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Pouzdanost procene mišićne sile primenom testa benč-pres kod žena policajaca

dc.creatorAmanović, Đurica
dc.creatorDopsaj, Milivoj
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the work is to check the reliability of the evaluation the ability of the isometric force of the arms extension muscles, by doing the bench - press test in the women police officers. A test for that purpose included 22 women probationers who attended the Police College in Zemun. For every probationer there was a specially developed hardware - software system there were exemplary results which matched the maximal force (Fmax) arms extension and the rate of force developement (RFD), impulse of the muscle force (ImpF), coefficient of muscle activation velocity (Kmax) and the time of the force creating (tFmax). The results have shown that this test on a general level is objective and reliable on the Canonical R = 0.9451 level from 94.51%. In comparison to partial objectivity and reliability, in function of observed parameters of the muscle contraction, it has been submitted that Fmax is reliable on the level of 79.4% (p = 0.000), ImpF is reliable on the level of 50.56% (p = 0.000), Kmax is reliable on the level of 33.58% (p = 0.0046), and tFmax is reliable on the level of 37.5% (p = 0.0025), while for the RFD force, fulfilled in the given system of the demonstrating (isometric), for the given sample (women police officers age D 22+/- 1.5 year) and the group of the muscles (the arms extension muscles) is not confirmed statistically significant reliability measured by the method test - retest (R2 = 0.161, p = 0.064). Because of the high general reliability, the offered method of the testing of maximal force and the parameter of muscular force, is recommended for the practical usage. In the next research, it is necessary to define measuring features of the given test too, and especially measure values for the RFD force valuation.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada je provera pouzdanosti (relijabilnosti) procene karakteristika izometrijske sile mišića opružača ruku, primenom testa benč-pres kod žena pripadnika policije. U tu svrhu izvršeno je testiranje koje je sprovedeno sa 22 ispitanika ženskog pola, studenata Više škole unutrašnjih poslova u Zemunu. Za svakog ispitanika posebno razvijenim hardversko-softverskim sistemom, uzorkovani su rezultati koji odgovaraju maksimalnoj sili (Fmax) opružača ruku i parametri brzine stvaranja sile (RFD), količine saopštenog kretanja (ImpF), brzine uključenja mišića (Kmax) i vreme generisanja sile (tFmax). Rezultati su pokazali da je dati test na generalnom nivou objektivan i pouzdan na nivou Kanoničkog R (Canonical R = 0.9451) od 94.51%. U odnosu na parcijalnu objektivnost i pouzdanost, u funkciji posmatranih parametara mišićne kontrakcije utvrđeno je da je Fmax pouzdana na nivou 79.4% (r = 0.000), ImpF pouzdana na nivou 50.56% (r= 0.000), Kmax pouzdana na nivou 33.78% (r = 0.0046), i tFmax pouzdana na nivou 37.5% (r = 0.0025), dok za eksplozivnu silu (RFD) realizovanu u datom režimu ispoljavanja (izometrija) za dati uzorak (žene policajci uzrasta od 22±1.5 godina) i mišićnu grupu (opružači ruku) nije utvrđena statistički značajna pouzdanost merena metodom test - retest (R2 = 0.161, p = 0.064). Zbog visoke generalne pouzdanosti predloženi metod testiranja maksimalne sile i parametara mišićne sile se preporučuje za upotrebu u praksi. U narednom istraživanju treba definisati i metrološke karakteristike datog testa, a naročito metrološke vrednosti procene eksplozivne sile - RFD.sr
dc.publisherMinistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceBezbednost, Beograd
dc.subjectwomen police officersen
dc.subjectcharacteristics of isometric forceen
dc.subjectmaximal forceen
dc.subjectrate of force developmenten
dc.subjectimpulse of the muscle forceen
dc.subjectmuscle activation velocityen
dc.subjectreliability of the testen
dc.subjectžene policajcisr
dc.subjectkarakteristike izometrijske silesr
dc.subjectmaksimalna silasr
dc.subjecteksplozivna silasr
dc.subjectimpuls silesr
dc.subjectbrzina uključenja mišićasr
dc.subjectpouzdanost / relijabilnost testasr
dc.titleReliability of muscle force estimates by bench-press test in female police officersen
dc.titlePouzdanost procene mišićne sile primenom testa benč-pres kod žena policajacasr
dcterms.abstractAмановић, Ђурица; Допсај, Миливој; Поузданост процене мишићне силе применом теста бенч-прес код жена полицајаца; Поузданост процене мишићне силе применом теста бенч-прес код жена полицајаца;
dc.citation.other48(1): 118-131



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