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Stavovi pripadnika kriminalističke policije PU Beograd o najznačajnijim pitanjima demokratske reforme policije - rezultati istraživanja

dc.creatorZekavica, Radomir
dc.description.abstractIn a democratic society the police are in charge of maintaining public order, which should be done in accordance with the rule of law. Democratic societies postulate democratic policing. The manner in which the police perform their function can significantly influence peoples' lives. If the police abuse their powers, basic civil rights and freedoms are seriously violated. In democracy, the police role should be harmonized with democratic principles and values. Democracy implies the rule of law and efficient protection of basic human rights and freedoms. In determining the role of the police in a democratic society, the focus is placed on the protection of human rights and freedoms and other democratic values, without underestimating the traditional police tasks such as protecting law and order, combating crime, etc. However, these traditional police tasks should be performed in accordance with the values of democracy. The main subject of this paper is the analysis of attitudes of criminal police officers in the Belgrade Police Department about the core principles of democratic policing - protecting the citizens, commitment to the law, legal constraints of police activities and their impact on the effectiveness of policing, control of police and their legal liability. We also analyzed their views on legal solutions regulating the use of the police powers which are of greatest importance for the protection of human rights and freedoms of citizens. The paper is based on empirical research (questionnaire method) conducted in the period from September to October 2009 which included 250 (out of the total number of 900 employees) criminal police officers in the Belgrade Police Department. The results of the research show that Belgrade police highly value objectives that are in the function of protecting interests of citizens, cooperation with citizens and absence of all forms of discrimination. They have shown animosity towards the law, as they perceive the law as a factor that limits their efficiency. Efficiency of the police work is highly valued even at the cost of potentially violating human rights during the investigation. They consider the control of police work necessary, perceiving the forms of internal control to be more useful than external control, especially the ones exerted by courts. Research results can be useful for police managers and for trainers in adjusting performance and attitudes of police officers in Belgrade PD. This is an exploratory research - its results show tendencies and broad generalizations are not possible. In this paper the attitudes of police officers of Belgrade PD towards the most important issues of democratic reform of the Serbian police are examined for the first time.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se iznose i analiziraju rezultati dobijeni u istraživanju stavova pripadnika kriminalističke policije PU za Grad Beograd o najznačajnijim pitanjima demokratske reforme policije u Srbiji - odnos policije prema pravu i zakonskim ograničenjima policijske delatnosti i njihovom uticaju na efikasnost policijskog posla, kao i stavovi o zakonskim rešenjima koja regulišu primenu onih ovlašćenja policije koja su od najvećeg značaja za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda građana. Osim pomenutih, istraživanje je obuhvatilo i stavove ispitanika o neophodnosti pravne, ali i ostalih oblika kontrole policije i drugim pitanjima. Stav ispitanika prema pojedinim pitanjima demokratske reforme policije je u potpunosti zadovoljavajući, posebno njihovo uverenje da bi građani morali i trebali da budu osnovni predmet zaštite. Izneta mišljenja prema pravu uopšte, odnosno prema onim zakonskim rešenjima koja regulišu brojna policijska ovlašćenja i njihovu primenu u praksi ukazuju na značajan stepen animoziteta ispitanika, odnosno uverenje da pravo i ograničenja koje pravo podrazumeva u demokratskom društvu i vladavini prava, mogu negativno da utiču na efikasnost policije u oblasti suzbijanja kriminaliteta. Kada je reč o zakonskim rešenjima koja regulišu pojedina policijska ovlašćenja, može se uočiti da ispitanici smatraju ranija zakonska rešenja više adekvatnim od onih koja se trenutno primenjuju (to posebno važi za meru zadržavanja osumnjičenog lica i njeno vremensko trajanje). Takođe se može uočiti visok stepen nepoverenja prema mehanizmima spoljašnje kontrole policije i uverenje da su unutrašnji oblici kontrole dovoljni. U radu se iznose i drugi zaključci povodom rezultata istraž
dc.publisherMinistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceBezbednost, Beograd
dc.subjectlegal restraintsen
dc.subjecthuman rightsen
dc.subjectpolice efficiencyen
dc.subjectpravna ograničenjasr
dc.subjectljudska pravasr
dc.subjectefikasnost policijesr
dc.subjectpravna odgovornostsr
dc.titleAttitudes of Belgrade criminal investigation department officers related to the most important issues of democratic reform of police: Research resultsen
dc.titleStavovi pripadnika kriminalističke policije PU Beograd o najznačajnijim pitanjima demokratske reforme policije - rezultati istraživanjasr
dcterms.abstractЗекавица, Радомир; Ставови припадника криминалистичке полиције ПУ Београд о најзначајнијим питањима демократске реформе полиције - резултати истраживања; Ставови припадника криминалистичке полиције ПУ Београд о најзначајнијим питањима демократске реформе полиције - резултати истраживања;
dc.citation.other52(2): 41-73



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