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Školska disciplina u Srbiji u 19. i početkom 20. veka

dc.creatorSpasić, Danijela
dc.description.abstractReview of issues and student discipline situations in schools in Serbia in the previous two centuries, the introduction and (or) a stimulus that, in another paper, the following placed the matrix, makes the parallels between the socio-historical and educational-correctional Serbian past and current state at the beginning of the new millennium, with severe forms of bullying in schools. This brief historical view of student disciplinary offenses, and predicted, and then carried out the disciplinary measures through legislation that maintains the fundamental values of Serbian society in the 19th and early 20th century, proved a reflection of the complex socio-historical developments in family, social, value and educational relations between the Serbian history that marked the milestone events and phenomena, especially the development of the turbulent political, social and cultural life of a young Serbian society. The paper, according to historical periods in the development of the school system in Serbia, provides an overview of student disciplinary offenses, imposed fines, and comparing the percentage of students in schools and then imposed disciplinary measures.en
dc.description.abstractRazmatranje pitanja i problema discipline učenika u školama u Srbiji u prethodna dva veka predstavlja uvod i(ili) podsticaj da se, u nekom drugom radu, sa postavljenom matricom, uporede društveno-istorijske i prosvetno-vaspitne prošlosti Srbije i aktuelnog stanja na početku novog milenijuma, bremenitog teškim oblicima nasilničkog ponašanja u školama. Ovaj kratak istorijski prikaz disciplinskih prestupa učenika, i predviđenih, a potom sprovedenih disciplinskih mera, na osnovu zakonske regulative koja odražava osnovne vrednosti srpskog društva u 19. i početkom 20. veka, dokazuje refleksiju kompleksa društveno-istorijskih kretanja na porodične, socijalne, vrednosne i vaspitno-obrazovne relacije u periodu srpske istorije koji su obeležila prekretnička zbivanja i pojave, a posebno buran razvoj političkog, društvenog i kulturnog života mladog srpskog društva. U radu se, prema istorijskim razdobljima u razvoju školskog sistema u Srbiji, daje pregled učeničkih disciplinskih prestupa, izrečenih kazni, ali i procentualna poređenja broja učenika u tadašnjim školama i izrečenih disciplinskih mera.sr
dc.publisherPedagoški fakultet, Sombor
dc.subjectstudent disciplineen
dc.subjectdisciplinary punishmenten
dc.subjectdisciplina učenikasr
dc.subjectdisciplinske kaznesr
dc.titleSchool discipline in Serbia in the 19th and early 20th centuryen
dc.titleŠkolska disciplina u Srbiji u 19. i početkom 20. vekasr
dcterms.abstractСпасић, Данијела; Школска дисциплина у Србији у 19. и почетком 20. века; Школска дисциплина у Србији у 19. и почетком 20. века;
dc.citation.other13(3): 173-182



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