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dc.creatorBrajušković, B.
dc.creatorMirković, M.
dc.creatorStanković, I.
dc.creatorPavićević Savić, D.
dc.creatorBranković, A.
dc.creatorCerović, S.
dc.creatorTomović, S.
dc.creatorVukotić, V.
dc.creatorRomac, S.
dc.description.abstractIntroduction & Objectives: Prostate cancer (PC) is the most prevalent type of cancer in males, comprising about 29% of all malignant tumors. Association with race, family and specific gene variants suggests strong role of genetics in prostate cancer etiology. Two nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 17q12 locus have been associated with the risk of developing prostate cancer in several previous genome-wide association studies. The correlation between the prostate cancer and rs7501939 and rs3760511 has already been confirmed in other populations, the goal of this study is to test whether it applies to Serbian population. material & methods: Analyses were done on 150 peripheral blood samples, taken from 100 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer whose prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum levels and Gleason score were available and from 50 patients diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) , while the controls were 100 DNA swab samples taken from healthy individuals. The work proceeded through PCR amplification of two regions surrounding SNPs, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and random capillary gel electrophoresis of PCR samples from each SNP group as a control of RFLP analysis. The differences in genotype frequencies between case and control subjects were tested using a chisquare test with 1 degree of freedom. Results: The Chi-square test was used to determine if there is a statistical correlation between the SNP and PC and BPH. In the case of rs3760511 there was no correlation between the controls and the PC, but at the same time, there was a major statistical correlation between the BPH and PC samples, and also between BPH and the controls. The rs7501939 also showed no statistical correlation between the controls and PC samples, but showed correlation between controls and BPH as well as between BPH and PC samples. Also, there is no statistical correlation between the Gleason score, PSA levels and the SNP’s studied. Conclusions: The two SNP’s studied are not correlated to the PC in Serbian population.sr
dc.publisherElsevier Sciencesr
dc.sourceEuropean Urology Supplements, Abstracts of EAU 7th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), and EAU 11th Central European Meeting (CEM)sr
dc.titleAnalysis of two single nucleotide polymorphisms at locus 17q12 associated with prostate cancer in Serbian populationsr
dc.citation.epage615 (C8)
dc.description.otherPoster Session 1 PROSTATE CANCER I Friday, 28 Octobersr



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