Projekat Kriminalističko-policijske akademije: Kriminalitet u Srbiji i instrumenti državne reakcije

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Projekat Kriminalističko-policijske akademije: Kriminalitet u Srbiji i instrumenti državne reakcije



Matrix based approach to the investigation of economic crime: Theoretical and practical model

Lajić, Oliver; Aleksić, Dušan B.

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Lajić, Oliver
AU  - Aleksić, Dušan B.
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The authors dealing with the general characteristics of economic crime in the introductory part of the paper, and then point to the fact that in literature generally it is talked about abstract and (or) the theoretical elements of this phenomenon. In contrast to this, they offer a somewhat different approach in highlighting this phenomenon, trying to provide an easier understanding of its essence and ways of investigating particular criminal offenses. In that context they introduced simplified graphical representation of a corpus of material actions of perpetrators and their interaction with the goods, money and other actors in the business relations. These relations are later object of investigations in the way described in the text. In order to easily show basic principles of the phenomenon, they construct a kind of matrix, characterized by simplicity and transparency, which makes it suitable for educational pureposes. Off red form may represent a model for further theoretical considerations, improving of research methods of economic crime and its demystification, as well.
AB  - Autori se u uvodnom delu rada bave opštim karakteristikama privrednog kriminala, a zatim ukazuju na činjenicu da se u literaturi uglavnom govori o apstraktnim i(li) teorijskim elementima ovog fenomena. Za razliku od takvog, oni nude nešto drugačiji pristup u osvetljavanju ove pojave, nastojeći da omoguće lakše shvatanje njegove suštine i načina istraživanja konkretnih krivičnih dela, kroz krajnje pojednostavljen grafički prikaz korpusa materijalnih radnji učinilaca i njihovih interakcija s robom, novcem i drugim akterima u poslovnim odnosima. Na taj način konstruišu svojevrsnu matricu, koju karakteriše jednostavnost i preglednost, što je čini podobnom za edukativne svrhe. Ponuđeni obrazac može predstavljati i model za dalja teorijska promišljanja, unapređenje i demistifikaciju metodike istraživanja privrednog kriminala.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Matrix based approach to the investigation of economic crime: Theoretical and practical model
T1  - Matrični pristup u istraživanju privrednog kriminala - teorijsko praktični model
VL  - 52
IS  - 1
SP  - 227
EP  - 244
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns52-13425
ER  - 
author = "Lajić, Oliver and Aleksić, Dušan B.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The authors dealing with the general characteristics of economic crime in the introductory part of the paper, and then point to the fact that in literature generally it is talked about abstract and (or) the theoretical elements of this phenomenon. In contrast to this, they offer a somewhat different approach in highlighting this phenomenon, trying to provide an easier understanding of its essence and ways of investigating particular criminal offenses. In that context they introduced simplified graphical representation of a corpus of material actions of perpetrators and their interaction with the goods, money and other actors in the business relations. These relations are later object of investigations in the way described in the text. In order to easily show basic principles of the phenomenon, they construct a kind of matrix, characterized by simplicity and transparency, which makes it suitable for educational pureposes. Off red form may represent a model for further theoretical considerations, improving of research methods of economic crime and its demystification, as well., Autori se u uvodnom delu rada bave opštim karakteristikama privrednog kriminala, a zatim ukazuju na činjenicu da se u literaturi uglavnom govori o apstraktnim i(li) teorijskim elementima ovog fenomena. Za razliku od takvog, oni nude nešto drugačiji pristup u osvetljavanju ove pojave, nastojeći da omoguće lakše shvatanje njegove suštine i načina istraživanja konkretnih krivičnih dela, kroz krajnje pojednostavljen grafički prikaz korpusa materijalnih radnji učinilaca i njihovih interakcija s robom, novcem i drugim akterima u poslovnim odnosima. Na taj način konstruišu svojevrsnu matricu, koju karakteriše jednostavnost i preglednost, što je čini podobnom za edukativne svrhe. Ponuđeni obrazac može predstavljati i model za dalja teorijska promišljanja, unapređenje i demistifikaciju metodike istraživanja privrednog kriminala.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Matrix based approach to the investigation of economic crime: Theoretical and practical model, Matrični pristup u istraživanju privrednog kriminala - teorijsko praktični model",
volume = "52",
number = "1",
pages = "227-244",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns52-13425"
Lajić, O.,& Aleksić, D. B.. (2018). Matrix based approach to the investigation of economic crime: Theoretical and practical model. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 52(1), 227-244.
Lajić O, Aleksić DB. Matrix based approach to the investigation of economic crime: Theoretical and practical model. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2018;52(1):227-244.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns52-13425 .
Lajić, Oliver, Aleksić, Dušan B., "Matrix based approach to the investigation of economic crime: Theoretical and practical model" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 52, no. 1 (2018):227-244, . .

State formation and police organization in ancient world

Zekavica, Radomir

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Zekavica, Radomir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - State formation involves a long historical period. At the beginning of this period, the first forms of military-political institutions of power were formed. The first forms of police function and organization should also be sought within these institutions. The first forms of police authority and organization had the function of protecting the political order of the government. By the time it would also get its contemporary dimension and segment - combating against various forms of deviant behaviour of individuals and protecting the legal order. Fully functional and organizational separation of the police came in a modern epoch, with the emergence of modern state administration, but the first forms of police function can be identified at the very beginning of the emergence and development of the state. Of course, this conclusion implies that the police function is viewed as the function that serves to preserve the legal order through law enforcement. Only in this way it is possible to recognize it in all the authorities that performed such a function, regardless of whether it is a specialized body or the first, rudimentary forms of power within primitive societies. However, only by the emergence of civilization and the first cities-states, and then the empire, there is a clear indication of the differentiated structure of state power, and within it the structure of state administration. In this segment, the first specialized organs of executive power appear, who get the role that can still be recognized as a police function in modern society.
AB  - Postanak države obuhvata dug istorijski period na čijem početku su se formirali prvi oblici vojno-političkih institucija vlasti. U okviru ovih institucija treba tražiti i prve pojavne oblike policijske funkcije i organizacije. Potpuno funkcionalno i organizaciono izdvajanje policije usledilo je u modernoj epohi, s pojavom moderne državne uprave, ali prve oblike policijske funkcije moguće je prepoznati već na samom početku pojave i razvoja države. U radu se analizira postanak države i prvih oblika policijske vlasti u predržavnom periodu, a zatim se analizira pojava policijskih organa vlasti u državama starog veka, njihovi oblici i funkcija koju su imali.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - State formation and police organization in ancient world
T1  - Postanak države i prvi oblici policijske organizacije u starom veku
VL  - 23
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
EP  - 14
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo23-15919
ER  - 
author = "Zekavica, Radomir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "State formation involves a long historical period. At the beginning of this period, the first forms of military-political institutions of power were formed. The first forms of police function and organization should also be sought within these institutions. The first forms of police authority and organization had the function of protecting the political order of the government. By the time it would also get its contemporary dimension and segment - combating against various forms of deviant behaviour of individuals and protecting the legal order. Fully functional and organizational separation of the police came in a modern epoch, with the emergence of modern state administration, but the first forms of police function can be identified at the very beginning of the emergence and development of the state. Of course, this conclusion implies that the police function is viewed as the function that serves to preserve the legal order through law enforcement. Only in this way it is possible to recognize it in all the authorities that performed such a function, regardless of whether it is a specialized body or the first, rudimentary forms of power within primitive societies. However, only by the emergence of civilization and the first cities-states, and then the empire, there is a clear indication of the differentiated structure of state power, and within it the structure of state administration. In this segment, the first specialized organs of executive power appear, who get the role that can still be recognized as a police function in modern society., Postanak države obuhvata dug istorijski period na čijem početku su se formirali prvi oblici vojno-političkih institucija vlasti. U okviru ovih institucija treba tražiti i prve pojavne oblike policijske funkcije i organizacije. Potpuno funkcionalno i organizaciono izdvajanje policije usledilo je u modernoj epohi, s pojavom moderne državne uprave, ali prve oblike policijske funkcije moguće je prepoznati već na samom početku pojave i razvoja države. U radu se analizira postanak države i prvih oblika policijske vlasti u predržavnom periodu, a zatim se analizira pojava policijskih organa vlasti u državama starog veka, njihovi oblici i funkcija koju su imali.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "State formation and police organization in ancient world, Postanak države i prvi oblici policijske organizacije u starom veku",
volume = "23",
number = "1",
pages = "1-14",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo23-15919"
Zekavica, R.. (2018). State formation and police organization in ancient world. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 23(1), 1-14.
Zekavica R. State formation and police organization in ancient world. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2018;23(1):1-14.
doi:10.5937/nabepo23-15919 .
Zekavica, Radomir, "State formation and police organization in ancient world" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 23, no. 1 (2018):1-14, . .

Lice i naličje militarizacije policije

Kesić, Zoran; Zekavica, Radomir

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
AU  - Zekavica, Radomir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - U radu se razmatra proces militarizacije policije kao složen proces modifikacije tradicionalne i uobičajene prirode i karaktera policijske profesije prema modelima i vrednostima svojstvenim vojnoj profesiji. Militarizacija policije ukazuje upravo na određen obim i prirodu uticaja vojničkog sistema funkcionisanja na način obavljanja policijskih zadataka. Time se razlika između ovih dveju profesija smanjuje, što ima kako svoje potencijalno dobre, tako i loše strane. U radu se najviše pažnje posvećuje upravo analizi lica i naličja militarizacije policije, i ukazuje kako na pozitivne, tako i na negativne efekte te pojave. Autori smatraju da proces militarizacije policije ima ipak izraženije negativne efekte jer smanjuje preventivne i proaktivne funkcije policije, i time je vraćaju u status reaktivne i retributivne službe, čime se ujedno dovode u pitanje vrednosti demokratskog društva i vladavine prava.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Lice i naličje militarizacije policije
VL  - 70
IS  - 4
SP  - 86
EP  - 99
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1804086K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran and Zekavica, Radomir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U radu se razmatra proces militarizacije policije kao složen proces modifikacije tradicionalne i uobičajene prirode i karaktera policijske profesije prema modelima i vrednostima svojstvenim vojnoj profesiji. Militarizacija policije ukazuje upravo na određen obim i prirodu uticaja vojničkog sistema funkcionisanja na način obavljanja policijskih zadataka. Time se razlika između ovih dveju profesija smanjuje, što ima kako svoje potencijalno dobre, tako i loše strane. U radu se najviše pažnje posvećuje upravo analizi lica i naličja militarizacije policije, i ukazuje kako na pozitivne, tako i na negativne efekte te pojave. Autori smatraju da proces militarizacije policije ima ipak izraženije negativne efekte jer smanjuje preventivne i proaktivne funkcije policije, i time je vraćaju u status reaktivne i retributivne službe, čime se ujedno dovode u pitanje vrednosti demokratskog društva i vladavine prava.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Lice i naličje militarizacije policije",
volume = "70",
number = "4",
pages = "86-99",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1804086K"
Kesić, Z.,& Zekavica, R.. (2018). Lice i naličje militarizacije policije. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 70(4), 86-99.
Kesić Z, Zekavica R. Lice i naličje militarizacije policije. in Vojno delo. 2018;70(4):86-99.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1804086K .
Kesić, Zoran, Zekavica, Radomir, "Lice i naličje militarizacije policije" in Vojno delo, 70, no. 4 (2018):86-99, . .

Criminal law response to terrorism in the legislation of Spain and Italy

Bodrožić, Ivana

(Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Bodrožić, Ivana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Author presents and analyzes the manner, content and models of the criminal law reaction to terrorism, in two member states of the European Union, Spain and Italy, which had direct negative experiences with terrorist attacks and developed anti-terrorism laws. Knowledge of terrorism as a category of criminal law, as one of the existing incriminations in national legal systems, with a comparative analysis and analysis of solutions from the national criminal justice systems of the elected countries, can be the basis for a later comparison with the solutions accepted in the national criminal legislation, through which could be given some suggestions regarding some of the de lege ferenda solutions. At the end of the paper, the author concludes that the criminal law provisions on terrorism of the selected legislation are aligned with the aquis communitaire, as well as characterized by expansionism and punitiveism, which in a free, democratic state must be limited and constantly reconsidered.
AB  - U radu se daje prikaz i analiza korpusa krivičnopravnih odredaba o terorizmu u zakonodavstvu Španije i Italije, kao državama koje su imale neposrednih negativnih iskustava sa terorisičkim napadima. Cilj rada je da ukazivanjem na sličnosti i razlike u odabranom načinu i modelu krivičnopravne zaštite od terorizma bude ukazano na značaj harmonizovane reakcije na terorizam na nivou Evropske unije, koja je uspostavila zajednički krivičnopravni pojam terorizma i sličnih, sa njim povezanih, pojmova, sa krajnjim ciljem efikasnijeg suprotstavljanja ovom teškom obliku kriminaliteta. Kao zaključak autor iznosi konstataciju da su krivičnopravne odredbe o terorizmu odabranih zakonodavstva usklađene sa aquis communitaire, kao i da ih karakteriše ekspanzionizam i punitivizam, koji u demokratskoj, slobodnoj državi moraju biti ogranični i stalno preispitivani.
PB  - Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Strani pravni život
T1  - Criminal law response to terrorism in the legislation of Spain and Italy
T1  - Krivičnopravno reagovanje na terorizam u zakonodavstvu Španije i Italije
IS  - 3
SP  - 109
EP  - 123
DO  - 10.5937/spz1803109B
ER  - 
author = "Bodrožić, Ivana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Author presents and analyzes the manner, content and models of the criminal law reaction to terrorism, in two member states of the European Union, Spain and Italy, which had direct negative experiences with terrorist attacks and developed anti-terrorism laws. Knowledge of terrorism as a category of criminal law, as one of the existing incriminations in national legal systems, with a comparative analysis and analysis of solutions from the national criminal justice systems of the elected countries, can be the basis for a later comparison with the solutions accepted in the national criminal legislation, through which could be given some suggestions regarding some of the de lege ferenda solutions. At the end of the paper, the author concludes that the criminal law provisions on terrorism of the selected legislation are aligned with the aquis communitaire, as well as characterized by expansionism and punitiveism, which in a free, democratic state must be limited and constantly reconsidered., U radu se daje prikaz i analiza korpusa krivičnopravnih odredaba o terorizmu u zakonodavstvu Španije i Italije, kao državama koje su imale neposrednih negativnih iskustava sa terorisičkim napadima. Cilj rada je da ukazivanjem na sličnosti i razlike u odabranom načinu i modelu krivičnopravne zaštite od terorizma bude ukazano na značaj harmonizovane reakcije na terorizam na nivou Evropske unije, koja je uspostavila zajednički krivičnopravni pojam terorizma i sličnih, sa njim povezanih, pojmova, sa krajnjim ciljem efikasnijeg suprotstavljanja ovom teškom obliku kriminaliteta. Kao zaključak autor iznosi konstataciju da su krivičnopravne odredbe o terorizmu odabranih zakonodavstva usklađene sa aquis communitaire, kao i da ih karakteriše ekspanzionizam i punitivizam, koji u demokratskoj, slobodnoj državi moraju biti ogranični i stalno preispitivani.",
publisher = "Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Strani pravni život",
title = "Criminal law response to terrorism in the legislation of Spain and Italy, Krivičnopravno reagovanje na terorizam u zakonodavstvu Španije i Italije",
number = "3",
pages = "109-123",
doi = "10.5937/spz1803109B"
Bodrožić, I.. (2018). Criminal law response to terrorism in the legislation of Spain and Italy. in Strani pravni život
Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd.(3), 109-123.
Bodrožić I. Criminal law response to terrorism in the legislation of Spain and Italy. in Strani pravni život. 2018;(3):109-123.
doi:10.5937/spz1803109B .
Bodrožić, Ivana, "Criminal law response to terrorism in the legislation of Spain and Italy" in Strani pravni život, no. 3 (2018):109-123, . .

Concept of 'police violence'

Kesić, Zoran

(Pravni fakultet, Niš, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this paper is to clarify an extremely complex phenomenon which is in the scientific and professional literature known as police violence. It is justified by the fact that this issue has not been sufficiently discussed in local literature, particularly in the context of scientific-theoretical and empirical research on this phenomenon. Having in mind that the theoretical and working definition of the subject matter of this research is the first and indispensable step in understanding the indicators of the phenomenon under consideration, the author first considers the conceptual definition of police violence in an endeavor to remove, at least partly, certain ambiguities and increase the interest of the academic community to research this phenomenon, not only in the form of theoretical analysis but also through empirical research in Serbian society. The need for such research primarily stems from the fact that there is an insufficient number of empirical studies that would systematically and comprehensively research the phenomenon of police violence in Serbia. Consequently, numerous indicators of this phenomenon and its extent are mainly the result of assumptions and arbitrary assessment.
AB  - Smisao pisanja ovog rada pronalazimo u potrebi pojašnjenja izuzetno kompleksne i nadasve delikatne pojave, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi poznate kao 'policijsko nasilje'. Tim pre što u domaćoj literaturi do sada nije bilo dovoljno reči o ovom problemu, bar ne u smislu njegovog empirijskog sagledavanja. Imajući u vidu da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do spoznaje pokazatelja proučavane pojave, činilo nam se važnim da u ovom radu razmotrimo sam pojam 'policijskog nasilja'. Težnja nam je bila da na taj način bar delimično otklonimo određene nedoumice u tumačenju ove pojave, ali i da ujedno povećamo zainteresovanost naučne javnosti za istraživanje nasilja policije u našem društvu, ali ne samo u vidu teorijske analize, već i kroz njegovo empirijsko istraživanje. Potreba za tim prevashodno proizlazi iz činjenice da u našim uslovima do sada nisu u dovoljnom broju sprovedene takve naučne studije kojima bi se sistemski i sveobuhvatno istražilo nasilje policije, tako da su brojni pokazatelji njegove pojave i obima uglavnom rezultat nagađanja i slobodnih procena.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Niš
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
T1  - Concept of 'police violence'
T1  - Pojam 'policijskog nasilja'
VL  - 57
IS  - 78
SP  - 271
EP  - 287
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfni1878271K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The purpose of this paper is to clarify an extremely complex phenomenon which is in the scientific and professional literature known as police violence. It is justified by the fact that this issue has not been sufficiently discussed in local literature, particularly in the context of scientific-theoretical and empirical research on this phenomenon. Having in mind that the theoretical and working definition of the subject matter of this research is the first and indispensable step in understanding the indicators of the phenomenon under consideration, the author first considers the conceptual definition of police violence in an endeavor to remove, at least partly, certain ambiguities and increase the interest of the academic community to research this phenomenon, not only in the form of theoretical analysis but also through empirical research in Serbian society. The need for such research primarily stems from the fact that there is an insufficient number of empirical studies that would systematically and comprehensively research the phenomenon of police violence in Serbia. Consequently, numerous indicators of this phenomenon and its extent are mainly the result of assumptions and arbitrary assessment., Smisao pisanja ovog rada pronalazimo u potrebi pojašnjenja izuzetno kompleksne i nadasve delikatne pojave, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi poznate kao 'policijsko nasilje'. Tim pre što u domaćoj literaturi do sada nije bilo dovoljno reči o ovom problemu, bar ne u smislu njegovog empirijskog sagledavanja. Imajući u vidu da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do spoznaje pokazatelja proučavane pojave, činilo nam se važnim da u ovom radu razmotrimo sam pojam 'policijskog nasilja'. Težnja nam je bila da na taj način bar delimično otklonimo određene nedoumice u tumačenju ove pojave, ali i da ujedno povećamo zainteresovanost naučne javnosti za istraživanje nasilja policije u našem društvu, ali ne samo u vidu teorijske analize, već i kroz njegovo empirijsko istraživanje. Potreba za tim prevashodno proizlazi iz činjenice da u našim uslovima do sada nisu u dovoljnom broju sprovedene takve naučne studije kojima bi se sistemski i sveobuhvatno istražilo nasilje policije, tako da su brojni pokazatelji njegove pojave i obima uglavnom rezultat nagađanja i slobodnih procena.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Niš",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu",
title = "Concept of 'police violence', Pojam 'policijskog nasilja'",
volume = "57",
number = "78",
pages = "271-287",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfni1878271K"
Kesić, Z.. (2018). Concept of 'police violence'. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
Pravni fakultet, Niš., 57(78), 271-287.
Kesić Z. Concept of 'police violence'. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu. 2018;57(78):271-287.
doi:10.5937/zrpfni1878271K .
Kesić, Zoran, "Concept of 'police violence'" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, 57, no. 78 (2018):271-287, . .

Police brutality and torture similarities and differences

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Numerous specifics of police violence, and above all the characteristics of the perpetrator and the circumstances under which such actions are undertaken, make research of this phenomenon problematic, but also challenging. In addition to the problem of practical nature, researchers of this phenomenon may also encounter some conceptual limitations, especially in terms of defining the subject of research. Hence, our aspiration was to re-examine some of the existing perceptions of police violence, and above all brutality and torture, as its most indicative forms. To this end, we pointed out some common characteristics, as well as the essential differences between these two phenomena, all in order to eliminate certain doubts in their interpretation, but also how to find the most acceptable determinations, which would be an important basis for defining the subjects of some future scientific research into police violence. Specifically, brutality and torture have the following common characteristics: the status of the perpetrator, the circumstances of the execution, the act of execution, the form of guilt (the vindication of the perpetrator) and the intention. In contrast, these two phenomena are distinguished by some important differences, namely: the purpose of use; the cause of execution, the location of the event, the reaction (level of tolerance), and the responsible person.
AB  - Brojne specifičnosti policijskog nasilja čine istraživanje ove pojave problematičnim, ali i izazovnim poduhvatom. Pored problema praktične prirode, istraživači ovog fenomena mogu se susresti i sa nekim konceptualnim ograničenjima, posebno u smislu definisanja predmeta istraživanja. Otuda je i naša težnja bila da u ovom radu preispitamo neka od postojećih shvatanja policijskog nasilja, a pre svih brutalnosti i torture, kao njegovih najindikativnijih izraza. Razmatrajući zajedničke karakteristike, ali i suštinske razlike između ove dve pojave, namera nam je da otklonimo određene nedoumice u njihovom tumačenju, ali i da pronađemo što prihvatljivija određenja koja bi predstavljala bitan oslonac u definisanju predmeta nekih budućih naučnih istraživanja nasilja policije. Zaključak koji smo iz te analize izveli jeste da brutalnost i tortura poseduju sledeće zajedničke karakteristike: status izvršioca, okolnosti izvršenja, radnja izvršenja, oblik krivice (vinost izvršioca) i namera. Nasuprot tome, ove dve pojave je moguće razlikovati prema sledećim karakteristikama: svrha (cilj) upotrebe, povod izvršenja, mesto (lokacija) dešavanja, reakcija (nivo tolerancije) i nosilac odgovornosti.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Police brutality and torture similarities and differences
T1  - Policijska brutalnost i tortura sličnosti i razlike
VL  - 23
IS  - 1
SP  - 35
EP  - 50
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo23-17166
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Numerous specifics of police violence, and above all the characteristics of the perpetrator and the circumstances under which such actions are undertaken, make research of this phenomenon problematic, but also challenging. In addition to the problem of practical nature, researchers of this phenomenon may also encounter some conceptual limitations, especially in terms of defining the subject of research. Hence, our aspiration was to re-examine some of the existing perceptions of police violence, and above all brutality and torture, as its most indicative forms. To this end, we pointed out some common characteristics, as well as the essential differences between these two phenomena, all in order to eliminate certain doubts in their interpretation, but also how to find the most acceptable determinations, which would be an important basis for defining the subjects of some future scientific research into police violence. Specifically, brutality and torture have the following common characteristics: the status of the perpetrator, the circumstances of the execution, the act of execution, the form of guilt (the vindication of the perpetrator) and the intention. In contrast, these two phenomena are distinguished by some important differences, namely: the purpose of use; the cause of execution, the location of the event, the reaction (level of tolerance), and the responsible person., Brojne specifičnosti policijskog nasilja čine istraživanje ove pojave problematičnim, ali i izazovnim poduhvatom. Pored problema praktične prirode, istraživači ovog fenomena mogu se susresti i sa nekim konceptualnim ograničenjima, posebno u smislu definisanja predmeta istraživanja. Otuda je i naša težnja bila da u ovom radu preispitamo neka od postojećih shvatanja policijskog nasilja, a pre svih brutalnosti i torture, kao njegovih najindikativnijih izraza. Razmatrajući zajedničke karakteristike, ali i suštinske razlike između ove dve pojave, namera nam je da otklonimo određene nedoumice u njihovom tumačenju, ali i da pronađemo što prihvatljivija određenja koja bi predstavljala bitan oslonac u definisanju predmeta nekih budućih naučnih istraživanja nasilja policije. Zaključak koji smo iz te analize izveli jeste da brutalnost i tortura poseduju sledeće zajedničke karakteristike: status izvršioca, okolnosti izvršenja, radnja izvršenja, oblik krivice (vinost izvršioca) i namera. Nasuprot tome, ove dve pojave je moguće razlikovati prema sledećim karakteristikama: svrha (cilj) upotrebe, povod izvršenja, mesto (lokacija) dešavanja, reakcija (nivo tolerancije) i nosilac odgovornosti.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Police brutality and torture similarities and differences, Policijska brutalnost i tortura sličnosti i razlike",
volume = "23",
number = "1",
pages = "35-50",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo23-17166"
Kesić, Z.. (2018). Police brutality and torture similarities and differences. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 23(1), 35-50.
Kesić Z. Police brutality and torture similarities and differences. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2018;23(1):35-50.
doi:10.5937/nabepo23-17166 .
Kesić, Zoran, "Police brutality and torture similarities and differences" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 23, no. 1 (2018):35-50, . .

Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing

Kesić, Zoran; Bikarević, Darko R.

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
AU  - Bikarević, Darko R.
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Coercion is undoubtedly the most explicit characteristic of police profession, which is often the base for defining its essence. It is, at the same time, the most delicate segment of police acts, having in mind that its use seriously interferes with human rights and freedoms. Therefore, it is not surprising that most researchers, in their quest to understand the work of the police and system of values of its members, are mostly focused on some of the aspects of using coercion. Although this paper is one in the series of such works, it still offers somewhat different approach to the concrete phenomenon in comparison to the one that dominates here, where the focus is mostly on discussing legal aspects and tactical-technical characteristics of police coercion. Due to its complexity and delicate nature, this topic requires a wider scientific approach, such as the one fostered within criminological perspective. If we add the fact that this perspective of police coercion is quite neglected in our literature, the writing of this paper gets its justification. However, its purpose and demanding scope force us to focus only on one criminological aspect of the concrete phenomenon. To that regard, discussion about aetiological dimension of illegal use of coercion measures seemed especially important. Thereby, due to its exceptionally complex causality, it was necessary to use multifactor approach in explaining the how this phenomenon occurs. Having this in mind, the paper points to some of the most important factors of illegal use of force in the acts of the police by looking at their mutual influence and contribution, firstly at general level, and then at the level of individual forms of this phenomenon in police such as brutality, torture and illegal deprivation of life.
AB  - Prinuda je nesumnjivo najeksplicitnije obeležje policijske profesije kroz koju se najčešće i definiše njena suština. Ona je ujedno i najdelikatniji segment postupanja policije, budući da se njenom primenom najozbiljnije zadire u sferu ljudskih prava i sloboda. Stoga i ne čudi zašto se većina istraživača, tragajući za razumevanjem rada policije i sistema vrednosti njenih pripadnika, uglavnom fokusira na neki od aspekata primene prinude. Zbog njene složenosti ova teme zahteva jedan širok naučni pristup, kao što je recimo onaj koji se neguje unutar kriminološke perspektive. Ako ovome dodamo činjenicu da je u našoj literaturi prilično zapostavljena ova perspektiva policijske prinude time i pisanje ovog rada dobija svoju opravdanost. Međutim, njegova svrha i zahtevan obim primoravaju nas da se u radu posvetimo samo jednom od kriminoloških aspekata konkretnog fenomena. U tom smislu nam se posebno važnim činilo razmatranje etiološke dimenzije nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing
T1  - Etiološka dimenzija nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude u postupanju policije
VL  - 52
IS  - 1
SP  - 245
EP  - 258
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns52-17031
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran and Bikarević, Darko R.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Coercion is undoubtedly the most explicit characteristic of police profession, which is often the base for defining its essence. It is, at the same time, the most delicate segment of police acts, having in mind that its use seriously interferes with human rights and freedoms. Therefore, it is not surprising that most researchers, in their quest to understand the work of the police and system of values of its members, are mostly focused on some of the aspects of using coercion. Although this paper is one in the series of such works, it still offers somewhat different approach to the concrete phenomenon in comparison to the one that dominates here, where the focus is mostly on discussing legal aspects and tactical-technical characteristics of police coercion. Due to its complexity and delicate nature, this topic requires a wider scientific approach, such as the one fostered within criminological perspective. If we add the fact that this perspective of police coercion is quite neglected in our literature, the writing of this paper gets its justification. However, its purpose and demanding scope force us to focus only on one criminological aspect of the concrete phenomenon. To that regard, discussion about aetiological dimension of illegal use of coercion measures seemed especially important. Thereby, due to its exceptionally complex causality, it was necessary to use multifactor approach in explaining the how this phenomenon occurs. Having this in mind, the paper points to some of the most important factors of illegal use of force in the acts of the police by looking at their mutual influence and contribution, firstly at general level, and then at the level of individual forms of this phenomenon in police such as brutality, torture and illegal deprivation of life., Prinuda je nesumnjivo najeksplicitnije obeležje policijske profesije kroz koju se najčešće i definiše njena suština. Ona je ujedno i najdelikatniji segment postupanja policije, budući da se njenom primenom najozbiljnije zadire u sferu ljudskih prava i sloboda. Stoga i ne čudi zašto se većina istraživača, tragajući za razumevanjem rada policije i sistema vrednosti njenih pripadnika, uglavnom fokusira na neki od aspekata primene prinude. Zbog njene složenosti ova teme zahteva jedan širok naučni pristup, kao što je recimo onaj koji se neguje unutar kriminološke perspektive. Ako ovome dodamo činjenicu da je u našoj literaturi prilično zapostavljena ova perspektiva policijske prinude time i pisanje ovog rada dobija svoju opravdanost. Međutim, njegova svrha i zahtevan obim primoravaju nas da se u radu posvetimo samo jednom od kriminoloških aspekata konkretnog fenomena. U tom smislu nam se posebno važnim činilo razmatranje etiološke dimenzije nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing, Etiološka dimenzija nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude u postupanju policije",
volume = "52",
number = "1",
pages = "245-258",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns52-17031"
Kesić, Z.,& Bikarević, D. R.. (2018). Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 52(1), 245-258.
Kesić Z, Bikarević DR. Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2018;52(1):245-258.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns52-17031 .
Kesić, Zoran, Bikarević, Darko R., "Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 52, no. 1 (2018):245-258, . .

Measurement of effects in prevention of corruption

Vuković, Slaviša

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Vuković, Slaviša
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Since the adoption of key international documents that regulate mechanisms for preventing corruption over the last two decades, there has been enough time to be able to see the experiences regarding how to measure their performance and the achieved results. Serbia has regulated these mechanisms in its legislation, so it is necessary to look at the results achieved in their implementation. It is also important to look at the results of EU member states in the implementation of these mechanisms, what difficulties they face and how they have so far sought to overcome these difficulties in order to compare those experiences with experiences in Serbia. The aim is first to point out the ways in which the results achieved in preventing corruption are monitored and, on the basis of reports from leading institutions, point to examples of good practice in preventing corruption and the obstacles that need to be addressed.
AB  - Od usvajanja ključnih međunarodnih dokumenata koji uređuju mehanizme prevencije korupcije tokom poslednje dve decenije prošlo je dovoljno vremena da bi se mogla sagledati iskustva u pogledu načina merenja njihove uspešnosti i ostvarenih rezultata. Srbija je u svom zakonodavstvu uredila te mehanizme, pa je neophodno ustanoviti kakvi su rezultati postignuti u njihovoj implementaciji. Značajno je sagledati i rezultate članica EU u implementaciji tih mehanizama, sa kakvim se teškoćama one suočavaju i na koje načine su do sada nastojale da prevaziđu te teškoće, kako bi se ta iskustva uporedila sa iskustvima u Srbiji. Cilj je da se najpre ukaže na načine kako se prate ostvareni rezultati u prevenciji korupcije i da se na osnovu izveštaja vodećih institucija ukaže na primere dobre prakse u prevenciji korupcije i prepreke koje treba otkloniti.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Measurement of effects in prevention of corruption
T1  - Merenje efekata prevencije korupcije
VL  - 59
IS  - 3
SP  - 101
EP  - 118
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1703101V
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Slaviša",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Since the adoption of key international documents that regulate mechanisms for preventing corruption over the last two decades, there has been enough time to be able to see the experiences regarding how to measure their performance and the achieved results. Serbia has regulated these mechanisms in its legislation, so it is necessary to look at the results achieved in their implementation. It is also important to look at the results of EU member states in the implementation of these mechanisms, what difficulties they face and how they have so far sought to overcome these difficulties in order to compare those experiences with experiences in Serbia. The aim is first to point out the ways in which the results achieved in preventing corruption are monitored and, on the basis of reports from leading institutions, point to examples of good practice in preventing corruption and the obstacles that need to be addressed., Od usvajanja ključnih međunarodnih dokumenata koji uređuju mehanizme prevencije korupcije tokom poslednje dve decenije prošlo je dovoljno vremena da bi se mogla sagledati iskustva u pogledu načina merenja njihove uspešnosti i ostvarenih rezultata. Srbija je u svom zakonodavstvu uredila te mehanizme, pa je neophodno ustanoviti kakvi su rezultati postignuti u njihovoj implementaciji. Značajno je sagledati i rezultate članica EU u implementaciji tih mehanizama, sa kakvim se teškoćama one suočavaju i na koje načine su do sada nastojale da prevaziđu te teškoće, kako bi se ta iskustva uporedila sa iskustvima u Srbiji. Cilj je da se najpre ukaže na načine kako se prate ostvareni rezultati u prevenciji korupcije i da se na osnovu izveštaja vodećih institucija ukaže na primere dobre prakse u prevenciji korupcije i prepreke koje treba otkloniti.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Measurement of effects in prevention of corruption, Merenje efekata prevencije korupcije",
volume = "59",
number = "3",
pages = "101-118",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1703101V"
Vuković, S.. (2017). Measurement of effects in prevention of corruption. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(3), 101-118.
Vuković S. Measurement of effects in prevention of corruption. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(3):101-118.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1703101V .
Vuković, Slaviša, "Measurement of effects in prevention of corruption" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 3 (2017):101-118, . .

This is what civilization has done to barbarism

Samardžić, Renata

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Samardžić, Renata
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This paper examines the problem of spoliation and confiscation of works of art and antiques as traditional consequences of war, and their transfer from the original context and its social consequences, by providing specific examples from the history of art. It also aims to examine certain current issues of the restitution of works of art and antiques to the countries of their origin. In the example of pillage and plunder of the Summer Palace in Beijing by the English and French troops, which marked the Second Opium War, the author specifically analyzes the views of Victor Hugo on vandalism, and his standpoint as the representative of the French Romanticism in the defence of Chinese art and civilization.
AB  - U radu se kroz specifične primere iz istorije umetnosti sagledava problem pljačke i konfiskacije umetničkih dela i antikviteta kao tradicionalne posledica rata, njihovo prenošenje iz izvornog konteksta i društvene posledice. Razmatraju se i pojedina aktuelna pitanja restitucije umetničkih dela i antikviteta u zemlje njihovog porekla. Na primeru pustošenja i pljačke Letnje palate u Pekingu (1860) od strane engleskih i francuskih trupa, koje su obeležile Drugi opijumski rat, autor posebno analizira odnos Viktora Igoa prema vandalizmu i poziciju ovog predstavnika francuskog romantizma u odbrani kineske umetnosti i civilizacije.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - This is what civilization has done to barbarism
T1  - Eto šta je civilizacija učinila varvarstvu
VL  - 59
IS  - 3
SP  - 53
EP  - 78
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1703053S
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Renata",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This paper examines the problem of spoliation and confiscation of works of art and antiques as traditional consequences of war, and their transfer from the original context and its social consequences, by providing specific examples from the history of art. It also aims to examine certain current issues of the restitution of works of art and antiques to the countries of their origin. In the example of pillage and plunder of the Summer Palace in Beijing by the English and French troops, which marked the Second Opium War, the author specifically analyzes the views of Victor Hugo on vandalism, and his standpoint as the representative of the French Romanticism in the defence of Chinese art and civilization., U radu se kroz specifične primere iz istorije umetnosti sagledava problem pljačke i konfiskacije umetničkih dela i antikviteta kao tradicionalne posledica rata, njihovo prenošenje iz izvornog konteksta i društvene posledice. Razmatraju se i pojedina aktuelna pitanja restitucije umetničkih dela i antikviteta u zemlje njihovog porekla. Na primeru pustošenja i pljačke Letnje palate u Pekingu (1860) od strane engleskih i francuskih trupa, koje su obeležile Drugi opijumski rat, autor posebno analizira odnos Viktora Igoa prema vandalizmu i poziciju ovog predstavnika francuskog romantizma u odbrani kineske umetnosti i civilizacije.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "This is what civilization has done to barbarism, Eto šta je civilizacija učinila varvarstvu",
volume = "59",
number = "3",
pages = "53-78",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1703053S"
Samardžić, R.. (2017). This is what civilization has done to barbarism. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(3), 53-78.
Samardžić R. This is what civilization has done to barbarism. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(3):53-78.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1703053S .
Samardžić, Renata, "This is what civilization has done to barbarism" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 3 (2017):53-78, . .

Kompjuterske alatke u prevođenju - pomoć, rešenje, ili...

Mićović, Dragoslava; Beko, Lidija

(ALFA BK Univerzitet, 2017)

AU  - Mićović, Dragoslava
AU  - Beko, Lidija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Summary: New technologies have facilitated both every day and
professional lives and environment. It is not possible even to imagine a
day without a computer, smart phone, the Internet… As far as professional 
translation or language-editing of translated texts is concerned a great
number of tools are offered nowadays which can make the work easier,
such as online dictionaries, translation data bases, translation web-sites
and blogs, translation software, and similar. The paper will analyse two
tools which are most frequently available to everyone, and they are
Spelling & Grammar Check as a part of Microsoft Windows Word and
Google Translate. These tools are probably the most often used ones when
writing in a foreign language or translating into one. To those with good
knowledge of both source and target languages they can be of great help
and benefit, while to those who are not that skilled they can prove more
hindrance than a help. The examples taken from numerous papers
translated from Serbian into English will be used to show what kind of
problems these two most frequently used tools can create.
PB  - ALFA BK Univerzitet
C3  - Zbornik radova sa Šeste međunarodne konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike: Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 19. i 20. maj 2017. JEZIK, KNJIŽEVNOST I TEHNOLOGIJA
T1  - Kompjuterske alatke u prevođenju - pomoć, rešenje, ili...
T1  - Computer tools in translation - help, solution, or...
SP  - 38
EP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mićović, Dragoslava and Beko, Lidija",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Summary: New technologies have facilitated both every day and
professional lives and environment. It is not possible even to imagine a
day without a computer, smart phone, the Internet… As far as professional 
translation or language-editing of translated texts is concerned a great
number of tools are offered nowadays which can make the work easier,
such as online dictionaries, translation data bases, translation web-sites
and blogs, translation software, and similar. The paper will analyse two
tools which are most frequently available to everyone, and they are
Spelling & Grammar Check as a part of Microsoft Windows Word and
Google Translate. These tools are probably the most often used ones when
writing in a foreign language or translating into one. To those with good
knowledge of both source and target languages they can be of great help
and benefit, while to those who are not that skilled they can prove more
hindrance than a help. The examples taken from numerous papers
translated from Serbian into English will be used to show what kind of
problems these two most frequently used tools can create.",
publisher = "ALFA BK Univerzitet",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa Šeste međunarodne konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike: Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 19. i 20. maj 2017. JEZIK, KNJIŽEVNOST I TEHNOLOGIJA",
title = "Kompjuterske alatke u prevođenju - pomoć, rešenje, ili..., Computer tools in translation - help, solution, or...",
pages = "38-52",
url = ""
Mićović, D.,& Beko, L.. (2017). Kompjuterske alatke u prevođenju - pomoć, rešenje, ili.... in Zbornik radova sa Šeste međunarodne konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike: Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 19. i 20. maj 2017. JEZIK, KNJIŽEVNOST I TEHNOLOGIJA
ALFA BK Univerzitet., 38-52.
Mićović D, Beko L. Kompjuterske alatke u prevođenju - pomoć, rešenje, ili.... in Zbornik radova sa Šeste međunarodne konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike: Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 19. i 20. maj 2017. JEZIK, KNJIŽEVNOST I TEHNOLOGIJA. 2017;:38-52. .
Mićović, Dragoslava, Beko, Lidija, "Kompjuterske alatke u prevođenju - pomoć, rešenje, ili..." in Zbornik radova sa Šeste međunarodne konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike: Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 19. i 20. maj 2017. JEZIK, KNJIŽEVNOST I TEHNOLOGIJA (2017):38-52, .

Development of administrative capacities through development of the competency framework

Vukašinović-Radojičić, Zorica

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Vukašinović-Radojičić, Zorica
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - In the context of the public administration reform in the Republic of Serbia, the accent is on the development of professional capacities and introduction of civil servants' competencies. The aim of the paper is to point out to the overall context of the public administration reform in the Republic of Serbia and the latest reform trends regarding establishment of an integrated and competency-based civil service. The author emphasizes the importance of the integration of Competency framework in civil service legislation, which is in accordance with European Civil Service standards and the Human Resource Management Framework Policy for Public Administration in the Republic of Serbia. Pursuant to this paper, competencies add up to collection of knowledge, skills and behaviour required for effective performance of work tasks. The author concludes that in the context of introducing competencies in the civil service system of the Republic of Serbia, changes in legal framework are required - primarily in the Law on Civil Servants, and other laws and bylaws. For a competency framework to be efficiently implemented, education of civil servants is required.
AB  - Imajući u vidu savremene tendencije reforme javne uprave, evropske standarde razvoja službeničkog sistema i činjenicu da koncept kompetencija još uvek nije dovoljno poznat stručnoj javnosti, cilj rada je da bliže objasni značenje i svrhu kompetencija u upravljanju ljudskim resursima u državnoj upravi. Autor takođe ukazuje na aktuelne trendove unapređenja službeničkog sistema kroz uvođenje Okvira kompetencija i njegovo integrisanje u zakonodavstvo. Strateško opredeljenje predstavljeno Okvirom politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u državnoj upravi Republike Srbije se prvenstveno odnosi na uspostavljanje celovitog pristupa upravljanju ljudskim resursima zasnovanog na kompetencijama - počev od planiranja ljudskih resursa, odabira i zapošljavanja, uvođenja u posao, upravljanja učinkom, razvoja zaposlenih, do izlaska iz organizacije. Usvajanjem Okvira kompetencija državnih službenika u Republici Srbiji se podržava profesionalizacija državne uprave i obezbeđuje puna primena principa meritornosti. Ugrađen u sveobuhvatni sistem upravljanja ljudskim resursima, Okvir kompetencija će uticati na poboljšanje radnog učinka zaposlenih i ostvarivanje strateških ciljeva organa i organizacija. Identifikovanje kompetencija za delotvorno obavljanje posla, jasno pokazuje gde treba usredsrediti napore, kako u pogledu ličnog razvoja na sadašnjem radnom mestu, tako i u pogledu razvoja karijere državnih službenika. Autor zaključuje da kompetenicje dobijaju na punom značaju integrisanjem u zakonodavstvo i punom primenom u svim funkcijama upravljanja ljudskim resursima. U cilju uvođenja kompetencija, neophodne su izmene pravnog okvira - Zakona o državnim službenicima, drugih zakona i podzakonskih propisa i usvajanje novih podzakonskih propisa. Izmenama pravnog okvira nastavlja se započeta profesionalizacija državne uprave i obezbeđuje puna primena principa meritornosti. Novi pristup upravljanju ljudskim resursima traži vreme i posvećenost, a prvenstveno edukaciju zaposlenih - razvoj potrebnih menadžerskih znanja i veština.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Development of administrative capacities through development of the competency framework
T1  - Jačanje administrativnih kapaciteta kroz razvoj okvira kompetencija državnih službenika
VL  - 59
IS  - 2
SP  - 27
EP  - 42
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1702027V
ER  - 
author = "Vukašinović-Radojičić, Zorica",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In the context of the public administration reform in the Republic of Serbia, the accent is on the development of professional capacities and introduction of civil servants' competencies. The aim of the paper is to point out to the overall context of the public administration reform in the Republic of Serbia and the latest reform trends regarding establishment of an integrated and competency-based civil service. The author emphasizes the importance of the integration of Competency framework in civil service legislation, which is in accordance with European Civil Service standards and the Human Resource Management Framework Policy for Public Administration in the Republic of Serbia. Pursuant to this paper, competencies add up to collection of knowledge, skills and behaviour required for effective performance of work tasks. The author concludes that in the context of introducing competencies in the civil service system of the Republic of Serbia, changes in legal framework are required - primarily in the Law on Civil Servants, and other laws and bylaws. For a competency framework to be efficiently implemented, education of civil servants is required., Imajući u vidu savremene tendencije reforme javne uprave, evropske standarde razvoja službeničkog sistema i činjenicu da koncept kompetencija još uvek nije dovoljno poznat stručnoj javnosti, cilj rada je da bliže objasni značenje i svrhu kompetencija u upravljanju ljudskim resursima u državnoj upravi. Autor takođe ukazuje na aktuelne trendove unapređenja službeničkog sistema kroz uvođenje Okvira kompetencija i njegovo integrisanje u zakonodavstvo. Strateško opredeljenje predstavljeno Okvirom politike upravljanja ljudskim resursima u državnoj upravi Republike Srbije se prvenstveno odnosi na uspostavljanje celovitog pristupa upravljanju ljudskim resursima zasnovanog na kompetencijama - počev od planiranja ljudskih resursa, odabira i zapošljavanja, uvođenja u posao, upravljanja učinkom, razvoja zaposlenih, do izlaska iz organizacije. Usvajanjem Okvira kompetencija državnih službenika u Republici Srbiji se podržava profesionalizacija državne uprave i obezbeđuje puna primena principa meritornosti. Ugrađen u sveobuhvatni sistem upravljanja ljudskim resursima, Okvir kompetencija će uticati na poboljšanje radnog učinka zaposlenih i ostvarivanje strateških ciljeva organa i organizacija. Identifikovanje kompetencija za delotvorno obavljanje posla, jasno pokazuje gde treba usredsrediti napore, kako u pogledu ličnog razvoja na sadašnjem radnom mestu, tako i u pogledu razvoja karijere državnih službenika. Autor zaključuje da kompetenicje dobijaju na punom značaju integrisanjem u zakonodavstvo i punom primenom u svim funkcijama upravljanja ljudskim resursima. U cilju uvođenja kompetencija, neophodne su izmene pravnog okvira - Zakona o državnim službenicima, drugih zakona i podzakonskih propisa i usvajanje novih podzakonskih propisa. Izmenama pravnog okvira nastavlja se započeta profesionalizacija državne uprave i obezbeđuje puna primena principa meritornosti. Novi pristup upravljanju ljudskim resursima traži vreme i posvećenost, a prvenstveno edukaciju zaposlenih - razvoj potrebnih menadžerskih znanja i veština.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Development of administrative capacities through development of the competency framework, Jačanje administrativnih kapaciteta kroz razvoj okvira kompetencija državnih službenika",
volume = "59",
number = "2",
pages = "27-42",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1702027V"
Vukašinović-Radojičić, Z.. (2017). Development of administrative capacities through development of the competency framework. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(2), 27-42.
Vukašinović-Radojičić Z. Development of administrative capacities through development of the competency framework. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(2):27-42.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1702027V .
Vukašinović-Radojičić, Zorica, "Development of administrative capacities through development of the competency framework" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 2 (2017):27-42, . .

Terrorism as a contemporary category of national criminal law

Bodrožić, Ivana

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2017)

AU  - Bodrožić, Ivana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - In compliance with the tendencies expressed in the most important regional documents and comparative criminal justice systems, in accordance with the 2012 Law on Amendments and Additions to the Criminal Code, the Republic of Serbia rejects the previously accepted approach to the treatment of terrorism as a criminal offense from Chapter XXVIII of the criminal offenses against constitutional order and security of Serbia and transfers it to Chapter XXXIV of the crimes against humanity and international law, leaving at the same time narrow, and in contemporary conditions unacceptable, approach to distinguishing between the criminal offense of terrorism aimed at a national state and international terrorism. The new approach to defining the criminal offenses of terrorism is characterized by three dominant features: the first, which deals with a single criminal justice offense of terrorism, regardless of its orientation against a national state, a foreign state or an international organization, the second, which formally takes away the character of a political criminal offense from the criminal offense of terrorism by changing the chapter in which it is systematized within a special part of the Criminal Code and, the third, which introduces even five new offenses in accordance with the solutions accepted in international documents and comparative law. The paper analyzes new criminal offenses from the subgroup of the criminal offenses of terrorism under Chapter XXXIV of the crimes against humanity and international law, which is the main task of the criminal law science in the field of special part of criminal law, as well as the assessment of the compatibility of the national corpus of criminal justice provisions with the relevant documents accepted at the level of the European Union, with an emphasis on the importance of harmonizing criminal justice solutions related to terrorism for its effective prevention and suppression. However, the focus is on the view that the criminal justice response in this area is justified and necessary, but only as ultimate ratio in the fight against terrorism, as one of the severe forms of crime.
AB  - U skladu sa tendencijama izraženim u najvažnijim regionalnim dokumentima i komparativnim krivičnopravnim sistemima Republika Srbija, Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Krivičnog zakonika iz 2012. (ZID KZ iz 2012), odbacuje dotada prihvaćen pristup tretiranja terorizma kao krivičnog dela iz Glave XXVIII krivičnih dela protiv ustavnog uređenja i bezbednosti Srbije i prebacuje ga u Glavu XXXIV krivičnih dela protiv čovečnosti i međunarodnog prava, napuštajući istovremeno uzak i u savremenim uslovima neprihvatljiv pristup o razlikovanju krivičnog dela terorizma na terorizam usmeren ka domaćoj državi i međunarodni terorizam. Novi pristup definisanju krivičnih dela terorizma karakterišu dominantno tri osobine: prva koja se odnosi na predviđanje jedinstvenog krivičnopravnog pojma terorizma bez obzira na njegovu usmerenost protiv domaće države, strane države ili međunarodne organizacije, druga koja se odnosi na formalno oduzimanje krivičnom delu terorizma karaktera političkog krivičnog dela, promenom glave u kojoj je sistematizovano unutar posebnog dela KZ-a, i treća koja podrazumeva predviđanje čak pet novih krivičnih dela u skladu sa rešenjima prihvaćenim u međunarodnim dokumentima i u uporednom pravu. U radu se daje analiza novih krivičnih dela iz podgrupe krivičnih dela terorizma, u okviru Glave XXXIV krivičnih dela protiv čovečnosti i međunarodnog prava, koja predstavlja osnovni zadatak nauke krivičnog prava u oblasti posebnog dela krivičnog zakonodavstva kao i ocena o usklađenosti nacionalnog korpusa krivičnopravnih odredaba sa relevantnim dokumentima prihvaćenim na nivou Evropske unije, uz isticanje značaja koji harmonizacija krivičnopravnih rešenja u vezi sa terorizmom ima za njegovo efikasno sprečavanje i suzbijanje. Naglasak je na kraju ipak na stavu da je krivičnopravna reakcija u ovoj oblasti opravdana i nužna, ali samo kao ultima ratio u borbi protiv terorizma, kao jednog od teških oblika kriminaliteta.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Terrorism as a contemporary category of national criminal law
T1  - Terorizam kao savremena kategorija nacionalnog krivičnog zakonodavstva
VL  - 69
IS  - 7
SP  - 493
EP  - 510
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1707493B
ER  - 
author = "Bodrožić, Ivana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In compliance with the tendencies expressed in the most important regional documents and comparative criminal justice systems, in accordance with the 2012 Law on Amendments and Additions to the Criminal Code, the Republic of Serbia rejects the previously accepted approach to the treatment of terrorism as a criminal offense from Chapter XXVIII of the criminal offenses against constitutional order and security of Serbia and transfers it to Chapter XXXIV of the crimes against humanity and international law, leaving at the same time narrow, and in contemporary conditions unacceptable, approach to distinguishing between the criminal offense of terrorism aimed at a national state and international terrorism. The new approach to defining the criminal offenses of terrorism is characterized by three dominant features: the first, which deals with a single criminal justice offense of terrorism, regardless of its orientation against a national state, a foreign state or an international organization, the second, which formally takes away the character of a political criminal offense from the criminal offense of terrorism by changing the chapter in which it is systematized within a special part of the Criminal Code and, the third, which introduces even five new offenses in accordance with the solutions accepted in international documents and comparative law. The paper analyzes new criminal offenses from the subgroup of the criminal offenses of terrorism under Chapter XXXIV of the crimes against humanity and international law, which is the main task of the criminal law science in the field of special part of criminal law, as well as the assessment of the compatibility of the national corpus of criminal justice provisions with the relevant documents accepted at the level of the European Union, with an emphasis on the importance of harmonizing criminal justice solutions related to terrorism for its effective prevention and suppression. However, the focus is on the view that the criminal justice response in this area is justified and necessary, but only as ultimate ratio in the fight against terrorism, as one of the severe forms of crime., U skladu sa tendencijama izraženim u najvažnijim regionalnim dokumentima i komparativnim krivičnopravnim sistemima Republika Srbija, Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Krivičnog zakonika iz 2012. (ZID KZ iz 2012), odbacuje dotada prihvaćen pristup tretiranja terorizma kao krivičnog dela iz Glave XXVIII krivičnih dela protiv ustavnog uređenja i bezbednosti Srbije i prebacuje ga u Glavu XXXIV krivičnih dela protiv čovečnosti i međunarodnog prava, napuštajući istovremeno uzak i u savremenim uslovima neprihvatljiv pristup o razlikovanju krivičnog dela terorizma na terorizam usmeren ka domaćoj državi i međunarodni terorizam. Novi pristup definisanju krivičnih dela terorizma karakterišu dominantno tri osobine: prva koja se odnosi na predviđanje jedinstvenog krivičnopravnog pojma terorizma bez obzira na njegovu usmerenost protiv domaće države, strane države ili međunarodne organizacije, druga koja se odnosi na formalno oduzimanje krivičnom delu terorizma karaktera političkog krivičnog dela, promenom glave u kojoj je sistematizovano unutar posebnog dela KZ-a, i treća koja podrazumeva predviđanje čak pet novih krivičnih dela u skladu sa rešenjima prihvaćenim u međunarodnim dokumentima i u uporednom pravu. U radu se daje analiza novih krivičnih dela iz podgrupe krivičnih dela terorizma, u okviru Glave XXXIV krivičnih dela protiv čovečnosti i međunarodnog prava, koja predstavlja osnovni zadatak nauke krivičnog prava u oblasti posebnog dela krivičnog zakonodavstva kao i ocena o usklađenosti nacionalnog korpusa krivičnopravnih odredaba sa relevantnim dokumentima prihvaćenim na nivou Evropske unije, uz isticanje značaja koji harmonizacija krivičnopravnih rešenja u vezi sa terorizmom ima za njegovo efikasno sprečavanje i suzbijanje. Naglasak je na kraju ipak na stavu da je krivičnopravna reakcija u ovoj oblasti opravdana i nužna, ali samo kao ultima ratio u borbi protiv terorizma, kao jednog od teških oblika kriminaliteta.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Terrorism as a contemporary category of national criminal law, Terorizam kao savremena kategorija nacionalnog krivičnog zakonodavstva",
volume = "69",
number = "7",
pages = "493-510",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1707493B"
Bodrožić, I.. (2017). Terrorism as a contemporary category of national criminal law. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 69(7), 493-510.
Bodrožić I. Terrorism as a contemporary category of national criminal law. in Vojno delo. 2017;69(7):493-510.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1707493B .
Bodrožić, Ivana, "Terrorism as a contemporary category of national criminal law" in Vojno delo, 69, no. 7 (2017):493-510, . .

Detention of the suspect in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia with reference to comparative law solutions

Bošković, Aleksandar; Pavlović, Zoran

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2017)

AU  - Bošković, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović, Zoran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Limitation of the right to freedom of a person is a very sensitive issue, both from the aspect of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and many international charters and conventions, national laws, and primarily the Criminal Procedure Code. There are various types of limitation of the freedom of movement of a person. However, this papers will mainly deal with detention of the suspect. The suspect may be detained on several legal grounds, and the subject of our research is detention in compliance with provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, special attention has been paid to positive legislation in the Republic of Serbia, critical analysis of some law solutions with an emphasis on some illogicality and incompleteness of particular legislative provisions. Moreover, some comparative law solutions in Germany, Italy and Russia have been presented, as well as different possibilities when it comes to detention of the suspect in accordance with provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, and some concrete suggestions de lege ferenda have been offered.
AB  - Ograničenje prava na slobodu nekog lica predstavlja veoma osetljivo pitanje, kako sa aspekta Ustava Republike Srbije, tako i sa aspekta mnogobrojnih međunarodnih povelja i konvencija, ali i nacionalnih zakona, a pre svega Zakonika o krivičnom postupku. Različiti su vidovi ograničenja slobode kretanja nekog lica, ali će u radu prevashodno biti reči o zadržavanju osumnjičenog lica. Osumnjičeno lice može se zadržati po više zakonskih osnova, a predmet našeg istraživanja je zadržavanje osumnjičenog u skladu sa odredbama Zakonika o krivičnom postupku Republike Srbije. S tim u vezi, ukazuje se na pozitivnu zakonsku regulativu u Republici Srbiji. Posebna pažnja posvećena je kritičkoj analizi pojedinih zakonskih rešenja, a ukazuje se i na određene nelogičnosti i nepotpunosti konkretnih zakonskih odredbi. Takođe, predstavljena su i pojedina uporedno pravna rešenja u Nemačkoj, Italiji i Rusiji i navedene drugačije mogućnosti kada se radi o zadržavanju osumnjičenog prema odredbama ZKP i dati su određeni konkretni predlozi de lege ferenda.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Detention of the suspect in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia with reference to comparative law solutions
T1  - Zadržavanje osumnjičenog lica u krivičnom procesnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije sa osvrtom na pojedina uporedno pravna rešenja
VL  - 69
IS  - 5
SP  - 126
EP  - 139
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1705126B
ER  - 
author = "Bošković, Aleksandar and Pavlović, Zoran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Limitation of the right to freedom of a person is a very sensitive issue, both from the aspect of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and many international charters and conventions, national laws, and primarily the Criminal Procedure Code. There are various types of limitation of the freedom of movement of a person. However, this papers will mainly deal with detention of the suspect. The suspect may be detained on several legal grounds, and the subject of our research is detention in compliance with provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, special attention has been paid to positive legislation in the Republic of Serbia, critical analysis of some law solutions with an emphasis on some illogicality and incompleteness of particular legislative provisions. Moreover, some comparative law solutions in Germany, Italy and Russia have been presented, as well as different possibilities when it comes to detention of the suspect in accordance with provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, and some concrete suggestions de lege ferenda have been offered., Ograničenje prava na slobodu nekog lica predstavlja veoma osetljivo pitanje, kako sa aspekta Ustava Republike Srbije, tako i sa aspekta mnogobrojnih međunarodnih povelja i konvencija, ali i nacionalnih zakona, a pre svega Zakonika o krivičnom postupku. Različiti su vidovi ograničenja slobode kretanja nekog lica, ali će u radu prevashodno biti reči o zadržavanju osumnjičenog lica. Osumnjičeno lice može se zadržati po više zakonskih osnova, a predmet našeg istraživanja je zadržavanje osumnjičenog u skladu sa odredbama Zakonika o krivičnom postupku Republike Srbije. S tim u vezi, ukazuje se na pozitivnu zakonsku regulativu u Republici Srbiji. Posebna pažnja posvećena je kritičkoj analizi pojedinih zakonskih rešenja, a ukazuje se i na određene nelogičnosti i nepotpunosti konkretnih zakonskih odredbi. Takođe, predstavljena su i pojedina uporedno pravna rešenja u Nemačkoj, Italiji i Rusiji i navedene drugačije mogućnosti kada se radi o zadržavanju osumnjičenog prema odredbama ZKP i dati su određeni konkretni predlozi de lege ferenda.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Detention of the suspect in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia with reference to comparative law solutions, Zadržavanje osumnjičenog lica u krivičnom procesnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije sa osvrtom na pojedina uporedno pravna rešenja",
volume = "69",
number = "5",
pages = "126-139",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1705126B"
Bošković, A.,& Pavlović, Z.. (2017). Detention of the suspect in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia with reference to comparative law solutions. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 69(5), 126-139.
Bošković A, Pavlović Z. Detention of the suspect in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia with reference to comparative law solutions. in Vojno delo. 2017;69(5):126-139.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1705126B .
Bošković, Aleksandar, Pavlović, Zoran, "Detention of the suspect in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia with reference to comparative law solutions" in Vojno delo, 69, no. 5 (2017):126-139, . .

Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - It is known that to define the object of research is the first and indispensable step on the road to a more objective indicators of the studied phenomena. Specifically, precise and unambiguous definition is one of the key preconditions for success of the research. However, anyone who chooses police corruption as the subject of his research will encounter, at the very outset, the problem of how to define the phenomenon which he intends to investigate. The reason for this is the fact that corruption in general, and thus the 'police corruption', is interpreted in very different ways. As a result, it is obvious that the literature designates as police corruptions a wide range of behaviors and even phenomena of significantly different nature, such as violent behavior, for example. Such behavior is admittedly much easier to separate from corruption and to look into independently, whereas it is much harder to do so in case of practices which are very close to corruption, especially as some of them are referred to as being corrupt. In this sense, two phenomena appear to be particularly indicative - conflicts of interest and process corruption. The tendency of the author is to - as part of this study - examine the characteristics of these two phenomena and their relationship with corruption, trying in this way to contribute to finding the most precise definition of 'police corruption'.
AB  - Poznato je da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do što objektivnijih pokazatelja proučavane pojave. Tačnije, precizno i nedvosmisleno definisanje je ključni preduslov uspešnosti samog istraživanja. Međutim, svako ko izabere korupciju u policiji za predmet svog istraživanja već na samom početku će se susresti sa problemom kako da definiše pojavu koju namerava da istraži.Razlog tome treba tražiti u činjenici što se korupcija generalno, pa time i 'policijska korupcija', tumači na veoma različite načine. Kao posledica takvog stanja primetno je da se u literaturi pod pojam korupcije u policije svrstavaju brojna ponašanja, pa čak i pojave bitno drugačije prirode, kao što su recimo ponašanja sa elementima nasilja. Ovakva ponašanja je doduše znatno lakše odvojiti i nezavisno sagledati od korupcije, dok je to mnogo teže učiniti u slučaju pojava koje su veoma bliske korupciji, posebno što neke od njih u svom nazivu čak i nose tu odrednicu. U tom smislu posebno indikativnim smatramo dve pojave - sukob interesa i tzv. 'korupciju procesa'. Težnja autora je da u sklopu ovog rada sagleda osobenosti ovih dveju pojava i njihov odnos sa korupcijom, nastojeći na taj način da doprinese iznalaženju što preciznije definicije 'policijske korupcije'.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police
T1  - Razgraničenje koruptivnog ponašanja od bliskih pojava kao prilog definisanju korupcije u policiji
VL  - 59
IS  - 1
SP  - 61
EP  - 77
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1701061K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "It is known that to define the object of research is the first and indispensable step on the road to a more objective indicators of the studied phenomena. Specifically, precise and unambiguous definition is one of the key preconditions for success of the research. However, anyone who chooses police corruption as the subject of his research will encounter, at the very outset, the problem of how to define the phenomenon which he intends to investigate. The reason for this is the fact that corruption in general, and thus the 'police corruption', is interpreted in very different ways. As a result, it is obvious that the literature designates as police corruptions a wide range of behaviors and even phenomena of significantly different nature, such as violent behavior, for example. Such behavior is admittedly much easier to separate from corruption and to look into independently, whereas it is much harder to do so in case of practices which are very close to corruption, especially as some of them are referred to as being corrupt. In this sense, two phenomena appear to be particularly indicative - conflicts of interest and process corruption. The tendency of the author is to - as part of this study - examine the characteristics of these two phenomena and their relationship with corruption, trying in this way to contribute to finding the most precise definition of 'police corruption'., Poznato je da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do što objektivnijih pokazatelja proučavane pojave. Tačnije, precizno i nedvosmisleno definisanje je ključni preduslov uspešnosti samog istraživanja. Međutim, svako ko izabere korupciju u policiji za predmet svog istraživanja već na samom početku će se susresti sa problemom kako da definiše pojavu koju namerava da istraži.Razlog tome treba tražiti u činjenici što se korupcija generalno, pa time i 'policijska korupcija', tumači na veoma različite načine. Kao posledica takvog stanja primetno je da se u literaturi pod pojam korupcije u policije svrstavaju brojna ponašanja, pa čak i pojave bitno drugačije prirode, kao što su recimo ponašanja sa elementima nasilja. Ovakva ponašanja je doduše znatno lakše odvojiti i nezavisno sagledati od korupcije, dok je to mnogo teže učiniti u slučaju pojava koje su veoma bliske korupciji, posebno što neke od njih u svom nazivu čak i nose tu odrednicu. U tom smislu posebno indikativnim smatramo dve pojave - sukob interesa i tzv. 'korupciju procesa'. Težnja autora je da u sklopu ovog rada sagleda osobenosti ovih dveju pojava i njihov odnos sa korupcijom, nastojeći na taj način da doprinese iznalaženju što preciznije definicije 'policijske korupcije'.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police, Razgraničenje koruptivnog ponašanja od bliskih pojava kao prilog definisanju korupcije u policiji",
volume = "59",
number = "1",
pages = "61-77",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1701061K"
Kesić, Z.. (2017). Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(1), 61-77.
Kesić Z. Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(1):61-77.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1701061K .
Kesić, Zoran, "Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 1 (2017):61-77, . .

Forms of corruption in the police

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The fact is that our scientific and professional public has often discussed the phenomenon of corruption so far. However, it seems to us that these discussions are primarily related to corruption in general, while its specific forms and manifestations in different areas of social life, especially in the work of the police, are insufficiently processed. As a result, in the literature now we do not have a clear and precise vision what the behaviours are which could be subsumed under the corrupt practices in police work. In order to make at least a small step forward in this respect and expand the existing knowledge, in this article we considered the phenomenon of police corruption in the light of some of the usual classifications, presenting also some concrete manifestations of this phenomenon in police practice. Considering the content of individual classification and considering some specific forms of corruption in the police our tendency was primarily to facilitate some future researchers of this phenomenon to come to a working definition of what precisely the object of research is. In this sense, we believe that some of the following conclusions may be helpful: corrupt behaviour of police officers very diversified in nature, ranging from the phenomena that because of their innocence could be considered to be petty in character (e.g. the acceptance of small gifts, drinks, lunch) to very serious forms of undermining implementation of justice and sabotaging the control of the most dangerous crimes (e.g. the protection of drug trafficking); the role of a police officer in corrupt transactions can be passive, in the sense of accepting a bribe offered, but also active, by seeking opportunities or personally demanding a bribe; corrupt behaviours of police officers range from individual and unplanned transactions (mainly in terms of using the opportunity which presented itself randomly) to very organized and frequent forms of bribery (which are usually arranged in advance); although any officer can become a corrupt officer, irrespective of the rank and position in the organizational structure they occupy, there are still areas of police work and positions that provide more possibilities and opportunities for corrupt transactions (e.g. vice, traffic police, border police); although taking bribe can be considered a generic term for corruption in the police, the fact is that in practice there are numerous variations, which are usually fixed and adjusted to the particularities of police activities (scope and specifics of the tasks), but also the social environment in which this activity is performed; sources of corruption challenges that police officers face are not only in the external environment, but also within the working environment, or in the police organization.
AB  - Činjenica je da se u naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti Republike Srbije dosad često raspravljalo o fenomenu korupcije. Doduše, ove rasprave su se prevashodno odnosile na korupciju uopšte, dok su njeni specifični oblici i manifestacije u pojedinim oblastima društvenog života, a posebno u radu policije, čini nam se, nedovoljno obrađeni. Kao rezultat toga, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi još uvek ne postoji jasno i precizno viđenje koja sve ponašanja bi se mogla podvesti pod koruptivne prakse u radu policije. Kako bismo učinili bar mali pomak na tom planu i proširili postojeća saznanja, u ovom članku ćemo fenomen “policijske korupcije” razmotriti u svetlosti nekih od uobičajenih podela, ukazujući ujedno na neke konkretne manifestacije ove pojave u policijskoj praksi.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Forms of corruption in the police
T1  - Pojavni oblici korupcije u policiji
VL  - 22
IS  - 1
SP  - 53
EP  - 73
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo22-13153
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The fact is that our scientific and professional public has often discussed the phenomenon of corruption so far. However, it seems to us that these discussions are primarily related to corruption in general, while its specific forms and manifestations in different areas of social life, especially in the work of the police, are insufficiently processed. As a result, in the literature now we do not have a clear and precise vision what the behaviours are which could be subsumed under the corrupt practices in police work. In order to make at least a small step forward in this respect and expand the existing knowledge, in this article we considered the phenomenon of police corruption in the light of some of the usual classifications, presenting also some concrete manifestations of this phenomenon in police practice. Considering the content of individual classification and considering some specific forms of corruption in the police our tendency was primarily to facilitate some future researchers of this phenomenon to come to a working definition of what precisely the object of research is. In this sense, we believe that some of the following conclusions may be helpful: corrupt behaviour of police officers very diversified in nature, ranging from the phenomena that because of their innocence could be considered to be petty in character (e.g. the acceptance of small gifts, drinks, lunch) to very serious forms of undermining implementation of justice and sabotaging the control of the most dangerous crimes (e.g. the protection of drug trafficking); the role of a police officer in corrupt transactions can be passive, in the sense of accepting a bribe offered, but also active, by seeking opportunities or personally demanding a bribe; corrupt behaviours of police officers range from individual and unplanned transactions (mainly in terms of using the opportunity which presented itself randomly) to very organized and frequent forms of bribery (which are usually arranged in advance); although any officer can become a corrupt officer, irrespective of the rank and position in the organizational structure they occupy, there are still areas of police work and positions that provide more possibilities and opportunities for corrupt transactions (e.g. vice, traffic police, border police); although taking bribe can be considered a generic term for corruption in the police, the fact is that in practice there are numerous variations, which are usually fixed and adjusted to the particularities of police activities (scope and specifics of the tasks), but also the social environment in which this activity is performed; sources of corruption challenges that police officers face are not only in the external environment, but also within the working environment, or in the police organization., Činjenica je da se u naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti Republike Srbije dosad često raspravljalo o fenomenu korupcije. Doduše, ove rasprave su se prevashodno odnosile na korupciju uopšte, dok su njeni specifični oblici i manifestacije u pojedinim oblastima društvenog života, a posebno u radu policije, čini nam se, nedovoljno obrađeni. Kao rezultat toga, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi još uvek ne postoji jasno i precizno viđenje koja sve ponašanja bi se mogla podvesti pod koruptivne prakse u radu policije. Kako bismo učinili bar mali pomak na tom planu i proširili postojeća saznanja, u ovom članku ćemo fenomen “policijske korupcije” razmotriti u svetlosti nekih od uobičajenih podela, ukazujući ujedno na neke konkretne manifestacije ove pojave u policijskoj praksi.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Forms of corruption in the police, Pojavni oblici korupcije u policiji",
volume = "22",
number = "1",
pages = "53-73",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo22-13153"
Kesić, Z.. (2017). Forms of corruption in the police. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 22(1), 53-73.
Kesić Z. Forms of corruption in the police. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2017;22(1):53-73.
doi:10.5937/nabepo22-13153 .
Kesić, Zoran, "Forms of corruption in the police" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 22, no. 1 (2017):53-73, . .

Areas and consequences of organized crime influence on the legal market

Bošković, Goran; Vuković, Slaviša

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2016)

AU  - Bošković, Goran
AU  - Vuković, Slaviša
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Criminal structure spread sphere of influence in all fields of social life and become a threat to national and international security. Namely, criminal profits generated by organized crime in the criminal market and its infiltration into the legal economic flows represent a potential danger for corrupting in legal economic relations and undermine the integrity of financial institutions. In this way, in the end the basic fundamentals of the financial system may be disrupted, and in dangerous are the functioning of state institutions, economic prosperity and national security. Modern criminal organizations are profit-oriented and market-based and operating methods that use are combination of criminal and methods of modern business organizations, which makes them particularly dangerous to society. The great economic power of organized crime used to acquire political power, and it is in turn used to pursue criminal objectives. Thus, the threat of organized crime is not limited to the effects of individual criminal actions, but much more on the ability to influence the decision making processes in the sphere of politics and economics. The great interest of organized crime to influence on state and its functions stems from the fact that with the help of the state authority can provide the easiest way for providing criminal profit and immunity from prosecution. The authors in paper point to areas and dominant negative consequences of the infiltration of organized crime into legitimate economic relations, as well as the implications of these processes in order to gain a better understanding of their importance for defining the model on fighting of organized crime.
AB  - Kriminalne stukture šire sfere uticaja na sva polja društvenog života i postaju opasnost po nacionalnu i međunarodnu bezbednost. Profit koji generiše organizovani kriminal na ilegalnom tržištu i njegova infiltracija u legalne ekonomske tokove narušava integritet finansijskih institucija. Na taj način osnovne postavke finansijskog sistema mogu biti narušene, a delovanje državnih institucija, ekonomski napredak i nacionalna bezbednost ugroženi. Savremene kriminalne organizacije su profitno orijentisane i tržišno ustrojene, a metodi delovanja koje koriste kombinacija su kriminalnih i metoda rada savremenih poslovnih organizacija, što ih čini posebno opasnim po društvo. Velika ekonomska moć organizovanog kriminala koristi se za sticanje političke moći, a ona se povratno koristi za ostvarivanje kriminalnih ciljeva. Autori u radu ukazuju na dominantne oblasti i konsekvence infiltracije organizovanog kriminala u legalne ekonomske odnose, kao i na implikacije ovih procesa u cilju što boljeg razumevanja njihovog značaja za definisanje modela suprostavljanja organizovanom kriminalu.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Areas and consequences of organized crime influence on the legal market
T1  - Oblasti i posledice uticaja organizovanog kriminala na legalno tržište
VL  - 50
IS  - 1
SP  - 129
EP  - 142
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns50-10873
ER  - 
author = "Bošković, Goran and Vuković, Slaviša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Criminal structure spread sphere of influence in all fields of social life and become a threat to national and international security. Namely, criminal profits generated by organized crime in the criminal market and its infiltration into the legal economic flows represent a potential danger for corrupting in legal economic relations and undermine the integrity of financial institutions. In this way, in the end the basic fundamentals of the financial system may be disrupted, and in dangerous are the functioning of state institutions, economic prosperity and national security. Modern criminal organizations are profit-oriented and market-based and operating methods that use are combination of criminal and methods of modern business organizations, which makes them particularly dangerous to society. The great economic power of organized crime used to acquire political power, and it is in turn used to pursue criminal objectives. Thus, the threat of organized crime is not limited to the effects of individual criminal actions, but much more on the ability to influence the decision making processes in the sphere of politics and economics. The great interest of organized crime to influence on state and its functions stems from the fact that with the help of the state authority can provide the easiest way for providing criminal profit and immunity from prosecution. The authors in paper point to areas and dominant negative consequences of the infiltration of organized crime into legitimate economic relations, as well as the implications of these processes in order to gain a better understanding of their importance for defining the model on fighting of organized crime., Kriminalne stukture šire sfere uticaja na sva polja društvenog života i postaju opasnost po nacionalnu i međunarodnu bezbednost. Profit koji generiše organizovani kriminal na ilegalnom tržištu i njegova infiltracija u legalne ekonomske tokove narušava integritet finansijskih institucija. Na taj način osnovne postavke finansijskog sistema mogu biti narušene, a delovanje državnih institucija, ekonomski napredak i nacionalna bezbednost ugroženi. Savremene kriminalne organizacije su profitno orijentisane i tržišno ustrojene, a metodi delovanja koje koriste kombinacija su kriminalnih i metoda rada savremenih poslovnih organizacija, što ih čini posebno opasnim po društvo. Velika ekonomska moć organizovanog kriminala koristi se za sticanje političke moći, a ona se povratno koristi za ostvarivanje kriminalnih ciljeva. Autori u radu ukazuju na dominantne oblasti i konsekvence infiltracije organizovanog kriminala u legalne ekonomske odnose, kao i na implikacije ovih procesa u cilju što boljeg razumevanja njihovog značaja za definisanje modela suprostavljanja organizovanom kriminalu.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Areas and consequences of organized crime influence on the legal market, Oblasti i posledice uticaja organizovanog kriminala na legalno tržište",
volume = "50",
number = "1",
pages = "129-142",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns50-10873"
Bošković, G.,& Vuković, S.. (2016). Areas and consequences of organized crime influence on the legal market. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 50(1), 129-142.
Bošković G, Vuković S. Areas and consequences of organized crime influence on the legal market. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2016;50(1):129-142.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns50-10873 .
Bošković, Goran, Vuković, Slaviša, "Areas and consequences of organized crime influence on the legal market" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 50, no. 1 (2016):129-142, . .

Perception of drug addiction and narcotics based crime in the general population in Serbia and among students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies

Lajić, Oliver

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Lajić, Oliver
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - It is obvious that drug addiction and drug crime are the phenomena of the past, the present and the future. Any serious intentions to fight these phenomena assume serious research in order to observe the possible directions for future action of a wide range of entities involved in the fight against these social evils. In this sense, this paper presents the data from surveys completed in early 2015, on a sample of 413 respondents, related to the perception of threat of drug addiction and drug-crime to the society in Serbia. The authors of the research dealt with the respondents' views regarding the causes of drug abuse, the factors that may affect its reduction, as well as the causes of drug trafficking, the current trends and important factors for its control, with special reference to the police as an active participant in this process. The studied sample included, among others, 82 students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies based in Belgrade, in order to compare possible differences in attitudes within the general population and those who have been chosen to become police officers in the future. They used descriptive statistics and method of correlation. The research results showed that the students of the ACPS can be allocated as a separate entity, given that their views differ from the views of others respondents in the general sample, as well as the other respondents of the younger population. Specifically, the students of the ACPS have a more positive attitude when it comes to the perception of threat of drug addiction and the drug trafficking to the Serbian society, with more expressed critical attitude towards the educational system and the media, and followed by higher expectations from family in general in order to combat this social evils. Also, they are characterized by slightly favoring the role of police in fighting drug trafficking, with more accented perceptions of drug trafficking growth in the previous period of time compared to other respondents.
AB  - Sasvim je izvesno da narkomanija i narko-kriminal predstavljaju fenomene prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Svaka ozbiljna namera suprotstavljanja ovim pojavama pretpostavlja njihovo ozbiljno istraživanje, u cilju sagledavanja mogućih pravaca daljeg delovanja širokog kruga subjekata koji su uključeni u borbu protiv ovih društvenih zala. U tom smislu, u radu se iznose podaci iz istraživanja dovršenog početkom 2015. godine na uzorku od 413 ispitanika, vezanog za percepciju ugroženosti društva u Srbiji narkomanijom i narko-kriminalom. Autor se u istraživanju bavio stavovima ispitanika vezanim za uzroke narkomanije, faktore koji mogu uticati na njeno smanjenje, kao i uzroka narko-kriminala, aktuelnih tendencija i bitnih faktora njegovog suzbijanja, s posebnim osvrtom na policiju kao aktivnog učesnika tog procesa. Istraživani uzorak činila su, između ostalih, i 82 studenta Kriminalističko-policijske akademije sa sedištem u Beogradu, kako bi se uporedile eventualne različitosti u stavovima u okviru opšte populacije i onih koji su se opredelili za policijski poziv. Rezultati istraživanja govore da se studenti KPA mogu izdvojiti kao poseban entitet, s obzirom da se njihovi stavovi razlikuju od stavova ispitanika iz opšteg uzorka, kao i ispitanika iz mlađe populacije. Naime, ti ispitanici imaju pozitivniji stav kada je u pitanju percepcija ugroženosti narkomanijom i narko-kriminalom, uz više izražen kritički odnos prema obrazovnom sistemu i medijima i veća očekivanja od porodice na planu sprečavanja ovog društvenog zla. Takođe, odlikuje ih blago favorizovanje uloge policije u borbi protiv narko-kriminala, uz izraženiju percepciju rasta narko-kriminala u prethodnom periodu u odnosu na ostale ispitanike.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Perception of drug addiction and narcotics based crime in the general population in Serbia and among students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies
T1  - Percepcija narkomanije i narko-kriminala u opštoj populaciji i populaciji studenata KPA
VL  - 21
IS  - 3
SP  - 39
EP  - 60
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo21-11646
ER  - 
author = "Lajić, Oliver",
year = "2016",
abstract = "It is obvious that drug addiction and drug crime are the phenomena of the past, the present and the future. Any serious intentions to fight these phenomena assume serious research in order to observe the possible directions for future action of a wide range of entities involved in the fight against these social evils. In this sense, this paper presents the data from surveys completed in early 2015, on a sample of 413 respondents, related to the perception of threat of drug addiction and drug-crime to the society in Serbia. The authors of the research dealt with the respondents' views regarding the causes of drug abuse, the factors that may affect its reduction, as well as the causes of drug trafficking, the current trends and important factors for its control, with special reference to the police as an active participant in this process. The studied sample included, among others, 82 students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies based in Belgrade, in order to compare possible differences in attitudes within the general population and those who have been chosen to become police officers in the future. They used descriptive statistics and method of correlation. The research results showed that the students of the ACPS can be allocated as a separate entity, given that their views differ from the views of others respondents in the general sample, as well as the other respondents of the younger population. Specifically, the students of the ACPS have a more positive attitude when it comes to the perception of threat of drug addiction and the drug trafficking to the Serbian society, with more expressed critical attitude towards the educational system and the media, and followed by higher expectations from family in general in order to combat this social evils. Also, they are characterized by slightly favoring the role of police in fighting drug trafficking, with more accented perceptions of drug trafficking growth in the previous period of time compared to other respondents., Sasvim je izvesno da narkomanija i narko-kriminal predstavljaju fenomene prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Svaka ozbiljna namera suprotstavljanja ovim pojavama pretpostavlja njihovo ozbiljno istraživanje, u cilju sagledavanja mogućih pravaca daljeg delovanja širokog kruga subjekata koji su uključeni u borbu protiv ovih društvenih zala. U tom smislu, u radu se iznose podaci iz istraživanja dovršenog početkom 2015. godine na uzorku od 413 ispitanika, vezanog za percepciju ugroženosti društva u Srbiji narkomanijom i narko-kriminalom. Autor se u istraživanju bavio stavovima ispitanika vezanim za uzroke narkomanije, faktore koji mogu uticati na njeno smanjenje, kao i uzroka narko-kriminala, aktuelnih tendencija i bitnih faktora njegovog suzbijanja, s posebnim osvrtom na policiju kao aktivnog učesnika tog procesa. Istraživani uzorak činila su, između ostalih, i 82 studenta Kriminalističko-policijske akademije sa sedištem u Beogradu, kako bi se uporedile eventualne različitosti u stavovima u okviru opšte populacije i onih koji su se opredelili za policijski poziv. Rezultati istraživanja govore da se studenti KPA mogu izdvojiti kao poseban entitet, s obzirom da se njihovi stavovi razlikuju od stavova ispitanika iz opšteg uzorka, kao i ispitanika iz mlađe populacije. Naime, ti ispitanici imaju pozitivniji stav kada je u pitanju percepcija ugroženosti narkomanijom i narko-kriminalom, uz više izražen kritički odnos prema obrazovnom sistemu i medijima i veća očekivanja od porodice na planu sprečavanja ovog društvenog zla. Takođe, odlikuje ih blago favorizovanje uloge policije u borbi protiv narko-kriminala, uz izraženiju percepciju rasta narko-kriminala u prethodnom periodu u odnosu na ostale ispitanike.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Perception of drug addiction and narcotics based crime in the general population in Serbia and among students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies, Percepcija narkomanije i narko-kriminala u opštoj populaciji i populaciji studenata KPA",
volume = "21",
number = "3",
pages = "39-60",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo21-11646"
Lajić, O.. (2016). Perception of drug addiction and narcotics based crime in the general population in Serbia and among students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 21(3), 39-60.
Lajić O. Perception of drug addiction and narcotics based crime in the general population in Serbia and among students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2016;21(3):39-60.
doi:10.5937/nabepo21-11646 .
Lajić, Oliver, "Perception of drug addiction and narcotics based crime in the general population in Serbia and among students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 21, no. 3 (2016):39-60, . .

Thefts of icons

Samardžić, Renata

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Samardžić, Renata
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The paper first considers certain issues related to the Orthodox icons, and points out to their specific features that differentiate them in relation to any other religious picture. As a hallmark of Orthodox religion, icons represent the artistic expression of theology and service of the Church, whose nature and meaning were defined at the Seventh Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (787 A.D.). The paper also considers the conflict between iconoclasts and iconodules based on different interpretations of the Christological dogma, which ended in the rejection of iconoclasm and definition of the Byzantine concept of image. According to the words of Saint Basil the Great, the one who stands before an icon, worships it in a way that the honour paid to the icon passes to the archetype. The art of icon painting experienced its golden age in Russia in the period from XIV to XVI century, while in XVII century perception of icons underwent a change, when the difference between the icon as a liturgical object and secular image became smaller. This break with tradition was especially noticeable during the reign of Peter the Great and Catherine II, when in the Europeanized Russia iconography was replaced by salon style painting. The new interest of the Russian elite for iconography (emerged as a reaction to the official art) occurred at the end of XIX and early XX century, when the first private collections of icons were created. In this period, Russian icons began penetrating the world of Western culture, which was particularly facilitated by the Russian emigration from the Soviet Russia, as well as the exhibitions of Russian icons organized abroad. Over time, icons became highly demanded among collectors in the West. On the market, they received the commodity value (the same as any other work of art). After the collapse of the Soviet Union, about fifty criminal groups were active in Western Europe, which were involved in art crime. In Germany, the USA, Italy, Israel, France and Great Britain, antique shops specialized in antique Russian icons trade were opened. When their auction value began to rise, icons became object of interest of the Russian mafia. In the third part of the paper, the current situation in Russia, Cyprus and Serbia was analysed.
AB  - Autor u članku analizira prirodu i smisao pravoslavne ikone, njen značaj u crkvenoj umetnosti, kao i razloge zbog kojih je ona na Zapadu postala jedan od najtraženijih kolekcionarskih predmeta. Smisao i sadržaj ikone definisani su na Sedmom vaseljenskom saboru u Nikeji, koji je odbacio ikonoborstvo i definisao vizantijsku koncepciju slike. Rusija je uz hrišćanstvo od Vizantije dobila oformljenu ikonu kao i učenje o njoj. Ikona je postala glavni izraz ruskog pravoslavlja, ušavši duboko u narodni život. Umetnost ikone doživela je svoje zlatno doba u periodu od XIV do XVI veka. U XVII veku, pod uticajem evropskih estetičkih ideja, u ikonopis prodire zapadni manir slikanja i razlika između ikone kao sakralnog objekta i svetovne slike postaje sve manja. Ovaj prekid s tradicijom starog ruskog ikonopisa posebno je vidljiv u vreme Petra Velikog i Katarine II, kada u evropeizovanoj Rusiji ikonopis zamenjuje salonsko slikarstvo. Posle tri veka zaborava, ikona je ponovo otkrivena u Rusiji krajem XIX veka, a potom i na Zapadu, koji će je neretko vrednovati s estetičkih pozicija. Početkom XX veka, usled odsustva kontrole, kulturne vrednosti iz Rusije počele su da se raznose po Evropi i Americi. Ikone su dobile tržišnu vrednost, kao i sva druga umetnička dela. Kada je njihova aukcijska vrednost počela naglo da raste, postale su predmet interesovanja ruske mafije. Devedesetih godina XX veka ruske tajne službe potvrdile su da je u 95% slučajeva nelegalne trgovine ikonama umešan organizovan kriminal. U radu je predstavljeno aktuelno stanje u Rusiji, na Kipru i u Srbiji.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Thefts of icons
T1  - Krađe ikona
VL  - 21
IS  - 2
SP  - 181
EP  - 196
DO  - 10.5937/nbp1602181S
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Renata",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The paper first considers certain issues related to the Orthodox icons, and points out to their specific features that differentiate them in relation to any other religious picture. As a hallmark of Orthodox religion, icons represent the artistic expression of theology and service of the Church, whose nature and meaning were defined at the Seventh Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (787 A.D.). The paper also considers the conflict between iconoclasts and iconodules based on different interpretations of the Christological dogma, which ended in the rejection of iconoclasm and definition of the Byzantine concept of image. According to the words of Saint Basil the Great, the one who stands before an icon, worships it in a way that the honour paid to the icon passes to the archetype. The art of icon painting experienced its golden age in Russia in the period from XIV to XVI century, while in XVII century perception of icons underwent a change, when the difference between the icon as a liturgical object and secular image became smaller. This break with tradition was especially noticeable during the reign of Peter the Great and Catherine II, when in the Europeanized Russia iconography was replaced by salon style painting. The new interest of the Russian elite for iconography (emerged as a reaction to the official art) occurred at the end of XIX and early XX century, when the first private collections of icons were created. In this period, Russian icons began penetrating the world of Western culture, which was particularly facilitated by the Russian emigration from the Soviet Russia, as well as the exhibitions of Russian icons organized abroad. Over time, icons became highly demanded among collectors in the West. On the market, they received the commodity value (the same as any other work of art). After the collapse of the Soviet Union, about fifty criminal groups were active in Western Europe, which were involved in art crime. In Germany, the USA, Italy, Israel, France and Great Britain, antique shops specialized in antique Russian icons trade were opened. When their auction value began to rise, icons became object of interest of the Russian mafia. In the third part of the paper, the current situation in Russia, Cyprus and Serbia was analysed., Autor u članku analizira prirodu i smisao pravoslavne ikone, njen značaj u crkvenoj umetnosti, kao i razloge zbog kojih je ona na Zapadu postala jedan od najtraženijih kolekcionarskih predmeta. Smisao i sadržaj ikone definisani su na Sedmom vaseljenskom saboru u Nikeji, koji je odbacio ikonoborstvo i definisao vizantijsku koncepciju slike. Rusija je uz hrišćanstvo od Vizantije dobila oformljenu ikonu kao i učenje o njoj. Ikona je postala glavni izraz ruskog pravoslavlja, ušavši duboko u narodni život. Umetnost ikone doživela je svoje zlatno doba u periodu od XIV do XVI veka. U XVII veku, pod uticajem evropskih estetičkih ideja, u ikonopis prodire zapadni manir slikanja i razlika između ikone kao sakralnog objekta i svetovne slike postaje sve manja. Ovaj prekid s tradicijom starog ruskog ikonopisa posebno je vidljiv u vreme Petra Velikog i Katarine II, kada u evropeizovanoj Rusiji ikonopis zamenjuje salonsko slikarstvo. Posle tri veka zaborava, ikona je ponovo otkrivena u Rusiji krajem XIX veka, a potom i na Zapadu, koji će je neretko vrednovati s estetičkih pozicija. Početkom XX veka, usled odsustva kontrole, kulturne vrednosti iz Rusije počele su da se raznose po Evropi i Americi. Ikone su dobile tržišnu vrednost, kao i sva druga umetnička dela. Kada je njihova aukcijska vrednost počela naglo da raste, postale su predmet interesovanja ruske mafije. Devedesetih godina XX veka ruske tajne službe potvrdile su da je u 95% slučajeva nelegalne trgovine ikonama umešan organizovan kriminal. U radu je predstavljeno aktuelno stanje u Rusiji, na Kipru i u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Thefts of icons, Krađe ikona",
volume = "21",
number = "2",
pages = "181-196",
doi = "10.5937/nbp1602181S"
Samardžić, R.. (2016). Thefts of icons. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 21(2), 181-196.
Samardžić R. Thefts of icons. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2016;21(2):181-196.
doi:10.5937/nbp1602181S .
Samardžić, Renata, "Thefts of icons" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 21, no. 2 (2016):181-196, . .

On the obligation to obey the law

Zekavica, Radomir

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2016)

AU  - Zekavica, Radomir
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The paper considers the question of a general obligation to obey the law. The author presents and analyzes the most significant views and arguments in support of the thesis that there is a general obligation to obey the law, as well as those understandings which are refuse this thesis. In concluding remarks the author presents a critical review of some key issues about general obligation to obey the law. In addition, the author outlines a hypothetical model of society and the legal system under which such an obligation is possible and has also asserted the basic assumptions and principles upon which it can be justified and reasonable.
AB  - U radu se razmatra pitanje opšte obaveze pokoravanja pravu. Autor iznosi i analizira najznačajnija shvatanja i argumente u prilog teze da opšta obaveza pokoravanja pravu postoji (Dvorkin, Hart, Rols), kao i ona shvatanja koja ovu tezu osporavaju (Raz, Smit). U završnim razmatranjima autor daje kritički osvrt ne neka ključna pitanja opšte obaveze pokoravanja pravu i iznosi svoje uverenje da je o takvoj obavezi moguće govoriti isključivo kao o tipu prima facie obaveze pokoravanja. U prilog tome, autor skicira hipotetički model društva i pravnog sistema u okviru kojeg je takva obaveza moguća i iznosi svoje uverenje o osnovnim pretpostavkama i principima na osnovu kojih ona može biti utemeljena i opravdana.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - On the obligation to obey the law
T1  - O obavezi pokoravanja pravu
VL  - 50
IS  - 1
SP  - 143
EP  - 160
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns50-10399
ER  - 
author = "Zekavica, Radomir",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The paper considers the question of a general obligation to obey the law. The author presents and analyzes the most significant views and arguments in support of the thesis that there is a general obligation to obey the law, as well as those understandings which are refuse this thesis. In concluding remarks the author presents a critical review of some key issues about general obligation to obey the law. In addition, the author outlines a hypothetical model of society and the legal system under which such an obligation is possible and has also asserted the basic assumptions and principles upon which it can be justified and reasonable., U radu se razmatra pitanje opšte obaveze pokoravanja pravu. Autor iznosi i analizira najznačajnija shvatanja i argumente u prilog teze da opšta obaveza pokoravanja pravu postoji (Dvorkin, Hart, Rols), kao i ona shvatanja koja ovu tezu osporavaju (Raz, Smit). U završnim razmatranjima autor daje kritički osvrt ne neka ključna pitanja opšte obaveze pokoravanja pravu i iznosi svoje uverenje da je o takvoj obavezi moguće govoriti isključivo kao o tipu prima facie obaveze pokoravanja. U prilog tome, autor skicira hipotetički model društva i pravnog sistema u okviru kojeg je takva obaveza moguća i iznosi svoje uverenje o osnovnim pretpostavkama i principima na osnovu kojih ona može biti utemeljena i opravdana.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "On the obligation to obey the law, O obavezi pokoravanja pravu",
volume = "50",
number = "1",
pages = "143-160",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns50-10399"
Zekavica, R.. (2016). On the obligation to obey the law. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 50(1), 143-160.
Zekavica R. On the obligation to obey the law. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2016;50(1):143-160.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns50-10399 .
Zekavica, Radomir, "On the obligation to obey the law" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 50, no. 1 (2016):143-160, . .

The Police Act of the Republic of Serbia of 2016: A critical view

Jugović, Sreten; Simović, Darko

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2016)

AU  - Jugović, Sreten
AU  - Simović, Darko
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Despite the prevailing view to the contrary, the Police Act of 2016 cannot be said to be a completely new law in the material sense. The manner in which it regulates the major concepts and institutions suggests that it is an amended and supplemented version of the Police Act of2005. The actual reasons for the enactment of the 'new ' law concern the legal employment status of employees of the Ministry of Interior, as well as the reduction of the internal affairs staff. The greatest expectations from the Act are in the part relating to the police staff management, monitoring of employees ' career development, through performance assessment, professional development and other trainings. Although with nomotechnic and editorial shortages, the Police Act, basically, represents an effective legal framework for the performance of, primarily, policing and other related duties.
AB  - Premda preovladava drugačije stanovište, za Zakon o policiji iz 2016. godine se ne može reći da je, u materijalnom smislu, u potpunosti nov zakon. Način uređivanja najznačajnijih pojmova i instituta sugeriše da je reč o donekle izmenjenoj i dopunjenoj verziji Zakona o policiji iz 2005. godine. Pravi razlozi donošenja 'novog' zakona tiču se radno-pravnog položaja zaposlenih u Ministarstvu, kao i redukcije kadrova u oblasti unutrašnjih poslova. Najveća očekivanja od Zakona su u delu koji se odnosi na upravljanje kadrovima u policiji, praćenje karijernog razvoja zaposlenih, kroz ocenjivanje rezultata rada, stručno usavršavanje i druge obuke. Iako nomotehnički i redaktorski manjkav, Zakon o policiji, u osnovi, predstavlja delotvoran pravni okvir za obavljanje pre svega policijskih i sa njima povezanih drugih poslova.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - The Police Act of the Republic of Serbia of 2016: A critical view
T1  - Zakon o policiji Republike Srbije od 2016. godine - kritički pogled
VL  - 50
IS  - 1
SP  - 71
EP  - 85
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns50-11186
ER  - 
author = "Jugović, Sreten and Simović, Darko",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Despite the prevailing view to the contrary, the Police Act of 2016 cannot be said to be a completely new law in the material sense. The manner in which it regulates the major concepts and institutions suggests that it is an amended and supplemented version of the Police Act of2005. The actual reasons for the enactment of the 'new ' law concern the legal employment status of employees of the Ministry of Interior, as well as the reduction of the internal affairs staff. The greatest expectations from the Act are in the part relating to the police staff management, monitoring of employees ' career development, through performance assessment, professional development and other trainings. Although with nomotechnic and editorial shortages, the Police Act, basically, represents an effective legal framework for the performance of, primarily, policing and other related duties., Premda preovladava drugačije stanovište, za Zakon o policiji iz 2016. godine se ne može reći da je, u materijalnom smislu, u potpunosti nov zakon. Način uređivanja najznačajnijih pojmova i instituta sugeriše da je reč o donekle izmenjenoj i dopunjenoj verziji Zakona o policiji iz 2005. godine. Pravi razlozi donošenja 'novog' zakona tiču se radno-pravnog položaja zaposlenih u Ministarstvu, kao i redukcije kadrova u oblasti unutrašnjih poslova. Najveća očekivanja od Zakona su u delu koji se odnosi na upravljanje kadrovima u policiji, praćenje karijernog razvoja zaposlenih, kroz ocenjivanje rezultata rada, stručno usavršavanje i druge obuke. Iako nomotehnički i redaktorski manjkav, Zakon o policiji, u osnovi, predstavlja delotvoran pravni okvir za obavljanje pre svega policijskih i sa njima povezanih drugih poslova.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "The Police Act of the Republic of Serbia of 2016: A critical view, Zakon o policiji Republike Srbije od 2016. godine - kritički pogled",
volume = "50",
number = "1",
pages = "71-85",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns50-11186"
Jugović, S.,& Simović, D.. (2016). The Police Act of the Republic of Serbia of 2016: A critical view. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 50(1), 71-85.
Jugović S, Simović D. The Police Act of the Republic of Serbia of 2016: A critical view. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2016;50(1):71-85.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns50-11186 .
Jugović, Sreten, Simović, Darko, "The Police Act of the Republic of Serbia of 2016: A critical view" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 50, no. 1 (2016):71-85, . .

Practice of European Court of Human Rights and criminal offences of terrorism

Bodrožić, Ivana

(Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Bodrožić, Ivana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The development of approaches to the use of criminal repression, in the context of substantive criminal, law for many years, was a question a lot of controversy, both in defining the crime of terrorism, and with setting the boundaries of criminal repression in this area. Terrorism, which essentially has the potential to undermine democracy and the rule of law by encouraging autoriternih tendency of authorities to fight this negative social - pathological phenomena, imposing views of the minority to the majority, without limits in achieving their goals, more than any other part of the world has hit Europe, which through its mechanisms, including the European court of Human rights and its practice, has developed specific counter-measures aimed at ensuring the libertarian political and cultural values of Europe. The rulings and case law related to combating terrorism have been set certain principles relating to the establishment of a balance between the effective response of the state and protection of human rights. Terrorism attacks the basics of democracy and the rule of law, a state against these attacks need to defend themselves while balancing the need to respect human rights and the response to terrorism.
AB  - Razvoj pristupa u korišćenju krivičnopravne represije u okviru materijalnog krivičnog prava, dugi niz godina, bilo je pitanje puno kontroverzi, kako u vezi sa definisanjem samog krivičnog dela terorizma, tako i sa postavljanjem granica krivičnopravne represije u ovoj oblasti. Terorizam koji u svojoj suštini poseduje potencijal da podrije demokratiju i vladavinu prava pospešivanjem autoritarnih tendencija vlasti u borbi protiv ove negativne socijalno - patološke pojave, nametanjem stavova manjine većini, bez granica u ostvarivanju svojih ciljeva, više nego bilo koji drugi deo sveta pogodio je Evropu, koja je kroz svoje mehanizme uključujući Evropski sud za ljudska prava i njegovu praksu razvila određene kontraterorističke mere namenjene obezbeđivanju slobodarskih političkih i kulturnih vrednosti Evrope. U presudama i praksi Suda u vezi sa suprotstavljanjem terorizmu postavljeni su određeni načelni principi, koji se odnose na uspostavljanje ravnoteže između efikasne reakcije države i zaštite ljudskih prava. Terorizam napada osnove demokratije i vladavine zakona, a države protiv ovih napada moraju da se brane uz balansiranje potrebe poštovanja ljudskih prava i odgovora na terorizam.
PB  - Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Strani pravni život
T1  - Practice of European Court of Human Rights and criminal offences of terrorism
T1  - Praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava i krivična dela terorizma
IS  - 3
SP  - 145
EP  - 160
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bodrožić, Ivana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The development of approaches to the use of criminal repression, in the context of substantive criminal, law for many years, was a question a lot of controversy, both in defining the crime of terrorism, and with setting the boundaries of criminal repression in this area. Terrorism, which essentially has the potential to undermine democracy and the rule of law by encouraging autoriternih tendency of authorities to fight this negative social - pathological phenomena, imposing views of the minority to the majority, without limits in achieving their goals, more than any other part of the world has hit Europe, which through its mechanisms, including the European court of Human rights and its practice, has developed specific counter-measures aimed at ensuring the libertarian political and cultural values of Europe. The rulings and case law related to combating terrorism have been set certain principles relating to the establishment of a balance between the effective response of the state and protection of human rights. Terrorism attacks the basics of democracy and the rule of law, a state against these attacks need to defend themselves while balancing the need to respect human rights and the response to terrorism., Razvoj pristupa u korišćenju krivičnopravne represije u okviru materijalnog krivičnog prava, dugi niz godina, bilo je pitanje puno kontroverzi, kako u vezi sa definisanjem samog krivičnog dela terorizma, tako i sa postavljanjem granica krivičnopravne represije u ovoj oblasti. Terorizam koji u svojoj suštini poseduje potencijal da podrije demokratiju i vladavinu prava pospešivanjem autoritarnih tendencija vlasti u borbi protiv ove negativne socijalno - patološke pojave, nametanjem stavova manjine većini, bez granica u ostvarivanju svojih ciljeva, više nego bilo koji drugi deo sveta pogodio je Evropu, koja je kroz svoje mehanizme uključujući Evropski sud za ljudska prava i njegovu praksu razvila određene kontraterorističke mere namenjene obezbeđivanju slobodarskih političkih i kulturnih vrednosti Evrope. U presudama i praksi Suda u vezi sa suprotstavljanjem terorizmu postavljeni su određeni načelni principi, koji se odnose na uspostavljanje ravnoteže između efikasne reakcije države i zaštite ljudskih prava. Terorizam napada osnove demokratije i vladavine zakona, a države protiv ovih napada moraju da se brane uz balansiranje potrebe poštovanja ljudskih prava i odgovora na terorizam.",
publisher = "Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Strani pravni život",
title = "Practice of European Court of Human Rights and criminal offences of terrorism, Praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava i krivična dela terorizma",
number = "3",
pages = "145-160",
url = ""
Bodrožić, I.. (2016). Practice of European Court of Human Rights and criminal offences of terrorism. in Strani pravni život
Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd.(3), 145-160.
Bodrožić I. Practice of European Court of Human Rights and criminal offences of terrorism. in Strani pravni život. 2016;(3):145-160. .
Bodrožić, Ivana, "Practice of European Court of Human Rights and criminal offences of terrorism" in Strani pravni život, no. 3 (2016):145-160, .

Terrorism as a criminal offence in the documents of international organizations

Bodrožić, Ivana

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Bodrožić, Ivana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Although terrorism is a highly harmful social phenomenon which is the subject of a number of social sciences, it is interesting how much its political character influenced at the absence of its universally accepted definition. Legal, political and ideological differences between the creators of certain administrative definition of terrorism, represented a problem in finding a unified position of the international community on the constituent characteristics of the general criminal offence of terrorism, which would make it impossible to avoid the existence of the criminal prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes, going to a country where it is not, or the second a narrower way relevant. Build effective legal mechanisms for the prevention and punishment of terrorist activities in the framework of international organizations, therefore, predominantly characterized by a sectoral approach to defining terrorism, which does not define the concept of terrorism, but individual terrorist acts defined as punishable, thus avoiding the creation of a single definition.
AB  - Iako terorizam predstavlja visoko štetnu društvenu pojavu koja je predmet istraživanja brojnih društvenih nauka, interesantno je koliko je njegov politički karakter uticao na izostanak njegove univerzalno prihvaćene definicije. Pravne, političke i ideološke razlike između tvoraca pojedinih administrativnih definicija terorizma, predstavljale su problem u iznalaženju jedinstvenog stava međunarodne zajednice o konstitutivnim obeležjima opšteg krivičnog dela terorizma, čije bi postojanje onemogućilo izbegavanje krivičnog gonjenja učinilaca ovih krivičnih dela, odlaskom u zemlju u kojoj ono nije inkriminisano ili je inkriminisano na drugi, uži način. Izgradnju delotvornih pravnih mehanizama za sprečavanje i kažnjavanje terorističkih aktivnosti u okviru međunarodnih organizacija, stoga, dominantno karakteriše sektorski pristup definisanju terorizma, koji ne određuje pojam terorizma, već pojedine terorističke akte određuje kao kažnjive, izbegavajući na taj način stvaranje jedinstvene definicije. Ipak, u nekim regionalnim dokumentima (prioritetno na evropskom nivou) na terorizam se gleda kao na jedinstvenu krivičnopravnu kategoriju, bez obzira na to prema kome je upravljen i koja je država izvršenja, a koja država u kojoj se učiniocu sudi.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Terrorism as a criminal offence in the documents of international organizations
T1  - Terorizam kao krivično delo u dokumentima međunarodnih organizacija
VL  - 21
IS  - 1
SP  - 203
EP  - 217
DO  - 10.5937/NBP1601203B
ER  - 
author = "Bodrožić, Ivana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Although terrorism is a highly harmful social phenomenon which is the subject of a number of social sciences, it is interesting how much its political character influenced at the absence of its universally accepted definition. Legal, political and ideological differences between the creators of certain administrative definition of terrorism, represented a problem in finding a unified position of the international community on the constituent characteristics of the general criminal offence of terrorism, which would make it impossible to avoid the existence of the criminal prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes, going to a country where it is not, or the second a narrower way relevant. Build effective legal mechanisms for the prevention and punishment of terrorist activities in the framework of international organizations, therefore, predominantly characterized by a sectoral approach to defining terrorism, which does not define the concept of terrorism, but individual terrorist acts defined as punishable, thus avoiding the creation of a single definition., Iako terorizam predstavlja visoko štetnu društvenu pojavu koja je predmet istraživanja brojnih društvenih nauka, interesantno je koliko je njegov politički karakter uticao na izostanak njegove univerzalno prihvaćene definicije. Pravne, političke i ideološke razlike između tvoraca pojedinih administrativnih definicija terorizma, predstavljale su problem u iznalaženju jedinstvenog stava međunarodne zajednice o konstitutivnim obeležjima opšteg krivičnog dela terorizma, čije bi postojanje onemogućilo izbegavanje krivičnog gonjenja učinilaca ovih krivičnih dela, odlaskom u zemlju u kojoj ono nije inkriminisano ili je inkriminisano na drugi, uži način. Izgradnju delotvornih pravnih mehanizama za sprečavanje i kažnjavanje terorističkih aktivnosti u okviru međunarodnih organizacija, stoga, dominantno karakteriše sektorski pristup definisanju terorizma, koji ne određuje pojam terorizma, već pojedine terorističke akte određuje kao kažnjive, izbegavajući na taj način stvaranje jedinstvene definicije. Ipak, u nekim regionalnim dokumentima (prioritetno na evropskom nivou) na terorizam se gleda kao na jedinstvenu krivičnopravnu kategoriju, bez obzira na to prema kome je upravljen i koja je država izvršenja, a koja država u kojoj se učiniocu sudi.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Terrorism as a criminal offence in the documents of international organizations, Terorizam kao krivično delo u dokumentima međunarodnih organizacija",
volume = "21",
number = "1",
pages = "203-217",
doi = "10.5937/NBP1601203B"
Bodrožić, I.. (2016). Terrorism as a criminal offence in the documents of international organizations. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 21(1), 203-217.
Bodrožić I. Terrorism as a criminal offence in the documents of international organizations. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2016;21(1):203-217.
doi:10.5937/NBP1601203B .
Bodrožić, Ivana, "Terrorism as a criminal offence in the documents of international organizations" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 21, no. 1 (2016):203-217, . .