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Proširenje nadležnosti međunarodnih krivičnih sudova : koherentnost ili haos

dc.creatorŠurlan, Tijana
dc.description.abstractWithin the present paper a new phenomenon has been elaborated - a phenomenon of expanding jurisdiction of the present international criminal courts. At the moment there are two ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals, one permanent International Criminal Court and several hybrid and internationalized international criminal courts. Ad hoc Tribunals are in the phase of transformation into the UN Mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunals, as a completely new forum, thus expanding Tribunals jurisdiction in a new direction. As for the International Criminal Court, desirable mode of its expanding is through the increase of its member states, in the overall list of member-states. What is happening in reality is that states are approaching ad hoc at the ICC’s docket, as the situation directs them. Tendency in the realm of the international criminal judiciary is that creation of new international criminal courts is expected, although not warmly accepted. With the multiple international criminal courts existing, in the same ratione materiae jurisdiction, it is highly expected that the overlaps will occur as well as the expanding of the jurisdiction that is beyond the usual terms of norms interpretation. The focus of this paper is on a dilemma – whether such a situation will provoke coherence or chaos.en
dc.description.abstractNaslovljeni rad bavi se jednim novim fenomenom – fenomenom proširivanja nadležnosti postojećih međunarodnih krivičnih sudova. Trenutno postoje dva ad hoc Međunarodna krivična tribunala, jedan stalni Međunarodni krivični sud i nekoliko hibridnih i internacionalizovanih međunarodnih krivičnih sudova. Ad hoc tribunali trenutno su u fazi transformacije i prenošenja nadležnosti na UN Mehanizam za međunarodne krivične tribunale. Što se tiče stalnog Međunarodnog krivičnog suda, poželjan model proširivanja domašaja rada ovog Suda je kroz uvećanje država članica njegovog Statuta. No što se trenutno dešava je uvećavanje nadležnosti nekim drugačijim pravnim sredstvima, a ne uobičajenim i poželjnim članstvom u Sudu. Opšta tendencija u domenu međunarodnog krivičnog pravosuđa ogleda se u uvećanom kreiranju novih sudova, iako ta tendencija nije ubedljivo prihvaćena kao dobrodošla. Umnožavanje broja međunarodnih sudova, sa istom ratione materiae nadležnošću, jasno je da može dovesti do preklapanja u postupanju. S druge strane dovodi do proširivanja nadležnosti po drugim principima određivanja nadležnosti. Stoga fokus ovog rada i jeste usmeren ka razrešenju dileme – da li opisana situacija kreira stanje koherentnosti ili
dc.publisherBeograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademijasr
dc.relationAcademy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade, Project: „Crime in Serbia and instruments of state response“,
dc.sourceNBP : Journal of criminalistics and law = Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravosr
dc.subjectJurisdiction, Expandingsr
dc.subjectad hoc International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslaviasr
dc.subjectad hoc International Criminal Tribunal for Rwandasr
dc.subjectUN Mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunalssr
dc.subjectInternational Criminal Courtsr
dc.subjectnadležnost, proširivanjesr
dc.subjectad hoc Međunarodni krivični tribunal za bivšu Jugoslavijusr
dc.subjectad hoc Tribunal za Ruandusr
dc.subjectUN Mehanizam za međunarodne krivične tribunalesr
dc.subjectMeđunarodni krivični sudsr
dc.titleExpanding Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Courts : coherence or chaosen
dc.titleProširenje nadležnosti međunarodnih krivičnih sudova : koherentnost ili haossr
dcterms.abstractШурлан, Тијана; Проширење надлежности међународних кривичних судова : кохерентност или хаос; Проширење надлежности међународних кривичних судова : кохерентност или хаос;



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