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Policijsko postupanje prilikom obezbeđenja mesta krivičnog događaja kao preduslov za uspešnu forenzičku identifikaciju

dc.creatorŽarković, Milan
dc.creatorLajić, Oliver
dc.creatorIvanović, Zvonimir
dc.description.abstractA police officer's action, that is crime scene processing, is a significant point in the actions at the crime scene (or a scene of an event) within a measure of searching for the perpetrator and his capturing - if caught in action, as well as measures of providing assistance to injured persons, preventing further harmful effects of causes of events, consequences, etc. If we start from the hypothesis that the evidence material is the only means to determine the veracity of allegations and accusations by defense and prosecution participating in the criminal proceeding brought to court, it is clear that those state authorities, which during the criminal process in general, and processing scenes of criminal events, in course of preparing evidence material must be dedicated to the task level. It can be said that the expertise and professionalism of police officers who secure the crime scene and the professional competence of persons who are finding, fixating, analyzing, interpreting, preserving and presenting evidence, is of significant importance in the function of evidence. Basic protocol for the crime scene processing means continually taking the following actions: securing the scene, gathering information at the scene, controlling the flow of information from the crime scene and CSI. It is possible to identify seven groups of actions being performed at a crime scene site. Classifications of these actions could have multiple importance for processing the scene and the subsequent legal proceedings. While securing the crime scene organizational aspects and also the risk assessment for performing the actions in it are of great importance. The goal that must be achieved in securing the scene is to prevent further spread of harmful consequences, or to prevent occurrence of new damage. Experience has shown that the personal safety of the officials and safety of other persons present at the scene is the main priority. To do so at this stage of criminal conduct on the occasion of the event involves taking a series of measures aimed at recognizing, and then eliminating or limiting the risks of injuries and illnesses. The authors pointed out that basically there are four levels of protective clothing. The efficiency of the measures undertaken include consistency of the application in the protection by properly selected equipment and awareness of existing risks and possible contamination. Specific problems and difficulties in crime scene processing, and within it, the securing the crime scene and CSI are connected to the tragic events that had resulted in great loss of life and enormous material damage. The authors elaborate this situation by offering a number of important guidelines for the conduct under those circumstances. In order to make managing of the situation easier, the authors recommend awareness of a number of special elements in securing the scene by placing obstacles, marking the crime scene and treatment of persons present to determine the command post.en
dc.description.abstractMesto krivičnog događaja ima nesumnjiv značaj u kriminalističkom postupanju, pa se in loci delicto, posledično, odvijaju brojne, raznovrsne i kompleksne aktivnosti policije i drugih relevantnih subjekata. U tom smislu, jedan od najznačajnih segmenata policijskog postupanja predstavlja očuvanje predmeta i tragova u njihovom izvornom i nekontaminiranom obliku, kako bi se stvorila adekvatna informativna i dokazna osnova, neophodna za uspešnu kriminalističku obradu i kasnije forenzičke identifikacije. Autori u radu iznose opšta razmatranja u vezi s kriminalističkom obradom mesta događaja i organizaciono-tehničke napomene koje prethode policijskom delovanju na mestu događaja, a zatim, razmatraju najbitnija kriminalistička pravila njegovog profesionalnog obezbeđenja, sve u funkciji stvaranja pretpostavki za prikupljanje kvalitetnog i nespornog dokaznog materijala. Na kraju, zaključuju da bi se izgradnja, formulisanje i dosledna primena preciznih pravila postupanja, obavezujućih za sve učesnike u obezbeđenju mesta događaja i vršenju uviđaja, posmatranih u celini, mogla posmatrati kao svojevrsna garancija da će svi pojedinačni zadaci biti obavljeni na procesno prihvatljiv i kriminalistički celishodan nač
dc.publisherKriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
dc.sourceNauka, bezbednost, policija
dc.subjectmesto krivičnog događajasr
dc.subjectobezbeđenje mesta događajasr
dc.subjectforenzičke identifikacijesr
dc.titlePolice acting when securing a crime scene as a precondition of successful forensic identificationsen
dc.titlePolicijsko postupanje prilikom obezbeđenja mesta krivičnog događaja kao preduslov za uspešnu forenzičku identifikacijusr
dcterms.abstractИвановић, Звонимир; Лајић, Оливер; Жарковић, Милан; Полицијско поступање приликом обезбеђења места кривичног догађаја као предуслов за успешну форензичку идентификацију; Полицијско поступање приликом обезбеђења места кривичног догађаја као предуслов за успешну форензичку идентификацију;
dc.citation.other15(2): 71-86



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