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Policija u zaštiti ljudskih prava i građanskih sloboda

dc.creatorNikač, Željko
dc.description.abstractHuman rights and civil liberties are the achievements of human civilization and development of the society, which are accepted by all progressive and democratic states as an integral part of the international legal order. In countries with a parliamentary tradition, with the separation of powers and control mechanisms, human rights and civil liberties are a category of primary importance. In accordance with contemporary requirements, a process of social transformation and reform of the police and security services was initiated in Serbia at the end of the twentieth century. The main objectives of the reform of the security sector are depoliticization, debureaucratisation, decriminalization and professionalization. In terms of operational organization and models of the Serbian Ministry of Interior, a universal model of 'Community Policing' was accepted, which centers on a safe community. Police Act and by-laws are largely harmonized with the EU and international standards. The regulations and the rules everyday conduct of the police emphasize the principle of legality in the work, the protection of human rights and civil liberties, and the affirmation of the rule of law principle.en
dc.description.abstractLjudska prava i građanske slobode tekovina su ljudske civilizacije i razvoja društva, koje kao integralni deo međunarodnog pravnog poretka prihvataju sve progresivne i demokratske države. U zemljama sa parlamentarnom tradicijom, podelom vlasti i mehanizmima kontrole, ljudska prava i građanske slobode su par excellence kategorija od prvorazrednog značaja. U skladu sa zahtevima savremenog trenutka u Srbiji je krajem XX veka pokrenut proces društvenih reformi i transformacije policije, službi bezbednosti i unutrašnjih poslova. Najvažniji ciljevi reforme sektora bezbednosti su depolitizacija, debirokratizacija, dekriminalizacija i profesionalizacija. U pogledu organizacije i načina rada MUP RS prihvaćen je univerzalni model 'Community policing', u čijem je središtu bezbedna zajednica. Zakon o policiji i podzakonski akti u velikoj meri su harmonizovani sa normama EU i međunarodnim standardima. U propisima i svakodnevnom postupanju policije ističu se načelo zakonitosti u radu, zaštita ljudskih prava, građanskih sloboda i afirmacija principa vladavine prava.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179045/RS//
dc.subjecthuman rightsen
dc.subjectcivil libertiesen
dc.subjectrule of lawen
dc.subjectreform of the policeen
dc.subjectSerbia and the EUen
dc.subjectljudska pravasr
dc.subjectgrađanske slobodesr
dc.subjectvladavina pravasr
dc.subjectreforma policijesr
dc.subjectSrbija i EUsr
dc.titleThe police in the protection of human rights and civil libertiesen
dc.titlePolicija u zaštiti ljudskih prava i građanskih slobodasr
dcterms.abstractНикач, Жељко; Полиција у заштити људских права и грађанских слобода; Полиција у заштити људских права и грађанских слобода;
dc.citation.other37(4): 1669-1688



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