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Ranjivost operativnih sistema na zlonamerne programe

dc.creatorKuk, Kristijan
dc.description.abstractAlthough there are many things that need protection, the main ones are those that appear on the Internet. Many harmful programs instal themselves surreptitiously on the user’s computer and their infiltration cannot be influenced without proper protection. When this happens, it is usually too late and a thorough inspection of the whole computer is needed. Many viruses and hackers on many mobile devices are becoming an increasing problem in today’s protection of personal information. Viruses for mobile phones have been known for a long time, yet the majority of users of these devices infected with malware are not aware of the infection because they do not know for the existence of security vulnerabilities of their operating systems. This paper presents an overview of the corresponding operating systems that support encryption in relation to the selected mobile phone, which can lead to a greater level of security of the device. There are many different types of harmful software that affect the security of mobile devices as well as personal computer systems of users, such as viruses, Trojans, malware, bootkits and others. Master boot sector, the first sector of the hard disk in a computer system which contains the code needed to run the operating system is often the target of specific types of viruses called bootkits or rootkits. Since they are invisible to the operating system it is very difficult to remove them from an infected computer. Therefore the review of the existence of vulnerabilities in operating systems offered in this paper is an attempt at drawing attention to their possible attacks.en
dc.description.abstractIako postoji veliki broj stvari od kojih je potrebna zaštita, glavne su one koje se pojavljuju sa Interneta. Mnogo štetnih programa se instalira neprimetno na računar korisnika i na njihovu instalaciju bez odgovarajuće zaštite ne može da se utiče. Kad se to dogodi, obično je kasno i potrebna je detaljna provera celog računara. Mnogi virusi i brojni hakeri na mobilnim uređajima postaju danas sve veći problem u zaštiti ličnih informacija. Virusi za mobilne telefone odavno nisu novost, većina korisnika ovih uređaja zaraženih malverom ne zna za infekciju zato što ne znaju za bezbednosne propuste njihovih operativnih sistema. U ovom radu prikazan je pregled odgovarajućih operativnih sistema koji podržavaju šifrovanje u odnosu na izabrani mobilni telefon, što može dovesti do većeg nivo bezbednosti samog uređaja. Postoji mnogo različitih vrsta štetnih softvera koji utiču na bezbednost mobilnih uređaja ali i na personalne (lične) računarske sisteme korisnika, kao što su: virusi, trojanci, malveri, bootkit-oeu i drugi. Master boot sektor, prvi sektor hard diska u računarskom sistemu na kome se nalazi kod potreban za pokretanje operativnog sistema, često je meta napada specifične vrste virusa, tzv. bootkit-oea ili rootkit-oea. Pošto su nevidljivi za operativni sistem, veoma ih je teško ukloniti sa zaraženog računara, pa se u radu, kroz pregled ranjivosti operativnih sistema, skreće pažnja na njihov mogući napad.sr
dc.publisherMinistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceBezbednost, Beograd
dc.subjectoperating systemsen
dc.subjectmalicious programen
dc.subjectboot sector virusesen
dc.subjectoperativni sistemsr
dc.subjectmaliciozni softversr
dc.subjectboot sektor virusisr
dc.titleThe vulnerability of operating systems to malicious programsen
dc.titleRanjivost operativnih sistema na zlonamerne programesr
dcterms.abstractКук, Кристијан; Рањивост оперативних система на злонамерне програме; Рањивост оперативних система на злонамерне програме;
dc.citation.other57(2): 76-91



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