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dc.creatorMarinković, Nemanja
dc.description.abstractThe last decade of the XX century, was marked by globalization. This term have had controversial explanation, so far. Interdependence and technical- technological development are in the middle of this process, which was pervaded a whole social activities - economical development, communications, culture, even security, too. Basic exchanges in the perception of security which are by-product of globalization, have been analyzed in this article. Security became indivisible. The domination Concept of National Security was intersected. State borders aren't guarded from the global jeopardy's (from environmental to nuclear disasters). From that point of view, state isn't able to protect itself, let alone to protect them all. Nay, states can be a source of threat for global security (their mutually opposite interests can be supplementary source of threat for relation: State-State-International Community; State-Society-Individual; State-nature). Representatives of traditional viewpoint, have been disproved these arguments. They have been considering that global security system hasn't exist, and by them, states also have the best predispositions (full democratical legitimation, infrastructure) to response on global challenges and threats. Question is, what is primary - national or global values? Third way represent compromise - global (common) values should be ingredient part of national interests, beside traditional values.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se analiziraju osnovne promene u shvatanju bezbednosti koje su nus-produkt globalizacije. U promenjenoj strukturi međunarodnog sistema, bezbednost je postala nedeljiva. Tristapedesetogodišnja dominacija koncepta nacionalne bezbednosti je dovedena u pitanje, jer granice ne predstavljaju štit od opasnosti koje svima prete (npr. ekološke i nuklearne katastrofe). Iz takve vizure, tvrdnja globalista je da države ne samo da ne mogu svet učiniti bezbednim od globalnih izazova i pretnji, već su i same izvor pretnji po globalnu bezbednost (njihovi međusobno suprotstavljeni nacionalni interesi mogu biti dodatni izvor ugrožavanja, kako na relaciji dr- žava-država-međunarodna zajednica, ali i na relaciji država-društvo- pojedinac, pa i relaciji država-priroda). Zastupnici tradicionalnih gledišta, pobijaju sve ove argumente, tvrdnjom da globalni bezbednosni sistem ne postoji, i da su države najbolje opremljene (demokratskim legitimitetom, infrastrukturom) da odgovore i globalnim izazovima i pretnjama. Treće gledište predstavlja kompromis - globalne vrednosti zajedničke svima su sastavni deo nacionalnih interesa, pored tradicionalnih.sr
dc.publisherMinistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceBezbednost, Beograd
dc.subjectglobal securityen
dc.subjectglobal interestsen
dc.subjectnational securityen
dc.subjectnational interestsen
dc.subjectglobalna bezbednostsr
dc.subjectglobalni interesisr
dc.subjectnacionalna bezbednostsr
dc.subjectnacionalni interesisr
dc.titleZamisao globalne bezbednosti - sa ili bez nacionalnesr
dcterms.abstractМаринковић, Немања; Замисао глобалне безбедности - са или без националне; Замисао глобалне безбедности - са или без националне;
dc.citation.other49(4): 58-69



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