Now showing items 2163-2182 of 2511

      Views of female students of the police and criminal justice academy of the subject of special physical education [1]
      Viktimizacija ljudi prirodnim katastrofama: geoprostorna i vremenska distribucija posledica [1]
      Viktimološki aspekti nasilja na sportskim priredbama [1]
      Violating human rights to health and life trafficking in human beings [1]
      Violence against Women in Serbia: Collective Body of Woman or where the “Flowers of Evil” Blossom [1]
      Violence against women in the family [1]
      Violence as a criminological phenomenon [1]
      Violence at Sport Events The Criminal Law, Criminologic and Criminal Aspect [1]
      Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia and police engagement [1]
      Violence at sporting events in the Republic of Serbia: National and international standards prevention and repression [1]
      Violence of crime street groups [1]
      Violence prevention on sporting events [1]
      Violent behaviour [1]
      Violent behaviour at sports events : legal theory and practical aspects [1]
      Visoko policijsko obrazovanje u Srbiji − stanje i nivo usklađenosti sa evropskim standardima [1]
      Visual analytics tools and theirs application in social networks analysis [1]
      Visualization of Latent Fingermarks on Copper Surfaces by Metal Deposition [1]
      Visualization of Latent Fingerprints Using Dextran-Based Micropowders Obtained from Anthocyanin Solution [1]
      Visualizationand risk estimation of harmful substances leakage based on ALOHA code [1]
      Višestruki povrat u krivičnom pravu Srbije : osvrt na Zakon o izmenama i dopunama Krivičnog zakonika iz 2019. godine [1]