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Sindrom sagorevanja radnika zaposlenih u Gradskom zavodu za hitnu medicinsku pomoć

dc.creatorBošković, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractIntroduction/Objective. The phenomenon of 'burnout at work' is a psychological syndrome that leads to emotional exhaustion (physical and psychological), dehumanization of relationships with others and feelings of professional incompetence in professionally demanding situations. Consequently, this syndrome diminishes professional commitment, especially those who provide services to others, such as health workers, police officers, journalists, judges, professors, managers, etc. In recent decades, the scientific community is genuinely interested in studying professional stress and consequences associated with performing various activities, especially in the fields of health care, education and public administration. According to the results of these surveys, between 20-30%, and in some research and many more doctors, professors and workers in social activities, showed a significant presence of certain symptoms of combustion syndrome. Method. The study was conducted in the Municipal institution for emergency medical aid in Belgrade in Jun 2017 and included 70 respondents (35 men and 35 women) aged 22-62, who performed the duties of managers, doctors, medical technicians, Dispatcher, operator, administration and driver. Results. The results of the research on stress exposure show that 44.3% of the respondents of this healthcare institution are exposed to a high level of stress. The results of the combustion show that 20% of the respondents in the first degree of combustion, which is designated as a risky phase, that as much as 45.7% of the respondents in the second degree of combustion, which is designated as a candidate for combustion, and that 17.1% of the respondents in the third pretend Phase, which is designated as a combustion phase. Observing the vulnerability of individual groups of respondents, the results show that the dispatchers and managers of this healthcare institution are most exposed to stress, followed by doctors and field medical technicians, operators, operators and eventually drivers. In terms of combustion syndrome, dispatchers, doctors and medical technicians in the field are the most vulnerable, then operators, administrators and managers are equally at risk, while drivers are at least at risk. It is also important to point out that medical field technicians, dispatchers and operators have shown the greatest presence of certain symptoms of combustion syndrome. Conclusion. Based on the results of the study, the existence of a combustion syndrome can be noted in a significant number of employees of the Municipal institution for emergency medical aid (83%), who have noted the presence of some of the symptoms of combustion syndrome. The results also indicate that the youngest respondents are less exposed to stress, that is, in certain groups of subjects such as drivers, significantly less presence of combustion symptoms was observed, while in field medical field technicians, which in a sample are also part of the younger group of subjects, that even 50% of them are in the third stage, which is designated as a combustion phase.en
dc.description.abstractUvod/cilj. Fenomen 'sagorevanja na poslu' je psihološki sindrom koji dovodi do emocionalne iscrpljenosti (fizička i psihička), dehumanizacije odnosa sa drugima i osećaja profesionalne nekompetentnosti u profesionalno zahtevnim situacijama. Posledično, ovaj sindrom umanjuje profesionalnu posvećenost, posebno onih koji svoje usluge pružaju drugima, kao što su zdravstveni radnici, policijski službenici, novinari, sudije, profesori, menadžeri itd. Poslednjih decenija naučna javnost je istinski zainteresovana za izučavanje profesionalnog stresa i posledica povezanih sa obavljanjem raznih delatnosti, posebno u oblasti zdravstvene zaštite, edukacije i javne administracije. Prema rezultatima tih istraživanja između 20-30%, a u pojedinim istraživanjima i mnogo više lekara, profesora i radnika u društvenim delatnostima, je pokazalo značajno prisustvo pojedinih simptoma sindroma sagorevanja. Metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Gradskom zavodu za hitnu medicinsku pomoć (GZZHMP) u Beogradu, u junu 2017. godine i obuhvatalo je 70 ispitanika (35 muškaraca i 35 žena), starosti od 22-62 godine, koji su obavljali poslove rukovodioca, lekara, medicinskih tehničara, dispečera, operatera, administracije i vozača. Rezultati. Rezultati istraživanja u vezi izloženosti stresu pokazuju, da je 44.3% ispitanika ove zdravsteve ustanove izloženo visokom nivou stresa. Rezultati u vezi sagorevanja pokazuju, da je 20% ispitanika u prvom stepenu sagorevanja, koje se označava kao rizična faza, da je čak 45.7% ispitanika u drugom stepenu izgaranja, koje se označava kao kandidat za sagorevanje i da je 17.1% ispitanika u trećoj pretposlednjoj fazi, koja se označava kao faza sagorevanja. Posmatrajući ugroženost pojedinačnih grupa ispitanika, rezultati pokazuju da su dispečeri i rukovodioci ove zdravstvene ustanove najviše izloženi stresu, zatim slede lekari i medicinski tehničari na terenu, administracija, operateri i na kraju vozači. U pogledu sindroma sagorevanja, najugroženiji su dispečeri, lekari i medicinski tehničari na terenu, zatim podjednako operateri, administracija i rukovodioci, dok su vozači najmanje ugroženi. Takođe je značajno istaći da su medicinski tehničari na terenu, dispečeri i operateri, pokazali najveće prisustvo pojedinih simptoma sindroma sagorevanja. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja može se konstatovati postojanje sindroma izgaranja kod značajnog broja radnika GZZHMP (83%), kod kojih je konstatovano prisustvo nekih od simptoma sindroma sagorevanja. Rezultati takođe ukazuju da su najmlađi ispitanici manje izloženi stresu, odnosno da je kod pojedinih grupa ispitanika kao što su vozači, uočeno značajno manje prisustvo simptoma sagorevanja, dok je kod medicinskih tehničara na terenu, koji takođe u uvom uzorku spadaju u mlađu grupu ispitanika, uočeno, da se čak 50% njih nalazi u trećoj fazi, koja se označava kao faza
dc.publisherGradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Beograd
dc.sourceNaučni časopis urgentne medicine - Halo 194
dc.subjectburning syndromeen
dc.subjectburning at worken
dc.subjectsindrom sagorevanjasr
dc.subjectsagorevanje na poslusr
dc.titleBurnout syndrome of employees in the Municipal institution for emergency medical aiden
dc.titleSindrom sagorevanja radnika zaposlenih u Gradskom zavodu za hitnu medicinsku pomoćsr
dcterms.abstractБаић, Валентина; Синдром сагоревања радника запослених у Градском заводу за хитну медицинску помоћ; Синдром сагоревања радника запослених у Градском заводу за хитну медицинску помоћ;
dc.citation.other23(2): 71-78



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