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Attitudes toward victim and victimization in the light of the just world theory

dc.creatorSimeunović-Patić, Biljana
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada je odnos prema žrtvama i viktimizaciji iz perspektive teorije o pravednom svetu Melvin-a Lerner-a, sagledan kroz prizmu relacija centralnog konstrukta ove teorije – verovanja u pravedan svet, sa okrivljavanjem žrtve, samookrivljavanjem i prevladavanjem viktimizacije. Rad ima za cilj da, u svetlu postojećih empirijskih nalaza, razmotri aktuelni status i značaj teorije o pravednom svetu za razumevanje procesa okrivljavanja i derogiranja žrtava, ali i ulogu koju verovanje u pravedan svet ima u procesu prevladavanja traume izazvane viktimizacijom. Verovanje u pravedan svet i na njoj utemeljena potreba za reuspostavljanjem pravde u situacijama u kojima je ovo verovanje ugroženo, smatra se adaptivnim mehanizmom kojim se čuva vera u sigurnost i predvidljivost socijalnog okruženja, odnosno, smislenost dugoročnih ulaganja i primene legitimnih sredstava za postizanje ličnih ciljeva. Jedna od kognitivnih taktika odbrane ugroženog verovanja u pravednost jeste reinterpretacija kritičnih događaja, uz okrivljavanje i derogiranje žrtava. Budući da nalazi empirijskih studija upućuju na zaključak da je izvesnost primene kognitivnih taktika odbrane ugroženog verovanja u pravednost veća u slučaju izostanka ili nedelotvornosti formalnih odgovora na zločin i viktimizaciju, efektivna i efikasna društvena reakcija usmerena na sankcionisanje učinilaca i reparaciju žrtava se može označiti činiocem koji ključno doprinosi redukovanju rizika od stigmatizacije i odbacivanja žrtava.sr
dc.description.abstractThe present paper discusses current empirical status of the Just world theory introduced several decades ago by Melvin Lerner, the content and functions of a just world belief as its central construct, and particularly, the relation between a just world belief and victim blaming and victim derogation phenomena. In the light of existing research evidence, a just world belief and a need to re-establish a “justice” when this belief is threatened, is considered to be an adaptive mechanism that protect a belief that a world is secure and the future is predictable, as well as a confidence in the purposefulness of selfdiscipline, long-term personal investments and social rules respecting. As proposed By the just world theory, when a person faces injustice, i.e. others’ (innocent victims’) suffering, his/her belief in a just world is threatened. Possible reactions to that threat comprise various rational victim helping activities, but also specific cognitive defensive strategies, including cognitive distortion, rationalization and reinterpretation of an event in order to minimize injustice or deny injustice happened at all. In the course of reinterpretation of injustice, victims are often blamed for their former actions, or derogated for their character, in order to indicate them responsible for their own fate and suffering. The findings of research studies suggest that the likelihood of employing cognitive defensive strategies rises if formal responses to crime and victimization lack or fail. This further suggests that an efficient and effective formal social response in terms of both sanctioning of offenders and reparation of victims should be considered highly important in reducing the risk of stigmatization and rejection of victims. Finally, the paper discusses the role of victim’s just world beliefs in post-trauma adaptation and coping processes. In virtue of findings from the existing research literature it may be concluded that victim’s belief in a just world is not necessarily obstructive for the adaptation and coping process. Moreover, in the research literature prevail findings telling in support of an assertion that strong just world belief serves significantly as a self-protective function.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Viktimološko društvo Srbijesr
dc.publisherBelgrade : Victimology Society of Serbia and European Movement in Serbiasr
dc.relationKriminalističko-policijska akademija u Beogradu, Projekat "Kriminalitet u Srbiji i instrumenti državne reakcije" (2015–2019)sr
dc.subjectteorija o pravednom svetusr
dc.subjectverovanje u pravedan svetsr
dc.subjectokrivljavanje žrtvesr
dc.subjectderogiranje žrtvesr
dc.subjectjust world theorysr
dc.subjectjust world beliefsr
dc.subjectvictim blamingsr
dc.subjectvictim derogationsr
dc.titleOdnos prema žrtvi i viktimizaciji u svetlu teorije o pravednom svetusr
dc.titleAttitudes toward victim and victimization in the light of the just world theoryen
dcterms.abstractСимеуновић-Патић, Биљана; Однос према жртви и виктимизацији у светлу теорије о праведном свету; Однос према жртви и виктимизацији у светлу теорије о праведном свету;



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