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Mesto izvršenja krivičnog dela u teorijskim promišljanjima o kriminalitetu

dc.creatorMilić, Nenad
dc.description.abstractA great deal of time and effort has been invested in trying to understand crime, most notably examining why some people engage in criminal behavior and others do not. Theories which place offenders in the center of their research focus have dominated in criminology for a long time. However, in recent decades theoretical approaches whose focus is space and time where victims (targets) and offenders converge during the commission of the offense, increasingly come to the fore. These approaches, which all share common interest in understanding how the environment shapes criminal activity, belong together under the umbrella of what is called environmental criminology. Environmental criminology seeks to explain how the environment affects the creation of crime opportunities and offender decision making regarding committing crime, in an attempt to establish patterns of offender's and victim's behavior in relation to environment (space) where they meet and where the offense is executed. In addition to highlighting the essential characteristics of different theoretical approaches that now constitute the environmental criminology (e.g. routine activity theory, rational choice theory, crime pattern theory, CPTED etc.), this paper also shows how situational (micro) context of the crime came into the focus of theoretical thinking about crime. In this context, the paper starts from the ideas of the so called. Cartographic and Chicago School and design theorists, in the aftermath of World War II, who inspired the research about crime and place that lead to the emergence of the environmental criminology in the early 80's of last century. By providing a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of performing criminal activities, theoretical approaches of the environmental criminology are significant factor in designing effective methods in combating (preventing) crime today. Practical application of crime prevention through environmental design, situational crime prevention, hotspot policing, geographic profiling, etc., confirms this.en
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih decenija sve više do izražaja dolaze teorijski pristupi u čijem fokusu se nalazi geoprostor (mesto) na kojem dolazi do interakcije izvršioca i žrtve (mete) prilikom izvršenja krivičnog dela. Ovim pristupima je zajedničko interesovanje ka razumevanju načina na koji geoprostor 'oblikuje' kriminalnu aktivnost. Oni teže da istraže kako okruženje utiče na stvaranje prilike i donošenje odluke kod učinioca da se izvrši krivično delo, odnosno pokušavaju da objasne obrasce ponašanja učinioca i žrtve u geoprostoru gde se oni susreću i gde se izvršava krivično delo. U radu se pokazuje kako je mesto izvršenja dolazilo u fokus teorijskih promišljanja o kriminalitetu, počev od radova predstavnika tzv. 'kartografske' i 'čikaške škole', kao i 'teoretičara dizajna' u periodu nakon II svetskog rata, koji su inspirativno delovali na autore koji će rezultatima svojih istraživanja omogućiti nastanak kriminologije životne sredine osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Takođe, u radu se navode i bitna obeležja osnovnih (teorijskih) pristupa koji konstituišu ovaj teorijski pravac u kriminologiji i ukazuje na njihov značaj u usmeravanju napora koji se preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja
dc.publisherKriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179045/RS//
dc.sourceNauka, bezbednost, policija
dc.subjectkriminološke teorijesr
dc.subjectkriminologija životne sredinesr
dc.subjectbranjivi prostorsr
dc.subjectrutinske aktivnostisr
dc.subjectracionalni izborsr
dc.subjectobrasci kriminalnog ponašanjasr
dc.titleThe crime scene in theoretical reflections on crimeen
dc.titleMesto izvršenja krivičnog dela u teorijskim promišljanjima o kriminalitetusr
dcterms.abstractМилић, Ненад; Место извршења кривичног дела у теоријским промишљањима о криминалитету; Место извршења кривичног дела у теоријским промишљањима о криминалитету;
dc.citation.other(1): 141-159

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