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Penal System in the Light of Roman Statute of permanent International Criminal Tribunal

dc.creatorКоларић, Драгана
dc.description.abstractПосле дужег временског периода, у којем се радило на идеји оснивања Сталног међународног кривичног суда, јула 1998. године у Риму, на дипломатској конференцији која је одржана под покровитељством Уједињених нација, дошло је до усвајања коначне верзије Статута Међународног кривичног суда. Суд има надлежност за четири категорије злочина: геноцид, злочини против човечности, ратни злочини и злочин агресије и, као и сваки други кривични суд, има могућност да изриче и примењује санкције према учиниоцима злочина из своје надлежности. Релевантне одредбе, које се односе на питања које се казне могу применити и правила за одмеравање казне, садржане су у члановима 77-80 Римског статута и члановима 145-148 Правилника о поступку и доказима. Овај рад представља детаљнију анализу тих одредби.sr
dc.description.abstractAlong with the development of human society the consciousness of people developed as well as the need to use various measures of social response to protect the most important goods and values. If we observe the development of the international criminal law before World War II, we shall see that it mainly leaned on the international law of war which was partially contractual and partially customary in its character. First true outlines of intentions to establish permanent international criminal tribunal are anticipated only after World War II. Naturally, we cannot but point to the importance of four ad-hoc tribunals (Nurenberg, Tokyo, Yugoslavia, Rwanda), which are mentioned in literature without exception related to the development of the international criminal justice. Considering that these are temporary tribunals established only for respective specific situations, the need was underlined to establish a permanent court that would be a response to comments referring to selective justice in the work of ad hoc tribunals. After a long period of time, in which the work continued on the idea to establish a permanent international criminal tribunal, the final opening took place in Rome in July 1998, at diplomatic conference held under the auspices of the United Nations. The final version of the International Criminal Tribunal Statute was adopted. The Tribunal is competent for four crime categories: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crime of aggression. However, the International Criminal Tribunal would not be a criminal tribunal if it would not have the possibility to pronounce and apply sanctions towards crime perpetrators within their competence. Relevant provisions, referring to issues which penalties may be applied and rules to mete out the penalty are covered by Articles 77 through 80 of the Roman Statute and Articles 145 through 148 of the Rules of the procedure and evidence. The negotiations on the penalties that will be applied by the International Criminal Tribunal have shown much more difficult and long-lasting than it has been expected. Despite common interest aimed at establishing the International Criminal Tribunal there are also considerable differences in legal cultures. All discussions that had preceded the Roman Conference and those that followed during the meeting indicated that there was not an international consensus regarding some issues, especially regarding the abolition of capital punishment.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Полицијска академијаsr
dc.sourceНБП : Наука, безбедност, полицијаsr
dc.subjectMeđunarodni krivični sudsr
dc.subjectRimski statutsr
dc.subjectsistem kaznisr
dc.subjectodmeravanje kaznesr
dc.subjectsvrha kaznesr
dc.subjectolakšavajuće i otežavajuće okolnostisr
dc.titleСистем казни у светлу Римског статута сталног Међународног кривичног судаsr
dc.titlePenal System in the Light of Roman Statute of permanent International Criminal Tribunalen
dcterms.abstractKolarić, Dragana; Sistem kazni u svetlu Rimskog statuta stalnog Međunarodnog krivičnog suda;

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