Kesić, Zoran

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Kesić, Zoran (23)
  • Кесић, Зоран (1)

Author's Bibliography

Полицијска тортура као вид кршења људских права

Кесић, Зоран; Зекавица, Радомир

(Ниш : Универзитет у Нишу, 2020)

AU  - Кесић, Зоран
AU  - Зекавица, Радомир
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Заштита људских права и слобода један је од примарних циљева полиције у
демократском друштву. Међутим, ниједно друштво није имуно на различите појавне
облике незаконитог рада полиције. Неки од њих, попут полицијске тортуре (бруталности), представљају најтеже облике не само незаконитог већ и нехуманог поступања према грађанима. Имајући то у виду, чинило нам се важним да у овом раду
размотримо изнова најзначајније аспекте феномена „полицијске тортуреˮ – основна
значења, узроке, начине и последице његовог манифестовања. Наша намера је да на
тај начин бар делимично отклонимо одређене недоумице у тумачењу ове појаве, али
и да уједно повећамо заинтересованост научне јавности за истраживање полицијске
тортуре, и то не само кроз теоријску анализу већ и кроз емпиријска истраживања
конкретне појаве. Потреба за тим произлази из чињенице да у нашим условима нису
до сада у довољном броју спроведена таква истраживања у којима би се системски и
свеобухватно истражио феномен „полицијске тортуреˮ.
AB  - Тhe protection of human rights is one of primary goals of police work in democratic
societies. However, no society is immune to the various forms of illegal police work. Some
of them, like police torture, are the hardest forms of illegal police activity and the inhuman
treatment of citizens as well. The paper focuses on the aspects that appear to be essential,
so the paper considers the most important aspects of the phenomenon of "police torture" -
the basic meanings, causes, ways and consequences of its manifestation. Our goal is to
remove certain doubts in the interpretation of this phenomenon, but also to increase the
interest in investigating the appearance of torture in the police. Such a scientific study has
not been conducted so far, so there is a need for further comprehensive investigations of the
"police torture" phenomenon.
PB  - Ниш : Универзитет у Нишу
T2  - Теме : часопис за друштвене науке / Themes : Journal for Social Research
T1  - Полицијска тортура као вид кршења људских права
T1  - Police torture as a form of human rights violation
VL  - 44
IS  - 3
SP  - 1023
EP  - 1038
DO  - 10.22190/TEME180426022Z
ER  - 
author = "Кесић, Зоран and Зекавица, Радомир",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Заштита људских права и слобода један је од примарних циљева полиције у
демократском друштву. Међутим, ниједно друштво није имуно на различите појавне
облике незаконитог рада полиције. Неки од њих, попут полицијске тортуре (бруталности), представљају најтеже облике не само незаконитог већ и нехуманог поступања према грађанима. Имајући то у виду, чинило нам се важним да у овом раду
размотримо изнова најзначајније аспекте феномена „полицијске тортуреˮ – основна
значења, узроке, начине и последице његовог манифестовања. Наша намера је да на
тај начин бар делимично отклонимо одређене недоумице у тумачењу ове појаве, али
и да уједно повећамо заинтересованост научне јавности за истраживање полицијске
тортуре, и то не само кроз теоријску анализу већ и кроз емпиријска истраживања
конкретне појаве. Потреба за тим произлази из чињенице да у нашим условима нису
до сада у довољном броју спроведена таква истраживања у којима би се системски и
свеобухватно истражио феномен „полицијске тортуреˮ., Тhe protection of human rights is one of primary goals of police work in democratic
societies. However, no society is immune to the various forms of illegal police work. Some
of them, like police torture, are the hardest forms of illegal police activity and the inhuman
treatment of citizens as well. The paper focuses on the aspects that appear to be essential,
so the paper considers the most important aspects of the phenomenon of "police torture" -
the basic meanings, causes, ways and consequences of its manifestation. Our goal is to
remove certain doubts in the interpretation of this phenomenon, but also to increase the
interest in investigating the appearance of torture in the police. Such a scientific study has
not been conducted so far, so there is a need for further comprehensive investigations of the
"police torture" phenomenon.",
publisher = "Ниш : Универзитет у Нишу",
journal = "Теме : часопис за друштвене науке / Themes : Journal for Social Research",
title = "Полицијска тортура као вид кршења људских права, Police torture as a form of human rights violation",
volume = "44",
number = "3",
pages = "1023-1038",
doi = "10.22190/TEME180426022Z"
Кесић, З.,& Зекавица, Р.. (2020). Полицијска тортура као вид кршења људских права. in Теме : часопис за друштвене науке / Themes : Journal for Social Research
Ниш : Универзитет у Нишу., 44(3), 1023-1038.
Кесић З, Зекавица Р. Полицијска тортура као вид кршења људских права. in Теме : часопис за друштвене науке / Themes : Journal for Social Research. 2020;44(3):1023-1038.
doi:10.22190/TEME180426022Z .
Кесић, Зоран, Зекавица, Радомир, "Полицијска тортура као вид кршења људских права" in Теме : часопис за друштвене науке / Themes : Journal for Social Research, 44, no. 3 (2020):1023-1038, . .

Neutralization techniques as a form of rationalization of deviance in the work of the police

Kesić, Zoran; Zekavica, Radomir

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2020)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
AU  - Zekavica, Radomir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The paper discusses various techniques that police officers, as individuals, use to
neutralize all the negative effects of their deviant behaviour. These techniques are not unique
only to the police, but to every individual who, for various reasons, needs to reduce the negative
effects of his deviant behaviour. These effects are not related only to possible social condemnation,
but are often of an internal nature, in the form of conscience and self-condemnation. This
phenomenon is problem especially in the work of the police.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
T1  - Neutralization techniques as a form of rationalization of deviance in the work of the police
SP  - 263
EP  - 272
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran and Zekavica, Radomir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The paper discusses various techniques that police officers, as individuals, use to
neutralize all the negative effects of their deviant behaviour. These techniques are not unique
only to the police, but to every individual who, for various reasons, needs to reduce the negative
effects of his deviant behaviour. These effects are not related only to possible social condemnation,
but are often of an internal nature, in the form of conscience and self-condemnation. This
phenomenon is problem especially in the work of the police.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.",
title = "Neutralization techniques as a form of rationalization of deviance in the work of the police",
pages = "263-272",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.,& Zekavica, R.. (2020). Neutralization techniques as a form of rationalization of deviance in the work of the police. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 263-272.
Kesić Z, Zekavica R. Neutralization techniques as a form of rationalization of deviance in the work of the police. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.. 2020;:263-272. .
Kesić, Zoran, Zekavica, Radomir, "Neutralization techniques as a form of rationalization of deviance in the work of the police" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020. (2020):263-272, .

Lice i naličje militarizacije policije

Kesić, Zoran; Zekavica, Radomir

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
AU  - Zekavica, Radomir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - U radu se razmatra proces militarizacije policije kao složen proces modifikacije tradicionalne i uobičajene prirode i karaktera policijske profesije prema modelima i vrednostima svojstvenim vojnoj profesiji. Militarizacija policije ukazuje upravo na određen obim i prirodu uticaja vojničkog sistema funkcionisanja na način obavljanja policijskih zadataka. Time se razlika između ovih dveju profesija smanjuje, što ima kako svoje potencijalno dobre, tako i loše strane. U radu se najviše pažnje posvećuje upravo analizi lica i naličja militarizacije policije, i ukazuje kako na pozitivne, tako i na negativne efekte te pojave. Autori smatraju da proces militarizacije policije ima ipak izraženije negativne efekte jer smanjuje preventivne i proaktivne funkcije policije, i time je vraćaju u status reaktivne i retributivne službe, čime se ujedno dovode u pitanje vrednosti demokratskog društva i vladavine prava.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Lice i naličje militarizacije policije
VL  - 70
IS  - 4
SP  - 86
EP  - 99
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1804086K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran and Zekavica, Radomir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U radu se razmatra proces militarizacije policije kao složen proces modifikacije tradicionalne i uobičajene prirode i karaktera policijske profesije prema modelima i vrednostima svojstvenim vojnoj profesiji. Militarizacija policije ukazuje upravo na određen obim i prirodu uticaja vojničkog sistema funkcionisanja na način obavljanja policijskih zadataka. Time se razlika između ovih dveju profesija smanjuje, što ima kako svoje potencijalno dobre, tako i loše strane. U radu se najviše pažnje posvećuje upravo analizi lica i naličja militarizacije policije, i ukazuje kako na pozitivne, tako i na negativne efekte te pojave. Autori smatraju da proces militarizacije policije ima ipak izraženije negativne efekte jer smanjuje preventivne i proaktivne funkcije policije, i time je vraćaju u status reaktivne i retributivne službe, čime se ujedno dovode u pitanje vrednosti demokratskog društva i vladavine prava.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Lice i naličje militarizacije policije",
volume = "70",
number = "4",
pages = "86-99",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1804086K"
Kesić, Z.,& Zekavica, R.. (2018). Lice i naličje militarizacije policije. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 70(4), 86-99.
Kesić Z, Zekavica R. Lice i naličje militarizacije policije. in Vojno delo. 2018;70(4):86-99.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1804086K .
Kesić, Zoran, Zekavica, Radomir, "Lice i naličje militarizacije policije" in Vojno delo, 70, no. 4 (2018):86-99, . .

Police brutality and torture similarities and differences

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Numerous specifics of police violence, and above all the characteristics of the perpetrator and the circumstances under which such actions are undertaken, make research of this phenomenon problematic, but also challenging. In addition to the problem of practical nature, researchers of this phenomenon may also encounter some conceptual limitations, especially in terms of defining the subject of research. Hence, our aspiration was to re-examine some of the existing perceptions of police violence, and above all brutality and torture, as its most indicative forms. To this end, we pointed out some common characteristics, as well as the essential differences between these two phenomena, all in order to eliminate certain doubts in their interpretation, but also how to find the most acceptable determinations, which would be an important basis for defining the subjects of some future scientific research into police violence. Specifically, brutality and torture have the following common characteristics: the status of the perpetrator, the circumstances of the execution, the act of execution, the form of guilt (the vindication of the perpetrator) and the intention. In contrast, these two phenomena are distinguished by some important differences, namely: the purpose of use; the cause of execution, the location of the event, the reaction (level of tolerance), and the responsible person.
AB  - Brojne specifičnosti policijskog nasilja čine istraživanje ove pojave problematičnim, ali i izazovnim poduhvatom. Pored problema praktične prirode, istraživači ovog fenomena mogu se susresti i sa nekim konceptualnim ograničenjima, posebno u smislu definisanja predmeta istraživanja. Otuda je i naša težnja bila da u ovom radu preispitamo neka od postojećih shvatanja policijskog nasilja, a pre svih brutalnosti i torture, kao njegovih najindikativnijih izraza. Razmatrajući zajedničke karakteristike, ali i suštinske razlike između ove dve pojave, namera nam je da otklonimo određene nedoumice u njihovom tumačenju, ali i da pronađemo što prihvatljivija određenja koja bi predstavljala bitan oslonac u definisanju predmeta nekih budućih naučnih istraživanja nasilja policije. Zaključak koji smo iz te analize izveli jeste da brutalnost i tortura poseduju sledeće zajedničke karakteristike: status izvršioca, okolnosti izvršenja, radnja izvršenja, oblik krivice (vinost izvršioca) i namera. Nasuprot tome, ove dve pojave je moguće razlikovati prema sledećim karakteristikama: svrha (cilj) upotrebe, povod izvršenja, mesto (lokacija) dešavanja, reakcija (nivo tolerancije) i nosilac odgovornosti.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Police brutality and torture similarities and differences
T1  - Policijska brutalnost i tortura sličnosti i razlike
VL  - 23
IS  - 1
SP  - 35
EP  - 50
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo23-17166
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Numerous specifics of police violence, and above all the characteristics of the perpetrator and the circumstances under which such actions are undertaken, make research of this phenomenon problematic, but also challenging. In addition to the problem of practical nature, researchers of this phenomenon may also encounter some conceptual limitations, especially in terms of defining the subject of research. Hence, our aspiration was to re-examine some of the existing perceptions of police violence, and above all brutality and torture, as its most indicative forms. To this end, we pointed out some common characteristics, as well as the essential differences between these two phenomena, all in order to eliminate certain doubts in their interpretation, but also how to find the most acceptable determinations, which would be an important basis for defining the subjects of some future scientific research into police violence. Specifically, brutality and torture have the following common characteristics: the status of the perpetrator, the circumstances of the execution, the act of execution, the form of guilt (the vindication of the perpetrator) and the intention. In contrast, these two phenomena are distinguished by some important differences, namely: the purpose of use; the cause of execution, the location of the event, the reaction (level of tolerance), and the responsible person., Brojne specifičnosti policijskog nasilja čine istraživanje ove pojave problematičnim, ali i izazovnim poduhvatom. Pored problema praktične prirode, istraživači ovog fenomena mogu se susresti i sa nekim konceptualnim ograničenjima, posebno u smislu definisanja predmeta istraživanja. Otuda je i naša težnja bila da u ovom radu preispitamo neka od postojećih shvatanja policijskog nasilja, a pre svih brutalnosti i torture, kao njegovih najindikativnijih izraza. Razmatrajući zajedničke karakteristike, ali i suštinske razlike između ove dve pojave, namera nam je da otklonimo određene nedoumice u njihovom tumačenju, ali i da pronađemo što prihvatljivija određenja koja bi predstavljala bitan oslonac u definisanju predmeta nekih budućih naučnih istraživanja nasilja policije. Zaključak koji smo iz te analize izveli jeste da brutalnost i tortura poseduju sledeće zajedničke karakteristike: status izvršioca, okolnosti izvršenja, radnja izvršenja, oblik krivice (vinost izvršioca) i namera. Nasuprot tome, ove dve pojave je moguće razlikovati prema sledećim karakteristikama: svrha (cilj) upotrebe, povod izvršenja, mesto (lokacija) dešavanja, reakcija (nivo tolerancije) i nosilac odgovornosti.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Police brutality and torture similarities and differences, Policijska brutalnost i tortura sličnosti i razlike",
volume = "23",
number = "1",
pages = "35-50",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo23-17166"
Kesić, Z.. (2018). Police brutality and torture similarities and differences. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 23(1), 35-50.
Kesić Z. Police brutality and torture similarities and differences. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2018;23(1):35-50.
doi:10.5937/nabepo23-17166 .
Kesić, Zoran, "Police brutality and torture similarities and differences" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 23, no. 1 (2018):35-50, . .

Concept of 'police violence'

Kesić, Zoran

(Pravni fakultet, Niš, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this paper is to clarify an extremely complex phenomenon which is in the scientific and professional literature known as police violence. It is justified by the fact that this issue has not been sufficiently discussed in local literature, particularly in the context of scientific-theoretical and empirical research on this phenomenon. Having in mind that the theoretical and working definition of the subject matter of this research is the first and indispensable step in understanding the indicators of the phenomenon under consideration, the author first considers the conceptual definition of police violence in an endeavor to remove, at least partly, certain ambiguities and increase the interest of the academic community to research this phenomenon, not only in the form of theoretical analysis but also through empirical research in Serbian society. The need for such research primarily stems from the fact that there is an insufficient number of empirical studies that would systematically and comprehensively research the phenomenon of police violence in Serbia. Consequently, numerous indicators of this phenomenon and its extent are mainly the result of assumptions and arbitrary assessment.
AB  - Smisao pisanja ovog rada pronalazimo u potrebi pojašnjenja izuzetno kompleksne i nadasve delikatne pojave, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi poznate kao 'policijsko nasilje'. Tim pre što u domaćoj literaturi do sada nije bilo dovoljno reči o ovom problemu, bar ne u smislu njegovog empirijskog sagledavanja. Imajući u vidu da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do spoznaje pokazatelja proučavane pojave, činilo nam se važnim da u ovom radu razmotrimo sam pojam 'policijskog nasilja'. Težnja nam je bila da na taj način bar delimično otklonimo određene nedoumice u tumačenju ove pojave, ali i da ujedno povećamo zainteresovanost naučne javnosti za istraživanje nasilja policije u našem društvu, ali ne samo u vidu teorijske analize, već i kroz njegovo empirijsko istraživanje. Potreba za tim prevashodno proizlazi iz činjenice da u našim uslovima do sada nisu u dovoljnom broju sprovedene takve naučne studije kojima bi se sistemski i sveobuhvatno istražilo nasilje policije, tako da su brojni pokazatelji njegove pojave i obima uglavnom rezultat nagađanja i slobodnih procena.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Niš
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
T1  - Concept of 'police violence'
T1  - Pojam 'policijskog nasilja'
VL  - 57
IS  - 78
SP  - 271
EP  - 287
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfni1878271K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The purpose of this paper is to clarify an extremely complex phenomenon which is in the scientific and professional literature known as police violence. It is justified by the fact that this issue has not been sufficiently discussed in local literature, particularly in the context of scientific-theoretical and empirical research on this phenomenon. Having in mind that the theoretical and working definition of the subject matter of this research is the first and indispensable step in understanding the indicators of the phenomenon under consideration, the author first considers the conceptual definition of police violence in an endeavor to remove, at least partly, certain ambiguities and increase the interest of the academic community to research this phenomenon, not only in the form of theoretical analysis but also through empirical research in Serbian society. The need for such research primarily stems from the fact that there is an insufficient number of empirical studies that would systematically and comprehensively research the phenomenon of police violence in Serbia. Consequently, numerous indicators of this phenomenon and its extent are mainly the result of assumptions and arbitrary assessment., Smisao pisanja ovog rada pronalazimo u potrebi pojašnjenja izuzetno kompleksne i nadasve delikatne pojave, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi poznate kao 'policijsko nasilje'. Tim pre što u domaćoj literaturi do sada nije bilo dovoljno reči o ovom problemu, bar ne u smislu njegovog empirijskog sagledavanja. Imajući u vidu da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do spoznaje pokazatelja proučavane pojave, činilo nam se važnim da u ovom radu razmotrimo sam pojam 'policijskog nasilja'. Težnja nam je bila da na taj način bar delimično otklonimo određene nedoumice u tumačenju ove pojave, ali i da ujedno povećamo zainteresovanost naučne javnosti za istraživanje nasilja policije u našem društvu, ali ne samo u vidu teorijske analize, već i kroz njegovo empirijsko istraživanje. Potreba za tim prevashodno proizlazi iz činjenice da u našim uslovima do sada nisu u dovoljnom broju sprovedene takve naučne studije kojima bi se sistemski i sveobuhvatno istražilo nasilje policije, tako da su brojni pokazatelji njegove pojave i obima uglavnom rezultat nagađanja i slobodnih procena.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Niš",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu",
title = "Concept of 'police violence', Pojam 'policijskog nasilja'",
volume = "57",
number = "78",
pages = "271-287",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfni1878271K"
Kesić, Z.. (2018). Concept of 'police violence'. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu
Pravni fakultet, Niš., 57(78), 271-287.
Kesić Z. Concept of 'police violence'. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu. 2018;57(78):271-287.
doi:10.5937/zrpfni1878271K .
Kesić, Zoran, "Concept of 'police violence'" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, 57, no. 78 (2018):271-287, . .

Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing

Kesić, Zoran; Bikarević, Darko R.

(Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
AU  - Bikarević, Darko R.
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Coercion is undoubtedly the most explicit characteristic of police profession, which is often the base for defining its essence. It is, at the same time, the most delicate segment of police acts, having in mind that its use seriously interferes with human rights and freedoms. Therefore, it is not surprising that most researchers, in their quest to understand the work of the police and system of values of its members, are mostly focused on some of the aspects of using coercion. Although this paper is one in the series of such works, it still offers somewhat different approach to the concrete phenomenon in comparison to the one that dominates here, where the focus is mostly on discussing legal aspects and tactical-technical characteristics of police coercion. Due to its complexity and delicate nature, this topic requires a wider scientific approach, such as the one fostered within criminological perspective. If we add the fact that this perspective of police coercion is quite neglected in our literature, the writing of this paper gets its justification. However, its purpose and demanding scope force us to focus only on one criminological aspect of the concrete phenomenon. To that regard, discussion about aetiological dimension of illegal use of coercion measures seemed especially important. Thereby, due to its exceptionally complex causality, it was necessary to use multifactor approach in explaining the how this phenomenon occurs. Having this in mind, the paper points to some of the most important factors of illegal use of force in the acts of the police by looking at their mutual influence and contribution, firstly at general level, and then at the level of individual forms of this phenomenon in police such as brutality, torture and illegal deprivation of life.
AB  - Prinuda je nesumnjivo najeksplicitnije obeležje policijske profesije kroz koju se najčešće i definiše njena suština. Ona je ujedno i najdelikatniji segment postupanja policije, budući da se njenom primenom najozbiljnije zadire u sferu ljudskih prava i sloboda. Stoga i ne čudi zašto se većina istraživača, tragajući za razumevanjem rada policije i sistema vrednosti njenih pripadnika, uglavnom fokusira na neki od aspekata primene prinude. Zbog njene složenosti ova teme zahteva jedan širok naučni pristup, kao što je recimo onaj koji se neguje unutar kriminološke perspektive. Ako ovome dodamo činjenicu da je u našoj literaturi prilično zapostavljena ova perspektiva policijske prinude time i pisanje ovog rada dobija svoju opravdanost. Međutim, njegova svrha i zahtevan obim primoravaju nas da se u radu posvetimo samo jednom od kriminoloških aspekata konkretnog fenomena. U tom smislu nam se posebno važnim činilo razmatranje etiološke dimenzije nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing
T1  - Etiološka dimenzija nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude u postupanju policije
VL  - 52
IS  - 1
SP  - 245
EP  - 258
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns52-17031
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran and Bikarević, Darko R.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Coercion is undoubtedly the most explicit characteristic of police profession, which is often the base for defining its essence. It is, at the same time, the most delicate segment of police acts, having in mind that its use seriously interferes with human rights and freedoms. Therefore, it is not surprising that most researchers, in their quest to understand the work of the police and system of values of its members, are mostly focused on some of the aspects of using coercion. Although this paper is one in the series of such works, it still offers somewhat different approach to the concrete phenomenon in comparison to the one that dominates here, where the focus is mostly on discussing legal aspects and tactical-technical characteristics of police coercion. Due to its complexity and delicate nature, this topic requires a wider scientific approach, such as the one fostered within criminological perspective. If we add the fact that this perspective of police coercion is quite neglected in our literature, the writing of this paper gets its justification. However, its purpose and demanding scope force us to focus only on one criminological aspect of the concrete phenomenon. To that regard, discussion about aetiological dimension of illegal use of coercion measures seemed especially important. Thereby, due to its exceptionally complex causality, it was necessary to use multifactor approach in explaining the how this phenomenon occurs. Having this in mind, the paper points to some of the most important factors of illegal use of force in the acts of the police by looking at their mutual influence and contribution, firstly at general level, and then at the level of individual forms of this phenomenon in police such as brutality, torture and illegal deprivation of life., Prinuda je nesumnjivo najeksplicitnije obeležje policijske profesije kroz koju se najčešće i definiše njena suština. Ona je ujedno i najdelikatniji segment postupanja policije, budući da se njenom primenom najozbiljnije zadire u sferu ljudskih prava i sloboda. Stoga i ne čudi zašto se većina istraživača, tragajući za razumevanjem rada policije i sistema vrednosti njenih pripadnika, uglavnom fokusira na neki od aspekata primene prinude. Zbog njene složenosti ova teme zahteva jedan širok naučni pristup, kao što je recimo onaj koji se neguje unutar kriminološke perspektive. Ako ovome dodamo činjenicu da je u našoj literaturi prilično zapostavljena ova perspektiva policijske prinude time i pisanje ovog rada dobija svoju opravdanost. Međutim, njegova svrha i zahtevan obim primoravaju nas da se u radu posvetimo samo jednom od kriminoloških aspekata konkretnog fenomena. U tom smislu nam se posebno važnim činilo razmatranje etiološke dimenzije nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing, Etiološka dimenzija nezakonite upotrebe sredstava prinude u postupanju policije",
volume = "52",
number = "1",
pages = "245-258",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns52-17031"
Kesić, Z.,& Bikarević, D. R.. (2018). Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 52(1), 245-258.
Kesić Z, Bikarević DR. Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2018;52(1):245-258.
doi:10.5937/zrpfns52-17031 .
Kesić, Zoran, Bikarević, Darko R., "Ethiological dimension of unlawful use of force in policing" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 52, no. 1 (2018):245-258, . .

Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - It is known that to define the object of research is the first and indispensable step on the road to a more objective indicators of the studied phenomena. Specifically, precise and unambiguous definition is one of the key preconditions for success of the research. However, anyone who chooses police corruption as the subject of his research will encounter, at the very outset, the problem of how to define the phenomenon which he intends to investigate. The reason for this is the fact that corruption in general, and thus the 'police corruption', is interpreted in very different ways. As a result, it is obvious that the literature designates as police corruptions a wide range of behaviors and even phenomena of significantly different nature, such as violent behavior, for example. Such behavior is admittedly much easier to separate from corruption and to look into independently, whereas it is much harder to do so in case of practices which are very close to corruption, especially as some of them are referred to as being corrupt. In this sense, two phenomena appear to be particularly indicative - conflicts of interest and process corruption. The tendency of the author is to - as part of this study - examine the characteristics of these two phenomena and their relationship with corruption, trying in this way to contribute to finding the most precise definition of 'police corruption'.
AB  - Poznato je da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do što objektivnijih pokazatelja proučavane pojave. Tačnije, precizno i nedvosmisleno definisanje je ključni preduslov uspešnosti samog istraživanja. Međutim, svako ko izabere korupciju u policiji za predmet svog istraživanja već na samom početku će se susresti sa problemom kako da definiše pojavu koju namerava da istraži.Razlog tome treba tražiti u činjenici što se korupcija generalno, pa time i 'policijska korupcija', tumači na veoma različite načine. Kao posledica takvog stanja primetno je da se u literaturi pod pojam korupcije u policije svrstavaju brojna ponašanja, pa čak i pojave bitno drugačije prirode, kao što su recimo ponašanja sa elementima nasilja. Ovakva ponašanja je doduše znatno lakše odvojiti i nezavisno sagledati od korupcije, dok je to mnogo teže učiniti u slučaju pojava koje su veoma bliske korupciji, posebno što neke od njih u svom nazivu čak i nose tu odrednicu. U tom smislu posebno indikativnim smatramo dve pojave - sukob interesa i tzv. 'korupciju procesa'. Težnja autora je da u sklopu ovog rada sagleda osobenosti ovih dveju pojava i njihov odnos sa korupcijom, nastojeći na taj način da doprinese iznalaženju što preciznije definicije 'policijske korupcije'.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police
T1  - Razgraničenje koruptivnog ponašanja od bliskih pojava kao prilog definisanju korupcije u policiji
VL  - 59
IS  - 1
SP  - 61
EP  - 77
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1701061K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "It is known that to define the object of research is the first and indispensable step on the road to a more objective indicators of the studied phenomena. Specifically, precise and unambiguous definition is one of the key preconditions for success of the research. However, anyone who chooses police corruption as the subject of his research will encounter, at the very outset, the problem of how to define the phenomenon which he intends to investigate. The reason for this is the fact that corruption in general, and thus the 'police corruption', is interpreted in very different ways. As a result, it is obvious that the literature designates as police corruptions a wide range of behaviors and even phenomena of significantly different nature, such as violent behavior, for example. Such behavior is admittedly much easier to separate from corruption and to look into independently, whereas it is much harder to do so in case of practices which are very close to corruption, especially as some of them are referred to as being corrupt. In this sense, two phenomena appear to be particularly indicative - conflicts of interest and process corruption. The tendency of the author is to - as part of this study - examine the characteristics of these two phenomena and their relationship with corruption, trying in this way to contribute to finding the most precise definition of 'police corruption'., Poznato je da definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do što objektivnijih pokazatelja proučavane pojave. Tačnije, precizno i nedvosmisleno definisanje je ključni preduslov uspešnosti samog istraživanja. Međutim, svako ko izabere korupciju u policiji za predmet svog istraživanja već na samom početku će se susresti sa problemom kako da definiše pojavu koju namerava da istraži.Razlog tome treba tražiti u činjenici što se korupcija generalno, pa time i 'policijska korupcija', tumači na veoma različite načine. Kao posledica takvog stanja primetno je da se u literaturi pod pojam korupcije u policije svrstavaju brojna ponašanja, pa čak i pojave bitno drugačije prirode, kao što su recimo ponašanja sa elementima nasilja. Ovakva ponašanja je doduše znatno lakše odvojiti i nezavisno sagledati od korupcije, dok je to mnogo teže učiniti u slučaju pojava koje su veoma bliske korupciji, posebno što neke od njih u svom nazivu čak i nose tu odrednicu. U tom smislu posebno indikativnim smatramo dve pojave - sukob interesa i tzv. 'korupciju procesa'. Težnja autora je da u sklopu ovog rada sagleda osobenosti ovih dveju pojava i njihov odnos sa korupcijom, nastojeći na taj način da doprinese iznalaženju što preciznije definicije 'policijske korupcije'.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police, Razgraničenje koruptivnog ponašanja od bliskih pojava kao prilog definisanju korupcije u policiji",
volume = "59",
number = "1",
pages = "61-77",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1701061K"
Kesić, Z.. (2017). Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(1), 61-77.
Kesić Z. Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(1):61-77.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1701061K .
Kesić, Zoran, "Distinction between corrupt behavior and similar phenomena as a contribution to defining corruption in the police" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 1 (2017):61-77, . .

Forms of corruption in the police

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The fact is that our scientific and professional public has often discussed the phenomenon of corruption so far. However, it seems to us that these discussions are primarily related to corruption in general, while its specific forms and manifestations in different areas of social life, especially in the work of the police, are insufficiently processed. As a result, in the literature now we do not have a clear and precise vision what the behaviours are which could be subsumed under the corrupt practices in police work. In order to make at least a small step forward in this respect and expand the existing knowledge, in this article we considered the phenomenon of police corruption in the light of some of the usual classifications, presenting also some concrete manifestations of this phenomenon in police practice. Considering the content of individual classification and considering some specific forms of corruption in the police our tendency was primarily to facilitate some future researchers of this phenomenon to come to a working definition of what precisely the object of research is. In this sense, we believe that some of the following conclusions may be helpful: corrupt behaviour of police officers very diversified in nature, ranging from the phenomena that because of their innocence could be considered to be petty in character (e.g. the acceptance of small gifts, drinks, lunch) to very serious forms of undermining implementation of justice and sabotaging the control of the most dangerous crimes (e.g. the protection of drug trafficking); the role of a police officer in corrupt transactions can be passive, in the sense of accepting a bribe offered, but also active, by seeking opportunities or personally demanding a bribe; corrupt behaviours of police officers range from individual and unplanned transactions (mainly in terms of using the opportunity which presented itself randomly) to very organized and frequent forms of bribery (which are usually arranged in advance); although any officer can become a corrupt officer, irrespective of the rank and position in the organizational structure they occupy, there are still areas of police work and positions that provide more possibilities and opportunities for corrupt transactions (e.g. vice, traffic police, border police); although taking bribe can be considered a generic term for corruption in the police, the fact is that in practice there are numerous variations, which are usually fixed and adjusted to the particularities of police activities (scope and specifics of the tasks), but also the social environment in which this activity is performed; sources of corruption challenges that police officers face are not only in the external environment, but also within the working environment, or in the police organization.
AB  - Činjenica je da se u naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti Republike Srbije dosad često raspravljalo o fenomenu korupcije. Doduše, ove rasprave su se prevashodno odnosile na korupciju uopšte, dok su njeni specifični oblici i manifestacije u pojedinim oblastima društvenog života, a posebno u radu policije, čini nam se, nedovoljno obrađeni. Kao rezultat toga, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi još uvek ne postoji jasno i precizno viđenje koja sve ponašanja bi se mogla podvesti pod koruptivne prakse u radu policije. Kako bismo učinili bar mali pomak na tom planu i proširili postojeća saznanja, u ovom članku ćemo fenomen “policijske korupcije” razmotriti u svetlosti nekih od uobičajenih podela, ukazujući ujedno na neke konkretne manifestacije ove pojave u policijskoj praksi.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Forms of corruption in the police
T1  - Pojavni oblici korupcije u policiji
VL  - 22
IS  - 1
SP  - 53
EP  - 73
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo22-13153
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The fact is that our scientific and professional public has often discussed the phenomenon of corruption so far. However, it seems to us that these discussions are primarily related to corruption in general, while its specific forms and manifestations in different areas of social life, especially in the work of the police, are insufficiently processed. As a result, in the literature now we do not have a clear and precise vision what the behaviours are which could be subsumed under the corrupt practices in police work. In order to make at least a small step forward in this respect and expand the existing knowledge, in this article we considered the phenomenon of police corruption in the light of some of the usual classifications, presenting also some concrete manifestations of this phenomenon in police practice. Considering the content of individual classification and considering some specific forms of corruption in the police our tendency was primarily to facilitate some future researchers of this phenomenon to come to a working definition of what precisely the object of research is. In this sense, we believe that some of the following conclusions may be helpful: corrupt behaviour of police officers very diversified in nature, ranging from the phenomena that because of their innocence could be considered to be petty in character (e.g. the acceptance of small gifts, drinks, lunch) to very serious forms of undermining implementation of justice and sabotaging the control of the most dangerous crimes (e.g. the protection of drug trafficking); the role of a police officer in corrupt transactions can be passive, in the sense of accepting a bribe offered, but also active, by seeking opportunities or personally demanding a bribe; corrupt behaviours of police officers range from individual and unplanned transactions (mainly in terms of using the opportunity which presented itself randomly) to very organized and frequent forms of bribery (which are usually arranged in advance); although any officer can become a corrupt officer, irrespective of the rank and position in the organizational structure they occupy, there are still areas of police work and positions that provide more possibilities and opportunities for corrupt transactions (e.g. vice, traffic police, border police); although taking bribe can be considered a generic term for corruption in the police, the fact is that in practice there are numerous variations, which are usually fixed and adjusted to the particularities of police activities (scope and specifics of the tasks), but also the social environment in which this activity is performed; sources of corruption challenges that police officers face are not only in the external environment, but also within the working environment, or in the police organization., Činjenica je da se u naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti Republike Srbije dosad često raspravljalo o fenomenu korupcije. Doduše, ove rasprave su se prevashodno odnosile na korupciju uopšte, dok su njeni specifični oblici i manifestacije u pojedinim oblastima društvenog života, a posebno u radu policije, čini nam se, nedovoljno obrađeni. Kao rezultat toga, u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi još uvek ne postoji jasno i precizno viđenje koja sve ponašanja bi se mogla podvesti pod koruptivne prakse u radu policije. Kako bismo učinili bar mali pomak na tom planu i proširili postojeća saznanja, u ovom članku ćemo fenomen “policijske korupcije” razmotriti u svetlosti nekih od uobičajenih podela, ukazujući ujedno na neke konkretne manifestacije ove pojave u policijskoj praksi.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Forms of corruption in the police, Pojavni oblici korupcije u policiji",
volume = "22",
number = "1",
pages = "53-73",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo22-13153"
Kesić, Z.. (2017). Forms of corruption in the police. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 22(1), 53-73.
Kesić Z. Forms of corruption in the police. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2017;22(1):53-73.
doi:10.5937/nabepo22-13153 .
Kesić, Zoran, "Forms of corruption in the police" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 22, no. 1 (2017):53-73, . .

Discrimination in policing: Phenomenological dimension

Zekavica, Radomir; Kesić, Zoran

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2016)

AU  - Zekavica, Radomir
AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The authors find the purpose of writing this paper in the necessary clarifications of an extremely complex phenomenon which is in the scientific and professional literature known as 'police discrimination.' This is more so because the issue of police discrimination in local literature has not so far been sufficiently discussed, at least not in the scientific-theoretical and empirical research on this phenomenon. Having in mind that the theoretical and working definition of the object of this research is the first and indispensable step to comprehend the indicators of the studied phenomenon, it seemed important to us to consider in the work the very concept of police discrimination and the ways of manifestation of this phenomenon. For this purpose, the paper firstly gives a conceptual definition of police discrimination, and then its basic forms and categorization. Our aspiration was to, at least partially, remove certain ambiguities and increase the interest of the academic community to research this phenomenon, not only in the form of its theoretical analysis, but also through its empirical research in Serbian society. The need for this stems primarily from the fact that, in our environment, the empirical studies have not been conducted in a sufficient number that would systematically and comprehensively research the phenomenon of police discrimination, so that a number of indicators of its phenomenon and its extent are mainly the result of suppositions and free estimations.
AB  - Smisao pisanja ovog rada autori pronalaze u potrebi pojašnjenja izuzetno kompleksne pojave u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi poznatoj kao 'policijska diskriminacija'. Tim pre što u domaćoj literaturi nije do sada bilo dovoljno reči o problemu policijske diskriminacije, bar ne kroz naučno-teorijska i empirijska istraživanja ove pojave. Imajući u vidu da teorijsko i radno definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do spoznaje pokazatelja proučavane pojave, činilo nam se važnim da u radu razmotrimo sam pojam policijske diskriminacije i načine manifestovanja ove pojave. U cilju toga, u radu je najpre dato pojmovno određenje policijske diskriminacije, a zatim njeni osnovni oblici i kategorizacija. Težnja nam je bila da na taj način bar delimično otklonimo određene nedoumice i povećamo zainteresovanost naučne javnosti za istraživanjem ove pojave, ali ne samo u vidu njenih teorijskih analiza već i kroz njena empirijska istraživanja u srpskom društvu. Potreba za tim prevashodno proizlazi iz činjenice da u našim uslovima do sada nisu u dovoljnom broju sprovedene empirijske studije kojim bi se sistemski i sveobuhvatno istražio fenomen policijske diskriminacije tako da su brojni pokazatelji njene pojave i obima uglavnom rezultat nagađanja i slobodnih procena.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Teme
T1  - Discrimination in policing: Phenomenological dimension
T1  - Diskriminacija u radu policije - fenomenološka dimenzija
VL  - 40
IS  - 1
SP  - 53
EP  - 68
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zekavica, Radomir and Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The authors find the purpose of writing this paper in the necessary clarifications of an extremely complex phenomenon which is in the scientific and professional literature known as 'police discrimination.' This is more so because the issue of police discrimination in local literature has not so far been sufficiently discussed, at least not in the scientific-theoretical and empirical research on this phenomenon. Having in mind that the theoretical and working definition of the object of this research is the first and indispensable step to comprehend the indicators of the studied phenomenon, it seemed important to us to consider in the work the very concept of police discrimination and the ways of manifestation of this phenomenon. For this purpose, the paper firstly gives a conceptual definition of police discrimination, and then its basic forms and categorization. Our aspiration was to, at least partially, remove certain ambiguities and increase the interest of the academic community to research this phenomenon, not only in the form of its theoretical analysis, but also through its empirical research in Serbian society. The need for this stems primarily from the fact that, in our environment, the empirical studies have not been conducted in a sufficient number that would systematically and comprehensively research the phenomenon of police discrimination, so that a number of indicators of its phenomenon and its extent are mainly the result of suppositions and free estimations., Smisao pisanja ovog rada autori pronalaze u potrebi pojašnjenja izuzetno kompleksne pojave u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi poznatoj kao 'policijska diskriminacija'. Tim pre što u domaćoj literaturi nije do sada bilo dovoljno reči o problemu policijske diskriminacije, bar ne kroz naučno-teorijska i empirijska istraživanja ove pojave. Imajući u vidu da teorijsko i radno definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do spoznaje pokazatelja proučavane pojave, činilo nam se važnim da u radu razmotrimo sam pojam policijske diskriminacije i načine manifestovanja ove pojave. U cilju toga, u radu je najpre dato pojmovno određenje policijske diskriminacije, a zatim njeni osnovni oblici i kategorizacija. Težnja nam je bila da na taj način bar delimično otklonimo određene nedoumice i povećamo zainteresovanost naučne javnosti za istraživanjem ove pojave, ali ne samo u vidu njenih teorijskih analiza već i kroz njena empirijska istraživanja u srpskom društvu. Potreba za tim prevashodno proizlazi iz činjenice da u našim uslovima do sada nisu u dovoljnom broju sprovedene empirijske studije kojim bi se sistemski i sveobuhvatno istražio fenomen policijske diskriminacije tako da su brojni pokazatelji njene pojave i obima uglavnom rezultat nagađanja i slobodnih procena.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Teme",
title = "Discrimination in policing: Phenomenological dimension, Diskriminacija u radu policije - fenomenološka dimenzija",
volume = "40",
number = "1",
pages = "53-68",
url = ""
Zekavica, R.,& Kesić, Z.. (2016). Discrimination in policing: Phenomenological dimension. in Teme
Univerzitet u Nišu., 40(1), 53-68.
Zekavica R, Kesić Z. Discrimination in policing: Phenomenological dimension. in Teme. 2016;40(1):53-68. .
Zekavica, Radomir, Kesić, Zoran, "Discrimination in policing: Phenomenological dimension" in Teme, 40, no. 1 (2016):53-68, .

Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis

Kesić, Zoran

(Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - We can easily come to the conclusion that the general settings of the theory of social interactionism, and especially the process of social labeling and stigmatization, as a concretization of those theories, can serve as a basis for explaining certain aspects of discriminatory activities in policing. And this problem is a key subject of this work, which we tried to explain in the light of three different but inter-related labeling theory. In this way, we also wanted to find their practical application in a particular social phenomenon or as it is popularly said 'to put theory into operation'. In fact, the key purpose of this paper is to show how the interaction of social subjects, which takes place at a general level, particularly categorization, classification, social stigma and stereotypes that result from these interactions, significantly shape the way the police behave. Moreover, if we take into consideration that police officers have a significant level of power to label others from the position of professional authority this theoretical concept becomes more important. To what extent (of course, empirically speaking) this social process affects in such a way and creates such consequences, it should be established by a scientific investigation of individual cases. It is certain, however, that our life often assures us of this outcome, confirming that it is not a coincidence, but the unwritten rules. And such examples should serve us as a starting point for scientific research of this phenomenon.
AB  - Opšte postavke teorija socijalnog interakcionizma, a posebno društvena stigmatizacija i etiketiranje kao konkretizacije ovog naučnog diskursa, mogu poslužiti kao polazna osnova za objašnjenje uslovljenosti određenih vidova protivpravnog postupanja policije, a pre svih ponašanja koja imaju karakter diskriminacije. Upravo taj problem i predstavlja ključnu temu ovog rada, a koji smo nastojali obrazložiti posmatrajući ga u svetlosti tri različite, ali međusobno povezane teorijske koncepcije - teoriji o društvenoj stigmatizaciji Ervina Gofmana, teoriji o autsajderima Hauarda Bekera i teoriji o stereotipu kriminalca Denisa Čepmena. Na taj način smo ujedno hteli pronaći njihovu praktičnu primenu u konkretnoj društvenoj pojavi ili kako se to popularno kaže 'staviti teoriju u pogon'.
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis
T1  - Društvena stigmatizacija kao generator diskriminativnog postupanja policije - teorijske osnove
VL  - 64
IS  - 1
SP  - 214
EP  - 237
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1601214K
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2016",
abstract = "We can easily come to the conclusion that the general settings of the theory of social interactionism, and especially the process of social labeling and stigmatization, as a concretization of those theories, can serve as a basis for explaining certain aspects of discriminatory activities in policing. And this problem is a key subject of this work, which we tried to explain in the light of three different but inter-related labeling theory. In this way, we also wanted to find their practical application in a particular social phenomenon or as it is popularly said 'to put theory into operation'. In fact, the key purpose of this paper is to show how the interaction of social subjects, which takes place at a general level, particularly categorization, classification, social stigma and stereotypes that result from these interactions, significantly shape the way the police behave. Moreover, if we take into consideration that police officers have a significant level of power to label others from the position of professional authority this theoretical concept becomes more important. To what extent (of course, empirically speaking) this social process affects in such a way and creates such consequences, it should be established by a scientific investigation of individual cases. It is certain, however, that our life often assures us of this outcome, confirming that it is not a coincidence, but the unwritten rules. And such examples should serve us as a starting point for scientific research of this phenomenon., Opšte postavke teorija socijalnog interakcionizma, a posebno društvena stigmatizacija i etiketiranje kao konkretizacije ovog naučnog diskursa, mogu poslužiti kao polazna osnova za objašnjenje uslovljenosti određenih vidova protivpravnog postupanja policije, a pre svih ponašanja koja imaju karakter diskriminacije. Upravo taj problem i predstavlja ključnu temu ovog rada, a koji smo nastojali obrazložiti posmatrajući ga u svetlosti tri različite, ali međusobno povezane teorijske koncepcije - teoriji o društvenoj stigmatizaciji Ervina Gofmana, teoriji o autsajderima Hauarda Bekera i teoriji o stereotipu kriminalca Denisa Čepmena. Na taj način smo ujedno hteli pronaći njihovu praktičnu primenu u konkretnoj društvenoj pojavi ili kako se to popularno kaže 'staviti teoriju u pogon'.",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis, Društvena stigmatizacija kao generator diskriminativnog postupanja policije - teorijske osnove",
volume = "64",
number = "1",
pages = "214-237",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1601214K"
Kesić, Z.. (2016). Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 64(1), 214-237.
Kesić Z. Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2016;64(1):214-237.
doi:10.5937/AnaliPFB1601214K .
Kesić, Zoran, "Social stigmatization as a generator of discriminatory treatment in policing: Theoretical basis" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 64, no. 1 (2016):214-237, . .

Popular image of private detective and his demystification

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - When we think of private detectives, what we first have in mind is one of the most common opinions, which connects this person with the hero from literature or movies and - in rarer cases - with the former police officer who, after having been retired, opens a detective agency in our neighborhood. The question, however, is whether such perception corresponds to the real situation or if, in this way, we just reproduce social stereotypes and the images of private detectives popularized in the media. The fact is that in today's conditions the position of private detectives is characterized by disbalance between the popular image and actual possibilities of the private detectives, which makes it quite a controversial activity. There are many consequences of this disbalance in the performance of private detective activity in the 'real' life, but certainly the most serious problem is that this situation contributes to the occurrence of abuse in the work of private detectives, frequently endangering the rights and freedoms of citizens. If we really strive for the rule of law and proudly claim that our society is based on democratic heritage then we have to take all necessary measures in order to prevent or suppress abuse or negligence in the activity of private detectives. Although the critical approach in this work is beyond dispute, the author 's intention is certainly not to discredit the private detective activity, but to use constructive criticism to point to the key problems in this field. By analyzing the image of private detectives in this light we mainly try to warn that private detectives have a great potential to cause serious damage, accidentally or intentionally, and it is therefore important to act in the direction of opposing these phenomenon, and primarily through normative regulation of this area and ensuring their implementation in the field. The paper should also be understood as an appeal to the authorized institutions to finally regulate the private detective activity in the Republic of Serbia, which has existed for years in a kind of legal vacuum, with all consequences that this situation produces.
AB  - Činjenica je da se pri samoj pomisli na privatnog detektiva obično setimo nekog junaka iz literature ili filma. Pitanje je, međutim, da li takva percepcija odgovara realnom stanju ili, pak, time samo reprodukujemo društvene stereotipe i sliku privatnog detektiva popularisanu u medijima. Poziciju privatnih detektiva nesumnjivo karakteriše disbalans između popularnog imidža i realne slike, što čini privatnu detektivsku delatnost prilično kontroverznom. Posledice ovog disbalansa su mnogobrojne, ali svakako najozbiljniji problem je što takvo stanje doprinosi pojavi zloupotreba u radu privatnih detektiva, od kojih mnoge rezultuju ugrožavanjem sloboda i prava građana. Iako je kritički pristup u ovom radu nesporan, težnja autora svakako nije da diskredituje privatnu detektivsku delatnost, već da kroz konstruktivnu kritiku ukaže na neke od ključnih problema u ovoj oblasti, a koji proizlaze iz njenog pogrešnog tumačenja i karakterisanja. Analizirajući imidž privatnih detektiva iz ovog ugla mi prevashodno nastojimo da upozorimo da privatni detektivi imaju veliki potencijal da izazovu ozbiljnu štetu, slučajno ili namerno, i da je stoga važno delovati u pravcu suprotstavljanja tim pojavama, i to prvenstveno kroz normativno regulisanje ove oblasti i obezbeđivanje njihovog sprovođenja na terenu. Ujedno ovaj rad treba shvatiti i kao apel nadležnim subjektima da konačno regulišu privatnu detektivsku delatnost u Republici Srbiji, koja već godinama egzistira u svojevrsnom pravnom vakuumu, sa svim posledicama koje takvo stanje proizvodi.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Popular image of private detective and his demystification
T1  - Popularni imidž privatnog detektiva i njegova demistifikacija
VL  - 55
IS  - 2
SP  - 84
EP  - 105
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2013",
abstract = "When we think of private detectives, what we first have in mind is one of the most common opinions, which connects this person with the hero from literature or movies and - in rarer cases - with the former police officer who, after having been retired, opens a detective agency in our neighborhood. The question, however, is whether such perception corresponds to the real situation or if, in this way, we just reproduce social stereotypes and the images of private detectives popularized in the media. The fact is that in today's conditions the position of private detectives is characterized by disbalance between the popular image and actual possibilities of the private detectives, which makes it quite a controversial activity. There are many consequences of this disbalance in the performance of private detective activity in the 'real' life, but certainly the most serious problem is that this situation contributes to the occurrence of abuse in the work of private detectives, frequently endangering the rights and freedoms of citizens. If we really strive for the rule of law and proudly claim that our society is based on democratic heritage then we have to take all necessary measures in order to prevent or suppress abuse or negligence in the activity of private detectives. Although the critical approach in this work is beyond dispute, the author 's intention is certainly not to discredit the private detective activity, but to use constructive criticism to point to the key problems in this field. By analyzing the image of private detectives in this light we mainly try to warn that private detectives have a great potential to cause serious damage, accidentally or intentionally, and it is therefore important to act in the direction of opposing these phenomenon, and primarily through normative regulation of this area and ensuring their implementation in the field. The paper should also be understood as an appeal to the authorized institutions to finally regulate the private detective activity in the Republic of Serbia, which has existed for years in a kind of legal vacuum, with all consequences that this situation produces., Činjenica je da se pri samoj pomisli na privatnog detektiva obično setimo nekog junaka iz literature ili filma. Pitanje je, međutim, da li takva percepcija odgovara realnom stanju ili, pak, time samo reprodukujemo društvene stereotipe i sliku privatnog detektiva popularisanu u medijima. Poziciju privatnih detektiva nesumnjivo karakteriše disbalans između popularnog imidža i realne slike, što čini privatnu detektivsku delatnost prilično kontroverznom. Posledice ovog disbalansa su mnogobrojne, ali svakako najozbiljniji problem je što takvo stanje doprinosi pojavi zloupotreba u radu privatnih detektiva, od kojih mnoge rezultuju ugrožavanjem sloboda i prava građana. Iako je kritički pristup u ovom radu nesporan, težnja autora svakako nije da diskredituje privatnu detektivsku delatnost, već da kroz konstruktivnu kritiku ukaže na neke od ključnih problema u ovoj oblasti, a koji proizlaze iz njenog pogrešnog tumačenja i karakterisanja. Analizirajući imidž privatnih detektiva iz ovog ugla mi prevashodno nastojimo da upozorimo da privatni detektivi imaju veliki potencijal da izazovu ozbiljnu štetu, slučajno ili namerno, i da je stoga važno delovati u pravcu suprotstavljanja tim pojavama, i to prvenstveno kroz normativno regulisanje ove oblasti i obezbeđivanje njihovog sprovođenja na terenu. Ujedno ovaj rad treba shvatiti i kao apel nadležnim subjektima da konačno regulišu privatnu detektivsku delatnost u Republici Srbiji, koja već godinama egzistira u svojevrsnom pravnom vakuumu, sa svim posledicama koje takvo stanje proizvodi.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Popular image of private detective and his demystification, Popularni imidž privatnog detektiva i njegova demistifikacija",
volume = "55",
number = "2",
pages = "84-105",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2013). Popular image of private detective and his demystification. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 55(2), 84-105.
Kesić Z. Popular image of private detective and his demystification. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2013;55(2):84-105. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Popular image of private detective and his demystification" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 55, no. 2 (2013):84-105, .

Review of the range of certain methodological approach in the scientific research of police corruption

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - It is the fact that law enforcement officers must abide by the law in performing their official tasks. This obligation results logically from the police function itself. Since they are in charge of law enforcement, the officers must be representatives of its upholding. The reality, however, too often proves this rule wrong and there are many various forms of unlawful behavior of police officers to be the evidence of it. The majority of these conducts are represented by police powers overstepping, or the powers are used contrary to legal basis or without sufficient reason. These are actually the cases of police powers misuse that are most frequently the consequence of police officer's negligence. However, police practice records also classic cases of misused powers, in other words the misuses of police power for the purpose not allowed by regulations, which are not related to the fulfillment of an official task or the goal of the use of the power is even contrary to the interests of the service. In considerable number of cases the question is actually of malicious misuse of police powers or even its use in order to achieve primarily personal interest. Corruptive behavior of police officers is singled out as a typical form of police powers misuse. The dangers and consequences that police corruption causes at both individual and social level undoubtedly attract attention of the expert public representing at the same time the key cause for the study of this phenomenon. The study of police corruption phenomenon is of huge scientific importance since it contributes to spreading the knowledge of the phenomenon shrouded in secrecy. Due to the lack of precise police corruption indicators, the conclusions on this phenomenon base primarily on the impressions from either personal experience or media representation. Personal experience, however, may be an exception rather than a rule, while media burdened by sensationalism usually approach the problem superficially and selectively. In order to prevent reaching final judgments based on lump estimates, it is necessary to analyze the problem of police corruption using the appropriate methods and respecting the principles of scientific perspective. This, on the other hand is not at all an easy task. Everyone who decides to engage in this endeavor soon becomes aware of that it is necessary to overcome a series of conceptual, methodological and practical obstacles. We have made an attempt in this paper to suggest all problems and limitations, offering practical advice at the same time which every researcher should bear in mind when designing a plan of police corruption study and by sticking to this plan they could at least partially avoid mistakes and increase the value of the results obtained.
AB  - Koruptivno ponašanje policijskih službenika, kao tipičan oblik zloupotrebe ovlašćenja, pobuđuje veliku pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti. Značaj istraživanja ovog fenomena je višestruk, ali svakako najvažniji jeste njegov društveni značaj, posebno ukoliko imamo u vidu da se tim istraživanjem može doprineti otklanjanju ili saniranju opasnosti i posledica koje ova ponašanja stvaraju. Proučavanje 'policijske korupcije' ima nesumnjivo i ogroman naučni značaj, jer ono doprinosi širenju saznanja o fenomenu koji je obavijen velom tajne. Usled odsustva preciznih pokazatelja zaključci o ovoj pojavi se prevashodno zasnivaju na utisku stvorenom iz ličnog iskustva ili medijskom predstavljanju. Lično iskustvo ipak pre može da predstavlja izuzetak, a ne pravilo, dok mediji, opterećeni senzacionalizmom, problemu obično pristupaju površno i selektivno. Kako bi se sprečilo iznošenje konačnih sudova na osnovu paušalnih procena, potrebno je primenom odgovarajućih metoda, uz poštovanje principa naučne perspektive, pristupiti analiziranju problema korupcije u policiji. Ovo, međutim, nije nimalo lak zadatak. Svako ko se odluči za ovaj poduhvat ubrzo postaje svestan kako je za njegovo ostvarenje potrebno premosti niz prepreka konceptualne, metodološke i praktične prirode. Težnja nam je da ovim radom ukažemo na neke ključne metodološke probleme i ograničenosti u postupku istraživanja korupcije u policiji, istovremeno nudeći praktične savete i preporuke, koje bi trebalo uzeti u obzir prilikom dizajniranja plana i sprovođenja istraživanja, kako bi se bar delimično izbegle greške, odnosno smanjio efekat negativnih nuspojava, a povećala vrednost dobijenih rezultata.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Review of the range of certain methodological approach in the scientific research of police corruption
T1  - Preispitivanje dometa pojedinih metodoloških pristupa u postupku naučnog istraživanja korupcije u policiji
VL  - 18
IS  - 2
SP  - 107
EP  - 124
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2013",
abstract = "It is the fact that law enforcement officers must abide by the law in performing their official tasks. This obligation results logically from the police function itself. Since they are in charge of law enforcement, the officers must be representatives of its upholding. The reality, however, too often proves this rule wrong and there are many various forms of unlawful behavior of police officers to be the evidence of it. The majority of these conducts are represented by police powers overstepping, or the powers are used contrary to legal basis or without sufficient reason. These are actually the cases of police powers misuse that are most frequently the consequence of police officer's negligence. However, police practice records also classic cases of misused powers, in other words the misuses of police power for the purpose not allowed by regulations, which are not related to the fulfillment of an official task or the goal of the use of the power is even contrary to the interests of the service. In considerable number of cases the question is actually of malicious misuse of police powers or even its use in order to achieve primarily personal interest. Corruptive behavior of police officers is singled out as a typical form of police powers misuse. The dangers and consequences that police corruption causes at both individual and social level undoubtedly attract attention of the expert public representing at the same time the key cause for the study of this phenomenon. The study of police corruption phenomenon is of huge scientific importance since it contributes to spreading the knowledge of the phenomenon shrouded in secrecy. Due to the lack of precise police corruption indicators, the conclusions on this phenomenon base primarily on the impressions from either personal experience or media representation. Personal experience, however, may be an exception rather than a rule, while media burdened by sensationalism usually approach the problem superficially and selectively. In order to prevent reaching final judgments based on lump estimates, it is necessary to analyze the problem of police corruption using the appropriate methods and respecting the principles of scientific perspective. This, on the other hand is not at all an easy task. Everyone who decides to engage in this endeavor soon becomes aware of that it is necessary to overcome a series of conceptual, methodological and practical obstacles. We have made an attempt in this paper to suggest all problems and limitations, offering practical advice at the same time which every researcher should bear in mind when designing a plan of police corruption study and by sticking to this plan they could at least partially avoid mistakes and increase the value of the results obtained., Koruptivno ponašanje policijskih službenika, kao tipičan oblik zloupotrebe ovlašćenja, pobuđuje veliku pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti. Značaj istraživanja ovog fenomena je višestruk, ali svakako najvažniji jeste njegov društveni značaj, posebno ukoliko imamo u vidu da se tim istraživanjem može doprineti otklanjanju ili saniranju opasnosti i posledica koje ova ponašanja stvaraju. Proučavanje 'policijske korupcije' ima nesumnjivo i ogroman naučni značaj, jer ono doprinosi širenju saznanja o fenomenu koji je obavijen velom tajne. Usled odsustva preciznih pokazatelja zaključci o ovoj pojavi se prevashodno zasnivaju na utisku stvorenom iz ličnog iskustva ili medijskom predstavljanju. Lično iskustvo ipak pre može da predstavlja izuzetak, a ne pravilo, dok mediji, opterećeni senzacionalizmom, problemu obično pristupaju površno i selektivno. Kako bi se sprečilo iznošenje konačnih sudova na osnovu paušalnih procena, potrebno je primenom odgovarajućih metoda, uz poštovanje principa naučne perspektive, pristupiti analiziranju problema korupcije u policiji. Ovo, međutim, nije nimalo lak zadatak. Svako ko se odluči za ovaj poduhvat ubrzo postaje svestan kako je za njegovo ostvarenje potrebno premosti niz prepreka konceptualne, metodološke i praktične prirode. Težnja nam je da ovim radom ukažemo na neke ključne metodološke probleme i ograničenosti u postupku istraživanja korupcije u policiji, istovremeno nudeći praktične savete i preporuke, koje bi trebalo uzeti u obzir prilikom dizajniranja plana i sprovođenja istraživanja, kako bi se bar delimično izbegle greške, odnosno smanjio efekat negativnih nuspojava, a povećala vrednost dobijenih rezultata.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Review of the range of certain methodological approach in the scientific research of police corruption, Preispitivanje dometa pojedinih metodoloških pristupa u postupku naučnog istraživanja korupcije u policiji",
volume = "18",
number = "2",
pages = "107-124",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2013). Review of the range of certain methodological approach in the scientific research of police corruption. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 18(2), 107-124.
Kesić Z. Review of the range of certain methodological approach in the scientific research of police corruption. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2013;18(2):107-124. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Review of the range of certain methodological approach in the scientific research of police corruption" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 18, no. 2 (2013):107-124, .

Nastanak i razvoj koruptivne karijere u policiji – koncepcija „klizavog terena“

Kesić, Zoran

(Beograd : Srpsko udruženje za krivičnopravnu teoriju i praksu : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2012)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Sudeći po učestalosti naučnih diskusija, stručnih polemika i obimu objavljene literature o korupciji uopšte interesovanje za ovom kriminalnom pojavom konstantno raste. Razlozi za to prevashodno leže u posledicama koje korupcija stvara na individualnom i društvenom nivou i činjenici da suprotstavljanje toj pojavi predstavlja jedan od prioritetnih zadataka u svakom društvu koje stremi ka vladavini prava. Primetno je da se problemom korupcije bave naučnici i stručnjaci različitih profila, analizirajući ovaj fenomen iz više aspekata i njegovo prisustvo u različitim segmentima društva. Za nas je svakako najinteresantniji kriminološki ugao posmatranja i to posebno onaj koji se bavi objašnjenjem nastanka i razvoja korupcije u policiji. Iako ona predstavlja deo jednog sistemskog problema „policijska korupcija“ je ipak praćena brojnim specifičnostima, koje se ne mogu jasno sagledati ukoliko se ne izdvoje iz šireg konteksta. Ovo se posebno odnosi na dinamiku koruptivne karijere u policiji, na njen nastanak, razvoj i prestanak. Uprkos izraženim sumnjama da se u policiji ne može razviti koruptivna karijera i uvreženom mišljenju da koruptivno ponašanje predstavlja skup pojedinačnih koruptivnih transakcija koje nisu međusobno povezane i kojima policijski službenici pristupaju spontano i neplanirano mi ćemo u ovom radu nastojati da ukažemo na činjenicu da koruptivno ponašanje može predstavljati sistemsko ponašanje pojedinaca i grupa policajaca, koje ne samo da može prerasti u naviku, već i progredirati ka ozbiljnijim vidovima zloupotreba.
AB  - Judging by the frequency of scientific discussion, expert debate and scope
of the published literature on corruption the interest in this criminal phenomenon
in general does not decrease for years. The reasons for this lie primarily in the consequences that corruption creates on individual and social level and the fact that
confrontation this phenomenon is one of the priority tasks in any society that aspires
to the rule of law. It is noticeable that the scientists and experts in various fields
occupy themselves with the problem of corruption, analyzing the phenomenon from
different aspects and its presence in various segments of society. For us it is certainly the most interesting criminological angle of observation and especially one that
deals with explanation of the origin and development of police corruption. Although
it is part of a systemic problem, “police corruption” is still accompanied by a number of specific features, which can not be seen clearly if they are not separated from
the broader context. This applies particularly to the dynamics of corrupt career in
the police, to its origin, development and cessation. Despite the expressed doubts
that the corrupt career can not be developed in the police and popular belief that
corrupt behavior is a set of individual corrupt transactions that are not interrelated and to which the police officers approach spontaneously and unplanned, we will
in this work tend to point at the fact that corrupt behavior can be a systematic
behavior of individuals and groups of police officers, which not only can become
habit, but also can progress toward more serious forms of abuse.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko udruženje za krivičnopravnu teoriju i praksu : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
T2  - Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
T1  - Nastanak i razvoj koruptivne karijere u policiji – koncepcija „klizavog terena“
T1  - Origin and development of corrupt career in the police - conception of „slippery slope“
VL  - 50
IS  - 3
SP  - 205
EP  - 224
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Sudeći po učestalosti naučnih diskusija, stručnih polemika i obimu objavljene literature o korupciji uopšte interesovanje za ovom kriminalnom pojavom konstantno raste. Razlozi za to prevashodno leže u posledicama koje korupcija stvara na individualnom i društvenom nivou i činjenici da suprotstavljanje toj pojavi predstavlja jedan od prioritetnih zadataka u svakom društvu koje stremi ka vladavini prava. Primetno je da se problemom korupcije bave naučnici i stručnjaci različitih profila, analizirajući ovaj fenomen iz više aspekata i njegovo prisustvo u različitim segmentima društva. Za nas je svakako najinteresantniji kriminološki ugao posmatranja i to posebno onaj koji se bavi objašnjenjem nastanka i razvoja korupcije u policiji. Iako ona predstavlja deo jednog sistemskog problema „policijska korupcija“ je ipak praćena brojnim specifičnostima, koje se ne mogu jasno sagledati ukoliko se ne izdvoje iz šireg konteksta. Ovo se posebno odnosi na dinamiku koruptivne karijere u policiji, na njen nastanak, razvoj i prestanak. Uprkos izraženim sumnjama da se u policiji ne može razviti koruptivna karijera i uvreženom mišljenju da koruptivno ponašanje predstavlja skup pojedinačnih koruptivnih transakcija koje nisu međusobno povezane i kojima policijski službenici pristupaju spontano i neplanirano mi ćemo u ovom radu nastojati da ukažemo na činjenicu da koruptivno ponašanje može predstavljati sistemsko ponašanje pojedinaca i grupa policajaca, koje ne samo da može prerasti u naviku, već i progredirati ka ozbiljnijim vidovima zloupotreba., Judging by the frequency of scientific discussion, expert debate and scope
of the published literature on corruption the interest in this criminal phenomenon
in general does not decrease for years. The reasons for this lie primarily in the consequences that corruption creates on individual and social level and the fact that
confrontation this phenomenon is one of the priority tasks in any society that aspires
to the rule of law. It is noticeable that the scientists and experts in various fields
occupy themselves with the problem of corruption, analyzing the phenomenon from
different aspects and its presence in various segments of society. For us it is certainly the most interesting criminological angle of observation and especially one that
deals with explanation of the origin and development of police corruption. Although
it is part of a systemic problem, “police corruption” is still accompanied by a number of specific features, which can not be seen clearly if they are not separated from
the broader context. This applies particularly to the dynamics of corrupt career in
the police, to its origin, development and cessation. Despite the expressed doubts
that the corrupt career can not be developed in the police and popular belief that
corrupt behavior is a set of individual corrupt transactions that are not interrelated and to which the police officers approach spontaneously and unplanned, we will
in this work tend to point at the fact that corrupt behavior can be a systematic
behavior of individuals and groups of police officers, which not only can become
habit, but also can progress toward more serious forms of abuse.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko udruženje za krivičnopravnu teoriju i praksu : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja",
journal = "Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo",
title = "Nastanak i razvoj koruptivne karijere u policiji – koncepcija „klizavog terena“, Origin and development of corrupt career in the police - conception of „slippery slope“",
volume = "50",
number = "3",
pages = "205-224",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2012). Nastanak i razvoj koruptivne karijere u policiji – koncepcija „klizavog terena“. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
Beograd : Srpsko udruženje za krivičnopravnu teoriju i praksu : Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja., 50(3), 205-224.
Kesić Z. Nastanak i razvoj koruptivne karijere u policiji – koncepcija „klizavog terena“. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo. 2012;50(3):205-224. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Nastanak i razvoj koruptivne karijere u policiji – koncepcija „klizavog terena“" in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 50, no. 3 (2012):205-224, .

Theoretical definition of police corruption

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Corrupt behavior, as a typical form of abuse of authority, draws great attention of the scientific and professional community. The importance of scientific research on this phenomenon is great, especially if we bear in mind that this research contributes to the removal or remediation of the dangers and consequences that these behaviors create on individual and social levels. In this context the study of 'police corruption' has special importance because it contributes to spreading of knowledge about the phenomenon that is shrouded in secrecy. Due to the lack of precise indicators, the conclusions on this phenomenon are primarily based on the impressions created from personal experience or by the media presentation of the phenomenon. Personal experience can, however, represent the exception rather than the rule, while the media, burdened by sensationalism, and usually approach the problem superficially and selectively. In order to avoid passing the final judgments on the basis of flat-rate assessment, it is necessary to start analyzing the problem of police corruption by applying the appropriate methods, while observing the principles of scientific perspective. This, however, is not an easy task. Anyone who chooses corruption in the police as the subject of his research will, at the beginning, encounter the problem of how to define the phenomenon which he intends to research. It is known that the theoretical definition of the research subject is the first and infallible step towards the more objective indicators of the studied phenomenon. More specifically, a precise and unambiguous definition is the essential prerequisite of success of the research. Hence the origin of the author's desire to critically review the existing definitions of corruption in the police and to find a more appropriate determinations, which would represent an important support in defining the subject of some future research studies and a starting point for fixing the boundaries between corruption and similar phenomena in the police actions.
AB  - Koruptivno ponašanje, kao tipičan oblik zloupotrebe ovlašćenja, pobuđuje veliku pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti. Značaj naučnog istraživanja ovog fenomena je višestruk, posebno ukoliko imamo u vidu da se tim istraživanjem može doprineti otklanjanju ili saniranju višestrukih posledica koje ova ponašanja stvaraju na individualnom i društvenom nivou. Posmatrano u tom kontekstu proučavanje korupcije u policiji dobija naročit značaj, jer se u ovom slučaju koruptivno ponašaju pojedinici od kojih se zapravo očekuje da se suprostavljaju ovoj pojavi. Međutim, svako ko izabere koruptivno ponašanje policijskih službenika za predmet svog istraživanja već na samom početku će se susresti sa problemom kako da definiše pojavu koju namerava da istraži. Poznato je da teorijsko definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do što objektivnijih pokazatelja proučavane pojave. Tačnije, precizno i nedvosmisleno definisanje je ključni preduslov uspešnosti samog istraživanja. Otuda je i težnja autora ovoga rada da kritički preispita postojeće definicije korupcije u policiji i iznađe što prihvatljivije određenje koje bi predstavljalo bitan oslonac u definisanju predmeta istraživanja nekih budućih studija o korupciji u policiji.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Theoretical definition of police corruption
T1  - Teorijsko definisanje korupcije u policiji
VL  - 54
IS  - 2
SP  - 134
EP  - 150
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Corrupt behavior, as a typical form of abuse of authority, draws great attention of the scientific and professional community. The importance of scientific research on this phenomenon is great, especially if we bear in mind that this research contributes to the removal or remediation of the dangers and consequences that these behaviors create on individual and social levels. In this context the study of 'police corruption' has special importance because it contributes to spreading of knowledge about the phenomenon that is shrouded in secrecy. Due to the lack of precise indicators, the conclusions on this phenomenon are primarily based on the impressions created from personal experience or by the media presentation of the phenomenon. Personal experience can, however, represent the exception rather than the rule, while the media, burdened by sensationalism, and usually approach the problem superficially and selectively. In order to avoid passing the final judgments on the basis of flat-rate assessment, it is necessary to start analyzing the problem of police corruption by applying the appropriate methods, while observing the principles of scientific perspective. This, however, is not an easy task. Anyone who chooses corruption in the police as the subject of his research will, at the beginning, encounter the problem of how to define the phenomenon which he intends to research. It is known that the theoretical definition of the research subject is the first and infallible step towards the more objective indicators of the studied phenomenon. More specifically, a precise and unambiguous definition is the essential prerequisite of success of the research. Hence the origin of the author's desire to critically review the existing definitions of corruption in the police and to find a more appropriate determinations, which would represent an important support in defining the subject of some future research studies and a starting point for fixing the boundaries between corruption and similar phenomena in the police actions., Koruptivno ponašanje, kao tipičan oblik zloupotrebe ovlašćenja, pobuđuje veliku pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti. Značaj naučnog istraživanja ovog fenomena je višestruk, posebno ukoliko imamo u vidu da se tim istraživanjem može doprineti otklanjanju ili saniranju višestrukih posledica koje ova ponašanja stvaraju na individualnom i društvenom nivou. Posmatrano u tom kontekstu proučavanje korupcije u policiji dobija naročit značaj, jer se u ovom slučaju koruptivno ponašaju pojedinici od kojih se zapravo očekuje da se suprostavljaju ovoj pojavi. Međutim, svako ko izabere koruptivno ponašanje policijskih službenika za predmet svog istraživanja već na samom početku će se susresti sa problemom kako da definiše pojavu koju namerava da istraži. Poznato je da teorijsko definisanje predmeta istraživanja predstavlja prvi i neizostavni korak na putu do što objektivnijih pokazatelja proučavane pojave. Tačnije, precizno i nedvosmisleno definisanje je ključni preduslov uspešnosti samog istraživanja. Otuda je i težnja autora ovoga rada da kritički preispita postojeće definicije korupcije u policiji i iznađe što prihvatljivije određenje koje bi predstavljalo bitan oslonac u definisanju predmeta istraživanja nekih budućih studija o korupciji u policiji.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Theoretical definition of police corruption, Teorijsko definisanje korupcije u policiji",
volume = "54",
number = "2",
pages = "134-150",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2012). Theoretical definition of police corruption. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 54(2), 134-150.
Kesić Z. Theoretical definition of police corruption. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2012;54(2):134-150. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Theoretical definition of police corruption" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 54, no. 2 (2012):134-150, .

Exceeding and abuse of police authority in the shadow of police discretionary power

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Complex phenomena such as violations and abuse of police powers require a multifactorial approach in order to explain their causality. Since it is about behaviors that usually represent a violation of the norms of criminal law, we based the explanation of their causality on a criminological analysis of factors of violation and abuse of police powers. As the basis of our explanation we used classification of criminogenic factors that was once developed by Milan Milutinovic by graduating factors according to their causal impact and intensity of activity, thereby distinguishing the causes, conditions and motives of criminal behavior. It seemed to us that this particular classification can best express the etiological complexity of violation and abuse of police powers. In addition, the explanation of multifactorial conditionality of these phenomena is based on the example of the use of discretionary evaluation of police action, through which application all three levels of causality are exposed. Namely, discretionary evaluation, in itself, is a 'condition' since it enables or facilitates the occurrence of violation and abuse of powers. The fact of having a certain discretionary right gives officers an opportunity to break the rules, because it gives them the opportunity to make their decisions based on illegitimate criteria. Therefore discretionary evaluation enables the effect of direct 'causes' of violation and abuse of police powers. Police decisions are usually caused by noble 'cause', which is embodied in the realization of police function. In this regard, police officers justify all their actions, regardless of whether they are legitimate and legal or they represent violations and abuse of powers, giving this reason and explaining that they were motivated by the achievement of 'a noble aim' when making decisions. But there are infrequently situations where police officers abuse the discretionary power to achieve personal interests, adapting their decisions to this reason. At the beginning of the paper we focused our attention on some general characteristics of the discretionary powers of police officers, after which we critically examined the impact of certain factors on the process of discretionary decision-making of police officers, especially pointing out their contribution to violation and abuse of powers. In the conclusion of the paper we focused on the specific recommendations and suggestions on how to prevent and suppress errors in the application of discretionary evaluation and discretionary abuse of power, which result in violations and abuse of police powers.
AB  - Prekoračenja i zloupotrebe policijskih ovlašćenja su pojave izuzetno složene kauzalnosti čije objašnjenje zahteva multi-faktorski pristup. Činjenica da ova ponašanja uglavnom predstavljaju krivična dela pruža nam mogućnost da njihovu uslovljenost analiziramo iz kriminološkog ugla. Pri tom nam se čini kako se ta etiološka kompleksnost možda najbolje može izraziti na primeru diskrecione moći policije, kroz čiju primenu se eksponiraju sva tri nivoa kauzalnosti (uzroci, uslovi i povodi), prekoračenja i zloupotreba ovlašćenja. Nakon definisanja nekih opštih obeležja diskrecione moći policajaca, naša pažnja biće usmerena na uticaj pojedinih faktora na proces diskrecionog odlučivanja, gde ćemo posebno ukazati na njihov doprinos prekoračenju i zloupotrebi ovlašćenja. U zaključku rada su istaknute određene preporuke i predlozi kako da se spreče greške u primeni diskrecione ocene i suzbiju zloupotrebe diskrecione moći, koje rezultuju prekoračenjem i zloupotrebom policijskih ovlašćenja.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Exceeding and abuse of police authority in the shadow of police discretionary power
T1  - Prekoračenje i zloupotreba policijskih ovlašćenja u senci diskrecione moći policije
VL  - 53
IS  - 2
SP  - 66
EP  - 89
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Complex phenomena such as violations and abuse of police powers require a multifactorial approach in order to explain their causality. Since it is about behaviors that usually represent a violation of the norms of criminal law, we based the explanation of their causality on a criminological analysis of factors of violation and abuse of police powers. As the basis of our explanation we used classification of criminogenic factors that was once developed by Milan Milutinovic by graduating factors according to their causal impact and intensity of activity, thereby distinguishing the causes, conditions and motives of criminal behavior. It seemed to us that this particular classification can best express the etiological complexity of violation and abuse of police powers. In addition, the explanation of multifactorial conditionality of these phenomena is based on the example of the use of discretionary evaluation of police action, through which application all three levels of causality are exposed. Namely, discretionary evaluation, in itself, is a 'condition' since it enables or facilitates the occurrence of violation and abuse of powers. The fact of having a certain discretionary right gives officers an opportunity to break the rules, because it gives them the opportunity to make their decisions based on illegitimate criteria. Therefore discretionary evaluation enables the effect of direct 'causes' of violation and abuse of police powers. Police decisions are usually caused by noble 'cause', which is embodied in the realization of police function. In this regard, police officers justify all their actions, regardless of whether they are legitimate and legal or they represent violations and abuse of powers, giving this reason and explaining that they were motivated by the achievement of 'a noble aim' when making decisions. But there are infrequently situations where police officers abuse the discretionary power to achieve personal interests, adapting their decisions to this reason. At the beginning of the paper we focused our attention on some general characteristics of the discretionary powers of police officers, after which we critically examined the impact of certain factors on the process of discretionary decision-making of police officers, especially pointing out their contribution to violation and abuse of powers. In the conclusion of the paper we focused on the specific recommendations and suggestions on how to prevent and suppress errors in the application of discretionary evaluation and discretionary abuse of power, which result in violations and abuse of police powers., Prekoračenja i zloupotrebe policijskih ovlašćenja su pojave izuzetno složene kauzalnosti čije objašnjenje zahteva multi-faktorski pristup. Činjenica da ova ponašanja uglavnom predstavljaju krivična dela pruža nam mogućnost da njihovu uslovljenost analiziramo iz kriminološkog ugla. Pri tom nam se čini kako se ta etiološka kompleksnost možda najbolje može izraziti na primeru diskrecione moći policije, kroz čiju primenu se eksponiraju sva tri nivoa kauzalnosti (uzroci, uslovi i povodi), prekoračenja i zloupotreba ovlašćenja. Nakon definisanja nekih opštih obeležja diskrecione moći policajaca, naša pažnja biće usmerena na uticaj pojedinih faktora na proces diskrecionog odlučivanja, gde ćemo posebno ukazati na njihov doprinos prekoračenju i zloupotrebi ovlašćenja. U zaključku rada su istaknute određene preporuke i predlozi kako da se spreče greške u primeni diskrecione ocene i suzbiju zloupotrebe diskrecione moći, koje rezultuju prekoračenjem i zloupotrebom policijskih ovlašćenja.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Exceeding and abuse of police authority in the shadow of police discretionary power, Prekoračenje i zloupotreba policijskih ovlašćenja u senci diskrecione moći policije",
volume = "53",
number = "2",
pages = "66-89",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2011). Exceeding and abuse of police authority in the shadow of police discretionary power. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 53(2), 66-89.
Kesić Z. Exceeding and abuse of police authority in the shadow of police discretionary power. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2011;53(2):66-89. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Exceeding and abuse of police authority in the shadow of police discretionary power" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 53, no. 2 (2011):66-89, .

Impact of 'the ethos of masculinity' on the position of women in the police

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - A unique position in a society and their specific function, give police officers more opportunity than to ordinary citizens to turn their prejudices into the most serious discriminations, the most prominent among them being particularly gender, sexual, ethnic and racial discrimination. It is undisputed that the most frequent victims of police discrimination are the citizens, however, situations where the discrimination is carried out within the police organization itself are not rare either. In this regard, it is necessary to make difference between external and internal police discrimination. Judging by the majority of papers, the analysis of internal discrimination is usually based on examining the position of women within police. At the same time, it is especially pointed to the problem of their integration into police environment, which represents a typical 'macho' subculture where the male domination determines every process. Such an atmosphere contributes to creation of resistance towards female co-workers, despise of their competences and sexual harassment on the job. Due to the manner of execution, specific characteristics of the actors and clannishness of the police subculture, the research of gender discrimination and sexual harassment within police profession is considerably difficult. This, however, does not give us the right to give up the research and thus provide for guesses about the proportions of this phenomenon and expressions of the final opinions without the exact indicators. There have been several researches of this problem in the world, whose results suggest at least some indicators and prevent approximate estimates. In this paper, in addition to the general characteristics of the observed phenomenon, we are going to point to some of the results of the mentioned researches and end the paper with suggestions on how to fight this issue.
AB  - Jedinstvena pozicija u društvu i specifična funkcija pružaju policajcima značajne mogućnosti da svoje predrasude pretoče u najozbiljnije diskriminacije, među kojima se posebno ističu polna, seksualna i etnička diskriminacija. Najčešće žrtve takvih postupaka su civili, međutim nisu retke ni situacije u kojima se diskriminacija odvija unutar same policijske organizacije. U tom smislu, potrebno je praviti razliku između eksterne i interne policijske diskriminacije. Sudeći prema većini radova, analiza interne diskriminacije obično se zasniva na sagledavanju položaja žena u policiji. Pritom se posebno ukazuje na problem njihove integracije u policijski kolektiv, koji predstavlja tipičnu 'mačo' potkulturu, u kojoj dominacija muškaraca određuje svaki proces. Takva atmosfera doprinosi stvaranju otpora prema koleginicama, nipodaštavanju njihove sposobnosti i seksualnom uznemiravanju u službi. Zbog načina izvršenja, specifičnosti aktera i zatvorenosti policijske potkulture istraživanje tih pojava je izuzetno otežano. To nam, međutim, ne daje za pravo da odustanemo od istraživanja i time omogućimo iznošenje konačnih sudova bez egzaktnih pokazatelja. U svetu je sprovedeno nekoliko istraživanja polne diskriminacije i seksualnog uznemiravanja u policijskoj profesiji, čiji rezultati sugerišu bar neke pokazatelje i sprečavaju paušalne procene. U ovom radu, pored opštih karakteristika posmatrane pojave, ukazaćemo i na neke od tih rezultata, da bi rad okončali predlozima za suprotstavljanje tim pojavama.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Impact of 'the ethos of masculinity' on the position of women in the police
T1  - Uticaj etosa muškosti na položaj žena u policiji
VL  - 16
IS  - 2
SP  - 165
EP  - 176
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2011",
abstract = "A unique position in a society and their specific function, give police officers more opportunity than to ordinary citizens to turn their prejudices into the most serious discriminations, the most prominent among them being particularly gender, sexual, ethnic and racial discrimination. It is undisputed that the most frequent victims of police discrimination are the citizens, however, situations where the discrimination is carried out within the police organization itself are not rare either. In this regard, it is necessary to make difference between external and internal police discrimination. Judging by the majority of papers, the analysis of internal discrimination is usually based on examining the position of women within police. At the same time, it is especially pointed to the problem of their integration into police environment, which represents a typical 'macho' subculture where the male domination determines every process. Such an atmosphere contributes to creation of resistance towards female co-workers, despise of their competences and sexual harassment on the job. Due to the manner of execution, specific characteristics of the actors and clannishness of the police subculture, the research of gender discrimination and sexual harassment within police profession is considerably difficult. This, however, does not give us the right to give up the research and thus provide for guesses about the proportions of this phenomenon and expressions of the final opinions without the exact indicators. There have been several researches of this problem in the world, whose results suggest at least some indicators and prevent approximate estimates. In this paper, in addition to the general characteristics of the observed phenomenon, we are going to point to some of the results of the mentioned researches and end the paper with suggestions on how to fight this issue., Jedinstvena pozicija u društvu i specifična funkcija pružaju policajcima značajne mogućnosti da svoje predrasude pretoče u najozbiljnije diskriminacije, među kojima se posebno ističu polna, seksualna i etnička diskriminacija. Najčešće žrtve takvih postupaka su civili, međutim nisu retke ni situacije u kojima se diskriminacija odvija unutar same policijske organizacije. U tom smislu, potrebno je praviti razliku između eksterne i interne policijske diskriminacije. Sudeći prema većini radova, analiza interne diskriminacije obično se zasniva na sagledavanju položaja žena u policiji. Pritom se posebno ukazuje na problem njihove integracije u policijski kolektiv, koji predstavlja tipičnu 'mačo' potkulturu, u kojoj dominacija muškaraca određuje svaki proces. Takva atmosfera doprinosi stvaranju otpora prema koleginicama, nipodaštavanju njihove sposobnosti i seksualnom uznemiravanju u službi. Zbog načina izvršenja, specifičnosti aktera i zatvorenosti policijske potkulture istraživanje tih pojava je izuzetno otežano. To nam, međutim, ne daje za pravo da odustanemo od istraživanja i time omogućimo iznošenje konačnih sudova bez egzaktnih pokazatelja. U svetu je sprovedeno nekoliko istraživanja polne diskriminacije i seksualnog uznemiravanja u policijskoj profesiji, čiji rezultati sugerišu bar neke pokazatelje i sprečavaju paušalne procene. U ovom radu, pored opštih karakteristika posmatrane pojave, ukazaćemo i na neke od tih rezultata, da bi rad okončali predlozima za suprotstavljanje tim pojavama.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Impact of 'the ethos of masculinity' on the position of women in the police, Uticaj etosa muškosti na položaj žena u policiji",
volume = "16",
number = "2",
pages = "165-176",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2011). Impact of 'the ethos of masculinity' on the position of women in the police. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 16(2), 165-176.
Kesić Z. Impact of 'the ethos of masculinity' on the position of women in the police. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2011;16(2):165-176. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Impact of 'the ethos of masculinity' on the position of women in the police" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 16, no. 2 (2011):165-176, .

Privatization of punishing: Method for overcoming or deepening the detention crisis

Kesić, Zoran

(Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Ever since it has been established the sentence of imprisonment has been disputed many times. The rise of recidivist crimes has only confirmed the limited power of imprisonment and the failure of the idea of resocialization which has also conditioned the reexamining of both the punishment and the manner of its implementation. In an attempt to modify the sentence of imprisonment many countries have started to include private sector in its implementation, while in some countries the governments have gone so far as to give the charge of penal facilities to private companies. It is this form of privatization of punishment that arouses the highest controversy in expert public as well as its actual implementation and this is why the special attention should be given to its description.
AB  - Od svog nastanka do danas kazna zatvora se suočavala sa brojnim osporavanjima. Porast kriminaliteta izvršenog u povratku samo je potvrdio ograničenu moć zatvaranja i neuspeh ideje resocijalizacije, što je uslovilo preispitivanje kako same kazne tako i načina njenog izvršenja. Nastojeći da modifikuju kaznu zatvora brojne zemlje u njeno sprovođenje počinju uključivati privatni sektor, dok je u nekim zemljama državno rukovodstvo otišlo toliko daleko da privatnim kompanijama poveravaju upravljanje kaznenim ustanovama. Upravo ovaj oblik privatizacije kažnjavanja stvara najveće kontroverze u stručnoj javnosti i sprovođenju na terenu zbog čega njegovom opisivanju treba posvetiti posebnu pažnju.
PB  - Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Strani pravni život
T1  - Privatization of punishing: Method for overcoming or deepening the detention crisis
T1  - Privatizacija kažnjavanja - način za prevazilaženje ili produbljivanje krize zatvaranja
IS  - 1
SP  - 303
EP  - 320
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Ever since it has been established the sentence of imprisonment has been disputed many times. The rise of recidivist crimes has only confirmed the limited power of imprisonment and the failure of the idea of resocialization which has also conditioned the reexamining of both the punishment and the manner of its implementation. In an attempt to modify the sentence of imprisonment many countries have started to include private sector in its implementation, while in some countries the governments have gone so far as to give the charge of penal facilities to private companies. It is this form of privatization of punishment that arouses the highest controversy in expert public as well as its actual implementation and this is why the special attention should be given to its description., Od svog nastanka do danas kazna zatvora se suočavala sa brojnim osporavanjima. Porast kriminaliteta izvršenog u povratku samo je potvrdio ograničenu moć zatvaranja i neuspeh ideje resocijalizacije, što je uslovilo preispitivanje kako same kazne tako i načina njenog izvršenja. Nastojeći da modifikuju kaznu zatvora brojne zemlje u njeno sprovođenje počinju uključivati privatni sektor, dok je u nekim zemljama državno rukovodstvo otišlo toliko daleko da privatnim kompanijama poveravaju upravljanje kaznenim ustanovama. Upravo ovaj oblik privatizacije kažnjavanja stvara najveće kontroverze u stručnoj javnosti i sprovođenju na terenu zbog čega njegovom opisivanju treba posvetiti posebnu pažnju.",
publisher = "Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Strani pravni život",
title = "Privatization of punishing: Method for overcoming or deepening the detention crisis, Privatizacija kažnjavanja - način za prevazilaženje ili produbljivanje krize zatvaranja",
number = "1",
pages = "303-320",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2010). Privatization of punishing: Method for overcoming or deepening the detention crisis. in Strani pravni život
Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd.(1), 303-320.
Kesić Z. Privatization of punishing: Method for overcoming or deepening the detention crisis. in Strani pravni život. 2010;(1):303-320. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Privatization of punishing: Method for overcoming or deepening the detention crisis" in Strani pravni život, no. 1 (2010):303-320, .

Đorđe Ignjatović: Teorije u kriminologiji, Beograd, 2009

Kesić, Zoran

(Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2010
UR  -
PB  - Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
T2  - Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
T1  - Đorđe Ignjatović: Teorije u kriminologiji, Beograd, 2009
VL  - 48
IS  - 3
SP  - 347
EP  - 352
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2010",
publisher = "Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd",
journal = "Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo",
title = "Đorđe Ignjatović: Teorije u kriminologiji, Beograd, 2009",
volume = "48",
number = "3",
pages = "347-352",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2010). Đorđe Ignjatović: Teorije u kriminologiji, Beograd, 2009. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
Udruženje za krivično pravo i kriminologiju i Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd., 48(3), 347-352.
Kesić Z. Đorđe Ignjatović: Teorije u kriminologiji, Beograd, 2009. in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo. 2010;48(3):347-352. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Đorđe Ignjatović: Teorije u kriminologiji, Beograd, 2009" in Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo, 48, no. 3 (2010):347-352, .

Specific forms of private security worldwide

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - The threat to life and property of the citizens is increased many times not only by the appearance of new crimes but also by their traditional forms, which are both characterized by increasing violence and ruthlessness. Under such circumstances a primordial need of an individual to feel secure influenced the increase of the demand for the services aimed to protect the security of persons and property which are traditionally provided by the police. Considering that this would unavoidably lead to the state budget overload, which would then affect tax policy and national economy, many theorists are of the opinion that security services should be regulated by the market. Within such a climate private security starts taking an increasingly important place and role in the crime control. This paper describes some specific forms of private security worldwide which have been the subject of scientific research by the application of case study method.
AB  - U današnjim uslovima konstantnog usavršavanja i modernizacije izvora i oblika ugrožavanja lične i imovinske sigurnosti građana iskonska potreba čoveka za zadovoljenjem osećaja sigurnosti uslovila je porast zahteva za uslugama koje tradicionalno pruža policija. S obzirom da takvo stanje neminovno dovodi do preopterećenja državnog budžeta, zbog čega trpe socijalna davanja, poreska politika i nacionalna ekonomija, u razmišljanju mnogih teoretičara preovladava mišljenje da pružanje bezbednosnih usluga treba da reguliše tržište. U takvoj klimi privatno obezbeđenje (e. private security) počinje zauzimati sve značajnije mesto i ulogu u kontroli kriminalnog ponašanja. U ovom radu skrenućemo pažnju na neke specifične oblike privatnog obezbeđenja u svetu, a koji su, primenom metoda studije slučaja, bili predmet naučnih istraživanja.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Specific forms of private security worldwide
T1  - Specifični pojavni oblici privatnog obezbeđenja u svetu
VL  - 51
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 193
EP  - 207
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The threat to life and property of the citizens is increased many times not only by the appearance of new crimes but also by their traditional forms, which are both characterized by increasing violence and ruthlessness. Under such circumstances a primordial need of an individual to feel secure influenced the increase of the demand for the services aimed to protect the security of persons and property which are traditionally provided by the police. Considering that this would unavoidably lead to the state budget overload, which would then affect tax policy and national economy, many theorists are of the opinion that security services should be regulated by the market. Within such a climate private security starts taking an increasingly important place and role in the crime control. This paper describes some specific forms of private security worldwide which have been the subject of scientific research by the application of case study method., U današnjim uslovima konstantnog usavršavanja i modernizacije izvora i oblika ugrožavanja lične i imovinske sigurnosti građana iskonska potreba čoveka za zadovoljenjem osećaja sigurnosti uslovila je porast zahteva za uslugama koje tradicionalno pruža policija. S obzirom da takvo stanje neminovno dovodi do preopterećenja državnog budžeta, zbog čega trpe socijalna davanja, poreska politika i nacionalna ekonomija, u razmišljanju mnogih teoretičara preovladava mišljenje da pružanje bezbednosnih usluga treba da reguliše tržište. U takvoj klimi privatno obezbeđenje (e. private security) počinje zauzimati sve značajnije mesto i ulogu u kontroli kriminalnog ponašanja. U ovom radu skrenućemo pažnju na neke specifične oblike privatnog obezbeđenja u svetu, a koji su, primenom metoda studije slučaja, bili predmet naučnih istraživanja.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Specific forms of private security worldwide, Specifični pojavni oblici privatnog obezbeđenja u svetu",
volume = "51",
number = "1-2",
pages = "193-207",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2009). Specific forms of private security worldwide. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 51(1-2), 193-207.
Kesić Z. Specific forms of private security worldwide. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2009;51(1-2):193-207. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Specific forms of private security worldwide" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 51, no. 1-2 (2009):193-207, .

Survey of attitudes of students of the academy of criminalistic and police studies towards private policing

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2008
UR  -
AB  - Due to the constant perfection of the sources and forms of threats on the one hand, and incompetence of the state to protect all potential objects of attack on the other hand, danger to life and property of the citizens has increased multiple times. As one of the solutions for the discord between the level of protection that individuals need and the level of protection that the state offers, the so-called 'private policing' emerges, manifested in private security and private detective work. However, activities of private subjects in the field for which the police was traditionally responsible opens the door of great controversy, and determination of nature of relations between the public and private policing becomes one of the most current subjects of research in police and security studies. In this paper, we will present the results of a survey of attitudes of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies towards private policing, nature of its relation to the police and possibilities for cooperation of these two sectors.
AB  - Zbog konstantnog usavršavanja izvora i oblika ugrožavanja sa jedne, i nemogućnosti države da zaštiti sve potencijalne objekte napada sa druge strane, opasnost po život i imovinu građana se višestruko uvećala. Kao jedno od rešenja nesklada između nivoa zaštite koja je pojedincima potrebna u odnosu na onaj nivo koji nudi država, pojavljuje se tzv. 'privatno policijsko delovanje' oličeno u sprovođenju privatnog obezbeđenja i privatne istražiteljske (detektivske) delatnosti. Ipak, delovanje privatnih subjekata u oblastima za koje je tradicionalno bila nadležna policija otvara vrata velike polemike, a utvrđivanje prirode odnosa između javnog i privatnog policijskog delovanja postaje jedna od najaktuelnijih tema za istraživanje u sklopu policijsko-bezbednosnih nauka. U ovom radu predstavićemo rezultate ispitivanja stavova studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o privatnom policijskom delovanju prirodi odnosa sa policijom i mogućnostima saradnje u postupanju ova dva sektora.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Survey of attitudes of students of the academy of criminalistic and police studies towards private policing
T1  - Ispitivanje stavova studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije o privatnom policijskom delovanju
VL  - 13
IS  - 2
SP  - 171
EP  - 185
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Due to the constant perfection of the sources and forms of threats on the one hand, and incompetence of the state to protect all potential objects of attack on the other hand, danger to life and property of the citizens has increased multiple times. As one of the solutions for the discord between the level of protection that individuals need and the level of protection that the state offers, the so-called 'private policing' emerges, manifested in private security and private detective work. However, activities of private subjects in the field for which the police was traditionally responsible opens the door of great controversy, and determination of nature of relations between the public and private policing becomes one of the most current subjects of research in police and security studies. In this paper, we will present the results of a survey of attitudes of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies towards private policing, nature of its relation to the police and possibilities for cooperation of these two sectors., Zbog konstantnog usavršavanja izvora i oblika ugrožavanja sa jedne, i nemogućnosti države da zaštiti sve potencijalne objekte napada sa druge strane, opasnost po život i imovinu građana se višestruko uvećala. Kao jedno od rešenja nesklada između nivoa zaštite koja je pojedincima potrebna u odnosu na onaj nivo koji nudi država, pojavljuje se tzv. 'privatno policijsko delovanje' oličeno u sprovođenju privatnog obezbeđenja i privatne istražiteljske (detektivske) delatnosti. Ipak, delovanje privatnih subjekata u oblastima za koje je tradicionalno bila nadležna policija otvara vrata velike polemike, a utvrđivanje prirode odnosa između javnog i privatnog policijskog delovanja postaje jedna od najaktuelnijih tema za istraživanje u sklopu policijsko-bezbednosnih nauka. U ovom radu predstavićemo rezultate ispitivanja stavova studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije o privatnom policijskom delovanju prirodi odnosa sa policijom i mogućnostima saradnje u postupanju ova dva sektora.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Survey of attitudes of students of the academy of criminalistic and police studies towards private policing, Ispitivanje stavova studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije o privatnom policijskom delovanju",
volume = "13",
number = "2",
pages = "171-185",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2008). Survey of attitudes of students of the academy of criminalistic and police studies towards private policing. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 13(2), 171-185.
Kesić Z. Survey of attitudes of students of the academy of criminalistic and police studies towards private policing. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2008;13(2):171-185. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Survey of attitudes of students of the academy of criminalistic and police studies towards private policing" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 13, no. 2 (2008):171-185, .

Etiological dimension of post-war crimes in Serbia

Kesić, Zoran

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2006)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - Accepting the "multi-factual" interpretation of crime etiology, we have accepted the explanation that the phenomena of crimes are mechanically conditioned by factors of biopsychological and social character. Some of these factors are more important and may have a greater influence on criminal behaviour when compared to the other ones. On the other hand, criminal behaviour can be caused by a direct or indirect influence of these factors. The author has tried to explain the influence of crime factors in a specific environment and in living conditions that are characteristic for a post-war period, emphasizing the situation in the Republic of Serbia after the civil war led on the territory of the former SFRY after 1995. Although, for easy reference and the analysis of their individual influence, crime factors are listed one by one, we should not forget that in most cases they have equal and mutual influence on the criminal behaviour of offenders.
AB  - Prihvatajući "multifaktorsko" tumačenje etiologije zločina, prihvatamo objašnjenje da su pojave kriminaliteta mehanički uslovljene faktorima biopsihičkog i socijalnog karaktera. U zavisnosti od pojedinačnih slučajeva neke od njih imaju presudan značaj i veći uticaj u odnosu na druge, neke deluju posredno, a neke neposredno u uzročnosti kriminalnog ponašanja. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj objašnjenja delovanja kriminogenih faktora u specifičnom okruženju i uslovima življenja koji nastaju u posleratnom periodu, s posebnim akcentom na stanje u Republici Srbiji nakon građanskog rata vođenog na području bivše Jugoslavije, dakle nakon 1995. godine. Iako će u radu kriminogeni faktori biti izlagani pojedinačno, a sve radi bolje preglednosti i predstavljanja njihovog pojedinačnog delovanja, ne treba zaboraviti da oni u većini slučajeva deluju jedinstveno u prouzrokovanju kriminalnog ponašanja.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Etiological dimension of post-war crimes in Serbia
T1  - Etiološka dimenzija posleratnog kriminaliteta u Srbiji
VL  - 48
IS  - 2
SP  - 237
EP  - 248
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2006",
abstract = "Accepting the "multi-factual" interpretation of crime etiology, we have accepted the explanation that the phenomena of crimes are mechanically conditioned by factors of biopsychological and social character. Some of these factors are more important and may have a greater influence on criminal behaviour when compared to the other ones. On the other hand, criminal behaviour can be caused by a direct or indirect influence of these factors. The author has tried to explain the influence of crime factors in a specific environment and in living conditions that are characteristic for a post-war period, emphasizing the situation in the Republic of Serbia after the civil war led on the territory of the former SFRY after 1995. Although, for easy reference and the analysis of their individual influence, crime factors are listed one by one, we should not forget that in most cases they have equal and mutual influence on the criminal behaviour of offenders., Prihvatajući "multifaktorsko" tumačenje etiologije zločina, prihvatamo objašnjenje da su pojave kriminaliteta mehanički uslovljene faktorima biopsihičkog i socijalnog karaktera. U zavisnosti od pojedinačnih slučajeva neke od njih imaju presudan značaj i veći uticaj u odnosu na druge, neke deluju posredno, a neke neposredno u uzročnosti kriminalnog ponašanja. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj objašnjenja delovanja kriminogenih faktora u specifičnom okruženju i uslovima življenja koji nastaju u posleratnom periodu, s posebnim akcentom na stanje u Republici Srbiji nakon građanskog rata vođenog na području bivše Jugoslavije, dakle nakon 1995. godine. Iako će u radu kriminogeni faktori biti izlagani pojedinačno, a sve radi bolje preglednosti i predstavljanja njihovog pojedinačnog delovanja, ne treba zaboraviti da oni u većini slučajeva deluju jedinstveno u prouzrokovanju kriminalnog ponašanja.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Etiological dimension of post-war crimes in Serbia, Etiološka dimenzija posleratnog kriminaliteta u Srbiji",
volume = "48",
number = "2",
pages = "237-248",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2006). Etiological dimension of post-war crimes in Serbia. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 48(2), 237-248.
Kesić Z. Etiological dimension of post-war crimes in Serbia. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2006;48(2):237-248. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Etiological dimension of post-war crimes in Serbia" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 48, no. 2 (2006):237-248, .

Ramljak Alija, Simović Miodrag, Viktimologija, Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog univerziteta, Banja Luka, 2006

Kesić, Zoran

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2006)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2006
UR  -
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Ramljak Alija, Simović Miodrag, Viktimologija, Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog univerziteta, Banja Luka, 2006
VL  - 11
IS  - 3
SP  - 191
EP  - 196
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2006",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Ramljak Alija, Simović Miodrag, Viktimologija, Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog univerziteta, Banja Luka, 2006",
volume = "11",
number = "3",
pages = "191-196",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2006). Ramljak Alija, Simović Miodrag, Viktimologija, Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog univerziteta, Banja Luka, 2006. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 11(3), 191-196.
Kesić Z. Ramljak Alija, Simović Miodrag, Viktimologija, Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog univerziteta, Banja Luka, 2006. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2006;11(3):191-196. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Ramljak Alija, Simović Miodrag, Viktimologija, Fakultet pravnih nauka Panevropskog univerziteta, Banja Luka, 2006" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 11, no. 3 (2006):191-196, .

Stenli Koen: Stanje poricanja - znati za zlodela i patnje, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić, Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003

Kesić, Zoran

(Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2006)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2006
UR  -
PB  - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Stenli Koen: Stanje poricanja - znati za zlodela i patnje, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić, Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003
VL  - 54
IS  - 1
SP  - 198
EP  - 205
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2006",
publisher = "Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Stenli Koen: Stanje poricanja - znati za zlodela i patnje, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić, Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003",
volume = "54",
number = "1",
pages = "198-205",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2006). Stenli Koen: Stanje poricanja - znati za zlodela i patnje, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić, Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 54(1), 198-205.
Kesić Z. Stenli Koen: Stanje poricanja - znati za zlodela i patnje, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić, Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2006;54(1):198-205. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Stenli Koen: Stanje poricanja - znati za zlodela i patnje, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić, Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 54, no. 1 (2006):198-205, .

Đorđe Ignjatović, Kriminologija

Kesić, Zoran

(Advokatska komora Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 2006)

AU  - Kesić, Zoran
PY  - 2006
UR  -
PB  - Advokatska komora Vojvodine, Novi Sad
T2  - Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine
T1  - Đorđe Ignjatović, Kriminologija
VL  - 78
IS  - 5
SP  - 304
EP  - 307
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kesić, Zoran",
year = "2006",
publisher = "Advokatska komora Vojvodine, Novi Sad",
journal = "Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine",
title = "Đorđe Ignjatović, Kriminologija",
volume = "78",
number = "5",
pages = "304-307",
url = ""
Kesić, Z.. (2006). Đorđe Ignjatović, Kriminologija. in Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine
Advokatska komora Vojvodine, Novi Sad., 78(5), 304-307.
Kesić Z. Đorđe Ignjatović, Kriminologija. in Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine. 2006;78(5):304-307. .
Kesić, Zoran, "Đorđe Ignjatović, Kriminologija" in Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 78, no. 5 (2006):304-307, .