Mlađan, Dragan

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Mlađan, Dragan (30)
  • Млађан, Драган (4)

Author's Bibliography

Прописи о пожарној безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века

Крстић Мистриџеловић, Ивана; Млађан, Драган

(Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2022)

AU  - Крстић Мистриџеловић, Ивана
AU  - Млађан, Драган
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Развој заштите од пожара и нормативно уобличавање ватрогасних и превентивних пожарних мера у српској држави изграђиваној у XIX веку одвијали су се у складу са општим друштвеним приликама и степеном достигнутог државноправног развитка. Пожарна безбедност у обновљеној Србији развијала се почев од искуствене заштите од пожара, кроз учење на пропустима и уоченим грешкама током пожара, преко настојања да се контролише примена ватре у занатским процесима у првој половини XIX века, до подизања грађевина припремљених за пожарни сценарио и стварања пожарних чета осамдесетих година XIX века. Имајући у виду да је пожарна безбедност у прошлости Србије тек спорадично истраживана, њено научно истраживање чини се оправданим. Због прописаног обима рада предмет истраживања ограничен је на нормативни ниво пожарне безбедности
као истраживачког проблема. У раду је анализиран правни оквир пожарне безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века, са посебним освртом на прописе о гашењу пожара, одредбе о превенцији пожара и одредбе којима је санкционисано нарушавање пожарне безбедности. Истраживање пожарне безбедности у прошлости Србије с циљем да се о њој стекне сређено, систематизовано и проверено сазнање, подразумевало је систематско трагање за ваљаним чињеницама, њихову анализу, интерпретацију и уопштавање у циљу извођења општих законитости. Чињенице садржане у релативно малом броју секундарних извора прове раване су упоређивањем са чињеницама прикупљеним из примарних
извора, историјских докумената, применом историјског метода, док су као допунски коришћени метод анализе садржаја, догматско-правни и социолошки метод.
AB  - The development of fire protection and the normative
shaping of firefighting and preventive fire measures in the Serbian
state built during the 19th century took place in accordance with the
general social circumstances and the degree of achieved state and
legal development. Fire safety in renewed Serbia has progressed from
experiential fire protection, throughout learning from failures and
observed errors during fires, through efforts to control the use of fire in
craft processes in the first half of the 19th century to erecting buildings
prepared for fire scenarios and creating fire brigades in 80s of the 19th
century. The paper analyzes the legal framework of fire safety in Serbia
in the first half of the 19th century, which consisted of regulations on fire
extinguishing, provisions on fire prevention and provisions sanctioning
violations of fire safety. During the first half of the 19th century, fire safety
measures in Serbia were developed within the framework of general state
and legal development and were characterized by a set of features present
in all segments of state organization and its legal regulation. During the
first reign of Prince Miloš, the area of fire protection, as well as the entire
social life, was marked by standardization in the form of bylaws. Among
them, the 1834 Decree on extinguishing fires from 1834, which would
remain in force and be applied long after Miloš left Serbia, stands out in
importance. During the rule of the so-called constitutionalists, based on
the legal regulation of numerous issues of social and state life, progress in
the field of fire protection was made by prescribing preventive fire measures
and sanctions for violating fire safety. Due to its importance, even before
it became the capital of the young Serbian principality in 1841, Belgarde
was the subject of special attention of the state authorities in every sense,
even in terms of fire protection. Both Prince Miloš Obrenović, who did
not like to stay in it, and Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjević, who ruled
Serbia together with the constitutionalists, aware of the increased risk of
fire, prescribed protective fire-fighting measures for the implementation
and supervision of which the Belgrade police was in charge. Several
conclusions emerge from the performed analysis. The fire safety in Serbia
in the observed period was often the subject of legal regulation. At first, the emphasis was on extinguishing fires, and later fire prevention was
standardized. In accordance with such a development of fire protection
standardization, sanctions for causing fires and violating preventive fire
measures were also prescribed. The absence of professional firefighting is
noticeable, in the sense that Serbia was behind the developed European
countries by about a hundred years. However, entrusting fire safety to the
competence of the police authorities was a solution characteristic of a
developing country such as Serbia was in the first half of the 19th century.
PB  - Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност
T1  - Прописи о пожарној безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века
T1  - Regulations on Fire Safety in Serbia in the First Half of the 19th Century
VL  - 64
IS  - 1
SP  - 33
EP  - 52
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2201033K
ER  - 
author = "Крстић Мистриџеловић, Ивана and Млађан, Драган",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Развој заштите од пожара и нормативно уобличавање ватрогасних и превентивних пожарних мера у српској држави изграђиваној у XIX веку одвијали су се у складу са општим друштвеним приликама и степеном достигнутог државноправног развитка. Пожарна безбедност у обновљеној Србији развијала се почев од искуствене заштите од пожара, кроз учење на пропустима и уоченим грешкама током пожара, преко настојања да се контролише примена ватре у занатским процесима у првој половини XIX века, до подизања грађевина припремљених за пожарни сценарио и стварања пожарних чета осамдесетих година XIX века. Имајући у виду да је пожарна безбедност у прошлости Србије тек спорадично истраживана, њено научно истраживање чини се оправданим. Због прописаног обима рада предмет истраживања ограничен је на нормативни ниво пожарне безбедности
као истраживачког проблема. У раду је анализиран правни оквир пожарне безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века, са посебним освртом на прописе о гашењу пожара, одредбе о превенцији пожара и одредбе којима је санкционисано нарушавање пожарне безбедности. Истраживање пожарне безбедности у прошлости Србије с циљем да се о њој стекне сређено, систематизовано и проверено сазнање, подразумевало је систематско трагање за ваљаним чињеницама, њихову анализу, интерпретацију и уопштавање у циљу извођења општих законитости. Чињенице садржане у релативно малом броју секундарних извора прове раване су упоређивањем са чињеницама прикупљеним из примарних
извора, историјских докумената, применом историјског метода, док су као допунски коришћени метод анализе садржаја, догматско-правни и социолошки метод., The development of fire protection and the normative
shaping of firefighting and preventive fire measures in the Serbian
state built during the 19th century took place in accordance with the
general social circumstances and the degree of achieved state and
legal development. Fire safety in renewed Serbia has progressed from
experiential fire protection, throughout learning from failures and
observed errors during fires, through efforts to control the use of fire in
craft processes in the first half of the 19th century to erecting buildings
prepared for fire scenarios and creating fire brigades in 80s of the 19th
century. The paper analyzes the legal framework of fire safety in Serbia
in the first half of the 19th century, which consisted of regulations on fire
extinguishing, provisions on fire prevention and provisions sanctioning
violations of fire safety. During the first half of the 19th century, fire safety
measures in Serbia were developed within the framework of general state
and legal development and were characterized by a set of features present
in all segments of state organization and its legal regulation. During the
first reign of Prince Miloš, the area of fire protection, as well as the entire
social life, was marked by standardization in the form of bylaws. Among
them, the 1834 Decree on extinguishing fires from 1834, which would
remain in force and be applied long after Miloš left Serbia, stands out in
importance. During the rule of the so-called constitutionalists, based on
the legal regulation of numerous issues of social and state life, progress in
the field of fire protection was made by prescribing preventive fire measures
and sanctions for violating fire safety. Due to its importance, even before
it became the capital of the young Serbian principality in 1841, Belgarde
was the subject of special attention of the state authorities in every sense,
even in terms of fire protection. Both Prince Miloš Obrenović, who did
not like to stay in it, and Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjević, who ruled
Serbia together with the constitutionalists, aware of the increased risk of
fire, prescribed protective fire-fighting measures for the implementation
and supervision of which the Belgrade police was in charge. Several
conclusions emerge from the performed analysis. The fire safety in Serbia
in the observed period was often the subject of legal regulation. At first, the emphasis was on extinguishing fires, and later fire prevention was
standardized. In accordance with such a development of fire protection
standardization, sanctions for causing fires and violating preventive fire
measures were also prescribed. The absence of professional firefighting is
noticeable, in the sense that Serbia was behind the developed European
countries by about a hundred years. However, entrusting fire safety to the
competence of the police authorities was a solution characteristic of a
developing country such as Serbia was in the first half of the 19th century.",
publisher = "Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност",
title = "Прописи о пожарној безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века, Regulations on Fire Safety in Serbia in the First Half of the 19th Century",
volume = "64",
number = "1",
pages = "33-52",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2201033K"
Крстић Мистриџеловић, И.,& Млађан, Д.. (2022). Прописи о пожарној безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века. in Безбедност
Београд : Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 64(1), 33-52.
Крстић Мистриџеловић И, Млађан Д. Прописи о пожарној безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века. in Безбедност. 2022;64(1):33-52.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2201033K .
Крстић Мистриџеловић, Ивана, Млађан, Драган, "Прописи о пожарној безбедности у Србији у првој половини XIX века" in Безбедност, 64, no. 1 (2022):33-52, . .

Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study

Mićović, Aleksandar; Mlađan, Dragan; Brkljač, Nenko

(Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, 2021)

AU  - Mićović, Aleksandar
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Brkljač, Nenko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The development of large fires has an extremely detrimental effect on the working and living environment. The chances for their effective extinguishing are greatest in the initial stages of  flare-up,  but  that  time  interval  is  very  short.  That  is  why  it  is  extremely  important  that  fire  extinguishers be reliable and, above all, efficient. The usable quality of extinguishers is assessed through a series of laboratory and field experimental tests in the certification process, i.e. prior to  placing  on  the  market,  an  assessment  of  their  conformity  with  the  specified  requirements  of the relevant standards must be performed. As a result of the previous statements, it can be concluded  that  it  is  necessary  to  develop  an  appropriate  certification  scheme  for  manual  and  mobile fire extinguishers so that we would have the means with the appropriate level of quality in use. The paper presents a case study of fire extinguishers certification by the certification body - Technical Testing Center.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
C3  - Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
T1  - Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study
SP  - 575
EP  - 588
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mićović, Aleksandar and Mlađan, Dragan and Brkljač, Nenko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The development of large fires has an extremely detrimental effect on the working and living environment. The chances for their effective extinguishing are greatest in the initial stages of  flare-up,  but  that  time  interval  is  very  short.  That  is  why  it  is  extremely  important  that  fire  extinguishers be reliable and, above all, efficient. The usable quality of extinguishers is assessed through a series of laboratory and field experimental tests in the certification process, i.e. prior to  placing  on  the  market,  an  assessment  of  their  conformity  with  the  specified  requirements  of the relevant standards must be performed. As a result of the previous statements, it can be concluded  that  it  is  necessary  to  develop  an  appropriate  certification  scheme  for  manual  and  mobile fire extinguishers so that we would have the means with the appropriate level of quality in use. The paper presents a case study of fire extinguishers certification by the certification body - Technical Testing Center.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies",
journal = "Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021",
title = "Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study",
pages = "575-588",
url = ""
Mićović, A., Mlađan, D.,& Brkljač, N.. (2021). Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021
Belgrade : University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies., 575-588.
Mićović A, Mlađan D, Brkljač N. Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study. in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021. 2021;:575-588. .
Mićović, Aleksandar, Mlađan, Dragan, Brkljač, Nenko, "Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study" in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance [Elektronski izvor] / International Scientific Conference "Archibald Reiss Days", Belgrade, 9-10 November 2021 (2021):575-588, .

Психофизиолошке основе безбедности у радном окружењу

Живковић, Снежана; Млађан, Драган; Чабаркапа, Миланко

(Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије, 2020)

AU  - Живковић, Снежана
AU  - Млађан, Драган
AU  - Чабаркапа, Миланко
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - У раду су представљене теоријске основе безбедности људи у радном окружењу посматране са психофизиолошког аспекта, кроз карактеристике и утицај психичких
процеса, особина и стања на безбедност индивидуе током рада. Имајући у виду да је сваки човек различит и да представља својствену и јединствену индивидуу која је структурирана на посебан и специфичан начин, познавање људских психофизиолошких карактеристика представља пресудни фактор за професионалну безбедност. Наиме, особине радника
као што су индивидуалне способности, карактерне црте личности, воља, емоције, знање, вештине, темперамент итд. утичу на њихове поступке током процеса рада, правећи разлику у њиховом понашању и исходу радног процеса с аспекта безбедности. Кроз проучавање човекових психофизиолошких особина, тј. његових психичких особина, процеса и личности,
могуће је у одређеној мери утицати на побољшање параметара безбедности на радном месту и ефикасног функционисања система „човек – производно окружење“.
AB  - This paper presents the theoretical background of human safety in a work environment from the psychophysiological perspective through basic characteristics and the impact of mental
processes, traits, and conditions on an individual’s safety during work. Considering that every person is different – a unique and distinctive individual structured in a specific manner – the knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of humans is crucial for professional safety. Specifically, worker traits such as individual abilities, personality traits, will, emotions, knowledge, skills, temperament, etc. affect their actions during work, creating a difference in their behaviour and the outcome of work in terms of safety. By studying the psychophysiological characteristics of humans, i.e. their personality and mental traits and processes, it is possible to a certain extent to influence the improvement of workplace safety parameters and the efficient functioning of the “humans-production setting” system.
PB  - Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије
T2  - Безбедност, Београд 
T1  - Психофизиолошке основе безбедности у радном окружењу
T1  - Psychophysiological Foundations of Workplace Safety
VL  - 62
IS  - 2
SP  - 50
EP  - 68
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost2002050Z
ER  - 
author = "Живковић, Снежана and Млађан, Драган and Чабаркапа, Миланко",
year = "2020",
abstract = "У раду су представљене теоријске основе безбедности људи у радном окружењу посматране са психофизиолошког аспекта, кроз карактеристике и утицај психичких
процеса, особина и стања на безбедност индивидуе током рада. Имајући у виду да је сваки човек различит и да представља својствену и јединствену индивидуу која је структурирана на посебан и специфичан начин, познавање људских психофизиолошких карактеристика представља пресудни фактор за професионалну безбедност. Наиме, особине радника
као што су индивидуалне способности, карактерне црте личности, воља, емоције, знање, вештине, темперамент итд. утичу на њихове поступке током процеса рада, правећи разлику у њиховом понашању и исходу радног процеса с аспекта безбедности. Кроз проучавање човекових психофизиолошких особина, тј. његових психичких особина, процеса и личности,
могуће је у одређеној мери утицати на побољшање параметара безбедности на радном месту и ефикасног функционисања система „човек – производно окружење“., This paper presents the theoretical background of human safety in a work environment from the psychophysiological perspective through basic characteristics and the impact of mental
processes, traits, and conditions on an individual’s safety during work. Considering that every person is different – a unique and distinctive individual structured in a specific manner – the knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of humans is crucial for professional safety. Specifically, worker traits such as individual abilities, personality traits, will, emotions, knowledge, skills, temperament, etc. affect their actions during work, creating a difference in their behaviour and the outcome of work in terms of safety. By studying the psychophysiological characteristics of humans, i.e. their personality and mental traits and processes, it is possible to a certain extent to influence the improvement of workplace safety parameters and the efficient functioning of the “humans-production setting” system.",
publisher = "Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије",
journal = "Безбедност, Београд ",
title = "Психофизиолошке основе безбедности у радном окружењу, Psychophysiological Foundations of Workplace Safety",
volume = "62",
number = "2",
pages = "50-68",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost2002050Z"
Живковић, С., Млађан, Д.,& Чабаркапа, М.. (2020). Психофизиолошке основе безбедности у радном окружењу. in Безбедност, Београд 
Безбедност : часопис Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије., 62(2), 50-68.
Живковић С, Млађан Д, Чабаркапа М. Психофизиолошке основе безбедности у радном окружењу. in Безбедност, Београд . 2020;62(2):50-68.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost2002050Z .
Живковић, Снежана, Млађан, Драган, Чабаркапа, Миланко, "Психофизиолошке основе безбедности у радном окружењу" in Безбедност, Београд , 62, no. 2 (2020):50-68, . .

Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia

Lukić, Tin; Bjelajac, Dajana; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E.; Marković, Slobodan B.; Basarin, Biljana; Mlađan, Dragan; Micić, Tanja; Schaetzl, Randall J.; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Milanović, Miško; Sipos, Gyorgy; Mezosi, Gabor; Knežević-Lukić, Nevenka; Milinčić, Miroljub; Letal, Ales; Samardžić, Ivan

(Springer, New York, 2018)

AU  - Lukić, Tin
AU  - Bjelajac, Dajana
AU  - Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E.
AU  - Marković, Slobodan B.
AU  - Basarin, Biljana
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Micić, Tanja
AU  - Schaetzl, Randall J.
AU  - Gavrilov, Milivoj B.
AU  - Milanović, Miško
AU  - Sipos, Gyorgy
AU  - Mezosi, Gabor
AU  - Knežević-Lukić, Nevenka
AU  - Milinčić, Miroljub
AU  - Letal, Ales
AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Among the numerous factors that trigger landslide events, the anthropogenic impact caused by inadequate planning and faulty land use in urban areas is increasing. The Zemun settlement on the northern outskirts of Belgrade has experienced a number of landslides in the last three decades, endangering buildings and roads, and claiming human lives, particularly in the case of the 2010/2011 landslides. Selected meteorological parameters were used to calculate rainfall erosivity indices such as Precipitation Concentration Index and Modified Fournier Index over the period 1991-2015. Drought indices, Lang aridity index and Palfai Drought Index were calculated as well. Mann-Kendall trend test was applied to identify potential rising and/or declining trends both in meteorological parameters and calculated indices. Trend analysis of the annual and seasonal scales yielded a statistically significant trend in the spring time series. Stable arid and pronounced drought conditions were recorded. The modified Fournier index based on monthly mean values yields moderate aggressiveness, with several extreme values indicating very high erosivity classes, especially for 2010/2011. The geological substrate is predominantly loess and hence highly susceptible to erosion and slope failure when climatological conditions are suitable. Accelerated urbanization at the end of the last century reduced vegetation cover, intensified pressure on the vertical loess slope, and lacked suitable rain drainage systems so that surface-water runoff was directed into the porous loess, thereby endangering slope stability. We proposed a geomorphic model to describe the nature of the erosional processes on the loess cliffs of the Zemun loess plateau. Results from this study have implications for mitigation strategies.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - Environmental earth sciences
T1  - Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia
VL  - 77
IS  - 13
DO  - 10.1007/s12665-018-7712-z
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Tin and Bjelajac, Dajana and Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. and Marković, Slobodan B. and Basarin, Biljana and Mlađan, Dragan and Micić, Tanja and Schaetzl, Randall J. and Gavrilov, Milivoj B. and Milanović, Miško and Sipos, Gyorgy and Mezosi, Gabor and Knežević-Lukić, Nevenka and Milinčić, Miroljub and Letal, Ales and Samardžić, Ivan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Among the numerous factors that trigger landslide events, the anthropogenic impact caused by inadequate planning and faulty land use in urban areas is increasing. The Zemun settlement on the northern outskirts of Belgrade has experienced a number of landslides in the last three decades, endangering buildings and roads, and claiming human lives, particularly in the case of the 2010/2011 landslides. Selected meteorological parameters were used to calculate rainfall erosivity indices such as Precipitation Concentration Index and Modified Fournier Index over the period 1991-2015. Drought indices, Lang aridity index and Palfai Drought Index were calculated as well. Mann-Kendall trend test was applied to identify potential rising and/or declining trends both in meteorological parameters and calculated indices. Trend analysis of the annual and seasonal scales yielded a statistically significant trend in the spring time series. Stable arid and pronounced drought conditions were recorded. The modified Fournier index based on monthly mean values yields moderate aggressiveness, with several extreme values indicating very high erosivity classes, especially for 2010/2011. The geological substrate is predominantly loess and hence highly susceptible to erosion and slope failure when climatological conditions are suitable. Accelerated urbanization at the end of the last century reduced vegetation cover, intensified pressure on the vertical loess slope, and lacked suitable rain drainage systems so that surface-water runoff was directed into the porous loess, thereby endangering slope stability. We proposed a geomorphic model to describe the nature of the erosional processes on the loess cliffs of the Zemun loess plateau. Results from this study have implications for mitigation strategies.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "Environmental earth sciences",
title = "Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia",
volume = "77",
number = "13",
doi = "10.1007/s12665-018-7712-z"
Lukić, T., Bjelajac, D., Fitzsimmons, K. E., Marković, S. B., Basarin, B., Mlađan, D., Micić, T., Schaetzl, R. J., Gavrilov, M. B., Milanović, M., Sipos, G., Mezosi, G., Knežević-Lukić, N., Milinčić, M., Letal, A.,& Samardžić, I.. (2018). Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia. in Environmental earth sciences
Springer, New York., 77(13).
Lukić T, Bjelajac D, Fitzsimmons KE, Marković SB, Basarin B, Mlađan D, Micić T, Schaetzl RJ, Gavrilov MB, Milanović M, Sipos G, Mezosi G, Knežević-Lukić N, Milinčić M, Letal A, Samardžić I. Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia. in Environmental earth sciences. 2018;77(13).
doi:10.1007/s12665-018-7712-z .
Lukić, Tin, Bjelajac, Dajana, Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E., Marković, Slobodan B., Basarin, Biljana, Mlađan, Dragan, Micić, Tanja, Schaetzl, Randall J., Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Milanović, Miško, Sipos, Gyorgy, Mezosi, Gabor, Knežević-Lukić, Nevenka, Milinčić, Miroljub, Letal, Ales, Samardžić, Ivan, "Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia" in Environmental earth sciences, 77, no. 13 (2018), . .

Essential elements for estimating threat to humans caused by effects of wildfire and forest fire in particular

Živanović, Stanimir; Staletović, Novica; Mlađan, Dragan

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Živanović, Stanimir
AU  - Staletović, Novica
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - There has been an increase in the occurrence in threats to life, environment and property caused by disastrous wildfires, and especially forest fires in the territory of Serbia. Firefighters-rescue service members are citizens taking part in fire extinguishing and rescue operations are exposed to multiple destructive factors involved in such situations. In the period between 2009 and 2015, these destructive effects of fire caused morbidity in 57 firefighters and 267 citizens and mortality in of 53 citizens. It is therefore necessary to comprehend the origin and type of destructive factors and risks to humans and the environment in order to foresee and provide measures for protection against fire more easily. The procedure for alleviating threats to humans related to destructive factors involved in wildfire and especially forest fires is based on identifying, analysing, and estimating potential risks and threats. The paper focuses on the influence of destructive factors of fire and forest fire in particular, as well as morbidity and mortality rates in the course and immediately after the fire in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Authors have suggested a systematization of severity indexes - elements essential for assessing the risk levels - which have been categorised into three ranks and six types (flammable substances, scope of fire, location of origin, fire intensity, surface layout, air temperature, rainfall, relative air humidity and wind intensity). Based on the proposed method of aqssessing risks and threats from forest fires, responsible services can establish the levels of danger and take necessary measures for the protection of persons participating in extinguishing fires and rescue operations.
AB  - Na području Srbije sve je učestalija pojava pretnji po ljude, životnu sredinu i materijalna dobra od katastrofalnih požara na otvorenom prostoru, a posebno u šumama. Vatrogasci-spasioci i građani, učesnici akcija gašenja po- žara i spasavanja na otvorenom prostoru, a posebno kod šumskih požara, izloženi su uticajima više destruktivnih faktora požara. U periodu od 2009. do 2015. godine od efekata destruktivnih faktora požara na otvorenom prostoru došlo je do morbiditeta 57 vatrogasaca i 267 ostalih lica i mortaliteta 53 ostala lica. Razumevanjem pojava i vrste destruktivnih faktora požara i rizika po ljude i životnu sredinu lakše se planiraju i obezbeđuju mere zaštite. Postupak smanjenja ugroženosti ljudi od destruktivnih faktora požara na otvorenom prostoru zasniva se na identifikaciji, analizi i proceni potencijalnih rizika i pretnji. U radu je obrađen uticaj destruktivnih faktora požara na otvorenom prostoru i posebno u šumskim požarima, kao i mortalitet i morbiditet za vreme i neposredno nakon požara na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Takođe, u radu su predloženi i kvantifikovani u tri ranga i šest vrsta (gorive materije, veličine požara, mesta nastajanja, intenzitet požara, konfiguracija terena, temperatura vazduha, količina padavina, relativne vlažnosti vazduha i jačine vetra) težinski indeksi - elementi od značaja za ocenjivanje nivoa rizika. Na osnovu predloženog načina procene ugroženosti i rizika od šumskih požara, nadležne službe mogu sagledati nivoe opasnosti i preduzeti potrebne mere za zaštitu zdravlja učesnika akcija gašenja požara i spasavanja.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Essential elements for estimating threat to humans caused by effects of wildfire and forest fire in particular
T1  - Elementi od značaja za procenu ugroženosti ljudi od efekata požara na otvorenom i posebno šumskom prostoru
VL  - 60
IS  - 3
SP  - 73
EP  - 99
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1803073Z
ER  - 
author = "Živanović, Stanimir and Staletović, Novica and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "There has been an increase in the occurrence in threats to life, environment and property caused by disastrous wildfires, and especially forest fires in the territory of Serbia. Firefighters-rescue service members are citizens taking part in fire extinguishing and rescue operations are exposed to multiple destructive factors involved in such situations. In the period between 2009 and 2015, these destructive effects of fire caused morbidity in 57 firefighters and 267 citizens and mortality in of 53 citizens. It is therefore necessary to comprehend the origin and type of destructive factors and risks to humans and the environment in order to foresee and provide measures for protection against fire more easily. The procedure for alleviating threats to humans related to destructive factors involved in wildfire and especially forest fires is based on identifying, analysing, and estimating potential risks and threats. The paper focuses on the influence of destructive factors of fire and forest fire in particular, as well as morbidity and mortality rates in the course and immediately after the fire in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Authors have suggested a systematization of severity indexes - elements essential for assessing the risk levels - which have been categorised into three ranks and six types (flammable substances, scope of fire, location of origin, fire intensity, surface layout, air temperature, rainfall, relative air humidity and wind intensity). Based on the proposed method of aqssessing risks and threats from forest fires, responsible services can establish the levels of danger and take necessary measures for the protection of persons participating in extinguishing fires and rescue operations., Na području Srbije sve je učestalija pojava pretnji po ljude, životnu sredinu i materijalna dobra od katastrofalnih požara na otvorenom prostoru, a posebno u šumama. Vatrogasci-spasioci i građani, učesnici akcija gašenja po- žara i spasavanja na otvorenom prostoru, a posebno kod šumskih požara, izloženi su uticajima više destruktivnih faktora požara. U periodu od 2009. do 2015. godine od efekata destruktivnih faktora požara na otvorenom prostoru došlo je do morbiditeta 57 vatrogasaca i 267 ostalih lica i mortaliteta 53 ostala lica. Razumevanjem pojava i vrste destruktivnih faktora požara i rizika po ljude i životnu sredinu lakše se planiraju i obezbeđuju mere zaštite. Postupak smanjenja ugroženosti ljudi od destruktivnih faktora požara na otvorenom prostoru zasniva se na identifikaciji, analizi i proceni potencijalnih rizika i pretnji. U radu je obrađen uticaj destruktivnih faktora požara na otvorenom prostoru i posebno u šumskim požarima, kao i mortalitet i morbiditet za vreme i neposredno nakon požara na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Takođe, u radu su predloženi i kvantifikovani u tri ranga i šest vrsta (gorive materije, veličine požara, mesta nastajanja, intenzitet požara, konfiguracija terena, temperatura vazduha, količina padavina, relativne vlažnosti vazduha i jačine vetra) težinski indeksi - elementi od značaja za ocenjivanje nivoa rizika. Na osnovu predloženog načina procene ugroženosti i rizika od šumskih požara, nadležne službe mogu sagledati nivoe opasnosti i preduzeti potrebne mere za zaštitu zdravlja učesnika akcija gašenja požara i spasavanja.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Essential elements for estimating threat to humans caused by effects of wildfire and forest fire in particular, Elementi od značaja za procenu ugroženosti ljudi od efekata požara na otvorenom i posebno šumskom prostoru",
volume = "60",
number = "3",
pages = "73-99",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1803073Z"
Živanović, S., Staletović, N.,& Mlađan, D.. (2018). Essential elements for estimating threat to humans caused by effects of wildfire and forest fire in particular. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 60(3), 73-99.
Živanović S, Staletović N, Mlađan D. Essential elements for estimating threat to humans caused by effects of wildfire and forest fire in particular. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2018;60(3):73-99.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1803073Z .
Živanović, Stanimir, Staletović, Novica, Mlađan, Dragan, "Essential elements for estimating threat to humans caused by effects of wildfire and forest fire in particular" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 60, no. 3 (2018):73-99, . .

The analysis of aridity in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2015

Radaković, Milica G.; Tošić, Ivana; Bačević, Nikola; Mlađan, Dragan; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Marković, Slobodan B.

(Springer Wien, Wien, 2018)

AU  - Radaković, Milica G.
AU  - Tošić, Ivana
AU  - Bačević, Nikola
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Gavrilov, Milivoj B.
AU  - Marković, Slobodan B.
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In this study, we apply De Martonne and Pinna combinative indices to analyze the aridity in Central Serbia. Our dataset consists of mean monthly surface air temperature (MMT) and mean monthly precipitation (MMP) for 26 meteorological stations during the period 1949-2015. MMT and MMP are used for calculating monthly, seasonal, and annual aridity indices for period of 66 years. According to the De Martonne climate classification, we determine five, three, and four types of climate on the monthly, seasonal, and annual basis, respectively. During the observed period, winter was extremely humid, spring and autumn were humid, and summer was semi-humid. Humid and semi-humid climate with Mediterranean vegetation are identified by the annual Pinna combinative index. We find that there is no change in aridity trend in Central Serbia for the period 1949-2015. Aridity indices are additionally compared with the North Atlantic Oscillation and El-Nino South Oscillation in order to establish a possible connection with the large-scale processes. Results are further compared with several earlier studies of aridity in Serbia. With this study, the analysis of aridity in whole Serbia has become complete.
PB  - Springer Wien, Wien
T2  - Theoretical and applied climatology
T1  - The analysis of aridity in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2015
VL  - 133
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 887
EP  - 898
DO  - 10.1007/s00704-017-2220-8
ER  - 
author = "Radaković, Milica G. and Tošić, Ivana and Bačević, Nikola and Mlađan, Dragan and Gavrilov, Milivoj B. and Marković, Slobodan B.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this study, we apply De Martonne and Pinna combinative indices to analyze the aridity in Central Serbia. Our dataset consists of mean monthly surface air temperature (MMT) and mean monthly precipitation (MMP) for 26 meteorological stations during the period 1949-2015. MMT and MMP are used for calculating monthly, seasonal, and annual aridity indices for period of 66 years. According to the De Martonne climate classification, we determine five, three, and four types of climate on the monthly, seasonal, and annual basis, respectively. During the observed period, winter was extremely humid, spring and autumn were humid, and summer was semi-humid. Humid and semi-humid climate with Mediterranean vegetation are identified by the annual Pinna combinative index. We find that there is no change in aridity trend in Central Serbia for the period 1949-2015. Aridity indices are additionally compared with the North Atlantic Oscillation and El-Nino South Oscillation in order to establish a possible connection with the large-scale processes. Results are further compared with several earlier studies of aridity in Serbia. With this study, the analysis of aridity in whole Serbia has become complete.",
publisher = "Springer Wien, Wien",
journal = "Theoretical and applied climatology",
title = "The analysis of aridity in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2015",
volume = "133",
number = "3-4",
pages = "887-898",
doi = "10.1007/s00704-017-2220-8"
Radaković, M. G., Tošić, I., Bačević, N., Mlađan, D., Gavrilov, M. B.,& Marković, S. B.. (2018). The analysis of aridity in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2015. in Theoretical and applied climatology
Springer Wien, Wien., 133(3-4), 887-898.
Radaković MG, Tošić I, Bačević N, Mlađan D, Gavrilov MB, Marković SB. The analysis of aridity in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2015. in Theoretical and applied climatology. 2018;133(3-4):887-898.
doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2220-8 .
Radaković, Milica G., Tošić, Ivana, Bačević, Nikola, Mlađan, Dragan, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Marković, Slobodan B., "The analysis of aridity in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2015" in Theoretical and applied climatology, 133, no. 3-4 (2018):887-898, . .

Specifics of emergency psychological assistance in crisis, emergency and extreme situations

Živković, Snežana; Mlađan, Dragan; Antonijević, Slađana

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Živković, Snežana
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Antonijević, Slađana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The goal of the presented research is to examine the extent to which firefighters- rescuers in Serbia believe it is beneficial to talk to a psychologist after interventions involving killed or seriously injured people. The used method of research is an anonymous survey of members of professional fire and rescue units by questionnaire, which was approved by the Sector for Emergency Management. During the interview, the participants completed the questionnaire in order to better understand their attitudes, opinions and motivations. The sample consisted of 307 professional firefighters-rescuers in fire-rescue units on the territory of Serbia. Research results indicate that more than half of the respondents found that, after critical interventions, they would benefit from talking to a psychologist. The differences were observed in the age structure of the firefighters-rescuers and their professional experience. The older members of these units and those with longer professional experience express a greater need to organize this kind of help. Conclusions of the research confirm that the firefighters-rescuers are confronted with the demands that often exceed their ability to successfully cope with stressful situations and therefore need psychological help.
AB  - U radu su predstavljeni ciljevi i obim hitne psihološke pomoći, kao i principi pružanja psihološke pomoći u vanrednim i ekstremnim situacijama. Hitna psihološka pomoć umanjuje dramatičnost određenih događaja pošto ova vrsta pomoći podrazumeva primenu metoda u cilju pružanja trenutne i kratkotrajne pomoći pojedincima koji su proživeli događaj koji je prouzrokovao emocionalne, kognitivne, telesne i ponašajne probleme. Cilj istraživanja opisanog u radu bio je ispitati u kojoj meri vatrogasci-spasioci u Srbiji smatraju da je korisno, nakon intervencija u kojima ima stradalih ili teško povređenih, razgovarati sa psihologom. Korišćena metoda istraživanja je anonimno anketiranje profesionalnih pripadnika vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica anketnim listićem koji je odobrio Sektor za vanredne situacije. Prilikom anketiranja sa učesnicima je obavljen i razgovor kako bi se bolje razumeli njihovi stavovi, mišljenja i motivi. Uzorak istraživanja čini 307 profesionalnih vatrogasaca-spasilaca u vatrogasno-spasilačkim jedinicama na teritoriji Srbije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se više od polovine ispitanika izjasnilo da bi bilo korisno da nakon kritičnih intervencija razgovaraju sa psihologom. Zabeležene su razlike na osnovu starosne strukture vatrogasaca-spasilaca i njihovog profesionalnog iskustva. Stariji pripadnici ovih jedinica i oni sa većim profesionalnim stažom izražavaju veću potrebu za organizovanjem ovakve vrste pomoći. Zaključak istraživanja utvrđuje da se pred vatrogasce-spasioce postavljaju zahtevi koji često prevazilaze njihove sposobnosti za uspešno nošenje sa stresnim situacijama pri čemu im je nužna psihološka pomoć.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Specifics of emergency psychological assistance in crisis, emergency and extreme situations
T1  - Specifičnosti hitne psihološke pomoći u kriznim, vanrednim i ekstremnim situacijama
VL  - 59
IS  - 3
SP  - 5
EP  - 27
DO  - 10.5937/bezbednost1703005Z
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Snežana and Mlađan, Dragan and Antonijević, Slađana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The goal of the presented research is to examine the extent to which firefighters- rescuers in Serbia believe it is beneficial to talk to a psychologist after interventions involving killed or seriously injured people. The used method of research is an anonymous survey of members of professional fire and rescue units by questionnaire, which was approved by the Sector for Emergency Management. During the interview, the participants completed the questionnaire in order to better understand their attitudes, opinions and motivations. The sample consisted of 307 professional firefighters-rescuers in fire-rescue units on the territory of Serbia. Research results indicate that more than half of the respondents found that, after critical interventions, they would benefit from talking to a psychologist. The differences were observed in the age structure of the firefighters-rescuers and their professional experience. The older members of these units and those with longer professional experience express a greater need to organize this kind of help. Conclusions of the research confirm that the firefighters-rescuers are confronted with the demands that often exceed their ability to successfully cope with stressful situations and therefore need psychological help., U radu su predstavljeni ciljevi i obim hitne psihološke pomoći, kao i principi pružanja psihološke pomoći u vanrednim i ekstremnim situacijama. Hitna psihološka pomoć umanjuje dramatičnost određenih događaja pošto ova vrsta pomoći podrazumeva primenu metoda u cilju pružanja trenutne i kratkotrajne pomoći pojedincima koji su proživeli događaj koji je prouzrokovao emocionalne, kognitivne, telesne i ponašajne probleme. Cilj istraživanja opisanog u radu bio je ispitati u kojoj meri vatrogasci-spasioci u Srbiji smatraju da je korisno, nakon intervencija u kojima ima stradalih ili teško povređenih, razgovarati sa psihologom. Korišćena metoda istraživanja je anonimno anketiranje profesionalnih pripadnika vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica anketnim listićem koji je odobrio Sektor za vanredne situacije. Prilikom anketiranja sa učesnicima je obavljen i razgovor kako bi se bolje razumeli njihovi stavovi, mišljenja i motivi. Uzorak istraživanja čini 307 profesionalnih vatrogasaca-spasilaca u vatrogasno-spasilačkim jedinicama na teritoriji Srbije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se više od polovine ispitanika izjasnilo da bi bilo korisno da nakon kritičnih intervencija razgovaraju sa psihologom. Zabeležene su razlike na osnovu starosne strukture vatrogasaca-spasilaca i njihovog profesionalnog iskustva. Stariji pripadnici ovih jedinica i oni sa većim profesionalnim stažom izražavaju veću potrebu za organizovanjem ovakve vrste pomoći. Zaključak istraživanja utvrđuje da se pred vatrogasce-spasioce postavljaju zahtevi koji često prevazilaze njihove sposobnosti za uspešno nošenje sa stresnim situacijama pri čemu im je nužna psihološka pomoć.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Specifics of emergency psychological assistance in crisis, emergency and extreme situations, Specifičnosti hitne psihološke pomoći u kriznim, vanrednim i ekstremnim situacijama",
volume = "59",
number = "3",
pages = "5-27",
doi = "10.5937/bezbednost1703005Z"
Živković, S., Mlađan, D.,& Antonijević, S.. (2017). Specifics of emergency psychological assistance in crisis, emergency and extreme situations. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 59(3), 5-27.
Živković S, Mlađan D, Antonijević S. Specifics of emergency psychological assistance in crisis, emergency and extreme situations. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2017;59(3):5-27.
doi:10.5937/bezbednost1703005Z .
Živković, Snežana, Mlađan, Dragan, Antonijević, Slađana, "Specifics of emergency psychological assistance in crisis, emergency and extreme situations" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 59, no. 3 (2017):5-27, . .

Response time as organizational performance of the protection and rescue service

Subošić, Dane; Mlađan, Dragan; Lipovac, Krsto; Nešić, Miladin

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2017)

AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Lipovac, Krsto
AU  - Nešić, Miladin
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The paper proceeds from the fact that the performance of individuals and organizational units (organizations) affect their efficiency. Regarding the protection and rescue units, their key organizational performance is the response time, understood as the duration of time from the moment of receiving the fire warning until the firefighting and rescue team arrives at the place of engagement. The paper analyzes the impact of the response time of the firefighting and rescue unit on the duration of firefighting. For the analysis, operational data on fires for the area of the City of Belgrade (Serbia) were used, over a 24-year period (1986-2009). Data were processed using linear regression (Pearson Correlation) and its nonparametric alternative - Spearman's rank order correlation. It is concluded that the response time of the firefighting and rescue unit to arrive to the place of fire (organizational performance) affects the duration of firefighting, so that the shorter the response time, the shorter time it takes to extinguish the fire, with less damage caused and more goods rescued (organizational efficiency), and vice versa, the longer the response time - the longer the time of firefighting, with greater damage caused and less goods rescued.
AB  - Polazište ovog rada jeste činjenica da performanse pojedinaca i organizacionih jedinica (organizacija) utiču na njihov učinak. Kada je reč o subjektima zaštite i spasavanja, njihovu ključnu organizacionu performansu predstavlja vreme odziva, shvaćeno kao trajanje od trenutka dolaska informacije o požaru do trenutka stizanja vatrogasno-spasilačke ekipe na mesto angažovanja. Preciznije, u radu se analizira uticaj vremena odziva vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice na trajanje gašenja požara. Za analizu su korišćeni operativni podaci o požarima za područje grada Beograda, u periodu od 24 godine (1986-2009). Podaci su obrađeni primenom linearne regresije (Pearson Correlation) i njenom neparametarskom alternativom - Spirmanovim testom korelacije rangova (Spearman's rank order correlation). Zaključeno je da vreme odziva vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice na mesto požara (organizaciona performansa) utiče na trajanje njegovog gašenja, tako da, što je ono kraće - kraće je vreme gašenja požara, šteta je manja i ima više spasenih dobara (organizacioni učinak). Obrnuto, ako je vreme odziva vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice duže - duže je i vreme gašenja požara, uz veće štete i manje spasenih dobara.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Response time as organizational performance of the protection and rescue service
T1  - Vreme odziva kao organizaciona performansa službe za zaštitu i spasavanje
VL  - 69
IS  - 3
SP  - 303
EP  - 316
DO  - 10.5937/vojdelo1703303S
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Mlađan, Dragan and Lipovac, Krsto and Nešić, Miladin",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The paper proceeds from the fact that the performance of individuals and organizational units (organizations) affect their efficiency. Regarding the protection and rescue units, their key organizational performance is the response time, understood as the duration of time from the moment of receiving the fire warning until the firefighting and rescue team arrives at the place of engagement. The paper analyzes the impact of the response time of the firefighting and rescue unit on the duration of firefighting. For the analysis, operational data on fires for the area of the City of Belgrade (Serbia) were used, over a 24-year period (1986-2009). Data were processed using linear regression (Pearson Correlation) and its nonparametric alternative - Spearman's rank order correlation. It is concluded that the response time of the firefighting and rescue unit to arrive to the place of fire (organizational performance) affects the duration of firefighting, so that the shorter the response time, the shorter time it takes to extinguish the fire, with less damage caused and more goods rescued (organizational efficiency), and vice versa, the longer the response time - the longer the time of firefighting, with greater damage caused and less goods rescued., Polazište ovog rada jeste činjenica da performanse pojedinaca i organizacionih jedinica (organizacija) utiču na njihov učinak. Kada je reč o subjektima zaštite i spasavanja, njihovu ključnu organizacionu performansu predstavlja vreme odziva, shvaćeno kao trajanje od trenutka dolaska informacije o požaru do trenutka stizanja vatrogasno-spasilačke ekipe na mesto angažovanja. Preciznije, u radu se analizira uticaj vremena odziva vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice na trajanje gašenja požara. Za analizu su korišćeni operativni podaci o požarima za područje grada Beograda, u periodu od 24 godine (1986-2009). Podaci su obrađeni primenom linearne regresije (Pearson Correlation) i njenom neparametarskom alternativom - Spirmanovim testom korelacije rangova (Spearman's rank order correlation). Zaključeno je da vreme odziva vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice na mesto požara (organizaciona performansa) utiče na trajanje njegovog gašenja, tako da, što je ono kraće - kraće je vreme gašenja požara, šteta je manja i ima više spasenih dobara (organizacioni učinak). Obrnuto, ako je vreme odziva vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice duže - duže je i vreme gašenja požara, uz veće štete i manje spasenih dobara.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Response time as organizational performance of the protection and rescue service, Vreme odziva kao organizaciona performansa službe za zaštitu i spasavanje",
volume = "69",
number = "3",
pages = "303-316",
doi = "10.5937/vojdelo1703303S"
Subošić, D., Mlađan, D., Lipovac, K.,& Nešić, M.. (2017). Response time as organizational performance of the protection and rescue service. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 69(3), 303-316.
Subošić D, Mlađan D, Lipovac K, Nešić M. Response time as organizational performance of the protection and rescue service. in Vojno delo. 2017;69(3):303-316.
doi:10.5937/vojdelo1703303S .
Subošić, Dane, Mlađan, Dragan, Lipovac, Krsto, Nešić, Miladin, "Response time as organizational performance of the protection and rescue service" in Vojno delo, 69, no. 3 (2017):303-316, . .

Forest fire analysis and classification based on a Serbian case study

Lukić, T.; Marić, P.; Hrnjak, I.; Gavrilov, M.B.; Mlađan, Dragan; Zorn, Matija; Komac, Blaz; Milošević, Z.; Marković, S.B.; Sakulski, D.; Jordaan, A.; Đorđević, J.; Pavić, D.; Stojsavljević, R.


AU  - Lukić, T.
AU  - Marić, P.
AU  - Hrnjak, I.
AU  - Gavrilov, M.B.
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Zorn, Matija
AU  - Komac, Blaz
AU  - Milošević, Z.
AU  - Marković, S.B.
AU  - Sakulski, D.
AU  - Jordaan, A.
AU  - Đorđević, J.
AU  - Pavić, D.
AU  - Stojsavljević, R.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - A recent forest fire in the Republic of Serbia is discussed concerning classification, legislative framework and fire management, giving a detailed analysis of the forest fire occurrence. Analysing past and predicting future fires are crucial for policy development and forest management practices to prevent and mitigate fires. Fire hazard is discussed through several fire protection and prevention legislative documents. The nonparametric Mann-Kendall test was used to analyse resent forest fire data in an attempt to find causality in occurrences and frequency. The meteorological data and fire statistics provided by the Serbian Hydro-meteorological Service and the Ministry of Interior/Sector for Emergency Management of the Republic of Serbia were used to calculate the Forest Fire Weather Indices, along with deficit or surplus of precipitation for the case study of Tara Mountain. The paper highlights the need for better hierarchical classification of fire hazards and its harmonisation along with standardisations presented by leading international research institutions. A significant correlation between meteorological parameters and forest fire occurrence was found. This opens a possibility for further investigation and analysis of geophysical and anthropogenic driven factors that can influence disaster occurrence.
T2  - Acta Geographica Slovenica
T1  - Forest fire analysis and classification based on a Serbian case study
VL  - 57
IS  - 1
SP  - 51
EP  - 63
DO  - 10.3986/AGS.918
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, T. and Marić, P. and Hrnjak, I. and Gavrilov, M.B. and Mlađan, Dragan and Zorn, Matija and Komac, Blaz and Milošević, Z. and Marković, S.B. and Sakulski, D. and Jordaan, A. and Đorđević, J. and Pavić, D. and Stojsavljević, R.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "A recent forest fire in the Republic of Serbia is discussed concerning classification, legislative framework and fire management, giving a detailed analysis of the forest fire occurrence. Analysing past and predicting future fires are crucial for policy development and forest management practices to prevent and mitigate fires. Fire hazard is discussed through several fire protection and prevention legislative documents. The nonparametric Mann-Kendall test was used to analyse resent forest fire data in an attempt to find causality in occurrences and frequency. The meteorological data and fire statistics provided by the Serbian Hydro-meteorological Service and the Ministry of Interior/Sector for Emergency Management of the Republic of Serbia were used to calculate the Forest Fire Weather Indices, along with deficit or surplus of precipitation for the case study of Tara Mountain. The paper highlights the need for better hierarchical classification of fire hazards and its harmonisation along with standardisations presented by leading international research institutions. A significant correlation between meteorological parameters and forest fire occurrence was found. This opens a possibility for further investigation and analysis of geophysical and anthropogenic driven factors that can influence disaster occurrence.",
journal = "Acta Geographica Slovenica",
title = "Forest fire analysis and classification based on a Serbian case study",
volume = "57",
number = "1",
pages = "51-63",
doi = "10.3986/AGS.918"
Lukić, T., Marić, P., Hrnjak, I., Gavrilov, M.B., Mlađan, D., Zorn, M., Komac, B., Milošević, Z., Marković, S.B., Sakulski, D., Jordaan, A., Đorđević, J., Pavić, D.,& Stojsavljević, R.. (2017). Forest fire analysis and classification based on a Serbian case study. in Acta Geographica Slovenica, 57(1), 51-63.
Lukić T, Marić P, Hrnjak I, Gavrilov M, Mlađan D, Zorn M, Komac B, Milošević Z, Marković S, Sakulski D, Jordaan A, Đorđević J, Pavić D, Stojsavljević R. Forest fire analysis and classification based on a Serbian case study. in Acta Geographica Slovenica. 2017;57(1):51-63.
doi:10.3986/AGS.918 .
Lukić, T., Marić, P., Hrnjak, I., Gavrilov, M.B., Mlađan, Dragan, Zorn, Matija, Komac, Blaz, Milošević, Z., Marković, S.B., Sakulski, D., Jordaan, A., Đorđević, J., Pavić, D., Stojsavljević, R., "Forest fire analysis and classification based on a Serbian case study" in Acta Geographica Slovenica, 57, no. 1 (2017):51-63, . .

Land Sensitivity Analysis of Degradation using MEDALUS model: Case Study of Deliblato Sands, Serbia

Kadović, Ratko; Bohajar, Yousef Ali Mansour; Perović, Veljko; Belanović-Simić, Snežana; Todosijević, Mirjana; Tošić, Sonja; Anđelić, Milosav; Mlađan, Dragan; Dovezenski, Una

(Polska Akad Nauk, Polish Acad Sciences, Inst Environ Eng Pas, Warszawa, 2016)

AU  - Kadović, Ratko
AU  - Bohajar, Yousef Ali Mansour
AU  - Perović, Veljko
AU  - Belanović-Simić, Snežana
AU  - Todosijević, Mirjana
AU  - Tošić, Sonja
AU  - Anđelić, Milosav
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Dovezenski, Una
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This paper studies the assessment of sensitivity to land degradation of Deliblato sands (the northern part of Serbia), as a special nature reserve. Sandy soils of Deliblato sands are highly sensitive to degradation (given their fragility), while the system of land use is regulated according to the law, consisting of three zones under protection. Based on the MEDALUS approach and the characteristics of the study area, four main factors were considered for evaluation: soil, climate, vegetation and management. Several indicators affecting the quality of each factor were identified. Each indicator was quantified according to its quality and given a weighting of between 1.0 and 2.0. ArcGIS 9 was utilized to analyze and prepare the layers of quality maps, using the geometric mean to integrate the individual indicator map. In turn, the geometric mean of all four quality indices was used to generate sensitivity of land degradation status map. Results showed that 56.26% of the area is classified as critical; 43.18% as fragile; 0.55% as potentially affected and 0.01% as not affected by degradation. The values of vegetation quality index, expressed as coverage, diversity of vegetation functions and management policy during the protection regime are clearly represented through correlation coefficient (0.87 and 0.47).
PB  - Polska Akad Nauk, Polish Acad Sciences, Inst Environ Eng Pas, Warszawa
T2  - Archives of environmental protection
T1  - Land Sensitivity Analysis of Degradation using MEDALUS model: Case Study of Deliblato Sands, Serbia
VL  - 42
IS  - 4
SP  - 114
EP  - 124
DO  - 10.1515/aep-2016-0045
ER  - 
author = "Kadović, Ratko and Bohajar, Yousef Ali Mansour and Perović, Veljko and Belanović-Simić, Snežana and Todosijević, Mirjana and Tošić, Sonja and Anđelić, Milosav and Mlađan, Dragan and Dovezenski, Una",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper studies the assessment of sensitivity to land degradation of Deliblato sands (the northern part of Serbia), as a special nature reserve. Sandy soils of Deliblato sands are highly sensitive to degradation (given their fragility), while the system of land use is regulated according to the law, consisting of three zones under protection. Based on the MEDALUS approach and the characteristics of the study area, four main factors were considered for evaluation: soil, climate, vegetation and management. Several indicators affecting the quality of each factor were identified. Each indicator was quantified according to its quality and given a weighting of between 1.0 and 2.0. ArcGIS 9 was utilized to analyze and prepare the layers of quality maps, using the geometric mean to integrate the individual indicator map. In turn, the geometric mean of all four quality indices was used to generate sensitivity of land degradation status map. Results showed that 56.26% of the area is classified as critical; 43.18% as fragile; 0.55% as potentially affected and 0.01% as not affected by degradation. The values of vegetation quality index, expressed as coverage, diversity of vegetation functions and management policy during the protection regime are clearly represented through correlation coefficient (0.87 and 0.47).",
publisher = "Polska Akad Nauk, Polish Acad Sciences, Inst Environ Eng Pas, Warszawa",
journal = "Archives of environmental protection",
title = "Land Sensitivity Analysis of Degradation using MEDALUS model: Case Study of Deliblato Sands, Serbia",
volume = "42",
number = "4",
pages = "114-124",
doi = "10.1515/aep-2016-0045"
Kadović, R., Bohajar, Y. A. M., Perović, V., Belanović-Simić, S., Todosijević, M., Tošić, S., Anđelić, M., Mlađan, D.,& Dovezenski, U.. (2016). Land Sensitivity Analysis of Degradation using MEDALUS model: Case Study of Deliblato Sands, Serbia. in Archives of environmental protection
Polska Akad Nauk, Polish Acad Sciences, Inst Environ Eng Pas, Warszawa., 42(4), 114-124.
Kadović R, Bohajar YAM, Perović V, Belanović-Simić S, Todosijević M, Tošić S, Anđelić M, Mlađan D, Dovezenski U. Land Sensitivity Analysis of Degradation using MEDALUS model: Case Study of Deliblato Sands, Serbia. in Archives of environmental protection. 2016;42(4):114-124.
doi:10.1515/aep-2016-0045 .
Kadović, Ratko, Bohajar, Yousef Ali Mansour, Perović, Veljko, Belanović-Simić, Snežana, Todosijević, Mirjana, Tošić, Sonja, Anđelić, Milosav, Mlađan, Dragan, Dovezenski, Una, "Land Sensitivity Analysis of Degradation using MEDALUS model: Case Study of Deliblato Sands, Serbia" in Archives of environmental protection, 42, no. 4 (2016):114-124, . .

Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study

Gavrilov, Milivoj B; Marković, Slobodan B.; Mlađan, Dragan; Subošić, Dane; Zarić, Miroljub; Pešić, Aleksandar; Janc, Natalija; Nikolić, Milena; Valjarević, Aleksandar; Bacević, Nikola; Marković, Slobodan I.

(Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija; Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2015)

AU  - Gavrilov, Milivoj B
AU  - Marković, Slobodan B.
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Zarić, Miroljub
AU  - Pešić, Aleksandar
AU  - Janc, Natalija
AU  - Nikolić, Milena
AU  - Valjarević, Aleksandar
AU  - Bacević, Nikola
AU  - Marković, Slobodan I.
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - This paper discusses possible development or so-called scenario of extreme floods in the Republic of Serbia that would be caused by simultaneous occurrence of high-water levels/discharges on the rivers and heavy rains. As illustration, two scenarios are presented based on independently recorded cases of high water levels and heavy rains of May 2014. A scenario of the floods caused by the interaction of reached high water levels and observed heavy rains is particularly examined. Research of the floods is proposed with the parameters of flood waters that would not have highly unexpected values, but would be more extreme than all the past ones. Scenarios would yield new potentially useful information on the influence of floods on human communities. Proposals are presented for more efficient controlling and regulating of floods in the Republic of Serbia.
PB  - Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija; Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
C3  - Dani Arčibalda Rajsa : međunarodni naučni skup, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015., Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. T. 1 = Archibald Reiss Days : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1
T1  - Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study
SP  - 25
EP  - 36
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gavrilov, Milivoj B and Marković, Slobodan B. and Mlađan, Dragan and Subošić, Dane and Zarić, Miroljub and Pešić, Aleksandar and Janc, Natalija and Nikolić, Milena and Valjarević, Aleksandar and Bacević, Nikola and Marković, Slobodan I.",
year = "2015",
abstract = "This paper discusses possible development or so-called scenario of extreme floods in the Republic of Serbia that would be caused by simultaneous occurrence of high-water levels/discharges on the rivers and heavy rains. As illustration, two scenarios are presented based on independently recorded cases of high water levels and heavy rains of May 2014. A scenario of the floods caused by the interaction of reached high water levels and observed heavy rains is particularly examined. Research of the floods is proposed with the parameters of flood waters that would not have highly unexpected values, but would be more extreme than all the past ones. Scenarios would yield new potentially useful information on the influence of floods on human communities. Proposals are presented for more efficient controlling and regulating of floods in the Republic of Serbia.",
publisher = "Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija; Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies",
journal = "Dani Arčibalda Rajsa : međunarodni naučni skup, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015., Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. T. 1 = Archibald Reiss Days : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1",
title = "Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study",
pages = "25-36",
url = ""
Gavrilov, M. B., Marković, S. B., Mlađan, D., Subošić, D., Zarić, M., Pešić, A., Janc, N., Nikolić, M., Valjarević, A., Bacević, N.,& Marković, S. I.. (2015). Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study. in Dani Arčibalda Rajsa : međunarodni naučni skup, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015., Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. T. 1 = Archibald Reiss Days : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1
Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija; Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies., 25-36.
Gavrilov MB, Marković SB, Mlađan D, Subošić D, Zarić M, Pešić A, Janc N, Nikolić M, Valjarević A, Bacević N, Marković SI. Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study. in Dani Arčibalda Rajsa : međunarodni naučni skup, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015., Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. T. 1 = Archibald Reiss Days : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1. 2015;:25-36. .
Gavrilov, Milivoj B, Marković, Slobodan B., Mlađan, Dragan, Subošić, Dane, Zarić, Miroljub, Pešić, Aleksandar, Janc, Natalija, Nikolić, Milena, Valjarević, Aleksandar, Bacević, Nikola, Marković, Slobodan I., "Extreme floods in Serbia occurring simultaneously with the high water levels and heavy rains : case study" in Dani Arčibalda Rajsa : međunarodni naučni skup, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015., Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. T. 1 = Archibald Reiss Days : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 1 (2015):25-36, .

State of emergency and emergency: Comparative terminological and semantic aspects

Avramović, Dragutin; Mlađan, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2014)

AU  - Avramović, Dragutin
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The issue of theoretical definition and distinction between a state of emergency and an emergency is made current in recent national and international literature, as well as in different comparative law normative solutions. Considering the usage inconsistencies of the two terms, this paper attempts to highlight the differences between them, as they essentially carry distinctive legal meanings despite their implied lexical and logical similarity. The paper stresses the necessity of their clearer normative distinction in the Serbian Constitution and legislation. It also emphasizes that an emergency may easily turn into a state of emergency, since natural disasters can be used as a reason to declare both an emergency and a state of emergency. As these two states include different legal regimes, they require more precise normative and theoretical definitions.
AB  - Problem teorijskog definisanja i razlikovanja pojmova vanrednog stanja i vanredne situacije je danas aktuelizovan kako u domaćoj, tako i u stranoj literaturi, ali i u različitim uporednopravnim normativnim rešenjima. S obzirom na nedoslednosti u korišćenju ova dva pojma, autori su u meri u kojoj je to bilo moguće, nastojali da podvuku razlike između termina koji se na logičkom i leksičkom nivou mogu podrazumevati, ali koji suštinski nose osobena pravna značenja. Autori ukazuju na nužnost njihovog jasnijeg normativnog razgraničenja u srpskom Ustavu i zakonskim rešenjima. Pri tome, posebno ističu mogućnost da vanredna situacija lako prerasta u vanredno stanje, imajući u vidu činjenicu da prirodne nepogode mogu biti povod proglašenja kako vanredne situacije, tako i vanrednog stanja. S obzirom na to da vanredno stanje i vanredna situacija podrazumevaju različite pravne režime, nužno je njihovo preciznije normativno i teorijsko definisanje.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Teme
T1  - State of emergency and emergency: Comparative terminological and semantic aspects
T1  - Vanredno stanje i vanredna situacija - komparativni terminološki i sadržinski aspekti
VL  - 38
IS  - 2
SP  - 767
EP  - 781
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Avramović, Dragutin and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The issue of theoretical definition and distinction between a state of emergency and an emergency is made current in recent national and international literature, as well as in different comparative law normative solutions. Considering the usage inconsistencies of the two terms, this paper attempts to highlight the differences between them, as they essentially carry distinctive legal meanings despite their implied lexical and logical similarity. The paper stresses the necessity of their clearer normative distinction in the Serbian Constitution and legislation. It also emphasizes that an emergency may easily turn into a state of emergency, since natural disasters can be used as a reason to declare both an emergency and a state of emergency. As these two states include different legal regimes, they require more precise normative and theoretical definitions., Problem teorijskog definisanja i razlikovanja pojmova vanrednog stanja i vanredne situacije je danas aktuelizovan kako u domaćoj, tako i u stranoj literaturi, ali i u različitim uporednopravnim normativnim rešenjima. S obzirom na nedoslednosti u korišćenju ova dva pojma, autori su u meri u kojoj je to bilo moguće, nastojali da podvuku razlike između termina koji se na logičkom i leksičkom nivou mogu podrazumevati, ali koji suštinski nose osobena pravna značenja. Autori ukazuju na nužnost njihovog jasnijeg normativnog razgraničenja u srpskom Ustavu i zakonskim rešenjima. Pri tome, posebno ističu mogućnost da vanredna situacija lako prerasta u vanredno stanje, imajući u vidu činjenicu da prirodne nepogode mogu biti povod proglašenja kako vanredne situacije, tako i vanrednog stanja. S obzirom na to da vanredno stanje i vanredna situacija podrazumevaju različite pravne režime, nužno je njihovo preciznije normativno i teorijsko definisanje.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Teme",
title = "State of emergency and emergency: Comparative terminological and semantic aspects, Vanredno stanje i vanredna situacija - komparativni terminološki i sadržinski aspekti",
volume = "38",
number = "2",
pages = "767-781",
url = ""
Avramović, D.,& Mlađan, D.. (2014). State of emergency and emergency: Comparative terminological and semantic aspects. in Teme
Univerzitet u Nišu., 38(2), 767-781.
Avramović D, Mlađan D. State of emergency and emergency: Comparative terminological and semantic aspects. in Teme. 2014;38(2):767-781. .
Avramović, Dragutin, Mlađan, Dragan, "State of emergency and emergency: Comparative terminological and semantic aspects" in Teme, 38, no. 2 (2014):767-781, .

Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed - Central Serbia

Kostadinov, Stanimir; Zlatić, Miodrag; Dragičević, Slavoljub; Novković, Ivan; Kosanin, Olivera; Borisavljević, Ana; Lakićević, Milena; Mlađan, Dragan

(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), Freising, 2014)

AU  - Kostadinov, Stanimir
AU  - Zlatić, Miodrag
AU  - Dragičević, Slavoljub
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Kosanin, Olivera
AU  - Borisavljević, Ana
AU  - Lakićević, Milena
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The amount of eroded material in the Republic of Serbia has decreased in the last few decades. The aim of this research is to analyse changes in soil erosion intensity in the Rasina watershed from 1971-2011, caused by factors including changes in land-use, the population and number of households, migrations, and erosion control works. Due to changes in the intensity of erosion processes, the annual gross erosion rate in the study area decreased by 116,140.2 m(3) year(-1), while the sediment yield decreased by 52,727.2 m(3) year(-1). The value of the erosion coefficient was reduced from Z = 0.39 in 1971 to Z = 0.30 in 2011. In this 40-year period, there were no significant changes in natural conditions, and the anthropogenic influences were responsible for the reduced erosion intensity. In the Rasina watershed, almost 8,500 ha upstream from "Celije" dam were treated by bioengineering works. Since 1961, a decrease in the population was typical for all of the valley and mountain settlements in the Rasina watershed. The percentage of the population engaged in agriculture also decreased during this period, as did the general activity of the population. The analysis shows that the most significant reduction in livestock occurred in the mountain region, which has the best conditions for animal husbandry, followed by the hill region, and finally, the valley region. These results are the basis for water management projects, soil and environmental protection, spatial planning, agriculture, and other human activities.
PB  - Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), Freising
T2  - Fresenius environmental bulletin
T1  - Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed - Central Serbia
VL  - 23
IS  - 1A
SP  - 254
EP  - 263
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kostadinov, Stanimir and Zlatić, Miodrag and Dragičević, Slavoljub and Novković, Ivan and Kosanin, Olivera and Borisavljević, Ana and Lakićević, Milena and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The amount of eroded material in the Republic of Serbia has decreased in the last few decades. The aim of this research is to analyse changes in soil erosion intensity in the Rasina watershed from 1971-2011, caused by factors including changes in land-use, the population and number of households, migrations, and erosion control works. Due to changes in the intensity of erosion processes, the annual gross erosion rate in the study area decreased by 116,140.2 m(3) year(-1), while the sediment yield decreased by 52,727.2 m(3) year(-1). The value of the erosion coefficient was reduced from Z = 0.39 in 1971 to Z = 0.30 in 2011. In this 40-year period, there were no significant changes in natural conditions, and the anthropogenic influences were responsible for the reduced erosion intensity. In the Rasina watershed, almost 8,500 ha upstream from "Celije" dam were treated by bioengineering works. Since 1961, a decrease in the population was typical for all of the valley and mountain settlements in the Rasina watershed. The percentage of the population engaged in agriculture also decreased during this period, as did the general activity of the population. The analysis shows that the most significant reduction in livestock occurred in the mountain region, which has the best conditions for animal husbandry, followed by the hill region, and finally, the valley region. These results are the basis for water management projects, soil and environmental protection, spatial planning, agriculture, and other human activities.",
publisher = "Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), Freising",
journal = "Fresenius environmental bulletin",
title = "Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed - Central Serbia",
volume = "23",
number = "1A",
pages = "254-263",
url = ""
Kostadinov, S., Zlatić, M., Dragičević, S., Novković, I., Kosanin, O., Borisavljević, A., Lakićević, M.,& Mlađan, D.. (2014). Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed - Central Serbia. in Fresenius environmental bulletin
Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), Freising., 23(1A), 254-263.
Kostadinov S, Zlatić M, Dragičević S, Novković I, Kosanin O, Borisavljević A, Lakićević M, Mlađan D. Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed - Central Serbia. in Fresenius environmental bulletin. 2014;23(1A):254-263. .
Kostadinov, Stanimir, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragičević, Slavoljub, Novković, Ivan, Kosanin, Olivera, Borisavljević, Ana, Lakićević, Milena, Mlađan, Dragan, "Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed - Central Serbia" in Fresenius environmental bulletin, 23, no. 1A (2014):254-263, .

Initial model of men's muscle structure indicators defined by the method of multichannel bioelectrical impedance

Rakić, Slađana; Marković, Miloš; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Mlađan, Dragan; Subošić, Dane

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2013)

AU  - Rakić, Slađana
AU  - Marković, Miloš
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Subošić, Dane
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The current generic model of body composition is defined by four primary dimensions: water, proteins, minerals and fat mass. The most contemporary method of body composition analysis is the method of bioelectrical impedance (BIA) which registers a large number of body structure indicators quickly and noninvasively. One of the elements of body structure and the one most responsible for man's quality demonstration of motor abilities is muscle mass structure. In previous technological attempts at the examination of man's morphological structure, muscle mass was estimated indirectly and in that way its quantitative characteristics were defined. The goal of this research is to define the initial model of men's muscle structure indicators measured by means of the direct method and to do that via the multichannel bioelectrical impedance of the latest generation - InBody 720. The basic participant characteristics were: age 30.81±9.73 years, mass 86.17±14.95 kg, height 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. This research comprises six variables for defining muscle components of body structure: two primary (proteins and skeletal muscle mass) and four derived (ratios between: skeletal and muscle mass, proteins and muscle mass, proteins and body mass, BMI and proteins) variables. The results showed the following descriptive values of the measured variables: proteins 14.11±1.64 kg, muscle mass 40.59±4.99 kg, the percentage of muscle mass in the body 47.59±4.34 %, the index of muscle thickness 0.348±0.002 kg, percentage of proteins in the body 0.165±0.015 kg, the ratio between BMI and proteins 1.842±0.246. The dispersion of the data results indicates that all the variables can be used as representative and scientifically valid for further studies.
AB  - Aktuelni generički model telesne kompozicije definisan je sa četiri osnovne dimenzije: voda, proteini, minerali i masti. Najsavremenija metoda analize telesnog sastava je metoda bioelektrične impedance (BIA) koja brzo i neinvazivno registruje veliki broj pokazatelja telesne strukture. Jedan od činilaca telesne strukture, a najodgovorniji za kvalitativno ispoljavanje motorike kod čoveka je struktura mišićne mase. U dosadašnjim tehnološkim postupcima ispitivanja morfološke strukture kod ljudi, mišićna masa je procenjivana indirektno i tako su utvrđivane njene kvantitativne karakteristike. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da definiše inicijalni model indikatora mišićne strukture kod muškaraca merene direktnom metodom i to multikanalnom bioelektričnom impedancom najnovije genereacije - InBody 720. Osnovne karakteristike ispitanika su bile: uzrast 30.81±9.73 godina, masa 86.17±14.95 kg, visina 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je šest varijabli za definisanje mišićne komponente telesne strukture: dve osnovne (proteini i masa skeletnih mišića) i četiri izvedene (odnosi: skeletne i mišićne mase, proteina i mišićne mase, proteina i telesne mase, BMI i proteina) varijable. Rezultati su pokazali sledeće deskriptivne vrednosti ispitivanih varijabli: proteini 14.11±1.64 kg, mišićna masa 40.59±4.99 kg, procenat mišićne mase u telu je 47.59±4.34 %, indeks gustine mišića 0.348±0.002 kg, procenat proteina u telu 0.165±0.015 kg, odnos BMI i proteina je 1.842±0.246. Rezultati mera disperzije ukazuju da se sve varijable mogu koristiti kao reprezentativne i naučno validne za dalja istraživanja.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
T1  - Initial model of men's muscle structure indicators defined by the method of multichannel bioelectrical impedance
T1  - Inicijalni metod za indikaciju mišićne strukture muškaraca definisan MBI metodom
VL  - 11
IS  - 1
SP  - 23
EP  - 33
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rakić, Slađana and Marković, Miloš and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Mlađan, Dragan and Subošić, Dane",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The current generic model of body composition is defined by four primary dimensions: water, proteins, minerals and fat mass. The most contemporary method of body composition analysis is the method of bioelectrical impedance (BIA) which registers a large number of body structure indicators quickly and noninvasively. One of the elements of body structure and the one most responsible for man's quality demonstration of motor abilities is muscle mass structure. In previous technological attempts at the examination of man's morphological structure, muscle mass was estimated indirectly and in that way its quantitative characteristics were defined. The goal of this research is to define the initial model of men's muscle structure indicators measured by means of the direct method and to do that via the multichannel bioelectrical impedance of the latest generation - InBody 720. The basic participant characteristics were: age 30.81±9.73 years, mass 86.17±14.95 kg, height 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. This research comprises six variables for defining muscle components of body structure: two primary (proteins and skeletal muscle mass) and four derived (ratios between: skeletal and muscle mass, proteins and muscle mass, proteins and body mass, BMI and proteins) variables. The results showed the following descriptive values of the measured variables: proteins 14.11±1.64 kg, muscle mass 40.59±4.99 kg, the percentage of muscle mass in the body 47.59±4.34 %, the index of muscle thickness 0.348±0.002 kg, percentage of proteins in the body 0.165±0.015 kg, the ratio between BMI and proteins 1.842±0.246. The dispersion of the data results indicates that all the variables can be used as representative and scientifically valid for further studies., Aktuelni generički model telesne kompozicije definisan je sa četiri osnovne dimenzije: voda, proteini, minerali i masti. Najsavremenija metoda analize telesnog sastava je metoda bioelektrične impedance (BIA) koja brzo i neinvazivno registruje veliki broj pokazatelja telesne strukture. Jedan od činilaca telesne strukture, a najodgovorniji za kvalitativno ispoljavanje motorike kod čoveka je struktura mišićne mase. U dosadašnjim tehnološkim postupcima ispitivanja morfološke strukture kod ljudi, mišićna masa je procenjivana indirektno i tako su utvrđivane njene kvantitativne karakteristike. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da definiše inicijalni model indikatora mišićne strukture kod muškaraca merene direktnom metodom i to multikanalnom bioelektričnom impedancom najnovije genereacije - InBody 720. Osnovne karakteristike ispitanika su bile: uzrast 30.81±9.73 godina, masa 86.17±14.95 kg, visina 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je šest varijabli za definisanje mišićne komponente telesne strukture: dve osnovne (proteini i masa skeletnih mišića) i četiri izvedene (odnosi: skeletne i mišićne mase, proteina i mišićne mase, proteina i telesne mase, BMI i proteina) varijable. Rezultati su pokazali sledeće deskriptivne vrednosti ispitivanih varijabli: proteini 14.11±1.64 kg, mišićna masa 40.59±4.99 kg, procenat mišićne mase u telu je 47.59±4.34 %, indeks gustine mišića 0.348±0.002 kg, procenat proteina u telu 0.165±0.015 kg, odnos BMI i proteina je 1.842±0.246. Rezultati mera disperzije ukazuju da se sve varijable mogu koristiti kao reprezentativne i naučno validne za dalja istraživanja.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport",
title = "Initial model of men's muscle structure indicators defined by the method of multichannel bioelectrical impedance, Inicijalni metod za indikaciju mišićne strukture muškaraca definisan MBI metodom",
volume = "11",
number = "1",
pages = "23-33",
url = ""
Rakić, S., Marković, M., Dopsaj, M., Mlađan, D.,& Subošić, D.. (2013). Initial model of men's muscle structure indicators defined by the method of multichannel bioelectrical impedance. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport
Univerzitet u Nišu., 11(1), 23-33.
Rakić S, Marković M, Dopsaj M, Mlađan D, Subošić D. Initial model of men's muscle structure indicators defined by the method of multichannel bioelectrical impedance. in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport. 2013;11(1):23-33. .
Rakić, Slađana, Marković, Miloš, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Mlađan, Dragan, Subošić, Dane, "Initial model of men's muscle structure indicators defined by the method of multichannel bioelectrical impedance" in Facta universitatis - series: Physical Education and Sport, 11, no. 1 (2013):23-33, .

Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study

Đorđević-Nikić, Marina; Dopsaj, Milivoj; Rakić, Slađana; Subošić, Dane; Prebeg, Goran; Macura, Marija; Mlađan, Dragan; Kekić, Dalibor

(Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Đorđević-Nikić, Marina
AU  - Dopsaj, Milivoj
AU  - Rakić, Slađana
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Prebeg, Goran
AU  - Macura, Marija
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to define the actual model of body composition status of working age women in the territory of Belgrade. The sample comprised 109 women respondents, of an average age of 35.2±9.5 and the length of service = 9.6±9.3 years. All measurements were performed in the period from 2011-2012 in the Teaching -research laboratory of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, by applying standardized procedure of electrical multichannel bioimpedance method. The researched encompassed twenty-two (22) variables - fourteen basic (14) and eight (8) derived (index) variables. Basic variables were: BH - body height, BM - body mass, ICF - intracellular fluid, ECW - extracellular fluid, TBW - total body fluids, Proteins, Minerals, BMC (Osseous) - bone mineral contents, BFM - total body fat mass, SMM - skeletal muscle mass, VFA - visceral fat area, BCM - body cell mass, BMR - basal metabolic rate, FIS - fitness score as assessment of body composition. The derived (index) variables were: BMI - body mass index, PBF% - percent of body fat, PBW - percent of body water, PFI - protein fat index, PSMM - percent of skeletal muscle mass, SMMD - skeletal muscle mass density, OBMi - Osseous-body mass index, PBMi - protein body mass index. The results showed that the average body mass of the respondents was 67.66±13.39 kg, body height 167.04±6.62 cm, body mass index 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, muscle mass 26.55±4.46 kg, muscle mass percentage 29.09±8.47, body fat mass 20.52±9.74 kg, body fat percentage 29.09±8.47, visceral fat area was 77.92±40.23 cm2 and fitness score 73.23±6.75 of index points. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the current morphological status of the studied women partially corresponds to a type of normal weight. BMI and the representation of body fat had nearly limiting values towards obesity. A very high percentage of women was recorded in the category of pre-obese and obese according to BMI (40%) and PSMM (36%). Based on the results of this study, it can be claimed that the four-dimensional model (4D model) of body composition of working-age women from the measured sample has the following characteristics: in women of average body mass of 67.66 kg - water content is 34.58 L or 51.11%, protein mass is 9.25 kg or 13.68%, mineral mass is 3.30 kg or 4.88% and fat mass is 20.25 kg or 30.32%.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio definisanje aktuelnog modela stanja telesnog sastava radno aktivnih žena sa teritorije Beograda. Uzorak je bio sastavljen od 109 ispitanica, prosečnog uzrasta 35.2±9.5 godina i radnog staža = 9.6±9.3 godina. Sva merenja su izvršena u periodu 2011-2012. godine u Motoričko-istraživačkoj laboratoriji Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, primenom standardizovane procedure, metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno dvadeset dve (22) varijable - četrnaest osnovnih (14) i osam (8) izvedenih (indeksnih) varijabli. Osnovne varijable su bile: TV - telesna visina, TM - telesna masa, ICT - intra celularna tečnost, ECT - ekstra celularna tečnost, TBV - ukupna količina tečnosti u organizmu, Proteini, Minerali, MMK - masa minerala iz sadržaja kostiju, MTM - ukupna masa telesne masti, SMM - masa skeletnih mišića, VFA - površina visceralnih masti, BCM - masa živih ćelija u organizmu, BMR - vrednost bazalnog metabolizma, FIS - fitnes skor kao ocena telesnog sastava. Izvedene (indeksne) varijable su bile: BMI - indeks mase tela, PTM - procenat masti u telu, PVT - procenat vode u telu, PMI - proteinsko masni indeks, PSM - mišićni indeks, IGM - indeks gustine mišića, KTI - koštano-telesni indeks, PTI - proteinsko telesni indeks. Rezultati su pokazali da prosečna telesna masa ispitanica iznosi 67.66±13.39 kg, telesna visina 167.04±6.62 cm, indeks mase tela 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, masa mišićnog tkiva 26.55±4.46 kg, procenat mišićne mase 29.09±8.47, masa telesne masti 20.52±9.74 kg,, procenat masti u telu 29.09±8.47, površina visceralne masti je 77.92±40.23 cm2, fitnes skor 73.23±6.75 indeksnih bodova. Iz dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da aktuelni morfološki status ispitivanih žena delimično odgovara normalno uhranjenom tipu. BMI i zastupljenost telesnih masti su imali gotovo granične vrednosti, prema gojaznosti. Zabeležen je vrlo visok procenat žena u kategoriji predgojaznih i gojaznih prema BMI (40%) i PSM (36%).
PB  - Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd
T2  - Fizička kultura
T1  - Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study
T1  - Morfološki model populacije radno aktivnih žena Beograda meren metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance - pilot istraživanje
VL  - 67
IS  - 2
SP  - 103
EP  - 112
DO  - 10.5937/fizkul1302103D
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević-Nikić, Marina and Dopsaj, Milivoj and Rakić, Slađana and Subošić, Dane and Prebeg, Goran and Macura, Marija and Mlađan, Dragan and Kekić, Dalibor",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to define the actual model of body composition status of working age women in the territory of Belgrade. The sample comprised 109 women respondents, of an average age of 35.2±9.5 and the length of service = 9.6±9.3 years. All measurements were performed in the period from 2011-2012 in the Teaching -research laboratory of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, by applying standardized procedure of electrical multichannel bioimpedance method. The researched encompassed twenty-two (22) variables - fourteen basic (14) and eight (8) derived (index) variables. Basic variables were: BH - body height, BM - body mass, ICF - intracellular fluid, ECW - extracellular fluid, TBW - total body fluids, Proteins, Minerals, BMC (Osseous) - bone mineral contents, BFM - total body fat mass, SMM - skeletal muscle mass, VFA - visceral fat area, BCM - body cell mass, BMR - basal metabolic rate, FIS - fitness score as assessment of body composition. The derived (index) variables were: BMI - body mass index, PBF% - percent of body fat, PBW - percent of body water, PFI - protein fat index, PSMM - percent of skeletal muscle mass, SMMD - skeletal muscle mass density, OBMi - Osseous-body mass index, PBMi - protein body mass index. The results showed that the average body mass of the respondents was 67.66±13.39 kg, body height 167.04±6.62 cm, body mass index 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, muscle mass 26.55±4.46 kg, muscle mass percentage 29.09±8.47, body fat mass 20.52±9.74 kg, body fat percentage 29.09±8.47, visceral fat area was 77.92±40.23 cm2 and fitness score 73.23±6.75 of index points. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the current morphological status of the studied women partially corresponds to a type of normal weight. BMI and the representation of body fat had nearly limiting values towards obesity. A very high percentage of women was recorded in the category of pre-obese and obese according to BMI (40%) and PSMM (36%). Based on the results of this study, it can be claimed that the four-dimensional model (4D model) of body composition of working-age women from the measured sample has the following characteristics: in women of average body mass of 67.66 kg - water content is 34.58 L or 51.11%, protein mass is 9.25 kg or 13.68%, mineral mass is 3.30 kg or 4.88% and fat mass is 20.25 kg or 30.32%., Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio definisanje aktuelnog modela stanja telesnog sastava radno aktivnih žena sa teritorije Beograda. Uzorak je bio sastavljen od 109 ispitanica, prosečnog uzrasta 35.2±9.5 godina i radnog staža = 9.6±9.3 godina. Sva merenja su izvršena u periodu 2011-2012. godine u Motoričko-istraživačkoj laboratoriji Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, primenom standardizovane procedure, metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno dvadeset dve (22) varijable - četrnaest osnovnih (14) i osam (8) izvedenih (indeksnih) varijabli. Osnovne varijable su bile: TV - telesna visina, TM - telesna masa, ICT - intra celularna tečnost, ECT - ekstra celularna tečnost, TBV - ukupna količina tečnosti u organizmu, Proteini, Minerali, MMK - masa minerala iz sadržaja kostiju, MTM - ukupna masa telesne masti, SMM - masa skeletnih mišića, VFA - površina visceralnih masti, BCM - masa živih ćelija u organizmu, BMR - vrednost bazalnog metabolizma, FIS - fitnes skor kao ocena telesnog sastava. Izvedene (indeksne) varijable su bile: BMI - indeks mase tela, PTM - procenat masti u telu, PVT - procenat vode u telu, PMI - proteinsko masni indeks, PSM - mišićni indeks, IGM - indeks gustine mišića, KTI - koštano-telesni indeks, PTI - proteinsko telesni indeks. Rezultati su pokazali da prosečna telesna masa ispitanica iznosi 67.66±13.39 kg, telesna visina 167.04±6.62 cm, indeks mase tela 24.27±4.66 kg/m2, masa mišićnog tkiva 26.55±4.46 kg, procenat mišićne mase 29.09±8.47, masa telesne masti 20.52±9.74 kg,, procenat masti u telu 29.09±8.47, površina visceralne masti je 77.92±40.23 cm2, fitnes skor 73.23±6.75 indeksnih bodova. Iz dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da aktuelni morfološki status ispitivanih žena delimično odgovara normalno uhranjenom tipu. BMI i zastupljenost telesnih masti su imali gotovo granične vrednosti, prema gojaznosti. Zabeležen je vrlo visok procenat žena u kategoriji predgojaznih i gojaznih prema BMI (40%) i PSM (36%).",
publisher = "Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd",
journal = "Fizička kultura",
title = "Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study, Morfološki model populacije radno aktivnih žena Beograda meren metodom električne multikanalne bioimpedance - pilot istraživanje",
volume = "67",
number = "2",
pages = "103-112",
doi = "10.5937/fizkul1302103D"
Đorđević-Nikić, M., Dopsaj, M., Rakić, S., Subošić, D., Prebeg, G., Macura, M., Mlađan, D.,& Kekić, D.. (2013). Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study. in Fizička kultura
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd., 67(2), 103-112.
Đorđević-Nikić M, Dopsaj M, Rakić S, Subošić D, Prebeg G, Macura M, Mlađan D, Kekić D. Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study. in Fizička kultura. 2013;67(2):103-112.
doi:10.5937/fizkul1302103D .
Đorđević-Nikić, Marina, Dopsaj, Milivoj, Rakić, Slađana, Subošić, Dane, Prebeg, Goran, Macura, Marija, Mlađan, Dragan, Kekić, Dalibor, "Morphological model of the population of working-age women in Belgrade measured using electrical multichannel bioimpedance model: Pilot study" in Fizička kultura, 67, no. 2 (2013):103-112, . .

Main features of fire fighting interventions carried out by Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade

Subošić, Dane; Mlađan, Dragan

(Beograd : Faculty of Security Studies ; Ljubljana : Institute for Corporative Security Studies, 2013)

AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Fire and rescue units are an important subject for the protection of the critical infrastructure. Detrimental consequences of fires and other safety and security threatening events and occurrences depend considerably on their performances, both in terms of their types and the scope of damage. One of the key factors of affected values is the length of time during which the  
protected values (the objects of critical infrastructure) have been exposed to hazards, such as fire, etc. The shorter the time is, the smaller the damage to these values is. In order to make this time
shorter, fire and rescue units should arrive to the scene of intervention at objects of critical infrastructure in the shortest possible time in order to put out the fire. This also represents one of the fundamental performances (abilities) of fire and rescue units. Therefore, this paper considers the time of arrival to the scene of intervention at the objects of critical infrastructure and its influence
on the duration of fire fighting at these objects carried out by the Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade, in the period 1986-2009. The research was conducted in the way that all the interventions at objects of critical infrastructure have been sorted by years in the mentioned period, where for each year mean values have been calculated in the form of the arithmetic mean of the arrival time
of fire and rescue units to the scene of intervention and of the duration of the fire fighting intervention at the above mentioned objects. After that, dispersion measures have been determined
for the mean values in question, in a form of standard deviation, variation range and variance. Then, the co-variance has also been set down, in order to determine the homogenous/heterogeneous elements of the statistical data set within the considered features. Finally, there have been derived linear diagrams of arrival times and fire fighting times, and their analysis has been made in order to determine the factors that contributed to the increase, stagnation or decrease of the arrival time to the scene of intervention, i.e. the time of its duration, as well as the regression analysis of interventions per mentioned parameters. Such an approach created the conditions for the prediction of further engagement of fire and rescue units, in Belgrade and in other major cities.
PB  - Beograd : Faculty of Security Studies ; Ljubljana : Institute for Corporative Security Studies
C3  - National Critical Infrastructure Protection Regional Prespective
T1  - Main features of fire fighting interventions carried out by Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade
SP  - 289
EP  - 300
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Fire and rescue units are an important subject for the protection of the critical infrastructure. Detrimental consequences of fires and other safety and security threatening events and occurrences depend considerably on their performances, both in terms of their types and the scope of damage. One of the key factors of affected values is the length of time during which the  
protected values (the objects of critical infrastructure) have been exposed to hazards, such as fire, etc. The shorter the time is, the smaller the damage to these values is. In order to make this time
shorter, fire and rescue units should arrive to the scene of intervention at objects of critical infrastructure in the shortest possible time in order to put out the fire. This also represents one of the fundamental performances (abilities) of fire and rescue units. Therefore, this paper considers the time of arrival to the scene of intervention at the objects of critical infrastructure and its influence
on the duration of fire fighting at these objects carried out by the Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade, in the period 1986-2009. The research was conducted in the way that all the interventions at objects of critical infrastructure have been sorted by years in the mentioned period, where for each year mean values have been calculated in the form of the arithmetic mean of the arrival time
of fire and rescue units to the scene of intervention and of the duration of the fire fighting intervention at the above mentioned objects. After that, dispersion measures have been determined
for the mean values in question, in a form of standard deviation, variation range and variance. Then, the co-variance has also been set down, in order to determine the homogenous/heterogeneous elements of the statistical data set within the considered features. Finally, there have been derived linear diagrams of arrival times and fire fighting times, and their analysis has been made in order to determine the factors that contributed to the increase, stagnation or decrease of the arrival time to the scene of intervention, i.e. the time of its duration, as well as the regression analysis of interventions per mentioned parameters. Such an approach created the conditions for the prediction of further engagement of fire and rescue units, in Belgrade and in other major cities.",
publisher = "Beograd : Faculty of Security Studies ; Ljubljana : Institute for Corporative Security Studies",
journal = "National Critical Infrastructure Protection Regional Prespective",
title = "Main features of fire fighting interventions carried out by Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade",
pages = "289-300",
url = ""
Subošić, D.,& Mlađan, D.. (2013). Main features of fire fighting interventions carried out by Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade. in National Critical Infrastructure Protection Regional Prespective
Beograd : Faculty of Security Studies ; Ljubljana : Institute for Corporative Security Studies., 289-300.
Subošić D, Mlađan D. Main features of fire fighting interventions carried out by Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade. in National Critical Infrastructure Protection Regional Prespective. 2013;:289-300. .
Subošić, Dane, Mlađan, Dragan, "Main features of fire fighting interventions carried out by Belgrade Fire and Rescue Brigade" in National Critical Infrastructure Protection Regional Prespective (2013):289-300, .

Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia

Lukić, Tin; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Marković, Slobodan B.; Komac, Blaz; Zorn, Matija; Mlađan, Dragan; Đoržević, Jasmina; Milanović, Miško; Vasiljević, Đorđije A.; Vujičić, Miroslav D.; Kuzmanović, Bogdan; Prentović, Risto

(Geografski Inst Antona Melika Zrc Sazu, Ljubljana, 2013)

AU  - Lukić, Tin
AU  - Gavrilov, Milivoj B.
AU  - Marković, Slobodan B.
AU  - Komac, Blaz
AU  - Zorn, Matija
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Đoržević, Jasmina
AU  - Milanović, Miško
AU  - Vasiljević, Đorđije A.
AU  - Vujičić, Miroslav D.
AU  - Kuzmanović, Bogdan
AU  - Prentović, Risto
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The paper discusses the definitions of natural disasters and recommends the implementation of definitions and classifications of natural disasters in accordance with those decreed at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and Munich Re insurance Company (Munich RE) for administrative use in the Republic of Serbia. For the Republic of Serbia, the issue of natural disasters is presented both through government documents (e.g. the Law on Emergencies and the National Strategy of the Protection and Rescue in Emergencies) and the survey of the frequency and typology of disasters. Significant discrepancies exist between older and more contemporary classifications of disasters in Serbia. They are especially emphasized in comparison to the CRED and Munich RE classifications and databases. This causes problems in the monitoring, recording and assessment of the effects of natural disasters. It is proposed that definitions be adapted and implemented into legislative and other documents.
PB  - Geografski Inst Antona Melika Zrc Sazu, Ljubljana
T2  - Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski zbornik
T1  - Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia
VL  - 53
IS  - 1
SP  - 150
EP  - 164
DO  - 10.3986/AGS53301
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Tin and Gavrilov, Milivoj B. and Marković, Slobodan B. and Komac, Blaz and Zorn, Matija and Mlađan, Dragan and Đoržević, Jasmina and Milanović, Miško and Vasiljević, Đorđije A. and Vujičić, Miroslav D. and Kuzmanović, Bogdan and Prentović, Risto",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The paper discusses the definitions of natural disasters and recommends the implementation of definitions and classifications of natural disasters in accordance with those decreed at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and Munich Re insurance Company (Munich RE) for administrative use in the Republic of Serbia. For the Republic of Serbia, the issue of natural disasters is presented both through government documents (e.g. the Law on Emergencies and the National Strategy of the Protection and Rescue in Emergencies) and the survey of the frequency and typology of disasters. Significant discrepancies exist between older and more contemporary classifications of disasters in Serbia. They are especially emphasized in comparison to the CRED and Munich RE classifications and databases. This causes problems in the monitoring, recording and assessment of the effects of natural disasters. It is proposed that definitions be adapted and implemented into legislative and other documents.",
publisher = "Geografski Inst Antona Melika Zrc Sazu, Ljubljana",
journal = "Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski zbornik",
title = "Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia",
volume = "53",
number = "1",
pages = "150-164",
doi = "10.3986/AGS53301"
Lukić, T., Gavrilov, M. B., Marković, S. B., Komac, B., Zorn, M., Mlađan, D., Đoržević, J., Milanović, M., Vasiljević, Đ. A., Vujičić, M. D., Kuzmanović, B.,& Prentović, R.. (2013). Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia. in Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski zbornik
Geografski Inst Antona Melika Zrc Sazu, Ljubljana., 53(1), 150-164.
Lukić T, Gavrilov MB, Marković SB, Komac B, Zorn M, Mlađan D, Đoržević J, Milanović M, Vasiljević ĐA, Vujičić MD, Kuzmanović B, Prentović R. Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia. in Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski zbornik. 2013;53(1):150-164.
doi:10.3986/AGS53301 .
Lukić, Tin, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Marković, Slobodan B., Komac, Blaz, Zorn, Matija, Mlađan, Dragan, Đoržević, Jasmina, Milanović, Miško, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Kuzmanović, Bogdan, Prentović, Risto, "Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia" in Acta geographica Slovenica-Geografski zbornik, 53, no. 1 (2013):150-164, . .

The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators with special reference to the Republic of Serbia

Babić, Đorđe; Mlađan, Dragan

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Babić, Đorđe
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators is an important component in designing assessment of threats and plans for fire protection, both for commercial entities, local self-government units, and the Republic of Serbia as a whole. Creating a high-quality and credible statistics of fires and explosions enables the assessment of the impacts of various conditions that contribute to the magnitude and type of consequences. This paper presents the elements of individual risk of fire in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2001-2012 and the analysis and classification of individual risks in 23 countries.
AB  - Analiza pokazatelja rizika od požara i eksplozija bitna je komponenta u izradi procene ugroženosti i planova zaštite od požara, kako za privredne subjekte i jedinice lokalne samouprave, tako i za Republiku Srbiju u celini. Izrada kvalitetne i verodostojne statistike požara i eksplozija omogućava procenu uticaja raznih uslova koji doprinose veličini i vrsti posledica. U radu su prikazani elementi individualnog rizika od požara u Republici Srbiji za period 2001-2012. godina i analiza i klasifikacija individualnih rizika u 23 zemlje.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators with special reference to the Republic of Serbia
T1  - Analiza pokazatelja rizika od požara i eksplozija s posebnim osvrtom na Republiku Srbiju
VL  - 55
IS  - 3
SP  - 117
EP  - 129
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Babić, Đorđe and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators is an important component in designing assessment of threats and plans for fire protection, both for commercial entities, local self-government units, and the Republic of Serbia as a whole. Creating a high-quality and credible statistics of fires and explosions enables the assessment of the impacts of various conditions that contribute to the magnitude and type of consequences. This paper presents the elements of individual risk of fire in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2001-2012 and the analysis and classification of individual risks in 23 countries., Analiza pokazatelja rizika od požara i eksplozija bitna je komponenta u izradi procene ugroženosti i planova zaštite od požara, kako za privredne subjekte i jedinice lokalne samouprave, tako i za Republiku Srbiju u celini. Izrada kvalitetne i verodostojne statistike požara i eksplozija omogućava procenu uticaja raznih uslova koji doprinose veličini i vrsti posledica. U radu su prikazani elementi individualnog rizika od požara u Republici Srbiji za period 2001-2012. godina i analiza i klasifikacija individualnih rizika u 23 zemlje.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators with special reference to the Republic of Serbia, Analiza pokazatelja rizika od požara i eksplozija s posebnim osvrtom na Republiku Srbiju",
volume = "55",
number = "3",
pages = "117-129",
url = ""
Babić, Đ.,& Mlađan, D.. (2013). The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators with special reference to the Republic of Serbia. in Bezbednost, Beograd
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd., 55(3), 117-129.
Babić Đ, Mlađan D. The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators with special reference to the Republic of Serbia. in Bezbednost, Beograd. 2013;55(3):117-129. .
Babić, Đorđe, Mlađan, Dragan, "The analysis of fire and explosion risk indicators with special reference to the Republic of Serbia" in Bezbednost, Beograd, 55, no. 3 (2013):117-129, .

Ethnically motivated terrorism prevention in Serbia: A case study 'Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveđa'

Stevanović, Obrad; Mijalković, Saša; Subošić, Dane; Mlađan, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2012)

AU  - Stevanović, Obrad
AU  - Mijalković, Saša
AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Based on their own negative experiences in the understanding of terrorism as an exclusively internal security problem and its solution are primarily repressive police and military and intelligence methods, Serbia is on the threshold of XXI century fundamentally changed its anti-terrorist strategy. Unlike so understood Albanian terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija and the strategies applied in his unsuccessful suppression, new antiterrorist strategy was implemented successfully in combating against same species of ethnically motivated terrorism in the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa. Despite not even exclude the repressive police and military action as a last resort, a new strategy is essentially meant the transfer of emphasis on preventive (safety, organizational, diplomatic-political socio-economic and informational) measures that, among other things implied: solve all problems, principally, by peaceful means and negotiations, including the troubleshooting of representatives of all relevant government bodies, local government, NGOs, ethnic communities including representatives of terrorist groups, as well as the condemnation of violence, participation in negotiations and support for solving problems of by key members of international community (EU, OSCE, USA, NATO), with favorable demographic effects. Although based primarily on experience, that (still informal, but in practice verified) RS strategy is in line with the UN Global Strategy against terrorism (which was subsequently made, 2006) and as such can serve as an example of good practice in confronting similar kinds of terrorism in the world.
AB  - Poučena vlastitim negativnim iskustvima u shvatanju terorizma kao isključivo unutrašnjeg bezbednosnog problema i njegovog rešavanja prevashodno represivnim policijsko-vojnim i obaveštajnim metodama, Republika Srbija je na pragu XXI veka suštinski je promenila svoju protivterorističku strategiju. Za razliku od tako shvaćenog albanskog terorizma na Kosovu i Metohiji i strategije primenjene u njegovom neuspešnom suzbijanju, nova protivteroristička strategija uspešno je primenjena u suzbijanju iste vrste etnički motivisanog terorizma u opštinama Preševo, Bujanovac i Medveđa. Uprkos tome što nije isključivala ni represivne policijsko-vojne mere kao krajnje sredstvo, nova strategija je suštinski podrazumevala prenošenje težišta na preventivne (bezbednosne, organizacione, diplomatsko-političke socijalno-ekonomske i informativne) mere koje su, pre svega, podrazumevale rešavanje svih problema, težišno, mirnim putem i pregovorima; uključivanje u rešavanje problema predstavnika svih relevantnih državnih organa, organa lokalne uprave, nevladinih organizacija, etničkih zajednica, pa i predstavnika terorističkih grupa; kao i osudu nasilja, učešće u pregovorima i podršku rešavanju problema od strane ključnih subjekata međunarodne zajednice (EU, OEBS, SAD, NATO), uz povoljne demografske efekte. Iako zasnovana, pre svega, na iskustvu, ta (još uvek neformalna ali u praksi proverena) strategija RS u skladu je sa Globalnom strategijom Ujedinjenih nacija protiv terorizma (koja je doneta naknadno, tek 2006. godine) i kao takva može poslužiti kao primer dobre prakse u suprotstavljanju sličnim vrstama terorizma u svetu.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Teme
T1  - Ethnically motivated terrorism prevention in Serbia: A case study 'Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveđa'
T1  - Prevencija etnički motivisanog terorizma u republici Srbiji - studija slučaja 'Bujanovac, Preševo i Medveđa'
VL  - 36
IS  - 4
SP  - 1701
EP  - 1717
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Obrad and Mijalković, Saša and Subošić, Dane and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Based on their own negative experiences in the understanding of terrorism as an exclusively internal security problem and its solution are primarily repressive police and military and intelligence methods, Serbia is on the threshold of XXI century fundamentally changed its anti-terrorist strategy. Unlike so understood Albanian terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija and the strategies applied in his unsuccessful suppression, new antiterrorist strategy was implemented successfully in combating against same species of ethnically motivated terrorism in the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa. Despite not even exclude the repressive police and military action as a last resort, a new strategy is essentially meant the transfer of emphasis on preventive (safety, organizational, diplomatic-political socio-economic and informational) measures that, among other things implied: solve all problems, principally, by peaceful means and negotiations, including the troubleshooting of representatives of all relevant government bodies, local government, NGOs, ethnic communities including representatives of terrorist groups, as well as the condemnation of violence, participation in negotiations and support for solving problems of by key members of international community (EU, OSCE, USA, NATO), with favorable demographic effects. Although based primarily on experience, that (still informal, but in practice verified) RS strategy is in line with the UN Global Strategy against terrorism (which was subsequently made, 2006) and as such can serve as an example of good practice in confronting similar kinds of terrorism in the world., Poučena vlastitim negativnim iskustvima u shvatanju terorizma kao isključivo unutrašnjeg bezbednosnog problema i njegovog rešavanja prevashodno represivnim policijsko-vojnim i obaveštajnim metodama, Republika Srbija je na pragu XXI veka suštinski je promenila svoju protivterorističku strategiju. Za razliku od tako shvaćenog albanskog terorizma na Kosovu i Metohiji i strategije primenjene u njegovom neuspešnom suzbijanju, nova protivteroristička strategija uspešno je primenjena u suzbijanju iste vrste etnički motivisanog terorizma u opštinama Preševo, Bujanovac i Medveđa. Uprkos tome što nije isključivala ni represivne policijsko-vojne mere kao krajnje sredstvo, nova strategija je suštinski podrazumevala prenošenje težišta na preventivne (bezbednosne, organizacione, diplomatsko-političke socijalno-ekonomske i informativne) mere koje su, pre svega, podrazumevale rešavanje svih problema, težišno, mirnim putem i pregovorima; uključivanje u rešavanje problema predstavnika svih relevantnih državnih organa, organa lokalne uprave, nevladinih organizacija, etničkih zajednica, pa i predstavnika terorističkih grupa; kao i osudu nasilja, učešće u pregovorima i podršku rešavanju problema od strane ključnih subjekata međunarodne zajednice (EU, OEBS, SAD, NATO), uz povoljne demografske efekte. Iako zasnovana, pre svega, na iskustvu, ta (još uvek neformalna ali u praksi proverena) strategija RS u skladu je sa Globalnom strategijom Ujedinjenih nacija protiv terorizma (koja je doneta naknadno, tek 2006. godine) i kao takva može poslužiti kao primer dobre prakse u suprotstavljanju sličnim vrstama terorizma u svetu.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Teme",
title = "Ethnically motivated terrorism prevention in Serbia: A case study 'Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveđa', Prevencija etnički motivisanog terorizma u republici Srbiji - studija slučaja 'Bujanovac, Preševo i Medveđa'",
volume = "36",
number = "4",
pages = "1701-1717",
url = ""
Stevanović, O., Mijalković, S., Subošić, D.,& Mlađan, D.. (2012). Ethnically motivated terrorism prevention in Serbia: A case study 'Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveđa'. in Teme
Univerzitet u Nišu., 36(4), 1701-1717.
Stevanović O, Mijalković S, Subošić D, Mlađan D. Ethnically motivated terrorism prevention in Serbia: A case study 'Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveđa'. in Teme. 2012;36(4):1701-1717. .
Stevanović, Obrad, Mijalković, Saša, Subošić, Dane, Mlađan, Dragan, "Ethnically motivated terrorism prevention in Serbia: A case study 'Bujanovac, Preševo and Medveđa'" in Teme, 36, no. 4 (2012):1701-1717, .

Primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama

Kekić, Dalibor; Milašinović, Srđan; Mlađan, Dragan

(Beograd : Fakultet bezbednosti, 2012)

AU  - Kekić, Dalibor
AU  - Milašinović, Srđan
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Redukcija bezbednosnih rizika je savremeni koncept kojim međunarodnopravni subjekti, uz pomoć pre svega organizacija civilnog društva, pokušavaju da ostvare visok nivo bezbednosti građana. Koncept je proistekao iz koncepta smanjenja rizika od katastrofa kojim se, na globalnom nivou, pokušavaju, proaktivnim pristupom međunarodne zajednice, ali i država i lokalne zajednice, uz svesrdno učešće celokupnog društva, preduprediti eventualne posledice prirodnih, ali i antropogenih katastrofa. Jedan od najvažnijih segmenata u razvoju oba koncepta je pitanje obrazovanja i redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama. Autori su pokušali dati jedan sveobuhvatni pristup konceptu redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama. Osim segmenta koji se odnosi na koncept smanjenja rizika od katastrofa, autori su pokušali da sagledaju i savremene tendencije u razmatranju bezbednosnih rizika, a koji se odnose na nasilje, kriminalne radnje i druge vrste narušavanja bezbednosti u školama. Dakako, primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u školama zahteva svestranost i dobru pripremljenost, pre svega značajnijih institucija lokalne zajednice, i iz privatnog i javnog sektora, ali i učešće organizacija civilnog društva, međunarodnih organizacija i međunarodnih fondova. Naročitu pozornost poslednjih godina istraživači bezbednosti su usmerili ka sve učestalijem seksualnom uznemiravanju učenika od strane svojih vršnjaka, ali i od strane nastavnog osoblja. Smisao koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika oslanja se upravo na preventivni i preemptivni (preduhitrujući) rad u školi, što je u skladu i sa procesom smanjenja rizika od katastrofa. Dakle, reč je prevashodno o edukaciji i učenju o bezbednosti, tj. bezbednosnoj kulturi.
AB  - Reduction of security risks is a modern concept, which the international legal entities, primarily with civil society organizations are trying to achieve a high level of security of citizens. The concept is derived from the concept of disaster risk reduction, which, at the global level to try, proactive approach to the international community, and state and local communities, with wide participation of the society, prevent the possible consequences of natural and anthropogenic disasters. One of the most important segments in the development of both concepts is a matter of education and reduction of security risks in educational institutions. The authors have attempted to provide a comprehensive approach to security risk reduction concept in educational institutions. In addition to the segment that refers to the concept of disaster risk reduction, the authors attempt to identify contemporary tendencies in the consideration of security risks, and dealing with violence, criminal activities and other violations of safety in schools. Of course, the application of the concept of security risks reduction in schools requires versatility and good preparation, especially significant local community institutions, and private and public sectors, and participation of civil society, international organizations and international funds. Particular attention in recent years, security researchers have been directed towards ever more frequent sexual harassment of students by their peers, but also by the teaching staff. The meaning of the concept security risk reduction, relying just on preventive and preemptive work in the school, which is in accordance with the process of disaster risk reduction. Thus, it is primarily on education and learning about safety, ie. security culture.
PB  - Beograd : Fakultet bezbednosti
C3  - Bezbednosni rizici u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama
T1  - Primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama
SP  - 89
EP  - 103
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kekić, Dalibor and Milašinović, Srđan and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Redukcija bezbednosnih rizika je savremeni koncept kojim međunarodnopravni subjekti, uz pomoć pre svega organizacija civilnog društva, pokušavaju da ostvare visok nivo bezbednosti građana. Koncept je proistekao iz koncepta smanjenja rizika od katastrofa kojim se, na globalnom nivou, pokušavaju, proaktivnim pristupom međunarodne zajednice, ali i država i lokalne zajednice, uz svesrdno učešće celokupnog društva, preduprediti eventualne posledice prirodnih, ali i antropogenih katastrofa. Jedan od najvažnijih segmenata u razvoju oba koncepta je pitanje obrazovanja i redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama. Autori su pokušali dati jedan sveobuhvatni pristup konceptu redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama. Osim segmenta koji se odnosi na koncept smanjenja rizika od katastrofa, autori su pokušali da sagledaju i savremene tendencije u razmatranju bezbednosnih rizika, a koji se odnose na nasilje, kriminalne radnje i druge vrste narušavanja bezbednosti u školama. Dakako, primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u školama zahteva svestranost i dobru pripremljenost, pre svega značajnijih institucija lokalne zajednice, i iz privatnog i javnog sektora, ali i učešće organizacija civilnog društva, međunarodnih organizacija i međunarodnih fondova. Naročitu pozornost poslednjih godina istraživači bezbednosti su usmerili ka sve učestalijem seksualnom uznemiravanju učenika od strane svojih vršnjaka, ali i od strane nastavnog osoblja. Smisao koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika oslanja se upravo na preventivni i preemptivni (preduhitrujući) rad u školi, što je u skladu i sa procesom smanjenja rizika od katastrofa. Dakle, reč je prevashodno o edukaciji i učenju o bezbednosti, tj. bezbednosnoj kulturi., Reduction of security risks is a modern concept, which the international legal entities, primarily with civil society organizations are trying to achieve a high level of security of citizens. The concept is derived from the concept of disaster risk reduction, which, at the global level to try, proactive approach to the international community, and state and local communities, with wide participation of the society, prevent the possible consequences of natural and anthropogenic disasters. One of the most important segments in the development of both concepts is a matter of education and reduction of security risks in educational institutions. The authors have attempted to provide a comprehensive approach to security risk reduction concept in educational institutions. In addition to the segment that refers to the concept of disaster risk reduction, the authors attempt to identify contemporary tendencies in the consideration of security risks, and dealing with violence, criminal activities and other violations of safety in schools. Of course, the application of the concept of security risks reduction in schools requires versatility and good preparation, especially significant local community institutions, and private and public sectors, and participation of civil society, international organizations and international funds. Particular attention in recent years, security researchers have been directed towards ever more frequent sexual harassment of students by their peers, but also by the teaching staff. The meaning of the concept security risk reduction, relying just on preventive and preemptive work in the school, which is in accordance with the process of disaster risk reduction. Thus, it is primarily on education and learning about safety, ie. security culture.",
publisher = "Beograd : Fakultet bezbednosti",
journal = "Bezbednosni rizici u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama",
title = "Primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama",
pages = "89-103",
url = ""
Kekić, D., Milašinović, S.,& Mlađan, D.. (2012). Primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama. in Bezbednosni rizici u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama
Beograd : Fakultet bezbednosti., 89-103.
Kekić D, Milašinović S, Mlađan D. Primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama. in Bezbednosni rizici u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama. 2012;:89-103. .
Kekić, Dalibor, Milašinović, Srđan, Mlađan, Dragan, "Primena koncepta redukcije bezbednosnih rizika u obrazovnim institucijama" in Bezbednosni rizici u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama (2012):89-103, .

Incident Command System in the United States of America

Mlađan, Dragan; Cvetković, Vladimir; Veličković, Miloš

(Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod, 2012)

AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Cvetković, Vladimir
AU  - Veličković, Miloš
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The contemporary world is characterized by a great number of various emergency situations from traffic accidents to major-scale disasters, and in their relief there often exists a need for cooperation and coordinated efforts of several emergency departments. The Incident Command System (ICS) in the USA, as a need to respond to realistic demands of the contemporary society, has over time emerged as a new scientific discipline. Its main objective is to enable the minimization of losses in the shortest time possible with minimum assets, as well as the removal of causes and consequences of the incidents. To achieve these objectives, theoretical and methodological bases have been created for high quality operational and strategic management in extreme emergency conditions.
AB  - Savremeni svet karakteriše veliki broj raznovrsnih vanrednih situacija: od saobraćajnih nezgoda do katastrofa velikih razmera, pa su u njihovoj sanaciji često neophodni saradnja i koordiniran rad nekoliko hitnih službi. Sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama (Incident Command System - ICS) u SAD, kao potreba da se reaguje na realne zahteve savremenog društva, vremenom se pojavio kao nova naučna disciplina. Njen glavni cilj jeste da omogući svođenje gubitaka na najmanju meru u najkraćem vremenskom periodu sa minimalnim snagama i sredstvima, kao i otklanjanje uzroka i posledica vanrednih situacija. Da bi se ti ciljevi ostvarili, stvorene su teorijske i metodološke osnove za kvalitetno operativno i strateško rukovođenje u vanrednim, ekstremnim uslovima.
PB  - Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod
T2  - Vojno delo
T1  - Incident Command System in the United States of America
T1  - Sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama
VL  - 64
IS  - 1
SP  - 89
EP  - 105
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mlađan, Dragan and Cvetković, Vladimir and Veličković, Miloš",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The contemporary world is characterized by a great number of various emergency situations from traffic accidents to major-scale disasters, and in their relief there often exists a need for cooperation and coordinated efforts of several emergency departments. The Incident Command System (ICS) in the USA, as a need to respond to realistic demands of the contemporary society, has over time emerged as a new scientific discipline. Its main objective is to enable the minimization of losses in the shortest time possible with minimum assets, as well as the removal of causes and consequences of the incidents. To achieve these objectives, theoretical and methodological bases have been created for high quality operational and strategic management in extreme emergency conditions., Savremeni svet karakteriše veliki broj raznovrsnih vanrednih situacija: od saobraćajnih nezgoda do katastrofa velikih razmera, pa su u njihovoj sanaciji često neophodni saradnja i koordiniran rad nekoliko hitnih službi. Sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama (Incident Command System - ICS) u SAD, kao potreba da se reaguje na realne zahteve savremenog društva, vremenom se pojavio kao nova naučna disciplina. Njen glavni cilj jeste da omogući svođenje gubitaka na najmanju meru u najkraćem vremenskom periodu sa minimalnim snagama i sredstvima, kao i otklanjanje uzroka i posledica vanrednih situacija. Da bi se ti ciljevi ostvarili, stvorene su teorijske i metodološke osnove za kvalitetno operativno i strateško rukovođenje u vanrednim, ekstremnim uslovima.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod",
journal = "Vojno delo",
title = "Incident Command System in the United States of America, Sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama",
volume = "64",
number = "1",
pages = "89-105",
url = ""
Mlađan, D., Cvetković, V.,& Veličković, M.. (2012). Incident Command System in the United States of America. in Vojno delo
Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije - Vojnoizdavački zavod., 64(1), 89-105.
Mlađan D, Cvetković V, Veličković M. Incident Command System in the United States of America. in Vojno delo. 2012;64(1):89-105. .
Mlađan, Dragan, Cvetković, Vladimir, Veličković, Miloš, "Incident Command System in the United States of America" in Vojno delo, 64, no. 1 (2012):89-105, .

International cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency

Mlađan, Dragan

(Institut za političke studije, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the author’s attempt to research the system and normative documents concerning international cooperation in a state of emergency, as well as international cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia. The paper gives details on the modes of international cooperation and partnership in a state of emergency caused by the natural and technological disasters or by technical devices. Since during a state of emergency states’ borders become porous, international cooperation is necessary. Therefore, states found international organizations and associations, or become their members in order to improve knowledge, mutually take actions and provide humanitarian aid for the duration of a state of emergency. After all the crises it underwent in the past, the Republic of Serbia has been making efforts to institute and improve the national security and rescue response system in a state of emergency as well as to develop international cooperation in this field.
AB  - Ovaj rad je pokušaj autora da istraži sistem i normativna dokumenta međunarodne saradnje u vanrednim situacijama, kao i politiku međunarodne saradnje Republike Srbije u toj oblasti. U ovom radu se objašnjavaju načini međunarodne saradnje i udruživanja u oblasti vanrednih situacija prirodnog i tehničko-tehnološkog karaktera. Pošto za vanredne situacije državne granice predstavljaju poroznu sredinu, međunarodna saradnja je neophodna. U cilju unapređenja vlastitih znanja, zajedničkog delovanja u slučaju vanrednih situacija i obavljanja poslova humanitarne prirode, države formiraju međunarodne organizacije i udruženja, ili postaju njihove članice. Republika Srbija, posle svih kriza kroz koje je prošla u proteklom periodu, čini značajne napore na uspostavljanju i unapređenju nacionalnog sistema zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama, kao i međunarodne saradnje u toj oblasti.
PB  - Institut za političke studije, Beograd
T2  - Srpska politička misao
T1  - International cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency
T1  - Politika međunarodne saradnje Republike Srbije u vanrednim situacijama
IS  - 2
SP  - 487
EP  - 508
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2012",
abstract = "This paper presents the author’s attempt to research the system and normative documents concerning international cooperation in a state of emergency, as well as international cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia. The paper gives details on the modes of international cooperation and partnership in a state of emergency caused by the natural and technological disasters or by technical devices. Since during a state of emergency states’ borders become porous, international cooperation is necessary. Therefore, states found international organizations and associations, or become their members in order to improve knowledge, mutually take actions and provide humanitarian aid for the duration of a state of emergency. After all the crises it underwent in the past, the Republic of Serbia has been making efforts to institute and improve the national security and rescue response system in a state of emergency as well as to develop international cooperation in this field., Ovaj rad je pokušaj autora da istraži sistem i normativna dokumenta međunarodne saradnje u vanrednim situacijama, kao i politiku međunarodne saradnje Republike Srbije u toj oblasti. U ovom radu se objašnjavaju načini međunarodne saradnje i udruživanja u oblasti vanrednih situacija prirodnog i tehničko-tehnološkog karaktera. Pošto za vanredne situacije državne granice predstavljaju poroznu sredinu, međunarodna saradnja je neophodna. U cilju unapređenja vlastitih znanja, zajedničkog delovanja u slučaju vanrednih situacija i obavljanja poslova humanitarne prirode, države formiraju međunarodne organizacije i udruženja, ili postaju njihove članice. Republika Srbija, posle svih kriza kroz koje je prošla u proteklom periodu, čini značajne napore na uspostavljanju i unapređenju nacionalnog sistema zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama, kao i međunarodne saradnje u toj oblasti.",
publisher = "Institut za političke studije, Beograd",
journal = "Srpska politička misao",
title = "International cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency, Politika međunarodne saradnje Republike Srbije u vanrednim situacijama",
number = "2",
pages = "487-508",
url = ""
Mlađan, D.. (2012). International cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency. in Srpska politička misao
Institut za političke studije, Beograd.(2), 487-508.
Mlađan D. International cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency. in Srpska politička misao. 2012;(2):487-508. .
Mlađan, Dragan, "International cooperation policy of the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency" in Srpska politička misao, no. 2 (2012):487-508, .

Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor savremenog poslovanja

Subošić, Dane; Mlađan, Dragan; Mijalković, Saša

(Banja Luka : Fakultet za bezbjednost i zaštitu, 2011)

AU  - Subošić, Dane
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
AU  - Mijalković, Saša
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Aktivnosti koje se preduzimaju radi osiguranja bezbednosli u savremenim društvenim okolnostima ne daju značajne rezultate ukoliko se preduzimaju samo u odnosu na organizacionu strukturu, a ne i na organizacionu kulturu. Dok je organizaciona struktura, u saznajnom smislu, dostupna svima, organizaciona kultura nije lako dostupna kategorija. Zbog toga je neophodno da se stvori nova paradigma edukacije i vaspitanja, koja je u duhu racionalnog, integdrisanja stavova kojima se razvija adekvatan pogled na savremeni svet i načine rešavanja aktuelnih i budućih problema, računajući i bezbednosne. To bi omogućilo  snalaženje ljudi u različitim bezbednosnim situacijama uslovljenih kompleksnim međusobnim vezama i odnosima, koje bi se ispoljilo valjanim procenjivanjem rizika, prognoziranjem neposrednih i kasnijih posledica izazvanih bezbednosnim problrmima, kao i preduzimanjem mera u skladu sa donetim odlukama. Navedene vrednosti delimično se mogu ostvariti formiranjem takve bezbednosne kulture, koja podrazumeva brižljiv odnos pojedinca prema osiguranju lične bezbednosti, poslovanja, bezbednosti društva, države, životne sredine i drugih štićenih vrednosti. Do te vrednosti dolazi se sticanjem dovoljnih kompetencija u oblasti bezbednosli, šlo se postiže usvajanjem potrebnih znanja, veština i navika primenjivih u svakodnevnom radu i poslovnom ponašanju, posebno u bezbednosno problematičnim situnacijama ili povodom njih.
AB  - Activities to be undertaken to ensure seeurity in contemporary social circumstances do not give good resuits i l' tliey are laken only with respect to organizational structure, and not on the organizational culture. While the organizational structure, in cognitive terms, available to evcryonc, organizational culture is not easily accessible categories, because it is necessary to create a new paradigm of education and training, in the spirit of rational integration of arguments to develop an adequate view of the contemporary world and ways of solving current and future problems, including the security. This would enable people to navigate the different security situations caused by the complex interrelations and relations, which would not affect a valid risk assessment, forecasting the immediate and later consequences caused by security problems, and taking measures in accordance with the decisions taken. The figures given in part can be accomplished by forming such a security culture, which includes a careful attitude of individuals towards ensuring personal safety, business, security companies, government, environmental and other values protected. Do these values come to acquire sufficient competence in the field of security, which is achieved by adopting the necessary knowledge, skills and habits applicable to everyday work and business practices, particularly in the security problematic situations or about them.
PB  - Banja Luka : Fakultet za bezbjednost i zaštitu
C3  - Razvoj sistema bezbjednosti i zaštite korporacija : [zbornik radova]
T1  - Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor savremenog poslovanja
SP  - 85
EP  - 93
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Subošić, Dane and Mlađan, Dragan and Mijalković, Saša",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Aktivnosti koje se preduzimaju radi osiguranja bezbednosli u savremenim društvenim okolnostima ne daju značajne rezultate ukoliko se preduzimaju samo u odnosu na organizacionu strukturu, a ne i na organizacionu kulturu. Dok je organizaciona struktura, u saznajnom smislu, dostupna svima, organizaciona kultura nije lako dostupna kategorija. Zbog toga je neophodno da se stvori nova paradigma edukacije i vaspitanja, koja je u duhu racionalnog, integdrisanja stavova kojima se razvija adekvatan pogled na savremeni svet i načine rešavanja aktuelnih i budućih problema, računajući i bezbednosne. To bi omogućilo  snalaženje ljudi u različitim bezbednosnim situacijama uslovljenih kompleksnim međusobnim vezama i odnosima, koje bi se ispoljilo valjanim procenjivanjem rizika, prognoziranjem neposrednih i kasnijih posledica izazvanih bezbednosnim problrmima, kao i preduzimanjem mera u skladu sa donetim odlukama. Navedene vrednosti delimično se mogu ostvariti formiranjem takve bezbednosne kulture, koja podrazumeva brižljiv odnos pojedinca prema osiguranju lične bezbednosti, poslovanja, bezbednosti društva, države, životne sredine i drugih štićenih vrednosti. Do te vrednosti dolazi se sticanjem dovoljnih kompetencija u oblasti bezbednosli, šlo se postiže usvajanjem potrebnih znanja, veština i navika primenjivih u svakodnevnom radu i poslovnom ponašanju, posebno u bezbednosno problematičnim situnacijama ili povodom njih., Activities to be undertaken to ensure seeurity in contemporary social circumstances do not give good resuits i l' tliey are laken only with respect to organizational structure, and not on the organizational culture. While the organizational structure, in cognitive terms, available to evcryonc, organizational culture is not easily accessible categories, because it is necessary to create a new paradigm of education and training, in the spirit of rational integration of arguments to develop an adequate view of the contemporary world and ways of solving current and future problems, including the security. This would enable people to navigate the different security situations caused by the complex interrelations and relations, which would not affect a valid risk assessment, forecasting the immediate and later consequences caused by security problems, and taking measures in accordance with the decisions taken. The figures given in part can be accomplished by forming such a security culture, which includes a careful attitude of individuals towards ensuring personal safety, business, security companies, government, environmental and other values protected. Do these values come to acquire sufficient competence in the field of security, which is achieved by adopting the necessary knowledge, skills and habits applicable to everyday work and business practices, particularly in the security problematic situations or about them.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Fakultet za bezbjednost i zaštitu",
journal = "Razvoj sistema bezbjednosti i zaštite korporacija : [zbornik radova]",
title = "Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor savremenog poslovanja",
pages = "85-93",
url = ""
Subošić, D., Mlađan, D.,& Mijalković, S.. (2011). Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor savremenog poslovanja. in Razvoj sistema bezbjednosti i zaštite korporacija : [zbornik radova]
Banja Luka : Fakultet za bezbjednost i zaštitu., 85-93.
Subošić D, Mlađan D, Mijalković S. Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor savremenog poslovanja. in Razvoj sistema bezbjednosti i zaštite korporacija : [zbornik radova]. 2011;:85-93. .
Subošić, Dane, Mlađan, Dragan, Mijalković, Saša, "Bezbednosna kultura kao faktor savremenog poslovanja" in Razvoj sistema bezbjednosti i zaštite korporacija : [zbornik radova] (2011):85-93, .

Specifics of panic in emergencies

Živković, Snežana; Čabarkapa, Milanko; Mlađan, Dragan

(Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Živković, Snežana
AU  - Čabarkapa, Milanko
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Along with the progress of modern society in terms of material prosperity, democracy, political rights and personal freedoms, new threats arise and the risk factors that cause fear or panic, endanger the health, lead to psychological breakdown of the personality, and, exceptionally, to the loss of life. Anxiety, panic and threat to life are no longer rare - the tragic personal experiences, the tragedies of relatives and friends, terrorist attacks, military interventions etc., have become our daily reality. Psychology of the crowd is very interesting for studying. The panic stricken crowd radically changes in terms of human psyche, the total response and behavior; the flow of mental process gets its own characteristics. Instincts become the main regulators of individual and crowd behavior. Cognitive processes, aimed at identifying and categorizing the world are significantly weakened, the interaction between people becomes one-sided, while the rules and norms lose their regular function.
AB  - Uporedo sa napretkom savremenog društva u pogledu materijalnog blagostanja, demokratije, političkih prava i ličnih sloboda, nastaju nove opasnosti i faktori rizika koji izazivaju strah, paniku, ugrožavaju zdravlje, dovode do psihološkog sloma ličnosti, a izuzetno i do gubitka života. Strepnja, panika i ugrožavanje života nisu više retki - tragični lični događaji, tragedije rođaka i prijatelja, teroristički napadi, vojne intervencije itd., postaju naša svakodnevna realnost. Psihologija grupe je veoma zanimljiva za izučavanje. U grupi zahvaćenoj panikom radikalno se menja ljudska psiha, ukupno reagovanje i ponašanje, a protok mentalnih procesa dobija svoje specifičnosti. Glavni regulatori ponašanja pojedinca i grupe postaju instinkti. Saznajni procesi, usmereni na prepoznavanje i kategorizaciju sveta bivaju znatno oslabljeni, interakcija među ljudima postaje jednostrana, dok pravila i norme gube svoju regularnu funkciju.
PB  - Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Bezbednost, Beograd
T1  - Specifics of panic in emergencies
T1  - Specifičnosti panike u vanrednim situacijama
VL  - 53
IS  - 3
SP  - 112
EP  - 124
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Snežana and Čabarkapa, Milanko and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Along with the progress of modern society in terms of material prosperity, democracy, political rights and personal freedoms, new threats arise and the risk factors that cause fear or panic, endanger the health, lead to psychological breakdown of the personality, and, exceptionally, to the loss of life. Anxiety, panic and threat to life are no longer rare - the tragic personal experiences, the tragedies of relatives and friends, terrorist attacks, military interventions etc., have become our daily reality. Psychology of the crowd is very interesting for studying. The panic stricken crowd radically changes in terms of human psyche, the total response and behavior; the flow of mental process gets its own characteristics. Instincts become the main regulators of individual and crowd behavior. Cognitive processes, aimed at identifying and categorizing the world are significantly weakened, the interaction between people becomes one-sided, while the rules and norms lose their regular function., Uporedo sa napretkom savremenog društva u pogledu materijalnog blagostanja, demokratije, političkih prava i ličnih sloboda, nastaju nove opasnosti i faktori rizika koji izazivaju strah, paniku, ugrožavaju zdravlje, dovode do psihološkog sloma ličnosti, a izuzetno i do gubitka života. Strepnja, panika i ugrožavanje života nisu više retki - tragični lični događaji, tragedije rođaka i prijatelja, teroristički napadi, vojne intervencije itd., postaju naša svakodnevna realnost. Psihologija grupe je veoma zanimljiva za izučavanje. U grupi zahvaćenoj panikom radikalno se menja ljudska psiha, ukupno reagovanje i ponašanje, a protok mentalnih procesa dobija svoje specifičnosti. Glavni regulatori ponašanja pojedinca i grupe postaju instinkti. Saznajni procesi, usmereni na prepoznavanje i kategorizaciju sveta bivaju znatno oslabljeni, interakcija među ljudima postaje jednostrana, dok pravila i norme gube svoju regularnu funkciju.",
publisher = "Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Bezbednost, Beograd",
title = "Specifics of panic in emergencies, Specifičnosti panike u vanrednim situacijama",
volume = "53",
number = "3",
pages = "112-124",
url = ""
Živković, S., Čabarkapa, M.,& Mlađan, D.. (2011). Specifics of panic in emergencies. in Bezbednost, Beograd
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Armed rebellion: The problem of security in a democratic state

Gaćinović, Radoslav; Mlađan, Dragan

(Institut za političke studije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Gaćinović, Radoslav
AU  - Mlađan, Dragan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - This paper reflects the attempt of the authors to define internal armed rebellion as a conflict which poses a serious threat to the concept od the security system in a democratic state. In the Serbian language the word 'conflict' means 'contraposition', 'disagreement of the opposite views (interests)', 'controversy', 'quarrel', 'hostile armed collision', 'clash' etc. The basis of the philosophical understanding of the conflict was set by Heraclitus. Everything is constantly changing, and each change represents a mean between two opposite states. Conflict is a common phenomena, and everything raises in conflict and necessity. Contemporary theories about social conflicts can be classified to those which understand the conflicts as a pathological state of the social organism, or as a fact of life of the individuals and collectivity, as well as theories which understand conflicts as processes or a certain state. The internal armed rebellion lines up in the medium- intensity conflict, with the aim to grow into a civil war or an insurrection. However, contemporary law draws the difference between a rebellion and a civil law. Contemporary system of international law considers a rebellion as an internal question of the state, and in its exclusive jurisdiction. That means that the rebellion represents a postponed politico- military activity, aimed at achieving total or partial control of the resources of the country by using the nonregular armed forces or illegal political organizations.
AB  - Ovaj rad je pokušaj autora da definiše unutrašnju oružanu pobunu kao sukob koji opasno narušava kapacitet sistema bezbednosti demokratske države. U srpskom jeziku reč 'sukob' znači: 'oprečnost', 'razmimoilaženje suprotnih gledišta (interesa)', 'spor', 'svađa', 'neprijateljski oružani sudar', 'okršaj' i sl. Osnove filozofskog shvatanja sukoba postavio je Heraklit. Sve se neprekidno menja i svaka promena predstavlja sredinu između dva suprotna stanja. Sukob je opšta pojava i sve se rađa u sukobu i nužnošću. Savremene teorije o društvenim sukobima mogu se klasifikovati na one koje sukobe shvataju kao patološko stanje društvenog organizma, ili kao činjenicu života pojedinaca i kolektiviteta, kao i teorije koje izučavaju sukobe kao proces ili određeno stanje. Unutrašnja oružana pobuna spada u sukobe srednjeg intenziteta sa težnjom da preraste u građanski rat ili ustanak. Međutim, savremeno pravo podvlači razliku između pobune i građanskog rata. Savremeni sistem međunarodnog prava pobunu smatra unutrašnjom stvari države i u njenoj je isključivoj nadležnosti. Dakle, pobuna predstavlja odloženu vojnopolitičku aktivnost usmerenu ka ostvarivanju potpune ili delimične kontrole resursa zemlje upotrebom neregularnih oružanih snaga ili ilegalnih političkih organizacija.
PB  - Institut za političke studije, Beograd
T2  - Srpska politička misao
T1  - Armed rebellion: The problem of security in a democratic state
T1  - Oružana pobuna - problem bezbednosti demokratske države
IS  - 4
SP  - 277
EP  - 293
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gaćinović, Radoslav and Mlađan, Dragan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "This paper reflects the attempt of the authors to define internal armed rebellion as a conflict which poses a serious threat to the concept od the security system in a democratic state. In the Serbian language the word 'conflict' means 'contraposition', 'disagreement of the opposite views (interests)', 'controversy', 'quarrel', 'hostile armed collision', 'clash' etc. The basis of the philosophical understanding of the conflict was set by Heraclitus. Everything is constantly changing, and each change represents a mean between two opposite states. Conflict is a common phenomena, and everything raises in conflict and necessity. Contemporary theories about social conflicts can be classified to those which understand the conflicts as a pathological state of the social organism, or as a fact of life of the individuals and collectivity, as well as theories which understand conflicts as processes or a certain state. The internal armed rebellion lines up in the medium- intensity conflict, with the aim to grow into a civil war or an insurrection. However, contemporary law draws the difference between a rebellion and a civil law. Contemporary system of international law considers a rebellion as an internal question of the state, and in its exclusive jurisdiction. That means that the rebellion represents a postponed politico- military activity, aimed at achieving total or partial control of the resources of the country by using the nonregular armed forces or illegal political organizations., Ovaj rad je pokušaj autora da definiše unutrašnju oružanu pobunu kao sukob koji opasno narušava kapacitet sistema bezbednosti demokratske države. U srpskom jeziku reč 'sukob' znači: 'oprečnost', 'razmimoilaženje suprotnih gledišta (interesa)', 'spor', 'svađa', 'neprijateljski oružani sudar', 'okršaj' i sl. Osnove filozofskog shvatanja sukoba postavio je Heraklit. Sve se neprekidno menja i svaka promena predstavlja sredinu između dva suprotna stanja. Sukob je opšta pojava i sve se rađa u sukobu i nužnošću. Savremene teorije o društvenim sukobima mogu se klasifikovati na one koje sukobe shvataju kao patološko stanje društvenog organizma, ili kao činjenicu života pojedinaca i kolektiviteta, kao i teorije koje izučavaju sukobe kao proces ili određeno stanje. Unutrašnja oružana pobuna spada u sukobe srednjeg intenziteta sa težnjom da preraste u građanski rat ili ustanak. Međutim, savremeno pravo podvlači razliku između pobune i građanskog rata. Savremeni sistem međunarodnog prava pobunu smatra unutrašnjom stvari države i u njenoj je isključivoj nadležnosti. Dakle, pobuna predstavlja odloženu vojnopolitičku aktivnost usmerenu ka ostvarivanju potpune ili delimične kontrole resursa zemlje upotrebom neregularnih oružanih snaga ili ilegalnih političkih organizacija.",
publisher = "Institut za političke studije, Beograd",
journal = "Srpska politička misao",
title = "Armed rebellion: The problem of security in a democratic state, Oružana pobuna - problem bezbednosti demokratske države",
number = "4",
pages = "277-293",
url = ""
Gaćinović, R.,& Mlađan, D.. (2011). Armed rebellion: The problem of security in a democratic state. in Srpska politička misao
Institut za političke studije, Beograd.(4), 277-293.
Gaćinović R, Mlađan D. Armed rebellion: The problem of security in a democratic state. in Srpska politička misao. 2011;(4):277-293. .
Gaćinović, Radoslav, Mlađan, Dragan, "Armed rebellion: The problem of security in a democratic state" in Srpska politička misao, no. 4 (2011):277-293, .