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Mere ciljane potrage

dc.creatorJugović, Sreten
dc.description.abstractThe phrase 'measures of targeted search' is a new statutory notion, introduced in the legal system of the Republic of Serbia by Police Act 2005. This statutory notion is systematized as a particular (the 20th) police power among 21 police powers included within the statutory enumeration, while the exercise of each of these powers is worked out in detail by regulations of the Minister of the Interior. Conditions in which these measures of targeted search could be applied, the procedure of making decision on these measures (decision is made by the President of the Supreme Court of Serbia or by an authorized judge of the Supreme Court - on the proposal of Police Director, i.e. by Police Director with the approval of the President of the Supreme Court of Serbia or an authorized judge of this court), as well as the way of applying measures of targeted search, are set by Police Act 2005. Namely, measures of targeted search are conducted by the police while using special investigation techniques (in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure). These abstract and indefinite notions - 'measures of targeted search' and 'special investigation techniques', besides the fact that they are quite new in our legal theory and practice (they are not included in police legislation of Serbia as a country in transition), are also closely connected to forensic science and they are an impulse to provide more comprehensively the real and legal meaning of these notions.en
dc.description.abstractSintagma 'mere ciljane potrage' jeste novi zakonski pojam, uveden u pravni poredak Republike Srbije Zakonom o policiji od 2005. godine. Ovaj pravni pojam je sistematizovan kao posebno (dvadeseto) policijsko ovlašćenje, pri čemu je, prema zakonskoj enumeraciji, navedeno dvadeset jedno policijsko ovlašćenje, dok je način primene svakog od njih bliže razrađen propisom ministra unutrašnjih poslova. Zakonom o policiji su uređeni uslovi za primenu mera ciljane potrage, postupak odlučivanja o takvim merama (o merama odlučuje predsednik Vrhovnog suda Srbije ili ovlašćeni sudija tog suda - na predlog direktora policije, odnosno direktor policije uz saglasnost predsednika Vrhovnog suda Srbije ili ovlašćenog sudije tog suda), kao i način primene mera ciljane potrage. Naime, mere ciljane potrage sprovodi policija primenom specijalne istražne tehnike (iz ZKP-a). Ovi apstraktni i nejasni izrazi 'mere ciljane potrage' i 'specijalne istražne tehnike', pored toga što su relativno novi u našoj pravnoj teoriji i praksi (ne sadrži ih tzv. tranziciono policijsko zakonodavstvo), u neposrednoj su vezi s forenzikom i podsticaj da se prav(n)o značenje ovih pojmova što potpunije utvrdi.sr
dc.publisherKriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
dc.sourceNauka, bezbednost, policija
dc.subjectmere ciljane potragesr
dc.subjectspecijalne istražne tehnikesr
dc.subjectnadzor (kontrola) telefonskih i drugih komunikacijasr
dc.subjectkontrolisane isporukesr
dc.subjectsimulovani poslovisr
dc.subjectprikriveni isledniksr
dc.titleMeasures of targeted searchen
dc.titleMere ciljane potragesr
dcterms.abstractЈуговић, Сретен; Мере циљане потраге; Мере циљане потраге;
dc.citation.other14(3): 191-200



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