle database, autonomously creates a training set, and learns from gathered data. Since the data are anonymized, researchers and lecturers can freely use them for purposes broader than that specified for Observer. The paper shows how the methodology, technologies, and techniques used in Observer provide an autonomous system of personalized assistance for students within Moodle platforms.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Electronics
T1  - Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning
VL  - 10
IS  - 12
SP  - 1370
DO  - 10.3390/electronics10121370
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Igor and Kuk, Kristijan and Čisar, Petar and Banđur, Miloš and Banđur, Đoko and Milić, Nenad and Popović, Brankica",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Moodle is a widely deployed distance learning platform that provides numerous opportunities to enhance the learning process. Moodle’s importance in maintaining the continuity of education in states of emergency and other circumstances has been particularly demonstrated in the context of the COVID-19 virus’ rapid spread. However, there is a problem with personalizing the learning and monitoring of students’ work. There is room for upgrading the system by applying data mining and different machine-learning methods. The multi-agent Observer system proposed in our paper supports students engaged in learning by monitoring their work and making suggestions based on the prediction of their final course success, using indicators of engagement and machine-learning algorithms. A novelty is that Observer collects data independently of the Moodle database, autonomously creates a training set, and learns from gathered data. Since the data are anonymized, researchers and lecturers can freely use them for purposes broader than that specified for Observer. The paper shows how the methodology, technologies, and techniques used in Observer provide an autonomous system of personalized assistance for students within Moodle platforms.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Electronics",
title = "Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning",
volume = "10",
number = "12",
pages = "1370",
doi = "10.3390/electronics10121370"
Vuković, I., Kuk, K., Čisar, P., Banđur, M., Banđur, Đ., Milić, N.,& Popović, B.. (2021). Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning. in Electronics
Basel : MDPI., 10(12), 1370.
Vuković I, Kuk K, Čisar P, Banđur M, Banđur Đ, Milić N, Popović B. Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning. in Electronics. 2021;10(12):1370.
doi:10.3390/electronics10121370 .
Vuković, Igor, Kuk, Kristijan, Čisar, Petar, Banđur, Miloš, Banđur, Đoko, Milić, Nenad, Popović, Brankica, "Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning" in Electronics, 10, no. 12 (2021):1370, . .

The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention

Milić, Nenad; Milidragović, Dragan

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2021)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Milidragović, Dragan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Decision-making and discretion in police interventions should be based on relevant and objective information. Complexity, level of risk, unpredictability, and uncertainty are some of the features of police interventions in which police officers need to decide how to act in a few seconds. In limited timeframe, the police officer should find and select all available information relevant to make the decision. Decision-making gets complicated and more challenging in po-lice interventions where there is a risk of police officers getting injured and where they need to use force. The psychological pressure such situations create can negatively affect officers’ situa-tion awareness or their ability to observe and choose among pieces of information essential for decision-making. Consequently, relevant information may not reach the police managers who are expected to react to every change in the situation with an adequate decision. The problem of loss or lack of situational awareness in complex and risky police interventions has  long  been  noticed.  In  order  to  maintain  situational  awareness  during  interventions  and  timely get the necessary information, body-worn cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for live coverage of events from the police intervention scene and geographic information systems (GIS) to integrate data from the field could be used. These technologies allow managers in police headquarters  to  follow  all  events  during  the  police  intervention  “live”,  to  be  familiar  with  the  deployment and status of engaged resources at all times, notice problems, and accordingly make decisions even before receiving (or in case of delay) information via the radio communication system.  Having  in  mind  the  importance  of  situational  awareness  in  complex  and  risky  inter-ventions for decision-making, the paper points to the possibilities of using body-worn cameras, UAVs, and GIS to ensure situational awareness during interventions.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
T1  - The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention
SP  - 271
EP  - 278
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad and Milidragović, Dragan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Decision-making and discretion in police interventions should be based on relevant and objective information. Complexity, level of risk, unpredictability, and uncertainty are some of the features of police interventions in which police officers need to decide how to act in a few seconds. In limited timeframe, the police officer should find and select all available information relevant to make the decision. Decision-making gets complicated and more challenging in po-lice interventions where there is a risk of police officers getting injured and where they need to use force. The psychological pressure such situations create can negatively affect officers’ situa-tion awareness or their ability to observe and choose among pieces of information essential for decision-making. Consequently, relevant information may not reach the police managers who are expected to react to every change in the situation with an adequate decision. The problem of loss or lack of situational awareness in complex and risky police interventions has  long  been  noticed.  In  order  to  maintain  situational  awareness  during  interventions  and  timely get the necessary information, body-worn cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for live coverage of events from the police intervention scene and geographic information systems (GIS) to integrate data from the field could be used. These technologies allow managers in police headquarters  to  follow  all  events  during  the  police  intervention  “live”,  to  be  familiar  with  the  deployment and status of engaged resources at all times, notice problems, and accordingly make decisions even before receiving (or in case of delay) information via the radio communication system.  Having  in  mind  the  importance  of  situational  awareness  in  complex  and  risky  inter-ventions for decision-making, the paper points to the possibilities of using body-worn cameras, UAVs, and GIS to ensure situational awareness during interventions.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021",
title = "The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention",
pages = "271-278",
url = ""
Milić, N.,& Milidragović, D.. (2021). The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 271-278.
Milić N, Milidragović D. The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021. 2021;:271-278. .
Milić, Nenad, Milidragović, Dragan, "The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021 (2021):271-278, .

Значај аналитичке подршке у супротстављању савременим облицима криминалитета у условима европских интеграција

Ђурђевић, Зоран; Милић, Ненад

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2020)

AU  - Ђурђевић, Зоран
AU  - Милић, Ненад
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Полицијска делатност је незамислива без
благовременог и потпуног прикупљања свих безбедносно
релевантних података. Како у данашње време већа доступност
података и информација у полицијској пракси не мора да значи и
већу предвидљивост манифестовања безбедносно интересантних
појава, свакодневно прикупљање података треба да буде праћено
њиховом аналитичком обрадом. Спознати начине (појавне облике)
манифестовања појава које су предмет рада полицијске
организације, наћи у њима елементе будућег и предвидети њихов
развој, суштински је задатак аналитичара. У раду се указује на
значај аналитичког рада и аналитичке информације за доношење
одлука у полицији, и сагледава допринос аналитичке подршке
изради стратешких и оперативних одлука у Европској унији и
Републици Србији које се односе на супротстављање тешком и
организованом криминалу.
AB  - Police activity is unthinkable without the timely and
complete collection of all security-relevant data. As today's greater
availability of data and information in police practice does not mean
greater predictability of manifestations of security-related events, data
analysis should occur on a daily basis. To understand the ways crime
incidents happen, to find the elements of the future in them and to
predict their development, is an essential task of analysts. Starting
from the specifics of decision-making in the police, the paper points to
the importance of analytical work and analytical information for
policing, but also examines the contribution of analytical support to
the drafting of strategic and operational decisions in the European
Union and the Republic of Serbia related to combating serious and
organized crime.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Значај аналитичке подршке у супротстављању савременим облицима криминалитета у условима европских интеграција
T1  - The Importance of Analytical Work in Countering Contemporary Forms of Crime in the Context of EU Integration
VL  - 62
IS  - 1
SP  - 84
EP  - 102
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2001084D
ER  - 
author = "Ђурђевић, Зоран and Милић, Ненад",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Полицијска делатност је незамислива без
благовременог и потпуног прикупљања свих безбедносно
релевантних података. Како у данашње време већа доступност
података и информација у полицијској пракси не мора да значи и
већу предвидљивост манифестовања безбедносно интересантних
појава, свакодневно прикупљање података треба да буде праћено
њиховом аналитичком обрадом. Спознати начине (појавне облике)
манифестовања појава које су предмет рада полицијске
организације, наћи у њима елементе будућег и предвидети њихов
развој, суштински је задатак аналитичара. У раду се указује на
значај аналитичког рада и аналитичке информације за доношење
одлука у полицији, и сагледава допринос аналитичке подршке
изради стратешких и оперативних одлука у Европској унији и
Републици Србији које се односе на супротстављање тешком и
организованом криминалу., Police activity is unthinkable without the timely and
complete collection of all security-relevant data. As today's greater
availability of data and information in police practice does not mean
greater predictability of manifestations of security-related events, data
analysis should occur on a daily basis. To understand the ways crime
incidents happen, to find the elements of the future in them and to
predict their development, is an essential task of analysts. Starting
from the specifics of decision-making in the police, the paper points to
the importance of analytical work and analytical information for
policing, but also examines the contribution of analytical support to
the drafting of strategic and operational decisions in the European
Union and the Republic of Serbia related to combating serious and
organized crime.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Значај аналитичке подршке у супротстављању савременим облицима криминалитета у условима европских интеграција, The Importance of Analytical Work in Countering Contemporary Forms of Crime in the Context of EU Integration",
volume = "62",
number = "1",
pages = "84-102",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2001084D"
Ђурђевић, З.,& Милић, Н.. (2020). Значај аналитичке подршке у супротстављању савременим облицима криминалитета у условима европских интеграција. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 62(1), 84-102.
Ђурђевић З, Милић Н. Значај аналитичке подршке у супротстављању савременим облицима криминалитета у условима европских интеграција. in Безбедност. 2020;62(1):84-102.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2001084D .
Ђурђевић, Зоран, Милић, Ненад, "Значај аналитичке подршке у супротстављању савременим облицима криминалитета у условима европских интеграција" in Безбедност, 62, no. 1 (2020):84-102, . .

Identifying Street Hotspots Using a Network Kernel Density Estimation

Milić, Nenad; Đurđević, Zoran; Mijalković, Saša; Erkić, Dražan

(Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija, 2020)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Đurđević, Zoran
AU  - Mijalković, Saša
AU  - Erkić, Dražan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Throughout history, police have dedicated their attention to locations with a high incidence of crime and/or disorder.
These efforts have become more systematic since the introduction of hotspot policing in the 1990s. A large body of
research conducted over the last three decades has shown that focusing police resources on areas characterised by
high concentration of crime (hotspots) may have positive preventive effects. If crime hotspots inaccurately reflect
the spatial patterning of crime, (intense) criminal activity may not attract police attention. The progress of the crime
mapping discipline, spurred by the development of information technology (e.g. GIS) and spatial statistics, enabled
crime analysts to identify hotspots more accurately than before. When identifying hotspots, crime analysts use spatial
statistical methods which are based on the assumption of a 2D homogeneous Euclidean space. However, in an urban
setting, the street network may significantly affect the patterning of crime. Crime may be concentrated along the
streets, thus forming linear hotspots. When such linear distribution is analysed, the assumption of homogeneity
of the 2D space, which is inherent in “traditional” spatial statistical methods, could lead to a false conclusion. In
order to avoid that from happening, these methods should be extended to a network space. This paper explains the
specifics of spatial analysis in a network environment and its relevance to the crime analysis practice. Finally, the
network extension of one of the most popular methods of hotspot identification, i.e. the kernel density estimation
(KDE) method, was applied in the present paper. Having compared the network and planar KDE outputs, the authors
concluded that the network-based KDE allowed a more accurate identification of linear hotspots, resulting in a more
effective deployment of resources.
PB  - Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija
T2  - Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
T1  - Identifying Street Hotspots Using a Network Kernel Density Estimation
T1  - Prepoznavanje uličnih kriminalnih žarišč z uporabo Network Density Estimation
VL  - 71
IS  - 4
SP  - 257
EP  - 272
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad and Đurđević, Zoran and Mijalković, Saša and Erkić, Dražan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Throughout history, police have dedicated their attention to locations with a high incidence of crime and/or disorder.
These efforts have become more systematic since the introduction of hotspot policing in the 1990s. A large body of
research conducted over the last three decades has shown that focusing police resources on areas characterised by
high concentration of crime (hotspots) may have positive preventive effects. If crime hotspots inaccurately reflect
the spatial patterning of crime, (intense) criminal activity may not attract police attention. The progress of the crime
mapping discipline, spurred by the development of information technology (e.g. GIS) and spatial statistics, enabled
crime analysts to identify hotspots more accurately than before. When identifying hotspots, crime analysts use spatial
statistical methods which are based on the assumption of a 2D homogeneous Euclidean space. However, in an urban
setting, the street network may significantly affect the patterning of crime. Crime may be concentrated along the
streets, thus forming linear hotspots. When such linear distribution is analysed, the assumption of homogeneity
of the 2D space, which is inherent in “traditional” spatial statistical methods, could lead to a false conclusion. In
order to avoid that from happening, these methods should be extended to a network space. This paper explains the
specifics of spatial analysis in a network environment and its relevance to the crime analysis practice. Finally, the
network extension of one of the most popular methods of hotspot identification, i.e. the kernel density estimation
(KDE) method, was applied in the present paper. Having compared the network and planar KDE outputs, the authors
concluded that the network-based KDE allowed a more accurate identification of linear hotspots, resulting in a more
effective deployment of resources.",
publisher = "Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija",
journal = "Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo",
title = "Identifying Street Hotspots Using a Network Kernel Density Estimation, Prepoznavanje uličnih kriminalnih žarišč z uporabo Network Density Estimation",
volume = "71",
number = "4",
pages = "257-272",
url = ""
Milić, N., Đurđević, Z., Mijalković, S.,& Erkić, D.. (2020). Identifying Street Hotspots Using a Network Kernel Density Estimation. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija., 71(4), 257-272.
Milić N, Đurđević Z, Mijalković S, Erkić D. Identifying Street Hotspots Using a Network Kernel Density Estimation. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. 2020;71(4):257-272. .
Milić, Nenad, Đurđević, Zoran, Mijalković, Saša, Erkić, Dražan, "Identifying Street Hotspots Using a Network Kernel Density Estimation" in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 71, no. 4 (2020):257-272, .

The establishment and development of the National Criminal Intelligence System in the Republic of Serbia

Đurđević, Zoran; Milić, Nenad

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2020)

AU  - Đurđević, Zoran
AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Efficient  countering  contemporary  forms  of  crime,  especially  terrorism,  high-tech  and organised crime, requires a multi-agency approach and cooperation, both at the national and  international  level.  One  of  the  basic  indicators  for  assessing  the  quality  of  cooperation  is  the  exchange  of  information.  The  exchange  of  information  overcomes  limited  resources,  and  improves  the  efficiency  and  cost-efficiency  of  the  evidentiary  procedure.  The  National  Criminal Intelligence System is based on the establishment of a Platform for secure electronic communication,  exchange  of  data  and  information  between  government  authorities,  special  organisational units of government authorities and institutions, in order to prevent organised crime and other forms of serious crime. The following institutions are participating in the first phase of the establishment of the National Criminal Intelligence System: the Ministry of Interior; Ministry  of  Justice;  Republic  Public  Prosecutor’s  Office;  Prosecutor’s  Office  for  Organised  Crime; Office of the National Security Council and Classified Information Protection; Customs Administration;  Anti-Corruption  Agency;  and  Tax  Administration.  The  subject  of  this  paper  is the analysis of the legal framework, defining of recommendations, establishing which issues need to be legally regulated and which legal acts should be adopted to create the legal conditions necessary for the establishment and development of the NCIS.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
T1  - The establishment and development of the National  Criminal  Intelligence  System in the Republic of Serbia
SP  - 309
EP  - 320
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đurđević, Zoran and Milić, Nenad",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Efficient  countering  contemporary  forms  of  crime,  especially  terrorism,  high-tech  and organised crime, requires a multi-agency approach and cooperation, both at the national and  international  level.  One  of  the  basic  indicators  for  assessing  the  quality  of  cooperation  is  the  exchange  of  information.  The  exchange  of  information  overcomes  limited  resources,  and  improves  the  efficiency  and  cost-efficiency  of  the  evidentiary  procedure.  The  National  Criminal Intelligence System is based on the establishment of a Platform for secure electronic communication,  exchange  of  data  and  information  between  government  authorities,  special  organisational units of government authorities and institutions, in order to prevent organised crime and other forms of serious crime. The following institutions are participating in the first phase of the establishment of the National Criminal Intelligence System: the Ministry of Interior; Ministry  of  Justice;  Republic  Public  Prosecutor’s  Office;  Prosecutor’s  Office  for  Organised  Crime; Office of the National Security Council and Classified Information Protection; Customs Administration;  Anti-Corruption  Agency;  and  Tax  Administration.  The  subject  of  this  paper  is the analysis of the legal framework, defining of recommendations, establishing which issues need to be legally regulated and which legal acts should be adopted to create the legal conditions necessary for the establishment and development of the NCIS.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.",
title = "The establishment and development of the National  Criminal  Intelligence  System in the Republic of Serbia",
pages = "309-320",
url = ""
Đurđević, Z.,& Milić, N.. (2020). The establishment and development of the National  Criminal  Intelligence  System in the Republic of Serbia. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 309-320.
Đurđević Z, Milić N. The establishment and development of the National  Criminal  Intelligence  System in the Republic of Serbia. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.. 2020;:309-320. .
Đurđević, Zoran, Milić, Nenad, "The establishment and development of the National  Criminal  Intelligence  System in the Republic of Serbia" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020. (2020):309-320, .

Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective

Milidragović, Dragan; Milić, Nenad; Dragović, Nebojša

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2020)

AU  - Milidragović, Dragan
AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Dragović, Nebojša
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Activities aimed at bringing the police closer to the local community and promoting the building of partnerships and common solutions to security problems are referred to as community policing. In the Republic of Serbia, community policing implementation formally started in 2003 through the 'Community Policing' project. After the initial period of implementation, community policing principles were expected to become part of the organizational culture of police organization and a distinctive feature of everyday police practice. Based upon research results presented in this paper, the authors sought to determine to what extent the concept of community policing came to fruition in Serbian police practice and how it works today. The research was directed towards the middle management of the Serbian police, where the sample included all regional police departments in Serbia. The paper concluded that at the time this research was conducted, community policing was not sufficiently implemented in the Serbian police practice, that reactive work still dominated over prevention and proactive work, the organizational structure did not allow greater representation of CP activities, there was a need for additional training of police officers and the legislation which could facilitate partnership between the police and the community was missing.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
PB  - Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet
T2  - NBP : Journal of criminalistics and law = Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo
T1  - Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective
VL  - 25
IS  - 1
SP  - 31
EP  - 52
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo25-25323
ER  - 
author = "Milidragović, Dragan and Milić, Nenad and Dragović, Nebojša",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Activities aimed at bringing the police closer to the local community and promoting the building of partnerships and common solutions to security problems are referred to as community policing. In the Republic of Serbia, community policing implementation formally started in 2003 through the 'Community Policing' project. After the initial period of implementation, community policing principles were expected to become part of the organizational culture of police organization and a distinctive feature of everyday police practice. Based upon research results presented in this paper, the authors sought to determine to what extent the concept of community policing came to fruition in Serbian police practice and how it works today. The research was directed towards the middle management of the Serbian police, where the sample included all regional police departments in Serbia. The paper concluded that at the time this research was conducted, community policing was not sufficiently implemented in the Serbian police practice, that reactive work still dominated over prevention and proactive work, the organizational structure did not allow greater representation of CP activities, there was a need for additional training of police officers and the legislation which could facilitate partnership between the police and the community was missing.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet",
journal = "NBP : Journal of criminalistics and law = Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo",
title = "Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective",
volume = "25",
number = "1",
pages = "31-52",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo25-25323"
Milidragović, D., Milić, N.,& Dragović, N.. (2020). Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective. in NBP : Journal of criminalistics and law = Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 25(1), 31-52.
Milidragović D, Milić N, Dragović N. Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective. in NBP : Journal of criminalistics and law = Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo. 2020;25(1):31-52.
doi:10.5937/nabepo25-25323 .
Milidragović, Dragan, Milić, Nenad, Dragović, Nebojša, "Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective" in NBP : Journal of criminalistics and law = Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo, 25, no. 1 (2020):31-52, . .

Поступање полиције по наредбама и замолницама надлежних субјеката

Милидраговић, Драган; Субошић, Дане; Милић, Ненад

(Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука, 2019)

AU  - Милидраговић, Драган
AU  - Субошић, Дане
AU  - Милић, Ненад
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Полиција поред полицијских послова таксативно набројаних
у чл. 30, ст. 3 Закона о полицији обавља и друге послове и задатке утврђене
законом и подзаконским актом. Један део ових послова односи се на пружање
помоћи другим државним органима, пре свега надлежним судовима и
тужилаштвима у обављању послова из њиховог делокруга, а састоји се у
поступању по њиховим наредбама и замолницама. Да би утврдили колико
времена полицијски службеници на безбедносном сектору проводе решавајући
наредбе и замолнице у раду су представљени делови из четири истраживања
која говоре о ангажовању полиције на овим задацима. Представљени резултати
истраживања указују нам да је полиција Републике Србије највише радног
времена ангажована на решавању наредби и замолница и на другим пословима
који нису у вези са превенцијом и репресијом криминалитета. Оптерећеност
полицијских службеника све већим бројем наредби и замолницама, поред
представљених резултата истраживања, потврђују и статистички подаци
МУП Републике Србије у периоду од 2010. до 2013. године, који су такође
представљени у раду. Према статистичким подацима правосудни органи у
просеку годишње доставе на поступање преко 101.000 захтева за уручење
позива и око 435.000 наредби за довођење лица, као и преко 100.000 захтева
за проверу адресе пребивалишта, од којих се 75% односи на теренску проверу
пребивалишта. Проблем утрошка већег дела радног времена полицијских
службеника на поступање по наредбама и замолницама присутан је више
од десет година у раду полиције на безбедносном сектору. У решавању овог
проблема аутори предлажу да се сагледају искуства других држава чије су
полиције један део својих послова повериле другим државним органима или
сектору приватне безбедности.
PB  - Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука
T2  - Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику
T1  - Поступање полиције по наредбама и замолницама надлежних субјеката
VL  - 1
IS  - 1
SP  - 9
EP  - 24
DO  - 10.7251/ZBK1901011M
ER  - 
author = "Милидраговић, Драган and Субошић, Дане and Милић, Ненад",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Полиција поред полицијских послова таксативно набројаних
у чл. 30, ст. 3 Закона о полицији обавља и друге послове и задатке утврђене
законом и подзаконским актом. Један део ових послова односи се на пружање
помоћи другим државним органима, пре свега надлежним судовима и
тужилаштвима у обављању послова из њиховог делокруга, а састоји се у
поступању по њиховим наредбама и замолницама. Да би утврдили колико
времена полицијски службеници на безбедносном сектору проводе решавајући
наредбе и замолнице у раду су представљени делови из четири истраживања
која говоре о ангажовању полиције на овим задацима. Представљени резултати
истраживања указују нам да је полиција Републике Србије највише радног
времена ангажована на решавању наредби и замолница и на другим пословима
који нису у вези са превенцијом и репресијом криминалитета. Оптерећеност
полицијских службеника све већим бројем наредби и замолницама, поред
представљених резултата истраживања, потврђују и статистички подаци
МУП Републике Србије у периоду од 2010. до 2013. године, који су такође
представљени у раду. Према статистичким подацима правосудни органи у
просеку годишње доставе на поступање преко 101.000 захтева за уручење
позива и око 435.000 наредби за довођење лица, као и преко 100.000 захтева
за проверу адресе пребивалишта, од којих се 75% односи на теренску проверу
пребивалишта. Проблем утрошка већег дела радног времена полицијских
службеника на поступање по наредбама и замолницама присутан је више
од десет година у раду полиције на безбедносном сектору. У решавању овог
проблема аутори предлажу да се сагледају искуства других држава чије су
полиције један део својих послова повериле другим државним органима или
сектору приватне безбедности.",
publisher = "Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука",
journal = "Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику",
title = "Поступање полиције по наредбама и замолницама надлежних субјеката",
volume = "1",
number = "1",
pages = "9-24",
doi = "10.7251/ZBK1901011M"
Милидраговић, Д., Субошић, Д.,& Милић, Н.. (2019). Поступање полиције по наредбама и замолницама надлежних субјеката. in Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику
Бања Лука : Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Факултет безбједносних наука., 1(1), 9-24.
Милидраговић Д, Субошић Д, Милић Н. Поступање полиције по наредбама и замолницама надлежних субјеката. in Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику. 2019;1(1):9-24.
doi:10.7251/ZBK1901011M .
Милидраговић, Драган, Субошић, Дане, Милић, Ненад, "Поступање полиције по наредбама и замолницама надлежних субјеката" in Журнал за безбједност и криминалистику, 1, no. 1 (2019):9-24, . .

Структура и динамика илегалних тржишта у спектру организованог криминала

Маринковић, Дарко; Милић, Ненад

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2019)

AU  - Маринковић, Дарко
AU  - Милић, Ненад
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Илегално тржиште је, слично легалном, област друштвених односа у којој се обављају производња, размена,
продаја и потрошња робе и услуга, с том разликом што производи/услуге који су предмет размене, или сама размена, крше утврђене законске одредбе. Значај њиховог проучавања произилази из
чињенице да се на илегалним тржиштима акумулирају огромна
финансијска средства, док игнорисање овог феномена у најмању
руку значи и игнорисање проблема организованог криминала, уз
отежавање разумевања и законитих тржишта.
Експланација организованог криминала анализом структуре и функционисања илегалних тржишта заснива се на чињеници
да су управо илегална тржишта доминантан друштвени амбијент у коме та врста криминала настаје и у коме се развија. Вишеструки карактер феномена незаконитог поступања на тржиштима уопште онемогућава разликовање легалних од илегалних тржишта на основу карактера производа који су предмет размене. Уместо тога пажњу треба фокусирати на идентификовање различитих облика, односно типова илегалних тржишта. Такође,
нормално функционисање тржишта захтева транспарентност
и антиципацију тржишних трансакција, као и прилагодљивост
тржишних партиципаната. Као три основна фактора, чији дисбаланс доводи до тржишне нестабилности и поремећаја координације активности тржишних учесника, издвајају се проблеми
процене вредности, конкуренције и сарадње, уз често присуство
насиља, као регулаторног фактора sui generis.
AB  - Illegal market, similar to the legal one, is the field of
social relations in which production, exchange, sale and consumption
of goods and services are carried out, the difference being that products/services that are exchanged or the exchange itself violate the established legal provisions. The significance of their research arises from
the fact that huge financial assets are accumulated in illegal markets,
while ignoring their existence to say the least means ignoring the problem of organized crime and makes understaning of even legal markets
more difficult.
The approach to explain organized crime by the analysis of
structure and functioning of illegal markets is based on the fact that
the illegal markets are the dominant social setting where this kind of
crime is generated and developed. Multiple character of the phenomenon of illegal market conduct in general makes it impossible to distinguish legal from illegal markets based on the character of products
being exchanged. The focus should instead be on identifying various
forms, i.e. types of illegal markets. Also, normal functioning of the market requires transparency and anticipation of market transactions, as
well as adaptability of market participants. The three main factors
whose disbalance leads to market instability and disturbance of coordination of activity of market participants are the problems of assessment of value, competition and cooperation.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Структура и динамика илегалних тржишта у спектру организованог криминала
T1  - Structure and Dynamics of Illegal Markets Within the Spectrum of Organized Crime
VL  - 61
IS  - 2
SP  - 89
EP  - 110
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1902089M
ER  - 
author = "Маринковић, Дарко and Милић, Ненад",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Илегално тржиште је, слично легалном, област друштвених односа у којој се обављају производња, размена,
продаја и потрошња робе и услуга, с том разликом што производи/услуге који су предмет размене, или сама размена, крше утврђене законске одредбе. Значај њиховог проучавања произилази из
чињенице да се на илегалним тржиштима акумулирају огромна
финансијска средства, док игнорисање овог феномена у најмању
руку значи и игнорисање проблема организованог криминала, уз
отежавање разумевања и законитих тржишта.
Експланација организованог криминала анализом структуре и функционисања илегалних тржишта заснива се на чињеници
да су управо илегална тржишта доминантан друштвени амбијент у коме та врста криминала настаје и у коме се развија. Вишеструки карактер феномена незаконитог поступања на тржиштима уопште онемогућава разликовање легалних од илегалних тржишта на основу карактера производа који су предмет размене. Уместо тога пажњу треба фокусирати на идентификовање различитих облика, односно типова илегалних тржишта. Такође,
нормално функционисање тржишта захтева транспарентност
и антиципацију тржишних трансакција, као и прилагодљивост
тржишних партиципаната. Као три основна фактора, чији дисбаланс доводи до тржишне нестабилности и поремећаја координације активности тржишних учесника, издвајају се проблеми
процене вредности, конкуренције и сарадње, уз често присуство
насиља, као регулаторног фактора sui generis., Illegal market, similar to the legal one, is the field of
social relations in which production, exchange, sale and consumption
of goods and services are carried out, the difference being that products/services that are exchanged or the exchange itself violate the established legal provisions. The significance of their research arises from
the fact that huge financial assets are accumulated in illegal markets,
while ignoring their existence to say the least means ignoring the problem of organized crime and makes understaning of even legal markets
more difficult.
The approach to explain organized crime by the analysis of
structure and functioning of illegal markets is based on the fact that
the illegal markets are the dominant social setting where this kind of
crime is generated and developed. Multiple character of the phenomenon of illegal market conduct in general makes it impossible to distinguish legal from illegal markets based on the character of products
being exchanged. The focus should instead be on identifying various
forms, i.e. types of illegal markets. Also, normal functioning of the market requires transparency and anticipation of market transactions, as
well as adaptability of market participants. The three main factors
whose disbalance leads to market instability and disturbance of coordination of activity of market participants are the problems of assessment of value, competition and cooperation.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Структура и динамика илегалних тржишта у спектру организованог криминала, Structure and Dynamics of Illegal Markets Within the Spectrum of Organized Crime",
volume = "61",
number = "2",
pages = "89-110",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1902089M"
Маринковић, Д.,& Милић, Н.. (2019). Структура и динамика илегалних тржишта у спектру организованог криминала. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 61(2), 89-110.
Маринковић Д, Милић Н. Структура и динамика илегалних тржишта у спектру организованог криминала. in Безбедност. 2019;61(2):89-110.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1902089M .
Маринковић, Дарко, Милић, Ненад, "Структура и динамика илегалних тржишта у спектру организованог криминала" in Безбедност, 61, no. 2 (2019):89-110, . .

Геопросторни контекст криминалне активности у криминалистици

Милић, Ненад


AU  - Милић, Ненад
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Криминално понашање се манифестује на одређеној локацији која је саставни део ширег геопросторног миљеа, због чега се не може посматрати изоловано од окружења у којем настаје и у коме производи своје последице. Разумевање где и зашто се кривична дела врше може унапредити активности које се предузимају у циљу супротстављања криминалу. То потврђује низ емпиријских истраживања, која указују да избор објекта напада од стране учиниоца није случајан, већ је често узрокован, између осталог, и геопросторним чиниоцима. С тим у вези, у раду се указује на значај геопростора у обликовању криминалног понашања. Међутим, у криминалистичкој пракси још увек не постоји довољно знања и свести о томе како сагледавање геопросторног контекста може унапредити криминалистичке активности које се свакодневно предузимају у циљу супротстављања криминалу. У том смислу, његов информативни потенцијал остаје неискоришћен, а криминалистички рад недовољно ефикасан.
T2  - Зборник радова Правног факултета у Новом Саду
T1  - Геопросторни контекст криминалне активности у криминалистици
VL  - 53
IS  - 1
SP  - 133
EP  - 149
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns53-20536
ER  - 
author = "Милић, Ненад",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Криминално понашање се манифестује на одређеној локацији која је саставни део ширег геопросторног миљеа, због чега се не може посматрати изоловано од окружења у којем настаје и у коме производи своје последице. Разумевање где и зашто се кривична дела врше може унапредити активности које се предузимају у циљу супротстављања криминалу. То потврђује низ емпиријских истраживања, која указују да избор објекта напада од стране учиниоца није случајан, већ је често узрокован, између осталог, и геопросторним чиниоцима. С тим у вези, у раду се указује на значај геопростора у обликовању криминалног понашања. Међутим, у криминалистичкој пракси још увек не постоји довољно знања и свести о томе како сагледавање геопросторног контекста може унапредити криминалистичке активности које се свакодневно предузимају у циљу супротстављања криминалу. У том смислу, његов информативни потенцијал остаје неискоришћен, а криминалистички рад недовољно ефикасан.",
journal = "Зборник радова Правног факултета у Новом Саду",
title = "Геопросторни контекст криминалне активности у криминалистици",
volume = "53",
number = "1",
pages = "133-149",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns53-20536"
Милић, Н.. (2019). Геопросторни контекст криминалне активности у криминалистици. in Зборник радова Правног факултета у Новом Саду, 53(1), 133-149.
Милић Н. Геопросторни контекст криминалне активности у криминалистици. in Зборник радова Правног факултета у Новом Саду. 2019;53(1):133-149.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns53-20536 .
Милић, Ненад, "Геопросторни контекст криминалне активности у криминалистици" in Зборник радова Правног факултета у Новом Саду, 53, no. 1 (2019):133-149, . .

The Influence of Data Classification Methods on Predictive Accuracy of Kernel Density Estimation Hotspot Maps

Milić, Nenad; Popović, Brankica; Mijalković, Saša; Marinković, Darko

(Zarqa University, Jordan, 2019)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Brankica
AU  - Mijalković, Saša
AU  - Marinković, Darko
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - When it comes to hot spot identification, spatial analysis techniques come to the fore. One of such techniques, that has gained great popularity among crime analysts, is the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). Small variation in KDE parameters can give different outputs and hence affect predictive accuracy of hotspot map. The influence these parameters have on KDE hotspot output sparked many researches, mostly analyzing the influence of the cell size and bandwidth size. Yet, the influence of different classification methods applied to calculated cell values, including the choice of threshold value, on the KDE hotspot predictive accuracy remained neglected. The objective of this research was to assess the influence of different classification methods to KDE predictive accuracy. In each KDE computation, calculated cell values were divided into five thematic classes, using three the most common (default) classification methods provided by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Geographical Information System (Arc GIS) (equal interval classification, quantile classification and natural breaks classification) and incremental multiples of the grid cells’ mean. Based upon calculated hit rates, predictive accuracy indices and recapture rate indices and taking into account the necessity that mapping output should satisfy some operational requirements as well as statistical rules, this research suggest that incremental mean approach with hotspot threshold of 3 and above multiples of the grid cell’s mean, should be used.
PB  - Zarqa University, Jordan
T2  - The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)
T1  - The Influence of Data Classification Methods on Predictive Accuracy of Kernel Density Estimation Hotspot Maps
VL  - 16
IS  - 6
SP  - 1053
EP  - 1062
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad and Popović, Brankica and Mijalković, Saša and Marinković, Darko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "When it comes to hot spot identification, spatial analysis techniques come to the fore. One of such techniques, that has gained great popularity among crime analysts, is the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). Small variation in KDE parameters can give different outputs and hence affect predictive accuracy of hotspot map. The influence these parameters have on KDE hotspot output sparked many researches, mostly analyzing the influence of the cell size and bandwidth size. Yet, the influence of different classification methods applied to calculated cell values, including the choice of threshold value, on the KDE hotspot predictive accuracy remained neglected. The objective of this research was to assess the influence of different classification methods to KDE predictive accuracy. In each KDE computation, calculated cell values were divided into five thematic classes, using three the most common (default) classification methods provided by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Geographical Information System (Arc GIS) (equal interval classification, quantile classification and natural breaks classification) and incremental multiples of the grid cells’ mean. Based upon calculated hit rates, predictive accuracy indices and recapture rate indices and taking into account the necessity that mapping output should satisfy some operational requirements as well as statistical rules, this research suggest that incremental mean approach with hotspot threshold of 3 and above multiples of the grid cell’s mean, should be used.",
publisher = "Zarqa University, Jordan",
journal = "The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)",
title = "The Influence of Data Classification Methods on Predictive Accuracy of Kernel Density Estimation Hotspot Maps",
volume = "16",
number = "6",
pages = "1053-1062",
url = ""
Milić, N., Popović, B., Mijalković, S.,& Marinković, D.. (2019). The Influence of Data Classification Methods on Predictive Accuracy of Kernel Density Estimation Hotspot Maps. in The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)
Zarqa University, Jordan., 16(6), 1053-1062.
Milić N, Popović B, Mijalković S, Marinković D. The Influence of Data Classification Methods on Predictive Accuracy of Kernel Density Estimation Hotspot Maps. in The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT). 2019;16(6):1053-1062. .
Milić, Nenad, Popović, Brankica, Mijalković, Saša, Marinković, Darko, "The Influence of Data Classification Methods on Predictive Accuracy of Kernel Density Estimation Hotspot Maps" in The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 16, no. 6 (2019):1053-1062, .

An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?

Ilijazi, Venezija; Milić, Nenad; Milidragović, Dragan; Popović, Brankica

(Basel : MDPI, 2019)

AU  - Ilijazi, Venezija
AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Milidragović, Dragan
AU  - Popović, Brankica
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The idea behind patrol activity is that police officers should be the persons best acquainted with the events and people in their patrol area. This implies that they should have access to relevant data and information (e.g., where and how to pay attention, when and how crimes are committed) in order to effectively perform their police duties. To what extent their perceptions of the places prone to crime (hotspots) are accurate and what the implications are for police efficiency if they are incorrect is an important question for law enforcement officials. This paper presents the results of a study on police practice in Serbia. The study was conducted on a sample of 54 police officers and aimed to determine the accuracy of the perception of residential burglary hotspots and to evaluate the ways police officers are informed about crimes. The results of the study have shown that the situational awareness of police officers is not at a desired level, with ineffective dissemination of relevant data and information as one of the possible reasons.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
T1  - An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?
VL  - 8
IS  - 6
SP  - 260
DO  - 10.3390/ijgi8060260
ER  - 
author = "Ilijazi, Venezija and Milić, Nenad and Milidragović, Dragan and Popović, Brankica",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The idea behind patrol activity is that police officers should be the persons best acquainted with the events and people in their patrol area. This implies that they should have access to relevant data and information (e.g., where and how to pay attention, when and how crimes are committed) in order to effectively perform their police duties. To what extent their perceptions of the places prone to crime (hotspots) are accurate and what the implications are for police efficiency if they are incorrect is an important question for law enforcement officials. This paper presents the results of a study on police practice in Serbia. The study was conducted on a sample of 54 police officers and aimed to determine the accuracy of the perception of residential burglary hotspots and to evaluate the ways police officers are informed about crimes. The results of the study have shown that the situational awareness of police officers is not at a desired level, with ineffective dissemination of relevant data and information as one of the possible reasons.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information",
title = "An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?",
volume = "8",
number = "6",
pages = "260",
doi = "10.3390/ijgi8060260"
Ilijazi, V., Milić, N., Milidragović, D.,& Popović, B.. (2019). An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?. in ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Basel : MDPI., 8(6), 260.
Ilijazi V, Milić N, Milidragović D, Popović B. An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?. in ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019;8(6):260.
doi:10.3390/ijgi8060260 .
Ilijazi, Venezija, Milić, Nenad, Milidragović, Dragan, Popović, Brankica, "An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?" in ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8, no. 6 (2019):260, . .

The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police

Milić, Nenad; Milidragović, Dragan

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2019)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Milidragović, Dragan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Police officers are engaged daily on collection of the data necessary for carrying out tasks within their responsibilities. Sometimes this data has to be collected immediately (e.g., police intervention is in progress), while in other situations there will be more time available for data collection. In both cases an aerial perspective can be of great value in gathering critical information for law enforcement.
For a long time aerial support to police operations was provided by manned aircraft (usually helicopters). Because of technology development during the last decade, law enforcement organizations are turning more and more to cheaper, smaller and stealthier unmanned aerial vehicles popularly called drones. They proved themselves as beneficial to various police branches – from traffic and border police, to tactical units and forensic units. At the same time, their implementation into policing raises significant privacy concerns. Hence their implementation must be followed by strict legal provisions which will regulate the way they can be used. Having this in mind this paper explains the most common ways UAV can complement or substitute existing helicopter unit in Serbia and legal challenges their implementation poses.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
T1  - The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police
SP  - 45
EP  - 58
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad and Milidragović, Dragan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Police officers are engaged daily on collection of the data necessary for carrying out tasks within their responsibilities. Sometimes this data has to be collected immediately (e.g., police intervention is in progress), while in other situations there will be more time available for data collection. In both cases an aerial perspective can be of great value in gathering critical information for law enforcement.
For a long time aerial support to police operations was provided by manned aircraft (usually helicopters). Because of technology development during the last decade, law enforcement organizations are turning more and more to cheaper, smaller and stealthier unmanned aerial vehicles popularly called drones. They proved themselves as beneficial to various police branches – from traffic and border police, to tactical units and forensic units. At the same time, their implementation into policing raises significant privacy concerns. Hence their implementation must be followed by strict legal provisions which will regulate the way they can be used. Having this in mind this paper explains the most common ways UAV can complement or substitute existing helicopter unit in Serbia and legal challenges their implementation poses.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.",
title = "The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police",
pages = "45-58",
url = ""
Milić, N.,& Milidragović, D.. (2019). The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 45-58.
Milić N, Milidragović D. The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.. 2019;:45-58. .
Milić, Nenad, Milidragović, Dragan, "The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019. (2019):45-58, .

Postupanje policije po naredbama i zamolnicama nadležnih subjekata

Milidragović, Dragan; Subošić, Dane; Milić, Nenad

(Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Fakultet bezbjednosnih nauka; Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet, 2019)

AU  - Milidragović, Dragan
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Policija pored policijskih poslova taksativno nabrojanih u čl. 30, St. 3 Zakona o policiji obavlja i druge poslove i zadatke utvrđene zakonom i podzakonskim aktom. Jedan deo ovih poslova odnosi se na pružanje pomoći drugim državnim organima, pre svega nadležnim sudovima i tužilaštvima u obavljanju poslova iz njihovog delokruga, a sastoji se u postupanju po njihovim naredbama i zamolnicama. Da bi utvrdili koliko vremena policijski službenici na bezbednosnom sektoru provode rešavajući naredbe i zamolnice u radu su predstavljeni delovi iz četiri istraživanja koja govore o angažovanju policije na ovim zadacima. Predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju NAM da je policija Republike Srbije najviše radnog vremena angažovana na rešavanju naredbi i zamolnica i na drugim poslovima koji nisu u vezi sa prevencijom i represijom kriminaliteta. Opterećenost policijskih službenika sve većim brojem naredbi i zamolnicama, pored predstavljenih rezultata istraživanja, potvrđuju i statistički podaci MUP Republike Srbije u periodu od 2010. do 2013. godine, koji su takođe predstavljeni u radu. Prema statističkim podacima pravosudni organi u proseku godišnje dostave na postupanje preko 101.000 zahteva za uručenje poziva i oko 435.000 naredbi za dovođenje lica, kao i preko 100.000 zahteva za proveru adrese prebivališta, od kojih se 75% odnosi na terensku proveru prebivališta. Problem utroška većeg dela radnog vremena policijskih službenika na postupanje po naredbama i zamolnicama prisutan je više od deset godina u radu policije na bezbednosnom sektoru. U rešavanju ovog problema autori predlažu da se sagledaju iskustva drugih država čije su policije jedan deo svojih poslova poverile drugim državnim organima ili sektoru privatne bezbednosti.
PB  - Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Fakultet bezbjednosnih nauka; Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet
T2  - Žurnal za bezbjednost i kriminalistiku
T1  - Postupanje policije po naredbama i zamolnicama nadležnih subjekata
VL  - 1
IS  - 1
SP  - 9
EP  - 24
DO  - 10.7251/ZBK1901011M
ER  - 
author = "Milidragović, Dragan and Subošić, Dane and Milić, Nenad",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Policija pored policijskih poslova taksativno nabrojanih u čl. 30, St. 3 Zakona o policiji obavlja i druge poslove i zadatke utvrđene zakonom i podzakonskim aktom. Jedan deo ovih poslova odnosi se na pružanje pomoći drugim državnim organima, pre svega nadležnim sudovima i tužilaštvima u obavljanju poslova iz njihovog delokruga, a sastoji se u postupanju po njihovim naredbama i zamolnicama. Da bi utvrdili koliko vremena policijski službenici na bezbednosnom sektoru provode rešavajući naredbe i zamolnice u radu su predstavljeni delovi iz četiri istraživanja koja govore o angažovanju policije na ovim zadacima. Predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju NAM da je policija Republike Srbije najviše radnog vremena angažovana na rešavanju naredbi i zamolnica i na drugim poslovima koji nisu u vezi sa prevencijom i represijom kriminaliteta. Opterećenost policijskih službenika sve većim brojem naredbi i zamolnicama, pored predstavljenih rezultata istraživanja, potvrđuju i statistički podaci MUP Republike Srbije u periodu od 2010. do 2013. godine, koji su takođe predstavljeni u radu. Prema statističkim podacima pravosudni organi u proseku godišnje dostave na postupanje preko 101.000 zahteva za uručenje poziva i oko 435.000 naredbi za dovođenje lica, kao i preko 100.000 zahteva za proveru adrese prebivališta, od kojih se 75% odnosi na terensku proveru prebivališta. Problem utroška većeg dela radnog vremena policijskih službenika na postupanje po naredbama i zamolnicama prisutan je više od deset godina u radu policije na bezbednosnom sektoru. U rešavanju ovog problema autori predlažu da se sagledaju iskustva drugih država čije su policije jedan deo svojih poslova poverile drugim državnim organima ili sektoru privatne bezbednosti.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Fakultet bezbjednosnih nauka; Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet",
journal = "Žurnal za bezbjednost i kriminalistiku",
title = "Postupanje policije po naredbama i zamolnicama nadležnih subjekata",
volume = "1",
number = "1",
pages = "9-24",
doi = "10.7251/ZBK1901011M"
Milidragović, D., Subošić, D.,& Milić, N.. (2019). Postupanje policije po naredbama i zamolnicama nadležnih subjekata. in Žurnal za bezbjednost i kriminalistiku
Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Fakultet bezbjednosnih nauka; Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet., 1(1), 9-24.
Milidragović D, Subošić D, Milić N. Postupanje policije po naredbama i zamolnicama nadležnih subjekata. in Žurnal za bezbjednost i kriminalistiku. 2019;1(1):9-24.
doi:10.7251/ZBK1901011M .
Milidragović, Dragan, Subošić, Dane, Milić, Nenad, "Postupanje policije po naredbama i zamolnicama nadležnih subjekata" in Žurnal za bezbjednost i kriminalistiku, 1, no. 1 (2019):9-24, . .

Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici

Milić, Nenad S.

(Niš : Pravni fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Milić, Nenad S.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Kriminalno ponašanje se manifestuje na određenoj lokaciji koja je sastavni deo šireg geoprostornog miljea, zbog čega se ne može posmatrati izolovano od okruženja u kojem nastaje i u kome proizvodi svoje posledice. Razumevanje gde i zašto se krivična dela vrše može unaprediti aktivnosti koje se preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalu. To potvrđuje niz empirijskih istraživanja, koja ukazuju da izbor objekta napada od strane učinioca nije slučajan, već je često uzrokovan, između ostalog, i geoprostornim činiocima. S tim u vezi, u radu se ukazuje na značaj geoprostora u oblikovanju kriminalnog ponašanja. Međutim, u kriminalističkoj praksi još uvek ne postoji dovoljno znanja i svesti o tome kako sagledavanje geoprostornog konteksta može unaprediti kriminalističke aktivnosti koje se svakodnevno preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalu. U tom smislu, njegov informativni potencijal ostaje neiskorišćen, a kriminalistički rad nedovoljno efikasan.
AB  - Because of the fact that crime is committed in certain locations in geographic space, it cannot be analyzed in isolation from the environment in which it occurs and where its consequences arouse. Understanding where and why crimes took place can improve the outcomes of the activities undertaken in order to prevent them. This is confirmed by a series of empirical studies that suggest that the choice of the crime targets is not random, but is usually influenced by some psychological
and spatial characteristics. In this regard, the paper points to the importance of space in shaping criminal behavior. At the same time, there is a lack of knowledge and awareness in the police practice that better knowing spatial context of crime can improve the actions that have been taken daily to counter crime. As a result, information resources contained in the spatial criminal environment remains largely untapped, leading to the lack of the efficiency of police actions.
PB  - Niš : Pravni fakultet
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici
T1  - Spatial Context of Crime Activites in Criminal Investigation
VL  - 53
IS  - 1
SP  - 133
EP  - 149
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns53-20536
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad S.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Kriminalno ponašanje se manifestuje na određenoj lokaciji koja je sastavni deo šireg geoprostornog miljea, zbog čega se ne može posmatrati izolovano od okruženja u kojem nastaje i u kome proizvodi svoje posledice. Razumevanje gde i zašto se krivična dela vrše može unaprediti aktivnosti koje se preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalu. To potvrđuje niz empirijskih istraživanja, koja ukazuju da izbor objekta napada od strane učinioca nije slučajan, već je često uzrokovan, između ostalog, i geoprostornim činiocima. S tim u vezi, u radu se ukazuje na značaj geoprostora u oblikovanju kriminalnog ponašanja. Međutim, u kriminalističkoj praksi još uvek ne postoji dovoljno znanja i svesti o tome kako sagledavanje geoprostornog konteksta može unaprediti kriminalističke aktivnosti koje se svakodnevno preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalu. U tom smislu, njegov informativni potencijal ostaje neiskorišćen, a kriminalistički rad nedovoljno efikasan., Because of the fact that crime is committed in certain locations in geographic space, it cannot be analyzed in isolation from the environment in which it occurs and where its consequences arouse. Understanding where and why crimes took place can improve the outcomes of the activities undertaken in order to prevent them. This is confirmed by a series of empirical studies that suggest that the choice of the crime targets is not random, but is usually influenced by some psychological
and spatial characteristics. In this regard, the paper points to the importance of space in shaping criminal behavior. At the same time, there is a lack of knowledge and awareness in the police practice that better knowing spatial context of crime can improve the actions that have been taken daily to counter crime. As a result, information resources contained in the spatial criminal environment remains largely untapped, leading to the lack of the efficiency of police actions.",
publisher = "Niš : Pravni fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici, Spatial Context of Crime Activites in Criminal Investigation",
volume = "53",
number = "1",
pages = "133-149",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns53-20536"
Milić, N. S.. (2019). Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Niš : Pravni fakultet., 53(1), 133-149.
Milić NS. Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2019;53(1):133-149.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns53-20536 .
Milić, Nenad S., "Geoprostorni kontekst kriminalne aktivnosti u kriminalistici" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 53, no. 1 (2019):133-149, . .

Rezultati i problemi policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala

Milidragović, Dragan; Milić, Nenad

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2019)

AU  - Milidragović, Dragan
AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Policijski poslovi koji se odnose na suzbijanje kriminala čine bitan sadržaj rada Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova (MUP) Republike Srbije, pri čemu rezultati koji se ostvaruju na tom planu predstavlјaju jedan od najvažnijih pokazatelјa njegove efikasnosti. U suzbijanju kriminala učestvuju sve organizacione jedinica policije, obavlјajući poslove iz svog delokruga. Delokrug rada organizacionih jedinica policije je različit, tako da se razlikuje i njihov doprinos suzbijanju kriminala. Policija opšte nadležnosti i kriminalistička policija svakodnevno preduzimaju mere i radnje usmerene ka suzbijanju kriminala. Ostale organizacione jedinice policije to čine u određenim slučajevima, obavlјajući primarne poslove iz svog delokruga (na primer, saobraćajna policija, granična policija i dr.). Policija opšte nadležnosti predstavlja najbrojniji sastav MUP-a i svojom pozorničkom i patrolnom delatnošću na bezbednosnim sektorima neprekidno pokriva područje Republike Srbije. U radu se sagledava doprinos policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala i ukazuje na neke probleme i mogućnosti unapređenja aktuelne prakse.
AB  - Police duties related to the suppression of crime make an essential content of the work of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI), and the results achieved in this area represent one of the most important indicators of MoI’s efficiency. The fight against crime involves all organizational units of the Ministry, each of them performing tasks under their authorities. The purview of the different police organizational units is different, so their contribution to the fight against crime is also different. General police and crime investigation police (detectives) take measures and actions aimed at combating crime on a daily basis. Other organizational units of the police do this in certain cases, performing primary tasks under their specialisation (e.g., traffic police, border police, etc.). General police is the most numerous composition of the MoI, and through the patrol work they cover the whole state territory. This paper deals with the contribution of the general police in combating crime and points to some problems and possibilities of improving the current state.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
PB  - Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet
T2  - NBP : Journal of Criminalistic and Law : Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo
T1  - Rezultati i problemi policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala
T1  - The results and problems of the general police in combating crimes
VL  - 24
IS  - 1
SP  - 63
EP  - 81
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo24-19545
ER  - 
author = "Milidragović, Dragan and Milić, Nenad",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Policijski poslovi koji se odnose na suzbijanje kriminala čine bitan sadržaj rada Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova (MUP) Republike Srbije, pri čemu rezultati koji se ostvaruju na tom planu predstavlјaju jedan od najvažnijih pokazatelјa njegove efikasnosti. U suzbijanju kriminala učestvuju sve organizacione jedinica policije, obavlјajući poslove iz svog delokruga. Delokrug rada organizacionih jedinica policije je različit, tako da se razlikuje i njihov doprinos suzbijanju kriminala. Policija opšte nadležnosti i kriminalistička policija svakodnevno preduzimaju mere i radnje usmerene ka suzbijanju kriminala. Ostale organizacione jedinice policije to čine u određenim slučajevima, obavlјajući primarne poslove iz svog delokruga (na primer, saobraćajna policija, granična policija i dr.). Policija opšte nadležnosti predstavlja najbrojniji sastav MUP-a i svojom pozorničkom i patrolnom delatnošću na bezbednosnim sektorima neprekidno pokriva područje Republike Srbije. U radu se sagledava doprinos policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala i ukazuje na neke probleme i mogućnosti unapređenja aktuelne prakse., Police duties related to the suppression of crime make an essential content of the work of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI), and the results achieved in this area represent one of the most important indicators of MoI’s efficiency. The fight against crime involves all organizational units of the Ministry, each of them performing tasks under their authorities. The purview of the different police organizational units is different, so their contribution to the fight against crime is also different. General police and crime investigation police (detectives) take measures and actions aimed at combating crime on a daily basis. Other organizational units of the police do this in certain cases, performing primary tasks under their specialisation (e.g., traffic police, border police, etc.). General police is the most numerous composition of the MoI, and through the patrol work they cover the whole state territory. This paper deals with the contribution of the general police in combating crime and points to some problems and possibilities of improving the current state.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet",
journal = "NBP : Journal of Criminalistic and Law : Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo",
title = "Rezultati i problemi policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala, The results and problems of the general police in combating crimes",
volume = "24",
number = "1",
pages = "63-81",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo24-19545"
Milidragović, D.,& Milić, N.. (2019). Rezultati i problemi policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala. in NBP : Journal of Criminalistic and Law : Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 24(1), 63-81.
Milidragović D, Milić N. Rezultati i problemi policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala. in NBP : Journal of Criminalistic and Law : Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo. 2019;24(1):63-81.
doi:10.5937/nabepo24-19545 .
Milidragović, Dragan, Milić, Nenad, "Rezultati i problemi policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala" in NBP : Journal of Criminalistic and Law : Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo, 24, no. 1 (2019):63-81, . .

Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana; Milić, Nenad

(Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2018)

AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community policing strategy as two complementary parts of the concept of quality of life make it possible to qualitatively consider security in local communities. According to the concept of human security, institutions are obliged to provide citizens with permanent protection, instead of occasional, to act preventively, rather than reactively, whereby all relevant local community actors actively participate in deciding on issues related to their security. One way to actively involve key members of a community in improving (human) security at the local level is the formation of local security councils.
In Serbia, the first local security councils were established in 2002 as a result of the implementation of the pilot project “Police in the local community and a safe community in Serbia”. Fifteen years later, there are 119 local security councils in Serbia. In addition to representatives of local self-government and representatives of other institutions (police, judiciary, social welfare centres, school institutions, health services, etc.), the representatives of civil society also participate in their work. Nevertheless, the functioning of local security councils in Serbia is still little known. There is also insufficient knowledge in which manner these bodies contribute to the improvement of human security at the local level.
Theoretical considerations in this paper are focused on the analysis of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research with the aim of reviewing the legislative, security and sociological environment in which local security councils are established and operating.
Key findings point to the necessity and significance of the decentralization of local security, the need for further development of the police in the local community, and the determination of the scope, dynamics and methodology of the work of the local advisory bodies for security.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
T1  - Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality
SP  - 83
EP  - 95
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana and Milić, Nenad",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The multi-dimensional approach to understanding human and the implementation of the community policing strategy as two complementary parts of the concept of quality of life make it possible to qualitatively consider security in local communities. According to the concept of human security, institutions are obliged to provide citizens with permanent protection, instead of occasional, to act preventively, rather than reactively, whereby all relevant local community actors actively participate in deciding on issues related to their security. One way to actively involve key members of a community in improving (human) security at the local level is the formation of local security councils.
In Serbia, the first local security councils were established in 2002 as a result of the implementation of the pilot project “Police in the local community and a safe community in Serbia”. Fifteen years later, there are 119 local security councils in Serbia. In addition to representatives of local self-government and representatives of other institutions (police, judiciary, social welfare centres, school institutions, health services, etc.), the representatives of civil society also participate in their work. Nevertheless, the functioning of local security councils in Serbia is still little known. There is also insufficient knowledge in which manner these bodies contribute to the improvement of human security at the local level.
Theoretical considerations in this paper are focused on the analysis of the conducted quantitative and qualitative research with the aim of reviewing the legislative, security and sociological environment in which local security councils are established and operating.
Key findings point to the necessity and significance of the decentralization of local security, the need for further development of the police in the local community, and the determination of the scope, dynamics and methodology of the work of the local advisory bodies for security.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018",
title = "Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality",
pages = "83-95",
url = ""
Spasić, D., Radovanović, I.,& Milić, N.. (2018). Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 83-95.
Spasić D, Radovanović I, Milić N. Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018. 2018;:83-95. .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, Milić, Nenad, "Local Security Councils and Community Policing in Serbia : between vision and reality" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018 (2018):83-95, .

Spatial data visualization as a tool for analytical support of police work

Milić, Nenad; Popović, Brankica; Ilijazi, Venezija; Ilijazi, E.


AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Brankica
AU  - Ilijazi, Venezija
AU  - Ilijazi, E.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Development of the information technology during the 80s has significantly improved the way data is collected, stored and processed. As a consequence police function becomes data driven more than ever before. Crime analysis units became the new element in police organizations’ structures worldwide and analytical information became important prerequisite for effective policing. Having in mind that virtually everything police do is related to an address or location, connecting locations with people (offenders, victims, community members) and their activities is becoming a powerful tool (almost a necessity) in understanding and managing communities security problems by law enforcement agencies. For that reason, visualization of spatial data receives a significant place in crime analysis. A number of sophisticated specialized software aiming to help police in conducting effective crime analysis exists, but accessibility of geospatial data sources make it feasible for police to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and crime mapping as essential tools. In addition to the visualization of geospatial data, GIS technology provides analytical capacity primarily in analyzing geospatial distribution of crime incidents. Therefore, it can be utilized to discover different factors contributing to crime in order to give timely and relevant information to all levels of police management, help them to make better decisions, target resources and formulate strategies, and enhance police proactive actions against crime. The aim of this chapter is to present some of the GIS technology capabilities in the function of analytical support of police work at all levels of police organization and management. The following cases are discussed in particular: optimization of police resources utilization (resource location based on network analysis), hotspot policing, crime data dissemination through Internet (Internet crime maps), offender targeting through geographic profiling algorithm and Crime Information Warehouse (CIW) Solutions. Lastly, innovative functionalities of predictive analytic solutions are briefly described.
T2  - Knowledge Discovery in Cyberspace: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling
T1  - Spatial data visualization as a tool for analytical support of police work
SP  - 19
EP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad and Popović, Brankica and Ilijazi, Venezija and Ilijazi, E.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Development of the information technology during the 80s has significantly improved the way data is collected, stored and processed. As a consequence police function becomes data driven more than ever before. Crime analysis units became the new element in police organizations’ structures worldwide and analytical information became important prerequisite for effective policing. Having in mind that virtually everything police do is related to an address or location, connecting locations with people (offenders, victims, community members) and their activities is becoming a powerful tool (almost a necessity) in understanding and managing communities security problems by law enforcement agencies. For that reason, visualization of spatial data receives a significant place in crime analysis. A number of sophisticated specialized software aiming to help police in conducting effective crime analysis exists, but accessibility of geospatial data sources make it feasible for police to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and crime mapping as essential tools. In addition to the visualization of geospatial data, GIS technology provides analytical capacity primarily in analyzing geospatial distribution of crime incidents. Therefore, it can be utilized to discover different factors contributing to crime in order to give timely and relevant information to all levels of police management, help them to make better decisions, target resources and formulate strategies, and enhance police proactive actions against crime. The aim of this chapter is to present some of the GIS technology capabilities in the function of analytical support of police work at all levels of police organization and management. The following cases are discussed in particular: optimization of police resources utilization (resource location based on network analysis), hotspot policing, crime data dissemination through Internet (Internet crime maps), offender targeting through geographic profiling algorithm and Crime Information Warehouse (CIW) Solutions. Lastly, innovative functionalities of predictive analytic solutions are briefly described.",
journal = "Knowledge Discovery in Cyberspace: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling",
booktitle = "Spatial data visualization as a tool for analytical support of police work",
pages = "19-52",
url = ""
Milić, N., Popović, B., Ilijazi, V.,& Ilijazi, E.. (2017). Spatial data visualization as a tool for analytical support of police work. in Knowledge Discovery in Cyberspace: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling, 19-52.
Milić N, Popović B, Ilijazi V, Ilijazi E. Spatial data visualization as a tool for analytical support of police work. in Knowledge Discovery in Cyberspace: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling. 2017;:19-52. .
Milić, Nenad, Popović, Brankica, Ilijazi, Venezija, Ilijazi, E., "Spatial data visualization as a tool for analytical support of police work" in Knowledge Discovery in Cyberspace: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling (2017):19-52, .

Police Officer Perceptions of Crime Hot Spots and the Applicability of Analytical Support of Policing

Milić, Nenad; Popović, Brankica; Marinković, Darko

(Ministry Interior Republic Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2017)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Brankica
AU  - Marinković, Darko
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - One of the basic conditions for effective police work in the local environment is the disposal of information about the events that pose a threat to the safety and security of citizens in a particular location. Without such information, necessary measures and actions will not be taken, or if they are taken, they will not take place where and when needed. Answering the question as to the extent police officers know where crimes are committed is important, not only in terms of improving work efficiency of the police organization, but it can also be a significant indicator of (low)quality analytical support provided to police officers. In this context, this paper provides results of research on current police practices of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, specifically to answer the question as to extent the police officers know where crime areas (hotspots) are located, and the way in which they acquire information on relevant events at their patrol areas, as well as the influence of the crime analysis unit in their everyday work. Results showed that police officers believe that they are familiar with the locations of crime hotspots, although the analysis revealed that police officers' knowledge of hot spots do not correspond with real situations. We discovered that two key factors stand out - personal lack of interest of police officers, and inadequate analytical support of their work. In order to overcome the stated problems, it is necessary to decentralize the work of the department of analytics, to implement crime mapping in police practice, as well as to create adequate organizational prerequisites for better informing police officers.
AB  - Eden izmed temeljnih pogojev za učinkovito delo uslužbencev policije v lokalnem okolju je seznanjenost z informacijami o kakršnem koli dogajanju, ki pomeni grožnjo varnosti občanov na določeni lokaciji. Brez takšnih informacij ne bo potrebnega ukrepanja in delovanja ali pa do tega ne bo prišlo tam, kjer bi bilo potrebno, in v času, ko bi bilo potrebno. Odgovor na vprašanje, koliko so policisti seznanjeni s tem, kje se dogajajo kazniva dejanja, ni pomemben le zaradi izboljšanja učinkovitosti dela policijske organizacije, temveč je lahko pomemben kazalnik (ne)kakovosti analitične podpore njihovemu delu. V povezavi s tem v prispevku predstavimo izsledke raziskave o policijski praksi Ministrstva za notranje zadeve Republike Srbije, katere namen je bil odgovoriti na vprašanje, koliko policisti vedo, kje so kriminalne lokacije (kriminalna žarišča), kako pridobivajo informacije o varnostno pomembnem dogajanju na območju, za katero so pristojni, ter o prisotnosti analitične podpore pri njihovem vsakodnevnem delu.
Po izsledkih raziskave policisti menijo, da so dobri poznavalci lokacij kriminalnih žarišč, vendar pa je analiza žarišč razkrila, da njihovo mnenje ne ustreza dejanskemu stanju. Ugotovili smo, da kot dva ključna dejavnika izstopata osebno nezanimanje policistov in pomanjkanje ustrezne analitične podpore njihovemu delu. Da bi se sedanja situacija izboljšala, je nujno treba decentralizirati delo službe za analitiko, vključiti kartiranje kriminalitete v policijsko prakso in ustvariti ustrezne organizacijske razmere za boljše obveščanje policistov.
PB  - Ministry Interior Republic Slovenia, Ljubljana
T2  - Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
T1  - Police Officer Perceptions of Crime Hot Spots and the Applicability of Analytical Support of Policing
T1  - O zaznavah kriminalnih žarišč pri policistih in koristnost analitične podpore pri delu policije
VL  - 68
IS  - 1
SP  - 15
EP  - 30
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad and Popović, Brankica and Marinković, Darko",
year = "2017",
abstract = "One of the basic conditions for effective police work in the local environment is the disposal of information about the events that pose a threat to the safety and security of citizens in a particular location. Without such information, necessary measures and actions will not be taken, or if they are taken, they will not take place where and when needed. Answering the question as to the extent police officers know where crimes are committed is important, not only in terms of improving work efficiency of the police organization, but it can also be a significant indicator of (low)quality analytical support provided to police officers. In this context, this paper provides results of research on current police practices of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, specifically to answer the question as to extent the police officers know where crime areas (hotspots) are located, and the way in which they acquire information on relevant events at their patrol areas, as well as the influence of the crime analysis unit in their everyday work. Results showed that police officers believe that they are familiar with the locations of crime hotspots, although the analysis revealed that police officers' knowledge of hot spots do not correspond with real situations. We discovered that two key factors stand out - personal lack of interest of police officers, and inadequate analytical support of their work. In order to overcome the stated problems, it is necessary to decentralize the work of the department of analytics, to implement crime mapping in police practice, as well as to create adequate organizational prerequisites for better informing police officers., Eden izmed temeljnih pogojev za učinkovito delo uslužbencev policije v lokalnem okolju je seznanjenost z informacijami o kakršnem koli dogajanju, ki pomeni grožnjo varnosti občanov na določeni lokaciji. Brez takšnih informacij ne bo potrebnega ukrepanja in delovanja ali pa do tega ne bo prišlo tam, kjer bi bilo potrebno, in v času, ko bi bilo potrebno. Odgovor na vprašanje, koliko so policisti seznanjeni s tem, kje se dogajajo kazniva dejanja, ni pomemben le zaradi izboljšanja učinkovitosti dela policijske organizacije, temveč je lahko pomemben kazalnik (ne)kakovosti analitične podpore njihovemu delu. V povezavi s tem v prispevku predstavimo izsledke raziskave o policijski praksi Ministrstva za notranje zadeve Republike Srbije, katere namen je bil odgovoriti na vprašanje, koliko policisti vedo, kje so kriminalne lokacije (kriminalna žarišča), kako pridobivajo informacije o varnostno pomembnem dogajanju na območju, za katero so pristojni, ter o prisotnosti analitične podpore pri njihovem vsakodnevnem delu.
Po izsledkih raziskave policisti menijo, da so dobri poznavalci lokacij kriminalnih žarišč, vendar pa je analiza žarišč razkrila, da njihovo mnenje ne ustreza dejanskemu stanju. Ugotovili smo, da kot dva ključna dejavnika izstopata osebno nezanimanje policistov in pomanjkanje ustrezne analitične podpore njihovemu delu. Da bi se sedanja situacija izboljšala, je nujno treba decentralizirati delo službe za analitiko, vključiti kartiranje kriminalitete v policijsko prakso in ustvariti ustrezne organizacijske razmere za boljše obveščanje policistov.",
publisher = "Ministry Interior Republic Slovenia, Ljubljana",
journal = "Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo",
title = "Police Officer Perceptions of Crime Hot Spots and the Applicability of Analytical Support of Policing, O zaznavah kriminalnih žarišč pri policistih in koristnost analitične podpore pri delu policije",
volume = "68",
number = "1",
pages = "15-30",
url = ""
Milić, N., Popović, B.,& Marinković, D.. (2017). Police Officer Perceptions of Crime Hot Spots and the Applicability of Analytical Support of Policing. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
Ministry Interior Republic Slovenia, Ljubljana., 68(1), 15-30.
Milić N, Popović B, Marinković D. Police Officer Perceptions of Crime Hot Spots and the Applicability of Analytical Support of Policing. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. 2017;68(1):15-30. .
Milić, Nenad, Popović, Brankica, Marinković, Darko, "Police Officer Perceptions of Crime Hot Spots and the Applicability of Analytical Support of Policing" in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 68, no. 1 (2017):15-30, .

Some possibilities of spatial analysis of crimes in police work

Milić, Nenad

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Crime does not occur randomly. It tends to concentrate at particular places for reasons that can be explained in relation to victim and offender interaction and the opportunities that exist to commit crime. If the police knew where crime is concentrated (where are the hotspots) resources could be directed in order to take proactive actions. In order to identify hotspots, spatial distributions of crimes should be examined. Patterns in data must be identified, and underlying (spatial) processes must be understood in order to be effective in crime prevention. This could be achieved using spatial analysis techniques. In cases where spatial distribution is not complex and visually overwhelming the simple 'eyeball method' should be sufficient. But in cases where spatial distribution of a large number of crimes (events) is present, the spatial statistics is needed. Spatial statistics help cut through some of the subjectivity to get more directly at spatial patterns, trends, processes, and relationships. Today, the most commercial GIS solutions already have more or less developed statistical capabilities. In cases where built-in GIS statistical capabilities are not sufficient to satisfy particular research need, they must be supplemented by specialized statistical software. An example of the usage of spatial statistics is shown on the practical example using commercial robberies dataset in one of Belgrade's municipalities. The crime distribution is assessed using centro graphic measures (mean center, center of minimum distance, standard deviation ellipse). Centro graphic measures allows us to visualize a complex spatial trend, how quickly the mean center moves, and where it moves, is there changes in dispersion and/or orientation of the crime distribution etc., providing valuable information about the spatial processes promoting this crime shifts. The level of clustering was assessed calculating nearest neighbor index and finally clusters (i.e. hotspots) were identified using kernel density tool. Kernel density maps provide a realistic and accurate image of the location and shape of the hot spot distribution. In order to achieve complete understanding of the dynamics of crime activity at the hot spots, the analysis of spatial distribution isn't enough. Spatial analysis should be accompanied with analysis of time distribution of crimes at hot spots. This paper concludes that spatial analysis and spatial statistics techniques must be used in everyday crime mapping efforts aimed to provide analytical support to police decision making from tactical to strategic level.
AB  - Skup svih krivičnih dela na nekom geoprostoru formira određenu geoprostornu distribuciju. Ona nije slučajna već je u velikoj meri uslovljena karakteristikama geoprostora na kojem se manifestuje. Vršenje krivičnih dela podrazumeva postojanje pogodnih prilika, pri čemu niti su prilike podjednako distribuirane u geoprpostoru, niti su konstantne u vremenu. Tako su neki geoprostori ugroženi vršenjem krivičnih dela, dok su drugi manje ili više bezbedni. Ako bi policija poznavala ugrožena područja i objekte, mogla bi na te prostore da usmeri raspoložive resurse i da efikasnije proaktivno deluje. Odgovor na pitanje kakve su karakteristike geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela, gde se grupišu lokacije krivičnih dela (žarišta) i kakvi su odnosi geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela i drugih činilaca okruženja, moguće je dobiti vršenjem geoprostornih analiza. U radu se ukazuje na pojam i značaj geoprostorne analize, specifičnosti metoda statistike koje se koriste u radu sa geoprostornim podacima i na praktičnom primeru analize geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela pokazuju neke od njenih mogućnosti u policijskom radu.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Some possibilities of spatial analysis of crimes in police work
T1  - Neke mogućnosti analize geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela u radu policije
VL  - 20
IS  - 1
SP  - 99
EP  - 117
DO  - 10.5937/NBP1501099M
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Crime does not occur randomly. It tends to concentrate at particular places for reasons that can be explained in relation to victim and offender interaction and the opportunities that exist to commit crime. If the police knew where crime is concentrated (where are the hotspots) resources could be directed in order to take proactive actions. In order to identify hotspots, spatial distributions of crimes should be examined. Patterns in data must be identified, and underlying (spatial) processes must be understood in order to be effective in crime prevention. This could be achieved using spatial analysis techniques. In cases where spatial distribution is not complex and visually overwhelming the simple 'eyeball method' should be sufficient. But in cases where spatial distribution of a large number of crimes (events) is present, the spatial statistics is needed. Spatial statistics help cut through some of the subjectivity to get more directly at spatial patterns, trends, processes, and relationships. Today, the most commercial GIS solutions already have more or less developed statistical capabilities. In cases where built-in GIS statistical capabilities are not sufficient to satisfy particular research need, they must be supplemented by specialized statistical software. An example of the usage of spatial statistics is shown on the practical example using commercial robberies dataset in one of Belgrade's municipalities. The crime distribution is assessed using centro graphic measures (mean center, center of minimum distance, standard deviation ellipse). Centro graphic measures allows us to visualize a complex spatial trend, how quickly the mean center moves, and where it moves, is there changes in dispersion and/or orientation of the crime distribution etc., providing valuable information about the spatial processes promoting this crime shifts. The level of clustering was assessed calculating nearest neighbor index and finally clusters (i.e. hotspots) were identified using kernel density tool. Kernel density maps provide a realistic and accurate image of the location and shape of the hot spot distribution. In order to achieve complete understanding of the dynamics of crime activity at the hot spots, the analysis of spatial distribution isn't enough. Spatial analysis should be accompanied with analysis of time distribution of crimes at hot spots. This paper concludes that spatial analysis and spatial statistics techniques must be used in everyday crime mapping efforts aimed to provide analytical support to police decision making from tactical to strategic level., Skup svih krivičnih dela na nekom geoprostoru formira određenu geoprostornu distribuciju. Ona nije slučajna već je u velikoj meri uslovljena karakteristikama geoprostora na kojem se manifestuje. Vršenje krivičnih dela podrazumeva postojanje pogodnih prilika, pri čemu niti su prilike podjednako distribuirane u geoprpostoru, niti su konstantne u vremenu. Tako su neki geoprostori ugroženi vršenjem krivičnih dela, dok su drugi manje ili više bezbedni. Ako bi policija poznavala ugrožena područja i objekte, mogla bi na te prostore da usmeri raspoložive resurse i da efikasnije proaktivno deluje. Odgovor na pitanje kakve su karakteristike geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela, gde se grupišu lokacije krivičnih dela (žarišta) i kakvi su odnosi geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela i drugih činilaca okruženja, moguće je dobiti vršenjem geoprostornih analiza. U radu se ukazuje na pojam i značaj geoprostorne analize, specifičnosti metoda statistike koje se koriste u radu sa geoprostornim podacima i na praktičnom primeru analize geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela pokazuju neke od njenih mogućnosti u policijskom radu.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Some possibilities of spatial analysis of crimes in police work, Neke mogućnosti analize geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela u radu policije",
volume = "20",
number = "1",
pages = "99-117",
doi = "10.5937/NBP1501099M"
Milić, N.. (2015). Some possibilities of spatial analysis of crimes in police work. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 20(1), 99-117.
Milić N. Some possibilities of spatial analysis of crimes in police work. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2015;20(1):99-117.
doi:10.5937/NBP1501099M .
Milić, Nenad, "Some possibilities of spatial analysis of crimes in police work" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 20, no. 1 (2015):99-117, . .

Учење на даљину као иновативан метод едукације за потребе полиције

Субошић, Дане; Милић, Ненад

(Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија, 2014)

AU  - Субошић, Дане
AU  - Милић, Ненад
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Радом се проблематизују предности и мане учења на даљину које је подржано употребом слободног (бесплатног) софтвера за електронско учење Moodle из угла тренера. Ова врста наставе прилагођена је едукацији за потребе полиције, посебно када се ради о едукацији полицијских службеника, који због бројних и дуготрајних службених ангажовања, нису у прилици да похађају наставу у фиксно одређеним терминима и просторима. Такво учење може да буде индивидуално (некоординирано) и групно - тимско (координирано), што одговара генеративном (развојном) управљању знањем актуелних и будућих полицијских службеника. Сам метод подржава корисника у асинхроном приступању садржајима наставе (текстовима, презентацијама, тонским записима, фотографијама, филмовима и др.), а компатибилaн је и синхроном (видео-конференцијском и др.) повезивању с осталим актерима учења на даљину (остали корисници, наставници, тренери и администратори), флексибилан је (по времену приступања, методу учења и вредновања знања, овлашћењима актера, као и по повезивању садржаја различитих образовних установа и организационих јединица у земљи и иностранству) и економичан (не захтева штампање велике количине едукативних материјала). Дакле, да би се ова врста учења на даљину применила, потребно је обезбедити сервер и администратора система 24 часа дневно. Наставници, тренери и полазници треба да владају радом у Moodle окружењу, а потребно је да буде обезбеђена заштита садржаја који су предмет едукације.
AB  - By implementation, the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, supported by the use of the free E-learning software Moodle from the trainer’s point of view, are problematized. This kind of instruction is adapted to the education for police purposes, especially when it comes to educating the police officers who are, because of the numerous and long-lasting official commitments, unable to attend classes in fixed timings and locations. Some of the advantages of the distance learning supported by the use of the E-learning software Moodle from the trainer’s point of view are: availability (it is free of charge), effectiveness, possibility to supplement the traditional instruction, clearly visible functions and curriculum (courses classification), courses browser, clear and logical functions and flexibility manifested through the following: it is possible to choose the language and the script one wants to use; there is a calendar in the form of an agenda; it is possible to plan the dynamics of the courses as well as the time and location (any location with a computer and access to the Internet) the trainer will work at (available 24 hours a day); for any help needed regarding the software use there is the Help function. All these features make the trainer’s working environment very comfortable. Moreover, there are quite a few other advantages to the software: the possibility to present predominantly theoretical curriculum; curriculum updating; the possibility to present resources which can be consumed only in the classroom (educational movies, animations, simulations, presentation materials…); and the possibility to create glossary of terms. User activity can be tracked through reports on their activities, working with the existing files and educational contents, user role management (trainer can take over the role of the student),
synchronous operations (using the tools for communication and team work), user groups management, designing different kinds of online tests with the goal of knowledge evaluation, creating the grading scale. Finally, the advantages of Moodle from the point of view of a
trainer also include: Moodle management, in terms of software development and user support, provided that the other users’ possibility to use the software is not restricted, as well as the possibility to protect the course content, charge for the use of the contents, create the trainer
profile, that is, make the backup copy of the course.
On the other side, identified disadvantages of the Moodle from the point of view of the police officers’ trainer include the following: a computer, server, internet, system administrator (24hours a day), as well as some IT knowledge of the course creator are needed; there is no direct contact between the trainer and the students, nor is there direct contact between the students themselves (in terms of knowledge transfer). Moreover, Moodle makes it impossible to realize practical training contents for the police officers (shooting, maintenance of weapons and police officers’ personal equipment, martial arts, using other means of coercion, practical actions while exercising power etc). 
Having this in mind, what can be concluded is in favor of the standpoint that the advantages of the Moodle far outweigh its disadvantages. This conclusion should be limited to the Moodle users in the trainer roles, as well as the standpoints related to the use of the acquired knowledge and the directions of the future researches in the field.
PB  - Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија
C3  - Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе, Tематски зборник радова. 3
T1  - Учење на даљину као иновативан метод едукације за потребе полиције
T1  - Distance learning as an innovative education method for police purposes
SP  - 15
EP  - 35
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Субошић, Дане and Милић, Ненад",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Радом се проблематизују предности и мане учења на даљину које је подржано употребом слободног (бесплатног) софтвера за електронско учење Moodle из угла тренера. Ова врста наставе прилагођена је едукацији за потребе полиције, посебно када се ради о едукацији полицијских службеника, који због бројних и дуготрајних службених ангажовања, нису у прилици да похађају наставу у фиксно одређеним терминима и просторима. Такво учење може да буде индивидуално (некоординирано) и групно - тимско (координирано), што одговара генеративном (развојном) управљању знањем актуелних и будућих полицијских службеника. Сам метод подржава корисника у асинхроном приступању садржајима наставе (текстовима, презентацијама, тонским записима, фотографијама, филмовима и др.), а компатибилaн је и синхроном (видео-конференцијском и др.) повезивању с осталим актерима учења на даљину (остали корисници, наставници, тренери и администратори), флексибилан је (по времену приступања, методу учења и вредновања знања, овлашћењима актера, као и по повезивању садржаја различитих образовних установа и организационих јединица у земљи и иностранству) и економичан (не захтева штампање велике количине едукативних материјала). Дакле, да би се ова врста учења на даљину применила, потребно је обезбедити сервер и администратора система 24 часа дневно. Наставници, тренери и полазници треба да владају радом у Moodle окружењу, а потребно је да буде обезбеђена заштита садржаја који су предмет едукације., By implementation, the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, supported by the use of the free E-learning software Moodle from the trainer’s point of view, are problematized. This kind of instruction is adapted to the education for police purposes, especially when it comes to educating the police officers who are, because of the numerous and long-lasting official commitments, unable to attend classes in fixed timings and locations. Some of the advantages of the distance learning supported by the use of the E-learning software Moodle from the trainer’s point of view are: availability (it is free of charge), effectiveness, possibility to supplement the traditional instruction, clearly visible functions and curriculum (courses classification), courses browser, clear and logical functions and flexibility manifested through the following: it is possible to choose the language and the script one wants to use; there is a calendar in the form of an agenda; it is possible to plan the dynamics of the courses as well as the time and location (any location with a computer and access to the Internet) the trainer will work at (available 24 hours a day); for any help needed regarding the software use there is the Help function. All these features make the trainer’s working environment very comfortable. Moreover, there are quite a few other advantages to the software: the possibility to present predominantly theoretical curriculum; curriculum updating; the possibility to present resources which can be consumed only in the classroom (educational movies, animations, simulations, presentation materials…); and the possibility to create glossary of terms. User activity can be tracked through reports on their activities, working with the existing files and educational contents, user role management (trainer can take over the role of the student),
synchronous operations (using the tools for communication and team work), user groups management, designing different kinds of online tests with the goal of knowledge evaluation, creating the grading scale. Finally, the advantages of Moodle from the point of view of a
trainer also include: Moodle management, in terms of software development and user support, provided that the other users’ possibility to use the software is not restricted, as well as the possibility to protect the course content, charge for the use of the contents, create the trainer
profile, that is, make the backup copy of the course.
On the other side, identified disadvantages of the Moodle from the point of view of the police officers’ trainer include the following: a computer, server, internet, system administrator (24hours a day), as well as some IT knowledge of the course creator are needed; there is no direct contact between the trainer and the students, nor is there direct contact between the students themselves (in terms of knowledge transfer). Moreover, Moodle makes it impossible to realize practical training contents for the police officers (shooting, maintenance of weapons and police officers’ personal equipment, martial arts, using other means of coercion, practical actions while exercising power etc). 
Having this in mind, what can be concluded is in favor of the standpoint that the advantages of the Moodle far outweigh its disadvantages. This conclusion should be limited to the Moodle users in the trainer roles, as well as the standpoints related to the use of the acquired knowledge and the directions of the future researches in the field.",
publisher = "Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија",
journal = "Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе, Tематски зборник радова. 3",
title = "Учење на даљину као иновативан метод едукације за потребе полиције, Distance learning as an innovative education method for police purposes",
pages = "15-35",
url = ""
Субошић, Д.,& Милић, Н.. (2014). Учење на даљину као иновативан метод едукације за потребе полиције. in Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе, Tематски зборник радова. 3
Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија., 15-35.
Субошић Д, Милић Н. Учење на даљину као иновативан метод едукације за потребе полиције. in Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе, Tематски зборник радова. 3. 2014;:15-35. .
Субошић, Дане, Милић, Ненад, "Учење на даљину као иновативан метод едукације за потребе полиције" in Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе, Tематски зборник радова. 3 (2014):15-35, .

The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime

Milić, Nenad

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - A great deal of time and effort has been invested in trying to understand crime, most notably examining why some people engage in criminal behavior and others do not. Theories which place offenders in the center of their research focus have dominated in criminology for a long time. However, in recent decades theoretical approaches whose focus is space and time where victims (targets) and offenders converge during the commission of the offense, increasingly come to the fore. These approaches, which all share common interest in understanding how the environment shapes criminal activity, belong together under the umbrella of what is called environmental criminology. Environmental criminology seeks to explain how the environment affects the creation of crime opportunities and offender decision making regarding committing crime, in an attempt to establish patterns of offender's and victim's behavior in relation to environment (space) where they meet and where the offense is executed. In addition to highlighting the essential characteristics of different theoretical approaches that now constitute the environmental criminology (e.g. routine activity theory, rational choice theory, crime pattern theory, CPTED etc.), this paper also shows how situational (micro) context of the crime came into the focus of theoretical thinking about crime. In this context, the paper starts from the ideas of the so called. Cartographic and Chicago School and design theorists, in the aftermath of World War II, who inspired the research about crime and place that lead to the emergence of the environmental criminology in the early 80's of last century. By providing a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of performing criminal activities, theoretical approaches of the environmental criminology are significant factor in designing effective methods in combating (preventing) crime today. Practical application of crime prevention through environmental design, situational crime prevention, hotspot policing, geographic profiling, etc., confirms this.
AB  - Poslednjih decenija sve više do izražaja dolaze teorijski pristupi u čijem fokusu se nalazi geoprostor (mesto) na kojem dolazi do interakcije izvršioca i žrtve (mete) prilikom izvršenja krivičnog dela. Ovim pristupima je zajedničko interesovanje ka razumevanju načina na koji geoprostor 'oblikuje' kriminalnu aktivnost. Oni teže da istraže kako okruženje utiče na stvaranje prilike i donošenje odluke kod učinioca da se izvrši krivično delo, odnosno pokušavaju da objasne obrasce ponašanja učinioca i žrtve u geoprostoru gde se oni susreću i gde se izvršava krivično delo. U radu se pokazuje kako je mesto izvršenja dolazilo u fokus teorijskih promišljanja o kriminalitetu, počev od radova predstavnika tzv. 'kartografske' i 'čikaške škole', kao i 'teoretičara dizajna' u periodu nakon II svetskog rata, koji su inspirativno delovali na autore koji će rezultatima svojih istraživanja omogućiti nastanak kriminologije životne sredine osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Takođe, u radu se navode i bitna obeležja osnovnih (teorijskih) pristupa koji konstituišu ovaj teorijski pravac u kriminologiji i ukazuje na njihov značaj u usmeravanju napora koji se preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalitetu.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime
T1  - Mesto izvršenja krivičnog dela u teorijskim promišljanjima o kriminalitetu
IS  - 1
SP  - 141
EP  - 159
DO  - 10.5937/NBP1401141M
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad",
year = "2014",
abstract = "A great deal of time and effort has been invested in trying to understand crime, most notably examining why some people engage in criminal behavior and others do not. Theories which place offenders in the center of their research focus have dominated in criminology for a long time. However, in recent decades theoretical approaches whose focus is space and time where victims (targets) and offenders converge during the commission of the offense, increasingly come to the fore. These approaches, which all share common interest in understanding how the environment shapes criminal activity, belong together under the umbrella of what is called environmental criminology. Environmental criminology seeks to explain how the environment affects the creation of crime opportunities and offender decision making regarding committing crime, in an attempt to establish patterns of offender's and victim's behavior in relation to environment (space) where they meet and where the offense is executed. In addition to highlighting the essential characteristics of different theoretical approaches that now constitute the environmental criminology (e.g. routine activity theory, rational choice theory, crime pattern theory, CPTED etc.), this paper also shows how situational (micro) context of the crime came into the focus of theoretical thinking about crime. In this context, the paper starts from the ideas of the so called. Cartographic and Chicago School and design theorists, in the aftermath of World War II, who inspired the research about crime and place that lead to the emergence of the environmental criminology in the early 80's of last century. By providing a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of performing criminal activities, theoretical approaches of the environmental criminology are significant factor in designing effective methods in combating (preventing) crime today. Practical application of crime prevention through environmental design, situational crime prevention, hotspot policing, geographic profiling, etc., confirms this., Poslednjih decenija sve više do izražaja dolaze teorijski pristupi u čijem fokusu se nalazi geoprostor (mesto) na kojem dolazi do interakcije izvršioca i žrtve (mete) prilikom izvršenja krivičnog dela. Ovim pristupima je zajedničko interesovanje ka razumevanju načina na koji geoprostor 'oblikuje' kriminalnu aktivnost. Oni teže da istraže kako okruženje utiče na stvaranje prilike i donošenje odluke kod učinioca da se izvrši krivično delo, odnosno pokušavaju da objasne obrasce ponašanja učinioca i žrtve u geoprostoru gde se oni susreću i gde se izvršava krivično delo. U radu se pokazuje kako je mesto izvršenja dolazilo u fokus teorijskih promišljanja o kriminalitetu, počev od radova predstavnika tzv. 'kartografske' i 'čikaške škole', kao i 'teoretičara dizajna' u periodu nakon II svetskog rata, koji su inspirativno delovali na autore koji će rezultatima svojih istraživanja omogućiti nastanak kriminologije životne sredine osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Takođe, u radu se navode i bitna obeležja osnovnih (teorijskih) pristupa koji konstituišu ovaj teorijski pravac u kriminologiji i ukazuje na njihov značaj u usmeravanju napora koji se preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalitetu.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime, Mesto izvršenja krivičnog dela u teorijskim promišljanjima o kriminalitetu",
number = "1",
pages = "141-159",
doi = "10.5937/NBP1401141M"
Milić, N.. (2014). The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd.(1), 141-159.
Milić N. The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2014;(1):141-159.
doi:10.5937/NBP1401141M .
Milić, Nenad, "The crime scene in theoretical reflections on crime" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, no. 1 (2014):141-159, . .

Analytical interpretation of the temporal features of crimes with unknown time of occurrence: Aoristic analysis

Milić, Nenad

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - If we tend to fully understand the dynamics of crime, in addition to the analysis of its spatial distribution, equal attention should be paid to its temporal characteristics because time is an important component in the understanding of criminal occurrence. However, for some types of crime, it is sometimes difficult to reliably determine the exact time of their occurrence (e.g., burglary, vehicle theft etc.). The inability to do so severely limits analyses of the temporal dynamics of crime, which in turn is a serious limitation factor in devising effective strategies of crime prevention. In cases where the exact time of crime occurrence is not possible to be determined, a temporal dimension of criminal activity cannot be ignored because of its importance. Therefore, we should strive to calculate probability that an event occurred within given temporal parameters or provide an approximation. One of the most reliable methods is aoristic analysis. This paper describes aoristic analysis and gives a practical example of its application to the distribution of burglaries in one of the Belgrade's municipalities (Zemun), in 2012.
AB  - Ako se teži potpunom razumevanju dinamike geoprostora na kojem se učestalo manifestuju krivična dela, osim analize geo- prostorne distribucije, pažnju bi trebalo posvetiti i temporalnim karakteristikama krivičnih dela. Međutim, kod nekih vrsta krivičnih dela teško je pouzdano utvrditi vreme izvršenja (na primer, krivično delo krađe). Nemogućnost utvrđivanja tačnog vremena izvršenja ozbiljno limitira validnost istraživanja vremenske dinamike kriminalne aktivnosti i predstavlja jedan od osnovnih razloga njene nedovoljne istraženosti. U situacijama kada precizno vreme izvršenja nije moguće saznati, temporalna dimenzija kriminalne aktivnosti, zbog njenog značaja, ne sme biti zanemarena. Treba težiti, što je moguće pouzdanijoj, aproksimaciji (približnom određenju) nepoznatih vremena izvršenja. S tim u vezi, u radu se opisuje metod aorističke analize, a na praktičnom primeru krivičnih dela krađe iz stanova na teritoriji opštine Zemun tokom 2012. godine pokazuje se njegova primena.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Analytical interpretation of the temporal features of crimes with unknown time of occurrence: Aoristic analysis
T1  - Analitička interpretacija temporalnih karakteristika krivičnih dela sa nepoznatim vremenom izvršenja - aoristička analiza
VL  - 56
IS  - 1
SP  - 57
EP  - 75
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1401057M
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad",
year = "2014",
abstract = "If we tend to fully understand the dynamics of crime, in addition to the analysis of its spatial distribution, equal attention should be paid to its temporal characteristics because time is an important component in the understanding of criminal occurrence. However, for some types of crime, it is sometimes difficult to reliably determine the exact time of their occurrence (e.g., burglary, vehicle theft etc.). The inability to do so severely limits analyses of the temporal dynamics of crime, which in turn is a serious limitation factor in devising effective strategies of crime prevention. In cases where the exact time of crime occurrence is not possible to be determined, a temporal dimension of criminal activity cannot be ignored because of its importance. Therefore, we should strive to calculate probability that an event occurred within given temporal parameters or provide an approximation. One of the most reliable methods is aoristic analysis. This paper describes aoristic analysis and gives a practical example of its application to the distribution of burglaries in one of the Belgrade's municipalities (Zemun), in 2012., Ako se teži potpunom razumevanju dinamike geoprostora na kojem se učestalo manifestuju krivična dela, osim analize geo- prostorne distribucije, pažnju bi trebalo posvetiti i temporalnim karakteristikama krivičnih dela. Međutim, kod nekih vrsta krivičnih dela teško je pouzdano utvrditi vreme izvršenja (na primer, krivično delo krađe). Nemogućnost utvrđivanja tačnog vremena izvršenja ozbiljno limitira validnost istraživanja vremenske dinamike kriminalne aktivnosti i predstavlja jedan od osnovnih razloga njene nedovoljne istraženosti. U situacijama kada precizno vreme izvršenja nije moguće saznati, temporalna dimenzija kriminalne aktivnosti, zbog njenog značaja, ne sme biti zanemarena. Treba težiti, što je moguće pouzdanijoj, aproksimaciji (približnom određenju) nepoznatih vremena izvršenja. S tim u vezi, u radu se opisuje metod aorističke analize, a na praktičnom primeru krivičnih dela krađe iz stanova na teritoriji opštine Zemun tokom 2012. godine pokazuje se njegova primena.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Analytical interpretation of the temporal features of crimes with unknown time of occurrence: Aoristic analysis, Analitička interpretacija temporalnih karakteristika krivičnih dela sa nepoznatim vremenom izvršenja - aoristička analiza",
volume = "56",
number = "1",
pages = "57-75",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1401057M"
Milić, N.. (2014). Analytical interpretation of the temporal features of crimes with unknown time of occurrence: Aoristic analysis. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 56(1), 57-75.
Milić N. Analytical interpretation of the temporal features of crimes with unknown time of occurrence: Aoristic analysis. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2014;56(1):57-75.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1401057M .
Milić, Nenad, "Analytical interpretation of the temporal features of crimes with unknown time of occurrence: Aoristic analysis" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 56, no. 1 (2014):57-75, . .

Решавање локацијских проблема у функцији оптимизације ангажовања полицијских ресурса

Милић, Ненад; Субошић, Дане

(Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија, 2013)

AU  - Милић, Ненад
AU  - Субошић, Дане
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Када се бира локација полицијске станице, полицијских одељења, безбедносних пунктова и сл., одређују границе безбедносних сектора односно позорничких и патролних рејона, руководиоци организационих јединица полиције често се сусрећу са локацијским проблемима. Постоји више модела који се користе за решавање локацијских проблема чија
примена је, пре свега, условљена карактеристикама проблема који се решава. У раду се говори о моделима намењеним за решавање локацијских проблема код којих је лоцирање објеката дозвољено само у одређеним тачкама (дискретни локацијски проблеми) и то: моделима базираним на близини и моделима покривања. Такође, у раду се даје кратак осврт на могућности географских информационих система (ГИС) као средства подршке одлучивању у поступку изналажења оптималног модела коришћења расположивих ресурса. Своје излагање, аутори илуструју практичним примером примене модела максималног покривања интегрисаног у ГИС софтверски алат, а у циљу оптимизације употребе (ангажовања) полицијских ресурса.
AB  - Performing the police organization's tasks continuously and efficiently is often determined by the disposition of adequate resources. Resource shortage is often a limiting factor of the successful policing. In this regard, the police organization's managers are striving to find a resource deployment model which will enable optimal territory coverage. Ultimately this resource deployment model should enable that in case of the emergency, a police officer is in the right place at the right time, ready and capable of protecting citizens and their property. When selecting the location of the police stations, police checkpoints, determining the boundaries of the police sectors, police beats and patrol areas, police managers often encounter location problems. Solving location problems, often entails their experience and intuition. Although intuitive decision making is not inherently wrong, given the complexity of the environment at which the police exists, it does not guarantee making quality decisions. In this regard, managing a modern police organization needs application of a systematic, scientific approach to decision making. In this context, the use of advanced analytical techniques under the realm of the discipline operational research, could benefit to the better decision making. There are several models that are used to solve the location problems. Their application is primarily determined by the characteristics of the problem to be solved. The paper discusses two location problem solving models in which the location of objects is allowed only at certain points (so called discrete location problems). Those models are: models based on proximity and covering models. Also, the authors make a brief overview of the GIS visualization capabilities stating pointing out the benefits of its integration with location problems solving models. Authors discuss three practical scenarios from everyday police practice in order to illustrate the usage of the one of discussed model - maximum covering models - integrated into a GIS software tool, and used in order to optimize deployment of the police patrol resources. Main conclusions from this paper are: (1) solving location problems in GIS environment could be beneficial because of its unique data visualization capabilities that could help spotting discrepancies of the questioned police patrol covering models, their subsequent correction and finally, GIS integrated location-allocation tools could provide their assessment. (2) Optimal coverage of the police juridiction is often caused by a number of factors that determine
the scope, structure and the way the resources are deployed, and the decision on the optimal patrol resource allocation model can often require more than just solving location problems. (3) Given the current trends in the contemporary police decision making field, the dynamics of everyday police practices, and frequent need for a quick decision making, solving location problems and general application of the optimization research should be given more importance in domestic police practice.
PB  - Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија
C3  - Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе : тематски зборник радова. 2
T1  - Решавање локацијских проблема у функцији оптимизације ангажовања полицијских ресурса
T1  - Solving location problems and the police resources optimization
SP  - 233
EP  - 250
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Милић, Ненад and Субошић, Дане",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Када се бира локација полицијске станице, полицијских одељења, безбедносних пунктова и сл., одређују границе безбедносних сектора односно позорничких и патролних рејона, руководиоци организационих јединица полиције често се сусрећу са локацијским проблемима. Постоји више модела који се користе за решавање локацијских проблема чија
примена је, пре свега, условљена карактеристикама проблема који се решава. У раду се говори о моделима намењеним за решавање локацијских проблема код којих је лоцирање објеката дозвољено само у одређеним тачкама (дискретни локацијски проблеми) и то: моделима базираним на близини и моделима покривања. Такође, у раду се даје кратак осврт на могућности географских информационих система (ГИС) као средства подршке одлучивању у поступку изналажења оптималног модела коришћења расположивих ресурса. Своје излагање, аутори илуструју практичним примером примене модела максималног покривања интегрисаног у ГИС софтверски алат, а у циљу оптимизације употребе (ангажовања) полицијских ресурса., Performing the police organization's tasks continuously and efficiently is often determined by the disposition of adequate resources. Resource shortage is often a limiting factor of the successful policing. In this regard, the police organization's managers are striving to find a resource deployment model which will enable optimal territory coverage. Ultimately this resource deployment model should enable that in case of the emergency, a police officer is in the right place at the right time, ready and capable of protecting citizens and their property. When selecting the location of the police stations, police checkpoints, determining the boundaries of the police sectors, police beats and patrol areas, police managers often encounter location problems. Solving location problems, often entails their experience and intuition. Although intuitive decision making is not inherently wrong, given the complexity of the environment at which the police exists, it does not guarantee making quality decisions. In this regard, managing a modern police organization needs application of a systematic, scientific approach to decision making. In this context, the use of advanced analytical techniques under the realm of the discipline operational research, could benefit to the better decision making. There are several models that are used to solve the location problems. Their application is primarily determined by the characteristics of the problem to be solved. The paper discusses two location problem solving models in which the location of objects is allowed only at certain points (so called discrete location problems). Those models are: models based on proximity and covering models. Also, the authors make a brief overview of the GIS visualization capabilities stating pointing out the benefits of its integration with location problems solving models. Authors discuss three practical scenarios from everyday police practice in order to illustrate the usage of the one of discussed model - maximum covering models - integrated into a GIS software tool, and used in order to optimize deployment of the police patrol resources. Main conclusions from this paper are: (1) solving location problems in GIS environment could be beneficial because of its unique data visualization capabilities that could help spotting discrepancies of the questioned police patrol covering models, their subsequent correction and finally, GIS integrated location-allocation tools could provide their assessment. (2) Optimal coverage of the police juridiction is often caused by a number of factors that determine
the scope, structure and the way the resources are deployed, and the decision on the optimal patrol resource allocation model can often require more than just solving location problems. (3) Given the current trends in the contemporary police decision making field, the dynamics of everyday police practices, and frequent need for a quick decision making, solving location problems and general application of the optimization research should be given more importance in domestic police practice.",
publisher = "Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија",
journal = "Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе : тематски зборник радова. 2",
title = "Решавање локацијских проблема у функцији оптимизације ангажовања полицијских ресурса, Solving location problems and the police resources optimization",
pages = "233-250",
url = ""
Милић, Н.,& Субошић, Д.. (2013). Решавање локацијских проблема у функцији оптимизације ангажовања полицијских ресурса. in Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе : тематски зборник радова. 2
Београд : Криминалистичко-полицијска академија., 233-250.
Милић Н, Субошић Д. Решавање локацијских проблема у функцији оптимизације ангажовања полицијских ресурса. in Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе : тематски зборник радова. 2. 2013;:233-250. .
Милић, Ненад, Субошић, Дане, "Решавање локацијских проблема у функцији оптимизације ангажовања полицијских ресурса" in Структура и функционисање полицијске организације : традиција, стање и перспективе : тематски зборник радова. 2 (2013):233-250, .

Crime mapping in the function of problem-oriented policing

Milić, Nenad

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Milić, Nenad
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The diversity of activities and tasks of modern policing, and their simultaneous focus on the interests of all citizens and the whole society, and a high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability of emergence and development of safety occurrences and events shows the complexity of environment in which the police system operates. If the police want to effectively perform its function in society, police officers at all hierarchical levels should have timely and precise knowledge about when and where crimes and other events of police importance happen, and who are their actors (perpetrator, victim, etc.). In other words, to solve problem it is necessary to possess reliable information about its characteristics, especially on the causes of its appearance and the way it is expressed, or the consequences caused. For decision makers is extremely important that the information be reliable, i.e. reflect the true state of the object, phenomena and processes that are related and that at any given time and space. The complexity of the problem may result in that such information is often a numerous. As the majority of these data can be related to a location in space, geo-topographical surface can be a good basis for their synthesis and presentation. Combining operations with databases, such as query and statistical analysis, with a unique layered data organization and visualization, crime mapping based on the GIS technology can play an important role in the problem-oriented policing.
AB  - Raznovrsnost poslova i zadataka savremene policije i njihova istovremena usmerenost na interese svih građana i čitavog društva, kao i visok stepen neizvesnosti i nepredvidivosti nastajanja i razvoja bezbednosnih pojava i događaja, ukazuju na kompleksnost uslova u kojima policijski sistem funkcioniše. Ako policija hoće efikasno da vrši svoju funkciju u društvu, policijski službenici na svim nivoima policijske organizacije trebalo bi da raspolažu blagovremenim i preciznim saznanjima o tome kada i gde se manifestuju krivična dela i drugi događaji od značaja za policijsko postupanje, kako se oni manifestuju i ko su njihovi akteri (učinilac, žrtva) i sl. Drugim rečima, za rešava- nje svakog problema potrebno je raspolagati pouzdanim informacijama o njegovim karakteristikama, posebno o uzrocima njegovog nastajanja i načina ispoljavanja, odnosno, posledicama koje izaziva. Za donosioce odluke od izuzetnog je značaja da te informacije budu pouzdane, tj. da odražavaju pravo stanje objekta, pojava i procesa na koje se odnose i to u datom vremenu i geoprostoru. Kompleksnost problema može za posledicu imati da je takvih informacija često veliki broj, ali kako se najveći broj njih može vezati za određenu lokaciju u geoprostoru, geotopografska podloga može biti dobra osnova njihove sinteze i prikaza. Objedinjujući operacije sa bazama podataka, poput upita i statističkih analiza, s jedinstvenom slojevitom (lejerskom) organizacijom i vizualizacijom podataka, mapiranje kriminaliteta zasnovano na tehnologiji geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS) može imati značajnu ulogu u problemski orijentisanom radu policije.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Crime mapping in the function of problem-oriented policing
T1  - Mapiranje kriminala u funkciji problemski orijentisanog rada policije
VL  - 17
IS  - 1
SP  - 123
EP  - 140
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milić, Nenad",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The diversity of activities and tasks of modern policing, and their simultaneous focus on the interests of all citizens and the whole society, and a high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability of emergence and development of safety occurrences and events shows the complexity of environment in which the police system operates. If the police want to effectively perform its function in society, police officers at all hierarchical levels should have timely and precise knowledge about when and where crimes and other events of police importance happen, and who are their actors (perpetrator, victim, etc.). In other words, to solve problem it is necessary to possess reliable information about its characteristics, especially on the causes of its appearance and the way it is expressed, or the consequences caused. For decision makers is extremely important that the information be reliable, i.e. reflect the true state of the object, phenomena and processes that are related and that at any given time and space. The complexity of the problem may result in that such information is often a numerous. As the majority of these data can be related to a location in space, geo-topographical surface can be a good basis for their synthesis and presentation. Combining operations with databases, such as query and statistical analysis, with a unique layered data organization and visualization, crime mapping based on the GIS technology can play an important role in the problem-oriented policing., Raznovrsnost poslova i zadataka savremene policije i njihova istovremena usmerenost na interese svih građana i čitavog društva, kao i visok stepen neizvesnosti i nepredvidivosti nastajanja i razvoja bezbednosnih pojava i događaja, ukazuju na kompleksnost uslova u kojima policijski sistem funkcioniše. Ako policija hoće efikasno da vrši svoju funkciju u društvu, policijski službenici na svim nivoima policijske organizacije trebalo bi da raspolažu blagovremenim i preciznim saznanjima o tome kada i gde se manifestuju krivična dela i drugi događaji od značaja za policijsko postupanje, kako se oni manifestuju i ko su njihovi akteri (učinilac, žrtva) i sl. Drugim rečima, za rešava- nje svakog problema potrebno je raspolagati pouzdanim informacijama o njegovim karakteristikama, posebno o uzrocima njegovog nastajanja i načina ispoljavanja, odnosno, posledicama koje izaziva. Za donosioce odluke od izuzetnog je značaja da te informacije budu pouzdane, tj. da odražavaju pravo stanje objekta, pojava i procesa na koje se odnose i to u datom vremenu i geoprostoru. Kompleksnost problema može za posledicu imati da je takvih informacija često veliki broj, ali kako se najveći broj njih može vezati za određenu lokaciju u geoprostoru, geotopografska podloga može biti dobra osnova njihove sinteze i prikaza. Objedinjujući operacije sa bazama podataka, poput upita i statističkih analiza, s jedinstvenom slojevitom (lejerskom) organizacijom i vizualizacijom podataka, mapiranje kriminaliteta zasnovano na tehnologiji geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS) može imati značajnu ulogu u problemski orijentisanom radu policije.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Crime mapping in the function of problem-oriented policing, Mapiranje kriminala u funkciji problemski orijentisanog rada policije",
volume = "17",
number = "1",
pages = "123-140",
url = ""
Milić, N.. (2012). Crime mapping in the function of problem-oriented policing. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 17(1), 123-140.
Milić N. Crime mapping in the function of problem-oriented policing. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2012;17(1):123-140. .
Milić, Nenad, "Crime mapping in the function of problem-oriented policing" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 17, no. 1 (2012):123-140, .