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Morfološki model populacije radno aktivnih žena Beograda meren metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance - pilot istraživanje

dc.creatorĐorđević-Nikić, Marina
dc.creatorDopsaj, Milivoj
dc.creatorRakić, Slađana
dc.creatorSubošić, Dane
dc.creatorPrebeg, Goran
dc.creatorMacura, Marija
dc.creatorMlađan, Dragan
dc.creatorKekić, Dalibor
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to define the actual model of body composition status of working age women in the territory of Belgrade. The sample comprised 109 women respondents, of an average age of 35.2±9.5 and the length of service = 9.6±9.3 years. All measurements were performed in the period from 2011-2012 in the Teaching -research laboratory of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, by applying standardized procedure of electrical multichannel bioimpedance method. The researched encompassed twenty-two (22) variables - fourteen basic (14) and eight (8) derived (index) variables. Basic variables were: BH - body height, BM - body mass, ICF - intracellular fluid, ECW - extracellular fluid, TBW - total body fluids, Proteins, Minerals, BMC (Osseous) - bone mineral contents, BFM - total body fat mass, SMM - skeletal muscle mass, VFA - visceral fat area, BCM - body cell mass, BMR - basal metabolic rate, FIS - fitness score as assessment of body composition. The derived (index) variables were: BMI - body mass index, PBF% - percent of body fat, PBW - percent of body water, PFI - protein fat index, PSMM - percent of skeletal muscle mass, SMMD - skeletal muscle mass density, OBMi - Osseous-body mass index, PBMi - protein body mass index. The results showed that the average body mass of the respondents was 67.66±13.39 kg, body height 167.04±6.62 cm, body mass index 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, muscle mass 26.55±4.46 kg, muscle mass percentage 29.09±8.47, body fat mass 20.52±9.74 kg, body fat percentage 29.09±8.47, visceral fat area was 77.92±40.23 cm2 and fitness score 73.23±6.75 of index points. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the current morphological status of the studied women partially corresponds to a type of normal weight. BMI and the representation of body fat had nearly limiting values towards obesity. A very high percentage of women was recorded in the category of pre-obese and obese according to BMI (40%) and PSMM (36%). Based on the results of this study, it can be claimed that the four-dimensional model (4D model) of body composition of working-age women from the measured sample has the following characteristics: in women of average body mass of 67.66 kg - water content is 34.58 L or 51.11%, protein mass is 9.25 kg or 13.68%, mineral mass is 3.30 kg or 4.88% and fat mass is 20.25 kg or 30.32%.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je bio definisanje aktuelnog modela stanja telesnog sastava radno aktivnih žena sa teritorije Beograda. Uzorak je bio sastavljen od 109 ispitanica, prosečnog uzrasta 35.2±9.5 godina i radnog staža = 9.6±9.3 godina. Sva merenja su izvršena u periodu 2011-2012. godine u Motoričko-istraživačkoj laboratoriji Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, primenom standardizovane procedure, metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno dvadeset dve (22) varijable - četrnaest osnovnih (14) i osam (8) izvedenih (indeksnih) varijabli. Osnovne varijable su bile: TV - telesna visina, TM - telesna masa, ICT - intra celularna tečnost, ECT - ekstra celularna tečnost, TBV - ukupna količina tečnosti u organizmu, Proteini, Minerali, MMK - masa minerala iz sadržaja kostiju, MTM - ukupna masa telesne masti, SMM - masa skeletnih mišića, VFA - površina visceralnih masti, BCM - masa živih ćelija u organizmu, BMR - vrednost bazalnog metabolizma, FIS - fitnes skor kao ocena telesnog sastava. Izvedene (indeksne) varijable su bile: BMI - indeks mase tela, PTM - procenat masti u telu, PVT - procenat vode u telu, PMI - proteinsko masni indeks, PSM - mišićni indeks, IGM - indeks gustine mišića, KTI - koštano-telesni indeks, PTI - proteinsko telesni indeks. Rezultati su pokazali da prosečna telesna masa ispitanica iznosi 67.66±13.39 kg, telesna visina 167.04±6.62 cm, indeks mase tela 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, masa mišićnog tkiva 26.55±4.46 kg, procenat mišićne mase 29.09±8.47, masa telesne masti 20.52±9.74 kg,, procenat masti u telu 29.09±8.47, površina visceralne masti je 77.92±40.23 cm2, fitnes skor 73.23±6.75 indeksnih bodova. Iz dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da aktuelni morfološki status ispitivanih žena delimično odgovara normalno uhranjenom tipu. BMI i zastupljenost telesnih masti su imali gotovo granične vrednosti, prema gojaznosti. Zabeležen je vrlo visok procenat žena u kategoriji predgojaznih i gojaznih prema BMI (40%) i PSM (36%).sr
dc.publisherFakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47015/RS//
dc.sourceFizička kultura
dc.subjectbody compositionen
dc.subjectadipose tissueen
dc.subjecttelesni sastavsr
dc.subjectmasno tkivosr
dc.titleMorphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot studyen
dc.titleMorfološki model populacije radno aktivnih žena Beograda meren metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance - pilot istraživanjesr
dcterms.abstractРакић, Слађана; Ђорђевић-Никић, Марина; Субошић, Дане; Мацура, Марија; Допсај, Миливој; Кекић, Далибор; Млађан, Драган; Пребег, Горан; Морфолошки модел популације радно активних жена Београда мерен методом електричне мултиканалне биоимпеданце - пилот истраживање; Морфолошки модел популације радно активних жена Београда мерен методом електричне мултиканалне биоимпеданце - пилот истраживање;
dc.citation.other67(2): 103-112



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