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dc.creatorKolarić, Dragana
dc.description.abstractTerorizam dobija posebnu dimenziju nakon događaja od 11. septembra 2001. godine. Svet u celini postaoje svedok sazrevanja i javljanja nove ere terorizma - ere globalnog terorizma. Brojni napadi, pre svega, na sredstva javnog saobraćaja u Londonu, Madridu I Moskvi, proteklih godina su svetskoj javnosti pokazali da, od preizvesnog vremena,i evropskim zemljama preti velika opasnost od terorističkih napada.To je dovelo do brojnih reakcija EU koje su se sastojale u sastancima, zaključcima, akcijama, inicijativama i odlukama. Autor posebnu pažnju posvećuje analizi Okvirne odluke Saveta EU o borbi protiv terorizma iz 2002. godine kao i izmenama i dopunama iste iz 2008. godine. Poseban odeljak je posvećen analizi nacionalnog krivičnog zakonodavstva, kao i pitanju njegove usklađenosti sa ovim vrlo značajnim sekundarnim izvorom prava EU. Za Srbiju, kao državu koja nastoji što pre postati punopravnim članom EU, od velikog značaja je pratiti aktivnosti EU I njenih članica na području borbe protiv terorizma.sr
dc.description.abstractTerrorism is assuming a new dimension in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The whole world is facing the development of terrorism and the beginning of a new era of terrorist activities – the era of Jihad. Numerous attacks, first of all those on transport networks in London, Madrid and Moscow, have shown to the global public that even European countries were under the serious threat of terrorist attacks since some time ago. Different types of terrorism, as well counter-terrorism means, are one of the main UN topics, but also the issue for discussion within some regional organizations. Many important documents have been adopted at the international level in order to define terrorism, and measures and actions to be undertaken in combating terrorism. In this paper the Council Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism of 13 June 2002 adopted by European Union will be discussed and we will try to establish to which extent national criminal justice legislation is harmonized with that secondary source of EU law. The third pillar of the European Union concerning, first of all, police and judicial cooperation includes also harmonization of member states’legislationin orderto providemore successful fight againstterrorism. Framework decisions on harmonization of member states’legislation obligethose statesto bring desired results, butthey allowto the national government of each member states to choose their own way and method to bring those desired results. They have no direct impact, therefore it is necessary for them to provide regulations for implementation of these standards in national criminal justice legislation. For the Republic of Serbia, as a state trying to become as soon as possible a member state of the EU, it is of great importance to follow activities of the EU and its member states relating to counter-terrorism. The most useful action to undertake by any state, including Serbia, is to make a review of some incriminations in its own criminal justice legislation in the way to include issues involved as important to define terrorism by international treaties and related crimes. Definition of terrorism is a very difficult task, especially in the field of criminal justice legislation. On one hand, the basic criminal law principle imposes some restrictions – the principle of legality and the requirement of lex certa which imply avoiding of general provisions, i.e. acts qualified as criminal offences and punishments for those acts must be prescribed precisely to the maximum extent possible. Otherwise, there is a great risk of different interpretations of poorly precise provisions which affects legal security of citizens. On the other hand, in modern times terrorism and its forms represent a challenge to the national criminal law that has to take into account legitimacy and limitations of criminal law protection. If we make a review of the most recent international measures in the field of counter-terrorism, we can come to conclusion that some balance should be created between the need to prevent terrorist attacks, i.e. to protect civil society and the security, which could affect to some extent fundamental rights like freedom of association, freedom of religion etc., and the rule of law.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademijasr
dc.publisherBeograd: Hans Zajdel Fondacijasr
dc.sourceSuzbijanje kriminala i evropske integracije : (zbornik radova)sr
dc.subjectOkvirna odlukasr
dc.subjectSavet EUsr
dc.subjectKrivični zakonik Srbijesr
dc.subjectkrivično delosr
dc.titleMeđunarodni standardi u oblasti borbe protiv terorizma i nacionalno krivično zakonodavstvo : Okvirna odluka Saveta EU o borbi protiv terorizmasr
dc.description.otherNaučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Suzbijanje kriminala i evropske integracije, Tara, 22. do 24. juna 2010.sr



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