Janković, Radivoje

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Janković, Radivoje (19)
  • Јанковић, Радивоје (3)
  • Janković, Radivoje Z. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости

Јанковић, Радивоје; Арлов, Драган; Вучковић, Горан

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2023)

AU  - Јанковић, Радивоје
AU  - Арлов, Драган
AU  - Вучковић, Горан
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1555
AB  - U ovom radu je analiziran način upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje od strane ovlašćenih službenih lica policije (OSL), s naglaskom na adekvatnosti i efikasnosti ovih metoda u situacijama kada su ispunjeni zakonski uslovi, odnosno prilikom sprečavanja napada, otpora, bekstva ili samopovređivanja. Nakon uspostavljanja kvalitetne kontrole upotrebom drugih sredstava prinude, OSL može da odabere da li će sredstva za vezivanje upotrebiti tako da ruke bude vezane ispred ili iza leđa. Pogrešna procena, uz nedovoljan i neodgovarajući nivo kontrole, može da dovede do ponavljanja iste problemske situacije ili do izazivanja novih, uprkos tome što su sredstva za vezivanje upotrebljena. Cilj ovog rada je da pomogne u definisanju procedure prilikom upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje, kako bi se ova sredstva prinude adekvatno upotrebljavala na siguran i bezbedan način i za OSL i za lice prema kome se upotrebljavaju. Odgovarajućim statističkim procedurama je utvrđena značajno manja brzina trčanja s rukama vezanim iza leđa (4,37%) u odnosu na poziciju kada su ruke vezane ispred, odnosno za 5,87% kada su ruke slobodne. Između trčanja sa slobodnim rukama i rukama vezanih ispred tela nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Takođe, zaključeno je da smanjena pokretljivost vezivanjem ruku iza leđa smanjuje mogućnost manipulacije, što omogućava ostvarenje višeg nivoa kvalitetne kontrole i otežava izazivanje novih problemskih situacija.
AB  - In this paper, the method of using restraints by authorized police officers (APO) is analysed, with an emphasis on the adequacy and efficiency of these methods in situations where legal conditions are met, specifically in preventing attacks, resistance, escape, or self-injury. After establishing quality control using other means of force, the APO can choose whether to use the means of restraint so that the hands are tied in front of or behind the back. Misjudgement with an insufficient and inadequate level of control can lead to repetition of problem situations or the emergence of new problem situations, despite the usage of means of restraint. The goal of this paper is to help define the procedure for using means of restraint, so that this means of force can be used adequately, in a safe and secure manner for both the APO and the person on whom the means of restraint are used. The results showed a decrease in running speed with the hands tied behind the back compared to when the hands are tied in the front by 4.37%, and by 5.87% when the hands are free. No significant difference has been found between running speeds with hands free and with hands tied in front of the body. Reduced mobility resulting from tying the hands behind the back allows a higher quality level of control and reduces the possibility of new problem situations occurring.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости
T1  - Use of restraint devices : Procedures and control of mobility
VL  - 65
IS  - 3
SP  - 66
EP  - 82
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2303066J
ER  - 
author = "Јанковић, Радивоје and Арлов, Драган and Вучковић, Горан",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovom radu je analiziran način upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje od strane ovlašćenih službenih lica policije (OSL), s naglaskom na adekvatnosti i efikasnosti ovih metoda u situacijama kada su ispunjeni zakonski uslovi, odnosno prilikom sprečavanja napada, otpora, bekstva ili samopovređivanja. Nakon uspostavljanja kvalitetne kontrole upotrebom drugih sredstava prinude, OSL može da odabere da li će sredstva za vezivanje upotrebiti tako da ruke bude vezane ispred ili iza leđa. Pogrešna procena, uz nedovoljan i neodgovarajući nivo kontrole, može da dovede do ponavljanja iste problemske situacije ili do izazivanja novih, uprkos tome što su sredstva za vezivanje upotrebljena. Cilj ovog rada je da pomogne u definisanju procedure prilikom upotrebe sredstava za vezivanje, kako bi se ova sredstva prinude adekvatno upotrebljavala na siguran i bezbedan način i za OSL i za lice prema kome se upotrebljavaju. Odgovarajućim statističkim procedurama je utvrđena značajno manja brzina trčanja s rukama vezanim iza leđa (4,37%) u odnosu na poziciju kada su ruke vezane ispred, odnosno za 5,87% kada su ruke slobodne. Između trčanja sa slobodnim rukama i rukama vezanih ispred tela nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Takođe, zaključeno je da smanjena pokretljivost vezivanjem ruku iza leđa smanjuje mogućnost manipulacije, što omogućava ostvarenje višeg nivoa kvalitetne kontrole i otežava izazivanje novih problemskih situacija., In this paper, the method of using restraints by authorized police officers (APO) is analysed, with an emphasis on the adequacy and efficiency of these methods in situations where legal conditions are met, specifically in preventing attacks, resistance, escape, or self-injury. After establishing quality control using other means of force, the APO can choose whether to use the means of restraint so that the hands are tied in front of or behind the back. Misjudgement with an insufficient and inadequate level of control can lead to repetition of problem situations or the emergence of new problem situations, despite the usage of means of restraint. The goal of this paper is to help define the procedure for using means of restraint, so that this means of force can be used adequately, in a safe and secure manner for both the APO and the person on whom the means of restraint are used. The results showed a decrease in running speed with the hands tied behind the back compared to when the hands are tied in the front by 4.37%, and by 5.87% when the hands are free. No significant difference has been found between running speeds with hands free and with hands tied in front of the body. Reduced mobility resulting from tying the hands behind the back allows a higher quality level of control and reduces the possibility of new problem situations occurring.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости, Use of restraint devices : Procedures and control of mobility",
volume = "65",
number = "3",
pages = "66-82",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2303066J"
Јанковић, Р., Арлов, Д.,& Вучковић, Г.. (2023). Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 65(3), 66-82.
Јанковић Р, Арлов Д, Вучковић Г. Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости. in Безбедност. 2023;65(3):66-82.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2303066J .
Јанковић, Радивоје, Арлов, Драган, Вучковић, Горан, "Употреба средстава за везивање : процедуре и контрола покретљивости" in Безбедност, 65, no. 3 (2023):66-82,
https://doi.org/10.5937/bezbednost2303066J . .

Утицај припремне наставе на постигнуће кандидата на пријемном испиту Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета

Јанковић, Радивоје; Коропановски, Ненад

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2022)

AU  - Јанковић, Радивоје
AU  - Коропановски, Ненад
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1424
AB  - Циљ овог рада било је утврђивање разлика постигнућа на пријемном испиту између кандидата који су похађали припремну наставу (ПН) и оних који су се самостално припремали за
упис на Криминалистичко-полицијски универзитет (КПУ). Истраживањем је обухваћено 599 испитаника (257 жена и 342 мушкарца)
који су подељени на субузорке: 132 жене (ЖПН) и 158 мушкараца
(МПН) који су похађали ПН и 125 жена (ЖНПН) и 184 мушкарца
(МНПН) који су се самостално припремали за упис на КПУ. Пријемни испит, поред успеха из средње школе, обухвата и тестове
за процену склоности и способности (ТПСС), и то: тест знања
из српског језика и књижевности (ТСЈ), тест опште информисаности (ТОИ) и тест процене базичних моторичких способности
(БМС). Разлике између група утврђене су т-тестом за независне
узорке на нивоу значајности p < 0,05. Установљено је да су ЖПН
имале статистички значајно боље резултате из ТСЈ (14,35%) и
БМС (14,43%), док код ТОИ није утврђена статистички значајна
разлика. Код мушкараца који су присуствовали ПН резултати
свих сегмената ТПСС су били значајно бољи: ТСЈ за 21,17%, ТОИ за
10,51% и БМС за 27,65%. Добијени резултати указују да су структура и начин извођења ПН, који укључују детаљно упознавање с
процедурама, одређивање тренутног нивоа, корекцију грешака и препоруке за даље унапређење, позитивно утицали на постигнуће
кандидата на пријемном испиту на КПУ.
AB  - This paper aimed to determine the differences in achievement at the entrance exam between candidates who attended preparatory
classes (PC) and those who independently prepared for enrollment at the
University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS). The study
included 599 respondents (257 women and 342 men) who were divided
into subsamples: 132 women (WPC) and 158 men (MPC) who attended
PC and 125 women (WNPC), and 184 men (MNPC) who independently
prepared for enrollment in the UCIPS. The entrance exam, in addition to
the success from high school, also includes tests for assessment of aptitude
and abilities (TAA), namely: the test of knowledge of the Serbian language
and literature (TSL), the test of general knowledge (TGN) and test of
assessment of general physical fitness (GPF). Differences between groups
were determined by t-test for independent samples at a significance level of
p <0.05. It was found that WPC had statistically significantly better results
from TSL (14.35%) and GPF (14.43%), while no statistically significant
difference was found in TGN. In men who attended PC, the results of all
TAA segments were significantly better: TSL by 21.17%, TGN by 10.51%
and GPF by 27.65%. The obtained results indicate that the structure and
manner of performing the PC, which include detailed acquaintance with
the procedures, determination of the current level, correction of errors, and
recommendations for further improvement, positively impacted the candidates’ achievement at the UCIPS entrance exam.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност, Београд 
T1  - Утицај припремне наставе на постигнуће кандидата на пријемном испиту Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета
T1  - The influence of preparatory classes on the candidates' achievement at the entrance exam of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies.
VL  - 64
IS  - 3
SP  - 5
EP  - 21
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2203005J
ER  - 
author = "Јанковић, Радивоје and Коропановски, Ненад",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Циљ овог рада било је утврђивање разлика постигнућа на пријемном испиту између кандидата који су похађали припремну наставу (ПН) и оних који су се самостално припремали за
упис на Криминалистичко-полицијски универзитет (КПУ). Истраживањем је обухваћено 599 испитаника (257 жена и 342 мушкарца)
који су подељени на субузорке: 132 жене (ЖПН) и 158 мушкараца
(МПН) који су похађали ПН и 125 жена (ЖНПН) и 184 мушкарца
(МНПН) који су се самостално припремали за упис на КПУ. Пријемни испит, поред успеха из средње школе, обухвата и тестове
за процену склоности и способности (ТПСС), и то: тест знања
из српског језика и књижевности (ТСЈ), тест опште информисаности (ТОИ) и тест процене базичних моторичких способности
(БМС). Разлике између група утврђене су т-тестом за независне
узорке на нивоу значајности p < 0,05. Установљено је да су ЖПН
имале статистички значајно боље резултате из ТСЈ (14,35%) и
БМС (14,43%), док код ТОИ није утврђена статистички значајна
разлика. Код мушкараца који су присуствовали ПН резултати
свих сегмената ТПСС су били значајно бољи: ТСЈ за 21,17%, ТОИ за
10,51% и БМС за 27,65%. Добијени резултати указују да су структура и начин извођења ПН, који укључују детаљно упознавање с
процедурама, одређивање тренутног нивоа, корекцију грешака и препоруке за даље унапређење, позитивно утицали на постигнуће
кандидата на пријемном испиту на КПУ., This paper aimed to determine the differences in achievement at the entrance exam between candidates who attended preparatory
classes (PC) and those who independently prepared for enrollment at the
University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS). The study
included 599 respondents (257 women and 342 men) who were divided
into subsamples: 132 women (WPC) and 158 men (MPC) who attended
PC and 125 women (WNPC), and 184 men (MNPC) who independently
prepared for enrollment in the UCIPS. The entrance exam, in addition to
the success from high school, also includes tests for assessment of aptitude
and abilities (TAA), namely: the test of knowledge of the Serbian language
and literature (TSL), the test of general knowledge (TGN) and test of
assessment of general physical fitness (GPF). Differences between groups
were determined by t-test for independent samples at a significance level of
p <0.05. It was found that WPC had statistically significantly better results
from TSL (14.35%) and GPF (14.43%), while no statistically significant
difference was found in TGN. In men who attended PC, the results of all
TAA segments were significantly better: TSL by 21.17%, TGN by 10.51%
and GPF by 27.65%. The obtained results indicate that the structure and
manner of performing the PC, which include detailed acquaintance with
the procedures, determination of the current level, correction of errors, and
recommendations for further improvement, positively impacted the candidates’ achievement at the UCIPS entrance exam.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност, Београд ",
title = "Утицај припремне наставе на постигнуће кандидата на пријемном испиту Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета, The influence of preparatory classes on the candidates' achievement at the entrance exam of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies.",
volume = "64",
number = "3",
pages = "5-21",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2203005J"
Јанковић, Р.,& Коропановски, Н.. (2022). Утицај припремне наставе на постигнуће кандидата на пријемном испиту Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета. in Безбедност, Београд 
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 64(3), 5-21.
Јанковић Р, Коропановски Н. Утицај припремне наставе на постигнуће кандидата на пријемном испиту Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета. in Безбедност, Београд . 2022;64(3):5-21.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2203005J .
Јанковић, Радивоје, Коропановски, Ненад, "Утицај припремне наставе на постигнуће кандидата на пријемном испиту Криминалистичко-полицијског универзитета" in Безбедност, Београд , 64, no. 3 (2022):5-21,
https://doi.org/10.5937/bezbednost2203005J . .

Sprint Running, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance: Standards for the Students at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies

Janković, Radivoje; Dopsaj, Milivoj

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2022)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1408
AB  - Resolving critical incidents can be extremely physically demanding for police officers. 
Consequently,  throughout  the  selection  process,  training,  and  working  career,  police  officers’  
physical  abilities  are  often  assessed  with  a  battery  of  tests.  Research  has  been  conducted  with  a  
total sample of 523 students (232 female and 291 male) at the University of Criminal Investigation 
and Police Studies (UCIPS), with the aim of defining the norms for Linear sprint performance at 
20 m (LSP20m),
Illinois agility test (IAT) and Shuttle run 300-yard (ShR300y). The homogeneity 
of the results has been established by the low skewness and kurtosis coefficient, as well as by the 
values obtained from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, meaning the data are not significantly statistically different from the normal distribution. Based on the percentile distribution, qualitative and 
quantitative normative values have been defined for LSP20m, IAT and ShR300y. The achievement 
levels have been ranked as follows: < P10 (insufficient), P10 to P25 (poor), P25 to P50 (fair), P50 
to P75 (good), P75 to P90 (very good) and > P90 (excellent). LSP20m, IAT and ShR300y tests can 
be used for assessing acceleration, running speed and change-of-direction speed in the anaerobic 
work regime. Furthermore, they correspond to the first stage of critical incidents resolution – 
getting to the problem
 (hence can be viewed as job-related fitness tests). Since population norms have 
been  established,  their  implementation  in  the  battery  of  tests  for  the  assessment  of  UCIPS  students’ physical abilities in the sense of running tests can be quantitatively applied at the situational 
system of testing of Specialized Physical Education
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
PB  - Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet
T2  - NBP. Nauka,  bezbednost,  policija
T1  - Sprint Running, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance: Standards for the  Students at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
VL  - 27
IS  - 2
SP  - 45
EP  - 58
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo27-36046
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Dopsaj, Milivoj",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Resolving critical incidents can be extremely physically demanding for police officers. 
Consequently,  throughout  the  selection  process,  training,  and  working  career,  police  officers’  
physical  abilities  are  often  assessed  with  a  battery  of  tests.  Research  has  been  conducted  with  a  
total sample of 523 students (232 female and 291 male) at the University of Criminal Investigation 
and Police Studies (UCIPS), with the aim of defining the norms for Linear sprint performance at 
20 m (LSP20m),
Illinois agility test (IAT) and Shuttle run 300-yard (ShR300y). The homogeneity 
of the results has been established by the low skewness and kurtosis coefficient, as well as by the 
values obtained from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, meaning the data are not significantly statistically different from the normal distribution. Based on the percentile distribution, qualitative and 
quantitative normative values have been defined for LSP20m, IAT and ShR300y. The achievement 
levels have been ranked as follows: < P10 (insufficient), P10 to P25 (poor), P25 to P50 (fair), P50 
to P75 (good), P75 to P90 (very good) and > P90 (excellent). LSP20m, IAT and ShR300y tests can 
be used for assessing acceleration, running speed and change-of-direction speed in the anaerobic 
work regime. Furthermore, they correspond to the first stage of critical incidents resolution – 
getting to the problem
 (hence can be viewed as job-related fitness tests). Since population norms have 
been  established,  their  implementation  in  the  battery  of  tests  for  the  assessment  of  UCIPS  students’ physical abilities in the sense of running tests can be quantitatively applied at the situational 
system of testing of Specialized Physical Education",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijski univerzitet",
journal = "NBP. Nauka,  bezbednost,  policija",
title = "Sprint Running, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance: Standards for the  Students at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
volume = "27",
number = "2",
pages = "45-58",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo27-36046"
Janković, R.,& Dopsaj, M.. (2022). Sprint Running, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance: Standards for the  Students at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies. in NBP. Nauka,  bezbednost,  policija
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 27(2), 45-58.
Janković R, Dopsaj M. Sprint Running, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance: Standards for the  Students at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies. in NBP. Nauka,  bezbednost,  policija. 2022;27(2):45-58.
doi:10.5937/nabepo27-36046 .
Janković, Radivoje, Dopsaj, Milivoj, "Sprint Running, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance: Standards for the  Students at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies" in NBP. Nauka,  bezbednost,  policija, 27, no. 2 (2022):45-58,
https://doi.org/10.5937/nabepo27-36046 . .

Разлике базично-моторичких способности у односу на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и ефикасност студирања

Јанковић, Радивоје; Кукић, Филип; Коропановски, Ненад

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2021)

AU  - Јанковић, Радивоје
AU  - Кукић, Филип
AU  - Коропановски, Ненад
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1279
AB  - Систем селекције за упис на Криминалистичкополицијски универзитет (КПУ) осмишљен је као вишедимензионални модел с циљем да се изаберу најквалитетнији појединци.
Један од сегмената селекције јесте процена нивоа развијености
базично-моторичких способности (БМС). Циљ овог рада било је
утврђивање разлика иницијалног нивоа БМС кандидата у односу
на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и у односу на успешност процеса студирања. Анализиран је БМС 618 кандидата мушког пола, који се процењује у оквиру батерије тестова за упис
на КПУ. Укупан узорак испитаника подељен је на подузорке:
кандидати који нису уписани (НУ), кандидати који су уписани и
нису завршили студије (НЗС) и они који су успешно завршили
процес студирања (ЗС). Установљено је да су обе групе уписаних
кандидата (НЗС и ЗС) имале статистички значајно бољи БМС у
односу на НУ. Статистички значајне разлике између НЗС и ЗС
нису утврђене. С обзиром на то да резултати на тестовима за
процену БМС, који хипотетички представљају 20% од могућег
укупног скора на пријемном испиту, зависе од тренажног процеса који подразумева упорност, континуитет и посвећеност,
може се закључити да је редовно физичко вежбање један од
предуслова за упис на КПУ.
AB  - The system of selection for the admission to the
University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade
(UCIPS) is designed as a multidimensional model in order to select the
individuals of utmost quality. One of the segments is the assessment of
the level of general physical abilities (GPA). The aim of this research
was to determine the differences between the initial level of
candidates’ GPA in terms of the success achieved in the entrance
exam as well as the success of the study process. General physical
abilities of 618 male candidates were evaluated as part of the UCIPS
enrolment process. The total sample of respondents was divided into
sub-samples: candidates who were not enrolled (NE), candidates who
were enrolled but not graduated (ENG) and those who were enrolled
and graduated (EG). It was found that both groups of enrolled
candidates (ENG and EG) had statistically significantly better GPA
compared to NE. There were no statistically significant differences
between the ENG and the EG. Considering the fact that the results of
the GPA assessment tests, which hypothetically represent 20% of the
possible total score, depend on a training process that involves
persistence, continuity and commitment, it can be concluded that
constant physical exercise could be one of the preconditions for
success in the entrance exam to enrol UCIPS.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност, Београд 
T1  - Разлике базично-моторичких способности у односу на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и ефикасност студирања
T1  - Differences in General Physical Abilities Viewed in Relation to Entrance Exam and the Efficiency of Studying
VL  - 63
IS  - 1
SP  - 44
EP  - 61
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2101044J
ER  - 
author = "Јанковић, Радивоје and Кукић, Филип and Коропановски, Ненад",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Систем селекције за упис на Криминалистичкополицијски универзитет (КПУ) осмишљен је као вишедимензионални модел с циљем да се изаберу најквалитетнији појединци.
Један од сегмената селекције јесте процена нивоа развијености
базично-моторичких способности (БМС). Циљ овог рада било је
утврђивање разлика иницијалног нивоа БМС кандидата у односу
на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и у односу на успешност процеса студирања. Анализиран је БМС 618 кандидата мушког пола, који се процењује у оквиру батерије тестова за упис
на КПУ. Укупан узорак испитаника подељен је на подузорке:
кандидати који нису уписани (НУ), кандидати који су уписани и
нису завршили студије (НЗС) и они који су успешно завршили
процес студирања (ЗС). Установљено је да су обе групе уписаних
кандидата (НЗС и ЗС) имале статистички значајно бољи БМС у
односу на НУ. Статистички значајне разлике између НЗС и ЗС
нису утврђене. С обзиром на то да резултати на тестовима за
процену БМС, који хипотетички представљају 20% од могућег
укупног скора на пријемном испиту, зависе од тренажног процеса који подразумева упорност, континуитет и посвећеност,
може се закључити да је редовно физичко вежбање један од
предуслова за упис на КПУ., The system of selection for the admission to the
University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade
(UCIPS) is designed as a multidimensional model in order to select the
individuals of utmost quality. One of the segments is the assessment of
the level of general physical abilities (GPA). The aim of this research
was to determine the differences between the initial level of
candidates’ GPA in terms of the success achieved in the entrance
exam as well as the success of the study process. General physical
abilities of 618 male candidates were evaluated as part of the UCIPS
enrolment process. The total sample of respondents was divided into
sub-samples: candidates who were not enrolled (NE), candidates who
were enrolled but not graduated (ENG) and those who were enrolled
and graduated (EG). It was found that both groups of enrolled
candidates (ENG and EG) had statistically significantly better GPA
compared to NE. There were no statistically significant differences
between the ENG and the EG. Considering the fact that the results of
the GPA assessment tests, which hypothetically represent 20% of the
possible total score, depend on a training process that involves
persistence, continuity and commitment, it can be concluded that
constant physical exercise could be one of the preconditions for
success in the entrance exam to enrol UCIPS.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност, Београд ",
title = "Разлике базично-моторичких способности у односу на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и ефикасност студирања, Differences in General Physical Abilities Viewed in Relation to Entrance Exam and the Efficiency of Studying",
volume = "63",
number = "1",
pages = "44-61",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2101044J"
Јанковић, Р., Кукић, Ф.,& Коропановски, Н.. (2021). Разлике базично-моторичких способности у односу на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и ефикасност студирања. in Безбедност, Београд 
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 63(1), 44-61.
Јанковић Р, Кукић Ф, Коропановски Н. Разлике базично-моторичких способности у односу на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и ефикасност студирања. in Безбедност, Београд . 2021;63(1):44-61.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2101044J .
Јанковић, Радивоје, Кукић, Филип, Коропановски, Ненад, "Разлике базично-моторичких способности у односу на успех постигнут на пријемном испиту и ефикасност студирања" in Безбедност, Београд , 63, no. 1 (2021):44-61,
https://doi.org/10.5937/bezbednost2101044J . .

The influence of the various specialized physical education teaching programs on students’ aerobic endurance

Janković, Radivoje; Vučković, Goran; Blagojević, Miroljub

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2021)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Blagojević, Miroljub
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://eskup.kpu.edu.rs/dar/issue/view/6/4
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1298
AB  - Aerobic endurance (AE) is considered as one of the physical abilities that determines success on job-related physical tests for police officers. Therefore, AE is one of the criteria in selection process, during the education and through working career. At the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS) the development of the level of AE takes place within the course of Specialized Physical Education (SPE). In the school year 2020/2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic measures, SPE classes were organized in two models: regular (the firstyear students) and online (the second, third- and fourth-year students). The aim of this study
was to determine the influence of these different modules of SPE studying on AE of the UCIPS students. The sample of the respondents included 46 students of the first year (19 women and 27 men) and 45 students of the third year (21 women and 24 men). AE was estimated by using Cooper’s running test at the start and at the end of the observed studying year. The difference between initial and final testing was defined by using a pair sample t-test. It was determined that AE increased by 5.5% (t = -3.353, p = 0.004) with women and for 4% (t = -3.139, p = 0.004) with men for the first-year students. In contrast, the third-year students had the reduction of AE by
3.6% (t = 2.415, p = 0.025) with women and by 6.2% (t = 3.354, p = 0.003) with men.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
T1  - The influence of the various specialized physical education teaching programs on students’ aerobic endurance
SP  - 621
EP  - 628
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1298
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Vučković, Goran and Blagojević, Miroljub",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Aerobic endurance (AE) is considered as one of the physical abilities that determines success on job-related physical tests for police officers. Therefore, AE is one of the criteria in selection process, during the education and through working career. At the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS) the development of the level of AE takes place within the course of Specialized Physical Education (SPE). In the school year 2020/2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic measures, SPE classes were organized in two models: regular (the firstyear students) and online (the second, third- and fourth-year students). The aim of this study
was to determine the influence of these different modules of SPE studying on AE of the UCIPS students. The sample of the respondents included 46 students of the first year (19 women and 27 men) and 45 students of the third year (21 women and 24 men). AE was estimated by using Cooper’s running test at the start and at the end of the observed studying year. The difference between initial and final testing was defined by using a pair sample t-test. It was determined that AE increased by 5.5% (t = -3.353, p = 0.004) with women and for 4% (t = -3.139, p = 0.004) with men for the first-year students. In contrast, the third-year students had the reduction of AE by
3.6% (t = 2.415, p = 0.025) with women and by 6.2% (t = 3.354, p = 0.003) with men.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021",
title = "The influence of the various specialized physical education teaching programs on students’ aerobic endurance",
pages = "621-628",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1298"
Janković, R., Vučković, G.,& Blagojević, M.. (2021). The influence of the various specialized physical education teaching programs on students’ aerobic endurance. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 621-628.
Janković R, Vučković G, Blagojević M. The influence of the various specialized physical education teaching programs on students’ aerobic endurance. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021. 2021;:621-628.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1298 .
Janković, Radivoje, Vučković, Goran, Blagojević, Miroljub, "The influence of the various specialized physical education teaching programs on students’ aerobic endurance" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021 (2021):621-628,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1298 .

Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?

Janković, Radivoje; Spasić, Danijela; Koropanovski, Nenad; Subošić, Dane; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Dimitrijević, Raša

(Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija, 2020)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Spasić, Danijela
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1352
AB  - The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any differences between male and female police officers
when performing a job-related fitness test, as well as to determine the individual level of specific strengths and motor
abilities (hereinafter: SSMAs) as an indicator of work ability. The research was conducted in Serbia on a sample of 111
respondents (40 female and 71 male). In order to determine the SSMAs, this research applied the Obstacle Course test for
assessing specific abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). Three variables were observed during the test: time needed for the
completion of the test (tSAPO1), maximum heart rate and capillary blood lactate concentration. On average, men completed
the test statistically significantly more efficiently than women, i.e. by 10.3%. According to the percentile distribution
of tSAPO1, 5% of women and 14.1% of men proved to be significantly above the average level of all tested respondents.
However, based on test results, 11.3% of men and 47.5% of women needed to improve their SSMAs in order to meet
occupational requirements. The OCSAPO1 test could be further used as one of the criteria that could help to further classify
police officers for various types of police work according to their physical abilities. It could be used to assess the SSMAs
relevant for a particular job position according to individual merits and regardless of gender, which would provide the
conditions necessary for achieving “equal opportunities” for women and thus do away with the system of binary logic and
gender dualism of the police organisation as a context of masculine culture, which, a priori, excludes women by using
physical abilities as the strongest argument in favour of maintaining the existing gender practice.
PB  - Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija
T2  - Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
T1  - Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?
T1  - Fizične sposobnosti in razlike med spoloma: binarna logika ali spolni dualizem v policijski organizaciji?
VL  - 71
IS  - 4
SP  - 283
EP  - 296
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1352
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Spasić, Danijela and Koropanovski, Nenad and Subošić, Dane and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Dimitrijević, Raša",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any differences between male and female police officers
when performing a job-related fitness test, as well as to determine the individual level of specific strengths and motor
abilities (hereinafter: SSMAs) as an indicator of work ability. The research was conducted in Serbia on a sample of 111
respondents (40 female and 71 male). In order to determine the SSMAs, this research applied the Obstacle Course test for
assessing specific abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). Three variables were observed during the test: time needed for the
completion of the test (tSAPO1), maximum heart rate and capillary blood lactate concentration. On average, men completed
the test statistically significantly more efficiently than women, i.e. by 10.3%. According to the percentile distribution
of tSAPO1, 5% of women and 14.1% of men proved to be significantly above the average level of all tested respondents.
However, based on test results, 11.3% of men and 47.5% of women needed to improve their SSMAs in order to meet
occupational requirements. The OCSAPO1 test could be further used as one of the criteria that could help to further classify
police officers for various types of police work according to their physical abilities. It could be used to assess the SSMAs
relevant for a particular job position according to individual merits and regardless of gender, which would provide the
conditions necessary for achieving “equal opportunities” for women and thus do away with the system of binary logic and
gender dualism of the police organisation as a context of masculine culture, which, a priori, excludes women by using
physical abilities as the strongest argument in favour of maintaining the existing gender practice.",
publisher = "Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija",
journal = "Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo",
title = "Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?, Fizične sposobnosti in razlike med spoloma: binarna logika ali spolni dualizem v policijski organizaciji?",
volume = "71",
number = "4",
pages = "283-296",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1352"
Janković, R., Spasić, D., Koropanovski, N., Subošić, D., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G.,& Dimitrijević, R.. (2020). Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo
Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija., 71(4), 283-296.
Janković R, Spasić D, Koropanovski N, Subošić D, Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Dimitrijević R. Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?. in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. 2020;71(4):283-296.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1352 .
Janković, Radivoje, Spasić, Danijela, Koropanovski, Nenad, Subošić, Dane, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Dimitrijević, Raša, "Physical Abilities and Gender Differences: Binary Logic or Gender Dualism of the Police Organisation?" in Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 71, no. 4 (2020):283-296,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1352 .

Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load

Kukić, Filip; Koropanovski, Nenad; Janković, Radivoje; Čvorović, Aleksandar; Daves, Jay J.; Lockie, Robert G.; Robin, Orr M.

(Chile : Universidad de la Frontera, 2020)

AU  - Kukić, Filip
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Čvorović, Aleksandar
AU  - Daves, Jay J.
AU  - Lockie, Robert G.
AU  - Robin, Orr M.
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1368
AB  - Regardless of sex or body size, police tasks may require officers to change direction speed (CODS) under occupational
loads. The purpose of this study was to investigate body composition and CODS in female and male police cadets in both unloaded and
occupationally loaded conditions. Body composition and CODS of 51 female (FPC) and 70 male police cadets (MPC) were assessed. Six body
composition indices were used: Body mass index (BMI), percent body fat (PBF), percent of skeletal muscle mass (PSMM), protein fat index
(PFI), index of hypokinesia (IH), and skeletal muscle mass index (SMMI). The CODS was assessed by Illinois Agility Test (IAT) and IAT while
carrying a 10-kg load (LIAT). An independent sample t-test was used to identify the differences between the sexes. The regression determined
associations between body composition and LIAT. The alpha level was set at p < 0.05 a priori. MPC had significantly higher (p < 0.001) BMI,
PSMM, PFI and SMMI and lower PBF and IH than FPC. MPC were also faster in IAT and LIAT, carrying lower relative loads that imparted less
of an impact on CODS performance. Body composition was strongly associated with the time to complete LIAT (R2 = 0.671, p < 0.001).
Difference in relative load and body composition influenced CODS performance in both unloaded and loaded conditions. Thus, optimizing body
composition through increasing skeletal muscle mass and reducing fat mass could positively influence unloaded and loaded CODS performance
and improve elements of police task performance.
PB  - Chile : Universidad de la Frontera
T2  - International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología)
T1  - Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load
T1  - Asociación de Diferencias Relacionadas con el Sexo en la Composición Corporal para Cambiar la Velocidad de Dirección de Oficiales de Policía Durante el Transporte de Carga
VL  - 38
IS  - 3
SP  - 731
EP  - 736
DO  - 10.4067/S0717-95022020000300731
ER  - 
author = "Kukić, Filip and Koropanovski, Nenad and Janković, Radivoje and Čvorović, Aleksandar and Daves, Jay J. and Lockie, Robert G. and Robin, Orr M.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Regardless of sex or body size, police tasks may require officers to change direction speed (CODS) under occupational
loads. The purpose of this study was to investigate body composition and CODS in female and male police cadets in both unloaded and
occupationally loaded conditions. Body composition and CODS of 51 female (FPC) and 70 male police cadets (MPC) were assessed. Six body
composition indices were used: Body mass index (BMI), percent body fat (PBF), percent of skeletal muscle mass (PSMM), protein fat index
(PFI), index of hypokinesia (IH), and skeletal muscle mass index (SMMI). The CODS was assessed by Illinois Agility Test (IAT) and IAT while
carrying a 10-kg load (LIAT). An independent sample t-test was used to identify the differences between the sexes. The regression determined
associations between body composition and LIAT. The alpha level was set at p < 0.05 a priori. MPC had significantly higher (p < 0.001) BMI,
PSMM, PFI and SMMI and lower PBF and IH than FPC. MPC were also faster in IAT and LIAT, carrying lower relative loads that imparted less
of an impact on CODS performance. Body composition was strongly associated with the time to complete LIAT (R2 = 0.671, p < 0.001).
Difference in relative load and body composition influenced CODS performance in both unloaded and loaded conditions. Thus, optimizing body
composition through increasing skeletal muscle mass and reducing fat mass could positively influence unloaded and loaded CODS performance
and improve elements of police task performance.",
publisher = "Chile : Universidad de la Frontera",
journal = "International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología)",
title = "Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load, Asociación de Diferencias Relacionadas con el Sexo en la Composición Corporal para Cambiar la Velocidad de Dirección de Oficiales de Policía Durante el Transporte de Carga",
volume = "38",
number = "3",
pages = "731-736",
doi = "10.4067/S0717-95022020000300731"
Kukić, F., Koropanovski, N., Janković, R., Čvorović, A., Daves, J. J., Lockie, R. G.,& Robin, O. M.. (2020). Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load. in International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología)
Chile : Universidad de la Frontera., 38(3), 731-736.
Kukić F, Koropanovski N, Janković R, Čvorović A, Daves JJ, Lockie RG, Robin OM. Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load. in International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología). 2020;38(3):731-736.
doi:10.4067/S0717-95022020000300731 .
Kukić, Filip, Koropanovski, Nenad, Janković, Radivoje, Čvorović, Aleksandar, Daves, Jay J., Lockie, Robert G., Robin, Orr M., "Association of Sex-Related Differences in Body Composition to Change of Direction Speed in Police Officers While Carrying Load" in International Journal of Morphology (Revista Internacional de Morfología), 38, no. 3 (2020):731-736,
https://doi.org/10.4067/S0717-95022020000300731 . .

Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load

Janković, Radivoje; Koropanovski, Nenad

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2020)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1345
AB  - Maximum acceleration and running speed are significant for police officers in situations where they need to apprehend a running suspect. Most frequently, they have to handle these situations wearing work equipment that weighs equally for both genders. This research aims to determine the differences in maximum acceleration and running speed with equipment of different weight. 35 male and 24 female students from the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies took part in the research. The test measured the time needed for a 10m and 20m sprint, as well as a 10m flying start. All tests were performed without additional load, with a duty belt that contained police equipment weighing 5 kg total, as well as a vest weighing 10 kg. The Independent Samples t test found a statistically significant difference within groups in the time of running without occupational load compared to running with the load of 5 kg and 10 kg. Furthermore, the tests with 5 kg and 10 kg loads differed in the first 10m and 20m. All observed variables contained statistically significant differences between female and male students.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
T1  - Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load
SP  - 741
EP  - 747
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1345
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Koropanovski, Nenad",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Maximum acceleration and running speed are significant for police officers in situations where they need to apprehend a running suspect. Most frequently, they have to handle these situations wearing work equipment that weighs equally for both genders. This research aims to determine the differences in maximum acceleration and running speed with equipment of different weight. 35 male and 24 female students from the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies took part in the research. The test measured the time needed for a 10m and 20m sprint, as well as a 10m flying start. All tests were performed without additional load, with a duty belt that contained police equipment weighing 5 kg total, as well as a vest weighing 10 kg. The Independent Samples t test found a statistically significant difference within groups in the time of running without occupational load compared to running with the load of 5 kg and 10 kg. Furthermore, the tests with 5 kg and 10 kg loads differed in the first 10m and 20m. All observed variables contained statistically significant differences between female and male students.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.",
title = "Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load",
pages = "741-747",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1345"
Janković, R.,& Koropanovski, N.. (2020). Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 741-747.
Janković R, Koropanovski N. Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020.. 2020;:741-747.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1345 .
Janković, Radivoje, Koropanovski, Nenad, "Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 18-19 November 2020. (2020):741-747,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1345 .

Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers

Orr, Robin M.; Kukić, Filip; Čvorović, Aleksandar; Koropanovski, Nenad; Janković, Radivoje; Dawes, Jay; Lockie, Robert

(Basel : MDPI, 2019-06-01)

AU  - Orr, Robin M.
AU  - Kukić, Filip
AU  - Čvorović, Aleksandar
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Dawes, Jay
AU  - Lockie, Robert
PY  - 2019-06-01
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1385
AB  - Female police officers may be required to pursue offenders on foot while wearing occupational loads. The aim of this study was to determine relationships between fitness measures and change of direction speed (CODS) in female police officers and the influence of their occupational loads. Retrospective data were provided for 27 female police officers (age = 32.19 ± 5.09 y, height = 162.78 ± 5.01 cm, and mass = 71.31 ± 13.42 kg) and included fitness measures of: lower-body power (standing long jump (SLJ)), upper-body and trunk muscle endurance (push-up (PU) and sit-up (SU)), aerobic power (estimated VO2max), and CODS (Illinois agility test). The CODS test was performed without and with occupational load (10 kg). Paired sample t-tests (between-load conditions) and Pearson's correlations (relationships between measures) were performed with linear regression analysis used to account for the contribution of measures to unloaded and loaded CODS performance. CODS was significantly slower when loaded (unloaded = ~23.17 s, loaded = ~24.14 s, p < 0.001) with a strong, significant relationship between load conditions (r = 0.956, p < 0.001). Moderate to strong, significant relationships were found between all fitness measures ranging from estimated VO2max (r = -0.448) to SU (r = -0.673) in the unloaded condition, with the strength of these relationships increasing in the loaded condition accounting for 61% to 67% of the variance, respectively. While unloaded agility test performance was strongly associated with loaded performance, female police officer CODS was significantly reduced when carrying occupational loads. A variety of fitness measures that influence officer CODS performances become increasingly important when occupational loads are carried.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
T1  - Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers
VL  - 16
IS  - 11
SP  - 1947
DO  - 10.3390/ijerph16111947
ER  - 
author = "Orr, Robin M. and Kukić, Filip and Čvorović, Aleksandar and Koropanovski, Nenad and Janković, Radivoje and Dawes, Jay and Lockie, Robert",
year = "2019-06-01",
abstract = "Female police officers may be required to pursue offenders on foot while wearing occupational loads. The aim of this study was to determine relationships between fitness measures and change of direction speed (CODS) in female police officers and the influence of their occupational loads. Retrospective data were provided for 27 female police officers (age = 32.19 ± 5.09 y, height = 162.78 ± 5.01 cm, and mass = 71.31 ± 13.42 kg) and included fitness measures of: lower-body power (standing long jump (SLJ)), upper-body and trunk muscle endurance (push-up (PU) and sit-up (SU)), aerobic power (estimated VO2max), and CODS (Illinois agility test). The CODS test was performed without and with occupational load (10 kg). Paired sample t-tests (between-load conditions) and Pearson's correlations (relationships between measures) were performed with linear regression analysis used to account for the contribution of measures to unloaded and loaded CODS performance. CODS was significantly slower when loaded (unloaded = ~23.17 s, loaded = ~24.14 s, p < 0.001) with a strong, significant relationship between load conditions (r = 0.956, p < 0.001). Moderate to strong, significant relationships were found between all fitness measures ranging from estimated VO2max (r = -0.448) to SU (r = -0.673) in the unloaded condition, with the strength of these relationships increasing in the loaded condition accounting for 61% to 67% of the variance, respectively. While unloaded agility test performance was strongly associated with loaded performance, female police officer CODS was significantly reduced when carrying occupational loads. A variety of fitness measures that influence officer CODS performances become increasingly important when occupational loads are carried.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health",
title = "Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers",
volume = "16",
number = "11",
pages = "1947",
doi = "10.3390/ijerph16111947"
Orr, R. M., Kukić, F., Čvorović, A., Koropanovski, N., Janković, R., Dawes, J.,& Lockie, R.. (2019-06-01). Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Basel : MDPI., 16(11), 1947.
Orr RM, Kukić F, Čvorović A, Koropanovski N, Janković R, Dawes J, Lockie R. Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(11):1947.
doi:10.3390/ijerph16111947 .
Orr, Robin M., Kukić, Filip, Čvorović, Aleksandar, Koropanovski, Nenad, Janković, Radivoje, Dawes, Jay, Lockie, Robert, "Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers" in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, no. 11 (2019-06-01):1947,
https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16111947 . .

Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies

Marković, Stefan; Vučković, Goran; Janković, Radivoje

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2019)

AU  - Marković, Stefan
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1066
AB  - The aim of this paper is to determine gender
based differences as well as the initial standard values for
evaluation of simple visual reaction time in both male and female
students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
(ACPS)in Belgrade. The method used in this research was
laboratory testing. All datasampling was performed using the
specially designed testing software that recorded reaction time
with 1 ms precision. The variable used in this research, that is
Simple Visual Reaction Time (SVRT), was calculated as a mean of
3 trials with the shortest Reaction Time from 5 correct attempts
and was expressed in ms. The research sample in this study
consisted of a total of 97 subjects, of which 45 females and 52
males. All subjects were third-year students of the ACPS in
Belgrade. Based on the obtained results it was determined that 
differences in SVRT between male and female students ofthe ACPS
are not statistically significant (t=1.866, p=0.066). Initial
normative values were calculated by the application of
appropriate sport metrological procedures. Presented normative
models define initial qualitative standard values for 5 distinct
preparedness levels as well as quantitative reference values
determined for 9 characteristic percentile ranks, both for female
and male students of the ACPS.
AB  - Циљ овог рада је утврђивање разлика у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус у функцији пола и дефинисање иницијалних нормативних вредности за потребе
евалуације истог код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске
академије (КПА) у Београду. У овом истраживању је као основни
метод коришћено лабораторијеко тестирање. Узорковање података је извршено применом посебно дизајнираног софтвера који
омогућава мерење времена реаговања на нивоу прецизности од 1
ms. Варијабла коришћена у овом истраживању, односно време
реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус, израчунавана је као
просечна вредност 3 покушаја са најкраћим временом реакције од
5 исправних покушаја и изражена је у ms. Испитивани узорак се
састојао од укупно 97 испитаника, од чега 45 женског и 52 мушког пола. Сви испитаници су били студенти треће године КПА у
Београду. На основу добијених разултата утврђено је да разлике
у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус између
студената КПА мушког и женског пола нису статистички значајне (t = 1,866, p = 0,066). Иницијалне нормативне вредности
су израчунате применом адекватних метролошких процедура
у спорту. Дати нормативни модели дефинишу иницијалне квалитативне нормативне вредности за 5 карактеристичних нивоа припремљености, као и квантитативне референтне вредности утврђене за 9 карактеристичних перцентилних рангова
за студенте КПА мушког и женског пола.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
T1  - Време реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске академије
VL  - 61
IS  - 1
SP  - 25
EP  - 39
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1901025M
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Stefan and Vučković, Goran and Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to determine gender
based differences as well as the initial standard values for
evaluation of simple visual reaction time in both male and female
students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
(ACPS)in Belgrade. The method used in this research was
laboratory testing. All datasampling was performed using the
specially designed testing software that recorded reaction time
with 1 ms precision. The variable used in this research, that is
Simple Visual Reaction Time (SVRT), was calculated as a mean of
3 trials with the shortest Reaction Time from 5 correct attempts
and was expressed in ms. The research sample in this study
consisted of a total of 97 subjects, of which 45 females and 52
males. All subjects were third-year students of the ACPS in
Belgrade. Based on the obtained results it was determined that 
differences in SVRT between male and female students ofthe ACPS
are not statistically significant (t=1.866, p=0.066). Initial
normative values were calculated by the application of
appropriate sport metrological procedures. Presented normative
models define initial qualitative standard values for 5 distinct
preparedness levels as well as quantitative reference values
determined for 9 characteristic percentile ranks, both for female
and male students of the ACPS., Циљ овог рада је утврђивање разлика у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус у функцији пола и дефинисање иницијалних нормативних вредности за потребе
евалуације истог код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске
академије (КПА) у Београду. У овом истраживању је као основни
метод коришћено лабораторијеко тестирање. Узорковање података је извршено применом посебно дизајнираног софтвера који
омогућава мерење времена реаговања на нивоу прецизности од 1
ms. Варијабла коришћена у овом истраживању, односно време
реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус, израчунавана је као
просечна вредност 3 покушаја са најкраћим временом реакције од
5 исправних покушаја и изражена је у ms. Испитивани узорак се
састојао од укупно 97 испитаника, од чега 45 женског и 52 мушког пола. Сви испитаници су били студенти треће године КПА у
Београду. На основу добијених разултата утврђено је да разлике
у времену реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус између
студената КПА мушког и женског пола нису статистички значајне (t = 1,866, p = 0,066). Иницијалне нормативне вредности
су израчунате применом адекватних метролошких процедура
у спорту. Дати нормативни модели дефинишу иницијалне квалитативне нормативне вредности за 5 карактеристичних нивоа припремљености, као и квантитативне референтне вредности утврђене за 9 карактеристичних перцентилних рангова
за студенте КПА мушког и женског пола.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Време реаговања на једноставан визуелни стимулус код студената Криминалистичко-полицијске академије",
volume = "61",
number = "1",
pages = "25-39",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1901025M"
Marković, S., Vučković, G.,& Janković, R.. (2019). Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 61(1), 25-39.
Marković S, Vučković G, Janković R. Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Безбедност. 2019;61(1):25-39.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1901025M .
Marković, Stefan, Vučković, Goran, Janković, Radivoje, "Simple visual reaction time in students of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies" in Безбедност, 61, no. 1 (2019):25-39,
https://doi.org/10.5937/bezbednost1901025M . .

Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility

Koropanovski, Nenad; Skitnja, Savo; Janković, Radivoje

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2019)

AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Skitnja, Savo
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/1373
AB  - Flexibility influences the amplitude of body parts movement and consequently the efficiency of physical activities which are an integral part of police officers training and professional duties. The aim of this study was to determine the level of flexibility in students of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS), as well as the differences between genders and to establish the criteria for evaluation. The sample consisted of 121 participants, 51 female (age 20.2 ± 1.2 years) and 70 male students (age 20.3 ± 0.9 years). All participants were the second year students. A battery of tests for flexibility assessment included: Sideways Leg Splits (SsLS), Sideward Leg Splits right (SdLS right), Sideward Leg Splits left (SdLS_left), Single-Legged Knee Bend right (SLKB_right), Single-Legged Knee Bend left (SLKB_left), Lengthwise Leg Splits right (LLS_right), Lengthwise Leg Splits left (LLS_left), Sit and Reach (SR), and Shoulder Flexibility (SF). The existence of the differences between groups was determined by ANOVA, at the significance level of p < 0.05. The differences were found in tests SsLS (F = 11.459, p = 0.001), SdLS_right (F  = 8.440, p = 0.004), SdLS_left (F = 5.502, p = 0.021), SLKB_left (F = 5.545, p = 0.025), LLS_right (F = 11.481, p = 0.001), LLS_left (F = 18.008, p = 0.000), SR (F = 7.886, p = 0.006) and SF (F = 25.447, p = 0.000). The obtained results indicated different flexibility levels between male and female students. In relation to martial arts and other athletes the UCIPS students had lower levels of flexibility. The applied percentage distribution results, including six different groups, could be used as a scale for assessment of the achieved level of flexibility in police university students.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
T1  - Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility
SP  - 467
EP  - 478
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1373
ER  - 
author = "Koropanovski, Nenad and Skitnja, Savo and Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Flexibility influences the amplitude of body parts movement and consequently the efficiency of physical activities which are an integral part of police officers training and professional duties. The aim of this study was to determine the level of flexibility in students of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS), as well as the differences between genders and to establish the criteria for evaluation. The sample consisted of 121 participants, 51 female (age 20.2 ± 1.2 years) and 70 male students (age 20.3 ± 0.9 years). All participants were the second year students. A battery of tests for flexibility assessment included: Sideways Leg Splits (SsLS), Sideward Leg Splits right (SdLS right), Sideward Leg Splits left (SdLS_left), Single-Legged Knee Bend right (SLKB_right), Single-Legged Knee Bend left (SLKB_left), Lengthwise Leg Splits right (LLS_right), Lengthwise Leg Splits left (LLS_left), Sit and Reach (SR), and Shoulder Flexibility (SF). The existence of the differences between groups was determined by ANOVA, at the significance level of p < 0.05. The differences were found in tests SsLS (F = 11.459, p = 0.001), SdLS_right (F  = 8.440, p = 0.004), SdLS_left (F = 5.502, p = 0.021), SLKB_left (F = 5.545, p = 0.025), LLS_right (F = 11.481, p = 0.001), LLS_left (F = 18.008, p = 0.000), SR (F = 7.886, p = 0.006) and SF (F = 25.447, p = 0.000). The obtained results indicated different flexibility levels between male and female students. In relation to martial arts and other athletes the UCIPS students had lower levels of flexibility. The applied percentage distribution results, including six different groups, could be used as a scale for assessment of the achieved level of flexibility in police university students.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.",
title = "Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility",
pages = "467-478",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1373"
Koropanovski, N., Skitnja, S.,& Janković, R.. (2019). Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 467-478.
Koropanovski N, Skitnja S, Janković R. Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019.. 2019;:467-478.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1373 .
Koropanovski, Nenad, Skitnja, Savo, Janković, Radivoje, "Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International scientific conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 6-7 November 2019. (2019):467-478,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_1373 .

Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities

Janković, Radivoje; Koropanovski, Nenad; Dimitrijević, Raša

(Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2018)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/942
AB  - Physical abilities play an important role in the performance of police work and are one of the main preconditions for the effectiveness of critical incidents resolving. Therefore, one of the methods for determining the police officers working skills is checking the basic physical abilities (BPA) and specific physical abilities (SPA) development levels. The problem in this paper was the evaluation of the BPA tests used by the police organizations and the Test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). The aim of the study is to determine the battery of tests that describes the observed space from the aspect of professional orientation. The sample consisted of 99 male examinees (age 28.1 ± 6.1 years) divided into four groups: 30 ACPS students, 28 members of the General Police Unit, 17 members of the Special Anti-terrorist Unit and 22 subjects of control group. Eighteen BPA variables were used, as well as the efficiency of a job related fitness test OCSAPO1 with metabolic and functional physical activity indicators. Based on the descriptive indicators, factor analysis has determined the mutual structure and structure of quantitative relations between all BPA, SPA and metabolic variables. The analysis of communality determined that extrusion values in all variables ranged from 0.456 to 0.862. The obtained results cumulatively explained 67.51% of the variability, and four main groups of factors are distinguished. The first group is defined by the specific physical abilities of police officers, the second by maximum muscular forces, the third by variables of the rate of force development and the fourth by physiological variables. Based on the analysis of the obtained results average values, it was found that 54.86% of respondents correspond to the group they belong to. In practice, in selection and control of the BPA level, the battery of tests are used for the assessment of the police officers complete motor space. Finally, the results of this study indicate that the tests OCSAPO1, Long jump and the maximum number of pull-ups, mostly discriminate efficiency in motor space of police officers
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
T1  - Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities
SP  - 73
EP  - 82
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_942
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Koropanovski, Nenad and Dimitrijević, Raša",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Physical abilities play an important role in the performance of police work and are one of the main preconditions for the effectiveness of critical incidents resolving. Therefore, one of the methods for determining the police officers working skills is checking the basic physical abilities (BPA) and specific physical abilities (SPA) development levels. The problem in this paper was the evaluation of the BPA tests used by the police organizations and the Test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). The aim of the study is to determine the battery of tests that describes the observed space from the aspect of professional orientation. The sample consisted of 99 male examinees (age 28.1 ± 6.1 years) divided into four groups: 30 ACPS students, 28 members of the General Police Unit, 17 members of the Special Anti-terrorist Unit and 22 subjects of control group. Eighteen BPA variables were used, as well as the efficiency of a job related fitness test OCSAPO1 with metabolic and functional physical activity indicators. Based on the descriptive indicators, factor analysis has determined the mutual structure and structure of quantitative relations between all BPA, SPA and metabolic variables. The analysis of communality determined that extrusion values in all variables ranged from 0.456 to 0.862. The obtained results cumulatively explained 67.51% of the variability, and four main groups of factors are distinguished. The first group is defined by the specific physical abilities of police officers, the second by maximum muscular forces, the third by variables of the rate of force development and the fourth by physiological variables. Based on the analysis of the obtained results average values, it was found that 54.86% of respondents correspond to the group they belong to. In practice, in selection and control of the BPA level, the battery of tests are used for the assessment of the police officers complete motor space. Finally, the results of this study indicate that the tests OCSAPO1, Long jump and the maximum number of pull-ups, mostly discriminate efficiency in motor space of police officers",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018",
title = "Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities",
pages = "73-82",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_942"
Janković, R., Koropanovski, N.,& Dimitrijević, R.. (2018). Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018
Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 73-82.
Janković R, Koropanovski N, Dimitrijević R. Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018. 2018;:73-82.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_942 .
Janković, Radivoje, Koropanovski, Nenad, Dimitrijević, Raša, "Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance. Vol. 2 / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 2-3 October 2018 (2018):73-82,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_942 .

Trend of changes of student results at the Academy of criminalistic and police studies entrance exam

Janković, Radivoje; Koropanovski, Nenad

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/775
AB  - The aim of the research was to determine the trends of changes on the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) entrance exam. Furthermore, the paper is to find whether there are any differences between the sexes in the terms of the results of the entrance exam. 1.576 examinees participated in the research (621 female and 955 male), all of which entered the ACPS as the students of basic and vocational studies. The paper analyses their scores in all components of the exam: High School Achievements (HSA), General Knowledge Test (GKT), Serbian Language and Literature Test (SLLT), the Level of Basic Motoric Abilities development (BMA) and the overall number of points achieved on the test. The results were firstly analysed by applying the basic descriptive statistics procedure, which determined the equation of trend of changes and R-squared values. The existence of the general variability differences between groups was determined by using MANOVA, while for the determination of partial differences between pairs of variables the Bonferroni test was used. The positive changes trend for both sexes in HSA and the negative one in SLLT were demonstrated. In females, a positive trend in BMA and a negative GKT trend were observed. However, an opposite effect was detected in males. Nevertheless, despite the different trends in individual tests, the overall number of points achieved on the entrance exam demonstrated a positive trend of changes in both populations. MANOVA results showed that the females had statistically better results in HSA, SLLT and BMA variables, but worse results in GKT. The overall result on the entrance examination taken into account, the females had statistically better scores by 3.31%.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi trendove promena komponenti prijemnog ispita na Kriminalističko-policijskoj akademiji (KPA). Takođe, ovaj rad bi trebalo da utvrdi da li postoje razlike između polova u odnosu na uspeh postignut na prijemnom ispitu. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1.576 ispitanika, od čega 39,4% (621) žena i 60,6% (955) muškaraca, koji su se upisali na KPA kao studenti osnovnih akademskih ili strukovnih studija. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve komponente prijemnog ispita na osnovu kojih se vrši selekcija kandidata: uspeh u srednjoj školi (UŠ), test opšte informisanosti (TOI), test znanja iz srpskog jezika i književnosti (SR), nivo razvijenosti bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti (BMS) i ukupan broj bodova ostvaren na prijemnom ispitu. Rezultati su analizirani primenom osnovne deskriptivne statističke procedure. Utvrđene su mere centralne tendencije, minimalne i maksimalne vrednosti i pravilnosti rasporeda rezultata. Na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti ustanovljena je jednačina trenda promena uz R-squared. Za utvrđivanje postojanja statistički značajne razlike na generalnom nivou korišćena je MANOVA, dok su parcijalne razlike između grupa ustanovljene Bonferonijevim testom. Statistička značajnost određena je na nivou od p  lt  0,05. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji pozitivan trend promena kod oba pola za UŠ i negativan za SR. Kod žena je ustanovljen pozitivan trend BMS, ali negativan TOI. Međutim, kod muškaraca utvrđena suprotna pojava. Pored različitih trendova pojedinačnih testova, ukupan broj bodova ostvaren na prijemnom ispitu ima pozitivan trend promena za obe populacije. Hipotetički posmatrano, u narednom periodu može se očekivati da će se povećati prosečan broj bodova kandidata koji će biti upisani na KPA. Navedeno povećanje moglo bi biti izraženije kod kandidata ženskog pola koji u jednačini trenda promena imaju koeficijent +0,184 u odnosu na muškarce kod kojih izračunati koeficijent iznosi +0,014. Rezultati MANOVA su pokazali da na generalnom nivou između svih upisanih muškaraca i žena na KPA postoji statistički značajna razlika. Ustanovljeno je da su žene ostvarile statistički bolje rezultate za varijable UŠ, SR i BMS za 5,48%, 6,12% i 4,01%, respektivno. Lošiji rezultat ostvarile su na TOI za 5,71%. Međutim, kada se posmatra ukupan rezultat prijemnog ispita, žene su u ovom periodu imale statistički bolji skor za 3,31%. U daljoj analizi ustanovljeno je da su žene svake godine imale statistički značajno bolji UŠ i ukupan broj bodova. Bolje rezultate su ostvarile i na SR u periodu od 2012. do 2014, dok je 2015. godine razlika bila blizu nivoa statističke značajnosti. Razlike u BMS pojavile su se 2014. i 2015. godine - žene su imale statistički značajno veći broj bodova. Na osnovu ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je potrebno izvršiti izmene sistema pripreme i evaluacije SR u cilju zaustavljanja negativnog trenda kod oba pola. Takođe, potrebno je utvrditi tačne razloge različitog trenda promena i uspeha u TOI između muškaraca i žena.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Trend of changes of student results at the Academy of criminalistic and police studies entrance exam
T1  - Trend promena rezultata na prijemnom ispitu studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije
VL  - 22
IS  - 1
SP  - 93
EP  - 110
DO  - 10.5937/nabepo22-12301
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Koropanovski, Nenad",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of the research was to determine the trends of changes on the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) entrance exam. Furthermore, the paper is to find whether there are any differences between the sexes in the terms of the results of the entrance exam. 1.576 examinees participated in the research (621 female and 955 male), all of which entered the ACPS as the students of basic and vocational studies. The paper analyses their scores in all components of the exam: High School Achievements (HSA), General Knowledge Test (GKT), Serbian Language and Literature Test (SLLT), the Level of Basic Motoric Abilities development (BMA) and the overall number of points achieved on the test. The results were firstly analysed by applying the basic descriptive statistics procedure, which determined the equation of trend of changes and R-squared values. The existence of the general variability differences between groups was determined by using MANOVA, while for the determination of partial differences between pairs of variables the Bonferroni test was used. The positive changes trend for both sexes in HSA and the negative one in SLLT were demonstrated. In females, a positive trend in BMA and a negative GKT trend were observed. However, an opposite effect was detected in males. Nevertheless, despite the different trends in individual tests, the overall number of points achieved on the entrance exam demonstrated a positive trend of changes in both populations. MANOVA results showed that the females had statistically better results in HSA, SLLT and BMA variables, but worse results in GKT. The overall result on the entrance examination taken into account, the females had statistically better scores by 3.31%., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi trendove promena komponenti prijemnog ispita na Kriminalističko-policijskoj akademiji (KPA). Takođe, ovaj rad bi trebalo da utvrdi da li postoje razlike između polova u odnosu na uspeh postignut na prijemnom ispitu. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1.576 ispitanika, od čega 39,4% (621) žena i 60,6% (955) muškaraca, koji su se upisali na KPA kao studenti osnovnih akademskih ili strukovnih studija. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve komponente prijemnog ispita na osnovu kojih se vrši selekcija kandidata: uspeh u srednjoj školi (UŠ), test opšte informisanosti (TOI), test znanja iz srpskog jezika i književnosti (SR), nivo razvijenosti bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti (BMS) i ukupan broj bodova ostvaren na prijemnom ispitu. Rezultati su analizirani primenom osnovne deskriptivne statističke procedure. Utvrđene su mere centralne tendencije, minimalne i maksimalne vrednosti i pravilnosti rasporeda rezultata. Na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti ustanovljena je jednačina trenda promena uz R-squared. Za utvrđivanje postojanja statistički značajne razlike na generalnom nivou korišćena je MANOVA, dok su parcijalne razlike između grupa ustanovljene Bonferonijevim testom. Statistička značajnost određena je na nivou od p  lt  0,05. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji pozitivan trend promena kod oba pola za UŠ i negativan za SR. Kod žena je ustanovljen pozitivan trend BMS, ali negativan TOI. Međutim, kod muškaraca utvrđena suprotna pojava. Pored različitih trendova pojedinačnih testova, ukupan broj bodova ostvaren na prijemnom ispitu ima pozitivan trend promena za obe populacije. Hipotetički posmatrano, u narednom periodu može se očekivati da će se povećati prosečan broj bodova kandidata koji će biti upisani na KPA. Navedeno povećanje moglo bi biti izraženije kod kandidata ženskog pola koji u jednačini trenda promena imaju koeficijent +0,184 u odnosu na muškarce kod kojih izračunati koeficijent iznosi +0,014. Rezultati MANOVA su pokazali da na generalnom nivou između svih upisanih muškaraca i žena na KPA postoji statistički značajna razlika. Ustanovljeno je da su žene ostvarile statistički bolje rezultate za varijable UŠ, SR i BMS za 5,48%, 6,12% i 4,01%, respektivno. Lošiji rezultat ostvarile su na TOI za 5,71%. Međutim, kada se posmatra ukupan rezultat prijemnog ispita, žene su u ovom periodu imale statistički bolji skor za 3,31%. U daljoj analizi ustanovljeno je da su žene svake godine imale statistički značajno bolji UŠ i ukupan broj bodova. Bolje rezultate su ostvarile i na SR u periodu od 2012. do 2014, dok je 2015. godine razlika bila blizu nivoa statističke značajnosti. Razlike u BMS pojavile su se 2014. i 2015. godine - žene su imale statistički značajno veći broj bodova. Na osnovu ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je potrebno izvršiti izmene sistema pripreme i evaluacije SR u cilju zaustavljanja negativnog trenda kod oba pola. Takođe, potrebno je utvrditi tačne razloge različitog trenda promena i uspeha u TOI između muškaraca i žena.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Trend of changes of student results at the Academy of criminalistic and police studies entrance exam, Trend promena rezultata na prijemnom ispitu studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije",
volume = "22",
number = "1",
pages = "93-110",
doi = "10.5937/nabepo22-12301"
Janković, R.,& Koropanovski, N.. (2017). Trend of changes of student results at the Academy of criminalistic and police studies entrance exam. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 22(1), 93-110.
Janković R, Koropanovski N. Trend of changes of student results at the Academy of criminalistic and police studies entrance exam. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2017;22(1):93-110.
doi:10.5937/nabepo22-12301 .
Janković, Radivoje, Koropanovski, Nenad, "Trend of changes of student results at the Academy of criminalistic and police studies entrance exam" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 22, no. 1 (2017):93-110,
https://doi.org/10.5937/nabepo22-12301 . .

How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies

Mitrović, Bojan; Janković, Radivoje; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Milojević, Saša; Pantelić, Saša; Nurkić, Mirsad

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2016)

AU  - Mitrović, Bojan
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Milojević, Saša
AU  - Pantelić, Saša
AU  - Nurkić, Mirsad
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/705
AB  - A reduced level of work abilities of a police officer caused by the reduced level of physical abilities have an adverse influence on the efficient and safe performance of a wide range of complex police measures. The aim of this paper was to determine whether morphological characteristics (MC) and motor abilities (BMA) before the beginning of specialized physical education (SPE) are on the same level as during the entrance exam, that is, the effects of an eight-month-long period during which the students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies did not have organized SPE. 137 candidates participated in the study (67 male and 70 female candidates). BH, BW and BMI were observed to determine MC and for estimation of BMA: Push-ups 10 seconds (PU), Sit-ups 30 seconds (ABD), Standing long jump (LJ), Abalak (VJ), as well as Isometric dead lift (FmaxBE), for the males, and Hand grip (FmaxHG) for female candidates. The results of the MANOVA have shown that between both measurements it was not determined that there are statistically significant differences for MC in candidates of both genders (female p=0.160; male p=0.203), generally, while for BMA it was determined that there are significant differences in candidates of both genders (female p=0.003; male p=0.033). Individually by variable, during the eight-month-long period, of the MC among the female, BMI statistically significantly increased (3.97%; p=0.029), and among the male candidates (2.53%, p=0.034), respectively; concerning BMA among the female, a significantly poorer result was achieved in FmaxHG (6.99%; p=0.006), LJ (4.59%; p=0.024) and VJ (7.3%; p=0.006) and in male candidates in LJ (2.83%; p=0.035) and VJ (4.27%; p=0.031), respectively. It can be concluded that the eight-month-long period without any organized SPE classes had a bad influence on BMA.
AB  - Smanjeni nivo radnih sposobnosti policajaca, usled smanjenja nivoa fizičkih sposobnosti, loše utiče na efikasno i bezbedno obavljanje složenih policijskih mera. Cilj ovog rada bio je da utvrdi da li su morfološke karakteristike i bazične motoričke sposobnosti (BMS), pred početak nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO), na istom nivou kao i na prijemnom ispitu, odnosno kako je na njih uticao period od osam meseci tokom kojih studenti KPA nisu imali organizovanu nastavu SFO. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 137 kandidata (70 ženskog i 67 muškog pola). Za utvrđivanje morfoloških karakteristika posmatrani su: telesna visina (BH), telesna masa (BW) i indeks mase tela (BMI). Za procenu BMS posmatrani su: broj urađenih sklekova za 10 sekundi (PU), podizanje trupa za 30 sekundi (ABD), skok udalj iz mesta (LJ), Abalak test (VJ), kao i za kandidate izometrijska sila mišića opružača leđa (FmaxBE), a za kandidatkinje izometrijska sila pregibača prstiju dominantne ruke (FmaxHG). Rezultati MANOVA pokazali su da između prvog i drugog merenja na generalnom nivou za morfološke karakteristike nije utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.160; muški p=0.203), dok je za BMS utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.003; muški p=0.033). Pojedinačno po varijablama, tokom osmomesečnog perioda, od morfoloških karakteristika BMI je kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno povećan za 3.97% (p=0.029), a kod kandidata za 2.53% (p=0.034); dok je kod posmatranih BMS kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno lošiji rezultat ostvaren kod FmaxHG za 6.99% (p=0.006), LJ za 4.59% (p=0.024) i VJ za 7.3% (p=0.006) i kod kandidata je došlo do statistički značajnog smanjenja rezultata LJ za 2.83% (p=0.035) i VJ za 4.27% (p=0.031). Može se zaključiti da je osmomesečni period bez organizovane nastave SFO loše uticao na BMS.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
T1  - Uticaj osmomesečnog perioda bez nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na morfološke karakteristike i motoričke sposobnosti studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije
VL  - 14
IS  - 2
SP  - 167
EP  - 178
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_705
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Bojan and Janković, Radivoje and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Milojević, Saša and Pantelić, Saša and Nurkić, Mirsad",
year = "2016",
abstract = "A reduced level of work abilities of a police officer caused by the reduced level of physical abilities have an adverse influence on the efficient and safe performance of a wide range of complex police measures. The aim of this paper was to determine whether morphological characteristics (MC) and motor abilities (BMA) before the beginning of specialized physical education (SPE) are on the same level as during the entrance exam, that is, the effects of an eight-month-long period during which the students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies did not have organized SPE. 137 candidates participated in the study (67 male and 70 female candidates). BH, BW and BMI were observed to determine MC and for estimation of BMA: Push-ups 10 seconds (PU), Sit-ups 30 seconds (ABD), Standing long jump (LJ), Abalak (VJ), as well as Isometric dead lift (FmaxBE), for the males, and Hand grip (FmaxHG) for female candidates. The results of the MANOVA have shown that between both measurements it was not determined that there are statistically significant differences for MC in candidates of both genders (female p=0.160; male p=0.203), generally, while for BMA it was determined that there are significant differences in candidates of both genders (female p=0.003; male p=0.033). Individually by variable, during the eight-month-long period, of the MC among the female, BMI statistically significantly increased (3.97%; p=0.029), and among the male candidates (2.53%, p=0.034), respectively; concerning BMA among the female, a significantly poorer result was achieved in FmaxHG (6.99%; p=0.006), LJ (4.59%; p=0.024) and VJ (7.3%; p=0.006) and in male candidates in LJ (2.83%; p=0.035) and VJ (4.27%; p=0.031), respectively. It can be concluded that the eight-month-long period without any organized SPE classes had a bad influence on BMA., Smanjeni nivo radnih sposobnosti policajaca, usled smanjenja nivoa fizičkih sposobnosti, loše utiče na efikasno i bezbedno obavljanje složenih policijskih mera. Cilj ovog rada bio je da utvrdi da li su morfološke karakteristike i bazične motoričke sposobnosti (BMS), pred početak nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO), na istom nivou kao i na prijemnom ispitu, odnosno kako je na njih uticao period od osam meseci tokom kojih studenti KPA nisu imali organizovanu nastavu SFO. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 137 kandidata (70 ženskog i 67 muškog pola). Za utvrđivanje morfoloških karakteristika posmatrani su: telesna visina (BH), telesna masa (BW) i indeks mase tela (BMI). Za procenu BMS posmatrani su: broj urađenih sklekova za 10 sekundi (PU), podizanje trupa za 30 sekundi (ABD), skok udalj iz mesta (LJ), Abalak test (VJ), kao i za kandidate izometrijska sila mišića opružača leđa (FmaxBE), a za kandidatkinje izometrijska sila pregibača prstiju dominantne ruke (FmaxHG). Rezultati MANOVA pokazali su da između prvog i drugog merenja na generalnom nivou za morfološke karakteristike nije utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.160; muški p=0.203), dok je za BMS utvrđeno da postoje statistički značajne razlike kod kandidata oba pola (ženski p=0.003; muški p=0.033). Pojedinačno po varijablama, tokom osmomesečnog perioda, od morfoloških karakteristika BMI je kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno povećan za 3.97% (p=0.029), a kod kandidata za 2.53% (p=0.034); dok je kod posmatranih BMS kod kandidatkinja statistički značajno lošiji rezultat ostvaren kod FmaxHG za 6.99% (p=0.006), LJ za 4.59% (p=0.024) i VJ za 7.3% (p=0.006) i kod kandidata je došlo do statistički značajnog smanjenja rezultata LJ za 2.83% (p=0.035) i VJ za 4.27% (p=0.031). Može se zaključiti da je osmomesečni period bez organizovane nastave SFO loše uticao na BMS.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Uticaj osmomesečnog perioda bez nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na morfološke karakteristike i motoričke sposobnosti studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije",
volume = "14",
number = "2",
pages = "167-178",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_705"
Mitrović, B., Janković, R., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G., Milojević, S., Pantelić, S.,& Nurkić, M.. (2016). How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 14(2), 167-178.
Mitrović B, Janković R, Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Milojević S, Pantelić S, Nurkić M. How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2016;14(2):167-178.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_705 .
Mitrović, Bojan, Janković, Radivoje, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Milojević, Saša, Pantelić, Saša, Nurkić, Mirsad, "How an eight-month period without specialized physical education classes affects the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 14, no. 2 (2016):167-178,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_705 .

Prediction of results of obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers based on morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities

Janković, Radivoje

(Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2015)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/669
AB  - The goal of the research was to determine whether it is possible to make a prediction of the level of efficiency of realization of the obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers (OC_SAPO1) based on their morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities (BMA). A total of 145 subjects took part in the research, divided into sub-specimen on the account of their gender (99 men of an average age of 28.1±6.1 and 46 women of an average age of 25.5±3.8). The specific motoric ability of the police officers was defined by the level of the OC_SAPO1 realization efficiency. Morphological characteristics (body height, body mass, BMI, body fat mass and skeletal muscle mass as well as their relative values) were determined by multichannel bioelectrical impedance (InBody 720). BMA were assessed by a battery of tests which comprised of: maximal isometric force of the left and right hand finger flexors, maximal isometric force of back and legs extensors and their rate of force development, standing long jump, Abalac jump test, time for 15 push-ups, maximal number of pull-ups, number of sit-ups with trunk rotation in 30 seconds, sprint over 30 meters, shuttle run 300 yards test, Cooper running test and Illinois agility test. The correlation between the dependent and independent variables was calculated by using the method of linear regression (backward method). All statistical analysis was realized with the help of statistic software program: SPSS for windows, R. 22.0. The research demonstrated that the result defining specific abilities in police officers can be predicted on the basis of their morphological characteristics and BMA. The obtained results indicate that the OC_SAPO1 realization efficiency, beside the level of development of specific motoric skills, depends on morphological characteristics and BMA development level as well.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi da li je moguće izvršiti predikciju efikasnosti realizacije testa za procenu specifične spretnosti policajca (Pol_SSP1) na osnovu rezultata njihovih morfoloških karakteristika i bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti (BMS). U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 145 ispitanika, koji su podeljeni na subuzorke u odnosu na pol (99 muškaraca prosečne starosti od 28.1±6.1 godina i 46 žena prosečne starosti od 25.5±3.8). Specifična motorička sposobnost policajaca definisana je efikasnošću realizacije Pol_SSP1. Morfološke karakteristike (visina tela, masa tela, BMI, masa masnog tkiva i skeletnih mišića, kao i njihove relativne vrednosti) utvrđene su pomoću multikanalne bioelektrične impedance (InBody 720). BMS su procenjene baterijom testova koja je obuhvatila: maksimalne sile mišića pregibača leve i desne šake, opružača nogu i leđa i brzinu prirasta merenih sila, skok udalj iz mesta, Abalak, vreme potrebno za 15 sklekova (muškarci) ili broj sklekova izvedenih za 10 sekundi (žene), maksimalan broj zgibova, broj pretklona za 30 sekundi, brzinu trčanja na 30 metara, šatl ran 300 jardi, Kuperov test i Ilinojis test agilnosti. Povezanost između zavisne i nezavisnih varijabli izračunata je primenom metode linearne regresije (backward method). Sve statističke analize realizovane su pomoću statističkog softverskog programa: SPSS for windows, R. 22.0. Istraživanje je pokazalo da se na osnovu morfoloških karakteristika i BMS može prognozirati rezultat koji definiše specifičnu spretnost policajaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da efikasnost realizacije Pol_SSŠ, osim od nivoa razvijenosti specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti, zavisi i od morfoloških karakteristika i od nivoa razvijenosti BMS.
PB  - Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
T2  - Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
T1  - Prediction of results of obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers based on morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities
T1  - Predikcija rezultata na poligonu za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca na osnovu morfoloških karakteristika i bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti
IS  - 21
SP  - 30
EP  - 42
DO  - 10.5937/gfsfv1521030J
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The goal of the research was to determine whether it is possible to make a prediction of the level of efficiency of realization of the obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers (OC_SAPO1) based on their morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities (BMA). A total of 145 subjects took part in the research, divided into sub-specimen on the account of their gender (99 men of an average age of 28.1±6.1 and 46 women of an average age of 25.5±3.8). The specific motoric ability of the police officers was defined by the level of the OC_SAPO1 realization efficiency. Morphological characteristics (body height, body mass, BMI, body fat mass and skeletal muscle mass as well as their relative values) were determined by multichannel bioelectrical impedance (InBody 720). BMA were assessed by a battery of tests which comprised of: maximal isometric force of the left and right hand finger flexors, maximal isometric force of back and legs extensors and their rate of force development, standing long jump, Abalac jump test, time for 15 push-ups, maximal number of pull-ups, number of sit-ups with trunk rotation in 30 seconds, sprint over 30 meters, shuttle run 300 yards test, Cooper running test and Illinois agility test. The correlation between the dependent and independent variables was calculated by using the method of linear regression (backward method). All statistical analysis was realized with the help of statistic software program: SPSS for windows, R. 22.0. The research demonstrated that the result defining specific abilities in police officers can be predicted on the basis of their morphological characteristics and BMA. The obtained results indicate that the OC_SAPO1 realization efficiency, beside the level of development of specific motoric skills, depends on morphological characteristics and BMA development level as well., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi da li je moguće izvršiti predikciju efikasnosti realizacije testa za procenu specifične spretnosti policajca (Pol_SSP1) na osnovu rezultata njihovih morfoloških karakteristika i bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti (BMS). U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 145 ispitanika, koji su podeljeni na subuzorke u odnosu na pol (99 muškaraca prosečne starosti od 28.1±6.1 godina i 46 žena prosečne starosti od 25.5±3.8). Specifična motorička sposobnost policajaca definisana je efikasnošću realizacije Pol_SSP1. Morfološke karakteristike (visina tela, masa tela, BMI, masa masnog tkiva i skeletnih mišića, kao i njihove relativne vrednosti) utvrđene su pomoću multikanalne bioelektrične impedance (InBody 720). BMS su procenjene baterijom testova koja je obuhvatila: maksimalne sile mišića pregibača leve i desne šake, opružača nogu i leđa i brzinu prirasta merenih sila, skok udalj iz mesta, Abalak, vreme potrebno za 15 sklekova (muškarci) ili broj sklekova izvedenih za 10 sekundi (žene), maksimalan broj zgibova, broj pretklona za 30 sekundi, brzinu trčanja na 30 metara, šatl ran 300 jardi, Kuperov test i Ilinojis test agilnosti. Povezanost između zavisne i nezavisnih varijabli izračunata je primenom metode linearne regresije (backward method). Sve statističke analize realizovane su pomoću statističkog softverskog programa: SPSS for windows, R. 22.0. Istraživanje je pokazalo da se na osnovu morfoloških karakteristika i BMS može prognozirati rezultat koji definiše specifičnu spretnost policajaca. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da efikasnost realizacije Pol_SSŠ, osim od nivoa razvijenosti specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti, zavisi i od morfoloških karakteristika i od nivoa razvijenosti BMS.",
publisher = "Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja",
journal = "Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja",
title = "Prediction of results of obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers based on morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities, Predikcija rezultata na poligonu za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca na osnovu morfoloških karakteristika i bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti",
number = "21",
pages = "30-42",
doi = "10.5937/gfsfv1521030J"
Janković, R.. (2015). Prediction of results of obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers based on morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities. in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
Beograd : Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.(21), 30-42.
Janković R. Prediction of results of obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers based on morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities. in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. 2015;(21):30-42.
doi:10.5937/gfsfv1521030J .
Janković, Radivoje, "Prediction of results of obstacle course for assessment of specific abilities of police officers based on morphological characteristics and basic motoric abilities" in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, no. 21 (2015):30-42,
https://doi.org/10.5937/gfsfv1521030J . .

Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime

Janković, Radivoje; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Dimitrijević, Raša; Savković, Miljan; Koropanovski, Nenad; Vučković, Goran

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2015)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
AU  - Savković, Miljan
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Vučković, Goran
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/631
AB  - The subject of this paper was the examination of validity and reliability of the obstacle course test (OCSAPO1) that can be used to assess the specific abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. Twenty-five students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies took part in this research (14 male and 11 female). The testing was performed according to the test - retest method for determining reliability. The studied variables included: performance time of the OC_SAPO1 (indicator of effectiveness), lactate concentration in capillary blood (measure of metabolic acidosis) and the value of heart rate frequency (measure of the functional exertion of the cardiovascular system). The results of t-test showed that the participants mastered the OC SAPO1 7.17 seconds faster in the second testing (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01), i.e. 7.25% faster, which suggests the that there is a learning effect and that test can be used for educational purposes. A statistically significant difference of the measured concentration of lactates and maximum heart frequency was not established between the two tests. Based on Cronbach's Alpha results, we can claim that the OC SAPO1 is a reliable measuring instrument for the evaluation of the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic-lactate work regime. A lower reliability of the Cronbach's Alpha test was established for maximum heart frequency when compared to the other studied variables. The registered levels of the studied variables classify the OCSAPO1 as a test of sub-maximal intensity in the anaerobic-lactate work regime.
AB  - Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje validnosti i pouzdanosti testa - poligona (Pol_SSP1) koji se može koristiti za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 25 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (14 muškaraca i 11 žena). Testiranje se sprovodilo po metodi za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti test - retest. Posmatrane varijable bile su: vreme potrebno za Pol_SSP1 (pokazatelj efikasnosti), koncentracija laktata u kapilarnoj krvi (mera metaboličke acidoze) i vrednost frekvencije rada srca (mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma). Rezultati t-testa pokazali su da su ispitanici Pol_SSP1 savladali u drugom testiranju statistički značajno brže (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01) za 7.17 sekundi, tj. za 7.25% što navodi na edukabilni efekat testa i može se koristit u nastavnom procesu. Kod izmerene koncentracije laktata i maksimalne frekvencije srca nije utvrđena statistički značajne razlika između dva testiranja. Na osnovu rezultata Cronbach 's Alpha, može se zaključiti da je PolSSPl kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada pouzdan merni instrument. U ovom istraživanju kod maksimalne frekvencije srca uočena je niža Cronbach 's Alpha pouzdanost testa u odnosu na ostale posmatrane varijable. Postignuti nivoi posmatranih varijabli svrstavaju Pol_SSP1 u testove submaksimalnog intenziteta u anaerobno­laktatnom režimu rada.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime
T1  - Validnost i pouzdanost testa za procenu specifičnih fizičkih sposobnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada
VL  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 19
EP  - 32
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_631
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Dimitrijević, Raša and Savković, Miljan and Koropanovski, Nenad and Vučković, Goran",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The subject of this paper was the examination of validity and reliability of the obstacle course test (OCSAPO1) that can be used to assess the specific abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. Twenty-five students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies took part in this research (14 male and 11 female). The testing was performed according to the test - retest method for determining reliability. The studied variables included: performance time of the OC_SAPO1 (indicator of effectiveness), lactate concentration in capillary blood (measure of metabolic acidosis) and the value of heart rate frequency (measure of the functional exertion of the cardiovascular system). The results of t-test showed that the participants mastered the OC SAPO1 7.17 seconds faster in the second testing (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01), i.e. 7.25% faster, which suggests the that there is a learning effect and that test can be used for educational purposes. A statistically significant difference of the measured concentration of lactates and maximum heart frequency was not established between the two tests. Based on Cronbach's Alpha results, we can claim that the OC SAPO1 is a reliable measuring instrument for the evaluation of the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic-lactate work regime. A lower reliability of the Cronbach's Alpha test was established for maximum heart frequency when compared to the other studied variables. The registered levels of the studied variables classify the OCSAPO1 as a test of sub-maximal intensity in the anaerobic-lactate work regime., Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje validnosti i pouzdanosti testa - poligona (Pol_SSP1) koji se može koristiti za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 25 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (14 muškaraca i 11 žena). Testiranje se sprovodilo po metodi za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti test - retest. Posmatrane varijable bile su: vreme potrebno za Pol_SSP1 (pokazatelj efikasnosti), koncentracija laktata u kapilarnoj krvi (mera metaboličke acidoze) i vrednost frekvencije rada srca (mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma). Rezultati t-testa pokazali su da su ispitanici Pol_SSP1 savladali u drugom testiranju statistički značajno brže (t - 4.164, p  lt  0.01) za 7.17 sekundi, tj. za 7.25% što navodi na edukabilni efekat testa i može se koristit u nastavnom procesu. Kod izmerene koncentracije laktata i maksimalne frekvencije srca nije utvrđena statistički značajne razlika između dva testiranja. Na osnovu rezultata Cronbach 's Alpha, može se zaključiti da je PolSSPl kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada pouzdan merni instrument. U ovom istraživanju kod maksimalne frekvencije srca uočena je niža Cronbach 's Alpha pouzdanost testa u odnosu na ostale posmatrane varijable. Postignuti nivoi posmatranih varijabli svrstavaju Pol_SSP1 u testove submaksimalnog intenziteta u anaerobno­laktatnom režimu rada.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime, Validnost i pouzdanost testa za procenu specifičnih fizičkih sposobnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "19-32",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_631"
Janković, R., Dopsaj, M., Dimitrijević, R., Savković, M., Koropanovski, N.,& Vučković, G.. (2015). Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 13(1), 19-32.
Janković R, Dopsaj M, Dimitrijević R, Savković M, Koropanovski N, Vučković G. Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2015;13(1):19-32.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_631 .
Janković, Radivoje, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Dimitrijević, Raša, Savković, Miljan, Koropanovski, Nenad, Vučković, Goran, "Validity and reliability of the test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers in the anaerobic-lactate work regime" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 13, no. 1 (2015):19-32,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_631 .

Validacija poligona kao testa za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca

Janković, Radivoje Z.

(Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, 2015)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje Z.
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=2798
UR  - https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:10975/bdef:Content/download
UR  - http://vbs.rs/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=70036&RID=514739372
UR  - http://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/123456789/5187
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/880
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je konstruisanje i validacija testa kao mernog instrumenta za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca. Istraživanje je realizovano u odnosu na ranije utvrđene činjenice koje su definisale vreme trajanja, intenzitet i motoričke zadatke koji se izvode prilikom upotrebe sredstava prinude. Na osnovu toga konstruisan je test koji se sastoji od zadataka koji sadrže opšte i specifične motoričke sposobnosti potrebne za efikasno obavljanje policijskog posla. U ovom radu testirani su pripadnici specijalne jedinice, policije opšte nadležnosti, studenti Kriminalističko-policijske akademije i kontrolna grupa. Kod svih ispitanika posmatrane su morfološke karakteristike i bazične motoričke sposobnosti, kao i specifične motoričke sposobnosti koje su procenjene primenom poligona. Intenzitet rada određen je na osnovu vremena potrebnog za realizaciju poligona i praćenjem fizioloških parametara tokom njegovog izvođenja (maksimalne frekvencije srca i koncentracije laktata). Na osnovu analize rezultata utvrđeno je da je test validan motorički zadatak za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su muškarci statistički značajno efikasnije realizovali poligon u odnosu na žene. Takođe, ustanovljeno je da godine starosti i profesionalna specijalizacija utiču na efikasnost realizacije poligona kod muškaraca. Mlađi ispitanici su pokazali bolje rezultate pri istom opterećenju. Kod pripadnika specijalnih jedinica ustanovljen je najviši nivo razvijenosti bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti. Studenti Kriminalističko-policijske akademije su efikasnije realizovali test u odnosu na pripadnike policije opšte nadležnosti, dok između studenata i kontrolne grupe i policije opšte nadležnosti i kontrolne grupe nije ustanovljena razlika. Kod žena nisu utvrđene razlike u odnosu na navedene kriterijume. Pokazana je visoka statistički značajna povezanost rezultata poligona i bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti kod ispitanika oba pola. Utvrđeni su faktori specifične spretnosti policajaca i predloženi su testovi koji imaju za cilj da odaberu policajce sa iznadprosečnim specifičnim fizičkim sposobnostima. Rezultati studije ukazuju na potrebu za određivanje novih standarda, procedura testiranja opštih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i selekcionih kriterijuma koji bi pomogli u unapređenju profesionalne osposobljenosti policajaca.
AB  - The purpose of this research was to construct and validate a test which would be used as a measuring instrument for estimating the specific ability of police officers. The research was performed with respect to the previously established facts which have defined the duration, intensity and motor tasks which are performed during the use of means of coercion. On the basis of this a test was constructed which includes tasks of general and specific motoric skills necessary for efficient conducting of police work. In this paper special police forces were tested, as well as general police officers, students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and a control group. Morphologic characteristics and basic motor skills were observed with all examinees, as well as specific motor skills which were evaluated using the obstacle course. The intensity of work was defined on the basis of time needed for the completion of the obstacle course test and by following the physiologic parameters during the test (maximal heart rate and lactate concentration). After the results were analysed, the test was proven as a valid motor task for estimating the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic lactate operation. The results have shown that there is a statistical significant difference in favour of men when compared to women, in realization of the obstacle course test. In addition, it has been shown that age and professional specialization have an effect on the completion of the test in men. Younger examinees have shown better results under the same workload. The special forces unit has shown the highest level of basic and specific motor skills. Police academy students have completed the test with better results than general police officers while there was no significant difference between police academy students and the control group, as well as between general police and the control group of examinees. In women there was no difference detected with respect to the given criteria. In both genders, a high statistical correlation between general and specific motor skills has been noticed. Factors for the specific dexterity of police officers have been identified and tests were suggested which can be used for the purpose of selection of police officers with above average specific physical abilities. The results of this study show that there is a need for the definition of new standards, testing procedures of general and specific motor skills and selection criteria which would help improve the professional competence of police officers...
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Validacija poligona kao testa za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca
T1  - Validation of obstacle course as test for assessment of specific ability of police officers
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_5187
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje Z.",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je konstruisanje i validacija testa kao mernog instrumenta za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca. Istraživanje je realizovano u odnosu na ranije utvrđene činjenice koje su definisale vreme trajanja, intenzitet i motoričke zadatke koji se izvode prilikom upotrebe sredstava prinude. Na osnovu toga konstruisan je test koji se sastoji od zadataka koji sadrže opšte i specifične motoričke sposobnosti potrebne za efikasno obavljanje policijskog posla. U ovom radu testirani su pripadnici specijalne jedinice, policije opšte nadležnosti, studenti Kriminalističko-policijske akademije i kontrolna grupa. Kod svih ispitanika posmatrane su morfološke karakteristike i bazične motoričke sposobnosti, kao i specifične motoričke sposobnosti koje su procenjene primenom poligona. Intenzitet rada određen je na osnovu vremena potrebnog za realizaciju poligona i praćenjem fizioloških parametara tokom njegovog izvođenja (maksimalne frekvencije srca i koncentracije laktata). Na osnovu analize rezultata utvrđeno je da je test validan motorički zadatak za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu rada. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su muškarci statistički značajno efikasnije realizovali poligon u odnosu na žene. Takođe, ustanovljeno je da godine starosti i profesionalna specijalizacija utiču na efikasnost realizacije poligona kod muškaraca. Mlađi ispitanici su pokazali bolje rezultate pri istom opterećenju. Kod pripadnika specijalnih jedinica ustanovljen je najviši nivo razvijenosti bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti. Studenti Kriminalističko-policijske akademije su efikasnije realizovali test u odnosu na pripadnike policije opšte nadležnosti, dok između studenata i kontrolne grupe i policije opšte nadležnosti i kontrolne grupe nije ustanovljena razlika. Kod žena nisu utvrđene razlike u odnosu na navedene kriterijume. Pokazana je visoka statistički značajna povezanost rezultata poligona i bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti kod ispitanika oba pola. Utvrđeni su faktori specifične spretnosti policajaca i predloženi su testovi koji imaju za cilj da odaberu policajce sa iznadprosečnim specifičnim fizičkim sposobnostima. Rezultati studije ukazuju na potrebu za određivanje novih standarda, procedura testiranja opštih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i selekcionih kriterijuma koji bi pomogli u unapređenju profesionalne osposobljenosti policajaca., The purpose of this research was to construct and validate a test which would be used as a measuring instrument for estimating the specific ability of police officers. The research was performed with respect to the previously established facts which have defined the duration, intensity and motor tasks which are performed during the use of means of coercion. On the basis of this a test was constructed which includes tasks of general and specific motoric skills necessary for efficient conducting of police work. In this paper special police forces were tested, as well as general police officers, students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and a control group. Morphologic characteristics and basic motor skills were observed with all examinees, as well as specific motor skills which were evaluated using the obstacle course. The intensity of work was defined on the basis of time needed for the completion of the obstacle course test and by following the physiologic parameters during the test (maximal heart rate and lactate concentration). After the results were analysed, the test was proven as a valid motor task for estimating the specific ability of police officers in anaerobic lactate operation. The results have shown that there is a statistical significant difference in favour of men when compared to women, in realization of the obstacle course test. In addition, it has been shown that age and professional specialization have an effect on the completion of the test in men. Younger examinees have shown better results under the same workload. The special forces unit has shown the highest level of basic and specific motor skills. Police academy students have completed the test with better results than general police officers while there was no significant difference between police academy students and the control group, as well as between general police and the control group of examinees. In women there was no difference detected with respect to the given criteria. In both genders, a high statistical correlation between general and specific motor skills has been noticed. Factors for the specific dexterity of police officers have been identified and tests were suggested which can be used for the purpose of selection of police officers with above average specific physical abilities. The results of this study show that there is a need for the definition of new standards, testing procedures of general and specific motor skills and selection criteria which would help improve the professional competence of police officers...",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Validacija poligona kao testa za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca, Validation of obstacle course as test for assessment of specific ability of police officers",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_5187"
Janković, R. Z.. (2015). Validacija poligona kao testa za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања..
Janković RZ. Validacija poligona kao testa za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca. in Универзитет у Београду. 2015;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_5187 .
Janković, Radivoje Z., "Validacija poligona kao testa za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca" in Универзитет у Београду (2015),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_5187 .

Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies

Janković, Radivoje; Vučković, Goran; Blagojević, Miroljub

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Blagojević, Miroljub
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/582
AB  - The aim of the paper is to establish the norms of the polygon for evaluating specific skill of police officers (PolSSPl) to apply to students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies of both sexes within the subject Special Physical Education 3 - Use of Coercive Means (SPE 3). The survey included 374 third-year Academy students (232 male and 142 female ones) of undergraduate academic studies. Homogeneity of results was confirmed by variance coefficient which was 10.60 for the male students and 10.79 for the female ones. A low degree of inclination and curvature was noted with respect to the Gaussian curve, amounting to -0.067 and -0.316 or 0.145 and -0.048 for the male and the female students, respectively. Normal distribution of the result frequency indicated a high discrimination of the test which allowed defining valid normative values of the time needed for the realization of PolSSPl. Based on the mean, expressed in seconds, and the standard deviation, which amounted to 85.87±8.05 and 96.89±9.98 for male and female students respectively, the norms were established for evaluating the Academy students' performance in the practical exam of SPE 3.
AB  - Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca (PolSSPl) studenata oba pola Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) na predmetu Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje 3-upotreba sredstava prinude (SFO 3). U istraživanju su učestvovala 374 studenta KPA (232 studenta i 142 studentkinje) treće godine osnovnih akademskih studija. Homogenost rezultata potvrđenaje koeficijentom varijacije koji je za studente iznosio 10.60 a za studentkinje 10.79. Utvrđenjen je i nizak stepen nagnutosti i zakrivljenosti u odnosu na Gausovu krivu, koji je za studente iznosio -0.067 i -0.316 a za studentkinje 0.145 i -0.048, respektivno. Normalna distribucija frekvencije rezultata ukazuje na pravilnu distribuiranost rezultata testa što omogućava definisanje validnih normativnih vrednosti vremena potrebnog za realizaciju PolSSPl. Ha osnovu prosečne vrednosti i standardne devijacije 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studente i 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studentkinje formirani su normativi za ocenjivanje studenata KPA na praktičnom delu ispita SFO 3.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies
T1  - Utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca za studente Kriminalističko-policijske akademije
VL  - 56
IS  - 2
SP  - 65
EP  - 76
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1402065J
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Vučković, Goran and Blagojević, Miroljub",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The aim of the paper is to establish the norms of the polygon for evaluating specific skill of police officers (PolSSPl) to apply to students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies of both sexes within the subject Special Physical Education 3 - Use of Coercive Means (SPE 3). The survey included 374 third-year Academy students (232 male and 142 female ones) of undergraduate academic studies. Homogeneity of results was confirmed by variance coefficient which was 10.60 for the male students and 10.79 for the female ones. A low degree of inclination and curvature was noted with respect to the Gaussian curve, amounting to -0.067 and -0.316 or 0.145 and -0.048 for the male and the female students, respectively. Normal distribution of the result frequency indicated a high discrimination of the test which allowed defining valid normative values of the time needed for the realization of PolSSPl. Based on the mean, expressed in seconds, and the standard deviation, which amounted to 85.87±8.05 and 96.89±9.98 for male and female students respectively, the norms were established for evaluating the Academy students' performance in the practical exam of SPE 3., Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca (PolSSPl) studenata oba pola Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) na predmetu Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje 3-upotreba sredstava prinude (SFO 3). U istraživanju su učestvovala 374 studenta KPA (232 studenta i 142 studentkinje) treće godine osnovnih akademskih studija. Homogenost rezultata potvrđenaje koeficijentom varijacije koji je za studente iznosio 10.60 a za studentkinje 10.79. Utvrđenjen je i nizak stepen nagnutosti i zakrivljenosti u odnosu na Gausovu krivu, koji je za studente iznosio -0.067 i -0.316 a za studentkinje 0.145 i -0.048, respektivno. Normalna distribucija frekvencije rezultata ukazuje na pravilnu distribuiranost rezultata testa što omogućava definisanje validnih normativnih vrednosti vremena potrebnog za realizaciju PolSSPl. Ha osnovu prosečne vrednosti i standardne devijacije 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studente i 96.89±9.98 sekundi za studentkinje formirani su normativi za ocenjivanje studenata KPA na praktičnom delu ispita SFO 3.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies, Utvrđivanje normativa poligona za procenu specifične spretnosti policajaca za studente Kriminalističko-policijske akademije",
volume = "56",
number = "2",
pages = "65-76",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1402065J"
Janković, R., Vučković, G.,& Blagojević, M.. (2014). Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 56(2), 65-76.
Janković R, Vučković G, Blagojević M. Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2014;56(2):65-76.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1402065J .
Janković, Radivoje, Vučković, Goran, Blagojević, Miroljub, "Establishing the norms within the polygon for police officers' specific skill evaluation for students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 56, no. 2 (2014):65-76,
https://doi.org/10.5937/bezbednost1402065J . .

The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities

Dimitrijević, Raša; Koropanovski, Nenad; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Vučković, Goran; Janković, Radivoje

(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2014)

AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/570
AB  - Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of different Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching programs on the level of students' physical abilities. Design/methodology/approach - In the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS), one of the teaching program goals is an improvement of student's physical abilities level. Since the establishment of ACPS, three SPE programs have been implemented differing in number of class hours. Five different tests were used: "Isometric dead lift," "Hand grip," the Long jump (LJ), the Sit-up test and the Cooper test. Findings - Multivariate analysis of variance results indicated a statistically significant difference between the programs in tests LJ, Sit-up and Cooper. The Bonferroni test showed differences between all three programs. The discriminant analysis showed that both discriminant factors are statistically significant. The greatest factor in the first function was the test LJ, while the greatest factor in the second discriminant function was the Sit-up test. Practical implications - The importance of research was the fact that by determining the changes of students' physical abilities level, the authors can evaluate the effectiveness of various SPE programs. Results could be used in planning standards, selection and control of the achieved physical abilities level. Social implications - Changes could contribute to the positive effects of the educational process on improvement of students' physical abilities. Originality/value - This is one of the few studies which examine the influence of quantitatively different teaching programs on the level of physical abilities within a period of 15 years.
PB  - Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley
T2  - Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management
T1  - The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities
VL  - 37
IS  - 4
SP  - 794
EP  - 808
DO  - 10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijević, Raša and Koropanovski, Nenad and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Vučković, Goran and Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of different Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching programs on the level of students' physical abilities. Design/methodology/approach - In the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS), one of the teaching program goals is an improvement of student's physical abilities level. Since the establishment of ACPS, three SPE programs have been implemented differing in number of class hours. Five different tests were used: "Isometric dead lift," "Hand grip," the Long jump (LJ), the Sit-up test and the Cooper test. Findings - Multivariate analysis of variance results indicated a statistically significant difference between the programs in tests LJ, Sit-up and Cooper. The Bonferroni test showed differences between all three programs. The discriminant analysis showed that both discriminant factors are statistically significant. The greatest factor in the first function was the test LJ, while the greatest factor in the second discriminant function was the Sit-up test. Practical implications - The importance of research was the fact that by determining the changes of students' physical abilities level, the authors can evaluate the effectiveness of various SPE programs. Results could be used in planning standards, selection and control of the achieved physical abilities level. Social implications - Changes could contribute to the positive effects of the educational process on improvement of students' physical abilities. Originality/value - This is one of the few studies which examine the influence of quantitatively different teaching programs on the level of physical abilities within a period of 15 years.",
publisher = "Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley",
journal = "Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management",
title = "The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities",
volume = "37",
number = "4",
pages = "794-808",
doi = "10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060"
Dimitrijević, R., Koropanovski, N., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G.,& Janković, R.. (2014). The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities. in Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley., 37(4), 794-808.
Dimitrijević R, Koropanovski N, Dopsaj M, Vučković G, Janković R. The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities. in Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management. 2014;37(4):794-808.
doi:10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060 .
Dimitrijević, Raša, Koropanovski, Nenad, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Vučković, Goran, Janković, Radivoje, "The influence of different physical education programs on police students' physical abilities" in Policing-an international journal of police strategies & management, 37, no. 4 (2014):794-808,
https://doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2014-0060 . .

Validation of specific skills' polygon among students in the Academy of criminalistic and police studies: Metabolic and functional indicators for exercise

Dopsaj, Milivoj; Janković, Radivoje

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/609
AB  - This paper's subject is the validation of the polygon, as a test that can be used for specific skill evaluation among members of Ministry of Internal Affairsin Republic of Serbia, during anaerobic - lactate regime exercise (Pol_SSP1). Research included 50 third year students of basic studies from all courses at The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, from which 26 male students and 24 female students. Validation of the polygon is determined by using two basic parameters for metabolic and functional indicator evaluation of reached physiological load level: lactate concentration in capillary blood, as a measure of metabolic acidosis, and heart rate, as a measure of functional load of cardiovascular system. The results showed that the average time required for the polygon realization is 97.71±8.66 i 109.17±9.10 seconds for men and women, respectively. In relation to the maximum heart rate reached after the polygon, it was determined that heart rate level in men was from 186.5±6.4, and in women 184.6±7.3 beat/min. The measured values of lactate concentration in the blood after the polygon realization were 11.52±2.25 i 11.78±2.07 in men, and 10.35±1.39 i 10.46±1.63 mmol/L in women, in third and fifth minute of recovery, respectively. Based on these results it can be concluded that Pol_SSP, as an instrument for the evaluation of specific skills for police officers, is a valid motoric task, during which realization dominant load in anaerobic lactate mechanism is provoked for creating energy for exercise.
AB  - Predmet ovog rada je validacija poligona, kao testa koji može da se koristi za procenu specifične spretnosti kod pripadnika MUP RS, ostvarene u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu naprezanja (Pol_ SSP1). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 50 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u Beogradu, od kojih 26 studenata i 24 studentkinje III godine osnovnih studija sa svih smerova. Validnost poligona utvrđena je pomoću dva osnovna parametra za procenu metaboličkih i funkcionalnih pokazatelja nivoa dostignutog fiziološkog opterećenja i to: koncentracije laktata u kapilarnoj krvi, kao mera metaboličke acidoze, i vrednosti frekvencije rada srca, kao mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma. Rezultati su pokazali da je prosečno vreme potrebno za realizaciju poligona 97,71±8,66 i 109,17±9,10 sekundi za muškarce i devojke, respektivno. U odnosu na maksimalno dostignutu frekvenciju srca nakon završetka poligona, utvrđeno je da je ona kod muškaraca na nivou od 186,5±6,4 Ud/min, a kod devojaka 184,6±7,3 Ud/min. Izmerene vrednosti koncentracije laktata u krvi posle realizacije poligona kod muškaraca su bile 11,52±2,25 i 11,78±2,07 mmol/L, a kod devojaka 10,35±1,39 i 10,46±1,63 mmol/L u trećem i petom minutu oporavka, respektivno. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može da se zaključi da je Pol_SSP1, kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca, validan motorički zadatak tokom čije realizacije se provocira dominantno opterećenje u zoni anaerobnolaktatnog mehanizma stvaranja energije za rad.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - Validation of specific skills' polygon among students in the Academy of criminalistic and police studies: Metabolic and functional indicators for exercise
T1  - Validnost poligona specifične spretnosti kod studenata KPA - metabolički i funkcionalni pokazatelji fizičkog opterećenja
IS  - 1
SP  - 185
EP  - 199
DO  - 10.5937/NBP1401185D
ER  - 
author = "Dopsaj, Milivoj and Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2014",
abstract = "This paper's subject is the validation of the polygon, as a test that can be used for specific skill evaluation among members of Ministry of Internal Affairsin Republic of Serbia, during anaerobic - lactate regime exercise (Pol_SSP1). Research included 50 third year students of basic studies from all courses at The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, from which 26 male students and 24 female students. Validation of the polygon is determined by using two basic parameters for metabolic and functional indicator evaluation of reached physiological load level: lactate concentration in capillary blood, as a measure of metabolic acidosis, and heart rate, as a measure of functional load of cardiovascular system. The results showed that the average time required for the polygon realization is 97.71±8.66 i 109.17±9.10 seconds for men and women, respectively. In relation to the maximum heart rate reached after the polygon, it was determined that heart rate level in men was from 186.5±6.4, and in women 184.6±7.3 beat/min. The measured values of lactate concentration in the blood after the polygon realization were 11.52±2.25 i 11.78±2.07 in men, and 10.35±1.39 i 10.46±1.63 mmol/L in women, in third and fifth minute of recovery, respectively. Based on these results it can be concluded that Pol_SSP, as an instrument for the evaluation of specific skills for police officers, is a valid motoric task, during which realization dominant load in anaerobic lactate mechanism is provoked for creating energy for exercise., Predmet ovog rada je validacija poligona, kao testa koji može da se koristi za procenu specifične spretnosti kod pripadnika MUP RS, ostvarene u anaerobno-laktatnom režimu naprezanja (Pol_ SSP1). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 50 studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u Beogradu, od kojih 26 studenata i 24 studentkinje III godine osnovnih studija sa svih smerova. Validnost poligona utvrđena je pomoću dva osnovna parametra za procenu metaboličkih i funkcionalnih pokazatelja nivoa dostignutog fiziološkog opterećenja i to: koncentracije laktata u kapilarnoj krvi, kao mera metaboličke acidoze, i vrednosti frekvencije rada srca, kao mera funkcionalnog opterećenja srčanosudovnog sistema organizma. Rezultati su pokazali da je prosečno vreme potrebno za realizaciju poligona 97,71±8,66 i 109,17±9,10 sekundi za muškarce i devojke, respektivno. U odnosu na maksimalno dostignutu frekvenciju srca nakon završetka poligona, utvrđeno je da je ona kod muškaraca na nivou od 186,5±6,4 Ud/min, a kod devojaka 184,6±7,3 Ud/min. Izmerene vrednosti koncentracije laktata u krvi posle realizacije poligona kod muškaraca su bile 11,52±2,25 i 11,78±2,07 mmol/L, a kod devojaka 10,35±1,39 i 10,46±1,63 mmol/L u trećem i petom minutu oporavka, respektivno. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može da se zaključi da je Pol_SSP1, kao instrument za procenu specifične spretnosti kod policajaca, validan motorički zadatak tokom čije realizacije se provocira dominantno opterećenje u zoni anaerobnolaktatnog mehanizma stvaranja energije za rad.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "Validation of specific skills' polygon among students in the Academy of criminalistic and police studies: Metabolic and functional indicators for exercise, Validnost poligona specifične spretnosti kod studenata KPA - metabolički i funkcionalni pokazatelji fizičkog opterećenja",
number = "1",
pages = "185-199",
doi = "10.5937/NBP1401185D"
Dopsaj, M.,& Janković, R.. (2014). Validation of specific skills' polygon among students in the Academy of criminalistic and police studies: Metabolic and functional indicators for exercise. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd.(1), 185-199.
Dopsaj M, Janković R. Validation of specific skills' polygon among students in the Academy of criminalistic and police studies: Metabolic and functional indicators for exercise. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2014;(1):185-199.
doi:10.5937/NBP1401185D .
Dopsaj, Milivoj, Janković, Radivoje, "Validation of specific skills' polygon among students in the Academy of criminalistic and police studies: Metabolic and functional indicators for exercise" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, no. 1 (2014):185-199,
https://doi.org/10.5937/NBP1401185D . .

Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia

Ivanović, Jelena; Koropanovski, Nenad; Vučković, Goran; Janković, Radivoje; Miljuš, Dragan; Marinković, B.; Atanasov, Dragan; Blagojević, M.; Dopsaj, Milivoj


AU  - Ivanović, Jelena
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Miljuš, Dragan
AU  - Marinković, B.
AU  - Atanasov, Dragan
AU  - Blagojević, M.
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
PY  - 2009
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/249
AB  - Aim. The aim of this work was to define functional dimorphism (F maxNd/DoHGiso) and model characteristics at maximal isometric hand grip force (FmaxHGiso) in top level athletes in the Repupllc of Serbia. 256 top level athletes were tested from taekwondo, waterpolo, track and fields, basketball, orienteering, volleyball, archery, boxing, judo, handball and power lifting teams. Methods. In order to assess the FmaxHGiso we used standardized equipment, i.e., a sliding device that measures isometric finger flexor force, with a tenslometric probe fixed inside the device. Results. The average values of FmaxHGiso and relative force measured by allometric and classic method for right and left hand grip for the total sample were 632±125.67, 591.06±118.91 N; 32.47±5.56, 30.31±5.16 N/BM0.667; 0.7548±0.1363, 0.7044±0.1252 DaN/BM. The average value of FmaxNd/DoHGiso was 0.924±0.0752. Significant difference was established for the measurement characteristics at the level of Wilks Lambda 0.357, F=3.853, P=0.000. Maximal average value F maxHGiso for left and right hand is found in power lifters (795.08±94.45, 827.65±103.45 N) and minimal in taekwondo (454.67±48.2, 502.67±74.21 N). The most expressed F maxNd/DoHGiso was found in handball 0.8757±0.07. Considering defined classification of FmaxNd/DoHGiso, we classified the examinees from different sports in 4 groups: symmetry (volleyball, basketball, judo, boxing, power lifting 0.9337 to 0.9597); average (taekwondo, waterpolo 0.9076 to 0.9336); asymmetry (track and fields, orienteering, archery 0.8816 to 0.9075); dominant asymmetry of functional hand grip relations (handball &lt;0.8815). Conclusion. The results obtained can be used to determine criteria decisions from the aspect of diagnostic procedures, metric aspect, medical aspect.
T2  - Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
T1  - Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia
VL  - 168
IS  - 5
SP  - 297
EP  - 310
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_249
ER  - 
author = "Ivanović, Jelena and Koropanovski, Nenad and Vučković, Goran and Janković, Radivoje and Miljuš, Dragan and Marinković, B. and Atanasov, Dragan and Blagojević, M. and Dopsaj, Milivoj",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Aim. The aim of this work was to define functional dimorphism (F maxNd/DoHGiso) and model characteristics at maximal isometric hand grip force (FmaxHGiso) in top level athletes in the Repupllc of Serbia. 256 top level athletes were tested from taekwondo, waterpolo, track and fields, basketball, orienteering, volleyball, archery, boxing, judo, handball and power lifting teams. Methods. In order to assess the FmaxHGiso we used standardized equipment, i.e., a sliding device that measures isometric finger flexor force, with a tenslometric probe fixed inside the device. Results. The average values of FmaxHGiso and relative force measured by allometric and classic method for right and left hand grip for the total sample were 632±125.67, 591.06±118.91 N; 32.47±5.56, 30.31±5.16 N/BM0.667; 0.7548±0.1363, 0.7044±0.1252 DaN/BM. The average value of FmaxNd/DoHGiso was 0.924±0.0752. Significant difference was established for the measurement characteristics at the level of Wilks Lambda 0.357, F=3.853, P=0.000. Maximal average value F maxHGiso for left and right hand is found in power lifters (795.08±94.45, 827.65±103.45 N) and minimal in taekwondo (454.67±48.2, 502.67±74.21 N). The most expressed F maxNd/DoHGiso was found in handball 0.8757±0.07. Considering defined classification of FmaxNd/DoHGiso, we classified the examinees from different sports in 4 groups: symmetry (volleyball, basketball, judo, boxing, power lifting 0.9337 to 0.9597); average (taekwondo, waterpolo 0.9076 to 0.9336); asymmetry (track and fields, orienteering, archery 0.8816 to 0.9075); dominant asymmetry of functional hand grip relations (handball &lt;0.8815). Conclusion. The results obtained can be used to determine criteria decisions from the aspect of diagnostic procedures, metric aspect, medical aspect.",
journal = "Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche",
title = "Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia",
volume = "168",
number = "5",
pages = "297-310",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_249"
Ivanović, J., Koropanovski, N., Vučković, G., Janković, R., Miljuš, D., Marinković, B., Atanasov, D., Blagojević, M.,& Dopsaj, M.. (2009). Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia. in Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 168(5), 297-310.
Ivanović J, Koropanovski N, Vučković G, Janković R, Miljuš D, Marinković B, Atanasov D, Blagojević M, Dopsaj M. Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia. in Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. 2009;168(5):297-310.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_249 .
Ivanović, Jelena, Koropanovski, Nenad, Vučković, Goran, Janković, Radivoje, Miljuš, Dragan, Marinković, B., Atanasov, Dragan, Blagojević, M., Dopsaj, Milivoj, "Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia" in Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 168, no. 5 (2009):297-310,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_249 .

The tendency of change in basic anthropometric characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during the course of studies

Janković, Radivoje; Koropanovski, Nenad; Vučković, Goran; Dimitrijević, Raša; Atanasov, Dragan; Miljuš, Dragan; Marinković, Boban; Ivanović, Jelena; Blagojević, Miroljub; Dopsaj, Milivoj

(Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
AU  - Koropanovski, Nenad
AU  - Vučković, Goran
AU  - Dimitrijević, Raša
AU  - Atanasov, Dragan
AU  - Miljuš, Dragan
AU  - Marinković, Boban
AU  - Ivanović, Jelena
AU  - Blagojević, Miroljub
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/238
AB  - By applying transversal method of research on a sample of 267 male and 88 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade determination of basic anthropometrical characteristics in the function of the year of study was conducted. Basic anthropometrical characteristics were expressed in following variables: body weight - BW, expressed in kg; body height - BH, expressed in cm; body mass index - BMI, expressed in kg/m2. The obtained results showed statistically significant tendency of change in students of the ACPS during the course of studies, namely in increase of BM as basic measure for estimation of body voluminosity (1.2 kg per a study year, F ratio 4287, p = 0.039), as well as in BMI, as a measure for the assessment of the body status, that is, the state of nourishment (0.42 kg/m2 per a study year, F ratio 7.191, p = 0.008). As for female students, the obtained results showed statistically significant tendency of change, namely in decrease of BMI, as a measure for the assessment of the body status, that is, the state of nourishment (- 0.56 kg/m2 per a study year, F ratio 8.290, p = 0.005). At this point, based on the research results, we can not say for sure what could be the cause of the determined trend of increase of voluminosity and body nourishment in male students, and decrease of body nourishment in female students, which should be determined in future researches.
AB  - Na uzorku od 267 ispitanika muškog pola i 88 ispitanika ženskog pola studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) iz Beograda primenom transverzalne metode istraživanja izvršeno je dijagnostikovanje osnovnih antropometrijskih karakteristika u funkciji godine studija. Osnovne antropometrijske karakteristike ispitanika su bile predstavljene sledećim varijablama: telesna masa - TM, izražena u kg; telesna visina - TV, izražena u cm; i telesno-maseni indeks (BMI), izražen u kg/m2. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je kod studenata KPA u toku studija došlo do statistički značajnog trenda promene, i to povećanja kod TM, kao osnovne mere za procenu voluminoznosti tela (1.20 kg po godini studija, F odnos 4.287, p = 0.039) kao i kod BMI, kao mere za procenu telesnog statusa, tj. stanja uhranjenosti (0.42 kg/m2 po godini studija, F odnos 7.191, p = 0.008). U odnosu nastudentkinje, dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u toku studija KPA došlo do statistički značajnog trenda promene, i to smanjenja kod BMI, kao mere za procenu telesnog statusa, tj. stanja uhranjenosti (- 0.56 kg/m2 po godini studija, F odnos 8.290, p = 0.005). U ovom trenutku se na osnovu rezultata istraživanja ne može sa sigurnošću tvrditi šta je posledica utvrđenog trenda povećanja voluminoznosti i telesne uhranjenosti kod studenata odnosno smanjenja telesne uhranjenosti kod studentkinja, što treba utvrditi u narednim istraživanjima.
PB  - Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd
T2  - Nauka, bezbednost, policija
T1  - The tendency of change in basic anthropometric characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during the course of studies
T1  - Trend promene osnovnih antropometrijskih karakteristika studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u toku studija
VL  - 13
IS  - 2
SP  - 137
EP  - 152
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_238
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje and Koropanovski, Nenad and Vučković, Goran and Dimitrijević, Raša and Atanasov, Dragan and Miljuš, Dragan and Marinković, Boban and Ivanović, Jelena and Blagojević, Miroljub and Dopsaj, Milivoj",
year = "2008",
abstract = "By applying transversal method of research on a sample of 267 male and 88 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade determination of basic anthropometrical characteristics in the function of the year of study was conducted. Basic anthropometrical characteristics were expressed in following variables: body weight - BW, expressed in kg; body height - BH, expressed in cm; body mass index - BMI, expressed in kg/m2. The obtained results showed statistically significant tendency of change in students of the ACPS during the course of studies, namely in increase of BM as basic measure for estimation of body voluminosity (1.2 kg per a study year, F ratio 4287, p = 0.039), as well as in BMI, as a measure for the assessment of the body status, that is, the state of nourishment (0.42 kg/m2 per a study year, F ratio 7.191, p = 0.008). As for female students, the obtained results showed statistically significant tendency of change, namely in decrease of BMI, as a measure for the assessment of the body status, that is, the state of nourishment (- 0.56 kg/m2 per a study year, F ratio 8.290, p = 0.005). At this point, based on the research results, we can not say for sure what could be the cause of the determined trend of increase of voluminosity and body nourishment in male students, and decrease of body nourishment in female students, which should be determined in future researches., Na uzorku od 267 ispitanika muškog pola i 88 ispitanika ženskog pola studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) iz Beograda primenom transverzalne metode istraživanja izvršeno je dijagnostikovanje osnovnih antropometrijskih karakteristika u funkciji godine studija. Osnovne antropometrijske karakteristike ispitanika su bile predstavljene sledećim varijablama: telesna masa - TM, izražena u kg; telesna visina - TV, izražena u cm; i telesno-maseni indeks (BMI), izražen u kg/m2. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je kod studenata KPA u toku studija došlo do statistički značajnog trenda promene, i to povećanja kod TM, kao osnovne mere za procenu voluminoznosti tela (1.20 kg po godini studija, F odnos 4.287, p = 0.039) kao i kod BMI, kao mere za procenu telesnog statusa, tj. stanja uhranjenosti (0.42 kg/m2 po godini studija, F odnos 7.191, p = 0.008). U odnosu nastudentkinje, dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u toku studija KPA došlo do statistički značajnog trenda promene, i to smanjenja kod BMI, kao mere za procenu telesnog statusa, tj. stanja uhranjenosti (- 0.56 kg/m2 po godini studija, F odnos 8.290, p = 0.005). U ovom trenutku se na osnovu rezultata istraživanja ne može sa sigurnošću tvrditi šta je posledica utvrđenog trenda povećanja voluminoznosti i telesne uhranjenosti kod studenata odnosno smanjenja telesne uhranjenosti kod studentkinja, što treba utvrditi u narednim istraživanjima.",
publisher = "Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd",
journal = "Nauka, bezbednost, policija",
title = "The tendency of change in basic anthropometric characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during the course of studies, Trend promene osnovnih antropometrijskih karakteristika studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u toku studija",
volume = "13",
number = "2",
pages = "137-152",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_238"
Janković, R., Koropanovski, N., Vučković, G., Dimitrijević, R., Atanasov, D., Miljuš, D., Marinković, B., Ivanović, J., Blagojević, M.,& Dopsaj, M.. (2008). The tendency of change in basic anthropometric characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during the course of studies. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija
Kriminalističko- policijska akademija, Beograd., 13(2), 137-152.
Janković R, Koropanovski N, Vučković G, Dimitrijević R, Atanasov D, Miljuš D, Marinković B, Ivanović J, Blagojević M, Dopsaj M. The tendency of change in basic anthropometric characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during the course of studies. in Nauka, bezbednost, policija. 2008;13(2):137-152.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_238 .
Janković, Radivoje, Koropanovski, Nenad, Vučković, Goran, Dimitrijević, Raša, Atanasov, Dragan, Miljuš, Dragan, Marinković, Boban, Ivanović, Jelena, Blagojević, Miroljub, Dopsaj, Milivoj, "The tendency of change in basic anthropometric characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies during the course of studies" in Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 13, no. 2 (2008):137-152,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_238 .

Changes at repetitive strength of different muscle groups at academy of criminalistic and police studies students during first three years of studies

Janković, Radivoje

(Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Janković, Radivoje
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://jakov.kpu.edu.rs/handle/123456789/192
AB  - Aim of this research was defining direction and intensity of contraction ability changes, in aspect of repetitive strength between students at Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS), during first three years of studies. On sample of 212 ACPS students, repetitive strength changes of arm extensors (SKLEK), arm flexors (ZGIB), and body flexors (TRUP) are defined, during first three years of basic academy studies. For value evaluation of observed variable it was used standardized method for contraction potential determination of arm muscle, body muscle, while relative values were calculated by adequate formulas. Results has shown that, at SKLEK and ZGIB test, statistically significant difference isn't determined (F =0.605, p =0.547 i F =1.036, p =0.357, respectively), while at TRUP, statistically significant difference is determined (F =10.287, p =0.000). Besides, at relative values, results has shown that SKLEKrel and ZGIBrel values doesn't have statistically significant difference (F =1.753, p =0.176 i F =1.991, p =0.139, respectively), in contrast of TRUPrel where statistically significant difference is determined (F =11.340, p =0.000). Research results indicate that is necessary to make changes in teaching plan and program for subject SPE, meaning fond class increase, in order that teaching process affects on the general physical readiness level of ACPS students, as well as on adequate respect towards improvement of necessary required physical abilities which are in accordance with professional needs in Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Serbia.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je definisanje smera i intenziteta promena kontraktilnih sposobnosti, sa aspekta repetitvne snage kod studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) tokom prve tri godine studija. Na uzorku od 212 studenata KPA definisane su promene repetitivne snage mišića opružača ruku (SKLEK), mišića pregibača ruku (ZGIB) i mišića pregibača trupa (TRUP) tokom prve tri godine osnovnih akademskih studija. Za procenu vrednosti posmatranih varijabli korišćena je standardizovana metoda za utvrđivanje kontraktilnog potencijala mišića ruku i mišića trupa, dok su relativne vrednosti izračunate pomoću adekvatnih formula. Rezultati su pokazali da kod testa SKLEK i ZGIB ruku nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika (F - 0.605, p =0.547 i F - 1.036, p =0.357, respektivno), dok je kod testa TRUP utvrđena statistički zna­čajna razlika (F - 10.287, p =0.000 ). Takođe, kod relativne vrednosti, rezultati su pokazali da vrednosti SKLEKREL i ZGIBREL nemaju statistički značajnu razliku (F - 1.753, p =0.176 i F - 1.991, p =0.139, respektivno), za razliku od testa TRUPREL gde je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika (F - 11.340, p =0.000). Na osnovu pri­kazanih rezultata možemo pretpostaviti da smanjenje fonda časova specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja nepovoljno utiče na ispunjenje jednog od zadataka predmeta, a koji se odnosi na razvoj opštih fizičkih i motoričkih sposobnosti studenata sa aspekta repetitivne snage mišića opružača i pregibača ruku. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je potrebno izvršiti promene nastavnog plana i programa predmeta SFO u smislu povećanja fonda časova kako bi se nastavnim procesom uticalo na nivo opšte fizičke pripremljenosti studenata KPA-e, kao i na adekvatan odnos prema unapređenju neophodno potrebnih fizičkih sposobnosti koje su u skladu sa profesionalnim potrebama radnika Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije.
PB  - Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd
T2  - Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
T1  - Changes at repetitive strength of different muscle groups at academy of criminalistic and police studies students during first three years of studies
T1  - Promene repetitivne snage posmatranih mišićnih grupa kod studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije tokom prve tri godine studija - magistarski rad
IS  - 15
SP  - 111
EP  - 125
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_192
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Radivoje",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Aim of this research was defining direction and intensity of contraction ability changes, in aspect of repetitive strength between students at Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS), during first three years of studies. On sample of 212 ACPS students, repetitive strength changes of arm extensors (SKLEK), arm flexors (ZGIB), and body flexors (TRUP) are defined, during first three years of basic academy studies. For value evaluation of observed variable it was used standardized method for contraction potential determination of arm muscle, body muscle, while relative values were calculated by adequate formulas. Results has shown that, at SKLEK and ZGIB test, statistically significant difference isn't determined (F =0.605, p =0.547 i F =1.036, p =0.357, respectively), while at TRUP, statistically significant difference is determined (F =10.287, p =0.000). Besides, at relative values, results has shown that SKLEKrel and ZGIBrel values doesn't have statistically significant difference (F =1.753, p =0.176 i F =1.991, p =0.139, respectively), in contrast of TRUPrel where statistically significant difference is determined (F =11.340, p =0.000). Research results indicate that is necessary to make changes in teaching plan and program for subject SPE, meaning fond class increase, in order that teaching process affects on the general physical readiness level of ACPS students, as well as on adequate respect towards improvement of necessary required physical abilities which are in accordance with professional needs in Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Serbia., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je definisanje smera i intenziteta promena kontraktilnih sposobnosti, sa aspekta repetitvne snage kod studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) tokom prve tri godine studija. Na uzorku od 212 studenata KPA definisane su promene repetitivne snage mišića opružača ruku (SKLEK), mišića pregibača ruku (ZGIB) i mišića pregibača trupa (TRUP) tokom prve tri godine osnovnih akademskih studija. Za procenu vrednosti posmatranih varijabli korišćena je standardizovana metoda za utvrđivanje kontraktilnog potencijala mišića ruku i mišića trupa, dok su relativne vrednosti izračunate pomoću adekvatnih formula. Rezultati su pokazali da kod testa SKLEK i ZGIB ruku nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika (F - 0.605, p =0.547 i F - 1.036, p =0.357, respektivno), dok je kod testa TRUP utvrđena statistički zna­čajna razlika (F - 10.287, p =0.000 ). Takođe, kod relativne vrednosti, rezultati su pokazali da vrednosti SKLEKREL i ZGIBREL nemaju statistički značajnu razliku (F - 1.753, p =0.176 i F - 1.991, p =0.139, respektivno), za razliku od testa TRUPREL gde je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika (F - 11.340, p =0.000). Na osnovu pri­kazanih rezultata možemo pretpostaviti da smanjenje fonda časova specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja nepovoljno utiče na ispunjenje jednog od zadataka predmeta, a koji se odnosi na razvoj opštih fizičkih i motoričkih sposobnosti studenata sa aspekta repetitivne snage mišića opružača i pregibača ruku. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je potrebno izvršiti promene nastavnog plana i programa predmeta SFO u smislu povećanja fonda časova kako bi se nastavnim procesom uticalo na nivo opšte fizičke pripremljenosti studenata KPA-e, kao i na adekvatan odnos prema unapređenju neophodno potrebnih fizičkih sposobnosti koje su u skladu sa profesionalnim potrebama radnika Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije.",
publisher = "Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd",
journal = "Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja",
title = "Changes at repetitive strength of different muscle groups at academy of criminalistic and police studies students during first three years of studies, Promene repetitivne snage posmatranih mišićnih grupa kod studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije tokom prve tri godine studija - magistarski rad",
number = "15",
pages = "111-125",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_192"
Janković, R.. (2008). Changes at repetitive strength of different muscle groups at academy of criminalistic and police studies students during first three years of studies. in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd.(15), 111-125.
Janković R. Changes at repetitive strength of different muscle groups at academy of criminalistic and police studies students during first three years of studies. in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. 2008;(15):111-125.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_192 .
Janković, Radivoje, "Changes at repetitive strength of different muscle groups at academy of criminalistic and police studies students during first three years of studies" in Godišnjak Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, no. 15 (2008):111-125,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_jakov_192 .