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Validnost i pouzdanost testa za procenu specifičnih fizičkih sposobnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada

dc.creatorJanković, Radivoje
dc.creatorDopsaj, Milivoj
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Raša
dc.creatorSavković, Miljan
dc.creatorKoropanovski, Nenad
dc.creatorVučković, Goran
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this paper was the examination of validity and reliability of the obstacle course test (OCSAPO1) that can be used to assess the specific abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. Twenty-five students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies took part in this research (14 male and 11 female). The testing was performed according to the test - retest method for determining reliability. The studied variables included: performance time of the OC_SAPO1 (indicator of effectiveness), lactate concentration in capillary blood (measure of metabolic acidosis) and the value of heart rate frequency (measure of the functional exertion of the cardiovascular system). The results of t-test showed that the participants mastered the OC SAPO1 7.17 seconds faster in the second testing (t - 4.164, p lt 0.01), i.e. 7.25% faster, which suggests the that there is a learning effect and that test can be used for educational purposes. A statistically significant difference of the measured concentration of lactates and maximum heart frequency was not established between the two tests. Based on Cronbach's Alpha results, we can claim that the OC SAPO1 is a reliable measuring instrument for the evaluation of the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic-lactate work regime. A lower reliability of the Cronbach's Alpha test was established for maximum heart frequency when compared to the other studied variables. The registered levels of the studied variables classify the OCSAPO1 as a test of sub-maximal intensity in the anaerobic-lactate work regime.en
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog rada je ispitivanje validnosti i pouzdanosti testa - poligona (Pol_SSP1) koji se može koristiti za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 25 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (14 muškaraca i 11 žena). Testiranje se sprovodilo po metodi za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti test - retest. Posmatrane varijable bile su: vreme potrebno za Pol_SSP1 (pokazatelj efikasnosti), koncentracija laktata u kapilarnoj krvi (mera metaboličke acidoze) i vrednost frekvencije rada srca (mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma). Rezultati t-testa pokazali su da su ispitanici Pol_SSP1 savladali u drugom testiranju statistički značajno brže (t - 4.164, p lt 0.01) za 7.17 sekundi, tj. za 7.25% što navodi na edukabilni efekat testa i može se koristit u nastavnom procesu. Kod izmerene koncentracije laktata i maksimalne frekvencije srca nije utvrđena statistički značajne razlika između dva testiranja. Na osnovu rezultata Cronbach 's Alpha, može se zaključiti da je PolSSPl kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada pouzdan merni instrument. U ovom istraživanju kod maksimalne frekvencije srca uočena je niža Cronbach 's Alpha pouzdanost testa u odnosu na ostale posmatrane varijable. Postignuti nivoi posmatranih varijabli svrstavaju Pol_SSP1 u testove submaksimalnog intenziteta u anaerobno­laktatnom režimu rada.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47015/RS//
dc.sourceFacta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
dc.subjectobstacle courseen
dc.subjectspecialized physical educationen
dc.subjectanaerobic worken
dc.subjectspecijalno fizičko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectanaerobni radsr
dc.titleValidity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regimeen
dc.titleValidnost i pouzdanost testa za procenu specifičnih fizičkih sposobnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu radasr
dcterms.abstractВучковић, Горан; Допсај, Миливој; Јанковић, Радивоје; Савковић, Миљан; Коропановски, Ненад; Димитријевић, Раша; Валидност и поузданост теста за процену специфичних физичких способности полицајаца у анаеробно-лактатном режиму рада; Валидност и поузданост теста за процену специфичних физичких способности полицајаца у анаеробно-лактатном режиму рада;
dc.citation.other13(1): 19-32



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