Приказ резултата 1507-1526 од 2511

      Properties of Boubaker polynomials and an application to Love’s integral equation [1]
      Proširenje nadležnosti međunarodnih krivičnih sudova : koherentnost ili haos [1]
      Protection of adult victims of trafficking in human beings and the status of a particularly sensitive witness [1]
      Protection of national interests of Republic of Serbia in process of the international integrations [1]
      Protection of user credentials in web application [1]
      Providing a psychological profile of a criminal offence perpetrator [1]
      Psihološki profil učinilaca krivičnog dela silovanja [1]
      Psychological profile of rapists [1]
      Psychophysiological Foundations of Workplace Safety [1]
      Psychosocial Assistance in Disasters [1]
      Public perception of police behaviors in the disaster COVID-19 – the Case of Serbia [1]
      Public place as a specific element of violation of the Law on Public Peace and Order [1]
      Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities [1]
      Punishment as instrument of state response to crime and upcoming changes in the Criminal Code of Serbia [1]
      Putting Humans Back in the Loop: A Study in Human-Machine Cooperative Learning [1]
      Qualitative analysis of coal combusted in boilers of the thermal power plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina [1]
      Quality Management in Police Stations in the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Quality management system in forensic laboratories [1]
      Quality of life and community policing: between theory and the realistic needs of the citizens [1]
      Questioning defendants via Skype during the state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia [1]