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Praktična obuka studenata u sistemu visokog policijskog obrazovanja Republike Srbije

dc.creatorMilošević, Goran
dc.creatorSubošić, Dane
dc.description.abstractThe main institution of law enforcement officers' education in the Republic of Serbia is the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies is a higher education institution established by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and based on the Law on Higher Education. The Academy has created the study curricula for the requirements of the higher police education. A considerable part of the curricula of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies from Belgrade is dedicated to the so-called special forms of teaching. This is a part of the curricula which, complete with certain vocational and narrowly-specialized courses at the Academy, is oriented at the adoption of skills that represent the necessary contents of the working profile of a law-enforcement officer. These skills actually represent the most applicable part of the knowledge of the future police officers who receive their education at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. Special forms of teaching represent unique contents within the Academy curricula, since they are one-of-a-kind expression of its essence, but they are also a specific feature of the academies as a type of higher education institutions in Serbia. In other words, while the Faculties represent the institutions of higher education which include primarily scientific aspects of theoretical cognitive disciplines, the curricula at the Academies include a considerable part of skills. Such applicable knowledge of crime-investigators educated at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies represents a part of the educational profile which is mostly harmonized with the working profile of a police officer within the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. Skills are adopted at the Academy through lectures, exercises and special forms of teaching. Special forms of teaching make the part of the curricula at both the academic and specialist studies at the Academy. The most important special forms of teaching are carried out in cooperation with the Directorate for education, training, professional development and science which is a part of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. As far as the students' practical training is concerned, the Academy has established a particularly important cooperation with the Basic Police Training Center and the Center for Specialized Training and Professional Development of the police, as basic organizational units of the mentioned Directorate.en
dc.description.abstractNosilac visokog obrazovanja policijskih službenika u Republici Srbiji je Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, visokoškolska nastavno-naučna obrazovna ustanova osnovana Odlukom Vlade Srbije, a na osnovu Zakona o visokom obrazovanju. Kriminalističko-policijska akademija realizuje studijske programe za potrebe visokog policijskog obrazovanja. Znatan deo studijskog programa Kriminalističko-policijske akademije odnosi se na takozvane posebne oblike nastave čiji su modaliteti prezentovani u ovom radu. Radi se o delu studijskog programa koji je, uz pojedine stručne i uskostručne predmete na Akademiji, usmeren na usvajanje veština koje predstavljaju neophodan sadržaj radnog profila policijskih službenika. Te veštine zapravo predstavljaju najprimenjiviji deo znanja budućih policijskih službenika koji se školuju na Kriminalističko-policijskoj akademiji. Posebni oblici nastave predstavljaju osoben sadržaj studijskih programa osnovnih studija (studija prvog stepena) Kriminalističko-policijske akademije, jer predstavljaju svojevrstan izraz njene suštine, ali i posebnost akademija, kao vrste visokoškolskih obrazovnih ustanova u Srbiji. Naime, dok fakulteti predstavljaju visokoškolske obrazovne ustanove koje za sadržaj obrazovanja imaju pretežno naučne aspekte teorijsko-saznajnih disciplina, studijski programi akademija za znatan sadržaj imaju veštine. Usvajanje veština na Akademiji realizuje se kroz predavanja, vežbe i posebne oblike nastave. Navedeni oblici nastave zastupljeni su na strukovnim i akademskim studijama Akademije. Najznačajniji među njima realizuju se u saradnji sa Upravom za stručno obrazovanje, osposobljavanje, usavršavanje i nauku koja je u sastavu Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije. Povodom obuke studenata, Akademija ostvaruje posebno značajnu saradnju sa Centrom za osnovnu policijsku obuku i Centrom za specijalističku obuku i usavršavanje policije, kao osnovnim organizacionim jedinicama navedene Uprave za stručno obrazovanje, osposobljavanje, usavršavanje i
dc.publisherMinistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceBezbednost, Beograd
dc.subjectprofessional educationen
dc.subjecttraining and further educationen
dc.subjecthigher police education in the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.subjectpractical trainingen
dc.subjectstudents of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studiesen
dc.subjectpolice officersen
dc.subjectDirectorate for educationen
dc.subjectvisoko policijsko obrazovanje u Republici Srbijisr
dc.subjectpraktična obukasr
dc.subjectstudenti Kriminalističko-policijske akademijesr
dc.subjectpolicijski službenicisr
dc.subjectUprava za stručno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectusavršavanje i naukusr
dc.titlePractical training of students within the system of tertiary police education in the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.titlePraktična obuka studenata u sistemu visokog policijskog obrazovanja Republike Srbijesr
dcterms.abstractМилошевић, Горан; Субошић, Дане; Практична обука студената у систему високог полицијског образовања републике Србије; Практична обука студената у систему високог полицијског образовања републике Србије;
dc.citation.other52(1): 154-171

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