Kekić, Dalibor

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Kekić, Dalibor (51)
  • Кекић, Далибор (5)

Author's Bibliography

Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations

Kekić, Dalibor; Spasić, Danijela; Čudan, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe, 2022)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Čudan, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Police officers who belong to the General Police Directorate
of Republic of Serbia, in addition to the numerous powers and tasks they
perform, based on the Law on Police, have the obligation to participate
in protection and rescue operations. Besides the aforementioned law, the
police are recognized as a part of the protection and rescue forces by the
Law on Risk Reduction and Emergency Management. The role of the
police in emergency situations is very important, and the scope of work of
the police officers is expanding over time and becoming more and more
diverse, and thus more complex. The police engages in the execution
of tasks aimed at the security protection of citizens’ property and lives,
such as rescue and evacuation from endangered areas, providing first aid,
delivery of food, medicine, etc.
AB  - Policijski službenici, koji pripadaju Direkciji policije Republike
Srbije, pored brojnih ovlašćenja i poslova koje obavljaju, na osnovu Zakona o
policiji, imaju obavezu da učestvuju i u poslovima zaštite i spasavanja. Pored
navedenog Zakona, policija je prepoznata kao deo snaga zaštite i spasavanja
i Zakonom o smanjenju rizika i upravljanju vanrednim situacijama. Uloga
policije u vanrednim situacijama je veoma značajna, a obuhvat delokruga
rada policijskih službenika se vremenom proširuje i postaje sve raznovrsniji,
a time i kompleksniji. Policija se angažuje za izvršavanje zadataka usmerenih
na bezbednosnu zaštitu imovine i života građana poput spasavanja i evaluacije
iz ugroženih područja, pružanje prve pomoći, dostavu hrane, lekova i sl.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe
T2  - Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice
T1  - Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations
T1  - Pravne osnove učešća policije u vanrednim situacijama
VL  - 39
IS  - 3
SP  - 52
EP  - 68
DO  - 10.5937/ptp2203052K
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Spasić, Danijela and Čudan, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Police officers who belong to the General Police Directorate
of Republic of Serbia, in addition to the numerous powers and tasks they
perform, based on the Law on Police, have the obligation to participate
in protection and rescue operations. Besides the aforementioned law, the
police are recognized as a part of the protection and rescue forces by the
Law on Risk Reduction and Emergency Management. The role of the
police in emergency situations is very important, and the scope of work of
the police officers is expanding over time and becoming more and more
diverse, and thus more complex. The police engages in the execution
of tasks aimed at the security protection of citizens’ property and lives,
such as rescue and evacuation from endangered areas, providing first aid,
delivery of food, medicine, etc., Policijski službenici, koji pripadaju Direkciji policije Republike
Srbije, pored brojnih ovlašćenja i poslova koje obavljaju, na osnovu Zakona o
policiji, imaju obavezu da učestvuju i u poslovima zaštite i spasavanja. Pored
navedenog Zakona, policija je prepoznata kao deo snaga zaštite i spasavanja
i Zakonom o smanjenju rizika i upravljanju vanrednim situacijama. Uloga
policije u vanrednim situacijama je veoma značajna, a obuhvat delokruga
rada policijskih službenika se vremenom proširuje i postaje sve raznovrsniji,
a time i kompleksniji. Policija se angažuje za izvršavanje zadataka usmerenih
na bezbednosnu zaštitu imovine i života građana poput spasavanja i evaluacije
iz ugroženih područja, pružanje prve pomoći, dostavu hrane, lekova i sl.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe",
journal = "Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice",
title = "Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations, Pravne osnove učešća policije u vanrednim situacijama",
volume = "39",
number = "3",
pages = "52-68",
doi = "10.5937/ptp2203052K"
Kekić, D., Spasić, D.,& Čudan, A.. (2022). Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations. in Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice
Novi Sad : Univerzitet Privredna akademija, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe., 39(3), 52-68.
Kekić D, Spasić D, Čudan A. Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations. in Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice. 2022;39(3):52-68.
doi:10.5937/ptp2203052K .
Kekić, Dalibor, Spasić, Danijela, Čudan, Aleksandar, "Legal bases of the police participation in emergency situations" in Pravo : teorija i praksa  = Law : theory and practice, 39, no. 3 (2022):52-68, . .

Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom

Spasić, Danijela; Radovanović, Ivana; Kekić, Dalibor; Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana


AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Radovanović, Ivana
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Researchers in Serbia have been trying for decades — without much success — to find the causes and factors
that would unequivocally establish the origin of domestic violence as a social phenomenon. This is partly
due to the fact that the Serbian society, through a dynamic development matrix, has not transformed from
the traditional form into a modern one, but rather into an underdeveloped society of conspicuous social
risks with prevalent re­traditionalization of collective entities, family in particular. This is why we have stud­
ied available ethnographic materials looking for sources and “roots” of culturological guidelines which still
define the position of the woman and the distribution of social power within the family. The study has
showed diachronic stability of the culturological inherited stereotype of the woman, its traditional founda­
tion and (ir)rational justification, the relation between social power(lessness) of the woman and domestic
PB  - 
PB  - Praha : Newton College
T2  - Scientia et Societas
T1  - Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom
VL  - 18
IS  - 2
SP  - 58
EP  - 73
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Danijela and Radovanović, Ivana and Kekić, Dalibor and Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Researchers in Serbia have been trying for decades — without much success — to find the causes and factors
that would unequivocally establish the origin of domestic violence as a social phenomenon. This is partly
due to the fact that the Serbian society, through a dynamic development matrix, has not transformed from
the traditional form into a modern one, but rather into an underdeveloped society of conspicuous social
risks with prevalent re­traditionalization of collective entities, family in particular. This is why we have stud­
ied available ethnographic materials looking for sources and “roots” of culturological guidelines which still
define the position of the woman and the distribution of social power within the family. The study has
showed diachronic stability of the culturological inherited stereotype of the woman, its traditional founda­
tion and (ir)rational justification, the relation between social power(lessness) of the woman and domestic
publisher = ", Praha : Newton College",
journal = "Scientia et Societas",
title = "Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom",
volume = "18",
number = "2",
pages = "58-73",
url = ""
Spasić, D., Radovanović, I., Kekić, D.,& Krstić-Mistridželović, I.. (2022). Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom. in Scientia et Societas
., 18(2), 58-73.
Spasić D, Radovanović I, Kekić D, Krstić-Mistridželović I. Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom. in Scientia et Societas. 2022;18(2):58-73. .
Spasić, Danijela, Radovanović, Ivana, Kekić, Dalibor, Krstić-Mistridželović, Ivana, "Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom" in Scientia et Societas, 18, no. 2 (2022):58-73, .

Gray economy as a determinant of economic security: View from Serbia

Čudan, Aleksandar; Kekić, Dalibor; Major, Gyöngyi

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2022)

AU  - Čudan, Aleksandar
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Major, Gyöngyi
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - With new tectonic geopolitical changes, aggravation of the
global economic crisis, consequences of the pandemic, disruption of the
energy market and the economy of the Republic of Serbia, we entered a
turbulent period of development at the beginning of the new millennium.
Monitoring and studying informal, gray, parallel, hidden economic relations in the domicile economy continues to attract undiminished attention of economists, lawyers, sociologists, criminologists, and scientists from
other social sciences, who try to determine its main characteristics, causes,
and quantify its scale, as well as socio-economic consequences on economic
security. It is possible to achieve the goals of economic security if the economic system of the country fulfils its function completely, in the absence of
any form of endangering the economic potential of the national economy.
In that sense, the role of the state is important.
In the absence of financial activity of the state, the economic security of
the country would be endangered, which in turn would endanger the entire
economic system, and thereby the state as a whole. In this scientific paper, the primary goal is to provide an analysis of the deep roots of dual economy
in the modern economic fabric, and at the same time to examine the relationship between instrumental measures for its reduction on the one hand
and possible action as a factor in its multiplication on the other.
The conclusions drawn from the actions of such opposing forces can
be significant from the point of view of creating and conducting economic
and social policy, as well as measures aimed at reducing the size of the gray
economy. The method of research includes an excerpt and application of
scientific methods, data selection and research scope.
AB  - Sa novim tektonskim geopolitičkim promenama, zaoštravanjem globalne ekonomske krize, posledicama civilizacijske pandemije,
poremećajem na energetskom tržištu i ekonomija Republike Srbije ušla je
na početku novom milenijuma u turbulento razdoblje razvoja. Praćenje i
izučavanje neformalnih, sivih paralelnih skrivenih ekonomskih odnosa u
domicilnoj ekonomiji i dalje privlači neumanjenim intenzitetom pažnju
ekonomista, pravnika, sociologa, kriminologa i naučnih radnika iz drugih
društvenih nauka, koji pokušavaju da odrede njene glavne karakteristike,
uzroke, te da kvantifikuju njene razmere i društveno-ekonomske posledice
na ekonomsku bezbednost. Jedan od elemenata politike nacionalne
bezbednosti jeste i ekonomska bezbednost. Realizovati ciljeve ekonomske
bezbednosti moguće je ako ekonomski system zemlje ostvaruje svoju
funkciju u potpunosti, uz odsustvo bilo kog oblika ugrožavanja ekonomskog
potencijala naciolane ekonomije. U tom smislu začajna je ulova države.
U nedostatku finansijske aktivnosti države ekonomska bezbednost
zemlje bi bila ugrožena, što povratno ima za posledicu ugrožavanje
celokupnog ekonomskog Sistema, a time i države u celini. U ovom
naučnomp rilogu primarni cilj je pružiti analizu duboke ukorenjenosti
dualne ekonomije u savremeno ekonomsko tkivo, a ujedno preispitati
međusobni odnos mera istrumenata za njeno smanjene sa jedne strane i
moguće delovanje kao factor njenog multiplikovanja sa druge strane.
Izvedeni zaključci delovanja ovako suprostavljenih degenaritnih sila
mogu biti značajni sa stanovšta kreiranja i vođenja ekonomske, socijalne
politike, kao i mera usmerenih na smanjenu obima sive ekonomije. Način
istraživanja sadrži izbor i primenu naučnih metoda, izbora podataka i
obuhvat istraživanja.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност, Београд 
T1  - Gray economy as a determinant of economic security: View from Serbia
T1  - Siva ekonomija kao determinanta ekonomske bezbednosti - pogled iz Srbije
VL  - 64
IS  - 3
SP  - 84
EP  - 99
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2203084C
ER  - 
author = "Čudan, Aleksandar and Kekić, Dalibor and Major, Gyöngyi",
year = "2022",
abstract = "With new tectonic geopolitical changes, aggravation of the
global economic crisis, consequences of the pandemic, disruption of the
energy market and the economy of the Republic of Serbia, we entered a
turbulent period of development at the beginning of the new millennium.
Monitoring and studying informal, gray, parallel, hidden economic relations in the domicile economy continues to attract undiminished attention of economists, lawyers, sociologists, criminologists, and scientists from
other social sciences, who try to determine its main characteristics, causes,
and quantify its scale, as well as socio-economic consequences on economic
security. It is possible to achieve the goals of economic security if the economic system of the country fulfils its function completely, in the absence of
any form of endangering the economic potential of the national economy.
In that sense, the role of the state is important.
In the absence of financial activity of the state, the economic security of
the country would be endangered, which in turn would endanger the entire
economic system, and thereby the state as a whole. In this scientific paper, the primary goal is to provide an analysis of the deep roots of dual economy
in the modern economic fabric, and at the same time to examine the relationship between instrumental measures for its reduction on the one hand
and possible action as a factor in its multiplication on the other.
The conclusions drawn from the actions of such opposing forces can
be significant from the point of view of creating and conducting economic
and social policy, as well as measures aimed at reducing the size of the gray
economy. The method of research includes an excerpt and application of
scientific methods, data selection and research scope., Sa novim tektonskim geopolitičkim promenama, zaoštravanjem globalne ekonomske krize, posledicama civilizacijske pandemije,
poremećajem na energetskom tržištu i ekonomija Republike Srbije ušla je
na početku novom milenijuma u turbulento razdoblje razvoja. Praćenje i
izučavanje neformalnih, sivih paralelnih skrivenih ekonomskih odnosa u
domicilnoj ekonomiji i dalje privlači neumanjenim intenzitetom pažnju
ekonomista, pravnika, sociologa, kriminologa i naučnih radnika iz drugih
društvenih nauka, koji pokušavaju da odrede njene glavne karakteristike,
uzroke, te da kvantifikuju njene razmere i društveno-ekonomske posledice
na ekonomsku bezbednost. Jedan od elemenata politike nacionalne
bezbednosti jeste i ekonomska bezbednost. Realizovati ciljeve ekonomske
bezbednosti moguće je ako ekonomski system zemlje ostvaruje svoju
funkciju u potpunosti, uz odsustvo bilo kog oblika ugrožavanja ekonomskog
potencijala naciolane ekonomije. U tom smislu začajna je ulova države.
U nedostatku finansijske aktivnosti države ekonomska bezbednost
zemlje bi bila ugrožena, što povratno ima za posledicu ugrožavanje
celokupnog ekonomskog Sistema, a time i države u celini. U ovom
naučnomp rilogu primarni cilj je pružiti analizu duboke ukorenjenosti
dualne ekonomije u savremeno ekonomsko tkivo, a ujedno preispitati
međusobni odnos mera istrumenata za njeno smanjene sa jedne strane i
moguće delovanje kao factor njenog multiplikovanja sa druge strane.
Izvedeni zaključci delovanja ovako suprostavljenih degenaritnih sila
mogu biti značajni sa stanovšta kreiranja i vođenja ekonomske, socijalne
politike, kao i mera usmerenih na smanjenu obima sive ekonomije. Način
istraživanja sadrži izbor i primenu naučnih metoda, izbora podataka i
obuhvat istraživanja.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност, Београд ",
title = "Gray economy as a determinant of economic security: View from Serbia, Siva ekonomija kao determinanta ekonomske bezbednosti - pogled iz Srbije",
volume = "64",
number = "3",
pages = "84-99",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2203084C"
Čudan, A., Kekić, D.,& Major, G.. (2022). Gray economy as a determinant of economic security: View from Serbia. in Безбедност, Београд 
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 64(3), 84-99.
Čudan A, Kekić D, Major G. Gray economy as a determinant of economic security: View from Serbia. in Безбедност, Београд . 2022;64(3):84-99.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2203084C .
Čudan, Aleksandar, Kekić, Dalibor, Major, Gyöngyi, "Gray economy as a determinant of economic security: View from Serbia" in Безбедност, Београд , 64, no. 3 (2022):84-99, . .

The role of organizational units of the Serbian Police Directorate in the system of disaster risk reduction and emergency management

Kekić, Dalibor; Milenković, Miloš

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2021)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Milenković, Miloš
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Emergency situations caused by natural and other disasters in the Republic of Serbia are becoming more frequent. The primary strength of the disaster risk reduction and emergency management system in the response phase are the professional fire and rescue units of the Sector for emergency management. Respecting the principle of gradual use of operational staff, in a sit-uation when professional fire and rescue units do not have sufficient capacity to react, members of organizational units of the Police Directorate join them. The floods are characteristic because of the engagement of members of the Gendarmerie, Helicopter unit, special police units, as well as members of the police of general jurisdiction and traffic police. The engagement of members of the Gendarmerie and the Helicopter unit when forest fires occur is of great benefit and repre-sents a significant operational assistance to professional fire and rescue units. In cases of interna-tional rescue assistance sent to the Republic of Serbia, the role of members of the border police is also recognizable. In addition to the operational part, the role of the organizational units of the Police Directorate is reflected in the preventive phase through engagement in various field exercises with the aim of increasing systemic operational efficiency and effectiveness.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
T1  - The role of organizational units of the Serbian Police Directorate in the system of disaster risk reduction and emergency management
SP  - 261
EP  - 270
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Milenković, Miloš",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Emergency situations caused by natural and other disasters in the Republic of Serbia are becoming more frequent. The primary strength of the disaster risk reduction and emergency management system in the response phase are the professional fire and rescue units of the Sector for emergency management. Respecting the principle of gradual use of operational staff, in a sit-uation when professional fire and rescue units do not have sufficient capacity to react, members of organizational units of the Police Directorate join them. The floods are characteristic because of the engagement of members of the Gendarmerie, Helicopter unit, special police units, as well as members of the police of general jurisdiction and traffic police. The engagement of members of the Gendarmerie and the Helicopter unit when forest fires occur is of great benefit and repre-sents a significant operational assistance to professional fire and rescue units. In cases of interna-tional rescue assistance sent to the Republic of Serbia, the role of members of the border police is also recognizable. In addition to the operational part, the role of the organizational units of the Police Directorate is reflected in the preventive phase through engagement in various field exercises with the aim of increasing systemic operational efficiency and effectiveness.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021",
title = "The role of organizational units of the Serbian Police Directorate in the system of disaster risk reduction and emergency management",
pages = "261-270",
url = ""
Kekić, D.,& Milenković, M.. (2021). The role of organizational units of the Serbian Police Directorate in the system of disaster risk reduction and emergency management. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 261-270.
Kekić D, Milenković M. The role of organizational units of the Serbian Police Directorate in the system of disaster risk reduction and emergency management. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021. 2021;:261-270. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Milenković, Miloš, "The role of organizational units of the Serbian Police Directorate in the system of disaster risk reduction and emergency management" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021 (2021):261-270, .

Activities and tasks of the Serbian police in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases

Kekić, Dalibor; Milenković, Miloš

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2020)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Milenković, Miloš
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - There have been many epidemics of various infectious diseases in the history of the Republic  of  Serbia.  Starting  from  the  epidemics  of  plague  and  cholera  in  the  Middle  Ages,  to  the  appearance  of  smallpox,  swine  flu  and  COVID  19.  So  far  the  police  have  played,  and  in  the current situation have, a very important role in combating epidemics, but also in detecting various types of malversation.Recent events have indicated the need to pay as much attention as possible to the performance of security services. The first thing that was very important was how to protect police officers from possible infection, without diminishing the effects of their actions.  And  secondly,  how  to  reduce  the  need  to  use  extended  use  of  force  in  dealing  with  citizens  which  is  enabled  by  declaring  a  state  of  emergency.  For  these  reasons,  police  officers  have a very delicate task to ensure the safe and uninterrupted activities of citizens.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
T1  - Activities and tasks of the Serbian police in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases
SP  - 281
EP  - 290
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Milenković, Miloš",
year = "2020",
abstract = "There have been many epidemics of various infectious diseases in the history of the Republic  of  Serbia.  Starting  from  the  epidemics  of  plague  and  cholera  in  the  Middle  Ages,  to  the  appearance  of  smallpox,  swine  flu  and  COVID  19.  So  far  the  police  have  played,  and  in  the current situation have, a very important role in combating epidemics, but also in detecting various types of malversation.Recent events have indicated the need to pay as much attention as possible to the performance of security services. The first thing that was very important was how to protect police officers from possible infection, without diminishing the effects of their actions.  And  secondly,  how  to  reduce  the  need  to  use  extended  use  of  force  in  dealing  with  citizens  which  is  enabled  by  declaring  a  state  of  emergency.  For  these  reasons,  police  officers  have a very delicate task to ensure the safe and uninterrupted activities of citizens.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.",
title = "Activities and tasks of the Serbian police in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases",
pages = "281-290",
url = ""
Kekić, D.,& Milenković, M.. (2020). Activities and tasks of the Serbian police in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 281-290.
Kekić D, Milenković M. Activities and tasks of the Serbian police in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.. 2020;:281-290. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Milenković, Miloš, "Activities and tasks of the Serbian police in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020. (2020):281-290, .

New Architecture and Risks in Payment Card Operations

Čudan, Aleksandar; Nikolić, Đurica; Kekić, Dalibor

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2020)

AU  - Čudan, Aleksandar
AU  - Nikolić, Đurica
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Digitalization in all spheres of social life, widespread
distribution and numerouspossibilities of smart phones as well as
increasing amounts and scope of electronic contents and services lead
to the emergence of new expectations and new requirements of banks,
buyers and sellers, which refer to contemporary architecture of
payment card operations. Payments make integral part of business
operations regardless of whether we talk about traditional or on-line
business operations, and this is why it is necessary to find the best
manner to pay for goods or services using new technological and
communications solutions. The subject of research in this paper is the
analysis of characteristics of contemporary risks, development factors,
economic effects and distribution of payment cards within the system of
e-money, e-payment and e-banking, with a view to indicating the
possible positive economic consequences and necessity to innovate and
complete legal regulations in this area.
The paper uses both general and specific scientific methods and
procedures of logical conclusion, statistical, as well as positivist legal method. The manner of research includes the selection and application
of scientific methods, the selection of data and the scope of research.
AB  - Digitalizacija u svim sferama društvenog života,
velika rasprostranjenost i mogućnosti „pametnih“ telefona i sve veća
zastupljenost elektronskih sadržaja, usluga, dovodi do pojave novih
oĉekivanja i novih zahteva banaka, kupaca i prodavaca, koji se odnose
na savremenu arhitekturu poslovanja sa platnim karticama. Plaćanja
su sastavni deo poslovnih operacija, bez obzira da li se radi o
tradicionalnom ili onlajn poslovanju, te je iz tih razloga neophodno
pronaći najbolji naĉin da se plati za dobra ili uslugu uz korišćenje
novih tehnoloških i komunikacionih rešenja.
Predmet istraživanja u radu je analiza karakteristika
savremenih rizika, faktora razvoja, ekonomskih efekata i zastupljenosti
platnih kartica u sistemu elektronskog novca, plaćanja i elektronskog
bankarstva, sa ciljem da ukažemo na moguće pozitivne ekonomske
posledice i neophodnost inoviranja i upotpunjavanja zakonske
regulative u ovoj oblasti.
U radu su korišćene opšte kao i posebne nauĉne metode i postupci
logiĉnog zakljuĉivanja, statistiĉki, kao i pozitivistiĉki pravni metod.
Naĉin istraživanja sadrži: izbor i primenu nauĉnih metoda, izbor
podataka i obuhvat istraživanja.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - New Architecture and Risks in Payment Card Operations
T1  - Nova arhitektura i rizici u poslovanju sa platnim karticama
VL  - 62
IS  - 1
SP  - 121
EP  - 137
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2001121C
ER  - 
author = "Čudan, Aleksandar and Nikolić, Đurica and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Digitalization in all spheres of social life, widespread
distribution and numerouspossibilities of smart phones as well as
increasing amounts and scope of electronic contents and services lead
to the emergence of new expectations and new requirements of banks,
buyers and sellers, which refer to contemporary architecture of
payment card operations. Payments make integral part of business
operations regardless of whether we talk about traditional or on-line
business operations, and this is why it is necessary to find the best
manner to pay for goods or services using new technological and
communications solutions. The subject of research in this paper is the
analysis of characteristics of contemporary risks, development factors,
economic effects and distribution of payment cards within the system of
e-money, e-payment and e-banking, with a view to indicating the
possible positive economic consequences and necessity to innovate and
complete legal regulations in this area.
The paper uses both general and specific scientific methods and
procedures of logical conclusion, statistical, as well as positivist legal method. The manner of research includes the selection and application
of scientific methods, the selection of data and the scope of research., Digitalizacija u svim sferama društvenog života,
velika rasprostranjenost i mogućnosti „pametnih“ telefona i sve veća
zastupljenost elektronskih sadržaja, usluga, dovodi do pojave novih
oĉekivanja i novih zahteva banaka, kupaca i prodavaca, koji se odnose
na savremenu arhitekturu poslovanja sa platnim karticama. Plaćanja
su sastavni deo poslovnih operacija, bez obzira da li se radi o
tradicionalnom ili onlajn poslovanju, te je iz tih razloga neophodno
pronaći najbolji naĉin da se plati za dobra ili uslugu uz korišćenje
novih tehnoloških i komunikacionih rešenja.
Predmet istraživanja u radu je analiza karakteristika
savremenih rizika, faktora razvoja, ekonomskih efekata i zastupljenosti
platnih kartica u sistemu elektronskog novca, plaćanja i elektronskog
bankarstva, sa ciljem da ukažemo na moguće pozitivne ekonomske
posledice i neophodnost inoviranja i upotpunjavanja zakonske
regulative u ovoj oblasti.
U radu su korišćene opšte kao i posebne nauĉne metode i postupci
logiĉnog zakljuĉivanja, statistiĉki, kao i pozitivistiĉki pravni metod.
Naĉin istraživanja sadrži: izbor i primenu nauĉnih metoda, izbor
podataka i obuhvat istraživanja.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "New Architecture and Risks in Payment Card Operations, Nova arhitektura i rizici u poslovanju sa platnim karticama",
volume = "62",
number = "1",
pages = "121-137",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2001121C"
Čudan, A., Nikolić, Đ.,& Kekić, D.. (2020). New Architecture and Risks in Payment Card Operations. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 62(1), 121-137.
Čudan A, Nikolić Đ, Kekić D. New Architecture and Risks in Payment Card Operations. in Безбедност. 2020;62(1):121-137.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2001121C .
Čudan, Aleksandar, Nikolić, Đurica, Kekić, Dalibor, "New Architecture and Risks in Payment Card Operations" in Безбедност, 62, no. 1 (2020):121-137, . .

Use of the Kotter’s model in the quality audit of organizational changes of the MOI of Serbia

Kekić, Dalibor

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2019)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Recent changes in the organization of the Ministry of Interior, which occurred at the end of 2018, imposed a need to check their effectiveness and justification. Without considering the question of what the political set is in power, the satisfaction of employees must be taken into consideration
first and foremost. In particular, it must be borne in mind that, according to the data of some police unions, over 8,000 Interior Ministry employees have written complaints about new employment solutions. In order to check the quality of these changes, the Kotter’s change management model was used to make them successful. Thirty years of research by leadership researcher John Kotter have proven that 70% of all major change efforts in organizations fail. Following the 8 Step Process outlined by Kotter, organizations can avoid failure and become adept at change. By improving their ability to change, organizations can increase their chances of success, both today and in the future. Without this ability to adapt continuously, organizations cannot thrive. Based on the changes that have been made, it can be determined whether they have been cosmetic, transformational or transactional changes.
Or, maybe there were no changes.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
T1  - Use of the Kotter’s model in the quality audit of organizational changes of the MOI of Serbia
SP  - 85
EP  - 97
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Recent changes in the organization of the Ministry of Interior, which occurred at the end of 2018, imposed a need to check their effectiveness and justification. Without considering the question of what the political set is in power, the satisfaction of employees must be taken into consideration
first and foremost. In particular, it must be borne in mind that, according to the data of some police unions, over 8,000 Interior Ministry employees have written complaints about new employment solutions. In order to check the quality of these changes, the Kotter’s change management model was used to make them successful. Thirty years of research by leadership researcher John Kotter have proven that 70% of all major change efforts in organizations fail. Following the 8 Step Process outlined by Kotter, organizations can avoid failure and become adept at change. By improving their ability to change, organizations can increase their chances of success, both today and in the future. Without this ability to adapt continuously, organizations cannot thrive. Based on the changes that have been made, it can be determined whether they have been cosmetic, transformational or transactional changes.
Or, maybe there were no changes.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.",
title = "Use of the Kotter’s model in the quality audit of organizational changes of the MOI of Serbia",
pages = "85-97",
url = ""
Kekić, D.. (2019). Use of the Kotter’s model in the quality audit of organizational changes of the MOI of Serbia. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 85-97.
Kekić D. Use of the Kotter’s model in the quality audit of organizational changes of the MOI of Serbia. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.. 2019;:85-97. .
Kekić, Dalibor, "Use of the Kotter’s model in the quality audit of organizational changes of the MOI of Serbia" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019. (2019):85-97, .

Спортске активности у европским полицијама

Кекић, Далибор; Субошић, Дане; Стевановић, Обрад

(Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду, 2018)

AU  - Кекић, Далибор
AU  - Субошић, Дане
AU  - Стевановић, Обрад
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду
T2  - Европско законодавство
T1  - Спортске активности у европским полицијама
T1  - Sports activities in european police
VL  - 17
IS  - 65
SP  - 116
EP  - 124
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Кекић, Далибор and Субошић, Дане and Стевановић, Обрад",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду",
journal = "Европско законодавство",
title = "Спортске активности у европским полицијама, Sports activities in european police",
volume = "17",
number = "65",
pages = "116-124",
url = ""
Кекић, Д., Субошић, Д.,& Стевановић, О.. (2018). Спортске активности у европским полицијама. in Европско законодавство
Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду., 17(65), 116-124.
Кекић Д, Субошић Д, Стевановић О. Спортске активности у европским полицијама. in Европско законодавство. 2018;17(65):116-124. .
Кекић, Далибор, Субошић, Дане, Стевановић, Обрад, "Спортске активности у европским полицијама" in Европско законодавство, 17, no. 65 (2018):116-124, .

Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia

Kekić, Dalibor; Milenković, Miloš

(Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2018)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Milenković, Miloš
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Quality or quality management is an organizational segment in connection with emphasis placed on the goal of achieving higher productivity of different organizational systems. Organizations, both productive and serviceable, strive to achieve a higher level of quality in their business by implementing accepted standards. Besides, each business area recognizes the different standards that need to be applied, both at national and global level. During a complex process, from designing needed quality in order to have usable quality, the main goal to achieve is maximizing profit or to maximize number of satisfied users of services. The police organization in the Republic of Serbia, through its organizational units including police stations, aims at achieving the highest level of citizen security. Implementation of the concept of quality and quality management during police and other affairs within the police stations would serve as a useful tool for improving the work process. The practice shows that priority at the police stations in the Republic of Serbia is given to quantitative work results, without significant application of a qualitative approach. Adapted application of the quality management concept in the police stations in the Republic of Serbia would contribute to improving the working process from several aspects, such as greater efficiency and effectiveness, as well as a percentage increase in the satisfaction of citizens by the operation of employees in police stations. The implementation method would also imply the implementation of some of the applicable ISO standards in the field of security.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
T1  - Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia
SP  - 119
EP  - 128
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Milenković, Miloš",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Quality or quality management is an organizational segment in connection with emphasis placed on the goal of achieving higher productivity of different organizational systems. Organizations, both productive and serviceable, strive to achieve a higher level of quality in their business by implementing accepted standards. Besides, each business area recognizes the different standards that need to be applied, both at national and global level. During a complex process, from designing needed quality in order to have usable quality, the main goal to achieve is maximizing profit or to maximize number of satisfied users of services. The police organization in the Republic of Serbia, through its organizational units including police stations, aims at achieving the highest level of citizen security. Implementation of the concept of quality and quality management during police and other affairs within the police stations would serve as a useful tool for improving the work process. The practice shows that priority at the police stations in the Republic of Serbia is given to quantitative work results, without significant application of a qualitative approach. Adapted application of the quality management concept in the police stations in the Republic of Serbia would contribute to improving the working process from several aspects, such as greater efficiency and effectiveness, as well as a percentage increase in the satisfaction of citizens by the operation of employees in police stations. The implementation method would also imply the implementation of some of the applicable ISO standards in the field of security.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018",
title = "Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia",
pages = "119-128",
url = ""
Kekić, D.,& Milenković, M.. (2018). Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 119-128.
Kekić D, Milenković M. Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018. 2018;:119-128. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Milenković, Miloš, "Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018 (2018):119-128, .

Specific characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence

Stevanović, Obrad M.; Subošić, Dane; Kekić, Dalibor

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Stevanović, Obrad M.
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The current Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence basically regulates the organization, goals and manner of acting of competent state authorities and institutions in preventing this type of violence and in protecting victims and supporting victims of this violence in the Republic of Serbia. Experiences of competent police officers, prosecutors and judges acquired during their specialized training and nine-month practical implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, confirmed some of the specific characteristics, but also pointed out some problems in the implementation of the Law. Starting from this, the research whose results were presented in the work was aimed at identifying, systematizing and scientifically describing the characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence that are of particular importance for understanding its essence and for its effective and efficient implementation. The results of such directed research, as particularly important characteristics of this Law, have been identified in the paper as well: 1) targeted the Law on preventive action (prevention) and higher level of expertise of officials for the application of protection of victims of violence (protection), 2) formalization of the risk assessment procedure and pronouncement of urgent measures (processing), 3) the statutory law (competence) cooperation and coordination of activities between competent authorities and institutions in its implementation (integration). Such a conception of legal solutions, conditions have been created to overcome some of the previously expressed problems of preventing domestic violence. The most significant of these are: 1) the problem of 'dark figures' as a consequence of the absence of reporting and processing of domestic violence, 2) the problem of legal and security vacuum in the protection of victims, 3) the problem of insufficient competence and the lack of cooperation between providers of prevention of domestic violence and 4) the problem of overlap and / or gap in the structure of responsibility for the protection of victims of this violence.
AB  - Aktuelnim Zakonom o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici načelno su uređeni organizacija, ciljevi i način postupanja nadležnih državnih organa i ustanova u sprečavanju te vrste nasilja i u zaštiti žrtava i u podršci žrtvama tog nasilja u Republici Srbiji. Iskustva nadležnih policijskih službenika, javnih tužilaca i sudija stečena tokom njihove specijalizovane obuke i u njihovoj devetomesečnoj praksi sprovođenja Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, ukazala su na neke od specifičnih karakteristika tog Zakona. Polazeći od tih iskustava, istraživanje čiji su rezultati prezentovani u radu bilo je usmereno na to, da se identifikuju i sistematizuju karakteristike Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici koje su od posebnog značaja za razumevanje njegove suštine, a time i za njegovo efektivno i efikasno sprovođenje. Rezultatima tako usmerenog istraživanja prezentovanim u radu, kao posebno značajne karakteristike tog Zakona, opisane su: 1) težišna usmerenost Zakona na preventivno delovanje (prevencija) i na zaštitu žrtava nasilja (protekcija), 2) formalizacija postupka procene rizika i izricanja hitnih mera (procesuiranje), i 3) propisanost višeg nivoa stručnosti lica za vođenje postupka (kompetetnost) i obavezne koordinacije aktivnosti između nadležnih organa i ustanova u primeni Zakona (integracija).
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Specific characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence
T1  - Specifične karakateristike Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici
VL  - 52
IS  - 1
SP  - 153
EP  - 168
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns52-17106
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Obrad M. and Subošić, Dane and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The current Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence basically regulates the organization, goals and manner of acting of competent state authorities and institutions in preventing this type of violence and in protecting victims and supporting victims of this violence in the Republic of Serbia. Experiences of competent police officers, prosecutors and judges acquired during their specialized training and nine-month practical implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, confirmed some of the specific characteristics, but also pointed out some problems in the implementation of the Law. Starting from this, the research whose results were presented in the work was aimed at identifying, systematizing and scientifically describing the characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence that are of particular importance for understanding its essence and for its effective and efficient implementation. The results of such directed research, as particularly important characteristics of this Law, have been identified in the paper as well: 1) targeted the Law on preventive action (prevention) and higher level of expertise of officials for the application of protection of victims of violence (protection), 2) formalization of the risk assessment procedure and pronouncement of urgent measures (processing), 3) the statutory law (competence) cooperation and coordination of activities between competent authorities and institutions in its implementation (integration). Such a conception of legal solutions, conditions have been created to overcome some of the previously expressed problems of preventing domestic violence. The most significant of these are: 1) the problem of 'dark figures' as a consequence of the absence of reporting and processing of domestic violence, 2) the problem of legal and security vacuum in the protection of victims, 3) the problem of insufficient competence and the lack of cooperation between providers of prevention of domestic violence and 4) the problem of overlap and / or gap in the structure of responsibility for the protection of victims of this violence., Aktuelnim Zakonom o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici načelno su uređeni organizacija, ciljevi i način postupanja nadležnih državnih organa i ustanova u sprečavanju te vrste nasilja i u zaštiti žrtava i u podršci žrtvama tog nasilja u Republici Srbiji. Iskustva nadležnih policijskih službenika, javnih tužilaca i sudija stečena tokom njihove specijalizovane obuke i u njihovoj devetomesečnoj praksi sprovođenja Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, ukazala su na neke od specifičnih karakteristika tog Zakona. Polazeći od tih iskustava, istraživanje čiji su rezultati prezentovani u radu bilo je usmereno na to, da se identifikuju i sistematizuju karakteristike Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici koje su od posebnog značaja za razumevanje njegove suštine, a time i za njegovo efektivno i efikasno sprovođenje. Rezultatima tako usmerenog istraživanja prezentovanim u radu, kao posebno značajne karakteristike tog Zakona, opisane su: 1) težišna usmerenost Zakona na preventivno delovanje (prevencija) i na zaštitu žrtava nasilja (protekcija), 2) formalizacija postupka procene rizika i izricanja hitnih mera (procesuiranje), i 3) propisanost višeg nivoa stručnosti lica za vođenje postupka (kompetetnost) i obavezne koordinacije aktivnosti između nadležnih organa i ustanova u primeni Zakona (integracija).",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Specific characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, Specifične karakateristike Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici",
volume = "52",
number = "1",
pages = "153-168",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns52-17106"
Stevanović, O. M., Subošić, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2018). Specific characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 52(1), 153-168.
Stevanović OM, Subošić D, Kekić D. Specific characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2018;52(1):153-168.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns52-17106 .
Stevanović, Obrad M., Subošić, Dane, Kekić, Dalibor, "Specific characteristics of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 52, no. 1 (2018):153-168, . .

Distribution of management functions in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence

Stevanović, Obrad; Subošić, Dane; Kekić, Dalibor

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Stevanović, Obrad
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The current Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Republic of Serbia has been adopted with the aim to regulate organization and conduct of state bodies and institutions in a general and unique manner and enable in this way efficient prevention of domestic violence as well as provide urgent, timely and effective protection and support to victims of that violence. Starting from this point, the paper deals with the following question: are the contents of theoretically determined managerial functions in the police represented in the Law on Prevention of Domestic violence, to what extent and in what way? As the most important management contents that are represented in the Law, the results of such a focused research have been identified in the paper as well: 1) general goals and ways of preventing domestic violence; 2) bodies and institutions in charge of implementing the Law; 3) specialized training of police officers, and 4) general procedures and rules for mandatory coordination of activities between bodies and institutions in charge of implementing the Law. The most important contents of planning, organization, management and control, whose distribution in the Law by research is not indicated, despite the justified need for them to be distributed in the practice of applying the Law, refer to: 1) the application of appropriate scientific methods of forecasting; 2) the inclusion of the activities of preventing domestic violence into periodic police work plans; 3) standardization of the treatment and the working methods of police officers; 4) strengthening of their professional integrity; 5) their motivation for work; 6) and evaluating their work in preventing domestic violence.
AB  - Aktuelni Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici u Republici Srbiji donet je s ciljem da se njime na opšti i jedinstven način uredi organizacija i postupanje državnih organa i ustanova i da se time omoguće delotvorno sprečavanje nasilja u porodici i hitna, blagovremena i delotvorna zaštita i podrška žrtvama tog nasilja. Polazeći od toga, u radu se problematizuju pitanja da li su, u kom obimu i na koji način sadržaji teorijski utvrđenih funkcija rukovođenja u policiji zastupljeni u Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici. Rezultatima tako usmerenog istraživanja identifikovani su i u radu naučno opisani teorijski utvrđeni sadržaji planiranja, organizovanja, vođenja i kontrole: 1) koji su, eksplicitno ili implicitno, zastupljeni u aktuelnom Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici i 2) koji u Zakon nisu implementirani, a za čijom implementacijom u praksi sprečavanja nasilja u porodici postoji opravdana potreba.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Distribution of management functions in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence
T1  - Zastupljenost funkcija rukovođenja u Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici
VL  - 23
IS  - 2
SP  - 131
EP  - 146
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo23-16795
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Obrad and Subošić, Dane and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The current Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Republic of Serbia has been adopted with the aim to regulate organization and conduct of state bodies and institutions in a general and unique manner and enable in this way efficient prevention of domestic violence as well as provide urgent, timely and effective protection and support to victims of that violence. Starting from this point, the paper deals with the following question: are the contents of theoretically determined managerial functions in the police represented in the Law on Prevention of Domestic violence, to what extent and in what way? As the most important management contents that are represented in the Law, the results of such a focused research have been identified in the paper as well: 1) general goals and ways of preventing domestic violence; 2) bodies and institutions in charge of implementing the Law; 3) specialized training of police officers, and 4) general procedures and rules for mandatory coordination of activities between bodies and institutions in charge of implementing the Law. The most important contents of planning, organization, management and control, whose distribution in the Law by research is not indicated, despite the justified need for them to be distributed in the practice of applying the Law, refer to: 1) the application of appropriate scientific methods of forecasting; 2) the inclusion of the activities of preventing domestic violence into periodic police work plans; 3) standardization of the treatment and the working methods of police officers; 4) strengthening of their professional integrity; 5) their motivation for work; 6) and evaluating their work in preventing domestic violence., Aktuelni Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici u Republici Srbiji donet je s ciljem da se njime na opšti i jedinstven način uredi organizacija i postupanje državnih organa i ustanova i da se time omoguće delotvorno sprečavanje nasilja u porodici i hitna, blagovremena i delotvorna zaštita i podrška žrtvama tog nasilja. Polazeći od toga, u radu se problematizuju pitanja da li su, u kom obimu i na koji način sadržaji teorijski utvrđenih funkcija rukovođenja u policiji zastupljeni u Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici. Rezultatima tako usmerenog istraživanja identifikovani su i u radu naučno opisani teorijski utvrđeni sadržaji planiranja, organizovanja, vođenja i kontrole: 1) koji su, eksplicitno ili implicitno, zastupljeni u aktuelnom Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici i 2) koji u Zakon nisu implementirani, a za čijom implementacijom u praksi sprečavanja nasilja u porodici postoji opravdana potreba.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Distribution of management functions in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, Zastupljenost funkcija rukovođenja u Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici",
volume = "23",
number = "2",
pages = "131-146",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo23-16795"
Stevanović, O., Subošić, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2018). Distribution of management functions in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 23(2), 131-146.
Stevanović O, Subošić D, Kekić D. Distribution of management functions in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2018;23(2):131-146.
doi:10.5937/nabepo23-16795 .
Stevanović, Obrad, Subošić, Dane, Kekić, Dalibor, "Distribution of management functions in the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 23, no. 2 (2018):131-146, . .

Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja

Stevanović, Obrad; Subošić, Dane; Kekić, Dalibor

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2018)

AU  - Stevanović, Obrad
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Radi zadovoljavanja stalno rastućih potreba za specifičnim i ograničenim ljudskim znanjima i sposobnostima, većina savremenih policijskih organizacija uspostavila je i kontinuirano razvija odgovarajući sistem policijskog obrazovanja. Jedan od ključnih faktora kvaliteta i uspešnosti funkcionisanja tog sistema, svakako je i politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji. Polazeći od toga, rad je rezultat istraživanja u okviru kojeg su identifikovani, naučno opisani i objašnjeni ključni elementi sadržaja politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji i visok nivo mogućnosti njihovog uticaja na uspostavljanje i kvalitet funkcionisanja sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji. Kao najznačajniji među očekivanim pozitivnim efektima tog uticaja, istraživanjem su utvrđeni: 1) visok nivo usaglašenosti radnih profila zaposlenih u policiji i obrazovnih profila budućih zaposlenih koji se za potrebe policije obezbeđuju u sistemu policijskog obrazovanja i 2) visok nivo povezanosti tog sistema sa politikom zapošljavanja i karijernog razvoja zaposlenih u policiji. Rezultatima istraživanja je takođe utvrđeno da je, posredstvom tih efekata politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji, moguće značajno uticati i na viši nivo profesionalizacije policije, kao i na dugoročnu održivost i uspešnost sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja
VL  - 70
IS  - 4
SP  - 117
EP  - 128
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1804117S
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Obrad and Subošić, Dane and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Radi zadovoljavanja stalno rastućih potreba za specifičnim i ograničenim ljudskim znanjima i sposobnostima, većina savremenih policijskih organizacija uspostavila je i kontinuirano razvija odgovarajući sistem policijskog obrazovanja. Jedan od ključnih faktora kvaliteta i uspešnosti funkcionisanja tog sistema, svakako je i politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji. Polazeći od toga, rad je rezultat istraživanja u okviru kojeg su identifikovani, naučno opisani i objašnjeni ključni elementi sadržaja politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji i visok nivo mogućnosti njihovog uticaja na uspostavljanje i kvalitet funkcionisanja sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji. Kao najznačajniji među očekivanim pozitivnim efektima tog uticaja, istraživanjem su utvrđeni: 1) visok nivo usaglašenosti radnih profila zaposlenih u policiji i obrazovnih profila budućih zaposlenih koji se za potrebe policije obezbeđuju u sistemu policijskog obrazovanja i 2) visok nivo povezanosti tog sistema sa politikom zapošljavanja i karijernog razvoja zaposlenih u policiji. Rezultatima istraživanja je takođe utvrđeno da je, posredstvom tih efekata politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u policiji, moguće značajno uticati i na viši nivo profesionalizacije policije, kao i na dugoročnu održivost i uspešnost sistema policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja",
volume = "70",
number = "4",
pages = "117-128",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1804117S"
Stevanović, O., Subošić, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2018). Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 70(4), 117-128.
Stevanović O, Subošić D, Kekić D. Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja. in Vojno delo. 2018;70(4):117-128.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1804117S .
Stevanović, Obrad, Subošić, Dane, Kekić, Dalibor, "Politika upravljanja ljudskim resursima kao faktor sistema policijskog obrazovanja" in Vojno delo, 70, no. 4 (2018):117-128, . .

Регулисање сектора приватне безбедности у Европској унији

Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane; Milenković, Miloš

(Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду, 2017)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Milenković, Miloš
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This manuscript focuses on the inconsistency of harmonization in the field of the private security sector and security companies. Security companies are businesses that provide security services in the market. Until a few years ago, the services provided by these companies were considered as part of regular public affairs. Today, many of the businesses in the area of security are fully open to private security companies and regulated at the national level. However, in terms of the EU,
the private security sector cannot fully grow without synchronizing areas that would
facilitate cross-border competition in the European market. Possible intervention
by the European legislators to consider the issue of liability of private security
companies on issues of human rights, which has not been discussed at the national
or transnational basis. The article will explore some of the possible options for the
future in better regulation of the European private security sector. The EU institutions
are generally not willing to intervene at European level in setting minimum standards
for the regulation of private security. Accordingly, changes in the field of the EU
relating to security, legislation and private security industry means that the current
thinking and attitude may be a new understanding, which could be radicalized
thinking and consideration.
PB  - Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду
T2  - Eвропско законодавство
T1  - Регулисање сектора приватне безбедности у Европској унији
VL  - 16
IS  - 61-62
SP  - 345
EP  - 353
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane and Milenković, Miloš",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This manuscript focuses on the inconsistency of harmonization in the field of the private security sector and security companies. Security companies are businesses that provide security services in the market. Until a few years ago, the services provided by these companies were considered as part of regular public affairs. Today, many of the businesses in the area of security are fully open to private security companies and regulated at the national level. However, in terms of the EU,
the private security sector cannot fully grow without synchronizing areas that would
facilitate cross-border competition in the European market. Possible intervention
by the European legislators to consider the issue of liability of private security
companies on issues of human rights, which has not been discussed at the national
or transnational basis. The article will explore some of the possible options for the
future in better regulation of the European private security sector. The EU institutions
are generally not willing to intervene at European level in setting minimum standards
for the regulation of private security. Accordingly, changes in the field of the EU
relating to security, legislation and private security industry means that the current
thinking and attitude may be a new understanding, which could be radicalized
thinking and consideration.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду",
journal = "Eвропско законодавство",
title = "Регулисање сектора приватне безбедности у Европској унији",
volume = "16",
number = "61-62",
pages = "345-353",
url = ""
Kekić, D., Subošić, D.,& Milenković, M.. (2017). Регулисање сектора приватне безбедности у Европској унији. in Eвропско законодавство
Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду., 16(61-62), 345-353.
Kekić D, Subošić D, Milenković M. Регулисање сектора приватне безбедности у Европској унији. in Eвропско законодавство. 2017;16(61-62):345-353. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, Milenković, Miloš, "Регулисање сектора приватне безбедности у Европској унији" in Eвропско законодавство, 16, no. 61-62 (2017):345-353, .

Инклузија миграната кроз спортске активности у Европској унији

Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane; Stevanović, Obrad

(Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду, 2016)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Stevanović, Obrad
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Inclusion in society is one of the priorities of EU policy. The values in sport are related to equal opportunities and fair play, which are also the European values. Community building and the fight against xenophobia and racism are one of the basic values and benefits of sport, and thus it represents the potential for a significant contribution to the integration of migrants in the EU. Under-representation of migrants and their exclusion from leadership positions in sport, and the lack of progress of minorities in positions in sports clubs and associations is a public secret in European sport. Network inclusion through sport (Sport Inclusion Network – SPIN) is a project
designed to promote the inclusion and participation of ethnic minorities, migrants and other third-country nationals (including refugees) through sport across Europe. SPIN project gathers amalgam of experienced national key players in the field of combating intolerance and discrimination in sport, including the organization FairPlay-VIDC, the Italian аssociation ''Sport for All'' (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti – CSPI), the Football Association of Ireland – FAI, the ortuguese Union of professional players (SJPF), migrant human rights organization "Mahatma Gandhi" from Hungary, multicultural Finnish sports initiative “Liikkukaa” and the German Association “Camino”, which is professionally engaged in the research of sport and youth. As a result of the SPIN project, a guide to good practice was created, which represents a set of examples of how to incorporate migrants into and through sport. This guide aims to promote new ideas on how we need to do in terms of involvement in sport and to facilitate the exchange.
PB  - Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду
T2  - Eвропско законодавство
T1  - Инклузија миграната кроз спортске активности у Европској унији
VL  - 15
IS  - 56/57
SP  - 322
EP  - 331
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane and Stevanović, Obrad",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Inclusion in society is one of the priorities of EU policy. The values in sport are related to equal opportunities and fair play, which are also the European values. Community building and the fight against xenophobia and racism are one of the basic values and benefits of sport, and thus it represents the potential for a significant contribution to the integration of migrants in the EU. Under-representation of migrants and their exclusion from leadership positions in sport, and the lack of progress of minorities in positions in sports clubs and associations is a public secret in European sport. Network inclusion through sport (Sport Inclusion Network – SPIN) is a project
designed to promote the inclusion and participation of ethnic minorities, migrants and other third-country nationals (including refugees) through sport across Europe. SPIN project gathers amalgam of experienced national key players in the field of combating intolerance and discrimination in sport, including the organization FairPlay-VIDC, the Italian аssociation ''Sport for All'' (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti – CSPI), the Football Association of Ireland – FAI, the ortuguese Union of professional players (SJPF), migrant human rights organization "Mahatma Gandhi" from Hungary, multicultural Finnish sports initiative “Liikkukaa” and the German Association “Camino”, which is professionally engaged in the research of sport and youth. As a result of the SPIN project, a guide to good practice was created, which represents a set of examples of how to incorporate migrants into and through sport. This guide aims to promote new ideas on how we need to do in terms of involvement in sport and to facilitate the exchange.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду",
journal = "Eвропско законодавство",
title = "Инклузија миграната кроз спортске активности у Европској унији",
volume = "15",
number = "56/57",
pages = "322-331",
url = ""
Kekić, D., Subošić, D.,& Stevanović, O.. (2016). Инклузија миграната кроз спортске активности у Европској унији. in Eвропско законодавство
Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду., 15(56/57), 322-331.
Kekić D, Subošić D, Stevanović O. Инклузија миграната кроз спортске активности у Европској унији. in Eвропско законодавство. 2016;15(56/57):322-331. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, Stevanović, Obrad, "Инклузија миграната кроз спортске активности у Европској унији" in Eвропско законодавство, 15, no. 56/57 (2016):322-331, .

Borba protiv terorizma kao sadržaj pregovora Republike Srbije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji

Subošić, Dane; Kekić, Dalibor

(Beograd : Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Hanns Seidel stiftung, Kancelarija za Srbiju i za Crnu Goru, 2016)

AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2016
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Hanns Seidel stiftung, Kancelarija za Srbiju i za Crnu Goru
C3  - Srbija i Evropska unija : pripreme za pregovore o poglavljima 23 i 24 : tematski zbornik radova
T1  - Borba protiv terorizma kao sadržaj pregovora Republike Srbije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji
T1  - Fight against terrorism as content of Serbian negotiations on association to the European Union
SP  - 126
EP  - 143
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2016",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Hanns Seidel stiftung, Kancelarija za Srbiju i za Crnu Goru",
journal = "Srbija i Evropska unija : pripreme za pregovore o poglavljima 23 i 24 : tematski zbornik radova",
title = "Borba protiv terorizma kao sadržaj pregovora Republike Srbije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji, Fight against terrorism as content of Serbian negotiations on association to the European Union",
pages = "126-143",
url = ""
Subošić, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2016). Borba protiv terorizma kao sadržaj pregovora Republike Srbije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji. in Srbija i Evropska unija : pripreme za pregovore o poglavljima 23 i 24 : tematski zbornik radova
Beograd : Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Hanns Seidel stiftung, Kancelarija za Srbiju i za Crnu Goru., 126-143.
Subošić D, Kekić D. Borba protiv terorizma kao sadržaj pregovora Republike Srbije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji. in Srbija i Evropska unija : pripreme za pregovore o poglavljima 23 i 24 : tematski zbornik radova. 2016;:126-143. .
Subošić, Dane, Kekić, Dalibor, "Borba protiv terorizma kao sadržaj pregovora Republike Srbije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji" in Srbija i Evropska unija : pripreme za pregovore o poglavljima 23 i 24 : tematski zbornik radova (2016):126-143, .

The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events

Stevanović, Obrad; Kekić, Dalibor; Konya, Valentin; Milenković, Miloš

(Budapest Tech, Budapest, 2016)

AU  - Stevanović, Obrad
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Konya, Valentin
AU  - Milenković, Miloš
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This paper focuses on finding the most suitable number of fire-fighters who will be engaged on special events, such as concerts, sport tournaments, music events or similar events, while at the same time ensuring the number of fire-fighters in a particular fire station for each shift will be enough to ensure the overall social welfare of a community and remain at the lowest possible costs. Due to the risk of fire and other public welfare risks, it is often common fire-fighters are required to be engaged in special events with their duty primarily at those special event locations. Their main task certainly is to protect all people in a community and its assets by quick response in case of an emergency. Consequently, it remains necessary to provide a sufficient number of fire-fighters who will remain at the fire station so that they meet the standard requirements of them during each shift. In cases of temporary absences and permanent attrition in the fire-fighter workforce, sometimes commanders need to use overtime and hiring of additional fire-fighters to satisfy the needs of organizers of special events. In those situations, they also have to think about minimizing total staffing costs and budget restraints. This paper uses linear programming to develop a model for determining the optimal number of fire-fighters to have on staff during additional demands of special events still covering the standard emergency coverage within a community. Also, the aim of this paper is to present a model which will facilitate the decisions of commanders of fire stations when determining the number of fire-fighters required for ordinary and extraordinary activities.
PB  - Budapest Tech, Budapest
T2  - Acta polytechnica hungarica
T1  - The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events
VL  - 13
IS  - 5
SP  - 155
EP  - 167
DO  - 10.12700/APH.13.5.2016.5.9
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Obrad and Kekić, Dalibor and Konya, Valentin and Milenković, Miloš",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper focuses on finding the most suitable number of fire-fighters who will be engaged on special events, such as concerts, sport tournaments, music events or similar events, while at the same time ensuring the number of fire-fighters in a particular fire station for each shift will be enough to ensure the overall social welfare of a community and remain at the lowest possible costs. Due to the risk of fire and other public welfare risks, it is often common fire-fighters are required to be engaged in special events with their duty primarily at those special event locations. Their main task certainly is to protect all people in a community and its assets by quick response in case of an emergency. Consequently, it remains necessary to provide a sufficient number of fire-fighters who will remain at the fire station so that they meet the standard requirements of them during each shift. In cases of temporary absences and permanent attrition in the fire-fighter workforce, sometimes commanders need to use overtime and hiring of additional fire-fighters to satisfy the needs of organizers of special events. In those situations, they also have to think about minimizing total staffing costs and budget restraints. This paper uses linear programming to develop a model for determining the optimal number of fire-fighters to have on staff during additional demands of special events still covering the standard emergency coverage within a community. Also, the aim of this paper is to present a model which will facilitate the decisions of commanders of fire stations when determining the number of fire-fighters required for ordinary and extraordinary activities.",
publisher = "Budapest Tech, Budapest",
journal = "Acta polytechnica hungarica",
title = "The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events",
volume = "13",
number = "5",
pages = "155-167",
doi = "10.12700/APH.13.5.2016.5.9"
Stevanović, O., Kekić, D., Konya, V.,& Milenković, M.. (2016). The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events. in Acta polytechnica hungarica
Budapest Tech, Budapest., 13(5), 155-167.
Stevanović O, Kekić D, Konya V, Milenković M. The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events. in Acta polytechnica hungarica. 2016;13(5):155-167.
doi:10.12700/APH.13.5.2016.5.9 .
Stevanović, Obrad, Kekić, Dalibor, Konya, Valentin, Milenković, Miloš, "The Use of Linear Programming for Determining Number of Fire-Fighters on Shifts in Case of Special Events" in Acta polytechnica hungarica, 13, no. 5 (2016):155-167, . .

Correlation between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and the ethnic structure of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1999 NATO aggression

Stevanović, Obrad; Miladinović, Slobodan; Kekić, Dalibor

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2015)

AU  - Stevanović, Obrad
AU  - Miladinović, Slobodan
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - This paper explores the correlation of the number of used depleted uranium (DU) projectiles with the ethnic composition of the population in the municipalities (N=208) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), specifically the type, intensity, and reliability of the correlation and the time dynamics of the use of DU projectiles during the NATO aggression on FRY in 1999. Since the number of citizens and the share of Albanian and non-Albanian populations in the total population of the former FRY do not represent the homogenous characteristics of the observed area, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the level of correlation between the number of DU missiles and the population of Albanian and non-Albanian ethnic origin in the observed municipalities. The research yielded the results that indicate direct proportionality between the number of DU missiles and the number of Albanians (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) and inverse proportionality between the number of specified missiles and the number of non-Albanians (r = -0.320, p = 0.000003. The determined spatial distribution of DU projectile seriously and lastingly contaminated the living space of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and thus the area of temporary residence of NATO, UNMIK, and EULEX forces in this part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The results also revealed that, in the last eleven days of the aggression, NATO forces fired more than a half (54%) of all DU projectiles fired within FRY.
AB  - Radom se istražuje korelacija upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva po opštinama (N=208) bivše Savezne Republike Jugoslavije (SRJ), odnosno vrsta, intenzitet i pouzdanost te korelacije i vremenska dinamika upotrebe navedenih projektila tokom agresije NATO na SRJ, 1999. godine. S obzirom na to da zastupljenost stanovništva albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti u ukupnom broju stanovnika bivše SRJ, ne predstavljaju homogena obeležja posmatranog prostora, za utvrđivanje stepena povezanosti broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja stanovnika albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti po opštinama, korišćen je Spirmanov (Spearman) koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da postoji direktna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja Albanaca (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) i inverzna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja nealbanaca (r = - 0.320, r = 0.000003). Tako utvrđenom prostornom distribucijom projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom, pre svega je, ozbiljno i dugoročno, kontaminiran životni prostor Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji, a time i prostor privremenog boravka snaga NATO, UNMIK i EULEX, na tom delu teritorije Republike Srbije. Takođe, rezultatima sprovedenog istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su NATO snage, u poslednjih 11 dana agresije, upotrebile više od polovine (54%) od ukupnog broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom upotrebljenih tokom agresije na SRJ.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Teme
T1  - Correlation between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and the ethnic structure of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1999 NATO aggression
T1  - Korelacija upotrebljene municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva Savezne Republike Jugoslavije tokom agresije NATO 1999. godine
VL  - 39
IS  - 4
SP  - 1599
EP  - 1621
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Obrad and Miladinović, Slobodan and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2015",
abstract = "This paper explores the correlation of the number of used depleted uranium (DU) projectiles with the ethnic composition of the population in the municipalities (N=208) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), specifically the type, intensity, and reliability of the correlation and the time dynamics of the use of DU projectiles during the NATO aggression on FRY in 1999. Since the number of citizens and the share of Albanian and non-Albanian populations in the total population of the former FRY do not represent the homogenous characteristics of the observed area, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the level of correlation between the number of DU missiles and the population of Albanian and non-Albanian ethnic origin in the observed municipalities. The research yielded the results that indicate direct proportionality between the number of DU missiles and the number of Albanians (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) and inverse proportionality between the number of specified missiles and the number of non-Albanians (r = -0.320, p = 0.000003. The determined spatial distribution of DU projectile seriously and lastingly contaminated the living space of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and thus the area of temporary residence of NATO, UNMIK, and EULEX forces in this part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The results also revealed that, in the last eleven days of the aggression, NATO forces fired more than a half (54%) of all DU projectiles fired within FRY., Radom se istražuje korelacija upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva po opštinama (N=208) bivše Savezne Republike Jugoslavije (SRJ), odnosno vrsta, intenzitet i pouzdanost te korelacije i vremenska dinamika upotrebe navedenih projektila tokom agresije NATO na SRJ, 1999. godine. S obzirom na to da zastupljenost stanovništva albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti u ukupnom broju stanovnika bivše SRJ, ne predstavljaju homogena obeležja posmatranog prostora, za utvrđivanje stepena povezanosti broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja stanovnika albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti po opštinama, korišćen je Spirmanov (Spearman) koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da postoji direktna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja Albanaca (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) i inverzna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja nealbanaca (r = - 0.320, r = 0.000003). Tako utvrđenom prostornom distribucijom projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom, pre svega je, ozbiljno i dugoročno, kontaminiran životni prostor Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji, a time i prostor privremenog boravka snaga NATO, UNMIK i EULEX, na tom delu teritorije Republike Srbije. Takođe, rezultatima sprovedenog istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su NATO snage, u poslednjih 11 dana agresije, upotrebile više od polovine (54%) od ukupnog broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom upotrebljenih tokom agresije na SRJ.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Teme",
title = "Correlation between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and the ethnic structure of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1999 NATO aggression, Korelacija upotrebljene municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva Savezne Republike Jugoslavije tokom agresije NATO 1999. godine",
volume = "39",
number = "4",
pages = "1599-1621",
url = ""
Stevanović, O., Miladinović, S.,& Kekić, D.. (2015). Correlation between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and the ethnic structure of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1999 NATO aggression. in Teme
Univerzitet u Nišu., 39(4), 1599-1621.
Stevanović O, Miladinović S, Kekić D. Correlation between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and the ethnic structure of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1999 NATO aggression. in Teme. 2015;39(4):1599-1621. .
Stevanović, Obrad, Miladinović, Slobodan, Kekić, Dalibor, "Correlation between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and the ethnic structure of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the 1999 NATO aggression" in Teme, 39, no. 4 (2015):1599-1621, .

Hypsometric position and yield of aquifers under pressure in Danube region of Smederevo

Miladinović, Slobodan; Jaćimovski, Stevo; Kekić, Dalibor

(Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Miladinović, Slobodan
AU  - Jaćimovski, Stevo
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - In this study, we have analyzed the characteristics of deep aquifers that belong to hydrogeological area of Morava region, that is a part of Smederevo Danube region. Hydrogeological complex of Smederevo Danube region was developed in the sediments originated in Neogene. We have observed alternative rotations of hydrogeological collectors, composed of sandy and gravel sediments and hydrogeological insulatorsthat make clay creations. Based on the analysis of geological research, geophysical exploration and drilling for the need of water supply, we have tried to present a spatial position of the collectors, and dense aquifers formed in them. Mapping the dispersion of collectors and evaluating the yield of deep aquifers, it is possible to ascertain the possible usage of water under pressure. Aquifer under pressure is of sub-artesian and artesian character with the level of groundwater from +0.6 to -90 m. Exploitation yield of objects ranges over 5 l/s. Chemical analysis of groundwater from Pontic water-bearing sands, according to Alekin, shows that it belongs to the hydrocarbon-alkaline earth types of water whose mineralization is around 0.5 g/l. This means that this water is moderately hard and that it can be used for drinking. The waters of Pannonian layers belong to soft water, and in the deeper parts there is a possibility of increased mineralization.
AB  - U radu su obrađene karakteristike duboke izdani Smederevskog Podunavlja koje pripadaju moravskoj hidrogeološkoj oblasti. Hidrogeološki kompleks Smederevskog Podunavlja razvijen je u sedimentima neogene starosti. Zapaženo je naizmenično smenjivanje hidrogeoloških kolektora, sastavljenih od peskovitih i šljunkovitih sedimenata i hidrogeoloških izolatora koji čine glinovite tvorevine. Analizom dosadašnjih geoloških istraživanja, geofizičkih ispitivanja i bušenja za potrebe vodosnabdevanja pokušali smo da predstavimo prostorni položaj kolektora i zbijenih izdani formiranih u njima. Iz prikaza položaja kolektora i izdašnosti duboke izdani proističe i ocena mogućnosti korišćenja vode pod pritiskom. Izdan pod pritiskom je subarteskog i arteskog karaktera sa nivoom podzemnih voda od +0,6 do - 90 m. Eksploataciona izdašnost objekata se kreće i preko 5 l/s. Hemijske analize podzemnih voda iz pontijskih vodonosnih peskova po Alekinu pripadaju hidrokarbonatno-zemnoalkalnim tipovima vode, čija mineralizacija se kreće oko 0,5 g/l što znači da su umereno tvrde i mogu da se koriste za piće. Vode panonskih slojeva pripadaju mekim vodama, a u dubljim delovima postoji mogućnost povišene mineralizacije.
PB  - Geografski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T1  - Hypsometric position and yield of aquifers under pressure in Danube region of Smederevo
T1  - Hipsometrijski položaj i izdašnost izdani pod pritiskom u Smederevskom Podunavlju
IS  - 63
SP  - 43
EP  - 80
DO  - 10.5937/zrgfub1563043M
ER  - 
author = "Miladinović, Slobodan and Jaćimovski, Stevo and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In this study, we have analyzed the characteristics of deep aquifers that belong to hydrogeological area of Morava region, that is a part of Smederevo Danube region. Hydrogeological complex of Smederevo Danube region was developed in the sediments originated in Neogene. We have observed alternative rotations of hydrogeological collectors, composed of sandy and gravel sediments and hydrogeological insulatorsthat make clay creations. Based on the analysis of geological research, geophysical exploration and drilling for the need of water supply, we have tried to present a spatial position of the collectors, and dense aquifers formed in them. Mapping the dispersion of collectors and evaluating the yield of deep aquifers, it is possible to ascertain the possible usage of water under pressure. Aquifer under pressure is of sub-artesian and artesian character with the level of groundwater from +0.6 to -90 m. Exploitation yield of objects ranges over 5 l/s. Chemical analysis of groundwater from Pontic water-bearing sands, according to Alekin, shows that it belongs to the hydrocarbon-alkaline earth types of water whose mineralization is around 0.5 g/l. This means that this water is moderately hard and that it can be used for drinking. The waters of Pannonian layers belong to soft water, and in the deeper parts there is a possibility of increased mineralization., U radu su obrađene karakteristike duboke izdani Smederevskog Podunavlja koje pripadaju moravskoj hidrogeološkoj oblasti. Hidrogeološki kompleks Smederevskog Podunavlja razvijen je u sedimentima neogene starosti. Zapaženo je naizmenično smenjivanje hidrogeoloških kolektora, sastavljenih od peskovitih i šljunkovitih sedimenata i hidrogeoloških izolatora koji čine glinovite tvorevine. Analizom dosadašnjih geoloških istraživanja, geofizičkih ispitivanja i bušenja za potrebe vodosnabdevanja pokušali smo da predstavimo prostorni položaj kolektora i zbijenih izdani formiranih u njima. Iz prikaza položaja kolektora i izdašnosti duboke izdani proističe i ocena mogućnosti korišćenja vode pod pritiskom. Izdan pod pritiskom je subarteskog i arteskog karaktera sa nivoom podzemnih voda od +0,6 do - 90 m. Eksploataciona izdašnost objekata se kreće i preko 5 l/s. Hemijske analize podzemnih voda iz pontijskih vodonosnih peskova po Alekinu pripadaju hidrokarbonatno-zemnoalkalnim tipovima vode, čija mineralizacija se kreće oko 0,5 g/l što znači da su umereno tvrde i mogu da se koriste za piće. Vode panonskih slojeva pripadaju mekim vodama, a u dubljim delovima postoji mogućnost povišene mineralizacije.",
publisher = "Geografski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
title = "Hypsometric position and yield of aquifers under pressure in Danube region of Smederevo, Hipsometrijski položaj i izdašnost izdani pod pritiskom u Smederevskom Podunavlju",
number = "63",
pages = "43-80",
doi = "10.5937/zrgfub1563043M"
Miladinović, S., Jaćimovski, S.,& Kekić, D.. (2015). Hypsometric position and yield of aquifers under pressure in Danube region of Smederevo. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Geografski fakultet, Beograd.(63), 43-80.
Miladinović S, Jaćimovski S, Kekić D. Hypsometric position and yield of aquifers under pressure in Danube region of Smederevo. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. 2015;(63):43-80.
doi:10.5937/zrgfub1563043M .
Miladinović, Slobodan, Jaćimovski, Stevo, Kekić, Dalibor, "Hypsometric position and yield of aquifers under pressure in Danube region of Smederevo" in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, no. 63 (2015):43-80, . .

Волонтирање у области спорта у ЕУ

Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane

(Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду, 2015)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - In EU countries, it is possible to distinguish between the two forms of volunteeringdepending on whether the volunteer is or is not a member of the organization inwhich volunteers. The first form is called a “mutually beneficial volunteering” asopposed to the other, which is called the “publicly useful volunteering.” Situationin each Member State is different and all forms of volunteering, the term “voluntaryactivities” refers to all types of voluntary activities, whether formal, non-formal orinformal which are undertaken of a person’s own free will, choice and motivation,and is without concern for financial gain. They benefit the individual volunteer,communities and society as a whole. They are also an instrument for individualsand associations to address human, social, intergenerational or environmental needsand concerns, and are often carried out in support of a non-profit organization orcommunity-based initiative. The European Year of Volunteering, 2011, which aimedat promoting the social and economic impact of volunteering by creating a favorableenvironment and conditions conducive to volunteering in the EU. The Europeansports model would be unable to exist and could not be justified without the supportof millions of volunteers. Difficulties faced by the European Union in trying toharmonize this sector: sporting matters still fall within the competence of MemberStates and the European volunteer scene remains extremely varied because of thehistorical, political and cultural attitudes of each European country. EU Sport Directors Meeting in Prague, on April 28-29, 2009 emphasized that the specificcharacteristics of sport mentioned in the Lisbon Treaty should be defined in moredetail and also concentrates on the specificity of the voluntary non-profit sportsmovement.
PB  - Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду
T2  - Eвропско законодавство
T1  - Волонтирање у области спорта у ЕУ
VL  - 14
IS  - 51
SP  - 308
EP  - 317
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In EU countries, it is possible to distinguish between the two forms of volunteeringdepending on whether the volunteer is or is not a member of the organization inwhich volunteers. The first form is called a “mutually beneficial volunteering” asopposed to the other, which is called the “publicly useful volunteering.” Situationin each Member State is different and all forms of volunteering, the term “voluntaryactivities” refers to all types of voluntary activities, whether formal, non-formal orinformal which are undertaken of a person’s own free will, choice and motivation,and is without concern for financial gain. They benefit the individual volunteer,communities and society as a whole. They are also an instrument for individualsand associations to address human, social, intergenerational or environmental needsand concerns, and are often carried out in support of a non-profit organization orcommunity-based initiative. The European Year of Volunteering, 2011, which aimedat promoting the social and economic impact of volunteering by creating a favorableenvironment and conditions conducive to volunteering in the EU. The Europeansports model would be unable to exist and could not be justified without the supportof millions of volunteers. Difficulties faced by the European Union in trying toharmonize this sector: sporting matters still fall within the competence of MemberStates and the European volunteer scene remains extremely varied because of thehistorical, political and cultural attitudes of each European country. EU Sport Directors Meeting in Prague, on April 28-29, 2009 emphasized that the specificcharacteristics of sport mentioned in the Lisbon Treaty should be defined in moredetail and also concentrates on the specificity of the voluntary non-profit sportsmovement.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду",
journal = "Eвропско законодавство",
title = "Волонтирање у области спорта у ЕУ",
volume = "14",
number = "51",
pages = "308-317",
url = ""
Kekić, D.,& Subošić, D.. (2015). Волонтирање у области спорта у ЕУ. in Eвропско законодавство
Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду., 14(51), 308-317.
Kekić D, Subošić D. Волонтирање у области спорта у ЕУ. in Eвропско законодавство. 2015;14(51):308-317. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, "Волонтирање у области спорта у ЕУ" in Eвропско законодавство, 14, no. 51 (2015):308-317, .

Образовање и стручно оспособљавање и усавршавање спортских радника у Европској унији

Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane

(Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду, 2015)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Athletes often face challenges to combine their sporting career with education or work. The aim to succeed at the highest level of a sport demands intensive training and competitions at home and abroad, which can be difficult to reconcile with the challenges and restrictions in the educational system and the labour market. Not only high levels of motivation, commitment, resilience and responsibility from the athlete, but also special arrangements are needed to avoid the situation where talented and elite sportspeople are forced to choose between education and sport or work and sport. Such “dual career“ arrangements should be beneficial for athletes’ sporting careers, allow for education or work, promote the attainment of a new career after the sporting career, and protect and safeguard the position of athletes. Dual career arrangements are relatively recent in the majority of Member States and sports. In Member States where these arrangements have been developed for some time, they sometimes lack solid agreements between the sport system and either the educational sector or the labour market. They may also lack a legal framework or a sustainable governmental policy. Guidance could be helpful to develop and improve the conditions needed for sustainable dual career programmes allowing for tailor-made arrangements for talented and elite athletes throughout Europe, either in their position as a student-athlete or employee-athlete.
PB  - Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду
T2  - Eвропско законодавство
T1  - Образовање и стручно оспособљавање и усавршавање спортских радника у Европској унији
VL  - 14
IS  - 54
SP  - 344
EP  - 353
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Athletes often face challenges to combine their sporting career with education or work. The aim to succeed at the highest level of a sport demands intensive training and competitions at home and abroad, which can be difficult to reconcile with the challenges and restrictions in the educational system and the labour market. Not only high levels of motivation, commitment, resilience and responsibility from the athlete, but also special arrangements are needed to avoid the situation where talented and elite sportspeople are forced to choose between education and sport or work and sport. Such “dual career“ arrangements should be beneficial for athletes’ sporting careers, allow for education or work, promote the attainment of a new career after the sporting career, and protect and safeguard the position of athletes. Dual career arrangements are relatively recent in the majority of Member States and sports. In Member States where these arrangements have been developed for some time, they sometimes lack solid agreements between the sport system and either the educational sector or the labour market. They may also lack a legal framework or a sustainable governmental policy. Guidance could be helpful to develop and improve the conditions needed for sustainable dual career programmes allowing for tailor-made arrangements for talented and elite athletes throughout Europe, either in their position as a student-athlete or employee-athlete.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду",
journal = "Eвропско законодавство",
title = "Образовање и стручно оспособљавање и усавршавање спортских радника у Европској унији",
volume = "14",
number = "54",
pages = "344-353",
url = ""
Kekić, D.,& Subošić, D.. (2015). Образовање и стручно оспособљавање и усавршавање спортских радника у Европској унији. in Eвропско законодавство
Београд : Институт за међународну политику и привреду., 14(54), 344-353.
Kekić D, Subošić D. Образовање и стручно оспособљавање и усавршавање спортских радника у Европској унији. in Eвропско законодавство. 2015;14(54):344-353. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, "Образовање и стручно оспособљавање и усавршавање спортских радника у Европској унији" in Eвропско законодавство, 14, no. 54 (2015):344-353, .

Utjecaj poplava na kvalitetu života građana Hrvatske i Srbije : pola stoljeća poslije

Milenković, Miloš; Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane

(Velika Gorica : Veleučilište Velika Gorica, 2015)

AU  - Milenković, Miloš
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Poplave su na teritorijama Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije relativno česta pojava. Pre pola stoleća, tačnije 1964. godine dogodile su se velike poplave na teritoriji tadašnje SR Hrvatske, kada se izlila reka Sava i naredne godine u SR Srbiji, kada su se izlili Dunav i Tisa. Prošle godine (2014. godine), dogodile su se poplave u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, kada je nekoliko desetina građana izgubilo svoje živote. Autori će pokušati u radu da kvantitativnom analizom utvrde nivo kvaliteta života građana ovih dveju država u razmaku od 50 godina i uticaj poplava na kvalitet života građana, nivo nastale štete, gubitak života i druge varijable koje su od značaja za utvrđivanje odnosa kvaliteta života i kvantiteta nastale štete. Kvalitet života biće prikazan pomoću kvantitativnih pokazatelja, kao što je npr. BND per capita.
AB  - Floods on the territories of Croatia and Serbia are relatively common. Half a century ago, more precisely in 1964, there was massive fl ooding on the territory of the former Socialist Republic of Croatia, when the Sava River spilled and the next year in SR Serbia, when the rivers Danube and Tisa spilled. Last year (2014) there were floods in Croatia and Serbia, where several dozen people lost their lives. This paper will try by quantitative analysis to determine the level of the quality of life of the citizens of these two countries in the span of 50 years and the impact of fl oods on the quality of life of the citizens, the level of the damage, loss of lives and other variables that are important for determining the relationship of quality of life and quantity of the resulting damage. The quality of life will be shown by quantitative indicators, such as e.g. GNP per capita.
PB  - Velika Gorica : Veleučilište Velika Gorica
C3  - Dani kriznog upravljanja : zbornik radova : 8. međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija, 14. i 15. svibanj 2015., Velika Gorica, Hrvatska = Crisis management days : book of papers : 8th international conference, 14. i 15. May 2015, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2015)
T1  - Utjecaj poplava na kvalitetu života građana Hrvatske i Srbije : pola stoljeća poslije
T1  - Impact of floods on the quality of life of Croatian and Serbian citizens : half a century after
SP  - 799
EP  - 812
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milenković, Miloš and Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Poplave su na teritorijama Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije relativno česta pojava. Pre pola stoleća, tačnije 1964. godine dogodile su se velike poplave na teritoriji tadašnje SR Hrvatske, kada se izlila reka Sava i naredne godine u SR Srbiji, kada su se izlili Dunav i Tisa. Prošle godine (2014. godine), dogodile su se poplave u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, kada je nekoliko desetina građana izgubilo svoje živote. Autori će pokušati u radu da kvantitativnom analizom utvrde nivo kvaliteta života građana ovih dveju država u razmaku od 50 godina i uticaj poplava na kvalitet života građana, nivo nastale štete, gubitak života i druge varijable koje su od značaja za utvrđivanje odnosa kvaliteta života i kvantiteta nastale štete. Kvalitet života biće prikazan pomoću kvantitativnih pokazatelja, kao što je npr. BND per capita., Floods on the territories of Croatia and Serbia are relatively common. Half a century ago, more precisely in 1964, there was massive fl ooding on the territory of the former Socialist Republic of Croatia, when the Sava River spilled and the next year in SR Serbia, when the rivers Danube and Tisa spilled. Last year (2014) there were floods in Croatia and Serbia, where several dozen people lost their lives. This paper will try by quantitative analysis to determine the level of the quality of life of the citizens of these two countries in the span of 50 years and the impact of fl oods on the quality of life of the citizens, the level of the damage, loss of lives and other variables that are important for determining the relationship of quality of life and quantity of the resulting damage. The quality of life will be shown by quantitative indicators, such as e.g. GNP per capita.",
publisher = "Velika Gorica : Veleučilište Velika Gorica",
journal = "Dani kriznog upravljanja : zbornik radova : 8. međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija, 14. i 15. svibanj 2015., Velika Gorica, Hrvatska = Crisis management days : book of papers : 8th international conference, 14. i 15. May 2015, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2015)",
title = "Utjecaj poplava na kvalitetu života građana Hrvatske i Srbije : pola stoljeća poslije, Impact of floods on the quality of life of Croatian and Serbian citizens : half a century after",
pages = "799-812",
url = ""
Milenković, M., Kekić, D.,& Subošić, D.. (2015). Utjecaj poplava na kvalitetu života građana Hrvatske i Srbije : pola stoljeća poslije. in Dani kriznog upravljanja : zbornik radova : 8. međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija, 14. i 15. svibanj 2015., Velika Gorica, Hrvatska = Crisis management days : book of papers : 8th international conference, 14. i 15. May 2015, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2015)
Velika Gorica : Veleučilište Velika Gorica., 799-812.
Milenković M, Kekić D, Subošić D. Utjecaj poplava na kvalitetu života građana Hrvatske i Srbije : pola stoljeća poslije. in Dani kriznog upravljanja : zbornik radova : 8. međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija, 14. i 15. svibanj 2015., Velika Gorica, Hrvatska = Crisis management days : book of papers : 8th international conference, 14. i 15. May 2015, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2015). 2015;:799-812. .
Milenković, Miloš, Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, "Utjecaj poplava na kvalitetu života građana Hrvatske i Srbije : pola stoljeća poslije" in Dani kriznog upravljanja : zbornik radova : 8. međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija, 14. i 15. svibanj 2015., Velika Gorica, Hrvatska = Crisis management days : book of papers : 8th international conference, 14. i 15. May 2015, Velika Gorica, Croatia (2015) (2015):799-812, .

Influence of impact munition on police units engagement costs

Subošić, Dane; Mihić, M.M.; Kekić, Dalibor


AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Mihić, M.M.
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The paper offers a comparative analysisof alternatives in performing police operations, which differ from each other iby the desision to implement impact munitions or not. The criteria used for the evaluation of the alternatives validity are the basic economic indices: effectiveness, cost, efficiency, time minimisation and reliability in achieving the optimisation. With the method of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the options of police operations are compared separately by the stated criteria. It was concluded that the alternative which anticipates the use of impact munitions during the police operations proved to be economically more valid
T2  - Actual Problems of Economics
T1  - Influence of impact munition on police units engagement costs
VL  - 151
IS  - 1
SP  - 453
EP  - 461
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Mihić, M.M. and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The paper offers a comparative analysisof alternatives in performing police operations, which differ from each other iby the desision to implement impact munitions or not. The criteria used for the evaluation of the alternatives validity are the basic economic indices: effectiveness, cost, efficiency, time minimisation and reliability in achieving the optimisation. With the method of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the options of police operations are compared separately by the stated criteria. It was concluded that the alternative which anticipates the use of impact munitions during the police operations proved to be economically more valid",
journal = "Actual Problems of Economics",
title = "Influence of impact munition on police units engagement costs",
volume = "151",
number = "1",
pages = "453-461",
url = ""
Subošić, D., Mihić, M.M.,& Kekić, D.. (2014). Influence of impact munition on police units engagement costs. in Actual Problems of Economics, 151(1), 453-461.
Subošić D, Mihić M, Kekić D. Influence of impact munition on police units engagement costs. in Actual Problems of Economics. 2014;151(1):453-461. .
Subošić, Dane, Mihić, M.M., Kekić, Dalibor, "Influence of impact munition on police units engagement costs" in Actual Problems of Economics, 151, no. 1 (2014):453-461, .

Samovrednovanje studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o uticaju terenske obuke na postignuća iz policijske topografije

Milojković, Boban; Subošić, Dane; Kekić, Dalibor

(Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, 2014)

AU  - Milojković, Boban
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2014
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
C3  - Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2014.
T1  - Samovrednovanje studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o uticaju terenske obuke na postignuća iz policijske topografije
T1  - Self-evaluation of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies about the impact of field training on  achievements in police topography
SP  - 44
EP  - 45
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milojković, Boban and Subošić, Dane and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2014",
publisher = "Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education",
journal = "Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2014.",
title = "Samovrednovanje studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o uticaju terenske obuke na postignuća iz policijske topografije, Self-evaluation of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies about the impact of field training on  achievements in police topography",
pages = "44-45",
url = ""
Milojković, B., Subošić, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2014). Samovrednovanje studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o uticaju terenske obuke na postignuća iz policijske topografije. in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2014.
Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja = Faculty of Sport and Physical Education., 44-45.
Milojković B, Subošić D, Kekić D. Samovrednovanje studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o uticaju terenske obuke na postignuća iz policijske topografije. in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2014.. 2014;:44-45. .
Milojković, Boban, Subošić, Dane, Kekić, Dalibor, "Samovrednovanje studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o uticaju terenske obuke na postignuća iz policijske topografije" in Zbornik sažetaka / Međunarodna naučna konferencija Efekti primene fizičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslih, Beograd, 11-12. decembar 2014. (2014):44-45, .

Bezbednost i zdravlje sportista u Republici Srbiji

Kekić, Dalibor; Subošić, Dane

(Beograd : Udruženje pravnika Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Subošić, Dane
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Sports activities are necessary for personal development and for maintaining good health,
promotion of physical characteristics, greater personal satisfaction, better and more effective use
of leisure time and bonuses quality of life. In recent years, Serbia has made significant progress in
the direction of regulation primarily health, and then the safety of athletes. A new Law on Sports,
Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events, Rules on Determining Medical Fitness to Athletes Performing Sports Activities and Participation in Sporting Events, and many other regulations. They brought some novelties in the regulation of health and safety of athletes, but many questions remain unregulated. Perhaps what is needed is to make a uniform law on the safety and health of athletes. It is especially important to bring the law to sports that were once practiced in this region, which is known to exist for several decades, even centuries, include in the register of cultural heritage, and those who cherish such a cultural treasure that somehow be privileged.
PB  - Beograd : Udruženje pravnika Srbije
T2  - Pravni život : časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu
T1  - Bezbednost i zdravlje sportista u Republici Srbiji
T1  - Health and safety of athletes in Serbia
VL  - 63, knj. 571
IS  - 9
SP  - 561
EP  - 571
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Subošić, Dane",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Sports activities are necessary for personal development and for maintaining good health,
promotion of physical characteristics, greater personal satisfaction, better and more effective use
of leisure time and bonuses quality of life. In recent years, Serbia has made significant progress in
the direction of regulation primarily health, and then the safety of athletes. A new Law on Sports,
Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events, Rules on Determining Medical Fitness to Athletes Performing Sports Activities and Participation in Sporting Events, and many other regulations. They brought some novelties in the regulation of health and safety of athletes, but many questions remain unregulated. Perhaps what is needed is to make a uniform law on the safety and health of athletes. It is especially important to bring the law to sports that were once practiced in this region, which is known to exist for several decades, even centuries, include in the register of cultural heritage, and those who cherish such a cultural treasure that somehow be privileged.",
publisher = "Beograd : Udruženje pravnika Srbije",
journal = "Pravni život : časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu",
title = "Bezbednost i zdravlje sportista u Republici Srbiji, Health and safety of athletes in Serbia",
volume = "63, knj. 571",
number = "9",
pages = "561-571",
url = ""
Kekić, D.,& Subošić, D.. (2014). Bezbednost i zdravlje sportista u Republici Srbiji. in Pravni život : časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu
Beograd : Udruženje pravnika Srbije., 63, knj. 571(9), 561-571.
Kekić D, Subošić D. Bezbednost i zdravlje sportista u Republici Srbiji. in Pravni život : časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu. 2014;63, knj. 571(9):561-571. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Subošić, Dane, "Bezbednost i zdravlje sportista u Republici Srbiji" in Pravni život : časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu, 63, knj. 571, no. 9 (2014):561-571, .

Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study

Đorđević-Nikić, Marina; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Rakić, Slađana; Subošić, Dane; Prebeg, Goran; Macura, Marija; Mlađan, Dragan; Kekić, Dalibor

(Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Đorđević-Nikić, Marina
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Rakić, Slađana
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Prebeg, Goran
AU  - Macura, Marija
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to define the actual model of body composition status of working age women in the territory of Belgrade. The sample comprised 109 women respondents, of an average age of 35.2±9.5 and the length of service = 9.6±9.3 years. All measurements were performed in the period from 2011-2012 in the Teaching -research laboratory of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, by applying standardized procedure of electrical multichannel bioimpedance method. The researched encompassed twenty-two (22) variables - fourteen basic (14) and eight (8) derived (index) variables. Basic variables were: BH - body height, BM - body mass, ICF - intracellular fluid, ECW - extracellular fluid, TBW - total body fluids, Proteins, Minerals, BMC (Osseous) - bone mineral contents, BFM - total body fat mass, SMM - skeletal muscle mass, VFA - visceral fat area, BCM - body cell mass, BMR - basal metabolic rate, FIS - fitness score as assessment of body composition. The derived (index) variables were: BMI - body mass index, PBF% - percent of body fat, PBW - percent of body water, PFI - protein fat index, PSMM - percent of skeletal muscle mass, SMMD - skeletal muscle mass density, OBMi - Osseous-body mass index, PBMi - protein body mass index. The results showed that the average body mass of the respondents was 67.66±13.39 kg, body height 167.04±6.62 cm, body mass index 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, muscle mass 26.55±4.46 kg, muscle mass percentage 29.09±8.47, body fat mass 20.52±9.74 kg, body fat percentage 29.09±8.47, visceral fat area was 77.92±40.23 cm2 and fitness score 73.23±6.75 of index points. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the current morphological status of the studied women partially corresponds to a type of normal weight. BMI and the representation of body fat had nearly limiting values towards obesity. A very high percentage of women was recorded in the category of pre-obese and obese according to BMI (40%) and PSMM (36%). Based on the results of this study, it can be claimed that the four-dimensional model (4D model) of body composition of working-age women from the measured sample has the following characteristics: in women of average body mass of 67.66 kg - water content is 34.58 L or 51.11%, protein mass is 9.25 kg or 13.68%, mineral mass is 3.30 kg or 4.88% and fat mass is 20.25 kg or 30.32%.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio definisanje aktuelnog modela stanja telesnog sastava radno aktivnih žena sa teritorije Beograda. Uzorak je bio sastavljen od 109 ispitanica, prosečnog uzrasta 35.2±9.5 godina i radnog staža = 9.6±9.3 godina. Sva merenja su izvršena u periodu 2011-2012. godine u Motoričko-istraživačkoj laboratoriji Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, primenom standardizovane procedure, metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno dvadeset dve (22) varijable - četrnaest osnovnih (14) i osam (8) izvedenih (indeksnih) varijabli. Osnovne varijable su bile: TV - telesna visina, TM - telesna masa, ICT - intra celularna tečnost, ECT - ekstra celularna tečnost, TBV - ukupna količina tečnosti u organizmu, Proteini, Minerali, MMK - masa minerala iz sadržaja kostiju, MTM - ukupna masa telesne masti, SMM - masa skeletnih mišića, VFA - površina visceralnih masti, BCM - masa živih ćelija u organizmu, BMR - vrednost bazalnog metabolizma, FIS - fitnes skor kao ocena telesnog sastava. Izvedene (indeksne) varijable su bile: BMI - indeks mase tela, PTM - procenat masti u telu, PVT - procenat vode u telu, PMI - proteinsko masni indeks, PSM - mišićni indeks, IGM - indeks gustine mišića, KTI - koštano-telesni indeks, PTI - proteinsko telesni indeks. Rezultati su pokazali da prosečna telesna masa ispitanica iznosi 67.66±13.39 kg, telesna visina 167.04±6.62 cm, indeks mase tela 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, masa mišićnog tkiva 26.55±4.46 kg, procenat mišićne mase 29.09±8.47, masa telesne masti 20.52±9.74 kg,, procenat masti u telu 29.09±8.47, površina visceralne masti je 77.92±40.23 cm2, fitnes skor 73.23±6.75 indeksnih bodova. Iz dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da aktuelni morfološki status ispitivanih žena delimično odgovara normalno uhranjenom tipu. BMI i zastupljenost telesnih masti su imali gotovo granične vrednosti, prema gojaznosti. Zabeležen je vrlo visok procenat žena u kategoriji predgojaznih i gojaznih prema BMI (40%) i PSM (36%).
PB  - Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd
T2  - Fizička kultura
T1  - Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study
T1  - Morfološki model populacije radno aktivnih žena Beograda meren metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance - pilot istraživanje
VL  - 67
IS  - 2
SP  - 103
EP  - 112
DO  - 10.5937/fizkul1302103D
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević-Nikić, Marina and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Rakić, Slađana and Subošić, Dane and Prebeg, Goran and Macura, Marija and Mlađan, Dragan and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to define the actual model of body composition status of working age women in the territory of Belgrade. The sample comprised 109 women respondents, of an average age of 35.2±9.5 and the length of service = 9.6±9.3 years. All measurements were performed in the period from 2011-2012 in the Teaching -research laboratory of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, by applying standardized procedure of electrical multichannel bioimpedance method. The researched encompassed twenty-two (22) variables - fourteen basic (14) and eight (8) derived (index) variables. Basic variables were: BH - body height, BM - body mass, ICF - intracellular fluid, ECW - extracellular fluid, TBW - total body fluids, Proteins, Minerals, BMC (Osseous) - bone mineral contents, BFM - total body fat mass, SMM - skeletal muscle mass, VFA - visceral fat area, BCM - body cell mass, BMR - basal metabolic rate, FIS - fitness score as assessment of body composition. The derived (index) variables were: BMI - body mass index, PBF% - percent of body fat, PBW - percent of body water, PFI - protein fat index, PSMM - percent of skeletal muscle mass, SMMD - skeletal muscle mass density, OBMi - Osseous-body mass index, PBMi - protein body mass index. The results showed that the average body mass of the respondents was 67.66±13.39 kg, body height 167.04±6.62 cm, body mass index 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, muscle mass 26.55±4.46 kg, muscle mass percentage 29.09±8.47, body fat mass 20.52±9.74 kg, body fat percentage 29.09±8.47, visceral fat area was 77.92±40.23 cm2 and fitness score 73.23±6.75 of index points. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the current morphological status of the studied women partially corresponds to a type of normal weight. BMI and the representation of body fat had nearly limiting values towards obesity. A very high percentage of women was recorded in the category of pre-obese and obese according to BMI (40%) and PSMM (36%). Based on the results of this study, it can be claimed that the four-dimensional model (4D model) of body composition of working-age women from the measured sample has the following characteristics: in women of average body mass of 67.66 kg - water content is 34.58 L or 51.11%, protein mass is 9.25 kg or 13.68%, mineral mass is 3.30 kg or 4.88% and fat mass is 20.25 kg or 30.32%., Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio definisanje aktuelnog modela stanja telesnog sastava radno aktivnih žena sa teritorije Beograda. Uzorak je bio sastavljen od 109 ispitanica, prosečnog uzrasta 35.2±9.5 godina i radnog staža = 9.6±9.3 godina. Sva merenja su izvršena u periodu 2011-2012. godine u Motoričko-istraživačkoj laboratoriji Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, primenom standardizovane procedure, metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno dvadeset dve (22) varijable - četrnaest osnovnih (14) i osam (8) izvedenih (indeksnih) varijabli. Osnovne varijable su bile: TV - telesna visina, TM - telesna masa, ICT - intra celularna tečnost, ECT - ekstra celularna tečnost, TBV - ukupna količina tečnosti u organizmu, Proteini, Minerali, MMK - masa minerala iz sadržaja kostiju, MTM - ukupna masa telesne masti, SMM - masa skeletnih mišića, VFA - površina visceralnih masti, BCM - masa živih ćelija u organizmu, BMR - vrednost bazalnog metabolizma, FIS - fitnes skor kao ocena telesnog sastava. Izvedene (indeksne) varijable su bile: BMI - indeks mase tela, PTM - procenat masti u telu, PVT - procenat vode u telu, PMI - proteinsko masni indeks, PSM - mišićni indeks, IGM - indeks gustine mišića, KTI - koštano-telesni indeks, PTI - proteinsko telesni indeks. Rezultati su pokazali da prosečna telesna masa ispitanica iznosi 67.66±13.39 kg, telesna visina 167.04±6.62 cm, indeks mase tela 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, masa mišićnog tkiva 26.55±4.46 kg, procenat mišićne mase 29.09±8.47, masa telesne masti 20.52±9.74 kg,, procenat masti u telu 29.09±8.47, površina visceralne masti je 77.92±40.23 cm2, fitnes skor 73.23±6.75 indeksnih bodova. Iz dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da aktuelni morfološki status ispitivanih žena delimično odgovara normalno uhranjenom tipu. BMI i zastupljenost telesnih masti su imali gotovo granične vrednosti, prema gojaznosti. Zabeležen je vrlo visok procenat žena u kategoriji predgojaznih i gojaznih prema BMI (40%) i PSM (36%).",
publisher = "Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd",
journal = "Fizička kultura",
title = "Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study, Morfološki model populacije radno aktivnih žena Beograda meren metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance - pilot istraživanje",
volume = "67",
number = "2",
pages = "103-112",
doi = "10.5937/fizkul1302103D"
Đorđević-Nikić, M., Dopsaj, M., Rakić, S., Subošić, D., Prebeg, G., Macura, M., Mlađan, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2013). Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study. in Fizička kultura
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd., 67(2), 103-112.
Đorđević-Nikić M, Dopsaj M, Rakić S, Subošić D, Prebeg G, Macura M, Mlađan D, Kekić D. Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study. in Fizička kultura. 2013;67(2):103-112.
doi:10.5937/fizkul1302103D .
Đorđević-Nikić, Marina, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Rakić, Slađana, Subošić, Dane, Prebeg, Goran, Macura, Marija, Mlađan, Dragan, Kekić, Dalibor, "Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study" in Fizička kultura, 67, no. 2 (2013):103-112, . .