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dc.creatorКоларић, Драгана
dc.description.abstractКривичним закоником Републике Србије као једно од привилегованих убистава предвиђено је нехатно лишење живота. Нехатна лишења живота заузимају значајно место у систему нехатних деликата уопште. Због тога, а и због чињенице да право на живот заузима највиши ранг међу људским правима, неопходно је инкриминацијом обухватити и његово нехатно уништење. Сличне инкриминације садрже сва савремена кривична законодавства. Аутор у раду анализира члан 118. Кривичног законика Србије, наводећи бројне примере из судске праксе који се односе на ово кривично дело. На тај начин нуде се решења за поједине проблеме који се појављују код овог кривичног дела. Значајан део посвећен је појмовном одређењу дела као и примени појединих општих института кривичног права на ову одредбу.sr
dc.description.abstractInvoluntary manslaughter takes an important place within the system of negligent offences in general. Due to this, as well as to the fact that the right to life takes the highest rank among human rights, it is necessary for the incrimination to include its involuntary destruction. Article 118 of the Criminal Code of Serbia has a simple provision, which is similarly regulated in the majority of European legislations, which words the involuntary manslaughter as follows: “Where a person takes another person’s life negligently, he shall be punished…” The provision related to the notion of negligence from the general part of the Criminal Code has a key role when defining the involuntary manslaughter. Our legislator has provided for the involuntary manslaughter within the special part of the Code and the answer to the question whether there is negligence in a specific case will be given by the general part of the Code. This is how it is done in the majority of criminal laws. There has been also much legal debate on the issue of involuntary manslaughter as to where to draw a line separating this homicide from other cases as well as about the issue of responsibility for reckless behavior in general. There are various opinions. They range from ideas that negligent offences should be excluded from criminal law while the legal protection should be provided by strengthening of civil law protection to those that the application of preventive measures is much more adequate in this field. Involuntary manslaughter differs from ordinary homicide but also from other forms of murders in that the death as a consequence is not wanted, it is involuntary, i.e. it represents a result of recklessness, negligence or clumsiness of an offender. Without getting deeper into theoretical problems related to fitness for the purpose and efficiency of punishment for negligence, we are of the opinion that criminal justice protection in the field of protection of life must be integral rather than partial.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Криминалистичко-полицијска академијаsr
dc.sourceСпречавање и сузбијање савремених облика криминалитета : тематски зборник радова. 5sr
dc.subjectnehatno lišenje životasr
dc.subjectKrivični zakoniksr
dc.titleНехатно лишење животаsr



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