Prikaz rezultata 1526-1545 od 2722

      Process of phonon diffusion through crystalline structures [1]
      Procjena mase eksploziva na temelju kratera nakon površinske eksplozije na asfaltu [1]
      Production of linked government datasets using enhanced LIRE architecture [1]
      Prof. dr Dragan Ranđelović: Visokotehnološki kriminal [1]
      Prof. dr Milan Petrović u saradnji sa M. Pricom: Uvod u velike pravne i upravne sisteme (sa evropskim upravnim pravom), Niš, 2015 [1]
      Prof. Dr Vesela Radović: Bezbednost životne sredine - evolucija i savremeni pristupi, Univerzitet Edukons, Sremska Kamenica, 2013 [1]
      Prof. Dr Vesela Radović: Environmental security: Evolution and contemporary approaches [1]
      Profesionalizacija državne uprave u Srbiji [1]
      Profile of Police Officers Convited of Bribery [1]
      Prohibition of trafficking in human beings under the auspices of human rights [1]
      Prohibition to approach and communicate with the victim [1]
      Project 'School policeman a friend and protector of children' [1]
      Projektovanje sistema upravljanja spasilačkim jedinicama [1]
      Promene repetitivne snage posmatranih mišićnih grupa kod studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije tokom prve tri godine studija - magistarski rad [1]
      Properties of Boubaker polynomials and an application to Love’s integral equation [1]
      Proširenje nadležnosti međunarodnih krivičnih sudova : koherentnost ili haos [1]
      Protection of adult victims of trafficking in human beings and the status of a particularly sensitive witness [1]
      Protection of national interests of Republic of Serbia in process of the international integrations [1]
      Protection of user credentials in web application [1]
      Providing a psychological profile of a criminal offence perpetrator [1]